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monking @Mast , @mjolka and @skiwi
@Heslacher here's a fun thing i just found on jon skeet's blog. how do you make this assert fail:
var name = "mail";
Debug.Assert(name.ToUpper() == "MAIL");
set the current culture to Turkish
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("tr-TR");
You never use to lower/upper case without locale, that's literally asking for trouble
then "mail".ToUpper() == "MAİL"
Sure Magnus. Here are the steps I have followed till now to setup my gerrit. 1. Created a mirror on AWS with AOSP 5.1.1_r3 branch 2. Added the review in default.xml to facilitate the code reviews. Now i am working on 3. Creating a separate branch other than -b android-5.1.1_r3 to facilitate our developers to work upon and push their changes — Brijesh Somu 22 secs ago
here's the link if anyone's interested codeblog.jonskeet.uk/2009/11/02/… TTQW
Q: Moving cellcontentclick elsewhere c#

Lussos92I want to move the functionality from my cellcontentclick to be when a combobox's index changes. private void dataGridView1_CellContentClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { if (cboQuantity.Text == "1") { tempn = 4; } if (cboQuantity.Text == "2") { tempn = 5; }...

@mjolka yeah, I remember that I have read this some time ago ;-)
Q: Which implementation is preferable, and why?

Koray TugayHere is my code: #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> int sum(int *arr, int size) { int sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { sum = sum + *arr; arr = arr + 1; } return sum; } int sumx(int *arr, int size) { int sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < size; +...

codereview.stackexchange.com is right place for these types of question — Satinder singh 46 secs ago
@CaptainObvious Are such questions on-topic?
I'd say it's stub code.
that's definitely borderline
I went ahead and tagged ...
Q: ASP GridView Calculated column

NileshI Need to check your views on following. I have a grid which has a calculated columns. The calculation is done using (Col A - col B) / SomeLabelAtTopofPage.Text Question - Is it a good practice to have these calculation done in the grid declaration? (I personally do not like it, I like to keep ...

@Vogel612 Aren't questions with that tag per definition off-topic?
not when I checked last..
then again it is a comparative review...
The tag is perfectly applicable, that isn't the problem.
It's example code though.
often has example code, people following SO's MCVE style and all.
CR != SO
sure, but that doesn't mean all comp-reviews are off..
monking @all
hey @chillworld
Since this code is in a working condition and you are looking to optimize it, this question belongs to Code ReviewSiddharth Rout 47 secs ago
hey @Heslacher
@Agawa001 feeds user
Please do not provide answers to broken code. — BCdotWEB 11 mins ago
joking bot ?
@Agawa001 That specific feed posts the new XKCD the moment it's uploaded.
Since this code is in a working condition and you are looking to optimize it, Based on this META POST, this question belongs to Code ReviewSiddharth Rout 36 secs ago
memes actualities
how is this supposd to be cr , unless it s some script which makes sure that anyone is having a laugh out of here
@Mast Is it considered bad habits do do it anyway? I've done it before where calling the script was actually the problem, not the script itself. But the implementation was technically broken since it didn't work as expected.
@Agawa001 It's a feed
Don't ask me who maintains it though, it could be based on the same body as Duga and CaptainObvious.
About the async programming model you are using, please make sure the added complexity is worth the costs. Take a look at this for more information: codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/84379/…Steven 6 secs ago
Q: Which is a more Pythonic approach to rjust?

bnlucasI'm working on a small library to help me format numbers easier as my current project deals with a lot of them. I know the standard way of doing things with rjust() is: print '{:.2f}'.format(123.456).rjust(10, '.') # ....123.46 However with the library I'm working on, I want to be able to jus...

I have voted to keep closed this question. The comment of 200_success clearly state: Ensure that there are no trailing empty spaces in each line you print. — Heslacher 6 mins ago
Q: How can this code be optimized in laravel 5

user3514160I am making an eCommerce web application using Laravel 5 framework. I have created a Categories controller for the administrator where he can Add / Delete / Update / Delete Permanently the category(ies). I want to know whether the created controller matches the standards ? If it doesn't, then h...

@Heslacher Seems like he made it worse.
exactly ;-)
Gotta love the Django admin interface
Apparently I voted to re-open on that one (don't ask me why, can't remember).
How do I retract such a thing?
I delete a bunch of objects from the database via the admin interface -> It also deletes my admin account
@skiwi Was the login information of the admin account in that database?
@Mast Yes, but I didn't delete the database, I just deleted some unrelated objects
Deleted the wrong data on accident perhaps
Q: Changing array values in PHP

GrischaI need to change some array values in a 2-dimensional array for some cases. Sometimes the all values from an child array and sometimes only some values. In this cases I should only change the variable $stamm which $stamm2. My short old code: $array[0][0] = $array[0][2] = $array[4][0] = $array[4...

@Mast duga is a separate bot
Cpt. O is a feed user, that posts RSS Feeds to this chat.
in this specific case he posts new questions of CR Main (and Meta)
You can check which feeds are posted by which user on the feeds page
btw. feeds-request: Can we have MSE questions also from Grima and not from SE?
@Vogel612 Why?
because the MSO questions are coming from grima already
@Vogel612 I know they're separate, but AFAIK they use the same "frame".
Maybe. I suggest that instead of asking in hypothetical generalities, you post a question on Code Review with a concrete use case that solves a real problem. Then we can evaluate whether your approach is appropriate. Please read How to Ask first to make sure that you post the right kind of question. — 200_success 16 secs ago
@Mast no definitely not
Duga is an actual user
Captain isn't?
with a proper user ID and a profile and rep and all the stuff attached
captain has a chat profile, but no site profile
his user Id is negative
he has no rep and can post to all rooms he's set to as feed
So the implementation is different.
But isn't the way they crawl/parse the same?
Duga accesses the SE API and cpt. O uses the RRS Feed
also Cpt. O is SE built, and Duga is a bot built by Skiwi and Simon
Cpt. O is probably C# and Duga is Java
Duga > Cpt. O
and why the crap is core functionality broken??
@Mast I guess you can't retract it. Just leave it, I guess my comments help others not to reopen
-> Duga has program logic, Cpt. O is basically a pipeline subrscribed to an RRS Feed.
@Vogel612 Thanks for clearing that up.
Q: How to include different variable in SQL statment?

GMCThis code has to be run many time and in each round I want to process a certain row that is between start_a and start_b. the problem is the select statement is not correctly run? could you help me pls for i=1:num_round sqlquery='select * from IP_logs where rowid>=',num2str(start_a)'AND rowid<='...

Hey there
Wow, that's surely a long time ago since we've seen @Nobody here!
Hi @skiwi
Yaaaaaay @Nobody's back
I have been busy
Just a quick question
So busy you forgot us? :(
is there a rule on language in chat?
@Nobody There are probably some hidden rules...
The OP of this question
invited me into chat after a lengthy comment discussion
and asked whether we could converse in german
For The 2nd Monitor language should be English... for other rooms it's all your (the room owner's) choice
Is RMunroe an XKCD feed bot?
Whoa, @Nobody!!! You have no idea how many bad @Nobody-jokes I've been wanting to say in your absence!
@SimonAndréForsberg: Its only in times of their absence that we learn the true value of things (or people).
Here's a little excerpt for you: chat.stackexchange.com/…
Jan 21 at 11:10, by Simon André Forsberg
@skiwi @Nobody is not here, so I assume he is productive
Most relevant?
@skiwi: I wish it were so
but probably still more productive than now :)
@fayyazkl No idea, sorry. The git config diff.renames option is only used when computing the diff to display it, not when committing or pushing, so if you want it to be effective it should be added to the code review system... which is probably a bad idea in the general case. IMHO, you should just explain why this shows up this way in your PR, and hope that the reviewers understand how renames work in git... — Schnouki 1 min ago
@SimonAndréForsberg: This log will keep me busy for a while.
good ^^
Oh, and say hi to our new friend @Duga btw. I don't think you've met her.
hi @Duga
Are there more changes that I should know about?
Naaah, not really.
We have a bunch of more active chat users.
Hi @all
@skiwi as long as there's no flags that is..
@Nobody basically yes, but don't expect any leeway when there's flags coming up..
what can't be easily understood can and will be nuked by moderators
@Vogel612 But people have no reason to flag if it's normal German?
Or is the language of the full SE chat supposed to be English?
@skiwi well kinda...
Q: What languages are we allowed to speak in SE chat rooms?

MeysamIs there any restriction as to what languages are allowed in SE chat rooms? I have seen many people speak in German, Russian or French in the English Language & Usage chat room, but whenever I speak in Persian (to a friend who understands me), some people start nagging that I should only speak in...

> I could see making exceptions to this in a few (specific and hopefully rare) scenarios, but by and large we're not set up to support moderating conversations in languages that the moderators, the SE staff, and the majority of users on the site do not understand. When there's any doubt as to the appropriateness of a conversation (for instance: it gets flagged) and it can't be understood, it should be deleted.
@RubberDuck Greetings. Did you took a look at that nightmare? Ping me later if you have any news.
Morning all °/
Morning @DJanssens
Q: Need to clear my ruby code

Ram KumarI want to collect my users data as array. Below you can find my ruby script. h = {} a = [["user_3", 765], ["user_1", 2], ["user_1", 1], ["user_2", 124],["user_1", 3], ["user_2", 223], ["user_2", 334]] # Expected output :: {"user_3"=>[765], "user_1"=>[2, 1, 3], "user_2"=>[124, 223, 334]} a.each ...

Welcome to the main chat @Grischa
Thank you
Waiting for the anser/review @Nobody ;-)
@Grischa: done:
A: Changing array values in PHP

NobodyLet me first review this from an readability point of view, then answer your question and an proposed solution. Naming Your variable names could be more descriptive. $array -> (maybe) $conjugations (german: $konjugationen) $stamm -> $word_stem (german: $wort_stamm) $zeiten -> $tenses (german:...

Q: Book constructor pattern

Angular noobI am learning how to do object-orientated programming in JS. In particular, I am learning about the constructor pattern. In an attempt to exercise what I have been learning, I made this: var assert = require("assert"); var Book = (function() { // Private static variable (why this exhibits...

Holy carp! @Nobody's here!
It has been a while so I'd like a review review @all ;)
Nice to see ya. =;)-
Nice to see you, too @RubberDuck
Would be better in Code Review? — Soner Gönül 12 secs ago
@RubberDuck Objection: I'm here!
Ahhhh, it never gets old
@Nobody Thanks for answer. My script have already many lines. Unfortunately I think I can't change it the way you suggest it. It's a pity, because I want to use the script later for other languages, too.
@Grischa: Let us discuss this on the question's chat to provide context
Please provide more context surrounding this piece of code if posting it on Code Review. Code Review does not like code that has been stripped of context. — Simon André Forsberg 28 secs ago
Is "thanks Santa" still a thing around here?
okay, then:
Thanks Santa
Q: Untrusted Initialization

NJMRI have done the following to establish a connection with the DB... private static IDbConnectionProvider CreateSqlConnectionProvider(DbConfig dbConfig) { return new QcDbConnectionProvider(() => { SqlConnectionStringBuilder csBuilder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(); ...

@SimonAndréForsberg Darn that's a list.
then it should go to codereview.stackexchange.com instead of SO — Remy Grandin 20 secs ago
You're right. That really doesn't ever get old.
Nope.... only, @Nobody cares ;-) Monking Nobody !
Monking @rolfl
Morning @rolfl
@user2210535 I think Code Review is probably the best place for your question. I suggest you provide more context in your question though, include the HTML for example. — Simon André Forsberg 1 min ago
JDOM sometimes ends up in the oddest of places.... most recently spotted here: markmail.org/thread/fz4lzvrgv2hgx7dr
Some university folk used JDOM as a test case on wwhich to build a commit-testing performance-monitoring subject.
> In the end, we found out that we were able to confirm lot of the
assumptions about performance but there were also cases where the
assumptions were not met, i.e. the developer thought that the commit
improved performance while the opposite was true.
hey @rolfl
For anyone who knows me, statements like that press buttons ;-)
Hey @Heslacher and @all
@rolfl: Seeing that you are in the other chet as well, any comments on the interaction so far?
I feel a bit overwhelmed but I'd like to help
A lesson I learned a while ago is that there is always a limit to how much help you can be.
Either because you run out of time, knowledge, or patience.
The trick is to be honest about that ;-)
So far, everything appears to be fine, jsut so long as you are happy to keep going.
but, don't feel obligated
I am running out of time (for now)
So, say: "I have only a few more minutes before I have to get to something else."
okay, but that was actually not what I meant with help ^^
I meant more like: how do you assess the situation
I sort of know that, but also, I am not very familiar with PHP.
just because I answered PHP yesterday .....
Q: External API calls from a C#.NET client

nesh_si have a simple c# mvc client that calls an external api..here is my attempt public class ProductController : Controller { private readonly IProductService _productService; public ProductController(IProductService quizService) { _productService = quizService; } pu...

Monking @Morwenn
hey @Morwenn
How are you? :)
@Morwenn: Do you mean @Heslacher, me, both of us, or @all?
Duh, both of you.
Or whoever wants to tell how they feel today.
I am fine. Had been on vacation for 2 weeks in Italy. ;-)
I'm fine
You're lucky that this is not FB. There would be a never ending stream of people who want to tell you how they feel today
@Heslacher In Italy? Where did you go? :)
About 50 km south of venedig
@Nobody I don't have that many people of that kind on Facebook :p
@Morwenn: And I don't have Facebook which is even more convenient to that end :P
@Heslacher You mean deep in the ocean?
@Nobody It's convenient for other things, though.
@Morwenn At the coast only ;-)
@Heslacher No fun :(
@Nobody And here I thought I was the only one without FB nowadays.
Well, still am of-course, I mean, there's @Nobody else NOT using it.
@rolfl Wow, impressive
Always two sides to things... yeah, it's flattering, but they chose a number of poor commits for their paper....
@Mast: I am still waiting for the day something bad happens to all facebook users and I can say: told you so.
People are so reluctant to explain what their code is supposed to do.
@GarethRees I don't understand that. Why?! Y U NO TELL ME WHAT IT DOES!?
Hmmm.... not what it does, but what it should do.
Maybe it's defensive? "You thought it was a bug, but actually it is supposed to crash when you give it an empty input."
If there's no specification, then any behaviour could be correct, right?
Every bug I recognize in your program is a feature of my program
@GarethRees that's a real possibility, although, people probably don't realize they're doing it.
@skiwi Nice one, they remember me of some other band but I can't put the name on it.
It's probably more related to human psychology than anything else... people know their code has problems, just don't want to put it down in black&white
@Nobody Do you what music they make / what their songs are called?
It took me a full week to write up a report recently on a mini-project that was only partially successful - the project took 3 weeks.
@skiwi similar music ^^ No seriously it is just a fuzzy feeling that I already heard something like that somewhere eles
the report was to list the failures ....
really hard to write about your own fails....
It is, but it's also a really important exercise.
in a wayu that makes them seem.... OK. I am supposed to be doing things that have low probability of success, it's expected that I will not accomplish everything... yet, I still can't (easily) admit it.
@rolfl: I can relate. I am currently writing a summary report for my research lab and listing the failures made me rewrite part of the code. It was the same with my Bachelors thesis.
@Nobody Check it out on Spotify and click to related bands, you might even get there
@rolfl Until at the point where they are so obvious that there's no way you can get around them
It's not failure if you definitively establish that some approach does not solve your problem — that's a successful step on the way to finding a viable approach. (If you didn't learn anything either way, that would be failure.)
These things I know.... ^^^ still, really hard to write down. ;-)
@skiwi: Skimming through mtv.com/artists/three-days-grace/related-artists/… I find some familiar names
Papa Roach
@Nobody Sounds somwhat familiar
I just realized something...
What if I put my OS-drive under Git/Source control?
And I commit whenever there's something interesting ;)
(Could also be done for data-drives)
@skiwi: You mean something like github.com/joeyh/etckeeper
@skiwi That's called iterative backup. You don't need Git for that.
But it's one way of doing it.
@Phrancis Around?
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it has already been posted on codereview.SE — Manu 59 secs ago
A: String reversal, capitalize vowels, lowercase consonants

gnasher729Your code crashes when the length of the string is 0 or 1. That makes it a failure. Since the most important property of code is to be correct, and you made your code incorrect by doing a pointlessly complicated loop and getting it wrong, you failed. I leave it up to you to find the bug. And it...

Needs some love because found a bug
@Heslacher: Answers like the one from gnasher might be the reason people are afraid to show their errors
@Nobody because it's so blunt?
They don't show their errors, because the question would be closed.
Failed again. sounds nearly malign not only blunt
Maybe I have a warped perception
Nobody has a warped perception
@Nobody we all have our bad days. Sometimes a blunt answer is all we have in us.
As I see it this answer is written in a demeaning tone as if gnasher is fed up with people like the OP
It would have sufficed to note that there are errors
@Nobody well... downvote and comment.. It's not like the answer is insulting, but....
It's ... not acceptable quality in your opinion, right? (even though everybody has their bad days)
My downvote cancelled my upvote
He makes valid points
It does seem a bit harsh. Maybe gnasher needs a gentle hint to take a look at
Q: How to be a nice reviewer?

Pimgdfrom Remove Nth Node from End of Linked List: Bug: n < 0 leads to you removing the last node. Your solution should have comments: I have NO idea how it works. And that's after reading it a couple times. If this was production code, I'd have wrapped it with unit-tests, thrown the impl...

Review the code, not the programmer!
> but I have since moved to Canada, [...] . I'm sorry.
What a cliche :)
Nevertheless you spotted the bug(s) please check how-to-be-a-nice-reviewerHeslacher 23 secs ago
Thanks for the link @GarethRees
A: Top wiki pages as an app

nhgrifThe first thing I would have done in accomplishing this task is probably something very big that really cost you. Each row in the table should contain: wiki title, wiki url, wiki thumbnail image One of the absolute first things I would have done would be to create a class to represent the...

Also, I don't go out of my way to be nice to bad code...
Some encouragement to get a VBA reviewer reviewing more often?
Be careful with UsedRange, it can sometimes return surprising results. ++ Nice review. — RubberDuck 40 secs ago
I believe everything here could have been a comment, if written with a different tone, and that this doesn't actually review the code any more than saying, it's broken. — Lyle's Mug 42 secs ago
that is not an answer to the question.
Oh, @Lyle'sMug you are not @Mat'sMug, I thought he changed his name again
@Nobody lol, been this way since April 1st, I think...

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