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Nope, first a Java server
How many ships are we playing with, and what's the size of them? (@Mat'sMug ?)
Q: SELECTing percentage and count of votes

hjpotter92I have the following tables structures: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `options` ( `option_id` tinyint(4) unsigned NOT NULL, `poll_id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL, `option` tinytext NOT NULL, UNIQUE KEY `option_id_poll_id` (`option_id`,`poll_id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMME...

Q: Given a binary tree, compute the min depth of a leaf node

Maksim DmitrievHere is the source of the question. They don't require a tree to be a BST, but my tree is. The algorithm would be the same for a simple binary tree. And there are two implementations: A recursive one. A BFS-based one. They also ask which implementation is better. I think the BFS-based one is...

Q: Why is my if elif block so slow?

GnomeMageI built a bot with python to scrap scores on flashscore.com but the data scrap from the site loads into its listbox very slowly. I am curious about the speed of selenium so i made a button that prints all the text and it turns out the speed was fast so it must be the if elif block that is slowing...

Then it's a better fit for Code Review. Nevertheless, my main objection is to the phrasing of the request. — Jongware 52 secs ago
@SimonAndréForsberg Basic game is 10x10 with 17 units
1 of 2 units, 2 of 3 units, 1 of 4 units, 1 of 5 units
But hey, make it generic :)
Q: each next word of string turn to dict of dict avoiding exec

Sergii ArteleI have a string like "food | dairy | milk". It's just a sample. the string may consist of other number of words. How to turn it to dictionary {'food': {}, 'dairy': {}, 'milk': {}} and then add new value to that dict. The output must be: {'food': {'dairy': {'milk': {'eco': {}}}}} due to my big...

ah, 1*2 + 2*3 + 1*4 + 1*5 = 17
okay, server might be working. Now I just need to test it...
(Read: I'm sure something is wrong, I just need to find out what now)
Q: assertion error for floating point

root-11How can it be that the first two functions pass, but the third (using recursion) fails? What am I missing? def for_sum(alist): v = 0 for i in alist: v += i return v def while_sum(alist): v,c = 0,0 while True: try: v += alist[c] c+=1 ...

Q: Alternative to injecting an object in each function in Go?

user3147268My current project uses a database represented as object. Furthermore I want to implement methods like ``CreateUser(),DeleteUser()` etc, but my current code requires the injection of the db-object as parameter in each function. Making the db-object global would solve the problem, but I learnt th...

Q: is this a bad practice for variables?

AkarLet's say I have the following code: var app = {}; app.post = { foo: function() { // defining a variable without the 'var' keyword inside a function. bar = "Hello!"; } } I think the way that I defined the bar variable is not good. I know you shouldn't have global varia...

Q: Treesort in Java

coderoddeI have this sorting algorithm which constructs a (unbalanced) tree and performs in-order traversal in order to sort the requested range. However, the more order exists in the input array, closer to time complexity of \$\Theta(n^2)\$ it will get, yet it runs in \$\Theta(n \log n)\$ on most randoml...

@CaptainObvious, are you lonely this morning?
This question would be better suited for codereview.stackexchange.com that for StackOverflow. — Mureinik 56 secs ago
I am there.
Someone's here. Someone starred your chat...and it wasn't me.
This question feels like example code. It'd be an edge case and perhaps on-topic on Code Review (others probably disagree), but you probably really wouldn't get much out of posting this code snippet on Code Review. If you do go to Code Review and want an actually helpful review, try posting your actual code. — nhgrif 42 secs ago
@nhgrif Now I'm scared.
@Duga This was used as a close reason.
@Mureinik I was okay with your comment until I noticed that its been used as a close reason. If this question is off-topic for Stack Overflow, can you please explain what part of Stack Overflow's help center Elliot should take a look at so he can be sure not to post off-topic questions in the future? I'm fine with a recommendation to Code Review, he might benefit from that, but in no way is that an acceptable close reason for this question. — nhgrif 29 secs ago
It is a specific question, why is it off-topic for SO?
@nhgrif Wasn't me either
I don't necessarily think it is off-topic for SO.
I don't think it is off-topic for SO.
I can see why you might want to point them to CR (though as my first comment explains, his specific question looks like example code).
SO likes specific questions. That is a specific question.
But if that's off-topic for SO, I need a better close vote reason...
Arguably opinion based perhaps.
Just keep your re-open votes prepared.
We'll just reopen this as soon as its closed.
There is one primarily opinion based close vote.
Three people have used his custom reason now.
it's at 4 close votes.
Is everyone here and awake this morning capable of casting reopen votes on SO?
Q: Logic for changing entiy navigational properties States

Farhad JabiyevThe question might seem a little bit long, but I will be very glad if you have read it till the end and told me your opinions. Let's say I have such entity: public class FirstEntity { public int Id { get; set; } ... public virtual SecondEntity SecondEntity { get; set; } public ...

@nhgrif Not me
@nhgrif Reporting for duty!
The question has:
2 answers
0 comments indicating what about the question makes it a bad fit for Stack Overflow
4 close votes
Well, maybe this comment slightly hints at it:
@nhgrif: This is a very common close reason. One might surmise that questions about code style/improvement are ultimately subjective and open-ended, and thus off-topic here. Given that there's a SE site specifically for this kind of thing, it seems pretty reasonable. (And note that "off-topic" in no way implies "bad question"...) — Oliver Charlesworth 5 mins ago
But, if that's true (perhaps it is), help center should be updated and a close reason should be added to reflect this.
If Stack Overflow wants to make all questions about code style/improvement off-topic, that's up to them. I don't think I've ever seen anything suggesting that to be the case though.
I just voted to reopen.
Q: How can I improve my code to be less 'blocky'?

Elliot MorganI posted my c++ game and got a comment saying this: There is a lot to be improved here. Number one is that you have huge blocks of code in super methods that handle entire moves. You should split that up into smaller logical groups for ease of reading, debugging, maintenance, and additions. ...

@nhgrif To be honest, I think it's an awful question
It looks like example code and is not specific enough
Maybe it is. If it's so awful, why can't anyone come up with a decent close reason?
@Mast Example code is perfectly fine on SO. They prefer it.
@Mast awful for SO or awful for CR?
It's off-topic for CR, just awful for SO
It's not doing anything and he still wants to improve it
If it is so awful, why does it not have any downvotes?
He's trying to understand what someone was pointing out about his code.
@SimonAndréForsberg Here, now it has a downvote
He's trying to understand his code without trying to understand how code in general is supposed to work
He's seeing C++ as a scripting language
He's trying to improve his code.
there's nothing in the question that says that he has problems understanding it
@SimonAndréForsberg The only functions used are cin, cout and system, which are basically stream handlers
The first thing I learned with C++ was to use void functions. At least they kept the code clean(ish).
He has no idea about variable scope, functions or what objects are
So what?
What he should do, is read a book
Not post on SO
Maybe, but he did.
That he is a novice doesn't make his question off-topic.
I'm with @nhgrif on this one. So what?
There are very good, very basic C++ books available
So what?
How is his question off-topic?
If you ask a specific question, your question is perfectly on-topic on SO, no matter how much of a noob you are.
I don't remember having ever read a book to learn anything programming-related.
Questions asking us to recommend or find a book, tool, software library, tutorial or other off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow as they tend to attract opinionated answers and spam. Instead, describe the problem and what has been done so far to solve it.
He's technically not asking, but a book is the only good answer.
@Morwenn When I started learning, there was this magic key called "F1".
@SimonAndréForsberg I had this magic thing called the internet :)
@Mast He's not asking about that. That's not a good close reason for that.
@Morwenn yes, I had that too. delphipages.com FTW.
@SimonAndréForsberg As said, he's not asking, but it's the only good answer.
@Mast So what? An answer doesn't change the off-topicness of a question.
Q: What to do with on-hold questions which gave the asker not even the slightest hint about what was wrong with their question?

nhgrifWhen a custom close reason is used to put a question on-hold, a very undescriptive, unhelpful close reason is put in the yellow box under the question: put on hold as off-topic by [list of closers] 4 mins ago This question does not appear to be about programming within the scope defin...

@Mast That's not the only good answer. It may be the best advice for that person's programming career (subjective), but it's not even remotely an answer to the quite specific question he's asking.
@nhgrif He's asking the wrong question I guess
To maximize his personal growth as a programmer? Maybe.
But then again, maybe not.
Usually the times I learn the most are the times I'm asking a very specific question.
I'm asking a question I'm ready for the answer to.
Like when I was first learning OOP, I'm positive the classes I was writing looked like absolute trash... but the static keyword always bothered me. It was never sufficiently explained to me.
I finally just kept asking about it (to myself, Google searches, whatever) until I understood just the static keyword.
Eventually, understanding static really completely led me to basically understand all of the basics of OOP.
I didn't need to read a big book about all there is to know about OOP. I just needed to understand that one specific thing and that clicked everything else into place.
You did something different than what the asker did though.
You searched.
You found the information yourself.
You tried, you wrote.
@Mast I've asked terrible questions on SO.
He's just asking how he should improve his code, without understanding what code improvements actually are.
How do you know he doesn't understand what code improvements are?
And how do you know he won't understand code improvements recommended to him?
This is clearly example code. He's not trying to get a better grade, and he's not asking for a performance boost in slow code
@nhgrif There are no functions whatsoever in his code. Red flag #1.
He's asking for someone who knows better to help him see how to make his code better code
No it's not.
First rule in C++: USE FUNCTIONS
preferably with returns, but globals are okay for beginners
@Mast First rule in C++ is use OOP otherwise use C.
@nhgrif Doesn't OOP start with functions?
But you're saying NO NOVICES ALLOWED
You're being absolutely ludicrous.
my monitors are dying
or video card
@nhgrif That's not what I'm saying...
Yes it is. You are saying he isn't allowed to ask a question because he used no functions.
@nhgrif Nope, first rule is use everything and don't stick to one paradigm.
@SimonAndréForsberg Hey, I finally wrote a bit of documentation about my evaluation module :)
Only about the interface though, not about the exposed internals.
@nhgrif If you don't use functions, how are you supposed to know what 'better' is?
He is missing any understanding of what he's writing.
Really, he should read a book instead of posting on SO. Or at least search on SO, there are thousands of C++ questions available with explanations.
> I no longer refer to this as “multiparadigm” because I find that term encourages many to simply select one “paradigm” rather than using the full strength of the language. Unfortunately, I don’t have a good buzzword for what I do.
Oh well, there's no point in arguing about this anyway.
@Mast so he isn't allowed to ask questions to find out what better is
Found the quote I was looking for ^^
Your rule: no novices allowed at all
@nhgrif Have fun in your little world, you're not reading.
What an arbitrary line to draw anyway
How do you even know he didn't extract his code from a function anyway?
boo ya, nice badge-counts
Nice OCD there ;)
OCD? Why ? .____.
The 2-22-66 badge counts
Q: FIZZ BUZZ -challenge program

SteephenThis is again a solution to codeEval challenge https://www.codeeval.com/open_challenges/1/. It was accepted by codeEval.but let me know can I improve it anyway? #include<iostream> #include<vector> #include<fstream> #include<string> #include<chrono> struct input_rec{ int first; int seco...

I think my server works now
now I just need to write documentation so that others can make clients
That word in itself really means a lot
The word itself needs to be documented.
The World itself needs to be documented.
@Morwenn That would mean you would also be documented
@skiwi It would be handy. I still don't understand how I work and I bet I'm full of bugs.
@Morwenn Hopefully not literal bugs
Who knows?
Once, somebody answered one of my questions on StackOverflow with an undocumented Python function from the standard library. I want to accept the answer, but since there's no documentation, I can't even tell whether the function is meant to be used.
That's always fun
Well. I have to go, see you later :)
Have fun!
fun, yeah
Not that moving a sofa is fun, but...
@Morwenn Find a way to make it fun
@Morwenn That is a job for DK.
i have a code review operation for code quality — The expendable 39 secs ago
@skiwi Watching the others do it?
@Morwenn If you think that's funny, then yes ;)
Well, I better help.
@Morwenn Reminds me of Three Men in a Boat (or is it Three Men on the Bummel?).
Anyway, see you. And you too, have fun! :)
The author said he liked watching others work, but not working.
And, I am going to take a nap.... been doing some renovations, and got a partial review donw, but its slow going.
I don't seem to sleep as well when I am not at home
A: Receiving a JSON string response from a URL

palacsint I would consider creating an AsyncClient and a SyncClient interface/classes instead of one. I guess users of the current Client class would use only one of the two methods. Furthermore, getSyncData does not use any of the fields of DataClient currently. Async version: public class AsyncDataCli...

Hmmm... I missed a couple of significant answers here, folk:
A: Calling other machines from the LinkedList if one is blocked or down

palacsint Name of getHostnamesInfo is misleading a little bit. It returns to listOfHostnames, so calling it getHostnames or getHostnamesForUser would be less confusing. First, to DRY the code, I'd try to extract out some hostname list handling logic to a separate class: public class Hosts { private ...

palacsint has been regularly hitting the review queues for the past year, but not much in the way of answers. Really nice to see them again.
@Morwenn nice there!
can someone tell what is "240 parts of one quid"?
One part is 1/240 of a quid?
a quid is slang for an english pound (the currency)
so, that would be 1/2.4 pennies?
Unless you are talking about the French encyclopedia, or a piece of chewing tobacco.
Quid may refer to: Pound sterling, British slang for £1 in currency Australian pound, Australian slang (no longer issued) Quid (encyclopedia), a French encyclopedia Tertium quids, factions of the United States Democratic-Republican Party between 1804 and 1812 Quasi Universal Intergalactic Denomination, a prototype for a possible future type of currency for use by space tourists Quidding, a dental problem sometimes found in horse teeth where the animal drops partially chewed food while chewing, or chews with the mouth open Quid chewing, a modern method for consuming salvia divinorum Quid pro quo...
@rolfl sorry I am from India and I have only idea about "Rupees". I need to find a 3 letter word rhyming with 240 parts of one quid
no not to quid.
@ADG, in the early parts of the last century, the english pound was broken in to pounds, shiilings, and pence....
I think there may have been 240 pence to a pound
to the name which is 240 parts
@rolfl thanks
Oh, pence?
£sd (sometimes pronounced, and occasionally written, L.s.d.) is the popular name for the pre-decimal currencies once common throughout Europe, especially in the British Isles, and also in several countries of the British Empire and Commonwealth. The abbreviation originates from the Latin currency denominations librae, solidi, and denarii. In the United Kingdom, which was one of the last to abandon the system, these were referred to as pounds, shillings, and pence (pence being the plural of penny). This system originated in the classical Roman Empire. It was re-introduced into Western Europe by...
> Under this system, there were twelve pence in a shilling and twenty shillings, or 240 pence, in a pound.
Well, I don't think three letters is possible, since you need to have the "ence" or "ens" part, plus a beginning.
But there is Hence, and Whence.
Sense too.
Ok i am solving this question:
IMO it is using Trithemius and Transposition cphers
whose decrypters are already present
but I am lost
Transposition cipher decrypter:tholman.com/other/transposition
Trithemius Cipher decrypter: cryptool-online.org/…
@Hosch250 thanks
OK, I'm thinking about it...
> I'm running out of hints to give but the word "Bpf" rhymes with 240 parts of one quid!
@ADG Any
> One pound by weight of sterling silver equaled 240 pence.
Oh, penny.
@rolfl also thought of it,
also since I have no accent knowledge, is guy spelled the same as any?
Spelled the same, no.
Pronounced different too.
i meant pronounced
OK thanks
The uy in guy sounds like how you would say I.
The y in any sounds like how you would say E.
This question is more suitable for codereviewgp_sflover 8 secs ago
any is pronounced like an E
Get it?
Get it guys?
@JeroenVannevel Get it.
Only, the an is pronounced like en.
My fingers are hitting the wrong keys today.
Your question is really way too broad for Stack Overflow; it is, however, on topic for Code Review so I migrated your post there. If you create an account there with the same OpenID login you use here the question there will automatically be attached to your account. — Martijn Pieters ♦ 51 secs ago
Anyone else feel like reopening an SO question?
Q: How can I improve my code to be less 'blocky'?

Elliot MorganI posted my c++ game and got a comment saying this: There is a lot to be improved here. Number one is that you have huge blocks of code in super methods that handle entire moves. You should split that up into smaller logical groups for ease of reading, debugging, maintenance, and additions. ...

Q: Network MAC address conversion to IPv6 link-local address

mastaOne of the ways I learn a new scripting language is to implement a subroutine to convert a network MAC addr into the IPv6 link-local address, as described in RFC 4862. So here is a quick few lines. My question to you is: can this code be shrunk any more? is there a more pythonic way of doing ...

Surprise (I like surprise badges):
> You've earned the "Notable Question" badge (Question with 2,500 views) for "Who's in the fellowship? When are Frodo, and the rest of the gang, together".
That's an old question.
I have that badge on my FizzBuzz question.
I'm just a little over 1/3 of the say to the gold badge, though.
All of the people who do the website for Lowes/Home Depot/Sears should all be shot.
Tut, tut, someone sounds very violent today.
Q: Shortest path algorithm in 0-1-unoriented graph

VeLKerrI have an unoriented graph with n vertices and m edges, 1 <= n, m <= 100000. All edges have 0 or 1 weights (two vertices are connected even if the corresponding edge has 0 weight). Vertices indexing starts with 1. I need to find length of the shortest path from vertex A to vertex B. Input data ...

@SimonAndréForsberg haha
Better than reading documentation and ending on the same page with #TODO appended
@skiwi Lol.
You would get more luck on codereview.stackexchange.comnpe 14 secs ago
If anyone's interested, here's my current Server Protocol and Battleship Protocol, I am currently working on a client for it
@SimonAndréForsberg What is the board size?
I've seen a great many different board sizes in Battleship.
Also, if we get a HIT response, we get to play again, right?
Q: Battleship Challenge: Naval Build-up

FlambinoThe community challenge for this month says: Everyone has played Battleship. Let's implement the logic that sinks one. But that presumes that there's something to sink. We can't have the armada turn its guns on itself out of boredom. So I figured I'd write something that could randomly pla...

@Hosch250 I'm doing 10x10 at the moment
@Hosch250 yup
@CaptainObvious already?
Q: Recognising and comparing poker hands. C++

AndrewI wrote a little programm that recognises poker hand combinations and compares hands if the ranks of both hands are the same. I had tested my program on possible combinations for each rank and the outcomes were correct. I would like to know how it is possible to improve the design of my code and ...

@SimonAndréForsberg What IoC do you use?
I'm taking a poll, and Ninject seems to be popular among the C# clan, but I'm using Unity because it installed into my WP project and Ninject didn't.
@Hosch250 Absolutely nothing!
I'm not doing C# though
Oh, OK!
So, is IoC a C# thing?
When I do Spring though, I use the one included with Spring.
Nope, it is a thing in Java too.
I often try to write my code with that in mind, but I don't often use all the fancy libraries for it.
I'm not getting it :(
I registered all my types, but VM doesn't create the page, the page creates the VM, and I'm a bit stuck :(
I might be able to reverse this, but again, I might not.
I'm just using the default startup code now.
[Zomis/Server] Zomis created repository
[Zomis/Battleship] Zomis created repository
@Hosch250 not using git ?
I am.
maybe @Mat'sMug or @JeroenVannevel can help?
or, in worst case: Stack Overflow
if it's really really bad, that is ;)
I just mean I might be able to get the VM to create the page instead of the other way around.
Hmm, I can't do this as it is because my code-behind calls my VM :(
I guess I'll scrap this for now and write a bunch of ICommands for my buttons.
@Hosch250 planning on being able to connect to my server?
No, not with my app!
If you are asking about code review and how you can shorten it . — swapyonubuntu 38 secs ago
Learn OneNote, what else?
Lol, I used to spam the room with links, and felt stupid, so I just put it in my profile.
Now, nobody knows what I'm talking about half the time :)
oh, okay, I thought you were working on Battleship :)
No, lol.
I have it on Github here: github.com/Hosch250/LearnOneNote
Hmm, I need to set up an action and a RelayCommand.
If you are asking about code review and how you can shorten it . According to me you are not following the SRP. You can break this code in minimum 3 methods. 1. you are selecting records from database. 2. populating them in distanceRange arraylist 3. checking the distanceRange — swapyonubuntu 18 secs ago
Why does everything get so layery and complicated when I just want a XAML button to call a void Method() in my VM?
and I need to set up a list of all online users
@SimonAndréForsberg Building a lobby?
@SimonAndréForsberg Can't you just ref-actor your latest?
@Mast I have never done a client-sided one in Groovy before
@SimonAndréForsberg Thought you were doing it in Java?
(it's of course optional for clients to add this)
the server is in Java
Shouldn't the server host the lobby?
A client side lobby would be very, well, ineffective
but in my Groovy client I want to show who's online
Can't Groovy handle JSON?
the server was mostly already done (although I have noticed that I need to refactor it a bit, it wasn't as flexible as I thought it would)
sure it can
Make the server respond with a JSON query, having the list of all online
but I'm mainly working on the GUI-aspect of it.
After that, it's just a JSON->list thingy
runs away, screaming
I should probably get a UX course somewhere, perhaps I'll ever learn it
if you use the right GUI framework, it's not that bad actually
One of my colleagues is currently bashing on Qt, he isn't a fan
I've tried WPF once, that's fairly doable
isn't Qt a C++ thing?
life is so much easier in Java ;)
Made a Unity application once too, had to plot a radar, was kind of neat but a pain in the behind to get running
@SimonAndréForsberg AFAIK, yes
Q: Exiting a Promise early

Timothy GuI'm using a Promise chain to write some data to a file, execute a command on it, inspect its results, and send the results, using Express.js. The thing about my function is that I need to be able to exit early from multiple conditions. The following code comes from an Express.js handler. my-comm...

If I ever get the hang of JS, I should probably make a UI with it
Ofc, I could cheat and use HTML instead
I'm sure I'll enjoy my IoC when I get it done, but it isn't funny trying to set it up.
Looking for a second set of eyes ... SQL related.
I have two code statements, that should be the same, but are not....
                   and abs(datediff(hour, a.CreationDate, e.CreationDate))
                       < 12
I'm afraid I'll have to re-write a good deal of my app over again.
And the second?
@rolfl What's the second?
                   and e.CreationDate > dateadd(hour, -12, a.CreationDate)
                   and e.CreationDate < dateadd(hour,  12,  a.CreationDate)
the earlier only compares hours
I might be wrong, but isn't the latter looking fore everything between -12 and 12?
the latter the full date
Including zero?
the latter comparison also respects days months and so on
The first one does a date diff....
so it subtracts the one from the other, and counts the hours between them.
Which is working right?
Not sure... I thought the first one was
the only differences are in those lines
one is now templated though
It almost appears like one is using >= and <=, and the other isn't.
Q: Java JSON parsing with the Nashorn API

DatagrammarSome time ago I found a website about the Java Nashorn API which allows you to run JavaScript. I thought about creating a JSON parser in pure Java which makes use of this api and the JavaScript function JSON.parse() So I would like to know if the following code is efficient compared to JSON libra...

@rolfl Should hour not be in quotes?
@rolfl Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think I might have an idea.
The first only checks the hours, the days can be different?
The second checks everything, maybe?
@Hosch250 that's what I thought, too. but seems to not be the case...
nope.... if the days were different, then the hours would be > 24.
Wouldn't such a question belong to CodeReview instead ? — Olivier Croisier 47 secs ago
I need to edit my paper one last time.
I didn't know about CodeReview. I asked here because I've seen some questions here with similar purposes. So, should I remove this and post it over at CodeReview? I am really new here. — OrewaAfif 18 secs ago
Asked on SO:
Q: datediff and dateadd anomoly

rolflWhat is the difference between the following two logic conditions (both CreationDate values are DateTime)? and abs(datediff(hour, a.CreationDate, e.CreationDate)) < 12 and: and e.CreationDate > dateadd(hour, -12, a.CreationDate) and e.CreationDate < dateadd(hour, 12, a.CreationDate)...

@rolfl s/anomoly/anomaly/
I think so (but I may be wrong). Your code is working, so technically it's rather a code review you need. CoreReview belongs to the same StackExchange family as StackOverflow. See : codereview.stackexchange.comOlivier Croisier 55 secs ago
@OlivierCroisier This question is not off-topic for Stack Overflow. No reason to post it on Code Review. — Simon André Forsberg 24 secs ago
@Duga I have a feeling I am going to start to post such comments from now on.
wtf arquade???
Q: Does a Mistress get anything from torturing?

MattRI got Dungeon Keeper 2 on GOG a while ago and have been playing it recently. Any enemy hero creatures I capture I try and convert to my side by torturing them, and every so often the Mistress comes in and seems to torture them too. So does the Mistress gain XP towards her level with this? O...

I mean it's not as wtf as Worldbuilding, but....
@OlivierCroisier I see. I'll post it there next time. Thanks for introducing CodeReview to me. — OrewaAfif 58 secs ago
@Duga "Your code is working, so technically it's rather a code review you need." ? Does it belong on Code Review just because the code is working?
@Vogel612 Real effective way of converting enemies toward your side.
You might brainwash them and torture them to giving in, but they will probably never serve you heart and soul...
ehh well..
broken and servile, that's how enemies stop being fun
If I was the hero, I'd fight like the Japanese - fight to the death before being captured.
All they'll do is torture you do death anyway...
@Vogel612 You should read the memes of Arqade on their meta, it has a list of topic titles like that :)
hmm... yes maybe I should...
then again I am just a drive-by even-less-than-lurker over there...
@Vogel612 So?
That's why I'm there, for the laughs at the titles
hmm... but you're answering...
A: The Memes of Arqade and its Chat

Raven DreamerMeme: Questions that are absurd without context Originator: Various Cultural Height: As Often as Possible Background: How can I get my wife to stop nagging about a few murders? fable-3 Can I pass out from excessive drinking? bioshock How can I tell if a corpse is safe to eat? nethack How c...

One of my cooks died, how do I get rid of the corpse?

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