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Wow. I installed Cygwin so that I can use NetBeans' terminal, only to be told that git cannot be found. Happy Sunday.
You have to also install git
Command line commands aren't just commands... they're programs.
Well, I knew they were programs. I just assumed they would already be there.
Git bash itself might come with git as well, don't fully remember it anymore though
Some are already there. On OS X, git is pre-installed.
@skiwi Why do you think it is called "git bash"?
Well, it's either pre-installed, or Xcode installs it when you install Xcode.
@SimonAndréForsberg Not all shells actually come supplied with the thing they shell around... unfortunately
I guess Git is being installed in the background. No windows, and my laptop is running hotter.
Depends on how Eclipse works with Git. I know Visual Studio doesn't actually require you to have Git installed separately. The library they use provides the functionality.
OS X comes with about 1000 command line programs installed in /usr/bin
*as far as whether or not it would be installed.
Nope, nothing. I'll just continue this next week. It's not that important.
Q: C++ dynamic stack

valio957I need help. I must write a code that changes an element in an dynamic stack. For example: I am writing the numbers 1, 2, 3 and it must change "3" to "4". And the answer should be: 4,2,1 I have written a source code ... but i don't know how to finish the function with the changing of the element....

A group of wolves is called a pack. A group of crows is called a murder. A group of developers is called a merge conflict.
Whoops, let the VM run for over 35 hours. And... crash.
Perhaps this is better asked on Code Review SE — James_Parsons 1 min ago
If the code works as expected, this should be OK for the Code Review site. If you do post it there, make sure to delete your question on Stack Overflow so that we don't have duplicates. — Phrancis 9 secs ago
@Hosch250 I think considering caffeine as a gateway drug is a bit... skewed? Not looking to debate or anything, but I know plenty of people who consume caffeinated products who don't use any drugs at all... But I can understand not wanting to spend money specifically to get caffeine. I'm guilty of doing that myself, when I have not had a good night's sleep.
@Mat'sMug LOL.
Also, why do people retweet/reply to tweets with just "lol"?
@HappyHax0r @SkylerFoxy lol!
@sᴉɔuɐɹɥԀ Same here.
Monking all...
Would there be any specific problem with a function accepting a float value, if the value is most of the time going to be a round (int) number?
If it can be an integer, and can be a float, does it matter if it's a float?
note that in Java, float does not have the same integer range as float
this is true for most languages.
@sᴉɔuɐɹɥԀ - mandatory reading: docs.oracle.com/cd/E19957-01/806-3568/ncg_goldberg.html
Well I guess it doesn't then! Was just wondering if passing 1.0 vs 1 (int) would cause problems
This is ChucK rather than Java, but I'll have a look :)
No problems, but you cannot, for example, pass 1000000000 to a float function.
but you can to an int.
OK good to know
in 32- bit floats, you only have about 24 bits of precision.
think of that precision as being "significant digits". In decimal, it's about 16million.
or, 7 significant figures.
Good grief, I hate that OS X decided to restart to install an update in the middle of the night, and closed everything I was working on.
@sᴉɔuɐɹɥԀ Also, why do people star chat messages with just "lol"?
that ^^^ ;-)
Because... reasons.
that ^^^ ;-)
I didn't start it, I blame @Mat'sMug and @Jamal ;-)
Surprisingly enough, my floating point number calculations are superbly exact. I was really astonished that my math actually worked.
(hint: I suck at math)
Q: Derive currency conversion rates from database, keep it available in a class

BenediktI would like to know whether I applied the SOLID principle and the repository pattern the right way. My code should derive exchange rates from a database and do basic currency conversions. The database table is very easy. I assume I have a base currency and all exchange rates are against the ba...

I need to make a video for class.
I'm not a ball fan, but I decided I might as well throw one together of the life of Babe Ruth.
What type of stuff should be included?
I suppose that is my job to find out...
Well, I am no expert, but I don't believe it is possible to do what you need to do.
I mean, sure, you could re-edit existing videos.... but making a new one may be hard.... ;-)
It just needs to be a compilation thing.
I need to apply effects and create a soundtrack and that sort of stuff.
@Hosch250 If you are on Babe Ruth, maybe try and focus on something a bit less explored, maybe his quirks or less-known things
Like I'd be able to find videos on that.
Like he actually broike is left-thumb boxing in a welterweight fight....
OH you're actually "making" the video, and not actually creating content?
(I am so kidding.... but yiu can quote me as a reference).
Just compiling and editing a bunch of videos together.
In which case, I would recommend getting obama to sing a taylor swift song ....
seems to be a youtube thing to do.
Ah, ok. That's different. You have to program it, I presume? (rather than using an application which does most of the hard work for you)
Right, peanut gallery done.
@sᴉɔuɐɹɥԀ Nope.
It is a multimedia class for my communications minor.
I have to use Premiere Elements.
I have about 3-4 days to get it in.
Ah, I see.
Sounds fairly doable, I've had to do something similar (but mostly audio) back when I was in college, in like 2002 ish
@sᴉɔuɐɹɥԀ Well, I think @rolfl was actually the first one that started the starring of them :)
Yes, it is doable.
I did a rework of Rick Wakeman's Journey to the Center of the Earth vinyl record, translated to French and recorded those words, and wrote completely new music to it
But, I usually like to have a bit of a time buffer.
@SimonAndréForsberg Interesting.... I wonder.
@rolfl You didn't star this?
Dec 6 '13 at 3:49, by retailcoder
lol (darn, again)
It could have been me, I can't know for sure.
It is the sort of thing I would do.
Dec 6 '13 at 3:55, by retailcoder
@rolfl Area51 stats for CR users are now at 23 users at 3K+ :)
1-year 5-months later
> (currently 89 users with 3,000+ rep)
Dec 6 '13 at 3:59, by retailcoder
aw sh!t you're right
Times were right back then
@Simon - evidence suggests I was the first person to star 'lol'.
Dec 6 '13 at 4:11, by rolfl
To get that exaxt effect
in reply to:
Dec 6 '13 at 4:11, by Jamal
Why the heck would you star "lol"? sigh
my typing was just as bad back then.
@rolfl I think you need an auto-typer.
I think I need.... a beer.
@rolfl Is there a black star or a yellow star next to the chat message?
Hmmm... I don't know if the transcript shows color.... checking now...
@SimonAndréForsberg black star, and I do have yellow-stars elsewhere on the page :(
@rolfl Wuuut!? If it's not you and not me, then who was it?
@Mat'sMug must be the culprit.
Wait a minute... must have been @Malachi @Lyle'sMug...
@rolfl He was the one that said 'lol' the most, he can't star his own messages.
Oh, this is a gem:
Dec 6 '13 at 4:21, by rolfl
He has 48 questions, no answers, no edits.
JDQ ^^
@rolfl Cheers, enjoying New Belgium IPA as we speak. Great beer for this gorgeous warm spring day :)
That is, New Belgium™ (Made in USA).
At least i have a Canadian beer, in Canada, called 'original draught', but comes in a bottle.
More now.
panabox:/valuable/picxfer on /picxfer type nfs (rw,noatime,vers=4,addr=,clientaddr=
solarium:/picxfer# touch /picxfer/me
touch: cannot touch ‘/picxfer/me’: Read-only file system
solarium:/picxfer# id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
^^^ Pee-ing me off.
And he finally left trees.
@rolfl o.O - What kind?
Old Milwaukee's or something?
Since when is "old milwakee' a Canadian beer?
Wait, I'm thinking of the wrong one
It's called "Laurentide" in Quebec... I think it's made by Molson
OH! It's the Molson Canadian duh. At least, that's what it's marketed as here south of the border
Pity it's such a bad beer.
@rolfl Sleeman, not bad; I like the no-label design :D
Yeah, it prevents me from trying to peel it.
It's my 'go to' beer....
quenches the thirst ;-)
I have a preference for hardier beers when I want a beer for having a beer's sake.
But, today, I have been working hard, so a quencher is good.
I have replaced 8 wheels - winter wheels are off the cars, all-season are on.
I have removed .... 8 stumps from the back yard.
for me, that all adds up to a lot of PT
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs to codereview.stackexchange.com — Benjamin 1 min ago
Good old winter wheels. I can relate to quenching the thirst, that's a lot of work you've done in one day!
@sᴉɔuɐɹɥԀ Laurentide is no longer made AFAIK. Gramps' beer anyway
Or is it the "50"...
@Mat'sMug Maybe it got rebranded. the 50 is gross, IMO. Terrible, awful beer.
Q: Selected data from MySQL isn't showing plus there are no errors

HilardyI created a php code for user uploaded posts so that it obtains the $GET (id) from the url and shows the data from the mysql where the GET = post id but it doesn’t show it :/ For example: if the url is bithumor.co/posts?id=13 then it should show the data from which the id equals 13 in the m...

@Benjamin - vote to close it because it is off-topic, please, not because it belongs somewhere else, because it certainly does not belong on Code Review. — rolfl 1 min ago
Haven't had it in 4+ years, and I certainly don't miss it
@CaptainObvious It's and also off-topic. Great.
@sᴉɔuɐɹɥԀ That's putting it lightly!
@Mat'sMug I think Molson makes some of the worst beers ever made, with the exception of Miller.
The Champagne of Beers... keep telling yourself that.
(Time to go to bed, to go to Stockholm tomorrow so that I can go to Ukraine on Wednesday. See you all in a week)
@SimonAndréForsberg LFA
(Long Freaking Acronym)
Later @SimonAndréForsberg!
Q: How to read a file line by line in android

JayI am trying to read a file with four objects (event name,event location, address and date). I used this code to read the file: int i = 0; char c; try{ fis = openFileInput("MyData.txt"); while((i = fis.read()) != -1) ...

@Jamal either it just lacks context and deserves a DV, or it's just unclear what the post is about... but that one didn't strike me as not working..
00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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