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There are 1341 unanswered questions
@nhgrif Yes.
@nhgrif I'm WiFi.
@Hosch250 Hey
@Hosch250 It's important to ding me on every line
@nhgrif Hi.
@Hosch250 amirite?
@Hosch250 Yea, I think I'm right.
Something like that.
@Hosch250 All right, good talk.
I just meant to ping the right message.
Did I miss the ping-fest?
@SimonAndréForsberg NOPE
@SimonAndréForsberg I'm afraid you did. ping!
Q: Ambigous call to overloaded function

Liyana #include<iostream> using namespace std; struct node { int number; node *next; }; bool isEmpty(node *head); char menu(); void insertAsFirstElement(node *head, node *&last, int number); void insert(node *&head, node *&last, int number); void remove(node *&head, node *&last); void show...

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it's asking for a code review. If it's working and you want guidance on your structure, then it belongs on codereview. If it's not working, then you need to include details of what's not working. If you just want someone to check your code, that's too much to ask. — Simon MᶜKenzie just now
@CaptainObvious using namespace std; What do you expect?
@SimonMᶜKenzie thanks and sorry for posting it in a wrong site. I didn't knew about codereview. — RoastedCode 34 secs ago
@nhgrif flagging @Duga now, are we?
The "just now" was under the flag.
And just like all the users I complain about non-stop, I didn't read the pop up.
Q: Sorting algorithms - Relocation Counter

wr21I want to count the total relocations for each of these sorting algorithms. From the results it seems my code is correct, but I need someone to confirm it. Is the counter variable placed in the right position? int bubblesort(int *p) { int i,j,temp,relocations=0; for(i=1;i<N;i++) ...

This probably belongs on code review, but might even be off topic there. Also, getting around the rules of the site by spamming the same word over and over will not win any friends or help. — JoelC 1 min ago
@nhgrif @Mat'sMug ^^ What do you think of that? ;)
(parsing JSON with SQL)
You can parse XML with SQL also.
I do all sorts of XML stuff with SQL.
No doubt!
Postgres has a native JSON data type, so you just store a whole JSON object in a single field, pretty potent. Does MS SQL have that?
XQuery is native to SQL Server
How are all the legends doing today :D
been worse ;)
@Mat'sMug He asked about the legends.
in VBA, 30 secs ago, by Mat's Mug
as long as you don't let your head inflate too much ;)
That's a min requirement to be a legend. Continuously struggling :D
I need another set of pair of eyes to tell me what am I doing WRONG
		While(txCounter_ < txCount_Local_)
compiler tells me I need a semicolon in the second line of this code :D
too many underscores.. but go on ;)
not While
oh wow
yeah that
@Mat'sMug It's C and it's a microchip code...
@JeroenVannevel I would kiss your set of eyes if I was there. THANK YOU
I.. I'd rather if you didn't
Hypothetically :D
Let's be civilized and stay with a tugjob
oh yeah. totally. hypothetically.
But thanks really... I am tired and I can't see straight
You shouldn't code when you can't see straight
That's how bad code happens
@JeroenVannevel Ideally
Many a men were in your shoes before and now they're stuck with technical debt
You gotta pull out before it's too late
So... what IDE are you using that it wasn't complaining about While more explicitly?
I cough have no idea cough what you're talking about cough cough
Come on man... Just accept my sincere thank you :P
@nhgrif IAR Embedded Workbench
I accept praise in the form of donations
But I'll make an exception
@Mehrad just compliment him on his new haircut, he'll make a happy dance
Star wall has no context.
@JeroenVannevel Very picky today :/
A: Should I make a new question or keep the update?

nhgrifDo neither. Do a bit of research. It's extraordinarily unfair to anyone who has invested any amount of effort in your current question for you to pull the old "your princess is in another castle" trick on them, so dont' edit your question. But should you ask a new question? Not yet. That que...

Yes, my hair could use a boost
So far I'm at a 25% success rate
@Mat'sMug Oh... I should've coughed too :P
my mom and brother bursted out laughing, one girl said ":(" and another girl was very positive
@JeroenVannevel what a nice haircut btw
@Mehrad Aw thanks! 40% bitches.
@JeroenVannevel Someone actually said to you "colon open parenthesis"?
Luckily, I am not yet at the age where people tell me to open my colon
We all get there one day
what the ... opens up Visual Studio
@JeroenVannevel Um. a tugjob? What in the world is that? Or perhaps the better question is, Do I want to know?
You don't.
@Mat'sMug Hmm?
You see, when a man likes another person..
@Phrancis Not all the job postfixes carry a harsh meaning :P
@nhgrif as in "what the heck am I doing here, I should be coding"
tug is to hands as blow is to mouth.
@Mat'sMug That's what I thought too. Then I opened Visual Studio and immediately saw 2 windows with code jumping out and I had to minimize it again.
<facepalm />
The problem is, no one is asking any interesting // questions right now.
@nhgrif what about jojob?
I don't know.
Q: draw line that expands over time

DracunosSimple practice app that draws a line, and the line 'balloons' up for a second. This code shows some issues I tend to have a little too often, where I end up defining functions inside of functions, and it feels like there's got to be a better way. I'm also unsure of the way I updated the 'size'...

@Phrancis deserve so many starts in this context :D
I think I am ready to get back... Prefer not to feel tired anymore :D
This ^ is kinda cool :D
Are you guys planning on actually storing the data in SQL?
Like, once a week dump all the JSON files into SQL server (like SEDE gets updated weekly).
Haven't completely decided yet.
Because you shouldn't store them in SQL as JSON probably.
Or maybe do... but provide views for actually accessing them like a sane person would use SQL.
My thinking was that at the end of each game, the Java server could just open a connection to Postgres DB, push the JSON file, and maybe add some SQL triggers to actually parse out the data into sets
@nhgrif Obviously :p
I wouldn't do SQL triggers.
I just started tinkering with JSON->SQL tonight, so, lots to learn
Actually... here's what I'd do...
Client uploads JSON file to server. Does no SQL stuff.
SQL Server is set up to run a job. Weekly, daily, hourly, whatever.
It grabs all the files uploaded (since last time job ran) and parses them out into a normal looking SQL table (and deletes the file, or moves it to an archive)
Either the SQL server can do this, or something else running on the server could, whatever is most efficient.
But the point is, minimize the amount of time and data transfer the client has to do.
All the client has to do is upload JSON and get no response and issue no SQL commands, and don't wait around for triggers.
Something like that could be an option as well. We're just kind of poking in the dark right now.
The rest can be handled entirely server side without worrying about a network connection.
Good point there
When the JSON file is upload, server replies to client with success or failure.
On success, client deletes the JSON file.
Open connection, push the data, close connection, done. Let the DB do the rest on its own
On failure, it keeps it and tries again later.
And when you guys do get the SQL server going, please let me know. I'd definitely be willing to help with management of that part of it... plus it'd be a good way for me to learn MySQL perhaps.
We're not even sure we'll bother normalizing the data, and might even just keep JSON replay in its own field, and parse it using functions/views as needed
@nhgrif This is PostgreSQL, not MySQL ;p
I would normalize it.
(a far superior DBMS than MySQL)
Also... you should probably download Xcode.
I'm pretty sure this works for Postgres
Two embarassing moments averted in the 2nd:
24 mins ago, by Mehrad
@JeroenVannevel I would kiss your set of eyes if I was there. THANK YOU
@Phrancis stop calling MySQL a RDBMS. The correct acronym is JOKE ;)
And, well, the other one.
@Mat'sMug Well, you can put data in tables in MySQL, so technically it is a DBMS. But, just being technical :)
But I haven't actually had a PostgresSQL server to test against.
@Phrancis any idiot can put data in Excel worksheets, too
Not any idiot.
Most of them, I reckon
Any of you seen that?
oh wow
Classic example of what we don't want to be like.
@Phrancis Anyway, I mean I guess even if you didn't normalize it from the start, it'd be relatively painless to normalize it at any point in the future for this specific example. I'd just normalize it from the start though.
Wow. Someone needs to go outside.
Shall we flag his comments?
I'd like to review your code, however clicking "MainActivity.java" doesn't seem to do anything. I can't get to the code! — nhgrif 7 secs ago
They are awful volatile, and he is just saying that "that is how he is, deal with it."
Q: Android program Number to words

Vincent GarciaMy prof ask us to create an android program that will input a number and output its word equivalent the value input is from 1 to 1000 only (e.g) input:777 output: seven hundred seventy seven

@nhgrif Sure, fair point. I'll let you know if/when we implement something useful.
Please be sure to downvote that one so we can delete it too.
Comments indicate that the user doesn't get it at all.
One more.
sir this is my codes. — Vincent Garcia 27 secs ago
I'm a code knight, by the way. That's why he addresses me as sir.
One more.
@nhgrif "I'd like to review your code, however clicking "MainActivity.java" doesn't seem to do anything." trolling? :p
yeah today's a good day for me too
got knighted
and gone
I'm just the Squire.
Or would I be the Page?
I'm just the mug
Well, I've heard knights are heavy drinkers...
and I cringe whenever I read "the codes". people can't write. it's "teh codez"
Rigorous testing in progress
@JeroenVannevel That is ONE BIG NAME.
Hi, @EricPb!
@JeroenVannevel holy mother of test method names!
@JeroenVannevel Apparently Unity does not work on WP.
They have Unity 4.0 in beta, should I get that?
public void GetUser_WithValidCredentials_AsAdministrator_WithEmailSearch_AndUserAndPersonWithEmailExists_ReturnsFoundUsers()
That does support WP.
I like descriptive test names
If you could ban all questions of a specific tag from Stack Overflow, what would that tag be?
@JeroenVannevel YIKES! That seems a little... excessive?
@Phrancis It's a test method so it's okay
nobody will ever call that, its only purpose is being displayed in my test results
I want to know the exact scenario without having to look at the code
aint nobody got time for that
@nhgrif , when used with
I would ban all questions.
Lol, I doubt that is a tag.
First of all, half of the time, the user uses the tag because they're an idiot.
I don't have an enemy tag.
@Hosch250 click it
@Mat'sMug Is it a virus?
@Mat'sMug That isn't parse.com
But between every question tagged (which should be tagged ) and all of the questions appropriately tagged , I've yet to see a single asker asking a question under this tag and thought, "This person seems intelligent. This person seems like someone whose code I'd want to be fixing."
@Mat'sMug I'm pretty sure he meant along with
No. I meant
But the idiots that use mistag as at about a 30% rate.
Because people who use can't even be bothered to read the tag they're actually using nevermind any amount of documentation anywhere.
Oh. So like ?
I gave up. I'm not gonna try to clean up SO. it's a losing battle.
Almost everything in these results are tagged wrong.
59 results? lol try that
Is "macros" with "vba" always wrong?
look at the tag's wiki except
> Not for MS-OFFICE / VBA / macro languages. Use the respective tags instead. A macro is a rule or pattern that specifies how a certain input sequence (often a sequence of characters) should be mapped to an output sequence (also often a sequence of characters) according to a defined procedure.
Oh, I see.
1,282 results
But, here's the question... are all of those questions bad?
none of those questions are about
But are the questions good (regardless of whether or not they're tagged right)
That's the thing about
IDK. Anyone tagging with "macros" can't possibly have the slightest clue what he's doing IMO.
People who ask questions are idiots. One side-effect of this is that they can't even tell the difference between and . Another side effect of this is that there isn't a single good question tagged .
top-voted has 9 votes
For a while, I posted "Asynchronous code doesn't run synchronously" on almost every new question asked.
Possibly because it is so easy to use that you can't go wrong?
@nhgrif very few of those questions are worthwhile. Very few.
the good news is that makes a good tag to ignore.
That's true.
lol. I was just about to say that I'm ignoring macro these days.
Anyway, I'm going to bed.
Please try adding comments first, then posting perhaps to Code Review. — Ken Y-N 12 secs ago
Alright thank you I didn't know about Code Review I appreciate it — Eric Irwin 43 secs ago
Declaring local variables in Postgres is very clunky, although probably right.
declare @myVariable int; set @myVariable = 42; -> doesn't get any clearer than that IMO
Maybe not clearer, but it can be just as clear and more concise:
declare @myVariable int = 42;
Or, if they really want to set it:
declareset @myVariable int = 42;
is that valid T-SQL?
Huh? Mine? Probably not.
If I had my say, the top one would be ;)
Or something similar.
Anyway, I cleaned my app up a ton today, and I'm trying to figure out how to load my git repository to github.
Found it.
@Mat'sMug Do you have the webpage of different license comparisons around?
Yeah, thanks.
I was scanning the chat transcript.
@Mat'sMug Right. Except, Postgres doesn't work like that.
Actually, Postgres has this in common with MySQL (and with most programming languages AFAIK) that you can't just declare anonymous variables out of the blue. I think MS SQL is closer to the exception than to the rule, even though it's awful convenient.
Q: Recursively evaluate neighbors in a two dimensional grid

Nick SavageI'm creating a puzzle mini game where there is a board of gems, varying in color, and chosen at random. This is what my code generates: When you click on a gem the game should traverse the board and find all connecting gems of the same color. When you click the orange square all orange square ...

Learn OneNote gets the GNU GPL 3.0 license.
1305 files...
Uploading now. Feel free to tell me the 1001 changes I should make.
Dishes time, will add known issues later.
OMG, I thought MySQL was a PITA about that. To return/select anything in Postgres, it has to be in a table or function. Wow.
        private void _parser_ParseCompleted(object sender, ParseCompletedEventArgs e)
            Control.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate
                foreach (var result in e.ParseResults)
                    var node = new TreeNode(result.Project.Name);
                    node.ImageKey = "Hourglass";
                    node.SelectedImageKey = node.ImageKey;

                    AddProjectNodes(result, node);
and that's all there is to it!
well along with this:
        private void RefreshExplorerTreeView(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Task.Run(() => RefreshExplorerTreeView());

        private async void RefreshExplorerTreeView()
            Control.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate
                Control.ShowDesignerButton.Enabled = false;

Q: write a Python function using a for loop to find sum of squares

MelWrite a python function that accepts a parameter n and, using a for loop, computes the sum of the squares of the numbers between 1 and n, inclusive. Write code that prompts user for a number, calls the function using that number as an argument, and displays the result.

DO $$
  _hello VARCHAR := 'hello';
  RAISE NOTICE '%', _hello;
> NOTICE:  hello
> Query returned successfully with no result in 25 ms.
Good grief that was difficult for such a simple thing.
Not exactly a code review system, but something that just helps me get a clean output (I can copy from clipboard and paste in email client) with color highlighting. At work, we have started using perforce however for peer review we do screen sharing which is kind of an overkill. Thanks for your reply, I will try to research more on the code review tools for perforce. — noobcode 1 min ago
Q: Trouble with proper comments

Eric IrwinI always get marked down for my comments and I just wanted to see if these comments are acceptable or what I should include/where I should include them. import java.util.*; //so I can use scanner public class GuessingGame { public static void main(String[] args) { Random rand = new Random...

@Duga shouldn't that have been posted in the VBA room?
I wasn't aware about "code review". My intention is to provide a solution to a problem that has been asked about in other SO posts and have received answers that I felt were not as good as mine, and those questions were for other reasons closed unabling me to provide my solution there. To this end, I formulated a question that I think is clear and well defined even without code, and provided my solution in an answer, allowing others to give other possibly even better solutions. I thought that was the purpose of the "answer your own question" paradigm. With this in mind, what code should I add? — Kjell Rilbe 11 secs ago
@rolfl lol you beat me to it
Only just
Also, your answer has a niggle you can grace-fix.
String answer = input.nextLine();
char firstLetter = answer.charAt(0);
if (firstLetter == 'y' || firstLetter == 'Y') {
    play = true;
} else {
    play = false;
Should be:
play = ...
String answer = input.nextLine();
char firstLetter = answer.charAt(0);
play = firstLetter == 'y' || firstLetter == 'Y';
thanks, edited. I was just focusing on the broken indentation there.
> I have found that the academic application of marks for comments is often contrary to the need for comments... particularly when the code is good code.
so sadly true
I remember being forced to comment everything everywhere
Q: A1Notation conversion to row & column index

MogsdadThis set of Google Apps Script helper functions are published in this gist, along with a bunch of other utilities. Background info is in this SO question. Since no Google services are used, this is pure JavaScript. What I hope to get from a code review: General feedback on clarity & maintainab...

> You have no JavaDoc, and you likelye should.
Monking @all
hey, and thanks ;-)
I just put my app on GitHub, and I have two branches.
Unfortunately, I can't find anywhere how to merge them :(
Any ideas, any GitHub users?
@Hosch250 you shoudl merge them in your workspace, then push the merges back to github
@rolfl It is just the truth. It is a good read with all the explainations why and how code should be commented.
@rolfl They are merged there.
I'll try that again.
Why is "ping" re-enabled ....
Ding woke my wife ;-)
Not your fault.... something changed somewhere.
Try it again ... please?
what @rolfl ;-)
Yeah, silent now, though it was, in theory, silent before too
So, those folks remembering the MetaSO quesiton from yesterday about the not-migrated questions?
@Mogsdad - have a minute to chat in the 2nd monitor - Code Review chat room? — rolfl 14 hours ago
Well, Mog is obviosuly fast asleep, because Mogsdad is posting here: codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/90112/…
monking @all
@rolfl Did you clear your cache?
@chillworld Monking!
hey @Phrancis

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