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TTGTH, brains are almost looking like a grey pile of mud :s
@chillworld I long passed that point...
I still need to get work done though...
~moar coffee
@Vogel612 point of going home?
point of brain becoming a grey pile of mud
:) luckily I can stop when I want, as long as I do mine hours
see you tomorrow ;)
I could stop in an hour, but then I don't get my hours finished T.T
inb4 Cpt. O java calculator with monkey-code.
nothing against monkeys..
copy pasta, copy pasta, copy pasta, no-brains code
Pasta is great!
Q: Java GUI 2-input Calculator

mp252I have written this code for a two input calculator. Is there anything I can do to make this code more efficient? import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class CalcGui extends JFrame { private JButton buttonZero; private JButton buttonOne; private ...

As long as it isn't spaguetti code
A lasagna code isn't that bad
As long as it doesn't turn into an onion code
Mmmmmmmm, lasagna.
Greetings, Programs.
Hello, @Donald.McLean.
@Donald.McLean Howdy!
hey there
@Donald.McLean Greetings user
@Vogel612 I love lasagna
Lasagna is one of my three "go to" foods in restaurants. Th others being a french dip, and pulled pork.
burger, fries, and cheesecake.....
I usually stick with beef or fish, they don't often serve lasagna.
It makes sense in larger projects. Smaller projects don't stay small if they become successful, so people usually try to use best-practices early.
And yes, many people dislike JS.
Including myself.
But I write it anyway, part of my current job description I'm afraid.
Q: Bottom up mergesort in Java - follow-up

coderoddeSee the previous and initial iteration. Now I have rather more cohesive code: BottomUpMergesort.java: package net.coderodde.util.sorting; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Comparator; /** * This class provides static methods for sorting object arrays using * bottom-up (non-recursi...

Q: Java: Storing properties inside the JAR archive?

MihaiA Java project I have to maintain contains code that looks like: InputStream is = getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("project.properties"); Properties props = new Properties() props.load(is); // Proceed to load configuration from the properties resource I can't wrap my head around...

if you want to discuss your hatred Love for Javascript please take it to JavaScript Libraries
@CaptainObvious My mistake - there's code, just not very much.
opinion-based... IMO.
@kervin "But I cannot get the output what I am expecting" indicates that the code does not accomplish what it's meant for. Accordingly it's not "working as intended" and off-topic for codereview. For more information, see meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/253975/…Vogel612 44 secs ago
Listen to what I'm saying. Listen to the downvotes. This is not an answer. If you don't remove it, a moderator will. Do not misuse answer to contemplate the nature of the universe, ask new questions, expand on your original question, etc. — matt 2 hours ago
Guys, take it to the appropriate chat
Q: I am new to Java need help urgent basis.. thank you in advance, I owe you one

salman(Game: locker puzzle) A school has 100 lockers and 100 students. All lockers are closed on the first day of school. As the students enter, the first student, denoted S1, opens every locker. Then the second student, S2, begins with the second locker, denoted L2, and closes every other locker. Stud...

Q: Image Manipulation using HTML5 Canvas

somethinghereI have recently started researching some computer vision, and in the process of discovering some interesting things I have been compiling some functions that allow me to manipulate images at a low level. I am not interested in replacing any of these functions with already existing, build-in funct...

You guys are having a very specific argument. Either create a room for the two of you or take it to the Javascript room.
Can a room owner move the chat please?
Rooms are for free nowadays.
@CaptainObvious lol
If I knew how...
@Vogel612, can you move the chat please?
@nhgrif top right > room > move messages
select windows-style and then press "relocate"
@CaptainObvious I am new to being a moderator need to delete urgent basis.. thank you in advance, I owe you one
@SimonAndréForsberg interestingly you still do it the right way round
You might have better luck posting this question on CodeReview, or asking a more specific technical question. — Kevin Workman 41 secs ago
I don't think room owners can do that? (move messages) I think has to be moderator
@Vogel612 what way is the right way?
@Phrancis we can move messages
@CaptainObvious Computer Vision in JS?
@Phrancis Nope, room owners can
@SimonAndréForsberg first comment, then delete
I remember Jamal doing it the other way round
user image
deleting then writing a comment
@Vogel612 I did it in this order: Close, Comment, Dismissing an auto-flag for closed without comment, Delete.
1. Close
2. Comment
3. ???
4. Profit
maybe I should have commented first and closed after, then I wouldn't have had to dismiss that flag.
or you could've insta-nuked
@SimonAndréForsberg Dismissing an auto-flag? Sounds interesting, what did you do?
@SimonAndréForsberg That flag helps a lot with the /admin stats.
ohhhh hidden url
~sadface 404
@SimonAndréForsberg Don't worry if you make a few mishaps here and there, you'll learn over time
@Mast I closed a question before there was a comment on it
@rolfl lol, well that's one reason for keeping it I guess...
Simon - close-first - it is more important to close a bad question than comment on it - especially if it prevents an answer.
The clsoe-without-comment flag will go away after "graduation".
I hope the "quotes" around "graduation" will go away as well ;-)
This is more approipiate for [Code Review] (codereview.stackexchange.com) — howderek 40 secs ago
@Malachi Ah, I might need to have someone show me how to do it, so I know for the future
I hope the monkey-typos will go away after graduation as well ;-)
keep the puns up @SimonAndréForsberg...
on that matter.. what's today's pun?
@SimonAndréForsberg Good luck with that ....
make sure you hold the CTRL key for multiple
@Vogel612 I haven't sent any puns to the CM's yet. I'm a bit too new as a mod to do that ;)
oh noes
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it would be better suited on codereview.stackexchange.comJames Donnelly 48 secs ago
@SimonAndréForsberg Do a search for @Pops by rolfl in the TL. (sort by newest)
@Malachi Ah thanks, didn't even notice that menu! :)
who will pun-ture the CMs into graduating the site then?
in Javascript Libraries, 15 secs ago, by Mast
I'll have no part of this JavaScript
@Phrancis I think it has always been there....just has extra stuff now
Yeah I never bothered to click it I guess
This question could be suitable for Code Review, as long as (a) your code works as intended, (b) your code is real code, rather than example code, and (c) your code is included in the body of the question. If you wish for a peer review to improve all aspects of your code, please post it on Code Review. — Phrancis 28 secs ago
still can't delete messages though..... :(
we can kick/mute though, @Phrancis
@Malachi why delete when you can trash it all
@Malachi That, I also don't know how to do
kick-muting happens on the user-card btw
What @Vogel612 said
@CaptainObvious RBA
but let's keep a mystery about that :)
wonder if a RO can do it to another RO?
Q: Implementing a Hash Set in PHP

FlosculusTake the following relatively simple function: function add_to_set(array &$array, $element) { switch (gettype($element)) { case 'object': $hash = sha1('o' . spl_object_hash($element)); break; case 'integer': $hash = sha1('i' . $element); break; case 'double': $hash ...

Q: Consolidating similar lines into more efficient code (mainly if/else)

JavaNewbLa-comadreja @ StackOverflow invited me over here to post my code for review. Please any help is very much appreciated! 1) How can I limit the user to spend a "Tag" on a different "Skill" on each inputFirstTag, inputSecondTag, inputThirdTag Everything works fine until Round 2 rears its ugly head...

@Malachi I guess so
Hi Malachi ;-)
wb @Malachi :D
I hope that doesn't show on my permanent record!
@Malachi It's the least of the things on your record ;-)
I went to look at how many room owners there were, and then tried to come back to this tab...lol
@Malachi >:~>
@rolfl I am an angel, whatever could be on my record.... ;-)
@Malachi An insane amount of lol messages come to mind.
funny thing is that I couldn't undo the kick/mute even though I am a RO too
omg I died a little! This is ripe for code review! — Robert Snyder 3 mins ago
The problem is that you haven't defined what you mean by better. Have you identified a specific problem in your code? Is something not working correctly? Those are the types of questions we can answer. More general questions like "how can I improve this" are harder to answer, and is what CodeReview was designed for. — Kevin Workman 52 secs ago
@Malachi well that's kinda the point of a kickmute..
I have to say. You guys love linking to comments
if a RO is toxic, it must still be possible to stop them
@NathanMerrill that's just our watcher
@Quill This question has an aspect of hypothetical / unwritten to it
Duga regularly checks new SO comments for buzzwords
She's a bot written by Simon :D
@Duga wow.. this guy acutally knows the scope!
Q: how to simplify this javascript code

p sashikanth var checkbox = document.getElementById('checkbox'); var checkbox1 = document.getElementById('checkbox1'); var delivery_div = document.getElementById('delivery'); var delivery_div1 = document.getElementById('delivery1'); checkbox.onclick = function() { console.log(this); if (this.checked) ...

Q: Populating a property grid in MFC

Andrew HainWe have some code to populate a CMFCPropertyGridCtrl grid with controls that is based on copied samples. We are currently using Visual Studio 2012 but intend to upgrade to VS2015 soon. A typical excerpt is: void CPropGridProps::AddPropertiesJoint(const bool bIsDataEditable, const CJointDefault& ...

@Quill Daaarn that's awful.
@CaptainObvious a little stripped, but alas..
This is surely going to be good:
Q: Admin, can you help now ? I know how to solve the first part but I am facing difficulties in second part but I gave it a try. Thanks

user2948580(Game: locker puzzle) A school has 100 lockers and 100 students. All lockers are closed on the first day of school. As the students enter, the first student, denoted S1, opens every locker. Then the second student, S2, begins with the second locker, denoted L2, and closes every other locker. Stud...

Title, and tags, people - they should make sense
@rolfl still not closed? come on, people!
Q: Admin, can you help now ? I know how to solve the first part but I am facing difficulties in second part but I gave it a try. Thanks

user2948580(Game: locker puzzle) A school has 100 lockers and 100 students. All lockers are closed on the first day of school. As the students enter, the first student, denoted S1, opens every locker. Then the second student, S2, begins with the second locker, denoted L2, and closes every other locker. Stud...

@CaptainObvious spoiler --> they are all squares.
so, it's JAVA right?
@CaptainObvious Why are you asking an admin? Admins handle administrator-y things, not like this.
@rolfl I gotta say, of all the privileges of being a mod, being able to read all your puns is probably one of the best so far.
@Jamal and besides, we're moderators and not admins, right?
Yeah, but they probably assume we have the most power. That could explain why we get called Nazis before the CMs.
@Mat'sMug it's [JAVA] AND [JAVASCRIPT]
@SimonAndréForsberg @Mat'sMug You may have noticed already, but you can see the user's previously-deleted posts as well as blocking status.
@Jamal blocking status like... a cool progress bar?
@Jamal yup, noticed
@rolfl Confusing to see your name without diamond halfway between the close-voters.
@Jamal With questions like that, he's probably well on his way.
Q: Java 2D camera movement and zoom

Ladas125I would appreciate some help with camera movement and zoom. Is there any easier way with more clean code or simply how can I improve it? Window size: 800x600 Image size: 1200x900 This is my code so far (you can move with the camera only around the image and use zoom): package game.engine.gui; ...

@CaptainObvious needs a lint...
also cross post from SO
@Vogel612 Needs indentation.
@Mast you think it's properly indented in the actual code?
@SimonAndréForsberg TS btw
@Vogel612 No clue. Just saying it should be.
indexing, reverse your query, don't use wordpress? this is better suited for codereview.stackexchange.comcmorrissey 46 secs ago
This question could be suitable for Code Review, as long as (a) your code works as intended, (b) your code is real code, rather than example code, and (c) your code is included in the body of the question. If you wish for a peer review to improve all aspects of your code, please post it on Code Review. — Phrancis 38 secs ago
If I keep getting approved edits on SO, maybe one day I'll make it to 1K rep there :D
Since your code is functioning as expected, just slower than you'd like, this would be a much better fit on Code Review. — FreeMan 58 secs ago
@EthanBierlein Hey
too many Moderators around here...
@Malachi eh why?
I was just stirring the pot
@Phrancis where is the closed question you are speaking of here codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/97018/…
@Malachi simon nuked the previous one..
oh okay, we should probably delete this one too then
meh. it's off the frontpage and closed...
let the roomba clean it up
Lol. Roomba'd
they should look at this.... ▼▼
Q: Locker Puzzle in Java

FabZerosThe author of my book does not release odd-numbered solutions to students, so I can't check my solutions. I was wondering if there was a better way to solve this problem without simply printing out the square roots. Here is the question: (Game: locker puzzle) A school has 100 lockers and 100...

> I was wondering if there was a better way to solve this problem without simply printing out the square roots.
I almost answered that one....dang it
Q: Replace space character in a string by next character

Bharathiraja PerumalWrite a program to enter the string as input and replace if space is there in the character by consequent character. For example, input string I love java Output string Illovejjava

@Jamal Actually, a lot of PPCG questions are gimmetehcodez type. Or course, it will probably be turned into a code golf question, and she'll only get unreadable answers...
you know, looking at this code the code looks like it works in both instances, I am not sure why they are saying they don't understand the second part, it's all there.
They may have a different format, though. This looks like a typical homework dump.
Q: RenderBatch for game engine

MattMattRecently, I implemented an RenderBatch class, which purpose was to render any objects, using a specific shader (with its configuration). I would like to ask you, if I could improve on the way my render process works; any suggestions, or ideas are welcome ! Here is my code : RenderBatch.h : #p...

@Jamal but the code looks like it works, it's not broken and there really isn't a second part they are asking for explanation on...
I was talking about CO's question.
@Hosch250 He didn't specify unreadable code was out of the question.
I think he made a similar SO question earlier today.
Sounds like homework then.
@Jamal oh my bad
I edited that question.
Q: How to remove the character from string in java?

Bharathiraja PerumalI want to write a program in java to remove the user input word from a string and the remove the repeated characters from the string. I have written the code given below: import java.util.*; public class wordcut { public static void main(String[] args) { String line, word; ...

@Phrancis You could post answers. Java is notoriously easy to earn rep in on SO.
can be done
@Mast it's just a paradigm after all
java makes it a little hard on you, but hey :D
did I overstep my editing powers @Jamal? --> codereview.stackexchange.com/q/97018/18427
@Vogel612 Yea, just like Brainfuck makes OO a little hard on you, but can be done.
It was never meant to be used as such...
why couldn't I pull my delete vote?
delete votes are non-retractable
oh, I thought they were....
@Mast meh. Lambdas are a big step in that direction...
@Mast But nonetheless, it is done. Didn't we comment about this on meta already @Mast?
Q: Optimise location search mysql script

Ahm3di am trying to implement a "find nearest location" from a given latitude and longitude using mysql. i have 8000 locations stored in my wordpress website. i managed to write this: SELECT b.ID, SQRT( POW(69.1 * (b.latitude - 51.5073509), 2) + POW(69.1 * (-0.1277583 - b.longitude) * COS(b....

@nhgrif We did a lot on meta.
@Malachi the question looks reopenable, ...but OP's intent has been distorted now.. does the code work or not?
@Mat'sMug I would say yes.
If that question is reopened, I'll vote to close as too broad...
Assuming we're talking about this one:
Q: Principal's locker exercise

user2948580 A school has 100 lockers and 100 students. All lockers are closed on the first day of school. As the students enter, the first student, denoted S1, opens every locker. Then the second student, S2, begins with the second locker, denoted L2, and closes every other locker. Student S3 begins with ...

@Mat'sMug looks working, but definitely is a comparative review
It's not even quite a comparative review. The OP doesn't even talk about any of the differences between the two.
He just posted two implementations and gives no reasoning as to why there are too implementations.
One of his methods is Main, the other is Test. What exactly is he doing if those are supposed to do the same?
It's not a comparative review. It's two questions posted as one.
@nhgrif feel free to comment to that effect
What made you decide to write two different methods for the same purpose? Is the second written with a different mindset? — Mast 9 secs ago
Have it.
First method: final int NUMBER_OF_LOCKER = 100; Second method: boolean[] lockers = new boolean[101];
Where did that extra locker come from?
This question is not ready to be reopened, and if it is reopened, I will be voting to close it as too broad. This isn't a comparative review. It is two questions posted as a single question. I understand we allow comparative review questions (even that his debated here), but that's not what this is. There is no description about the differences, there's no logic given for why we should make the effort to review two separate implementations here. This needs to be two separate questions. — nhgrif 48 secs ago
Q: Is it a good idea to override javascript object this way?

Roman PushkinWe have a couple of checks in current project like this: if(json.something.blabla == "True") It's extremely bad. I came up to conclusion writing something like this: ;(function(){ var methods = { isTrue: function() { /** * Takes a single argument and returns * tru...

@Mat'sMug going to bug you if you are around, seeing as how @Jeroen isn't anywhere to be found
what's up?
trying to figure out how I am going to work with maps.googleapis and make a nice little Zip to City, state form
I have never tried to deserialize json into an object in C#.
is it easy?
child's play
get the Newtonsoft library, Json.net
Json.NET or NewtonSoft Msgpack?
more downloads on Json.NET package
I am thinking that is the one I want
I cast a single upvote on March of last year, but I didn't even post a question until February this year, and I just answered my first question today. That said, that single upvote got me the yearling badge
Welcome to The 2nd Monitor, @NathanMerrill!
@Malachi - You could also use DataContractJsonSerializer in System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.dll, which is part of the .NET framework, so long as you decorate your objects with DataContract attributes.
I just got blinded by a couple of 2V LEDs...
Perhaps they weren't exactly functioning within spec
@SimonAndréForsberg @Mat'sMug Is the life of a moderator meeting your expectations so far?
Do not remove code that has already been reviewed. For legality issues, use the Contact Us form to have this evaluated by SE. — Jamal ♦ 3 mins ago
Caught another one.
@DanLyons isn't that part of Silverlight? isn't silverlight going to die soon?
No, it's part of the main framework
@Jamal "I am redacting the code indefinitely." Or at least until a mod finds out.
It's used in WCF
It's a little slower than the Json.Net equivalent, and it's literally only going to get you serialization/deserialization, but it sounded like that's all you need
@SirPython This is why I love the codeless query. However, it may still not list questions with backticks, so I suppose there may be other redacted questions out there.
@Mast beating 'em. except I haven't seen a single flag to handle yet.
@Mat'sMug You're still so close in rep with @SimonAndréForsberg!
It's really noticable on the results meta post :D
@Mat'sMug Blame @200 for being a very efficient flag handler :-)
@SirPython You're aware he wrote it library-style?
Good, have an upvote.
@Mast I would, but @rolfl specifically instructed us to blame him for everything, so... I blame the monkey :)
@Mast Thank you.
opavote.org/results/4947582459576320/0 this gives such a nice representation of how the STV algorithm works
@Mat'sMug Close enough.
@skiwi Yea, it shows many people voting for Jamal voted for 200 as well :-)
A: 2015 Community Moderator Election Results

glampertI find it awesome that we were able to keep two great moderators AND add two of our most dynamic users to the team. Simon and Mat's Mug, you guys will certainly get the best mentoring possible from the old timers and together I'm sure you'll raise the bar even further for this site! Congratul...

^^ @Mat'sMug I didn't know you were into dynamic languages
@skiwi dynamic mug = users.GetById(23788); ...does that count?
@Mast I knew that 200 and Jamal wouldn't have any trouble getting elected, so I voted for some of the lesser candidates. I'm positive that my vote was not exhausted.
@Mat'sMug not my Cup<T> ;)
@Donald.McLean If I'm still around with the next election, I'll have to keep that in mind.
Strategic voting is very important with STV.
@Mat'sMug Well, it's a start ;)
@Donald.McLean Hey, I had the same reasoning! Now if everything had that reasoning...
Btw, the following is interesting for anyone who remembers the buzz over fast inverse square root: h14s.p5r.org/2012/09/0x5f3759df.html
CommitStrip - Blog relating the daily life of web agencies developers
A Brief History of Flash
@DanLyons we will see. I work for state government, so things could change
This might be more appropriate for codereview.stackexchange.com. — Andy 23 secs ago
Q: android - best practices to organize source code

mina fawzywhat is the best way to organize my source code Organize packages by category com.example.myapp.activities - Contains all activities com.example.myapp.adapters - Contains all custom adapters com.example.myapp.models - Contains all our data models com.example.myapp.fragments - Contains all frag...

@CaptainObvious off-topic, asking what the best practice is for X
no one? ok. gone.
Q: First UNIQUE number from array. Elegant solution required

volkincHy Guys. I was asked to create a function that return first UNIQUE integer from given array of integers. In a case of success the function return the unique number in a case of failure return -1. The complexity should be O(N*log(N)) My solution is: function solution(A) { var returnNumber = ...

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because this belongs on CodeReview. — Barry 52 secs ago
@DanLyons That was long, long ago.
@Mast in a galaxy far, far away.
What is TLE? Time limit exceeded? If this is the only problem, this belongs to codereview.stackexchange.com, but read their How To Ask first and don't just copy paste this there. — Baum mit Augen 5 secs ago
Ugh, debugging hardware visually usually isn't a problem. Unless they carry high power LEDs.
Turns out somebody switched the 1.75V LEDs with 12V LEDs. I was wondering why I had trouble decoding my screen every time I took a look at the darn piece. 24W of LEDs does that with your eyes.
And still, I hate JS more.
@Mast Whens omethign smokes, there's a bug
I let the magic smoke out of some speakers once ...
Used a 24V power supply instead of a 12V one.
This one has a regulator. It's currently powered by a 12V supply, but it can handle 48V for maximum effect.
@Bobesh then your question belongs on Code Review. — Simon O'Hanlon 53 secs ago
long long time; // ago, in a galaxy far far away
But you won't fry it easily :-)
@Mast So it's possible?
@skiwi When in doubt, blowtorch.
Once upon a time warp. . . .

In a galaxy very, very, very, very, far away, there lived a ruthless race of beings known as . . . Spaceballs.
@skiwi The zeners will probably burn if you put 230 AC on it.
No, I'm not going to try.
When this project is done, I'll never touch JS ever again in my life.
famous last words
@rolfl I still have to survive the project first, indeed.
@Mast I thought I would not use JS again for a while, then I got a project that uses Qt and QML, and SURPRISE! QML uses JS
@skiwi QML, sounds like XMLs little evil brother.
@Mast Yeah... Fortunately, it has nothing to do with XML :D
Really, I'll learn any language they want, as long as it doesn't look like JS.
I'll do it in ASM if I have to, at least that language still makes sense.
Q: Feedback Requested: Design-Independent Graduation

AnaLast month's announcement about our updated criteria for graduation and site closure sparked some solid examination into the intended nature of public beta and graduation. One thing these discussions showed us is that, contrary to what the Community Team had long believed, getting a custom desig...

hey... if anyone is looking for a job, let me know. Apparently my company is really in need of developers right now.
@nhgrif do they hire minors?
Or do interships or anything?
@nhgrif in Arkansas? what languages?
Java, iOS stuff, Android stuff, Ruby on Rails. I don't know all of the details.
But yes in Arkansas, remote is probably considered.
well dang it
I can hook you up with someone who knows the details.
@200_success so... where's our meta? =)
I don't know any of those languages, I can probably fake it in Java, I mean it's just like C#, right?
@Malachi cough
@Mat'sMug make one! lol don't you have that power now?
@nhgrif I've got 2/4. Where do I apply? :P
@200_success I really hope we can get elections without getting our new design
Anyone who wants to be hooked up with details can email me [email protected]
@Malachi I think it's a CM thing
We're lucky that we had an election at all. It was largely because rolfl resigned and we pushed hard to have an election instead of another appointment.
A: Feedback Requested: Design-Independent Graduation

rolflI think the concept is great, but the motivation for the privilege levels is somewhat flawed. It should perhaps be considered on a case-by-case basis, but the privilege threshold is one of the key reasons why, for example, I wanted Code Review to graduate. Escalated privilege thresholds is a go...

A: Feedback Requested: Design-Independent Graduation

1999The recent elections on Blender, Network Engineering, Cryptography and Code Review (all betas) went reasonably well. On some of these the number of candidates was barely enough to hold an election, but that might be attributable to a glitch with election notifications, which was since fixed. S...

^^ We were that good?
@skiwi 347 voters were eligible, 122 visited the site during the election, 92 visited the election page, and 63 voted
@rolfl There's two typos at the end of your post, not 6 characters to fix it though
Thanks, fixed
grr beat me to it
Q: Integer to English Conversion

WhiteEyeTreei wrote some code to transalte numbers ( for now just positive, up to the 32bit limit ) into english words. Everything works and i'm happy. I searched through the site looking for a comparison code but i couldn't find a C++ version that goes above 999 to use as example I had a few assumptions: ...

inside the grace period, too.
> 4,684 voters were eligible, 1,385 visited the site during the election, 1,513 visited the election page, and 631 voted
So... 1385 people visit the site, of which 1513 visisted the election page?
@skiwi That stat is broken.
1385 visited the site in the 4 days of elections final stage
@Undo remember that @rolfl has had to compete with @Jamal to make edits for over 16 months, well so has the rest of us...
1513 visited the election page in all stages of the election
That explains it
Hi, I had topic here, Jamal put it on hold codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/97028/…
I'm not sure if it's necessary, could you guys take a look
and suggest me right place to ask these questions
Q: Renaming mulitple PDF files

Michael PachecoI have to modify an existing VBS script that downloads a PDF from a remote location and renaming, then moving to a source directory on another server. Now, we are introducing a new PDF file from the remote location and it has to be renamed and moved to another source directory on another server....

@RomanPushkin I think your post hit some red-flag issues: if(json.something.blabla.isTrue()) .....
bla-bla-bla, foo, bar, something, etc. are variable names and "stuff" which indicates your code is not real code.
Now, as I look at it, your code looks real enough, it is just surrounded by stuff which is example code...
I could replace it by the real code, but it's only one line, guys. It doesn't really matter in this case, because question is not about this particular line
@RomanPushkin - consider editing your post to make the "example" usage clearly just a use-case (probably by block-quoting it), and making it clear that the prototype methods are what you actually want reviewed.
(then undelete your post).
I believe the post needs to be undeleted to be edited

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