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There are 1311 unanswered questions
@Duga whoa, Whoa WHOAOAOA!!!
if( maybe ) // this is not a joke
Who wrote this shit manual.
> For now, this is done through a public class with static data (see classes). Static data is not completely implemented! We will fix this very soon!
Looks like that dates circa 2008...
@sᴉɔuɐɹɥԀ What is it?
Hmm, never heard of it.
Scroll to inter-shred communication
So, generally; if I'm passing some data to a public class, into static vars, into a static function... is that OK?
Given I may have any number of calls to that class & function, at any given time, and they need to be independent of each other
Hm. I think I might need to look into pre-constructors. What a clunky language.
@Mat'sMug good to see an answer of yours :)
Q: Optimize a generic foreach method that converts Datatable to my object using Reflection

Roger OliveiraI need to optimize this code block below, this method converts a Datatable object to the Object that I am passing by parameter, in another words, this serializes the object, however I have to run this block 1 million times when reading data from the database, so this is the bottleneck of my appli...

that one?
I couldn't help it! :)
We have current challenges?
Q: Simple Java calculator using Swing

noobinator456This is a Java calculator I made for my programming class. I know there must be vast room for improvement. Please bear in mind the fact that this only accepts an integer, then an operator, then another integer, and finally the = button to function correctly. Also please bear in mind the fact tha...

newest one
How can I tell which ones are current?
(albeit "accidental")
Yeah, I answered that one and then you tagged that :p
A: April 2015 Community Challenge

RubberDuckRe-Nominating this one, because I think it's a fun little challenge. http://meta.codereview.stackexchange.com/a/3786/41243 Implement a simple calculator Where the definition of "simple" is whatever you make it - only supports basic arithmetic operators? Fine. It supports scientific notatio...

I want to tag something I did recently lol..
Time to start thinking of a new CC.
Actually, now that I think about it, although it only got one answer, It was simple enough that not much else could really be done with it, eh.
Hmm, propose the egg again?
Got it.
A color picker?
How about a battle system!
Go ahead.
Even if it's only text based :p
A programming language?
A webpage?
A browser?
an IDE?
Those last three are dumb...
Sure, why not?
well, a text editor perhaps
A FizzBuzz?
@sᴉɔuɐɹɥԀ YEAH!!!
no. just... no.
Lol, that would be a scream.
How about
The Superest FizzBuzz Written.
You have to let the user enter names and specify which number the name belongs to.
User can keep designating "buzz" words, up to 9, ofc and assign them a number
and we see lulz?
If I'm asked to write FizzBuzz for an interview, I'm going to ask them which language.
I can do it in C#, C++, Python, JS without looking anything up.
In C♭ !
I can do it in LOLCODE and VB.NET if I have access to a browser to look up how to loop and a couple other things.
Oh, add C to the top list.
I'd be more interested in some sort of month-long hackaton where everyone uses a language unfamiliar to them and preferably less common, to showcase a small example application with it
I think it's simple enough that I could probably do it in any language if I could look up how to loop. haha
@JeroenVannevel Be pragmatic. Lives, etc.
I'm not saying it's a constant hackaton
If the weekend challenge was to do the fizzbuzz you choose that we just talked about with the catch that you had to learn a language you don't use and implement it there, then I'd do that.
just the general concept
@JeroenVannevel great, I'm doing fizzbuzz in
(don't even dream about it)
If your code is working, question about performance enhancements would be better suited on CodeReview.StackExchange — Brian J 54 secs ago
Let's see, would I do it in Ruby?
I hope my professor likes long words.
> unequivocally
I use that word...:p
Obviously I do too.
(Although I had to double check the meaning in the thesaurus.)
Dishes time, anyone want to dry?
JK, I'm off.
@Hosch250 sorry. busy with meta templates :P
He's seems to do the dishes quite often
No one's here. I have questions. QQ
Post the question link on here
This question will most likely get closed soon. Either refine your question with minimal code to show a problem you are having, or submit this question to Code Review. Good luck. — Drakes 30 secs ago
@Drakes No. Code Review requires working code that works as intended and that's therefore ready for a peer review. Please avoid recommending CR for whatever you deem "too broad", unclear, or whatever the reason is that made you post this comment. — Mat's Mug 34 secs ago
@Quill Every night.
If I don't, we won't have any dishes to eat with the next night.
@Legato I'm hear.
Oh hi.
I had an implementation question.
Bout what?
Basically, I have a Q and A type game in mind, and was wondering how best to make sure that a question that's already used is never used again. Thing is though I want to take all the questions from a file and do it randomly.
Hold on, playing chess.
flag them
There are a few possibilities here.
One is to load them into an array/list and choose an index. Once you use an index, you can remove the value from the array.
That might be someone computationally expensive, with removing items left and right.
My initial idea was to put questions in a text file, retrieve in a set, then shuffle set and iterate from there. The issue is that would only work once. The limitation I want to overcome is being able to have different questions even if the program is run again.
Probably not anything to worry about, but we can do better.
We can have a boolean array matching the question array, and mark values used. We then generate a semi-random value based on the number of questions left, and display the question there.
Again, it seems we should be able to do better, but this is probably my limit.
Seeing that you will have to load the data from the file anyway, I would probably do it just once at the beginning.
Q: Word Separator and Pig Latin Program Final Edit

MaryThis is an updated version of my previous Java program that asks the user for a sentence and then separates the words and then converts the sentence into Pig Latin. My previous program was working, but there was some tweeking that needed to be done which I did after getting positive feedback. App...

Thank you guys.
How goes it, @Donald.McLean?
@Hosch250 All is quiet. Working on an assignment for a course.
I should be - I finish in about 2 weeks.
We're in week 2. I think this is a 7 week course.
I hate college.
This isn't college. It's a class to expand my knowledge and skills.
I hate coping with the stress of worrying about finishing assignments on time, and doing them well, around the clock.
I see.
When I went to college I was working full time and had 3 kids.
I'm a full-time student, but I've only not gotten a 4.0 on one class.
I don't get to pick my classes either.
Being an adult college student is a very different experience. You're more motivated, but less inclined to put up with stupid crap. I never took a class unless I thought it sounded interesting.
So far, I've had mostly 1xxx and 2xxx classes too, I've only taken 3 3xxx classes.
I wonder how it will go next semester...
@Donald.McLean Well, I am in between.
I am an adult, online student.
I had about 5 courses to pick from, and they were all laid out about 100% based on the limited selection of online classes.
The internet barely existed when I started. It was pretty primitive by the time I finished, and there weren't any online classes.
I was taking a test today, and the server wasn't responding.
Wasted at least 7 minutes.
It would be nice to just have everything on paper, the good old way...
@Hosch250 That makes sense. I knew which classes I was going to take, but picking which classes to take in any given semester was constrained by availability.
Yeah, the best part is that I'm in the off-year.
The course was laid out like you were going to start in an even year (or maybe it was odd, you get the idea), and I started in an odd year.
So, we had to redo the entire schedule...
BTW, I suppose you know what an Information Technology Management guy does?
In theory, it would be someone who manages developers and sysadmins.
I still don't know what I'll be able to do, and I don't really care. I hope to get into the development world, but I'm not sure I can given my degree.
Every company is looking for something different. What area do you live in?
I have to take an internship next summer, and I suspect it will be with Medtronic or some medical company.
Ahh. I have no idea what the IT job market looks like up there in the frozen north.
I took Calc in HS, but I can't take it in college because it is not offered online.
I want to get an internship writing Universal apps for MS, but having taken Calc is a prereq.
Hmmm. Bummer.
My parents did offer for me to take it from the local Twin Cities campus this summer, which I might do.
I think I can do this now that I've completed half my classes (well, in two weeks), but I'm not sure.
Are you limited to whatever the one college is offering, or can you take online classes from other schools?
I am part of the U of MN network.
Once I get a certain number of classes from the campus I'm getting my degree from, I can take others from other campuses.
That should help.
What are you taking at the moment?
Accounting II, 2012
Multimedia Applications, CA 1030 (for my communications minor).
Intro to Management Information Systems, ITM 3020
Principles of Management, MGMT 3200
Intro to Philosophy, PHIL 1001
This is the end of my sophomore year.
After this, I just have 2 generals left, but I won't be taking them until my senior year due to limited offerings, I believe.
The only thing that sounds interesting is CA 1030.
Yeah, it is cool.
I learned Adobe PS Elements, Adobe Premiere Elements, Google Sketchup, and PowerPoint.
But then, everybody has their own thing.
ACCT is interesting, but I'm exhausted and struggling at the moment.
ITM is tough - I've never heard of ERP and CRM and SCM before, and the book is awful.
MGMT is a great class, but I am no way a manager type.
PHIL I originally didn't care for, but it has proven to be interesting - especially how most of it is very historical.
I've heard of ERP and CRM but not SCM. Never used any of them though - never worked anywhere that would use something like that.
I love history and analyzing things - especially battles in hindsight.
Supply Chain Management.
I think I would have to kill myself if they tried to make me a manager.
Right. Never used that either.
Well, at least it couldn't be any worse than doing college and living with my family.
If I don't die of a heartattack by the time I graduate, I'll be like the Wandering Jew and have to live forever.
I guess the fact that I have a job someplace really geeky affects my outlook on work.
I am an introvert - really an introvert - and most of my family are extroverts, or only mild introverts.
They not uncommonly, but not too regularly either, ask me what is wrong, or tell me I have socialization problems...
Sorry for griping down your ear (or rather across your screen).
I'm a true introvert, in that I prefer and am most comfortable by myself or small groups of people I know well. However, I have become a brave introvert in that I can talk to strangers or deal with parties or other social situations.
Yeah, I guess I will just have to train myself.
It's no problem. I'm good at being a friendly ear.
I guess it helps you be a good mod.
I have the classic "programmer" Meyers-Briggs profile.
I have the programmer/engineers too - the 1% INTJ or whatever.
I guess we are the privileged :)
The privileged few who will rule the world, JK.
We don't rule the world, we just build it.
Build it so someone else can rule it.
I wouldn't want to rule the world. It's a screwed up place.
Let's go rule Mars.
It hasn't gotten screwed up yet.
I wonder who's lurking and keeps starring your comments?
I thought it was you.
No, I'm one of the infrequent starrers.
Q: Object-Oriented (over-the-top) ProgressIndicator

Mat's MugThere was a Tweet from @ExcelEasy earlier this week, that linked to this article, to which I replied with a little challenge: @ExcelEasy well done! #Challenge: make a more #OOP one without using the form's default/global instance! #becausewhynot Of course I wouldn't just leave it at that, s...

I don't know, probably Legato or one of the Australians - I see three here now.
That wasn't me who starred that.
Lol, someone is going to run out of stars.
Hi, @Mat'sMug!
Greetings, Mr. Mug.
that ProgressIndicator was actually more fun that I thought it'd be
I should probably be going to bed, I'm not exactly in Australia ;)
Good Night
@Quill is in Australia.
Neither am I. I was having trouble sleeping.
@Hosch250 I am
and if I was in Australia, I sure wouldn't be hanging out in a chat room.
I should be too, almost midnight here, and thoroughly exhausted.
@Donald.McLean Why?
I would be touristing like there's no tomorrow.
I'll be in Australia soon enough if the next election goes as bad as it looks like it will.
Or Canada or somewhere. I'll live like McLeach.
Only, I won't live by poaching.
Or, I suppose, it would be easier to stay in the US and just go to one of the places that still has the Fiercer Animals (for those of you who know Winnie the Pooh).
Perhaps this question would be better for SE Code Review site? — jasondavis 1 min ago
This might be a better fit for the CodeReview Stack Exchange - Stackoverflow is more aimed at helping you diagnose/fix problems with your code — scrowler 42 secs ago
We have found the cause of the interruption in traffic earlier: an errant keepalived spin-up during an upgrade caused a bad configuration.
The load balancer upgrade has completed and we are now redundant again. We apologize for the interruption.
Q: JavaScript Application Design method to cut down on code vs readability and organization?

jasondavisI am building a Project Management Application. A key feature is that Project Task records are shown in Task Lists and can be opened into a Task Modal to view all data for a Task. This is one of my first large scale JavaScript projects as I have always been a backend PHP developer. So far it i...

Q: facebook style wall posting and comments using angularjs directive

venkatI am a new angularjs developer, how to create facebook style wall posting and comments help me.

Q: MailQueue implementation with auto start - stop

chillworldPrevious question was a little portion of the mailQueue. I finished the MailQueue, which has the ability to start and stop itself. I also implemented some more threads for sending when the load becoming greater. This is because we do send at some points over the 15000 mail in a short time. The l...

@Jamal thx for editing mine question
Your question may be better suited towards codereview stackexchangeSayse 10 secs ago
@Jamal: seems that I'm on your hot-list. As I see, it's common practice to edit code that's completely broken. This is also written in the link you sent. So I posted a self answer, with the corrected code. IMHO not the way to go, since I was looking for a better/alternative way for correct code. — carpetemporem 7 mins ago
And no one noticed it and tried to close it?
looks like it
I invited him to the chat
he can discuss here
@chillworld He does not agree with the site's definition of CR. Not much to discuss.
Time to continue with the Python script I talked about yesterday ;p
Have fun :-)
Sweet, I'm using os.rename, getting a FileNotFoundError but it doesn't tell me if the source or target was not found
Probably the source, since there's no need to 'find' the target unless you change directory
I am changing directory actually
And that directory might not exist yet
@Mast if you have broken code, then there is SO
we have to make a difference between SO and CR
@Mast wrong person addressed to ;)
@skiwi Then you'll have to check both indeed.
@chillworld I agree with you, which makes this a done deal. Unless we're going to change the scope of the site, which is highly unlikely.
@Mast if we do that, we got half of SO coming over here
every problem is broken code ^^
I know, that's one of the main reasons I agree with you.
The other reason is there's nothing wrong with our scope so there's simply no need to fix it
@Mast Can it not automatically create all needed directories?
@skiwi If you tell it to, sure
Who want's to answer mine question? ^^
Build a check with a custom error DirectoryNotFound or something, put an if behind it and create if not found
@chillworld Which question?
Q: MailQueue implementation with auto start - stop

chillworldPrevious question was a little portion of the mailQueue. I finished the MailQueue, which has the ability to start and stop itself. I also implemented some more threads for sending when the load becoming greater. This is because we do send at some points over the 15000 mail in a short time. The l...

@chillworld To be perfectly honest, I haven't found a question mark
jamal removed it, last sentence was All reviews are welcome
doesn't matter what you say, as long is it legit in your eye's to make the comment
@chillworld I've seen worse, but I'm no expert on mailQueue with Java. Build something similar but less extensive in C++ a while ago.
thx :)
Why do you have LOGGER.trace everywhere (which is a good thing), except in addMail and addMails?
I can imagine the (not-)starting of a thread to be a log worthy event, since it says something about the load handling
that's what I mean, you can make already a review ;)
I'll take another look at it and make it an answer
oke thx :)
I'll be accepting one answer tomorrow
I'm waiting for other's to make a review to and choose the one as correct who addresses first the most important (to me) stuff
If the user of that question I've linked to comes here, please help him out and flag if necessary. I will need to leave soon.
Possible post for CodeReview? — Michael Wiggins just now
@chillworld Made it an answer
Now let's hope someone else extends on it
I'll check it
@Mast Turns out I needed to use os.renames
@skiwi There's both a os.rename and a os.renames?
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs on Code Review. — Styphon 17 secs ago
oke back, just read your answer
you are correct that I should log when there is a creation of the thread
I can add it also in the Thread itwelf
Q: Taking user input fractions and returning the prime factorization of the simplified fraction

Aaron MI've just started learning Python and am trying to do an exercise. I feel like I am missing something really basic as I can't seem to get some values that are returned to affect my later code. My current code is listed below. If anyone can tell me how to get the function "simplify_fraction" to ...

@chillworld Depending on what you want, you might either want to log the creation of the Thread in Thread itself or both the creation and failure to create a level higher. Matter of preference.
Q: Matlab-Derivative-Increase Speed-Draw Grahp

Vu Ngo ThanhI have a code like this: E1=2.7*10^10; L1=21; mI1=0.001332; z1=5; m1=500; k1=1*10^7; c1=30000; w1=300; wt=(1:w1); syms m w k E mI c w t L z cosi(w); a=((((m*w^2-k)/(E*mI))^2+(c*w/(E*mI))^2)^(1/8)); b=(atan(-c*w/(m*w^2-k))/4+pi/4); cosi=a*exp(t*b); delta=2*(1-cosh(cosi*L)*cos(cosi*L)); v=((sin(co...

@ÁlvaroRamiro: Unfortunately it is hard to answer such questions because they are opinion based. I.e. someone may prefer Twisted because it is cool, so such questions are falling out of StackOverflow's scope. You need testing, which can be Code Review, or System Testing (in your case it is "simulator" of device). — myaut 5 secs ago
°/ @All
TGI Friday
gratz @Morwenn
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it blongs to codereview. — Uwe Plonus 7 secs ago
How many of those close votes will SO have to endure before it's allowed to migrate to CR...
@Styphon No, this does not belong on Code Review. Please read Be careful when recommending Code Review to askersSimon André Forsberg 13 secs ago
gz @Morwenn how many tag:algorithm questions did you need to answer to get it?
aw, I recalled the usage of the tags being tag: <,<
@Mast Yep
Q: Calculate min/max values for signed or unsigned integral number with any valid number of bits (up to 64) - working now

carpetemporemI have to ask a new question, since my code in the original question was not 100% correct and, according to a moderator, only posts with 100% correct code are allowed here. My original question's intent was to know, whether this can be done in a more efficient or more elegant way. But, according...

@chillworld Thank you :)
@DJanssens I have answered to 21 such questions.
And got 100 upvotes on them.
On the other hand, I've got 101 upvotes on answers but I only answered 13 of them, so I need to answer 7 more of them to get the bronze badge.
@UwePlonus Why does this belong on code review? Code review is for suggestions about working code, not problem solving. — Radiodef 10 secs ago
^^ Hey, it never said that it belongs on CR, but that it "blongs" on CR.
Isn't this suppose to be for codereview.stackexchange.com? — Loko 1 min ago
@Mast Fixed that
I see
@SimonAndréForsberg Thanks, that's a handy link. I've retracted my close vote. — Styphon 17 mins ago
I dunno how much flaming happened but the fact that he's willing to write a follow up question at least signals to me that he's trying to play nice and it's just not working out
@Pimgd I see, much better now.
IMHO I'd go with ++usersEducated, else you'd see the counter still at the old number...
Thank you for realizing that I meant Code Review Request. — JamesQMurphy 59 secs ago
Q: Binary Calculator in Java

camelCaseI'm a beginner in Java and I tried to create a program that will perform basic arithmetic operations on Binary numbers. Here's my First class: package binaryoperations; import java.io.IOException; import static java.lang.System.in; import java.util.Scanner; public class BinaryOperations { ...

Finally got myself some twitter, anyone here worth to follow? :p
nah man, no twitter for me
I struggle enough with the 500 character limit for comments here
What the hell am I gonna fit in 140 characters?
Q: Initiate class object and call object method within module function

Aleksandr K.Is it good pattern or bad, may I use this approach or should I aware of it: module SomeModule class SomeClass ... end def.process(arguments) SomeClass.new(arguments).process end end And then I just call it as some_value = SomeModule.process(arguments) Is the right ruby way ...

~100k people reached milestone hit today
haha :)
The internet is a wonderful place, if you can constructively rant at so many people with so little effort =D
you are eating my stars..
nom nom nom
5k impact here, long way to go ;)
eh, it's more about views than proper answers
39k people reached on English Language & Usage
for one question with 39208 views
and one answer on a question with 1717 views
Monking all
All right, @rolfl at this point, I'm confused by this guys posts...
Is this an answer, or an extension of the question? — nhgrif 24 secs ago
I don't understand that question anyway
skipped it in review
I wasn't completely sure I understood the question either.
But, I was leaning toward it being okay.
My attitude towards it probably isn't but I dunno
But now his answer doesn't seem to answer the question and instead seems to be the extension of the question... and seems to clarify the question into "How do I determine if an object has a specific type (or is a subclass of that type)?" which is a Stack Overflow question.
"Seems okay, users seem happy, and even if it's crap, it's objc anyway - not a tag in which I'd read questions"
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is not a request for a code review. This is a specific programming question about how to restric tht types of parameters that yu can pass in to a method, or, alternatively, it is a question about understanding how the language itself works. — rolfl ♦ 21 secs ago
Here, now you can blame rolfl if you disagree
His code is all just a lead in to his question.
Martin had voted to close it as well
And he knows Swift better than I do.
But he may have voted for this:
I could not reproduce your problem with restricting the type of frontmost() to <T: NSWindow>, it seems to work as expected. But I have done much more iOS than OS X development recently, so perhaps I made some stupid error. Would it be possible that you share a small sample project demonstrating the problem? — Martin R 16 hours ago
But then again, any "I could not reproduce your problem" comment on any Code Review question will probably tend to indicate off-topic...
all right... going to work... in the rain..
I have a god object
I thought I was past making messes like this
Meh, I have been the victim of a chamaeleon question, and I am irritated by an accusational comment.
public class Camera

    private FirmwareComponent firmware;
    private DemoComponent demo;
    private StreamComponent stream;
    private WifiComponent wifi;
    private WiredNetworkComponent ip;
    private AuthenticationComponent auth;
    private SnapshotComponent snapshot;
    private MovementComponent movement;
    private ZoomComponent zoom;
    private InfraredComponent infrared;
gohhhd class.
I should stay away from mod duties today..... or, at least until I have dinner and wine...
Are you sure?
Don't drink and drive mod
@rolfl as pragmatic programmer why are you encouraging to use null as return? I think null should be avoided and Null Object pattern used instead, or throw exception as Xin is doing correctly. Next using this as object is far more better than static method. Static methods are hard to extend, object can be extended for example with decorator pattern. More on this can be found here yegor256.com/2015/02/26/composable-decorators.html, but I agree with the bracing of oneliners — Zavael 2 hours ago
That makes me.... frustrated.^^^
the only reason Xin is doing it "correctly" is because he edited his question after I answered it.
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because this question belongs on another site in the Stack Exchange network - CodeReviewPaulie_D 43 secs ago
@rolfl ... but he declared axioms
rather than changing the code
And rather clear too
You're asking about improving code. That's an subject for CodeReview...but that's just my opinion. — Paulie_D 30 secs ago
Q: java linked list to binary tree

karthikI would like you to use a variant of the linked list to create a binary tree. The user should be able to define how many levels they want to tree to have and enter the data into the tree. You should then implement a search function for the tree. The tree must stay ordered, i.e. a-m on the left...

I like it when other people start having a discussion below one of my answers and I learn new things from it
bonus if I'm not even wrong, or, even weirder, correct, but for different reasons
(is that correct comma usage?)
Today I have to wrap up my code for release to production (as in having a factory produce devices with the code on them). ... but I haven't been able to test it in acceptance yet
this is gonna get fun

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