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@Pimgd the one after or is wring
Wrong even
"bonus if I'm not even wrong, or" + dependant clause + " correct, but for different reasons"
bonus if I'm not even wrong, or - even weirder - correct, but for different reasons
Q: Can i post this stored procedure as a question for review?

THEI have this stored procedure which is simply collecting lots of information so there isn't really anything I could name it to explain, would it be best to ask a question with stored procedure code in it asking for reviews ? Here is the code but that's for some modifications I need to make to it....

different breaks
I see
not commas
this is a result of applying Dutch grammar rules to English =D
Ok, @rolfl ...
@rolfl they were not related to the question directly, but more to your answer. And in general I agree with your answer, I couldnt come up with anything else that would add to this :) — Zavael 5 mins ago
Having only skimmed Q&A, the fact that this statement can beads suggests to me that you are probably right.
On my phone, it is hard to tell what the edit is exactly.
Wondering if this is for codereview or stackoverflow: - In an application I wrote in python (analysing heatmaps of in total 20GB) I keep running into a "memory error" - after about 1gb, I have no real idea how to debug yet my code is fairly large (relevant part is around 1KLOC). - Which site is best to help me find this leak?
@paul23 Defintiely SO
CR requires working code
Code "works" - only after reading +/- 100 files it crashes
Is that a feature or a bug?
If it's a bug, it's not working as intended
Q: Need one inspection for my code where i am working with Sql Dependency and windows service

Thomassome one please review my code and help me to point out the problematic line of code.i have implemented sql dependency in windows service. when data will be changed in table then onchange event will fire and from there i am invoking a web service. i will share my full code. i tested many time in...

It can be on-topic
Welcome to Code Review! I'm afraid this question does not match what this site is about. Code Review is about improving existing, working code. Code Review is not the site to ask for help in fixing or changing what your code does. Once the code does what you want, we would love to help you do the same thing in a cleaner way! Please see our help center for more information.
But SO requires a small workable example - and each "reduction" I do beyond the 1kloc removes the bug
@paul23 - performance and memory constraint problems are generally accepted if the code works for smaller input, but fails on larger inputs.
Heck it gets removed if I don't run in debug mode
@nhgrif mhh they should fire him as teacher ^^
@rolfl You're right, it's technically working code if it can handle the first couple of files you throw at it.
But @paul23 realize that you will also be reviewed on all aspects of the code-- not just your memory issue.
@rolfl Can you look at mine latest question? I appreciate always your input
@nhgrif You mean here?
It (sadly) also happens on SO
What do you mean "sadly"?
Why is that a sad thing? As long as the criticism is constructive
It removes the focus of what is the main problem
If you do not want all aspects of your code reviewed, do not post your code here.
and quite often that smaller problem is caused by the fact I made a minimal example (ie I removed the check for zeros etc)
@nhgrif Remind me, where is it written down we only review entire code?
It might than look to others that the question is answered (yes I've had comments of accepting an answer that answered something else than the question)
Code Review is not a place for solving SO-type problems but with massive chunks of code because the asker can't make a small example.
> Do I want feedback about any or all facets of the code?
If you are looking for feedback on a specific working piece of code from your project in the following areas… then you are in the right place!
^^ Quote
We don't only review the entire code, but no answerer should feel obligated to answering specific questions asked and can review any aspect of the code.
So if you don't want aspects of your code outside your specific question reviewed, don't post your code.
@nhgrif who makes problems?
Feel free to call attention to specific areas you are concerned about (performance, formatting, etc). However, any aspect of the code posted is fair game for feedback and criticism.
So you can't force a review to not review a part of the code, but you can ask to focus on a certain subject.
@paul23 it sort of sounds like you want to ask a SO question, but you haven't done enough personal debugging to produce a minimal enough example for SO yet.
@nhgrif maybe but I have no idea how to continu
@nhgrif I'm kind of stuck, not sure how to debug memory problems
It isn't a simple memory leak?
What language? What IDE? What OS?
@nhgrif Python
Q: Python memory leaks

FragsworthI have a long-running script which, if let to run long enough, will consume all the memory on my system. Without going into details about the script, I have two questions: Are there any "Best Practices" to follow, which will help prevent leaks from occurring? What techniques are there to debug...

@nhgrif @paul23 That question with its answers would be a good place to start indeed.
@Mast nah, I have a class that contains the numpy arrays (50mb each array) - then after analysis and saving to the harddrive I set the variable to None (measurement = None). That should free everything to the garbage collector. However after doing that for around 100 files it still gives a memory error
Is Python GC'd?
@nhgrif Sometimes, I never rely on it though
Well I get too much data to do otherwise, since python isn't RAII either
*doesn't allow for RAII
Have you pulled up a live memory chart during the process (viewing from start to end)
So... Go to that SO question I just linked... That should be a good start.
@Mast I need to find tutorials/explanations how to do that
Depends on your OS
ctrl+shift+esc on Windows, top on Linux
@paul23 I assume you correctly de-reference all no longer used data. Otherwise the GC aint doing anything
@Mast I wonder if there are tools that can introspect that
I wonder if I actually accidentally keep a reference to the arrays somewhere by a circular reference that's not catched
Q: Issue with While Loop not running Java

Alasdair Samueli am having trouble with regards to a while loop which will run a menu system. But for some reason that i cannot figure out, it does not run anything within the while loop. Can you guys have a look at the following code and let me know what i have done wrong? Thanks package model; import java....

Q: Idiomatic way of handling optional values in swift

W.K.SI'm new to iOS development and also new to Swift. I'm working on a project consisting of a menu that leads to my various experimentations with the iOS SDK. I've written the menu titles and segueIdentifiers in a plist and I'm populating an array of NavigationItem in viewDidLoad() Is the followin...

@paul23 again, what OS are you on?
@nhgrif windows :)
vista, and using eclipse as IDE
@paul23 Open your memory chart, hit the process and see what happens. The memory per second should give you an indication of the problem
If you keep throwing everything in the same list, yea, it will never get de-referenced
But as said, if the code is generally working and only has trouble for a big amount of files, it could fit our site. I'll be willing to give it a shot anyway and with your questions in chat here I hope the mods will be merciful on you.
@Mast Thanks, but I'll still try to find it myself today a bit..
There are a few things I haven't tried yesterday/tonight before going to sleep
Good luck
lol my external harddrive letters just all switched
@AlasdairSamuel update your question with the new working code and see what we do. You will get the point what we do and learn some things also. — chillworld 10 secs ago
trying to show some people what CR actually does, maybe they fall in love with it
Hmm I fixed the memory leak it seems - but I have idea why.. (I have a dictionary with precalculated "values" -say primes-), and it only calculates and inserts one if it hasn't be calculated by a previous image yet. However in strangely this was causing a memory leak , even though I exepct only ~100 unique versions.
The unique values might not have been dereferenced from the original data, in which case you save 100 files in memory
which would amount to 5GB in your case
I try to prevent this by overwriting my data in case of repeated streams and only copy'ing what I need to a list/dictionary/etc.
uh the values are stored as "function local dict" - where my_func is a global function. And the input (timepoint) is used as key. def my_func(timepoint): blabla... myfunc.unique_vals = {}
I'm looking into it more thoroughly myself now though
Sounds like your keys might have become the entire file
I am glad you are doing this. This is at least the level of research you should do before posting to So.
Worst of all: this is an old function (about 4 months ago I last touched it).
"gg enjoying sunny afternoon"
I've tried to be way to efficient, with all that "calculate only variables on read", and "precatch all temporary calculations that might be useful".
very CPU efficient, not so for RAM
wtf I passed my Artificial Intelligence exam and course!
@Mast Well without any such optimization it took ~30mins to analyse a single image, with all of them I reduced it to ~2-3 minutes.
@skiwi Goes to show that you don't need real intelligence to pass artificial intelligence?
@rolfl You just need artificial intelligence ;)
Q: Implementing Mitchell's best candidate algorithm

alainlompoI have written an implementation of Mitchell's best candidate algorithm. Mitchell’s best-candidate algorithm generates a new random sample by creating k candidate samples and picking the best of k. Here the “best” sample is defined as the sample that is farthest away from previous samples. The al...

Congrats ;-)
(Or read last years exam, study those exercises in the last 2 days and overall do know the AI concepts)
Time to read upon Python3 this weekend
For our project (appareantly) the user requirement is to use Django
@paul23 Now you found the problem you can put it on CR and tell us you're having difficulty balancing CPU/RAM optimalisation
Django? That's almost as evil as JS
can't we have a extra part in this chat where can see new questions of chat members currently logged in?
@skiwi all you need to know about python, is that this is good:
if expression:
do something
and this is bad:
Python is pure awesomeness
if expression:
do something
@rolfl And your formatting is off ;-)
Which is very very bad in Python
No, I have 4 spaces indenting the first version ;-)
I used to build my own UDP headers with it, bytes split up to bits and all
Slow as ****, but quick to set up
Q: Simplification of the string manipulation?

Aravind SivamI created the below function for creating the query string form class. private string GetODataQuery(DBCommand dbCmd, ClaySysListFieldsRootObject controltype = null) { StringBuilder selectSB = new StringBuilder("id,"); StringBuilder expandSB = new StringBuilder();...

Python is really handy to make scripts quickly and portably.
Except when you set up a build server to compile a latex file to pdf after every commit
On Linux... I believe Windows would be an even bigger hell
Write some interesting, working, code and post it on Code Review and wait for people to tell you how you can make it better! — Simon André Forsberg 33 secs ago
Q: Signup and login form security

sanoj lawrenceThis is my signup and login form. Is this form secure? How can I test it? Signup form <?php require('includes/config.php'); //if logged in redirect to members page if( $user->is_logged_in() ){ header('Location: memberpage.php'); } //if form has been submitted process it if(isset($_POST['sub...

Another poor soul trying to implement his own security.
@nhgrif yes I did
Q: Verifying Intel.hex file records are valid, how are my bitwise operations (and the rest)?

bot_botI have a class called FirmwareFile which represents and Intel HEX format file. The file is constructed with the name, build time and build date, at a later point file data is retrieved from the database (another class handles this) and is passed in with the setData(byte[] data) method. After the...

Woot fixed it
@paul23 Now it's both quick and no leak?
Memory keeps growing to ~2gb, and then it drops back to ~10mb so I guess that's leakfree
2GB is acceptable when handling such amounts of data
Well I only HAVE 2gb...
so ye
Well, at least the GC seems to be able to do it's job now
Have you tried handling more files than what previously crashed it?
If 100 files was the limit, try 1000
It's still a problem how I am going to "analyse" (compare) the images together.
You still store the relevant data, right?
Ye, basically I am calculating heatmaps (from temperature the heat flux), and now I'm trying to define ways to analyse it..
Greetings, Programs.
But I can't just do easy comparisons, I really have to think about which I wish to compare as I can't keep the data in memory
I now need to write/get a feature detection to find the "heat blobs" (there are always 4 blobs on the image that are much more heated than the rest, and I'm interested in the 4 maxima as well as the size and average heat of those blobs).
To those who may find it interesting: here is a temperature map at a certain time and certain measurement: i.imgur.com/QsY2Jk4.jpg
If you need to compare more than what you can hold in memory, you'll have to split it up
Looks awesome
I began a C++/OpenGL/SFML project with a friend and thought that explaining the build process and what to download and configure would be easy. I have never been so wrong.
(image is cropped for reporting btw)
"Download MinGW-w64 4.9.2 (32 bits) with POSIX threads and dwarf exceptions."
just give them a list what to type in what order, that's the only way to compensate for human stupidity
That's already pretty specific, and other downloads need to be specific too.
@Mast That's what I did. It shouldn't be hard, but I realized that there were a lot more steps than I thought.
What I usually do is grab a fresh computer and try to reproduce it myself. Write down EVERY step in the process and write most of it in the manual
Actually any programming project building is hard
to explain/understand when you're new
I had to install python at a friends mac (never used) - the person didn't want to use the terminal though as it would allow hacking.
try to explain why it is important
Actually, I have to understand a Java building toolchain at my company and it's harder than I thought.
I configured Go a few days ago -- not too easy either.
Visual Studio does it all for you in that regard: install and.. you're ready
@paul23 If your Mac friend is afraid of the terminal, he shouldn't be allowed near Python
But C and C++ really do have a load of specific and different things they can rely on that are not compatible with each other.
If you have all dependencies, every installation should consist of ./configure, make and make install. Anyone can do that
@Mast sadly that's not up to me to decide - we have to do the analysis together as a group
cmake -G"MinGW Makefiles"; make
@JeroenVannevel and then comes boost....
@paul23 Ah, no experience with C++ in that regard
or any other regard
@JeroenVannevel and opencv with it's dependencies on pnglib, jpeglib that you have to find youself on the internet
@Morwenn C = C and C++ = C++, people intermixing those should be shot
Boost is great, unless you have to use a compiled module.
@Mast They share building tools and you often have to use C libraries in C++.
C# has NuGet, I have yet to come across the first library I wanted that isn't in that repository
@Morwenn Yes, but you import those as C libraries, not as C++ libraries hoping it will compile anyway
At least, I hope
@Mast #include <cstring> ?
I'm soooo happy with python's semi official "pip" functionality
The only thing that I couldn't ever figure out was how to get pyqt working
@Mast OpenGL is rather horrible to get working, whether you want to use it from C or C++.
My point was that from a build point of view, they share the same problems.
@paul23 Why? You download, install and it works.
@Morwenn interdependencies and versioning is the real pain. When you install opencv you have to find and install libpng, libjpeg and many more.. And then you can't seem to get them working with your current compiler cause of some obscure old code.
Try a half ported version of OpenCV to find out many of your required functions are not available
@paul23 If you're into heavy processing, why are you working on old hardware?
Pip just handles everything behind the curtains
old hardware?
this laptop is only 6 years old
I had to compile the Solarus engine under Windows with MinGW, it uses th following libraries: SDL2, SDL2_image, SDL2_ttf, lua5.1 or LuaJIT, OpenAL, physfs, modplug, ogg, vorbis and vorbisfile.
I had to compile by hand more than half of the libraries -_-
And I'm repeating experiments the US government did back in the 50s
That's the great thing about Objective-C. I can actually have raw C, ObjC, C++, and Swift source files all in the same project and compile it all together at once.
This would be better suited to being on codereview.stackexchange.comEvan Knowles 11 secs ago
@GenericCog This question would get better reception on the Code Review site, as someone already suggested. If you like you can delete it from Stack Overflow and post it on CR instead and we'll be happy to help you improve it. — Phrancis 13 secs ago
out of scope here. Post it to codereview.stackexchange.com, maybe? — Sergio Tulentsev 17 secs ago
Q: Creating an optimized, fully functional TextureManager in SDL;

MattMattAfter I've discussed pointer semantics with Loki Astari previously, I finnaly managed to code the TextureManager class using auto_pointers. But the problem is that I need to pass an SDL_Renderer object to my class' constructor as an auto_ptr. But the object I want to pass is a raw pointer; So how...

@SergioTulentsev This looks like example code and would therefore be off-topic for Code Review. CR is only for real-life, working code, rather than example/hypothetical code. — Phrancis 28 secs ago
^^ Says the guy who wrote a FizzBuzz in SQL -_-"
@sᴉɔuɐɹɥԀ Do you know who that Phrancis guy is?
@paul23 Just saying, double the RAM would make your simulations a lot easier. But hey, perhaps that's out of scope and/or ruining the fun of it.
@paul23 What are you simulating anyway (if that's not blocked by NDA)
@skiwi No freaking clue. He's pretty low rep on SO though, not sure we should trust him/her.
@Mast We're investigating the effect of roughness induced boundary layer transition in hypersonic airflows.
(using infrared thermography)
Basically the airflows with mach 7.5 over a plate with a small roughness element, and then we have to inverstigate what this roughness means: will the flow stay laminar or will it become turbulent, and how/where etc
Sounds fascinating
Aren't such calculations usually done in MATLAB?
We can measure it as a turbulent boundary layer has much more heat transfer through convection, so the plate heats up locally more (and we use a high speed camera to measure it).
+ numpy makes python capable of doing anything matlab does - yet keeping its power in other regions.
Can anyone give me a complex expression to evaluate to see if it breaks my Calculator?
I've seen that plotting library, never hade a use case for it unfortunately
2 * 8 / 4^2 * 2.5
insert random parantheses if necessary
@paul23 and yes, numpy is very powerful
I gotta add support for ^...
4*4 is also valid
and random parentheses... don't think I support that yet.
\int_0^10 \int_1^x y dy dx
or does yours not yet support solving integrals?
post your question here: codereview.stackexchange.comdit just now
@paul23 That ain't gonna happen.
No algebraic functions?
@paul23 Does yours? :)
Hmm good idea might add it
Anyway, I'm off to home, back in an hour or so
@Mast like what algebraic functions?
cyclic partial integration ofc
This question should seems better suited for the Code Review Stack Exchange site. — npinti 7 secs ago
@sᴉɔuɐɹɥԀ Ah okay, I only know @sᴉɔuɐɹɥԀ here
@SimonAndréForsberg Didn't you implement a proper shunting yard algorithm?
@Mast huh?
@Morwenn huh?
lol been there done that ;P
In computer science, the shunting-yard algorithm is a method for parsing mathematical expressions specified in infix notation. It can be used to produce output in Reverse Polish notation (RPN) or as an abstract syntax tree (AST). The algorithm was invented by Edsger Dijkstra and named the "shunting yard" algorithm because its operation resembles that of a railroad shunting yard. Dijkstra first described the Shunting Yard Algorithm in the Mathematisch Centrum report MR 34/61. Like the evaluation of RPN, the shunting yard algorithm is stack-based. Infix expressions are the form of mathematical notation...
and then when you release it, everyone complains it doesn't support multiline/loops
The triple product rule, known variously as the cyclic chain rule, cyclic relation, cyclical rule or Euler's chain rule, is a formula which relates partial derivatives of three interdependent variables. The rule finds application in thermodynamics, where frequently three variables can be related by a function of the form f(x, y, z) = 0, so each variable is given as an implicit function of the other two variables. For example, an equation of state for a fluid relates temperature, pressure, and volume in this manner. The triple product rule for such interrelated variables x, y, and z comes from using...
Now I'm really gone
For those interested in gamemaker: gmc.yoyogames.com/index.php?showtopic=616118
@Sergio: the code simulates a shopping cart, it is clearly mentioned in the question. It should be these kind of questions you guys should be expecting and solving more. These kind of code reviews can really help newbies to extract maximum out of whatever they are using. — dreamer 51 secs ago
@paul23 Oh, I used that a long time ago :o
It's a calculator that supports only what you add to it (you have to give a symbol and add a function to it)
You did?
Use Game Maker, yes.
How long is long?
Hum, it has probably been 4 years since I really used it to start a new project.
As expected...
Caused by: net.zomis.calculator.model.CalculationException: Not sure what to do with expression: '(3 + 7)'
Caused by: net.zomis.calculator.model.CalculationException: Not sure what to do with expression: '4^2'
ah but then you even know about the newer version!
I have an old expression parser here. I may update it for the challenge.
> By the way, the language is named after the BBC show “Monty Python’s Flying Circus” and has nothing to do with reptiles. Making references to Monty Python skits in documentation is not only allowed, it is encouraged!
If I'm ever goign to design my own language then I will make sure to have an elegant entry point as it's the first thing that can scare people away
okay, 2 * 8 / 4^2 * 2.5 equals 2.5 and 2 * (3 + 7) equals 20. What's next?
@skiwi Only problem is that people have different ideas about what "elegant entry point" means.
@SimonAndréForsberg Entering π
Q: Method for realtime form validation

BrianA quick little method for validating form input with jQuery (and some built in bootstrap classes). I know the regex isn't perfect but it's close enough. Thoughts? var validate = { email: function (emailAddress) { var re = /^[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}$/i; return r...

Q: Reducing code length using methods in Android Studio

Rhys BennettSo we were set an assignment to create an Android app with various functionality around the idea that you display the 10 nearest restaurants to your location. One of the marks states that we should be able to search by location, postcode or name. I have done this, but I have done so by copying th...

(That's supposed to be a pi)
print("Hello World");


public static void main(String[] args) {
    System.out.println("Hello World");
I consider the Python way to not be elegant
@skiwi looks more like the cryllic alphabet letter for 'p'
@skiwi Why not? It goes straight to the point, doesn't it?
Write code, it gets executed.
@SimonAndréForsberg I mean if __name__ == '__main__': that part
okay, that....
Please migrate this question to the codereview site. Stack is for specific programming problems, not general concept improvements :) — Sterling Archer 58 secs ago
Code Review expects working code. I'm not sure that code is working, since b, c and d meet twice in your output. — Frédéric Hamidi 39 secs ago
Q: Proper use of subject and rspec

pmichnacontext 'correct payment' do let(:payment) { build(:payment, user: user, student: parenthood.student, amount: 1, box: nil) } subject{ post :transfer_money_to_child, payment: payment.attributes } it { expect{ subject }.to change(Payment, :count).by(2) } it 'returns flash notice' do sub...

Q: Round robin in JQuery/Javascript

user3572739I'm trying to implement a round robin for n teams, where each team plays a home and away game against the rest of the teams. My desired output for 4 team is: **Week 1** Team1 vs Team2 Team 3 vs Team 4 **Week 2** Team 1 vs Team 3 Team 2 vs Team4 etc. The current output is: a 5 - 3 b a 4 - ...

If this is working code that you think could be improved, consider asking on codereview.stackexchange.com. If it's not working, please be more precise about what the problem is. — jonrsharpe 16 secs ago
Q: JQuery - Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier

silentnextI have the following code with JQuery and i get "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier" error in line 26: $('#shar onfocus="if(this.value=='Search...') this.value='';". <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.0.0/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="/temp...

Q: A S.I.N checker, using Luhn's Algorithm, and created in swing.

John JohnsonI have created a program to validate a Canadian S.I.N. using Luhn's Algorithm, and was wondering if there was any way to make it more efficient. From what i can tell, it is already extremely efficient, but any tips or advice will be greatly appreciated. import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; i...

@Mast Who? You got that?
Unless you're getting an actual error which you need help with, this should be posted in codereview.stackexchange.comgabe3886 48 secs ago
Just saying it was lively when I left and quiet when I got back
oh, phew.
Got a phobia for tumbleweed?
It is a badge.....
I think I have it on some site
> Asked a question with zero score, no answers, no comments, and low views for a week
A well, got the Excavator one
on SO
And Revival, but no Excavator
uh, Tumbleweed
typing is hard
I should probably try to get those two on CR as well
Old questions deserve answers as well
a = 10
b = a + 10
c = b + 10
d = c + 10
a = d + 10
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.StackOverflowError
Sounds like a question for .... puts on glasses .... Stack Overflow ...
Not really.
I know what the problem is.
It's a functional paradigm, not an iterative one.
a = 10 defines the variable a to be 10, not sets its value to 10
The same happens by this:
a = 10
a = a + 10
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.StackOverflowError
It assumes you're trying to define a new variable while it already exists
I'm not talking about Java, I'm talking about my calculator.
For Java it wouldn't be a problem. Java is an iterative language.
Yea, Zomis isn't it?
Sorry, Java can handle it just fine
Zomis is my nickname at times, yes. But my Calculator doesn't really have a name.
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is about reviewing code that works; should be asked at codereview.stackexchange.com. — chepner 34 secs ago
Redefining a is not a problem, but making a dependent on itself is a problem.
@chepner This seems to be purely example code which is off-topic for Code Review. CR requires real, actual, code, with appropriate context. — Simon André Forsberg 46 secs ago
What I need, is a bootloader which allows me to boot both my Windows and Ubuntu at the same time. I'm getting fed up with switching...
I'd be willing to review such a thing, even if it was hard assembly
You need two machines.
Or three, so you can have OS X.
Nobody needs OS X
Nobody should want OS X
I got 4 cores, 8 with hyperthreading. Split the darn thing up and give me two OS at the same time
I'm even willing to use dedicated HDD for them so they don't have to share
Nobody needs OS X except anybody that wants to do iOS development.
i think you would be better helped on the CodeReview stack exchange site — Felipe Skinner 21 secs ago
And there's nothing wrong with OS X.
I simply have no use case for it
Q: python 3.4 class creation

JiynxSo, i'm creating an automated test system(scope bloat - the original intent was a one-off bash automation of a particular test case that has turned into creating a system that will do many other things). i've done a few things similar to this, but somehow never got to using classes, everything wa...

4 > 2
4 < 2
if(4 > 2, 52, 21)
if(4 < 2, 52, 21)
@Duga Extremely descriptive.
@Hosch250 My first thought as well
@Duga Can we review regex-only code? Seems... odd?
Isn't it fun waiting for servers to respond?
Flagged it for non constructive, the comment
That should be an XKCD.
Two developers sword-fighting, manager says "Get back to work!" developer responds "Waiting for {documentation/intranet/whatever}!"
@LightningRacisinObrit I'm not sure a regex-only question would fare well on Code Review. We can review an implementation, class or function that uses it, but there's only so much that can be said about a rudimentary tool such as regex... — Phrancis 15 secs ago
@SimonAndréForsberg Is that an example of some input and output on your calculator?
Q: Reducing redundant code

kalaxtI have this very easy functionality to find, toggle and remove classes from my html elements. The thing is that I find my self repeating the same code with just different name classes. I basically wrote the same method 9 times. I know that is you keep writing the same thing over and over again th...

Apparently Amazon uses C#, @JeroenVannevel - they have ads all over SO Careers.
@SirPython yup. indeed it is.
I wonder how much further I should take this calculator.
In one way, it works well as it is.
True/False is more descriptive to non-programmers than 1.0/0.0.
In another, there are some features lacking...
Seems like a better question for codereview.stackexchange.comdimo414 9 secs ago
@Hosch250 Noted. Ignored Maybe another time.
I was thinking about if my calculator should be able to handle many different types, such as numbers, booleans, vectors, matrices... but not for now I think.
Adding true/false would require other types.
No it wouldn't, just an if statement or two.
It just needs to know if you are using a comparison operator, and check for the output.
Just answered on a 19m old question and it isn't Jamalized yet
The horror
It also would need to know if the user entered specific output.
Also, you might want to allow something like if 4 > 2, "haha", "hoho").
Not sure how easy that would be...
@Hosch250 My calculator is a bit more abstract than that.
@Hosch250 In a calculator?
OK, sorry.
@Hosch250 Once I support different types, that would be very easy.
Matrices would be awesome
The server finally woke up.
That only took what, 20 minutes?
I got what I wanted done in under 1 minute, once the pages loaded.
@Mast You're tempting me.
How about differentials?
And reverse differentials.
Or whatever it is called when you un-differentialize a differential.
Reverse differential is too primitive for his calculator
I don't know if I'm making a calculator or an implementation of Matlab anymore.
You're making a calculator, with bonus features
2 hours ago, by paul23
or does yours not yet support solving integrals?
My calculator: eval(prompt());
^^ cheating
This is not Code Golf.
Of course; it was meant as a small joke.
Q: Bubble sort algorithm in JavaScript

LaunaI'm new to JavaScript (and programming) and taking a course. I was tasked with creating a bubble sort on any array using JavaScript. Of course, since this is an algorithm challenge, no sort method allowed. After I wrote this, I looked around at other implementations of bubble sort. I only found o...

Who talked a while ago about double negating being a bad sign in documentation?
From Python docs:
> Errors detected during execution are called exceptions and are not unconditionally fatal
@CaptainObvious Improving redundant title
Apr 9 at 16:38, by rolfl
Out of interest.... the fact that the author of the language communicates in double-negatives is a good indicator that the language logic will be hard to comprehend too ;-)
StackOverflow is about specific programming problems. If you want to talk about code quality, head for Code Review. Please check their How-to-Ask page before posting there (as you should have done here). — Pierre-Luc Pineault 26 secs ago
Q: A* versus Bidirectional Dijkstra's algorithm

coderoddeI have added bidirectional Dijkstra's algorithm into my pathfinding "framework", and I would like to make good use of C++ programming idioms, eliminate all possible memory leaks, otherwise improve readability, but I need your help for that to happen. That's what I have scrambled: shortest_path....

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