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Doing so would make you a terrible help vampire and in my opinion ban worthy.
But that isn't me
I didn't wanted help to solve it
I just wanted to make sense out of that non-sense
how do you spell intellisense? Microsoft doesn't seem to know
@Malachi IntelliSense
Q: Windows 10 upgrade event

MastI got an e-mail from Microsoft about my Windows 10 reservation. It's lacking free-hand circles, but the message is clear. Microsoft states it's the largest software upgrade event ever. Are there any numbers to back-up this claim or to prove it's false?

@Mast Is that even on-topic?
@IsmaelMiguel Have you clicked it?
Yes, I did
Why wouldn't it be on-topic?
It's a reputable claim.
I don't know. I don't use that site that much
@Mast I would think it would depend on their qualifiers.
It may not be the largest of any company ever, but it could definitely be the largest Microsoft Software Upgrade Event ever.
@EBrown I agree. I hope there will be some consensus about that.
However, as it is currently written, I think it's misleading.
Can anyone upvote this answer please?
@Mast That's a very big possibility.
I'd like to encourage people to edit and improve answers instead of flagging them.
@SimonAndréForsberg What answer?
@SimonAndréForsberg Uh... What?
@SimonAndréForsberg Some answers are unsalvageable. Do you have specific examples?
Thanks, Tony C. Batista! It's really what I was looking for, for months!!! For everyone else, access the github link and RTFM! — Carlos Alexandre Lopes 2 hours ago
That answer has been flagged as both NAA and VLQ. How can it be that when the OP says "Thanks, It's really what I was looking for, for months"?
Improve it instead.
That answer provides no substance, though. It's not an answer.
I flagged it because there's no option to say "Should be a comment"
It is an answer.
@SimonAndréForsberg Umm... How?
Oh, wait, there is
It says "Don't re-invent the wheel, use this instead"
It's the "Not an answer" flag
Which is what I used
@IsmaelMiguel Yes, NAA is "should be comment".
I don't see anything wrong
How is it an answer, @SimonAndréForsberg?
If you can imagine something that can be written as a commit message, it is an answer.
@EBrown I was being sarcastic
NAAs are more for things like "I have this problem too!" or when something is clearly intended to be a comment.
@SimonAndréForsberg It means he was asking the wrong question.
3 mins ago, by Simon André Forsberg
Thanks, Tony C. Batista! It's really what I was looking for, for months!!! For everyone else, access the github link and RTFM! — Carlos Alexandre Lopes 2 hours ago
I fail to see at all how that is an answer.
Do note the person writing that comment is NOT the OP.
> It's really what I was looking for, for months!!!
Same from here
The only thing that could even slightly be considered part of an answer with that is the last sentence.
Now, the problem, is that the poster had no prior posts in that question.
He did not ask the question.
He did not answer the question.
It was a, "Great! Your answer solved my problem too!" comment.
He answered with a comment.
@Mast Same IP. It is the OP.
@SimonAndréForsberg You can see that, we can't.
@SimonAndréForsberg How are we supposed to know that?
@SimonAndréForsberg Maybe they are siblings :o
The fact of the matter is: that "answer" is not an answer.
A comment about something being helpful doesn't make it a good answer.
I didn't say that you could see that. In fact, I didn't even notice it until now.
@SimonAndréForsberg Same IP? So what?
@Morwenn Same university.
Who knows.
Same network node?
Same ISP?
I flagged it as VLQ and I stand by it.
Same country?
@Mast I never said it was good. I said that it is an answer.
How is it an answer?
Please, elaborate.
It can be improved, but I see absolutely no point whatsoever in deleting it.
This is a pretty good debate, I see.
Because I fail to see anywhere in that "answer" that actually attempts to answer any part of the question.
The goal was to move to a comment.
@SimonAndréForsberg I do. This is a bad example, it shouldn't be an answer.
@IsmaelMiguel I can live with that.
Which question? Can I judge too? Can i Have an opinion? :D
Please take it to meta, then.
It is simply not a valid review.
A: Best way to work with async

Tony C. BatistaJust use the Control Flow Methods of the Async module (https://github.com/caolan/async), and be happy.

@SimonAndréForsberg Start a question for it, and I will.
So who's taking it to meta?
@Mast I can too because it is the Right Thing (tm) to do
It's a SO style answer. We don't take that stuff here.
Sorry, I am focusing on other things. I will not take it to meta.
@EBrown Feeling up to it?
There's no point in taking it to meta
@Mast Certainly, start a question and I'll explain my point of view.
Bad answer to off-topic question; OP is happy with answer; I say nothing to see here.
And why I would flag that specific answer as "Not an Answer" every day of the week.
@Phrancis We didn't know it was the OP and the OP being happy doesn't make it a decent answer.
Especially Friday.
@Phrancis It isn't the O.P.
It's actually not the OP.
Evidence indicates it could be.
But that is not an is.
@IsmaelMiguel Where there is disagreement there is reason to take it to meta.
@SimonAndréForsberg Stargreed.
@SimonAndréForsberg Then someone fire up the meta
That's what meta is for.
Hey @Malachi in case you are interested, I made a Date & Time Conversion Reference on SEDE
Starting by who disagrees with the community decision.
@IsmaelMiguel That's not how it works.
> Is there a better way to do this?
@Mast Are you starting a Meta or should I?
> Just use the Control Flow Methods of the Async module (github.com/caolan/async), and be happy.
@IsmaelMiguel Umm... We are all part of the community, so who's right?
The community has an opinion, the moderator overruled it. Now the community has to post it on meta.
^^ Looks like an answer to me. A bad one of course, but an answer anyway.
The moderator didn't overrule it, is the thing.
@EBrown I'd prefer if you did.
@EBrown We flagged, flags declined. How is that not overruling?
@Morwenn My point exactly.
@Mast My flag was not declined.
@MannyMeng I'm not saying who's right. I'm saying who disagrees
Do we really need to open a meta when the question is already bad anyway?
@EBrown Wut, mine was.
@IsmaelMiguel But everyone disagrees with eachother...
@Mast What flag you used?
@Morwenn Amen!
2 mins ago, by Simon André Forsberg
@IsmaelMiguel Where there is disagreement there is reason to take it to meta.
@IsmaelMiguel VLQ
@Mast ^^^
@Mast I don't get it
My flag was NAA.
Q: Short answers and code-only answers

ChrisWWhat should we do with: Short answers (for example, "I suggest you use [hyperlink to this standard API] instead.") Code-only answers (for example, an improved version of the code in the OP) Such answers could be improved (e.g. by adding an explanation of why the suggestion is helpful). Is it...

If you have a working solution, you should post it in your answer. You might even consider posting this in Code Review because you have a working solution and are asking for criticism/alternatives. — wwii 51 secs ago
Mine too
...goes back to playing with stuff...
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it looks like a question for codereview.stackexchange.com — Jay Blanchard 28 secs ago
@SimonAndréForsberg That's not the argument here, though.
The argument here is that an "answer", which should have been a comment, was posted as an answer.
@SimonAndréForsberg If I use the information given in the answer to write my own. Make it shiny, make it better. Would that be enough grounds to remove this turd of the site?
@EBrown That was an NAA. That was converted into a comment
@Phrancis wow!
Which one are you all talking about then, because I am referring to the NAA that you moved.
Question: Does the 'answer' answers in ANY WAY the question?
Or are you referring to the other answer that is actually an answer?
@Malachi (make sure you look at datasets 2 and 3 as well :)
@Mast question is already closed. you can't write an answer either way.
@IsmaelMiguel Yes.
@SimonAndréForsberg How?
4 mins ago, by Morwenn
> Is there a better way to do this?
4 mins ago, by Morwenn
> Just use the Control Flow Methods of the Async module (https://github.com/caolan/async), and be happy.
My impression was that you were referring to the "Thanks, Tony C. Batista! It's really what I was looking for, for months!!! For everyone else, access the github link and RTFM!" bit, that was appropriately flagged as a NAA.
Not that one
If that is wrong then I retract my previous statements.
Because you were a bit unclear.
But that is my mistake.
@SimonAndréForsberg That is an answer. A bad one. The other that we flagged wasn't
@EBrown that was indeed an NAA. But now we're talking about the answer on which the previous NAA was converted as a comment onto.
@IsmaelMiguel thanks. Then maybe we agree after all
@SimonAndréForsberg Ah, in that case, I completely agree that it is an answer.
Sorry for the confusion
I stand by my VLQ flag on that answer. It's terrible and should either be upgraded by the author or be burned.
Albeit a bad answer, but an answer none-the-less.
It may be a VLQ (VVLQ in this case) but still an answer.
@EBrown A VERY bad one
@EBrown That's why I VLQ'd it instead of NAA.
It is an answer, just a very lousy one.
@Mast I never flagged that one.
My mistake.
@Mast I won't burn it as it has been proven helpful to someone.
It's not our role to judge whether an actual answer should be deleted or not. We can only give opinions by voting.
The first VLQ flag was helpful, as I added the mod notice.
@JayBlanchard I didn't consider this a code review question, as there is literally no code to review. The question is more-so a design principals and database design question, in my opinion. As I stated in my post, there are many similar questions here on SO (i.e., sharing the same goal), but none that described an approach very similar to mine, hence why I decided to ask. — John Hall 35 secs ago
So only the first VLQ is helpful? The rest aren't?
@Mast What more is there a moderator should do about it?
In that case I should just move along if I see a mod notice is already placed on it.
@SimonAndréForsberg I don't know, I'm not a moderator. It was VLQ so I VLQ'd it.
Citizen duty and all.
Depends on if you believe a moderator should do more about it or not
It should be marked as helpful, in my opinion, even if repeated.
No, that's up to the moderator. I'm only in existence to tell the moderator what the posts are.
You don't have to do anything with it, just tell me 'Yes, you're right, it's VLQ but there's nothing I can do`.
Perhaps that should be the Meta question: "Should I VLQ an answer that has a Mod Notice on it?"
That's why I said it was my opinion
@Mast Hmm... sorry. I was under the impression that you had NAA'd it. Then maybe I should have just marked your flag as helpful, without doing anything.
Declining a flag is stating you don't agree it's VLQ
This moderation business is still a bit new to me... there's always new scenarios you bump into
@EBrown Good question!
@SimonAndréForsberg Don't take it personal, we're all learning from this one.
@Mast I will post it for historical reference.
@EBrown Depends on if there is anything additional for a moderator to do or not.
@SimonAndréForsberg Good luck with that :)
In a way, additional flags are just noise if there is nothing left to do.
@SimonAndréForsberg Then I'll put it on Meta so we can make it official.
I was not aware additional flags were considered noise. I can imagine more people weren't.
I'm still not sure declining is the best way to go in those situations, but at least it's some form of explanation.
@Mast Perhaps this can help clear up those concerns from a moderators perspective.
I'm awaiting the meta.
Hey, moderators only do their best to be fair while applying rules voted by the community. Their choices do not always refect their actual opinions.
I'm being thorough with it, give me about five minutes.
the project is the absolute clowniest worst I've ever seen.
wtf is anything
Let's make a pile of bugs and put 250,000 bandaids over them
And talk about how complicated our actually simple app is
and refuse to let anyone try simplifying it into anything maintainable
because we want to brag about how complicated this was to figure out
I'm living in clown town
it's a subdivision of Delhi.
Where clown programmers take apps that are actually really simple and turn it into a 250,000 line clown pile and then when it gets too complicated for them to figure out, the American company brings it back to American firms to fix... but don't let them really fix it...
they can only pile more bandaids over it
@nhgrif TS
And what did your boss said?
@nhgrif If I was the project manager, I'd read the contract carefully and try to disband it based on their unwillingness. No tugging on a dead horse.
@nhgrif You could change jobs, become a journalist and write about things like that in sensation articles.
The current situation isn't going to last very long.
With titles like "How 95% of software we use everyday is already rotten before even being released".
I know that it's not affordable to rewrite it from scratch
but it's also not really affordable to do this either.
They just can't see that...
@SimonAndréForsberg @Mast @IsmaelMiguel meta.codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/5836/…
I'm going to take a shower. The discussion is too serious around here :p
@EBrown Thanks for the ping. Please, someone star it
@EBrown Thank you, although I think it could have been generalized more.
@Mast If you have any language changes that you would like made, propose an edit or let me know. I'll gladly make them. :)
More? How?
@EBrown HAHA, it was Jamalized!
@IsmaelMiguel As I was editing it too. :P
@EBrown Now you need to rollback on your edits and re-edit
@EBrown You want me to put an answer to it, just telling how I think about it? Or do you want specific answers to your 4 questions?
In general, it's not that expensive to put stuff on multiple threads... but the people who wrote this app don't have the slightest clue how to write a multithread application, so EVERYWHERE, they're writing code to push code back on to the main thread (even from the main thread itself) because they're trying to stop getting exceptions from updating the UI from the background.
@Mast Anything, my friend. Regardless if it's specific to my four points. :)
And it starts with not having the slightest clue how to name a method right, so you don't have any idea whether a method might be a UI method.
I'll upvote anything constructive.
@EBrown Just trying to prevent NAA flags ^^
And every class does everything.
@nhgrif Without revealing anything, what is the APP supposed to do? Burn your phone on your pants?
Q: Scalability when the number of calls increases

Arix OWAYEIn one of my object I needed a sequence I would use to increment an Id field just like we often do with classical Databases. As I have not found a suitable solution, I wrote one. In the following we will use Java and Objectify. The first approach I came with was to have a class with a static Ato...

Q: Should I cast a VLQ flag on an answer that has a moderator notice on it?

EBrownThis question has arisen from a discussion on the following question: Best way to work with async The answer posted was flagged as a Very Low Quality answer by a member of the community, to which the question was [put on hold] and the moderator left a note on the answer. Following this, the an...

It's a streaming audio app.
after so many VLQ flags are accepted isn't the answer deleted?
maybe that is when it goes through the queue
@Malachi Don't think so.
when it is flagged it ends up in the queue (sometimes) and then it may be deleted by high rep users
Probably be swept up by Roomba if it has enough DVs, but I don't think flags do anything besides letting someone else know the post needs looked at
The only part that's actually complicated about the entire app, streaming the audio, is the only part that works flawlessly.
@Jamal Thanks for the edits and the answer! :)
@nhgrif Wow... So, is it an attempt of VLC with bad code?
Also, @Jamal I am going to start a Meta.SE post about custom moderators notices and adding an indication of them near the notice itself, if you are interested in being notified of it.
@EBrown How would he be notified?
@IsmaelMiguel An @ ping.
In the chat?
Of course, where else? :P
An extension which sends a notification?
No, I mean about me posting a Meta.SE topic.
@EBrown You should first check if there's already an existing proposal. I believe there is one somewhere, but I'm about to leave for a bit.
Not about the actual feature itself.
@Jamal I just did a search, and I don't see anything.
Do you have the actual name of that notice? Perhaps I am looking for the wrong terms.
Have an answer to your meta.
Already upvoted. :)
Very good one as well, especially the last bit.
And our quality standard is much higher than SO at the moment, I would hate for that to not be the case.
Slight edit.
To state helpfulness doesn't mean it's automagically of decent quality.
@EBrown mod notice
@SimonAndréForsberg Alright, I'll try searching for that as well. If I find nothing I'll post a big Meta topic.
Q: Adding methods to Date prototype in JavaScript

Peter SmithI am refactoring a project into an Angular app. Before Angular I had file called functions.js that had helper functions like: Date.prototype.toJSONLocal = function() { function addZ(n) { return (n<10? '0' : '') + n; } return this.getFullYear() + '-' + addZ(this.getMonth() + 1...

@SimonAndréForsberg @Jamal I couldn't find anything already on the subject, I'm sure if someone else does they'll flag as dupe. In the mean time: meta.stackexchange.com/questions/261812/…
Have you implemented it in Angular yet? We cannot review code that has not been written yet, please see Help Center for more details. If you do have the Angular code written, please include it in the body of your question. — Phrancis 4 mins ago
Q: Should Moderator Notices be more flexible?

EBrownThis question arises from the following Meta post on Code Review: Should I cast a VLQ flag on an answer that has a moderator notice on it? Two of the questions I posed there, were: Should the "Moderator Notice" include some indication that this answer is considered a VLQ, but due to the ...

If anyone cares to comment/vote/answer/etc. on that I would greatly appreciate it.
I'm glad I took a shower. I solved a problem of code duplication.
I honestly am surprised the big Meta didn't have one of these already.
@IsmaelMiguel I have a question on Big Meta too.
@EBrown Give me a few minutes
@IsmaelMiguel No? It's not an attempt at anything. This app is already on the store.
@nhgrif It's not my Spotify app, is it? :P
@nhgrif Is it a server or a client?
I'm looking for a name for a C++ sorting library. Any idea?
@Morwenn Nopesort?
"cpp-sort" seems a bit weak. I already have "cpp-gray" and "cpp-fold" on my GitHub.
@Morwenn Then it's a perfect name!
Standardization, my friend. :)
Build brand-recognition.
I could also have made it a module of my POLDER general-purpose library. But it is simple enough to understand and use to deserve its own small library.
Well, let's be original and go with cpp-sort then...
When naming things, I always try to translate them to latin or similar
What do you think about requesting a mod turns that into a comment?
It looks like a good comment and a bad answer to me.
@Hosch250 We actually talked of it earlier, and technically it is an answer.
I saw the discussion, but didn't see anything mentioning a comment.
I don't think that specific point was actually brought up, however we did mention that technically it fully qualifies as an answer.
Apparently, the OP and that Carlos account share an IP.
And sharing 4 bytes with someone else makes it a worthy answer
Hmm. Is one going to be nuked?
@Hosch250 That was never brought up.
And that is a good question.
Also, this Meta.SE question goes hand-in-hand with that Meta.CR question.
As a direct response to Jamal's answer.
Q: Policy classes for making widgets

sunnyI am learning C++ the last few weeks, and I made my first try with policy classes. Ultimately my goal is to use policy classes to manufacture wrapper classes on an std::vector where part of what the wrapper class does is also generate a custom allocator class that depends on the policy classes. ...

Taking a shot at TIS-100, parallel ASM is hard...
If your code does not work, please tell where you think the problem might be, what you expect the code to do, and what the observed behavior is. If the code works as intended but you think it can be improved, post it at codereview.stackexchange.com. — R Sahu 38 secs ago
@IsmaelMiguel I'm working on the client side. Others are working on the server side.
@nhgrif And you have to patch it up to make it work flawlessly?
@nhgrif How hard would it be to re-write the app?
Assuming you got permission? Easier than to patch it, presumably?
@Hosch250 According to what he said a while ago, it would be relativelly easy
It'd be easier than continuously piling on band-aids.
It won't be allowed and it wouldn't be fast to rewrite.
Too bad you can't tell them to keep their fingers out of things they don't understand and you'll get results back to them by a certain date.
Oh, I got the answer on that Swift question.
Q: Cross-Database Query Without Casting to List

user1477388I am trying to do a cross-database query without having to enumerate the variable t. public List<Models.MCMessageCenter> GetMsgCtrsWithReloInfoByUserId(Guid userId) { var t = GetMessageCentersByUserId(userId).ToList(); List<Models.MCMessageCenter> result; using (var ctx = new TEDRE...

Q: Wavefront-Reader (.obj) in Java - Part 1

SleepyX667I want to implement a wavefront-reader in Java. Therefore I've created some classes to extract a Vector3f, Vector2f (i use JOML for these model classes) or a Triangle (my own model class) from a certain line of a wavefront (.obj) file. I only want to read a special wavefront file (not all types)...

> // Specializations of sorter_n for some values of N
@Morwenn What values?
Currently 0, 1 and 2.
But when I wrote that comment, I felt like I was on the 2nd Monitor.
hahahahahhaahahhhahahhah I can see why
Q: Inefficient differential converter

MastFollowing Pimgd's question, I decided to take a look at the TIS-100 myself. This is my solution to the 3rd challenge, building a differential converter. Requirements: Read values from IN.A and IN.B Write IN.A - IN.B to OUT.P Write IN.B - IN.A to OUT.N Instruction set: I got the ...

@Mast WOW...Just WOW
I fear the weekend slipping away ... toward TIS-100.
It's on sale currently, 10% off I think. And it already was less than 10 bucks.
"It’s the assembly language programming game you never asked for!"
Who could resist?
@Malachi I've never written multi-processor ASM before either.
I almost bought that game.
@Mast I don't know anything about that whole question....
Did you know the MLA formalized a standard for citing Tweets?
@EBrown OMGosh we are all doomed
@EBrown Really? Got a cite? :)
@EBrown Twitter is taking down tweets if you steal a joke without citation. Just leave that platform.
My wife is a professor. She'll howl!
Welcome to 2015! Where Tweets now have an MLA standard!
Now we just need APA and IEEE forms.
IEEE I'm down with. F APA.

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