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hey @SimonAndréForsberg
What a day. Three people back in one day. First @Duga and myself, and now @janos!
I moved to a new apartment, and a lot of stuff went really really really bad
Okay, correction: Two people and one bot.
@Duga got back before you? Amazing.
@janos Things better now, or still bad?
better now
@janos Moving - blech.
but I might never be so active like I used to: my commute to work has changed from ~5 minutes to ~90 minutes
that is blech.
Commutes are a bit ugly
I'm not sure what my new commute will be like in June. Shouldn't be 90 minutes though.
And that's why I work from home three days a week.
just gotta find good podcasts to listen to to pass the time
offices should soon become obsolete
From personal experience I do tend to like a 5 min bike - 40 min bus - 10 min walk commute over a 15 min bike commute... In the former I'm way more rested when I got home compared to the latter
I'm counting on that
@Donald.McLean Damn, nice
@janos replaced by online meetings?
something like that. I wouldn't mind showing up twice a week
Call me crazy, but I like having an office to go to versus trying to get a place at home to concentrate in.
I don't understand why I have to physically go somewhere to do what I do
it's a good psychological separation point
when I'm at work, I work - when I'm at home, I don't
remoting in makes it really easy for work/play to bleed into one another
What about meetings, SCRUM meetings, etc.?
Google hangouts
I just started my Bachelor end project on university this week, hence we are having quite some meetings there
We have technology for remote meetings. The one meeting I actually attend most weeks is purely on-line.
it might not be for everyone
Q: Solving N-Queens Using Python constraint Resolver

user836026Below is the a solution for the N-queens problem using Python constraint Resolver. Could someone explain to me, or refer me to any web page where it explain the meaning of the last 3 lines of this code. Moreover, how could I use AllDifferentConstraintconstraint to make the below code shorter: p...

just found some notes.....
"Java programming is like teenage sex ....
	• Everyone talks about it all of the time (but they don't really know what they're talking about);
	• Everyone claims to be doing it;
	• Everyone thinks everyone else is doing it;
	• Those few who are actually doing it:
		○ Are not practicing it safely;
		○ Are doing it poorly, and
		○ Are sure it will be better next time."
@nhgrif Call me crazy, but I think agree with you.
I mean, I would like to have the possibility to work from home, but really, interacting with people in real life is better.
Btw... I don't drink so it's totally lost on me, but the office I'll be on has beer on tap after 4pm
This code does not look very optimal, if you have got it working as intended by now, you might want to consider posting it at Code Review to get it cleaned up. (be sure to include the code in the question itself) — Simon André Forsberg 55 secs ago
@nhgrif That's an interesting perk
Speaking of @200_success' knowledge of what's on-topic at Programmers, I discovered this:
in Duga's Playground, yesterday, by StackMonkey
@200_success this question is a poor fit for Programmers - it would be quickly voted down and closed over there, see meta.programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/6483/… Recommended reading: What goes on Programmers.SE? A guide for Stack Overflowgnat 41 secs ago
We have beer at parties. I expect to see some tomorrow.
They didn't say it was off-topic, just too fuzzy.
When I was visiting, in addition to the beer on-tap, someone had some beer in the fridge too.
Q: 1X4 2048 game Java

MattHello I want to make a basic 2048 1X4. The problem i'm having the moment is that the tiles don't move and all of my titles has a zero on them. The view and keylistner are good, but I need help with my model. I just started coding java so any help will be appreciated. //Model Class public class...

Abby T. Miller on April 22, 2015

The Community Team’s first and most important job is to help you, the users. Every day, we hang out on meta sites and in chat, watching to make sure that someone is working on your problems. Until very recently, community managers also fielded each and every request that came through our support ticketing system.

(And before that, Jeff Atwood handled them all. The whole team@ inbox, singlehandedly.)

Our approach to customer service via email has changed as the network has grown: we’ve tried many new processes and tools over the years to help community managers handle team@ efficientl …

@200_success feels like that's what they mostly say.
this was an interesting comment as well:
in Duga's Playground, Apr 15 at 16:14, by Duga
I agree with your naming style. Something like dMBXlgS is what maniacal programmers do to fool people into thinking they are smart just because nobody else knows what they mean. — Dave 1 min ago
@Lyle'sMug Then there are the elite few, who do it, wantonly, often, and good every time, sometimes great!
@sᴉɔuɐɹɥԀ Code written after 4.30pm is automatically rejected... lol
@rolfl Lots of integration tests, right?
cough cough
@RubberDuck - I just got this e-mail:
> Rolf turned off SNAP on the ubuntu server and everything now seems to work - let me know if it doesn't
It's a typo, he was supposed to say: SACK, but, thought you would like that regardless.
I don't know how to ping @Phrancis!
@sᴉɔuɐɹɥԀ like that <----
Damn him and his upside down name.
I'm still not quite sure what happened today... But our GitLab installation on Ubuntu chmods its data directories itself and it managed to lock itself out
Type @si then tab a couple of times.
@RubberDuck @s tab
1 min ago, by rolfl
> Rolf turned off SNAP on the ubuntu server and everything now seems to work - let me know if it doesn't
Except now Simon is back, so do what @rolfl says ;)
@skiwi pings Skiwi.
You have to tab three times.
I need to celebrate - I have 100 downloads of my WP app in the US. 158 total.
BTW, don't ever try to persuade someone that your pet software is good on the first beta release.
My sister wanted to try my phone, and I have the second release of Windows 10 in it, which is the first that the Lumia 520 can run.
wow, +189 today... @Santa? :D
Someone else capped you.
I was going to, but they got you first.
@RubberDuck !!!!!!!!!! ... Hint: just type @S and tab, I should be second or 3rd down after Simon ;)
@sᴉɔuɐɹɥԀ You are first now because you posted last.
Ooh, an SE bug!
@Hosch250 nope, I have a checkmark :)
@Mat'sMug It still counts as a cap because you hit 200, although you can get more.
Your down-vote on whatever will not be visible to othr folk... ;p
@rolfl You need to unpin the message about @StackMonkey
in VBA, Apr 1 at 17:10, by RubberDuck
I think you should leave your username btw.
@rolfl awesome, un-DV'd
and +210 :)
Open mouth.... insert foot.
Open mouth .... swap feet.
thanks @Santa!
Speaking about Santas... Looks like I'm averaging about 20 free rep on SO per day
LY's Java8 answering spree?
I feel the need to pimp my SO Java answer here
Did you know that if you go to flag a comment in the sidebar (no comment flagged), it says something about starring it?
2 days ago, by rolfl
Duga is on Holiday, StackMonkey is a stand-in for a week.
Duga came BTW.
@rolfl already +1'd ...and woah almost there!
I'm close to a silver answer badge.
@rolfl I am not like that .... with Java
@Lyle'sMug Gives a whole new meaning to me pimping Java answers?
this one needs more lovin'
A: MVVM data binding

Robert SnyderAfter reading some of the comments and looking at a few things I think the underlying question is still unanswered. I'll break this answer up into 2 sections. One unit testing, and two smaller code. Unit testing is TONS easier to do with switching to MVVM. The view model already needs to be publ...

i haven't rep capped in a while.
I'm approaching-ish a gold badge...
There has not been much movement on the performance and optimization tag merge.....
I have a vested interest in it.
I will be close to a gold in one of them if they do get merged, I believe
As a result, I am somewhat ignoring that meta issue..... a little bit, anyway
@nhgrif approaching-ish?
I'm only 82/100 on [badge:socratic]
I thought I was closer than that, with 92 questions
If I write an SQL query involving rep capping and post it, can I create the tag ?
I figured as much.
Approaching-ish as in I am farther than what it takes to get a bronze badge, but definitely in the home stretch.
So... For some reason my blog looks wrong on my phone now...
Have a white background for anyone else?
@Mat'sMug Looks like they are paying off, yep
@deviantfan: yes this kind of behavior is not okay- my answer is more towards why there was no seg fault. About coding this is not how it should be coded and should be flagged in code reviews — Sarang 6 secs ago
Maybe a question for codereview.stackexchange — smk 25 secs ago
yep, so somehow lots of stuff on my blog got reset...
This is really annoying.
@rolfl looks like they are merged already...
guess I am not completely clear on how that process works. there are still questions with optimization tags...
Q: Functionality for automatic retry after exception

DexterI have made the following system to automatically retry network calls if some exception is thrown. (Earlier posted on stackOverFlow, solution inspired by what @Boris answered) public static <T> Optional<T> autoRetry(@NonNull final DoWork<T> task, @NonNull final Optional<Predicate<T>> predicate) ...

I've provided an answer in terms of the code being reduced - however asking for general advice about speeding up code is a bit out of scope for SO. If you have a particular example then you could post that as a separate question or even submit your code to the Code Review site - hope that helps :) — SOofWXLS 26 secs ago
Okay... set up a new theme on my blog. Opinions? importblogkit.com
a:link {color:#EFE4B0;}      /* unvisited link */
a:visited {color:#EFE4B0;}  	/* visited link */
a:hover {color:#FF0000;}  	/* mouse over link */
a:active {color:#FF0000;}  	/* selected link */
Gee thanks, original person who wrote this CSS
For some reason, all the work I had put into the old set up, quite a lot of it got reset. I didn't feel like combing through all of the CSS.
I think this one looks just as good, and I didn't have to manually edit any CSS.
So if for any reason it gets reset, it took like 10 minutes to get this set up (after I spent 30+ minutes looking through themes).
As a CR regular (and among the top VBA reviewers on CR), I agree with @SOofWXLS, posting your complete working code over on Code Review will certainly tremendously improve this code's performance, readability and maintainability. — Mat's Mug 42 secs ago
Belongs on code review. — Nit 41 secs ago
finally got the 4G data working again, I had to reboot it .... again
I had to reboot my phone this afternoon to fix my LTE
It would be very helpful if you included what you've tried and asked if it was the best way, rather than just asking for the code. In this case it's okay, but this is pretty close to being more appropriate for se.CodeReview — Pheonixblade9 44 secs ago
some people are saying that it happens to some phones when they are on wifi for a long time and not using 4G
Well, I was on LTE at work all day and problems happened around 2pm... after being at work without WiFi since 6am
@Pheonixblade9 you mean with the working code in the post, right? Note that CR's Help Center explicitly states that asking "what is the best practice regarding X?" is off-topic, so as currently stated, this question get flamed on CR. What is appropriate is: posting your own working code, and asking does this code adhere to best practice regarding X? - there's quite a difference ;) — Mat's Mug 10 secs ago
Q: Improving performance of Download, Decompress and Insert data into SQLite database

MarcusI have implemented a Service, which executes three operations, in the following order: Downloading a compressed (.zip) CSV file Decompress the CSV file Reading the CSV file and inserting the data into a SQLite database I'm more or less pleased with the performance of (1) and (2), but (3) is t...

Q: How to make this javascript implementation more functional?

daveTrying to write more functional javascript with the underscore library. Any thoughts on how to improve this to be more functional than imperative? Also, anyway to do this without mapObject? The first of each pair is a "bucket" and the second is a value, I'd like to iterate over the information ...

Maybe you'd better post this type of question (where you have working code and are seeking to improve it) on codereview.stackexchange.commmgross 18 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it seems more appropriate for codereview.stackexchange.comWain 9 secs ago
A: Upgrade to swift 1.2 : String? is not convertible to 'stringliteralconvertible' cannot assign to immutable value of type String?

nhgriffguchelaar's answer more than covers exactly what needs to be done to solve the specific problem in a safe way, but I figured it might be useful to break down the various problems in the source code (there are multiple) and show the correct options. For the sake of explanation, I'm working in a ...

This is that question with that self-accepted-answer idiot.
Q: Can I write "nonsensual data" for data that makes no sense?

BoZenKhaaI am worried that "nonsensual data" might come across as data that does not have a lot of erotic vibe....

Q: Meteor jquery-ui slider integration (elegant)

prelektrI'm struggling to integrate jquery-ui slider widget into my meteor app. The idea is to have slider value in mongo collection and the slider needs to be reactive (automatically synced between clients). I've achieved this and it works but the implementation is not very elegant and clean. It's quite...

Q: Powershell photo sorter/mover

cullubI'm just beginning in Powershell - This will be my first full project, start to finish, and it's quite small. I have already had experience in C#, which helps in this .Net based language. This program asks the user for the input folder (usually a media device), and colects the data (to sort). ...

I deduce it is morning in Australia.
@Hosch250 afraid so
Is it a bad thing?
i'm not a fan of mornings
OK, are you a fan of Rip van Winkle?
yeah he had a good thing going
Only pity is he grew old while sleeping.
If only he didn't age while he slept.
i bet he was well rested though. you win some, you lose some
Yeah, like those guys who go in a coma for years on end, then just wake up and are almost normal.
It's cheesy, but have a star
Again you're not answering the question of the upgrade and are going in your own world of made up code.... — user2867432 2 mins ago
Apparently my answer there isn't good enough for him.
I don't know what else I could possibly cover in my answer.
I explained (and I feel completely) the exact problem his code has. I explained (and I feel completely) the exact problems that arise from the lazy approach in his self-answer which he marked as accepted. I explained (and I feel completely) two solutions to his problem. And one of them is basically as simple as the solution he wants to use... except better in every way.
Perhaps you could write a book about it, win a few awards, have a film which Tom Cruise stars as an attractive @nhgrif
Maybe then?
Or George Clooney, take your pick
Q: Program that calculates the average of numbers given by user input

user71018def main(): a = eval(input("How many numbers will you be entering? ")) for x in range(0,a): numbers = eval(input("Please enter a number between 0 and 100: ")) main() I realize what I'm missing is the actual part that calculates the averages of the numbers given by the user. But I'm stuck o...

Q: Expressing Rebol Dates in EBNF

rgchrisI'm looking to define the Rebol date format in EBNF notation. I'd like as best as possible to only define valid dates—at least those that are valid in Rebol at the moment: Date ::= DateDate ('/' Time DateZone?)? DateDate ::= DateDay31 ('-' DateMonth31 '-' | '/' DateMonth31 '/') DateYear ...

> your own world of made up code
I like that - what code isn't "made up"?
Some people are just better at "making it up" than others.
Yeah. I still don't know what code he's talking about exactly.
Me either.
Have a try at codereview.stackexchange.com. Typically here you find answers to specific questions, not just "here is all my code, what's wrong". — Jonathan Kuhn 41 secs ago
Did I extract a couple lines for the sake of making the example as simple as possible? Yes.
Who doesn't?
Apparently five or so lines in a playground is a world of code. Does that make my solution a galaxy?
@JonathanKuhn No, no, a million times no. First of all, at Code Review, we require the question to actually have code in it, as that's the only thing that gets reviewed... but probably more importantly, we absolutely require that the code be WORKING code. Broken code gets closed basically immediately on Code Review. PLEASE read the Code Review help center before making any more recommendation to that site. — nhgrif 8 secs ago
Complete, working code that you're interested in improving belongs on Code Review, not Stack Overflow. — TigerhawkT3 59 secs ago
Hey guys, when I'm writing my mod_rewrite rules, is it better to have entirely lowercase 'folders' or uppercase first characters?
I use PascalCase for folder names.
C# uses PascalCase by standard, and I like it better than camelCase, and I don't like snake_case.
I prefer camelCase there.
In the future @benpage, please post working code on [Code Review](codereview.stackexchange.com) Instead of Stack Overflow. — Quill 50 secs ago
Q: password_verify PHP, MYSQL Not working

JoshMI am having a problem (most likely understanding) with password_verify in PHP? I have password_hash working with the PASSWORD_DEFAULT standard. But getting nowhere trying to log in, just being told the password is incorrect... if (isset($_POST["action"]) && $_POST["action"]=="login") { $...

@nhgrif: I am sure Jonathan will take your point, though (friendly feedback, meant in kindess) your level of emphasis and tone is approaching shouting. Everyone makes mistakes! — halfer 16 mins ago
i.e. "please don't jump at me but..."

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