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I'll do this, but these rules seems very weird for me
@Undo Were you emailing me?
@RomanPushkin especially if you're coming from Stack Overflow ;-)
@nhgrif I'm betting they don't hire minors?
Don't really want to waste your time if they don't
Under 18?
About three years under 18
Most likely not.
grumbles about age discrimination
Well... there's beer on tap at the office...
@nhgrif Can you access it from remote?
A: Feedback Requested: Design-Independent Graduation

200_successDropping the site design change from the graduation package is understandable. It is obviously a large amount of effort to draft, consult, and implement a design. I agree that lack of a site design is a poor excuse for holding back the growth of a site. I've lobbied hard for this proposal for ...

Access what?
If no, then I don't see the issue ;)
@nhgrif The beer tap
Oh, no. There are other issues too.
Python question coming your way guys.
I mean, I can put anyone in touch that wants to be.
But whether or not a minor would even be able to sign most of the stuff that you have to sign is also a question..
@200_success Amen!!
@RomanPushkin Thanks for stopping by. Actually, I suspect that you already know the answer to the best-practices question: don't patch Object.prototype, it's a bad idea.
Everything that happens now happens now.
Q: Game loop decorator for Pgame

Ethan BierleinI've built a simple decorator that wraps a function in a general Pygame game loop. It also allows for the programmer to set the tick rate. import pygame import sys pygame.init() def game_loop(tick_rate=60): """ This simple decorator wraps functions with a pygame game loop. Here's...

Q: Game loop decorator for Pgame

Ethan BierleinI've built a simple decorator that wraps a function in a general Pygame game loop. It also allows for the programmer to set the tick rate. import pygame import sys pygame.init() def game_loop(tick_rate=60): """ This simple decorator wraps functions with a pygame game loop. Here's...

Q: Inheritance across data in Javascript

Nathan MerrillI'm creating a Javascript app for a esoteric language, Marbelous. One of the features of this language are the devices. Each cell has a device, and each device has certain properties. In order to represent this, I've created a massive object (or in my mind: HashMap) to store all of this data. ...

@200_success According to OP, the beta label should be removed immediately. Why do we still have ours?
@CaptainObvious sorry,@EthanBierlein beat you to it
Do you mean "Pygame", not "Pgame"?
thar we go
@Mast The post is about the proposal is to make that happen.
@200_success I thought it was already included in their latest proposal, the one allowing Code Review to graduate without design.
@EthanBierlein i am currently coding up that bitmap font to image system I was talking about for Cactus
got some screenshots posted here chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/16134/tcg-creation
OK, this makes more sense. See my answer. Your Java is far from nice, if you're interested in making the code better, post it on code review. Please, clean it up a bit first. — maaartinus 49 secs ago
@bazola Cool!
thank goodness, I can take a break from keeping an eye on you trouble makers, @200_success is here!
These new mods, I tell you.....nothing but trouble. ;-)
Q: Is there a more readable way to do data transformation using lodash?

MK SafiI have the following code: var templates = { "fullRenderV80": { "stuff": "stuff", "screenshots": [ { "device": "iPhone 6", "position": 1 }, { "device": "Watch", "position": 2 } ] }, "fullRenderV70": { "stuff": "stuff",...

I am going to have a new ASP.NET question here soon
Q: Framework for comparing database objects

Paul RichardsThis code allows me to compare two complex objects, which are stored in a relational database, to see what has been removed from the objects. These objects have a unique integer primary key. They are also composed of other objects hierarchically. The Difference method is used within a databas...

Q: Recursive ReversePrint on LinkedList

Nicholaspublic static void reversePrint(Node head) { // base case is reached if(head == null) { return; } else { // reversePrint keeps getting called until it reaches base case. reversePrint(head.getNext()); // Execute this code right af...

Q: Image Manipulation using HTML5 Canvas

somethinghereI have recently started researching some computer vision, and in the process of discovering some interesting things I have been compiling some functions that allow me to manipulate images at a low level. I am not interested in replacing any of these functions with already existing, build-in funct...

I'm not sure what to do about this question
The code is not 100% working, but OP thinks that's fine
I don't know JS so I don't know how much it will effect a review
Literally yesterday: elections ended yesterday. — Mat's Mug 22 mins ago
^^^ lol
omg... method swizzling
@janos Why did everyone star the "lol" instead of the quote?
It was a good try
Q: Catch all Checked Exceptions and turn into Unchecked Exception [Lambda]

Mr.777I am currently trying to learn Lambdas and following the book Java SE8 for the really Impatient and just finished Chapter 1 of it. This is the question, I am trying to get done with: Didn’t you always hate it that you had to deal with checked exceptions in a Runnable ? Write a method unchec...

@IsmaelMiguel You know you can edit your chat to hide your perfectly innocuous plans, right?
Yes, I know it, but it leaves a history behind
Then you are looking for a code review. Try at codereview.stackexchange.comrmaddy 25 secs ago
@jacwah Computer Vision in JS is a bad idea. That's the only real review IMHO.
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs on CodeReview.SE — o11c 40 secs ago
@o11c is overrated.
@Duga Don't do that.
@o11c Only use close reasons which make sense for the site in question. Disregard other SE sites, only look at what's on-topic for that specific site.
@o11c Please read:
A: Update On-Topic Help with Links to Common SE Sites

200_successThe short answer is that traditionally, graduated sites pretend that beta sites don't officially exist. Therefore, the Stack Overflow Help Center doesn't mention Code Review and Code Golf. I don't know whether that is a hard rule. As Code Review becomes resigned to its perpetually graduated-bu...

This is a good question for Code Review, but not Stack Overflow. Try there? — Tim 47 secs ago
Q: Very Basic HTML CSS

Avan <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title> Just a Page</title> <style> div#header{ background-color:black;width:100%;height:22px; color:white; margin:0 auto; font-family:sans-serif; font-size:5; } div ul.list{font-family:monospace...

@Tim I didn't know of Code Review so I'll try there, thanks — SirParselot 57 secs ago
@200_success but how to phrase the close reason when it obviously is offtopic for SO because code review are primarily opinion-based?
@CaptainObvious lol "my css is not working"
@o11c Too broad.
Q: What is the most pythonic way of checking a word grid

SirParselotI wrote this program where you can input x amount of words that of length x that checks if the grid formed is the same words vertically as they are horizontally i.e. F I L E I C E D L E A D E D D Y I wrote this program import sys import itertools numWords = int(raw_input('Enter Number of Word...

> Your code is getting too consistently good to pick out many things!
Made my day!
@CaptainObvious You don't say.
Welcome to Code Review. This code is not working as intended, and is not ready for review. However, if I may offer a slight hint: increase your div#header{ height:22px } a bit...Phrancis 20 secs ago
@Phrancis 22px is more than fine on my N900.
out of stars, I haven't even been in here!
It's a bit small on any decent laptop, but hey...
It should probably be made a relative instead of absolute height
@Phrancis Definitely.
Q: Creating a heat map

bethPlease tell me how to assign a range of values of a cell in an empty column based on the value of the adjacent sum in the other column. I'm ultimately trying to create a heat map based on the results.

@Mast Those who don't use Bootstrap CSS really don't understand what they're missing on :)
@Phrancis I love BootStrap!
That's the one thing I like about WPF. You can pull stuff like size_header = 2* and size_body = 4*. All relative.
Never heard of BootStrap. Not that I write any CSS usually, unless I need to hack something lousy together ofcourse.
Anyway, TTGTB.
A: Let's do something about "I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs on…"

200_successI propose that custom close reasons that contain the phrase "because it belongs on" be blacklisted. That phrase is a pretty reliable indicator that the custom close reason is in violation of the policy.

Looooong day tomorrow.
@Malachi Yup, I use it every time I make a static web page, looks so good and it's so easy
@200_success Good idea!
Q: Python multiplatform LLDP packet sniffer and parser

OrbitalI have written a multi-platform LLDP Packetsniffer in python. It works fine and does what its supposed to do. It primarily collects a list of network interfaces, and depending on the platform creates a rawsocket(Linux), or calls snoop (Solaris 10/11), or TCPDUMP (AIX) and sniffs for LLDP traffic ...

Q: Feedback Requested: Design-Independent Graduation

AnaLast month's announcement about our updated criteria for graduation and site closure sparked some solid examination into the intended nature of public beta and graduation. One thing these discussions showed us is that, contrary to what the Community Team had long believed, getting a custom desig...

Hey folks. :) Just stopping by to congratulate the new moderators. Also thanks to @rolfl for his work here (so far :P).
Wish me luck with the exams. :)
Good luck!
@kleinfreund thanks! and good luck!
Anyone around for a quick regex question/tip?
Q: ADT Stack with LinkedList

user3683131I am currently preparing for my exam and I am trying to implement some abstract data types with linked lists as preparation for the exam. I found an older exam from my prof. and he wants us to implement an ADT stack with an inner class ListElement. He has given us the interface, so it doesn't ne...

Q: Suggesting a feature in an answer

SirPythonI know that in answer, you are not allowed to ask: How do I implement X? However, in an answer, can you suggest implementations and provide code for them? Your code is nice, but it could really use X: My scenario: Recently, I wrote an answer for a linked list question and, towards ...

@Phrancis Don't ask to ask.
You'd think I'd know that by now
@nhgrif I haven't forgot the Concordance challenge you gave me a while back, that's what I'm thinking about right now
So I have this regex /([A-Za-z]?\-?[A-Za-z])+/g which matches complete words, including hyphenated-words all into separate strings of characters. What I'd like to do is exactly reverse it, so it omits all complete words and selects everything else (punctuation, spaces, etc.). I tried adding ^s is various places with no success
@Phrancis There is usually some way to select non-matches when getting the results
E.g. grep -v
So I could write a sort of utility function what matches the characters, and then just use a not operator on it in the programming language to select everything else then?
I guees it depends on what library you're using. What's your language?
What language?
@Phrancis don't use Regex?
@Malachi They're invaluable but unreadable
@StackExchange 404?
@rolfl Congrats, you called it. I hope Undo gives you the 200 rep they promised. ;-)
I believe he did -)
A: Should we rename or remove the "beta" label?

rolflWhat does "Losing the BETA" do to a site's activity? It is hard to anticipate the impact of the "graduation" process. The following is a SEDE query that shows the graduation impact on all the sites I am aware of that have graduated in the past 2 years or so (using this SEDE query to identify ele...

@rolfl Very nice. :-D
@nhgrif @jacwah Groovy (a.k.a. Java+Magic)
There would be other ways, but I'd probably have to shove either all characters I want to keep, or all characters I want to remove, in a list
And do a little bit of list manipulation (which is pretty easy)
Go to Code Review. This is for coding problems, not reviewing code. — Tim 46 secs ago
This question could be suitable for Code Review, as long as (a) your code works as intended, (b) your code is real code, rather than example code, and (c) your code is included in the body of the question. If you wish for a peer review to improve all aspects of your code, please post it on Code Review. — Phrancis just now
@Duga That was fast
@Phrancis Try /^((?!EXPRESSION).)*$/
@jacwah That matches 0 characters either way
Owait, you added a par
Found it on Google, can't claim credit
Nope still no match at all :)
That's okay though, you gave me the little spark I needed to know where to from here
Productive meta day:
Q: Java caching large object in multithreading enviroment

Ivan PavićI'm having to dabble with caching and multithreading (thread per request), and I am absolute beginner in that area, so any help would be appreciated My project requirements are: Cache one single large object that has ether interval refresh or refresh from user Because retrieving object data is...

Q: Function to erase a character in a string

Edeniavoid chrrem (char arr[], size_t len, size_t pos) { memmove(arr + pos, arr + (pos + 1), (len - pos) + 1); } It is supposed to be just fast. Erases the character pointed by pos (starting from 0)

@CaptainObvious Stub code?
looks like complete code to me
just not going to be much to say
@bazola It's just a library call within another function. Not really anything to review there.
Essentially everything is just a library call or series of library calls.
I don't see how this is off-topic.
i thought about posting a comment asking for their unit tests, but its not interesting enough of a problem for me to do that
What is your question? I read your question. Looks nice to have a trait that is extended by both an object and a class. You never ask anything. You mentioned that you couldn't find a solution that looks "neater". Would your concern maybe be better served at codereview.stackexchange.com ? — Madoc 7 secs ago
@Madoc: Hypothetical code is off-topic on Code Review. — Jamal 20 secs ago
        for(String word : words) {
            greeting = greeting.replaceAll("([A-Za-z]?\-?[A-Za-z])+", "");
Main.java:28: error: illegal escape character
            greeting = greeting.replaceAll("([A-Za-z]?\-?[A-Za-z])+", "");
1 error
Do I need double backslash?
Yeah, you need `\`
import java.util.*;
import java.util.regex.*;

class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        String greenEggs = "I like green eggs and ham! " +
            "I do! I like them, Sam-I-am! " +
            "And I would eat them in a boat! " +
            "And I would eat them with a goat... " +
            "And I will eat them in the rain. " +
            "And in the dark. And on a train. " +
            "And in a car. And in a tree. " +
            "They are so good so good you see! " +
^^ Fun!
Now, I just need to figure out how to print the index with it -_-
@Phrancis Groovy has a special / syntax that can be used for regex
Sounds fun
    int index = 0;
    for(String word : words) {
        word = word.replaceAll("([\\.\\!\\,\\s\\n])+", "");
        System.out.println("[" + String.valueOf(index++) + "] : " + word);
Q: Segmentation Fault on Linux: C: Linked List

user3337714My program uses a pointer-based linked list. It opens a text file, add/delete's the content as specified to the linked list. The program runs on Netbeans (MAC OS X). But when I run the program on Linux (RHEL 6.5), I get a segmentation fault. I ran gdb and got the error in main (commented in the...

sure...top of this page in Stackexchange menu ....codereview.stackexchange.comcharlietfl 9 secs ago
Oh, you're using Java, @Phrancis? I thought you were using Groovy...
@SimonAndréForsberg For now, could not find a Groovy online script compiler
I feel certain it'd be a ton easier with Groovy :)
In Groovy, greeting.replaceAll("([A-Za-z]?\-?[A-Za-z])+", "") can be greeting.replaceAll(/([A-Za-z]?\-?[A-Za-z])+/, "") me thinks
Yeah, slashy strings
Could also be ($/([A-Za-z]?\-?[A-Za-z])+$/) I think
You need to make sure your questions are on topic at codereview.SE, our code must be working. But before going there, your question here is off-topic, take a look at the help center to see what type of questions you can ask — vihan1086 5 secs ago
@Mast Both yes and no. Somethings are as expected. There are more custom flags then I expected though.
Q: TopCoder SRM 645 - bug in one test case

OrestisI am trying to solve JanuszInTheCasino problem (http://community.topcoder.com/stat?c=problem_statement&pm=13349&rd=16277&rm=&cr=23006590) and one of the test cases (test_one) fails. I can't figure out the problem. Any ideas? Here is the code: import java.util.Map; import static com.google.comm...

Q: How can I find someone to review my code ?

开发人员I'm very new to the world of Javascript/jQuery. I used the JS library here and there, but I never really wrote a lot of JS code before. I've been learning a lot it myself via online, and here (StackOverflow.) I need someone to take a look over my code to : help me improve it help me avoid DRY...

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because SO is not for code reviews. Try codereview.stackechange.com. — Eric J. 24 secs ago
oh damn, 6:41PM - waaaay past TTQW
later folks!
@StackOverflow Ha! @Duga is waaaaaay ahead of you!
Greetings dude
@CaptainObvious CodeReview ID 97064 - bug in one title
@Simon in Groovy can you just plug in normal Java stuff fluidly or do you have to do something special?
(e.g., would a String.replaceAll work in Groovy just as it would in Java)
Q: I calculate exp(pi*sqrt(163)) in C++ but i get an integer

2000It's my code: #include <iostream> #include <math.h> #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES using namespace std; int main (void) { long double e=exp(1); long double c=sqrt(163); long double p=M_PI; long double x=pow(e,c*p); cout.precision(150); cout<<"e="<<e<<"\n"<<"pi="<<p<<"\n"<<"sqrt(163)="<<c<<"\n"<<"...

@CaptainObvious Off-topic. Broken code.
I'm afraid this question does not match what this site is about. Code Review is about improving existing, working code. Code Review is not the site to ask for help in fixing or changing what your code does. Once the code does what you want, we would love to help you do the same thing in a cleaner way! Please see our help center for more information. — Quill 15 secs ago
Thoughts on this question? 2 Close Votes for stub code, but, it's not stub code. At best, missing code.
This seems like it would be better for codereview... Still, you should elaborate more on your question. — Dair 31 secs ago
Thanks snantas!
@EthanBierlein oooh. New avatar
Oh yah. Space week is on, so I though I might do something "space-ey"
I think it needs more code to be meaningfully reviewable.
We can't review unless we know *why* that code exists.
@o11c We can review it, just not as well as we could with it's implementation
And to the CVer, it would be better to CV that for missing code
Anyone with good English smarts here? Just posted a question on English.SE!
@Quill But is all code review really on-topic? Help/On Topic only lists 4 cases, and this doesn't seem to fit any of them.
Not a very good question for English.SE, in my opinion.
@200_success, can you weigh in on this, please?
Hm. Didn't even know about that site, let me check it out
I'm not entirely sure this belongs on StackOverflow (maybe consider CodeReview). There is likely a very good reason why Singleton isn't implemented as part of .NET (but I can't tell you why), though I have also implemented a thread safe generic singleton class. Personally I think you could get away with just Singleton<T> as I think the remainder of the implementation (TClass) is overkill. Guessing Jon Skeet will be able to shed some light on this topic. In the mean time, check this out from his book: csharpindepth.com/articles/general/singleton.aspxseries0ne 40 secs ago
Also possibly Programmers.
Good question, probably not the place to post it
@200_success I'm failing a bit to see how this would be on-topic / in-scope for Programmers?
@Quill It appears to be a reasonably complete question, but not a whole lot to review
You want to write a program, but need advice on how to proceed. That's a whiteboard-type question.
You need to be more specific about what you want to accomplish, though.
Ah ok. Let me give it some thought and explore both sites a bit. Thx for the pointers 200
@Hosch250 I think so too, I don't think it deserves close votes, constructuve comments about including implementation in order to get the best review possible sound better
What's the best approach when someone edits their question to incorporate advice/comments?
I'll try my luck on Linguistics.SE and see what they come up with
@shuttle87 If there are any answers, roll back. If there are only comments, the edits might have been needed to make the question on-topic.
the edits have been made to incorporate existing answers
@200_success I reworded it a bit to add more context on linguistics, what do you think?
Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt a site-related conversation
Lacks background about what goal you are trying to accomplish.
So I just rolled back that question, I want to leave a useful comment though. Any meta posts/other resources that I can point to for guidelines on what make acceptable edits?
codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/96921/… please do let me know if you think I have handled this situation appropriately
I linked to that page on meta in the comments.
@shuttle87 Yeah OP's code update was too large and would invalidate answers
Can someone explain this one?
Q: Function to erase a character in a string

Edeniavoid chrrem (char arr[], size_t len, size_t pos) { memmove(arr + pos, arr + (pos + 1), (len - pos) + 1); } It is supposed to be just fast. Erases the character pointed by pos (starting from 0) Note that this function works with a statically allocated array like so: char arr [256] = "My...

It's not pseudocode or hypothetical code or stub code.
It deserves the downvotes, but I don't understand why it's on hold.
> Your question would be more on-topic if it showed how you use this function.
When has example usage ever been required?
52 mins ago, by Quill
Thoughts on this question? 2 Close Votes for stub code, but, it's not stub code. At best, missing code.
It's not missing code.
What code is missing?
No, it's not
That's why it has at best
The reopen vote is mine
And mine.
It needs 3 more.
It's inappropriately closed, even before the edit that added context.

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