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I will, if you check my profile and see the same
@IsmaelMiguel that number is the change since you last viewed the rep tab
@Mat'sMug Shouldn't it be 0 instead of -1?
Did you downvote an answer?
Yes, a few ones that were deleted
Now it vanished o.O
3 mins ago, by Mat's Mug
@IsmaelMiguel that number is the change since you last viewed the rep tab
You viewed the tab, of course it would reset
But it should be 0 before
Zombie down
A: Javascript Canvas Game Engine

Ethan BierleinYou have some weird spacing in places, like empty arrays and functions. For example, the below block of code, can be changed to objects: []. objects: [ ] The same also applies to empty functions, like this: draw: function(GameCanvas){ } Quite a bit of your indentation as well is inconsist...

You should really consider closing this question and posting it over on CodeReview. — briantist 43 secs ago
@Duga Nope
You should really consider closing this question and posting it over on CodeReview. — briantist 5 secs ago
@Jamal Well... From the context of the question, it looks like the code works, so...
But there's no code.
Oh, it's in the answer.
@briantist In my opinion, I don't believe this will be a good fit. The O.P. wants to see if we can find any error, both on written code as in execution (a.k.a. bugs). CodeReview is meant for fully working code, which doesn't seem to be the case. At least, the O.P. doesn't seem sure about it. — Ismael Miguel 45 secs ago
This is a case where I'd rather ask some clarifying questions than saying "No, it doesn't belong here".
I said that before I saw that the code was mistakenly posted as an answer.
@SimonAndréForsberg I've just tested this on my machine, and I can verify that it works, which means it's on-topic for Codereview. — Ethan Bierlein 23 secs ago
ugh, now I notice that this actually was a close reason
You should really consider closing this question and posting it over on CodeReview. — briantist 5 mins ago
Q: How to post code within spoiler markdown?

Simon André ForsbergIn a recent answer on a recent question there was code written within a spoiler, I edited the post a bit to format the markdown better, but I ended up with something that just looks... horrible... How can code be written within a spoiler in posts? What I ended up with was: >! `somefunction`<br> >

I think you can post a regular question...
:22679216 yeah and you spoiled it! lol
A: Are questions to review markdown on-topic?

MalachiBBCode can vary depending on the site that host the BB, so I would say no, because There is no set standard for BBCode/MarkDown/etc. Syntax for Markdown is rendered and doesn't actually do any work like an XSLT file or a parser If we are talking about specifically Stack Exchange markdown, th...

Those can't :/
A: How can I put a whole code block in spoiler text?

hammarYou can do it using HTML >! <pre><code>def invisible_function(): >! print 'Eeek! I feel so naked!'</code></pre> This results in some extra padding, though.

that might be one solution
Q: How to post code within spoiler markdown?

Simon André ForsbergIn a recent answer on a recent question there was code written within a spoiler, I edited the post a bit to format the markdown better, but I ended up with something that just looks... horrible... How can code be written within a spoiler in posts? What I ended up with was: >! `somefunction`<br> >

What defines an unanswered question? No answers, or one answer with no votes?
@EthanBierlein A question with no answer that actually answers the question(?)
@EthanBierlein I think answered with no votes also shows in Unanswered queue
@EthanBierlein depends which tab you're looking at ;)
We now have 100 3k users.
@Mat'sMug sad to say, but... yes, that ^^
We have never really supported mixing HTML and Markdown in the same post. Don't use the <pre> and <code> tags inside spoilers, and you're pretty much all set. — Anna Lear ♦ Apr 4 '14 at 22:32
@SimonAndréForsberg is that small for a beta site?
I was more thinking of this:
4 mins ago, by Mat's Mug
@EthanBierlein depends which tab you're looking at ;)
@Quill I also had a discussion a while ago with 2 users from here, who I have no idea of their usernames, about <pre><code> being 'bad code' in a post.
@IsmaelMiguel That's a bit silly. I use them sometimes
You can do some pretty neat stuff if you use HTML tags in posts instead of markdown
Well, it wasn't me saying that
It was someone who made a query to find posts without code
And I exposed it
And I was nearly caps-locked to death (exagerating)
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is asking for a code review. — JasonMArcher 30 secs ago
What's an adjective for something that follows the same principle thorughout?
@IsmaelMiguel Ismael Miguel, Code Journalist: Exposing the bare truth
@jacwah consistent?
This question could be suitable for Code Review, as long as (a) your code works as intended, (b) your code is real code, rather than example code, and (c) your code is included in the body of the question. If you wish for a peer review to improve all aspects of your code, please post it on Code Review. — Phrancis 14 secs ago
@Quill I don't get it...
@IsmaelMiguel never mind :P
@Mat'sMug Just the word I was looking for! My brain went into a deadlock
Please, explain it
Q: ES6/ES2015 class(es) for animating objects on a canvas

Dan DascalescuI'm building a simple canvas animation engine as an exercise in learning ES6. Coming from C++ and Java, I miss static properties, but I've read that "Prototypes having data properties is generally considered an anti-pattern". The animation engine simulates N river waves (simple lines), flowing f...

That wasn't what I meant
Q: August 2015 Community Challenge

Gareth ReesIt's time to choose a community-challenge for August 2015. Post your challenge as an answer to this question. Feel free to resubmit non-winning ideas from previous months. Vote for those answers which interest you. At the end-of-day on Friday, July 31st, the top-voted post will become the next ...

What should we do for next month? Something election or graduation related?
Something that improves the website's questions
@Quill: It looks like there was a clash with your latest edit.
@Jamal Yeah, the tags
Is there even a or
I was trying to get rid of the "thanks" anyway.
ES6 as in ECMAScript 6?
@Quill I'm slightly behind on my community challenges already. I am afraid that if we do too many in a row like that, the interest will drop (it might even have already)
I'm doing another edit, should I just add 'This is written in ECMAScript 6 / 2015'
@SimonAndréForsberg One per month isn't too many
A weekly, would maybe be too many
some of the recent challenges haven't had much participation though
we did start them off, in November-December '13, as weekly challenge. The original tag was
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs on Code Review. Questions about optimizing working code are not fit for Stack Overflow. See the help center for more information. — Anonymous 44 secs ago
If it is not working, it will be closed on Code Review. Also, you cannot delete the question if it has already been answered. — Phrancis 33 secs ago
@Jamal, I made another edit
@Quill Imagine if @Jamal would ping you everytime he made an edit.
@SimonAndréForsberg Maybe scale the skill level down a bit, or have tiered challenges with , and level features. I personally didn't do the STV challenge because it looked hard
@SimonAndréForsberg I'm having an edit conflict with an asker; not pinging Jamal with every edit I make
Most (nearly all) of the challenges can be done with different levels. Many of the features are optional.
Make them really, really obvious, then
For example, when we did a -solver, I made it really advanced while @Mat'sMug were happy just getting things to print without actually doing any solving

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