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Two downvotes doesn't feel like targeting to me...
But.. Even if it were, a downvote is only -2, while an upvote is +10.
@Vogel612 your welcome
@nhgrif yeah, CM's to investigate is a bridge to far atm, not for 2 downvotes
Hmmm... More to self. Run RD code inspections on all my future VBA posts before posting...
@rolfl oke thx for the answer.
A: Python review_generator

rolflMy Review: When writing programs they should be able to take command-line arguments specifying the input files(s) to process. Your program hard-codes the name to require code_with_bad_style.py. Many of your functions immediately split the lines and process them. Since this work is repeated many...

pffft IE10 is crashing all the times @work. Everybody has that problem and they won't fix it :(
@chillworld Don't try to fix something which is beyond repair.
FF all the way
@Mast @work everything is locked. Notepad++ even fails to update
@chillworld I wouldn't want to work in such an environment.
Can't develop without breaking some things.
@Mast it's difficult but I do have other positive things ;)
last project, I did analise, design and the whole coding
@Mast Eh, I still may be wrong but is states that it is corrected and I couldn't find any obvious error when reading the code.
But it may be an error to trust users, who knows.
but I'm not an analist or designer so there is nothing on paper for that ;)
@Morwenn Neither did I find any, but again, I'm not familiar with such constructs so I'm not good with them
@chillworld Why would you need to be an analist to analyze?
Just get the darn job done regardless of title.
We don't always have the time to double-check anything, so I guess that we have to assume things to take decisions unless somebody proves us wrong.
The problem is on resume for future jobs
Which problem?
That chill word has done work he doesn't have title for
Not saying he shouldn't do it-- he should. Was explaining the potential problem to @Mast
I usually put on my resume what I did with a generic title. They haven't cared about it so far.
I'm a hardware engineer, but I write software most of the time. Does it make sense? Kind of. Does it alter my title? Who cares about titles.
It gets better while writing firmware.
@Mast I do that, but in our company we have designers and analists. (and they are better paid then me)
Lousy company if you ask me, but I've never been subtle about management structures.
Well, @Mast, if you work at a large company, when the large company is called for a reference, they may not talk to anyone who actually knew you or can confirm specific things you did beyond your title.
@nhgrif Usually you put a name in your reference list you can trust, not the general phone number.
and if that person no longer works there?
Yes, have references, but a hiring company will want to confirm with former company your actual roles and duties
@Mast already got 3 invitations to work on other places in the company (pity enough I'm military and if I change place, the payment is the same)
Ah yes, the military is turning into bureaucracy nowadays
As many companies did before
@Mast turning? it's always been like that
@nhgrif I guess I prefer to call around for a new reference beforehand than trusting a company to find the right person
@chillworld Oh well, I always hope the world used to be better than this
@nhgrif although it depends on the company
@Mast never been, the news was just not getting around the world ^^
There's one company I've worked which I'd blindly trust, the rest I don't
@Mast you do both. But what you did at your previous jobs is an important part of how you look to a new company in interview process.
And generally, all a previous company's HR will let them do is confirm title and dates of employment
today's paper in Belgium : 15year old girl stabbed 17 year old girl
murderer of his wife and his own kid get's free because a procedure fault
@nhgrif I guess they do things different in the States
world is fucked up, sometimes I wish person of interest was real.
It's not just the U.S. But it's definitely the case here.
Company A doesn't want to be sued for what they may have said when Company B called, so Company A keeps it quite limited and purely fact based.
So if it wasn't your official title or duty, expect Company A not to tell Company B about it.
Not to be rude or anything, but suing (sue-ing?) is done a lot less here over such cases.
It's a running joke about the States they basically sue for anything they can sue for.
That doesn't mean you can't tell Company B about it. It just looks better when Company A tells them about it.
@nhgrif That's always true. It's always a good idea to have your story backed up.
It may be... And I don't know how common suing over this actually is, but it can happen, it's not limited to the U.S. either
Just go look on The Workplace
They usually ask me what I've done in the past and with luck there's a techie at the table able to follow what I'm talking about.
They're interested in what I did, not in what I was called
Yes, sure. But you cannot entirely discount previous titles and what previous employers will tell future employers.
I always need to be prepared to have a conversation about one of my latest projects, without telling them anything damaging about the previous company or giving away their secrets
@nhgrif I've worked at a company who was really picky about titles once. Didn't like it there, left during my trial period. 2 weeks was what I needed to find out it wasn't my place to be.
Yeah, I just say: I worked on intgrating about 20,000 computers over an encrypted network in a confidential environment using proprietary tools in high-stress work-places.
@rolfl Exactly
Every company will have different priorities too. You never know when you are interviewing to fill the spot of a guy who lied on his resume so the company is going to take everything you say with a grain of salt and fact check it all at previous employers, etc
Having said that, some of my 20,000 computers are escaping, so, I have to go get a screwdriver and go to work to fasten them down.
So the more other people can say about you without you having to say it yourself, the better.
And it's hard to say "I did analysis work at company A", not have the Analysis title at all, and there exist analysts with the title at that company (who also are paid more than you were). I'd talk about it in an interview, but I'd be careful how I framed it on a resume.
@nhgrif Don't call it analysis, problem solved
If you need to solve a problem, you'll have to analyze it first. Everyone does that. But we're not all analists.
So tell them what you did in general.
I'm usually developing. Which doesn't mean I'm a developer, I'm an engineer after all.
But I'm currently trying to implement certain features in an environment not build for such.
That's a great deal of analysis, design, etc. But I'll never call it such unless the new company thinks it's along the lines of such.
Even then, I'll stick to the facts.
I don't like titles.
Did I mention I don't like titles yet?
Just because you don't doesn't mean there aren't people who are responsible for making hiring decisions who do like titles.
@nhgrif I refuse to negotiate with HR. I'll deal with the guy who wants me to work for him or I don't work for him.
HR is only for the paperwork
So, has anyone written awesome code lately?
@Mast that's fine for you personally, but I'm not talking about you, I'm talking in general.
@nhgrif Everyone should deal with it in the way he feels most comfortable about. Don't get forced into anything though, there's always choice.
At least, there should always be choice.
There's always choice-- lots of jobs, not as many developers, and definitely not as many good developers. A few companies probably need to be taught that.
@chillworld holy crap.
@StackCodeReview community is awesome! #Rubberduck now has its own tag! Thanks you CR!
@Mat'sMug You're welcome :)
is valid now
@SimonAndréForsberg holy crap on what?
38 mins ago, by chillworld
today's paper in Belgium : 15year old girl stabbed 17 year old girl
oh yeah, indeed :(
Hey by the way...
A: Comparing 2 arrays of dictionaries and saving user preferences

nhgrif //we have a match, compare name and change if necessary if (![item[@"title"] isEqualToString:userItem[@"title"]]) { //set user's item title to default title [userItem setValue:item[@"title"] forKey:@"title"]; } This sort of code is a bit redundant, and also shows inconsistency betwe...

@nhgrif I cheated on CR today :
A: How to apply css selector in ZK

chillworldYou can use the sclass attribute so your css is applied with the default css. <style> .bold{ font-weight: bold; } </style> <grid> <columns> <column/> <column/> </columns> <rows> <row> <label value="${labels.personal.name}" sclass=...

but how can you refuse to answer such a nice white rabbit ;)
What's wrong with this white rabbit?
maybe busy with work ?
@SimonAndréForsberg I don't know, long time no see
yeah, konijn is not here as much anymore (which is why our JS zombies go up)
I post on SO all the time.
@nhgrif and comment on so ^^
Greetings, Programs.
I was watched lsat night.
but only last week's episode.
monking @Donald.McLean
I was watched on Tuesday. Yes, the season finale is an ugly cliff-hanger.
@Donald.McLean greetings, User
Q: Converting YARD AST parameters to a hash

papirtigerI'm writing a handler for YARD that documents Mongoid fields: class User field :name, Type: String end Yard parses the method call arguments into a list of AST nodes: s(:symbol_literal, s(:symbol, s(:ident, "name"))) s(s(:assoc, s(:label, "type"), s(:var_ref, s(:const, "String")))) I'm tr...

@Donald.McLean Noonking
Hey, @Donald.McLean - I answered a scala question, feel free to downvote and produce the right alternatives ;-)
@rolfl Actually, I like your answer. Sometimes, just because you can do something a certain way doesn't mean that you should do it that way.
@Donald.McLean I was watched yesterday. You think we will ever be watched again?
Q: Snake in Haskell

wei2912I wrote a partial implementation of Snake in Haskell. As of now, it only supports the movement of the snake. However, since the code is getting complex, I'm requesting for a review of the code before I add on the food, growing and scoring functions. I'd be glad to hear any suggestions on how thi...

@CaptainObvious One day, I wish I could read some Haskell code and actually understand exactly what it is doing...
@Jamal - question - you mrked the rubberduck-vba a status complete, but I don't see any actual resolution there, and no questions have been tagged yet.
Since there's an advantage to being the person who actually creates the tag, is there some reason why I can't ask Simon ot go ahead and do it?
@rolfl @Mat'sMug named it
Ahhh... OK
Penny drops.
@rolfl I already have several tags I am the creator of. Six more and I'll get taxonomist.
So go ahead and make a bunch of RPSLS follow-ups ;)
@SimonAndréForsberg I grumble about my tag badge......
@rolfl what tag badge?
.... I think I should have it for that.... but never happened.
The taxonomist tag is hard to pin down, though.
@SimonAndréForsberg Who knows. Keeping my fingers crossed.
How can I tell what tags I have created?
@nhgrif It is hard, but, I have an SEDE query for it, but it misses things if the tag was initially created on a post that is now deleted: data.stackexchange.com/codereview/query/196683/…
Q: If condition, load table view else load web view xcode

ChrisI have a View Controller. Within this view controller I have a menu and a tab bar depending on what menu item is clicked. Depending on what is clicked in the menu/the tab bar. I want to load either a UIWebView or a UITableView with data. I have already added a UIWebView to the view controller....

@ZacHowland, when doing online code reviews in gitlab, github, stash, or VSO with git, a review can click a plus sign next to a line of code and make a comment. This comment is not stored with the code and can only be seen online when looking at a pull request. — Eric Rohlfs 45 secs ago
@RubberDuck now let's make badgeable! :)
Monking @Mat'sMug
@Mat'sMug LOL. In due time.
It took 3 years for to be badgeable.
But we did it!
Can't wait till tag recalc. I wonder who's top asker in that tag..
?? recalc?
What does a badge need to be badgeable anyway?
Speaking of recalc, at one place it says that has 16 question, at another place 18.
Q: How to make more compact and readable the creation of a Select in a View

Mauricio GraciaI have the following code in a VIEW <select name="selected_budget_mode" class="" onchange="OnBudgetModeChanged(this)"> <option value="0" <% if params[:current_budget_mode].to_i == 0 %>selected <% end %>><%= show_budget_mode(0) %></option> <option value="1" <% if params[:c...

@Mast 200 questions, I think.
Q: Moderator said there was no evidence for a flag - I think they're wrong

MogsdadI flagged this post for migration to codereview, and in my flag said: This question should be migrated to Code Review. It contains code that is already working correctly, and the relevant code sections are embedded in the question. I figured that presenting the case by paraphrasing the on-t...

Did any of our mods decline this migration request?
@JeroenVannevel you do know they can't??
I thought migrations had to be accepted by a moderator from the other side?
@JeroenVannevel they don't. which is one part to why migrations are so messy
Migrations can be rejected though, I believe.
Yeah, that's what lead me to believe they had to be accepted
No, they just show up. And there's a page where you can give them the heave-ho if you decide you don't like them.
@SimonAndréForsberg Less than that
80 or 100
not sure. But not 200
@RubberDuck tag metrics update once a day
@JeroenVannevel It was never discussed with me, and I cannot find any evidence it was discussed with anyone in the Mod rooms.
@Mat'sMug so then Rubberduck is not that far away after all!
I would call it a marginal decision, but the rule is sort of hard to quantify in these things.
Additionally, it was never migrated/rejected.
I'm missing three Java upvotes on Stack Overflow for a silver badge!
And you care because....?
Hey, a badge is a badge!
@JeroenVannevel For the record, that code is horribly broken, but it shoud be pointed out in a review.... probably
My question is more about real time example of requirement to declare new type. @David I thanks for the comment I'll try posting it on codereview.stackexchange.com — Jon 1 min ago
It's about google-sheets though.
So it's kind of broken by default
It's not VBA
Q: Python Programming (Dice statistics)

Austin SweetI'm working on a programming project for college and I'm still very new to this. I'm trying to make a simple program that rolls two imaginary dice until the user inputs a number less than 1, otherwise it calls for the user input over and over again. import random num_sixes = 0 num_sevens = 0 nu...

@Mast huh? What is?
@JeroenVannevel I'm curious about what you have to say about this :)
The question mentioned in
Q: Moderator said there was no evidence for a flag - I think they're wrong

MogsdadI flagged this post for migration to codereview, and in my flag said: This question should be migrated to Code Review. It contains code that is already working correctly, and the relevant code sections are embedded in the question. I figured that presenting the case by paraphrasing the on-t...

@Servy - It's not an awesome question anywhere, but since when did that become the standard for migration? It does meet the requirements from the on-topic reference doc I linked to - I've added the core points to save everyone needing to read the whole doc. — Mogsdad 42 mins ago
It's been a core principle of migration from day 1 that we don't migrate crap. Question that are on topic, but low quality, or otherwise close-worthy on the target site, should not be migrated. Shoveling your trash to another site is inconsiderite and unproductive. Content should only be migrated if the target site is going to be glad to have it. — Servy 41 mins ago
@nhgrif Do you consider the question to be crap?
I've seen worse around here.
I haven't seen it
I am on my phone
You know what grinds my gears? Coworkers bitching about having too many tasks. I'd like them to see my plate.
it's still your plate?
I have to pretend until my boss tells my coworkers I M leavinv
Plus, I want to finish my current project
@Mat'sMug It seems strange that you call Control.Invoke in each method. Why don't you make all those methods asynchronous and only call Control.Invoke once at the top level?
Note also that it should be async Task, not void
you want the long story?
I have a hairdresser appointment soon so let's keep it shortish
Gotta look fabulous
@JeroenVannevel Fantabulous, you mean?
AFAIK, that is some sort of cross between Fantasy and Fabulous, but I've never looked it up.
@Hosch250 Nope. Fantastically fabulous
So thank you
Oh, that sounds better.
Meh, I answered that question on SO now too ;-)
@JeroenVannevel let's just say that's pretty much the first-ish code I've written with async/await, and then I started sprinkling Control.Invoke calls to overcome exceptions spawned from accessing the UI from a background thread.. and ended up with this mess of looks-like-it's-async-but-runs-on-the-UI-thread code
What I needed was to STR. Stop. Think. Refactor.
Is that different from STM?
Société de Transport de Montréal?
IDK, I just made up STR
what's the M for?
I don't know enough about UIs to say something with authority
I know more about UTI's than UI's
the only thing you need to know is that objects created on the UI thread can only be accessed directly by the UI thread.
That would be a GUI of some types.
so you can't access controls from a background thread, you need to Invoke a delegate that does
It's not my area of strength (sadly). async/await is complicated enough as it is
i would post that part instead on codereview.stackexchange.com since your code works but your concerned about performance. — Daniel A. White 43 secs ago
@Mat'sMug what are the implications of letting the parser just run and only adding all of the nodes after it's done?
This code's asynchronicity is pretty much this:
user image
Kind of feels like that's how it should work.
@JeroenVannevel YES!
@Mogsdad - have a minute to chat in the 2nd monitor - Code Review chat room? — rolfl 1 min ago
I write lots of async code...
1 min ago, by Jeroen Vannevel
It's not my area of strength (sadly). async/await is complicated enough as it is
^^^ Async/await is a simplification of concurrency .... !!!
it is
For me it is a sort of unfamiliar middle-ground.....
powerful enough to do almost everything I am familiar with, but then sometimes, I want that extra bit it can't do.
Straightforward use of async/await is easy and not hard to understand
@RubberDuck indeed.
@Mat'sMug do you have a async question somewhere?
Q: Retry a connection every 5 seconds

naffy_naffyWhat I have is a connection to my server. If my server goes down for whatever reason, then I want to try reconnecting every 5 seconds for 5 minutes. If 5 minutes goes by without a successful connection, then stop trying for 5 minutes, and then start the whole process again. class connectSocket ...

the problem comes when you do synchronous UI invokes inbetween, don't return Task and call synchronous methods wrapping asynchronous delegates in a synchronous UI invoke
which is what the above code does
I've been teaching coworkers async for several weeks now, may as well teach others too
Q: Simon Says: "Make me a pretty game"

Mat's Mug In Memoriam Ralph H. Baer, co-inventor of the original "Simon" game, died Saturday December 6th 2014, at 92. With his passing, this friendly little challenge inadvertently became a memorial to the father of video game consoles. Rest in peace Mr. Baer, you have changed our lives forever. ...

or did you mean in the code explorer post?
I don't know. Whatever we are all confused about, I guess.
Are we trying to update UI from background? Or let UI update an already running background thread?
well that Simon Says code was challenging because for the longest time all frakkin' animations would happen at the same time - it was fun though
the code explorer code though..
I'd need a way to perform the parsing on a background thread, then pass the parse results to a method that generates the tree nodes in the correct order, all while keeping the IDE responsive.
Can be done.
of course it can be done
Ideally you should try to get a copy of the tree, use async/await to generate the new one and replace the previous one with the new one using ui invoke
But I don't know if it's possible to copy and replace
in VBA, Apr 9 at 13:01, by Mat's Mug
@RubberDuck We're programmers, we can do anything
@Mat'sMug Just looking for that.
@JeroenVannevel I can always hold a reference to the root node..
If you can do what I said, I'd look into that
There's nothing sexy about calling a bazillion UI invokes from asynchronous code
Are you using BackgroundWorker?
BGW is obsolete
would be awkward to see it alongside with Task stuff
Oh lol.
I'm writing old .NET stuff...
BGW is if you're stuck on 2.0
How does Task compare? How similar is it?
the two are about 200 lightyears apart
BGW is about handling events
Task is about aynchronous delegates
Anonymous methods and whatnot
Hi @GeorgeStocker!
Oh, that's better. More like Objective-C.
Q: C# Method to determine database status

jayoharedeeI have a task that I am trying to complete and would appreciate direction, to know which is the most efficient path to take for future requirements. Use Case: A background process that determines if a specific database is broken. This task will be run every two minutes as we must know ASAP if th...

Q: Checking two text field for match and checking for null

MwcsMacIs this the most efficient way to do this? Any suggestions on some thing I might have missed or can do better? func checkPasscodeMatch(){ println(self.passCodetext1.text) println(self.passCodetext2.text) // check if pass codes match if self.passCodetext1.text == self.passCod...

@Mat'sMug Smoke The Manual, dammit.
oh crap. facepalm
Oh, finally a SO Moderator that drops by!
you flagged something?
We're all in trouble.
A: May 2015 Community Challenge

rolflStackSTV Stack Exchange uses an STV-based system for holding elections. They use the software OpenSTV to host it. That software is no longer being maintained, and the system is being rebranded as OpaVote, and will no longer be free. This month's challenge: Build an implementation of the sa...

Hey George.
@rolfl How much are they going to pay? ;)
Just kidding, it sounds fun.
You might find this Haskell implementation to be interesting - codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/66952/…Kevin Meredith 15 secs ago
@rolfl 10 upvotes until first place..
Hmm, I wonder how they weight the votes, remove candidates, and so forth.
@Hosch250 standard STV algorithm
but in general it works something like this:
1. define threshold
2. has a candidate passed the threshold?,
if yes, they immediately pass, redistribute the excess votes, goto 1
3. eliminate the candidate with lowest votes and redistribute them
4. if all seats are filled, you're finished, else goto 1
For those watching the votes on that challenge answer...... I happened to mention in the Mod-only room that it was a candidate ..... :-)
Truth is, it was inspired as a result of conversations in there..... so it made sense
look who's talking ;)
Some of the other site mods, and even SE staff have thrown in a vote (or, 2, if they are staff, probably).
Q: Vanilla Carousel: code above configuration

PinoniqThere are tons of Carousel libraries out there in the wild. All of them however favor configuration above Code and often take rather important decisions for you (what framework to use for Dom manipulation, css classes to use, ...) So as a test of my JS skills, I wrote a small Carousel that prefe...

7 mins ago, by Hosch250
@rolfl How much are they going to pay? ;)
Since this is a code review question, it seems more appropriate for codereview.stackexchange.com. — Max just now
@SimonAndréForsberg They will each upvote your question?
Will they each write their own implementation as well? Or review some implementations?
Howdy rolfl - whazzup?
@Max This seems to be example code which is entirely off-topic on Code Review. — Simon André Forsberg 12 secs ago
@rolfl! Mogsdad's here!
Ah, Thanks.
@rolfl Here now.
@Mogsdad - about that question.... it would have probably been OK on CR... but, when it comes to migrations it's a slippery and subjective process.
In general, the mods on all sites are encouraged to only migrate "great" questions.
@rolfl - I'm learning that.
WBN if it was more up-front, though.
The bottom line is that, in effect, your instincts were probably right about that question, but the threshold is high, and subkective, and not worth losing sleep over/
@rolfl It makes a good candidate for a challenge, but I'm afraid the requirements are too vague as they're currently standing
It helps having high rep over here too... So start posting answers here?
Yep. Since I didn't get flag-blocked this time, it wasn't a really big deal. Just trying to make sense of "no evidence" statement.
That's probably more a function of the amount of flags being processed rather than your individual flag.
@nhgrif - I've done some. Haven't had much motivation.
I was able to get this migrated even though SO gave it two answers: codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/88886/… and I intend to answer sometime soon-ish.
@Mogsdad "no evidence" just means that the flag was declined
that ^^^^
because of the sheer mass of flags on SO, there's no more granulated responses
flags are either "accepted", "dismissed as helpful" or "dismissed" (IIUC)
<whine> But I was trying SO HARD!!! </whine> :)
accepted means that the mod processing your flag acted upon it in "the way intended"...
@Vogel612 Disputed perhaps?
@Mast - Agreed wrt vague requirements. That was where my comments on Meta came from.
@Mast disputed means it was handled by one of the review queues
Disputed might make more sense - still not clear to the uninitiated.
and there it was declined with at least one review action in your favor
Hey, at least you flagged it though, rather than all of the other things people try to do with posts regarding CR, and at least it was a decent question.
so you flag as OT, 2 ppl agree, 3 don't the flag gets cleared
@Vogel612 So it basically means 'Some of us agree with your assessment but not enough to act upon it'?
It helps, I think, if the flag comment makes a convincing case for why the question is better here than there.

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