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@EthanBierlein Smash it with a hammer
By the way, greetings
11 BSoD's, countless network issues, agonizing slow startups, and decreased performance, all in 3 days. Great job #Windows10 #Windows10Fail
@EthanBierlein Dam hashtags
Welcome to Beta-testing
@EthanBierlein I think it is your laptop. Didn't you say it is running Vista?
@IsmaelMiguel Its not beta-testing. It's a commercial release of a major operating system.
It probably isn't going to get a driver, and that isn't MS's fault.
@EthanBierlein That. Beta is over.
MS doesn't write all the drivers for Windows.
@Hosch250 That's on a different laptop. This is my new, modern one from 2014.
@Hosch250 I know.
I'm not having any problems.
I don't care for everything, but no problems like that.
Ugh. I swear, I might need to connect to my Ethernet and, yet again, download another fresh driver.
@EthanBierlein Well, welcome to crash-dummy channel. Thank you for testing Windows 10 for us all.
I would roll back and wait until later.
Darn you, time, I don't want to start school week after next!
@IsmaelMiguel The testing phase is over. This is a commercial release of Windows 10, like I said before.
@IsmaelMiguel The 2nd Monitor saved me a lot of frustration on this one. I'm not going to upgrade till I know how to avoid crap like this.
@EthanBierlein Did you download the updates?
@Hosch250 Who needs updates?
There were two sets of updates released since the rollout fixing lots of bugs.
They should deliver something that works at release.
@Mast That's what I meant with "crash-dummy"
Oh, I only got one update. Brb, gonna go connect my laptop to my Ethernet.
@Mast Yeah right. How are they supposed to make it bug free.
@Hosch250 25 years experience with Operating Systems comes to mind.
@Hosch250 They need crash-dummies.
Instead of making it work, they concentrate on making it fancy.
@IsmaelMiguel They have testers...
@Mast Works here...
With functions everyone disables the moment it's installed and all.
@Hosch250 But testers and real-world users are different things
I've not had any BSOD's.
@Hosch250 Good :-)
@IsmaelMiguel What about the beta program that's been up for absolute months, and is still running for future updates?
@Hosch250 Did they hire those before or after ME?
Probably before, seeing as they just laid everyone off.
98 first edition and ME were severely broken at release.
So was XP, but they patched it.
And 7 was a patched Vista.
Yea, XP needed 2 service packs before it was stable.
@Hosch250 That's how you do it.
Fix bugs from the previous version instead of introducing new ones.
7 was one of the best OS I've ever seen.
8 wasn't broken, just feature limited on the app side, and most people couldn't find the desktop.
10 isn't touchpad friendly.
I didn't say 8 was broken. And much was fixed in 8.1.
No, just listing things.
And I did like 8.1
8 was kind of good and 8.1 fixed most of what was wrong with it.
That's what I thought.
So they had a good streak.
SO is for specific coding problems, not so much for feedback on code you've written. Maybe try posting this on codereview.stackexchange.comkittykittybangbang 25 secs ago
10 is a more major overhaul, you have to expect bugs and get the first rounds of updates.
But hey, we know better than to expect MS to keep their streak rollin'.
@Hosch250 That doesn't mean it ran in every goddamn configuration
Does the code work? If not, then tell us how it is failing. If it does work then this question would be better suited to Code Review. — Gord Thompson 28 secs ago
@IsmaelMiguel And they couldn't test every configuration, either, could they?
Being developers, we ought to know that.
@Hosch250 Automated testing has been invented for a reason.
To cover as much as possible.
@Mast "As much as possible", yes.
@Mast One thing the public didn't tested: upgrading from Windows 8.1
@Duga Must not like cats.
Everybody simply installed from their isos
This machine got it through Windows update.
The Surface got it through the ISO.
But did you test the beta that way?
I tested the beta with a clean install.
As everybody else
@IsmaelMiguel Indeed.
How is it possible to catch these problems if no one did it before?
I'm sure they did test it internally, but it would take years to test it thoroughly...
@Hosch250 It takes as long as it takes.
They would have to test it on every configuration of every machine ever released...
I think it had option to update from Windows 8.1 to 10
But almost no one did it
They did their best
That is why Apple only lets people run it on Apple-made computers, and Linux people know how to handle the problems.
That's why it's failing
ustream.tv/nasahdtv They're about to start harvesting (and then consuming) their space-salad.
I am not interested in watching people eat.
In space.
Are they eating roasted mutant?
Gold C# Hammer FTW
Q: Inserting alarming data takes alarmingly long

arbab akbarI am new to VS 2012 and need to use it with SQL Server. I need to get data from a table in SQL Server 2012 with 500 rows and 15 columns and process the data in it and update another table. All this has to be done in 100 ms. I tried the traditional method with SQL query filling a dataset and then...

needs to be deleted
I am jealous.... I want the Gold Hammer!
Q: Game of Life with customizable rules (i.e. not just Conway's)

QPaysTaxesThis is a simple Game of Life implementation, with one neat gimmick: You can specify the rules that the simulator uses to decide whether cells should live or die. Congrats, God! I'd especially like tips on: Idiomaticity: As always, I abuse language features, and I'd like help doing that. Effic...

I have no idea why the solution I just tried worked.
I always wanted to write a version of Conway's Game of Life.
I connected my laptop to an ethernet port, disconnected it, restarted my laptop, and suddenly, I had a Wifi connection.
Windows 10 is so volatile.
@EthanBierlein Or it downloaded drivers while it was plugged in via Ethernet.
No, I don't think that's what happened. I would have gotten a pop-up window saying something about it.
What. Why does Norton keep getting turned off?
“Good code is its own best documentation. As you're about to add a comment, ask yourself, "How can I improve the code so that this comment isn't needed?" Improve the code and then document it to make it even clearer.” - Steve McConnell
Now I have another issue.
Is this question ready to be reopened?
Q: Performance comparision of SQL queries versus LINQ in Visual Studio 2012

arbab akbarI am new to VS 2012 and need to use it with SQL Server. I need to get data from a table in SQL Server 2012 with 500 rows and 15 columns and process the data in it and update another table. All this has to be done in 100 ms. I tried traditional method with SQL query filling a dataset and then acc...

@200_success It looks as if the OP added the actual code there, so I would think yes?
space salad
Please do edit the question, yes. It doesn't matter if the code is raw - let's see it (I did not downvote but it is probably why people voted that way). It's usually good advice to add this in the first edit, so people can start offering ideas. We don't do code review here - there is a separate site for that - but if you can show what you have it'll probably be on-topic here, and you'll get a bit of review anyway! — halfer 52 secs ago
Q: How to understand if a property is a member of a class or I have to create a different class that holds it?

NarekSometimes when you create a class you can add there several properties (new data members) that you are not certain if you want to do or not. For example, I have a casino slots game. I have tiles and tiles are spinning on different reels. So once 3 tiles come on the same line then player wins 3$, ...

@EthanBierlein I saw that problem before, on some laptops
Maybe it's a device-specific problem?
Most likely
@200_success I am not sure I should have cast that last vote...
@Malachi You should improve your answer: codereview.stackexchange.com/a/100504
The English is a bit rough, some small mistakes, a small lack of proper sentence division.
Nothing serious
@IsmaelMiguel Think I fixed it.
@Mast Yes you did!
And what a nice improvement
Do note you probably don't want to start a conversation with You should improve. People tend to think it's hostile ;-)
@IsmaelMiguel Thank you.
You're right about it
I just spoke the way I would accept to be spoken at
If you or anyone else just said: "You need to improve this: <pretty link>. Your text is garbage, it's all messy and needs less stink", I wouldn't mind and would fix it
Not everyone has the same acceptance threshold. I had to learn that myself the hard way.
I know, that's why I just said "You should improve"
But you are right, I wasn't as polite as I should
@Malachi Sorry if it seemed I was attacking you. Next time, I will measure my words with care
Q: My merge-sort program is crashing..Can anybody plz tell me the mistake?

user80890#include<iostream> using namespace std; void Merge_Sort(int* ,int ,int ); void Merge(int* ,int* ,int ,int* ,int ); int main() { int n;`enter code here` cin>>n; int A[n]; cout <<"Enter the number of elements in an array: "; for(int i = 0;i < n;i++) cin>>A[i]; M...

Q: Performance on querying elements on list

Manuel ReisSubject I have to iterate through a collection of objects (let's say ID's), and execute a specific query for each of these objects. I have two solutions, posted below, but neither of them seem like the most efficient. Solution 1 IEnumerable<int> ids = getIDs(); var results = from a in TAB...

Q: Data Access Layer Code Review

Kent AndersonFirst off, this is my first post on Code Review, so let me know if I am missing anything. This code review request is regarding data access layer coding. I have used the method I am about to describe in a few smaller applications, but I am noticing limitations that I would like to avoid in large...

@StackExchange Migrate to main site please.
@Mast Someone took over it.
@IsmaelMiguel I was busy fixing the indentation. Jamal was faster ^^
@DanielHoffmann-Mitscherling There's too much missing code here. It'd likely be closed on Code Review. — Ethan Bierlein 5 secs ago
@Mast Jamal edits faster than his own shadow
Sadly, the close-vote rate is rising
@IsmaelMiguel That's not sad.
The influx of bad questions is sad, the community taking care of those questions is good.
It's August and the first Zwarte Pieten discussie started today. This country is doomed.
@Mast What's that?
@IsmaelMiguel I would point you to a wiki, but it's not translated to English or Portuguese yet.
Zwarte Piet (pronounced [ˈzʋɑrtə ˈpit]; English: Black Peter or Black Pete, Luxembourgish: Schwaarze Péiter) is the companion of Saint Nicholas (Dutch: Sinterklaas, Luxembourgish: Kleeschen) in the folklore of the Low Countries. The character first appeared in his current form in an 1850 book by Jan Schenkman and is commonly depicted as a blackamoor. Traditionally Zwarte Piet is said to be black because he is a Moor from Spain. Actors portraying Zwarte Piet typically put on blackface make-up and colourful Renaissance attire, in addition to curly wigs, red lipstick and earrings. In recent years...
Oh wait, it is
@Mast As long as the stupidity around it stays at your side of the border, it's all good
English, please
@JeroenVannevel nos.nl/artikel/…
It is English
@JeroenVannevel Another argument in favour of moving out of this country.
You want to move to Belgium huh?
I understand
Q: object that is used to send back data captured from form

lydiaIf the "OK" button is pressed, SEObject must be populated with the information from the fields and the form must close

we need someone to dress like Zwarte Piet and go through one of the five boroughs of new york..
@CaptainObvious Jamal closed it
Isn't Captain Obvious a bot?
@CodeX No, it's a feed.
Duga is a bot
It scraps around StackOverflow's most recent questions and answers for comments talking about Code Review
And maybe other stuffs too
@EthanBierlein Yes.
Then it shows here those comments, and we visit the page
@Mast He's talking about CaptainObvious
I'm showing what a bot is
@IsmaelMiguel Fixed it.
That's what you get for reading down-to-top instead of the other way around.
We have two bots in this room, the rest are feeds.
@EthanBierlein Is it automated?
Ok thanks
The other bot is the RoboSanta?
sysb0rg (or however you spell it) used to have a bot as well, but I think it got scrapped.
Ask him, not me.
He's never here
He's sometimes here, just not as often as some of us.
I never saw him here
I love spam
I really love spam
Q: Insertion sort in ruby

500_errorThe code is correct, passes all testcases, I am looking for input on cleaning it, readability etc def insertionSort(a) return if a.nil? || a.empty? || a.length == 1 sort_index = 0 for i in 1..a.length-1 do for j in 0..sort_index do next if a[i] > a[j] ...

@CaptainObvious Really weak context text
sorry guys I was AFK for a while there. I couldn't even check things out on my phone I was kind of busy over lunch, I didn't even eat anything....ugh
You should ask to go buy something quickly
If you have where to
If you have a specific problem with your code, please provide a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example. As-is, the question might be more suitable for code review, but read their FAQs before posting. — Olaf 55 secs ago
And no, it is "pen friend", a broken way to say "pen pal"
@Olaf That code is broken, making it off-topic on Code Review. Please, read our FAQs before recommending anything. — Ismael Miguel 58 secs ago
Does anyone else see the problem I have with this question: codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/99262/…
@EBrown 1. It's kind of hypothetical, but there seems to be enough reviewable code there for me.
2. It keeps asking for an alternative implementation instead of a review.
Hi, all.
@RubberDuck Glad I'm not the only one who sees issues with it. I really think it might be VTC worthy, some of the object definitions have been omitted.
@EBrown it's bountied...
--> no VTC possible..
Don't VTC for petty stuff like that
I think there is lots of material for review. We don't need everything when we have that much already.
I.e. if you look in Converter V1, you'll see private ModelBase ConvertMyMessage( MessageDeserialized message ), which has return new MyMessageBllEquivalent, which has no definition for MyMessageBllEquivalent.
I agree it looks pseudo-ish, but it might go under "proof of concept"
He put effort in making the post easy to read and there's lots of code in there
And the code is relevant to his problem
@EBrown So?
@EBrown it's definitely possible to omit class definitions...
I return int, and I don't include the definition of int.
Let's just say that is an implementation detail and review what we have.
@Hosch250 int is not a custom reference-type.
It's the same thing.
^^ that
No, it's not.
It doesn't matter what type he returns.
it's moot what the definition of MyCustomType is..
it's simply not part of the context given
We don't need to have every line of code referenced to provide a review, whether we wrote it or not.
@EBrown I don't think it's off topic, but I'm considering a downvote. It's a "meh" question at best.
@Vogel612 But it's a huge part of the request.
@Vogel612 I agree with that. That's why I said it looked real enough for me.
@EBrown meh.. not really
"I need to design and implement a service (C#, .Net 4.5+) which receives messages, converts the messages to BLL models and passes them to the BLL." He hasn't provided the BLL definitions.
it's just some Plain old Object probably
some properties, that's it, nothing terribly interesting, actually more fluff than helpful context
I flagged this as "off-topic => 'why is this not working?' ". While you do not have explicitly describe bugs, you are asking how all that code works. It is not isolated to a specific concept, but rather broadened out to "what is Rails?". I chose that flag because, to me, it seemed of similar effort to someone new to Rails asking "HOW DID I GET THIS ERROR? FIX IT!" Something like this is best for another forum, possibly SE's code review? SO is for specific Q&A, and not teaching an entire framework or specific issues that won't help anyone else. — Hunter Stevens 1 min ago
aside from the fact that ...
Q: Merging two xml together in Python

toyI have this two xml that I want to merge together based on these conditions. If any of the element is more than 7 weeks old, it has to be delete If any of the element is newer with the same date (regardless of time), take everything from the new xml Here's a sample xml <programme start="2015...

Is it Friday yet?
Q: Merge sort - singly linked list

NgmI have written the following program in GO to mergesort a singly linked list. Please review the algorithm and the code for idiotmatic Go: package main import ( "fmt" ) type node struct { val int next *node } type list struct { head *node } func newList(arr []int) *list { ...

Q: JPA Filtering results

CedThe problem with the code below is that I'm getting a lot of unnecessary data from my DB and I delete it afterward to only have the "good" data. I didn't find any good workaround to get the data directly from the query. Basically what I have is like the reddit comment section, there are comments...

Q: How can I reduce execution time of python code?

marco poloHow can I reduce execution time of python code ?

@CaptainObvious spammer
Is this question posting broken code or just unclear?
Q: Trying to modify some js to use buttons

Chris569xHTML: <h1>Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock</h1><br> <div id="user-choice"> <button onClick="userChoice = rock" id="rock"><i class="fa fa-hand-rock-o fa-3x"></i></button> <button onClick="userChoice = paper" id="paper"><i class="fa fa-hand-paper-o fa-3x"></i></button> <button onCl...

Q: Trying to modify some js to use buttons

Chris569xHTML: <h1>Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock</h1><br> <div id="user-choice"> <button onClick="userChoice = rock" id="rock"><i class="fa fa-hand-rock-o fa-3x"></i></button> <button onClick="userChoice = paper" id="paper"><i class="fa fa-hand-paper-o fa-3x"></i></button> <button onCl...

@Mast I ran it in JSFiddle and it did not work.
It does not currently work as expected. The button onClick does not seem to be setting the var, and it is displaying the computer "choice" before the player choice. — Chris569x 26 secs ago
> Any clue where I went wrong?
I thought it was broken, yes, but wanted to make sure.
@Hosch250 That could also indicate design problems which don't necessarily break the code.
I just realized that Stack Snippets has a "Tidy" button. Now, there is no excuse for having poorly formatted JavaScript, HTML, or CSS code.
@SirPython How markdown works, it's still a reason. Just a bad one.
@Mast I don't really understand it when people have problems with markdown: you just need to paste your code into the editor, highlight it, and then press CTRL-K
@SirPython I usually just add an extra layer of indentation in my IDE and just copy-paste.
@Mast Ah, that's not a bad idea.
I have no idea what CTRL-K does.
It adds a level of indentation.
Markdown will eat the first layer and the rest will look fine.
@SirPython I'll have to remember that, makes editing a lot faster.
@SirPython Ever tried to indent code in bulleted lists?
Perhaps this will help me achieve Jamalizing speed.
@Morwenn Yes. Sometimes it takes 2 levels of indents, or even 3.
It's a pain.
Yeah, and then CTRL+K becomes less than optimal.
That's when I copy 4 spaces and paste them onto each line.
Seriously, who ever used TAB in a question to go to the next item? We could claim the key back.
So, the client we're working with has all of their source code hosted on their own personal github... and it's been down all day long.
When I have too many lines, I add a character at the beginning of one of them, CTRL+K everything, then delete the character.
But that's still unsatisfying.
It might be better if there were two shortcuts: one to add a level of indentation, and one to remove a level of indentation.
@SirPython and people would still get it wrong
Of course, as with everything.
This isn't the site for general purpose code review. You're looking for codereview.stackexchange.commachine yearning 11 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs in codereview.stackexchange.commachine yearning 55 secs ago
@machineyearning vote to close because it's too broad or opinion-based; being on-topic on Code Review isn't a valid code reason. Also make sure you take a look at A guide to Code Review for Stack Overflow users. Cheers! — Mat's Mug 57 secs ago
@Mat'sMug s/code/close
thanks, fixed
I am now on a government watchlist
Where in the help center are code review requests described as being off-topic? — nhgrif 31 secs ago
Q: Scheduled adjustable payments

Shelby115Short Description: I'm working on a "small" project for our finance department. The problem I'm having is managing this large function (at the bottom). It's so large because I'm having troubles reducing the function into smaller parts without either having to pass many parameters along or recalc...

@Malachi well I'm still learning and I would like to know if what I want to do is possible. Ie have the correct results in the query. As far as I've searched I didn't find any answer to my question. I could have posted a question on Stackoverflow but I don't know how to explain it without all the context really. And wassup with the passive aggressive comment ? I 'm not asking anyone to code this for me I'm asking for directions. — Ced 1 min ago
not sure how to respond to that at the moment..... anyone?
comments withdrawn — machine yearning 1 min ago
A: Stylistic exception and bang usage

solidcell should the model method be identify! or is identify proper? You should only end the method name with a bang (!) if the method modifies the object it is called on. Furthermore, only if there is also another method of the same name without the bang which does not modify the object. So no, yo...

Q: A minimal version control system

SimpfallyI just finished writing a simple version control. You register files using "add", and then "com" will save them inside a directory, with an ID attached to it, same ID for all files. With "rev" it will copy back the content of the files, but won't delete any file other than the one in the "commitd...

me passive aggressive?
@Mat'sMug At least they are being honest in the title.
Incoming IP block.
@Mat'sMug wow
anyone else want to second my comment?
we aren't here to figure out how to implement functionality for you. — Malachi 1 hour ago
or was it really that bad?
I'm tired -____-
Q: C++ 2D Histogram class

sunnyI scraped some data looking at trajectories of popular posts on Reddit, and now I want to group and histogram them by type. I put this class together in C++ to do so. Characteristics of the data are that they contain a value and a time (treated as y value and x value) for each data point and that...

Q: Java check diagonals duplicate in array 2d

user80909I can show diagonal numbers but I don't have idea how to check in diagonals are the same numbers Thanks. public class tablica5na5 { public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub int[][] tab1= new int [5][5]; int a= tab1[0][0]; int b= tab1[0][0...

Thanks a lot for your time. If you have time, could you check codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/100529/… as well? Thanks a lot again, regards. — Koray Tugay 9 secs ago
I wish I knew what I was doing sometimes
@Malachi that comment is kinda inappropriate.
the user has working code and a very specific concern about that code
the code is working and the functionality exists.
deleted and retracted my close vote
huh, I just realized that I'm 30 rep from 7K. Guess it goes to show how inactive I've been lately.
Q: Seperation of Concerns and OOP Principles in Java Web App with JPA but no Container

Koray TugayIn this exercise, I do not want to use any container such as Spring or Glassfish. I am deploying my application to Tomcat. I only use JPA. What I want to achieve is to follow best practices and OOP concepts correctly, and a good separation of concerns and layering. I have a database table like t...

I've been called here for a battle with sir Malachi
Welcome to the 2nd monitor, glad you could drop by
Malachi is currently on his way home, so not fully available ~don't
That said for interested bystanders: context
maybe this came off as wrong. I understand why Malachi said what he said. Your question is formulated very narrowly scoped and towards a very specific goal (namely improving how you query data). That is a very good direction to go for Stack Overflow Questions. This is not stackoverflow. Code Review is more of a "general review" site. While you may try to draw attention to specific sections, reviewers can comment on any aspect of the code. Questions as focused as yours are easily misinterpreted, especially written like here. Maybe drop by in Code Review Chat so we can sort this out? — Vogel612 9 mins ago
It's no biggie really. You can close my question if it's inappropriate. So you said it's better suited for stackoverflow. Do you think I can change something in the question or even the title ? So it becomes something that might help someone in the future ?
I think this can become a great Code Review question, so I'd be sad to see you go to SO with it
that said, you'd probably be better off significantly rewriting that question. In it's current form, there's IMO bound to be misunderstandings..
I just said that because you said it's suited for SO the way I wrote it. Maybe I should change something then ? I feel like the title is really bad
that is one. Currently your title is quite broad
Currently you're framing the thing bugging you as "problem"
while that's true it might be more interesting to frame it as "clunky" it works after all...
I find it badly designed but it works yeah.
problem is one of these buzzwords around here, that indicates the post is off-topic.
that said, I'm not exactly clear on what your code does..
I cleaned up the comments btw
Well you see on this website you can up vote or down vote a comment. If I down vote a comment now and connect latter the down arrow is gonna be red (I think ? or green w.e). The best way to do it for me is to get only the vote from a specific user visiting the page and not every vote from every user and search through all the data for the correct vote.
... do you keep score?
Yes I do.
I actually keep the score in the entity itself and the votes in the "votes" entity
which isn't great but I found it 'd be better for performance and ease of use
you may be interested in this answer of mine..
Thanks, I'm gonna read that now
That's nice, but if I'd use something like that I would lose the tree structure that I have now. I could rebuild it though.
Oh god I think I got it.
Q: Questions about iOS development

Levy ShiWhat are the AppDelegate page and viewcontroller used for? What type of file should I use to make a basic rock paper scissor game?

My new workplace is giving me free access to Visual Studio (and other goodies) so I might start learning a bit of C# in the near future!
A: Reading QR Code

nhgrifIndent your code. Massive swaths of your code have almost no indention to them at all. Everything is stuck to the left edge, which makes it impossible to distinguish where one method ends and the next one begins (at a glance). Everything inside a set of curly braces should be indented one leve...

C# is a cool language
By the way, I stand by my downvote on that question. The user still hasn't benchmarked his code (or if he has, he hasn't actually relayed that information).
The original form of his question said his code took a long time reading QR codes. We told him to benchmark and find out exactly what is consuming all of the time.
And he just pointed us to the section that's doing all of the reading of the QR code.
The section I already knew was generally responsible for taking the time.
But he has provided no actual benchmark statistics. I can't know what part of that in specific is taking that long... or if the part that's taking long is, for example, just the device's camera focusing on the image (something we can't optimize, etc)
Objective-c is completely outside of my area
But, I will trust your judgement and will downvote it as well
You don't have to know Objective-C or trust my judgment.
It's a question about performance in terms of speed that has no benchmarking information.
That's why I trust your judgement
You don't have to trust my judgment to see there's no benchmarking information...
You can just see.
It's just code.
My message isn't being clear enough
I'm seeing it the way you are
Except the code part
// It is very slow from here
All he did to address the complaint of no benchmarking is insert comments to mark the slow section.
If you knew Objective-C and how this library works, you already knew that's the section. If you didn't, now you know. But that's still not benchmarking information.
Maybe he doesn't know what a "benchmark" is?
Does Obj-C have an official doc style? (assuming yes, I'm guessing what that OP is doing is not it...)
@IsmaelMiguel He was told at least three times in comments to run his application in the Instruments app.
New guess: He's lazy AF
Is that the code execution?
That's running an application in the Time Profiler tool of the Instruments app.
It shows which method calls are taking how much time and what percentage of the total time.
I'm pretty sure you can also see how many times the method is called (so you can differentiate between a method that's called too many times versus a method that is just slow).
Maybe he is too lazy to investigate?
Maybe. And as such absolutely deserves a pile of downvotes.
Your edit didn't tell me (or anyone else familiar with AVCaptureSession stuff) anything that we didn't already know. You need data like this demonstrating what methods are being called how many times and using what percentage of the processor's time. Without that, there's no point addressing any of your performance concerns. — nhgrif 2 mins ago
Hash and raw truth
By the way
Is it possible that this returns something that isn't 100% exactly 0.5?
It probably is possible. But it's used as a time interval.
Moreover, it's used in a place where it doesn't exactly matter if they're exactly the same (within the variance that 1.0/2.0 vs 0.5 could even possibly create
I really don't get why not just 0.5
One of them is possibly less accurate?
That's the only difference I see
Maybe they want to burn the CPU more.
Or maybe he copied it from somewhere?
Q: Arithmetic addition and subtraction calculator even for extremely big numbers

Thomas MathewHere is an attempt to sum even extremely very large numbers. As the extremely bigger numbers are fed to the method as String type this became possible. This method can accept even negative numbers also. However for positive numbers, the + sign must not be provided too. import java.util.Arrays;...

Q: Text based fight game

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