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It isn't too bad
Busride is time to sleep
I'm used to it anyway as I take the same bus to university
Well, I would rather sleep in my bed than on a sweatbox with strangers who might pick-poket me without noticing
@Vogel612 In a hurry, that's less than 5.
@Mast I know.. I've been there
The best assignment I ever had was terrible to commute to. An hour per train and 30 minutes by bike. 3 hours travel time each day.
11km straight in half an hour, unless the wind was horrible.
start reading books :)
That ^^
@IsmaelMiguel Not much of an issue around here
I already finished 3 ~1k pages books in the last month or something
Q: Using switch statement to clean up various if, else, else if statements

Ilya KnaupI've got a nasty looking bit of code that I was hoping to clean up somehow, first thing that came to mind was switch statements, but I can't figure a way to implement them in this case, as each check is unique. Could you please provide another alternative or let me know if there is any other bett...

@skiwi Here it is a little of an issue. Since we have to cut on costs, and getting money is hard, some resort to stealing. Portugal is in deep deep sh*t economically. Also, some kids steal just to look cool or for the thrill.
Q: Best place to locate filters in MVC n-layer web application and should I use services/repositories in them?

BonnerI am a little confused over which layers my filters should be contained in with an n-layer web application. I've got 4 layers: Presentation layer Application layer Business layer Infrastructure layer The Presentation layer can only talk to the Application layer and the Infrastructure layer. ...

Q: Pascal's triangle - Recursion

overexchangeProblem: Pascal’s triangle is a useful recursive definition that tells us the coefficients in the expansion of the polynomial (x + a)^n. Each element in the triangle has a coordinate, given by the row it is on and its position in the row (which you could call its column). Every number in Pasc...

@Vogel612 I typically listen to the same albums a few times a week
@CaptainObvious He made another post!
Wow he's going hard at it
@jacwah He's not learning.
Just posting code.
somebody already dropped a comment?
I did, a month ago or so here in chat.
Perhaps even on his post, not sure.
oh it's overexchange..
@Vogel612 He's living up to his name.
It's a CodeReview and should be treated at codereview.stackexchange.comOrel Eraki 6 secs ago
Q: Questions that are "I did this, it seems to work, how did I do?"

durron597I've been an active member of StackOverflow for more than two years, and have a decent amount of rep on some other SE sites like Programmers, Code Golf and here. But the one type of question that still haven't figured out where it goes is the following question: I did XYZ. It worked. Is it a ...

@Vogel612 What's so bad about him?
What should I say about that?
@IsmaelMiguel he's a repeat offender and a help-vampire in the java-room
Can you explain it like if I was incredibly stupid?
that person... wants expects others to google for him
and they do it over and over and over and ....
Why no one bans him from a chatroom then?
also IIRC it's not the first time they do such a question-flood
@IsmaelMiguel oh he got kickmutes
and I had them on my perm-ignore list for a while
I guess that's an user to ban from SirPython's bot
If you want someone to review your code you should ask on Code ReviewHobo Sapiens 39 secs ago
@IsmaelMiguel Just ban him from the room if he abuses it.
We've seen him before and he will be back.
Perhaps his next question is already incoming, you never know.
But ALL his questions are mediocre. He doesn't put effort in them and expects us all to come help.
He asked 2 questions that are almost the same
@IsmaelMiguel That.
The code he posted on his last 2 questions is REALLY close
The whole point of a code review is to use the received criticism to make your next code better.
What's the point in making the same mistake twice and posting them both for review?
I'd almost suggest to start writing copy-paste answers for such people. They're appropriate.
But that would be against the spirit of the site.
@Mast @IsmaelMiguel Who are we talking about?
That's why there is a close link, and a down-vote button
@SimonAndréForsberg Overcharger
Or something
By the way
When will you post the follow-up on your question about the CR shield for github?
@Mast @Pimgd did that on a couple of JavaDeveloper questions. I wasn't a big fan of it myself but he did "get away with it"
@Mast I agree that it's a bit against the spirit of the site
@IsmaelMiguel I don't know. Don't even know if I will ever do it. Today I think I will post a question of my StackSTV implementation though, after I've refactored a bit
It was an interesting question and it is an interesting idea. I would love if you did a follow-up.
I don't use it (yet) for that reason.
you don't use it because I haven't posted a follow up?
Yeah, but it has a (bad) reasoning
It's nearly impossible to express the reasoning
I just lack the words
Besides, it will be easier for you to make changes and improve it while you have less users using it.
Imagine that you need to change the structure of your database a little.
It's way easier to change only 2-3 records, compared to 40-50
When you see you have a stable version, I will use it.
Which, I believe, that won't be before the follow-up.
@IsmaelMiguel writing the SQL query is just as hard no matter how many records there are :)
More records => More possibilities of something going wrong
True, but messing with 3 records is easier to recover than messing with 40
On the other hand: format c:\ *.*
Don't mind me, back later
all the values in the database come from the StackExchange API, if I lose it all I do is make a new request to the SE API
Sounds reasonable.
and my webhotel keeps a daily backup of the database
What could possibly go wrong? :)
That seems to take down part or my reasoning
I think it is as stable as it's gonna get now. I might make improvements to the script, but there's nothing that will break by that. And if something breaks, restoring it will be as easy as checking out an older git commit and uploading that version of the PHP file
Alright, you seem to have everything controlled
I guess I'll use it then
I just recommend a better README.md
Trust me, I know almost exactly what I'm doing :)
If you need help, I'm available
sure, documentation might not be my strong suit :) (ask @Phrancis)
What is there that could be improved for the README?
Mine isn't as well.
You could, for example, use the shield on it
That would be a good thing
Then you could show the multiple rendering types
Each in a separated block
That would be a good idea.
by the way, while I remember... @EthanBierlein, you might want to check out github.com/Zomis/BrainDuck
@IsmaelMiguel I am doing all that, am I not?
When I saw, you weren't
Just did
You only show the orange background, not the green one.
true that, because when using a mode, the orange bg is always used :/ that should be fixed
Can it be considered a bug?
Also, in the question itself, you forgot to accept an answer.
no wait... when using a mode, the background depends on the state on the question. red for unanswered, orange for answered but no accept, green for accepted answer
haven't decided what answer to accept, and haven't implemented many of the suggestions still
Well, I would go with Quill's answer.
I probably will
I need to update my answer... I made a HUGE mistake
What's the name of lowercase_and_underscore? Is it snake casing?
Thanks dude
There, fixed my answer.
if you want to help with any development, feel free to fork and make a pull request at any time
I might do that, I just have a different way to write things and you would hate it.
that's OK. If I really really hate something that you do, I will let you know
You can check the tag
You'll have a feeling of how my writting style is
You can take a very quick look at other questions/answers I've posted
ugh, C# bracing style... :)
if (something)
I can't read if (something) {. It blocks my brain.
that's a new one
@IsmaelMiguel C# style kills my braincells
That is one of the difficult points, to me, on SirPython's bot. Everything is if (something) {.
The code-scope isn't obvious.
It takes 5x the effort to read it.
But, in CSS and when declaring a function, I use function bla() {. But only then, and in no other situation.
Q: Bayesian monophyly testing from MrBayes and BEAST posterior tree samples 2

ColomboContinuation of this question: I have tried to refactor code according to PEP 8. I tried to raise some errors instead of just print and sys.exit, as was suggested. (should I define much more exceptions for every function and so, or are general ones enough?) Code is not complete, there are a few...

But good thing that I'm developing corky.
(It's my language)
You can have anything the way you want. Anything that isn't part of the language structure is disregarded and treated as a comment
Just like Brainfuck's comment syntax (I love it!)
I hate Brainfuck's comment syntax, because it's so easy to accidentally write a . or a - or any other character that will screw things up
That's why my syntax is :command@subcommand
But this gets awfully huge
:define:static:~0:store:cons@12 --> PHP equivalent: $v0 = 12;
And yes, it is on purpose
:~0 is the variable name
But you can have it in any way
:define (:static) :~0 (= :store) :cons@12 would still be the same
:define --> keyword to create variables, functions, objects, ...
    :static --> datatype - equivalent to an int
    :~0 --> variable name

:store --> used to set a value to a variable
    @:cons@12 --> creates a constant of type 'static'
That's still a valid block
The idea isn't for the code to be written by humans
But you can write it, if you are brave enough
thank god.
Hmm... this is another funny vote from the StackExchange election:
1 0 7 0 0
i.e. no first choice, but a second choice, and no third choice
Is that the results of the elections?
Ahh, codereview, that was it - thanks, I'll do that. — Octopoid 40 secs ago
that is one vote in the election
of about 26900
what do you mean "how"?
Now I'm confused
I would recommend the Repository and Unit of Work Pattern, although I can't find a decent article, it has been mentioned a few times on code review. — Mike Eason 52 secs ago
your confusion makes me confused
1 0 7 0 0
This confuses me
Where did this came from?
I don't get the format
I really don't
> a count of people with a specific combination of votes For example, in the first line: 1 1 2 3 0 that means that one person voted with the combination first-choice candidate 1, second choice candidate 2, third choice candidate 3. The 0 represents the end of that line. Note that combinations can be duplicated, potentially.
Now I somewhat get it
But not as bad as debugging emails
Specially on Outlook 2007
Q: PHP MVC. Am I doing it right?

Deividas GineikaReposting my question. I've created a simple ServiceFactory class, which runs other Service classes, stores and gets instances. The same ServiceFactory object is shared between both the View object and Controller object. The Controller changes the state of the Service: class User extends Contr...

You could probably post your code on the code review Stack Exchange; I think it can be improved quite a bit in terms of elegance and readability. — Joachim Breitner 56 secs ago
@JoachimBreitner CodeReview is about reviewing fully working code. As the O.P. posted, the code isn't working as expected, which makes it off-topic and extremelly likely to be closed. — Ismael Miguel 37 secs ago
@Duga Please, stop embarassing me :/
@SimonAndréForsberg That's not necessarily C# style. I learned doing that with C and C++ as well.
but it is C# style too
Side note: are you sure you want to make everything asynchronic? There are serious development costs involved with making everything async as discussed here. — Steven 33 secs ago
Can we just call it "mixed style"?
There's probably a good name for it.
function iff ( $c, $t, $f ) {

    if ($c)
        return $t;
    return $f;

I don't know if there's a name for that braket style
(That was a simple example)
See the File Browser GUI which uses a JTree as the view of the directory structure. — Andrew Thompson 21 secs ago
@IsmaelMiguel Yea, inconsistent.
No, it is consistent
It's using a { on the same line of a funciton, but on on the same line of an if
And an else, if there was one
And on a switch()
JS style is put everything on the same line.
Which looks awful for objects
function foo { and if (1) {
} else if (1) {
What about var obj = { an:1, object:1, that:1, is:1, very:1, but:1, really:1, extremelly:1, long:1, like:1, 'this':1, one:1};?
Still in the same line?
@IsmaelMiguel That's an object. They may appear on the same line, but in decent code they're split up if they have 3 or more keys.
It is an object.
Best js style
@jacwah You won this round!
@jacwah Whitespace is for the weak.
I actually like to write minified Javascript
And codegolfing
Maybe this would be better suited for codereview.stackexchange.com? — Uwe Allner 56 secs ago
@Mast Try decoding this:

Q: kth smallest element in min heap

Vasu Dev GargI am working on to find the kth smallest element in min heap. I have got a code for this whose complexity is O(klogk). I tried to improve it to O(k). Below is the code. struct heap{ int *array; int count; int capacity; } intkthsmallestelement(struct heap *h,int i,int ...

I wasn’t suggestion to move the question of how to fix the code there, but rather how to improve the code with its current functionality. After all the code is fully working – it’s just not doing the right thing, but that is orthogonal to a code review. — Joachim Breitner 29 secs ago
BTW, where did my comment suggesting that the code could use some CodeReview go? — Joachim Breitner 51 secs ago
@JoachimBreitner - Code Review scope defines "working" code as "code that does what you want, and what you expect". If it is missing features, the code is considered incomplete, and not yet working. It's a Code Review thing. Not trying to suggest you change your definition, just that you understand why Code Review is not the place to recommend for people asking: How could I rewrite the function, so it would return a list of strings?rolfl 26 secs ago
Which one do you think will work better? ^^^^ ????
or vvvvv
@JoachimBreitner I don't know where it is, but your suggestion isn't helpful, as it will generate bad content. The code, to be reviewed, must be working. With it's current functionality, the code is broken. The O.P. expects a list, and instead he gets a string. That is clearly broken code. CodeReview doesn't do reviews on broken code. You can read it in the FAQ. — Ismael Miguel 54 secs ago
How do I add a link in a comment?
you can just paste it, but it will be a raw link. Otherwise use [Text for link](http://url/for/link)
I think the first is enough
Actually, the first is still too much, but, I should have linked:
Q: Be careful when recommending Code Review to askers

chillworldCode Review is becoming well-known on Stack Overflow. The folks over on Code Review are happy about that. The only problem is that there are a lot of questions redirected to CR which don't belong there. So I want to ask that the users who direct askers to CR (or request migration of questions...

BTW, where did my comment suggesting that the code could use some CodeReview go? — Joachim Breitner 9 mins ago
Well, I may have flagged it...
@Mast That was expected
good monking morning
This question should be posted to code review stack exchangeJohn Carpenter 41 secs ago
What IDs? I'm not seeing what you are hoping to simplify. Also, code review requests should be made on codereview.stackexchange.com — forgivenson 41 secs ago
I think it's valid, but it might remind people of code review questions. — Pierre Lafortune 31 secs ago
where has Chillworld been? or is he on a different timezone than me?
He's been infrequent, but here.
5 hours ago, by chillworld
and all the rest ;)
> Donck, Belgium
Why am I doing your homework?
actually I went to his profile after I posted and saw that he was on CodeReview about an hour ago
I was just sort of seeing who was awake in here
No, you were musing.....
Q: Simplifying the Angulasr based code suggestions

ShaxrilloI have been working the some project and I'm struggling to find the answer. Right now I'm coding with angular and there some codes that makes me write twice. Here is my array there only two of them now but if I have lots of arrays the code will be really big. The thing makes me stop always that I...

Q: R - 3D plot from lm model with nonlinear parameter

giacomoVI wanted to be sure if the following lines of code are correct. I am trying to plot a 3Dplot of a linear regression with two variables. My linear model ls = lm(mpg ~ disp + qsec, data = mtcars) The minimum and maximum values to predict mmd = min(mtcars$disp):max(mtcars$disp) mmq = min(mt...

yep I'm here
Speak of the proverbial ;-)
Just a reminder that I still want tag hierarchies on StackExchange :p
@Malachi you can always ping me, chat is normally open and logged in but working on GUI for new project so it consumes most of the time mine attention
But if you need me, ping me and I'll answer ;)
Q: naming internal or tmp variable with single underscore prefix

DevendraI am writing a code where a filepath is split and then joined to form path in proper format _filepath = 'Home\\filename.txt' fileparts = _filepath.rsplit('\\') filepath = os.path.join(*fileparts) My question is, Is this good practice to keep variable with underscore prefix such as _filename ...

Q: Address book app to learn bash

jacwahI'm fairly proficient in C and Python, but want to learn some skills for administrating my new Linux machine. I wrote this simple address book app to teach myself shell scripting. This is the first script I've written longer than a couple of lines. The address book is a plain text file stored in...

@chillworld I wasn't sure if you were offline sleeping or something... I didn't want to ping you if you weren't really here. I don't like being rude, is that rude to ping when for curiousness sake?
off to work, be back in a few minutes
@Malachi if I'm a sleep I'll see it in the morning so no harm done there ;)
actually, do you all want to help me with some issue?
press run => click add and try to hide the west side (middle of the vertical bar is a line, click on it)
I'm having from yesterday noon that the content disappear and some computers @work was correct and some not.
Today, all pc's have the problem @work
so mine question : do you have a problem and what browser did you test it
Where should I clock?
first on run then add so you have a tab
works just fine on chrome
and there is an arrow in the middle of the vertical bar next to the blue div
click on that
@Vogel612 thx
It collapsed
and can you see the whole tab?
It looks fine to me
Using Firefox 38 on Linux
I can't click on add again though
probably some forced update they have done here @work pffft
If I click the arrow and then click add again nothing happends
@jacwah normally, that should be working but I feel also when you wait to long the buttons don't react any more
like this you should see
(this I become with zooming in and out again)
brb, going to check if we have an answer on the update issue
Oh that's not whats collapsing! Well that, and also the whole add box
Q: Pascals triangle with memoization

overexchangeProblem: Pascal’s triangle is a useful recursive definition that tells us the coefficients in the expansion of the polynomial (x + a)^n. Each element in the triangle has a coordinate, given by the row it is on and its position in the row (which you could call its column). Every number in Pasc...

Eh, rants put aside, the question looks pretty decent.
Maybe that's a first?
They're memoization is really broken...
I don't get it...
Because you're not an 90's kid.
@RMunroe Are you a bot or are you actually the author?
That's a bot.
I'm a 90's kid, born in 92
Maybe you don't have facebook?
Or similar
I do
I just don't get that image
90's kid has been a teenage meme-ish for some time, now they're growing up
A parent is not expected to say/post those kinds of things
Why not? Sorry, I really don't get it
Because it's childish (or teenageish)
People who had their childhood in the 90's tend to make references the the teenage culture back then and to remember it as the best period to be a teenager. And since nobody else seems to understand why it was better than what we've had since, the meme "only 90's kids will understand" is born.
Now that makes a little more sense. Thanks
@SimonAndréForsberg What do the axes represent?
the y axis seems simple... the x-axis less so.
Greetings, Programs.
@Donald.McLean greetings, user
Placed a request to moderator to delete this question. — overexchange 35 mins ago
@SimonAndréForsberg That is awesome.
@SimonAndréForsberg is that a heart rate monitor at the top for comparison?
@rolfl what's wrong with it?
It's put aside till tomorrow :)
@Malachi that's just Martijn Pieters getting more votes with every candidate eliminated, even though he already won the electio
I'm running low on questions that I know how to answer.
@Malachi Exercise for mod candidate. Yes, he flagged that "please delete this question". What's your response?
@rolfl is that all the flag said?
Essentially something like: please delete this one because I have asked a new version
it looks like a good question, and doesn't look like a copyright infringement
I'm going to flag this question for moderator attention to see if they care to move it to codereview. — Onorio Catenacci 31 secs ago
@rolfl That would be a silly reason to delete a question.
I would say that it is okay to have a new version of the code as a new question, and leave the old question out there as well. someone made 60 reputation helping him make it better, I wouldn't take that away from them
@Malachi Leaving the old question is exactly the way it's supposed to work here on CR.
@Malachi Chat effect, answer was +20 when I got the flag.... but, yes, the right answer. Don't delete, decline flag.
They are supposed to reference the old question though.
If it was me I should ask him if unlinking him from the question is also good, because it's a good question what don't deserve to be deleted
and of course that at CR you can have follow ups of questions
hi everyone!
Adobe insist of disabling flash
for info ;)
Hey shuttle87
monking @shuttle87
You're welcome, @Mat's

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