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So, I half-tried to put through a calculator problem 'quickly", but am I the only one who's working on it?
Well, I will soon.
How long do I have?
Where are all the submissions? @nhgrif - I was expecting an iOS Calculator, and @Simon - where's you android version?
Should I write a Windows Phone calculator?
(or the brainfuck version, for that matter....)?
That would take a couple weeks...
@Hosch250 whatever inspires you .....
Can I write it this summer?
Any time you want, but, in theory, it is more fun now....
@rolfl I'd rather do Brainfuck than Android :)
But it will have to wait for at least 10 days :)
But I don't have time now!
There will be another challenge in the summer.
Yeah... My mind has been occupied with a really big decision I have to make soon.
School, another program I'm working on, not counting my app...
which reminds me, I should update the meta.se challenge post.
@nhgrif You too?
I have a very enticing job offer I am contemplating very seriously.
Flip a coin.
It's 3 hrs away though, so I'd have to move. It's also a difference of 15-20k
And it may even be less responsibility.
I'm not sure if I'll ever get an enticing job offer.
Lots of reasons to go, but lots of reasons to stay.
A: How do weekly topic challenges work?

rolflCode Review has had a number of challenges. The frequency was initially intended to be somewhat 'weekly', but the regularity has diminished to what has become more of a once-a-month-ish. Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock Poker Hand Evaluation Sudoku Solver Pokemon - Catch em all! Simple Text Adv...

My family seems determined to make me an ITM, and I don't want to be an ITM.
Then don't.
And I don't have much say because A, they are paying for my college, B, I have to take an internship as part of my college, and C, whatever my internship is, that is what I will be hireable for.
@Hosch250 I don't even know what ITM is, but I assume it's not the same as IBM.
Information Technology Manager.
Basically a system admin/database manager.
Important Tennis Moms
An IT manager and a DB admin are not the same thing...
And the internships my U offers are ITM internships.
This degree is covering both.
Next semester I have a class on data mining.
Do you have your data miner's hat yet?
And I can't get a job out of state with a tech company unless the internship is payed.
I might be able to get a job in state, but I haven't found anything I could even apply for yet.
Why can't you apply for things?
It doesn't seem C# is in too high demand in the Twin Cities, except for Senior Developers.
So learn something that is in demand?
@SimonAndréForsberg ..... I that which will mean and
Or learn everything.
When, though?
Internship is next summer.
@rolfl Close ;) (How long did it take to come up with that?)
too long to admit.... I could not get things to fit well though.
OK, what would you recommend?
The fiddle?
I have a JS project I'm working on.
A calculator... good!
I have my app with a release almost done.
I learned the basics of Java, C, C++, VB.NET, objective-c, iOS dev and Android dev in the span of about 18 months.
@SimonAndréForsberg You may not be equal to everyone, but at least you are a subset of it
@rolfl Our moderator, ladies and gentlemen!
Emphasis on basics, but nonetheless...
7 mins ago, by Simon André Forsberg
@nhgrif I that which will mean and .
C++, Java, C, C#, and VB.NET - yeah, more or less basic.
It's all about the context, but you win this time .....
JS and Python too.
There's no context when it comes to the starwall
Who needs context?
I know HTML/CSS/XAML more/less as well (if they count).
@rolfl Huh, what's up with a calculator?
Q: How to use logged exception in if statement in Python

Geoffrey WestI have an SMTP email handler which logs and emails my traceback errors, this is built with a try/except block. I would like to use a conditional statement that says if an email is sent then do something else. How can this be done? class TlsSMTPHandler(logging.handlers.SMTPHandler): d...

@skiwi sigh You too?
1 hour ago, by rolfl
@DJanssens What rock have you been under?
Q: April 2015 Community Challenge

Mat's MugLast time we created and reviewed Simon Says games, and that was a lot of fun. So, what should we do this time? Feel free to resubmit non-winning ideas from previous rounds, although new ideas are usually more successful. Post an answer to this question with your challenge Vote for those answe...

@skiwi it is an awesome calculator, and you did not read the first line in the post?
Q: Calculator Snippet CC

rolflThe April 2015 Community Challenge requires building a calculator. Implement a simple calculator Where the definition of "simple" is whatever you make it - only supports basic arithmetic operators? Fine. It supports scientific notation, exponents and trigonometry? Fine! Takes input f...

Easier to see how it works here: git.tuis.net/ubench/calc.html
especially if you have a number-pad on your keyboard.
@rolfl I haven't even seen the post yet...
@rolfl Delete or backspace key doesn't work.
@rolfl Wait, you made a calculator that actually allows me to use my keys on my keyboard?!
delete should work, backspace is hooked to the browser's page-back.,
Here, have an upvote.
if you click on a button though, the "enter" key gets interpreted by that button later... otherwise the enter-key is linked to =
Too bad ECMAScript 6 isn't out yet :(
@rolfl Delete activates the . key for me.
Maybe there is... hope... for JavaScript
Of course, you guys are going to steal all my ideas..... and make awesomer calculators.
@Hosch250 use the other delete key. When the number-pad is active, delete is the decimal point.
(which it is supposed to be....).
The other delete key?
How many do I have?
if you have a number-pad, you have two.
I only have one delete and one backspace.
You don't have a 1337 key?
It's the leet key
I was using the delete that isn't part of the number pad.
Both deletes activate the .
@rolfl Delete doesn't work. I have to use Tab a number of times and then I can use space (<3 tabstops!)
And the best part about it is the Enter key activates both the = and the Delete button.
@rolfl Chrome
I have two delete keys. None work.
Enter works fine in IE, but neither delete key works.
Hmm, the Enter key only toggles both when you type an equation (1 + + + 2 + ENTER)
Could it be a keyboard layout issue?
Delete keys are broken here too
@Hosch250 If one of the buttons is pressed with the mouse, it gets the focus.
if you press enter after that, the selected button, and '=' are pressed.
No mouse.
you should see both buttons 'flash' red.
Yes, they are.
the key-codes are used to select which button is pressed.....
in chrome, the key-code for 'del' is captured fine for me on linux.
on firefox on linux, it has the same key-code as '.'
Well, I'm on Windows.
so, the two del-keys (num-pad and 'cursor block') as well as the '.' key, all have the same key code.
that's just stupid. (the same key codes, that is).
also, it's stupid you're on windows too ;-)
because that's an inflammatory thing to say, and maybe I can distract you from the broken calculator?
You should build your calculator so it works on all systems if it is a web-based calculator.
I should.... now, what do I do... fix it quickly, delete it first, or let someone critique it and do a follow-on?
In Firefox, my Home/End/Insert/*Delete* key presses '.' , my numpad-delete does nothing. In Chrome, neither of those do anything.
If I switch to American keyboard layout, in Chrome my numpad-delete presses '.', the other one does nothing. In Firefox both deletes presses '.'
Oh, and I can't make it work on all systems..... because I don't have all systems, and 'simple' is part of my requirement.... but, this is disappointing.
Simple solution: Use Spacebar instead.
I have an HP, and the Insert is the 0 and the Delete is the .
Enter doesn't double, and neither does the main Delete.
I have Insert turned off and the keypad turned on.
@SimonAndréForsberg Interesting, the link here now uses space bar: git.tuis.net/ubench/calc.html
Actually, I keyed it to both space, and 127 - so, on my linux machine, it works as always, the del on the number-pad does '.', the ins/end/home/*del* does clear, the space clears too.
Is there no abstraction level above keycodes present in JavaScript?
@rolfl Yay! It works!
@skiwi If there is, there's a good answer in that for you ;-)
@rolfl Oh...
Updated the code, again, you can see the different key-codes and 'which' values which the keyevents provide.
"Keypress code 0 which: 57 linked to nine" calc.html:355:0
"Keypress code 0 which: 51 linked to three" calc.html:355:0
"Keypress code 0 which: 46 linked to point" calc.html:355:0
"Keypress code 46 which: 0 linked to point"
calc.html:355 Keypress code 57 which: 57 linked to nine
2015-04-11 13:46:12.886calc.html:355 Keypress code 51 which: 51 linked to three
2015-04-11 13:46:14.198calc.html:355 Keypress code 46 which: 46 linked to point
2015-04-11 13:46:15.551calc.html:355 Keypress code 127 which: 127 linked to clear
That's from pressing the num-pad 9,3,'del', and then the home-ins-block 'del'.
Q: How can I turn a monadic function into a monadic state transformer?

Bartek BanachewiczBasically, what I want is this (hence why I'm posting here, not on StackOverflow): stateIO :: (s -> IO (a, s)) -> StateT s IO a stateIO f = do r <- get (a, r') <- liftIO $ f r put r' return a I tried to use state, but the inner liftIO is problematic. Is there another...

^^^ flagged for migration to SO.
Meh, it's flagged by a high-rep user on both sites... make it so, it's done.
@rolfl: Don't know if this has been noticed before, but if you enter a digit after computing an expression, the digit is appended to the result. Usually calculators start a new number with the digit in that case.
I have noted that.... it has some interesting consequences... especially with respect to the decimal logic.
do a calculation ending in a fraction, like 5/2
then, type 5 ..... ;-)
Making calculators is not for the weak...
It requires a lot of state-machine logic to get that right.....
and I was not going to try to get it perfect. at least I thought I wasn't going to...
@rolfl You know you will, developers cannot see imperfect code
Would this be a better fit for Code Review SE? — Dave Johnson 6 secs ago
@rolfl WTF!?
I have not figured out what causes that result yet ;-)
side note: I thought that there was a little competition going on... and that there would be a bonus in being the first person with a solution.....
Has this challenge fallen flat?
A: Simple LZW compression algorithm

EdwardHere are some things I see that may help you improve your code. Shouldn't a compressed file be smaller? Imagine my surprise when I discovered that a 4057-byte file (the source code itself) became 18720 bytes when compressed! Then I looked at the "compressed" file and saw that it was composed o...

@rolfl The bonus is that people find your bugs earlier
@rolfl Eh... mine crashes before using keyboard only
Let me cap this
@skiwi Not sure I understand ... when you say "mine crashes", does that mean "you running my calculator", or "you running your calculator" ?
@rolfl I'm runnin gyoru calculator
LOL Now attempted it using only the buttons
5/2 = 2.5, 5 = 30, WTF?
4/2=2,5 = 25 ;-)
Hmm, now it is working.
^^^ that
it was working before as well.
It handles broken input quite well, axctually, except for typing new numbers after a result.
Verra peculia.
@rolfl gfycat.com/NaiveHoarseImpala (You need to scroll a little bit down), you see when I try to put in 2 it pops up my search bar
Nieve Hoarse Impala? Nice.
@rolfl Yeah... gfycat links eh!
went over 16k on SO today.
@skiwi try now?
Q: Fixing a huge inefficient LINQ query

AlternatexI have a website that acts like a search engine for books and authors and the search goes through multiple libraries. This searching functionality is on the face of the site and is going to be the most used part of it so I need the LINQ query that returns the results to be efficient. At the momen...

@rolfl Nope
Hmmm... how to reproduce....
Using Firefox, I type 5 on the numpad, then / on the regular pad, then 2 on the numpad again
Actually, I get the same issue if I use the / on the numpad
Typing / outside a text input box pops up the search bar
You need to autofocus your input bar at the top
However if I manually focus the input bar, then refreshing the page doesn't remove the numbers anymore
I am spinning circles on this one... it clearly reproduces on firefox, even though I 'consume' the keypress.
I am startign to dislike javascript a whole bunch
@rolfl Code Review, competitions? I think you are confusing us with PPCG...
well, yeah, I guess I am.
@rolfl 4/2=2,5? I think your calculator is more broken than just the input handling...
also, this is not looking like a whole lot of fun... so, I am going to throw some rocks on some cold stuff
@SimonAndréForsberg the 'comma' is not a decimal point
@rolfl Oh, okay, I get it.
I hope to make a calculator when I am back home again in 10 days or so.
Infinity * 0 = NaN, correct or incorrect?
correct enough
Right, curling
chillin out with some cronies
Sup people
skiwi thats correct
@skiwi Do the math yourself and see what your conclusions are :)
Does anyone know of software that allows me to keep track of bought and sold items, where I might buy like 5 items at once and sell them individually?
@rolfl Why are these sequence of input producing different results?
(Delete) '1' '/' 'Enter'
(Delete) '1' '/' '0' 'Enter'
Using a crappy spreadsheet right now
like an inventory type system?
@SimonAndréForsberg give the same results for me
really, really gone now... dressed and everything
@SeanParsons I'm interested on profit per bought item for example, in case I happen to sell it, or see how much of a loss I have on it
I'm tempted to create something myself
But that would be another project
@rolfl no clue why but sometimes I get 'Infinity' and sometimes I get '0'. Either way, I'd say it's a good job with the calculator. You definitely 'won the challenge'
You could, what language do you could in?
That would be Java ;)
oh you fancy huh?
But I don't like building full systems just because it would be helpful to me
And there must be something around already
look online for a business one
@skiwi What's wrong with using a crappy spreadsheet?
im sure they would incorporate profit loss
@SimonAndréForsberg The fact that it's crappy
In what way is it crappy?
@skiwi Why don't you build an Excel table?
Also, most accounting software probably has this.
Probably my design is also not the best
Maybe I'll revisit this one day, the crappy excel sheet will do for a while
I'm attempting to do my first "big" project I'm hoping it goes well, i'll most likely need quite a bit of help from some more experienced programmers.
@skiwi This sort of software is not cheap.
The cheapest you can get by with for something like this is probably QuickBooks.
I mean, if you want something more than just an Excel spreadsheet.
But, COGS is part of my day job.
@SeanParsons What sort of project?
I'm creating a rich SPA(single page application) using Angular for a local deli, they have a real good following since they're a family owned business I wanted to use the power of Angular to populate the page depending on user input. I want to integrate a order food online as well which im still thinking about how I'm going to implement.
Q: c++ bitset implementation

user775093#define NO_OF_BITS (8 * sizeof(unsigned int)) #include <iostream> #include <assert.h> template<ssize_t n> class BitArray { private: int array[n]; public: BitArray(); void set(unsigned int); void reset(unsigned int); void flip(unsigned int); int test(unsigned int); }...

Q: Bootstrap 3 custom header evaluation

J. Patrick MoranI need a second set of eyes to look at my twitter bootstrap 3 header. I would welcome some insight on the code structure and methodology as it relates to bootstrap best practices and efficiency. <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-C...

Does the deli have an existing POS system?
Yes, they use Clover, it's a sleek new POS
Does Clover has some sort of API? Obviously, if Clover is in charge of orders, your system needs to plug into that.
But also, you probably need to research Clover. If it's "sleek" and "new", surely they already have easy tools built-in for doing web orders, right?
And all you'd have to do is plug it into the website?
How the system itself works I don't know although I'm looking at the documentation and they do have an API for developers.
I'm very new to developing and really have only dealt with front-end stuff this is going to be my first dive into some other layers.
As far as I can tell, you're still pretty much just doing front end stuff...
You can't rewrite the POS's back-end out from under it...
"So far I don't have any error" it's not a site for code reviews — JerryGoyal 1 min ago
@mello There's another website within the Stack Exchange network called Code Review which is designed for reviewing and improving code that work as intended. Your question might be a fit there. Be sure your question fits there though before you post it there. — nhgrif 1 min ago
but tying the API to the front end is something i've never done
@JerryGoyal "So far I don't have any error" doesn't automatically make questions on topic for Code Review. — nhgrif 1 min ago
Your question is unclear: what does the input in the file mean ? what do you exepect as result ? Why do you have doubts. Jerry means that if you just want to have someone looking at your code without solving a problem, you shour ask this question on the codereview sister site. — Christophe 1 min ago
@JerryGoyal I'm not commenting on whether or not this question is on-topic, but I see "I would like to know if I am on the right track" as part of all sorts of questions. And lots of them have pseudo-code or incomplete projects, both of which are categorically off-topic on Code Review. This question looks okay-ish for Code Review, but I'd recommend, Jerry, that you take a tour through the help center before you continue making recommendations. — nhgrif 47 secs ago
@Duga busy!
@nhgrif Always busy, it is a hard life I live!
@SeanParsons Using APIs isn't usually too bad. Just depends on how well written the API is and how good the documentation is. As you become a better developer and better at modularizing your own code, using APIs will become more and more natural.
The fact of the matter is, almost no matter what programming you're doing, you're already using some sort of API in some way without even really realizing it.
@mello With what? I've voted your question as unclear. If your code is actually working and you're simply looking for a general review, then your question might be appropriate for Code Review, but as I said, please verify on your own. If you have a specific problem you're trying to address, your question may be suited for Stack Overflow after all, but this question needs to be updated to be more explicitly clear on what that problem is before it can be reopened here. — nhgrif 25 secs ago
API is just a fancy/concise way of referring to the publicly exposed members of some code library.
i would like to create the Breath First Search using my code but i am kinda of confused ... can you trow me a bone lol on how to start it please ?? @nhgrif — mello 22 secs ago
So, it appears that question would be off-topic if posted here.
Q: First Python Script

agf1997I'm new to python programming. I needed to create a program which reads in a series of excel files in folders typically structured something like this. rootDir Control 0hr.xls 24hr.xls 48hr.xls 72hr.xls 0.01um 0hr.xls 24hr.xls 48hr.xls 72hr.xls ...

codereview.stackexchange.com — David Wallace 2 mins ago
@DavidWallace What a lazy comment. I do agree that this question might be suitable for Code Review, but the appropriate course of action would be to flag it for a moderator to migrate if it's a good question that would be on-topic there. Your comment is lazy and not particularly helpful. — nhgrif 22 secs ago
@Duga A bit angry are we, @nhgrif?
As opposed to yours, which mows the lawn, hangs the laundry out, and brings me my slippers and my coffee. — David Wallace 49 secs ago
Well, that comment of yours sounded a bit angry/annoyed.
Annoyed is probably an okay description.
I think that's the second one in a row that looked like that.
So, this is unpopular, by the way:
Q: Prevent "I'm voting to close this because it belongs on..." custom close reasons

nhgrifWe already have prevented posting the comment: What did you try? I suggest we also somehow prevent users from referring to other websites in the custom close reason. Per this Meta Stack Overflow question, potentially being on topic on another Stack Exchange site doesn't inherently make a...

But... people are also pretty dumb about this...
@BenVoigt If it belongs on RaspberryPi (I don't have an account there and can't say for sure myself, so I wouldn't dare take an action myself), then flag it for a moderator to migrate. In the meantime, if it's off-topic for Stack Overflow, for whatever reason, vote to close it for that reason. Keep in mind that the Stack Overflow help center says nothing about "Questions on topic on RaspberryPi are off topic on Stack Overflow". — nhgrif 4 mins ago
Okay, maybe I am irritated/annoyed today.
Because Ben is coming off as an absolute idiot right now.
@BenVoigt Code Review is also in beta but can receive migrations when questions are flagged with an 'other' flag for migration. A good close reason or comment might be of the form: "I'm voting to close as off-topic because XYZ. You might have better luck on [Raspberry PI](link) but be sure to read their help center before you post it there" — Simon André Forsberg 20 secs ago
This is exactly the comment he left sort of.
Q: Adjacency List in c++

melloI tried to implement an Adjacency list Program in C++ that read from text file then save data into the A.List. Once the data is stored into the program, it would facilitate my options to do the the Breath first Search algorithm. So far I am not sure if I took the right approach to this problem. ...

The frustrating part is that he doesn't see the difference between the comment he actually left and the comments I'm talking about.
Interesting... I registered on some site using my own email/password combination, I can obviously log in using that, but since I registered with my Gmail email address, I can also login using Google
@nhgrif Then at least it sounds like his comment was a good one.
Isn't that exactly how the entire Stack Exchange network works, @skiwi?
Questions about single-board computing appliance hardware and software are off-topic for Stack Overflow unless they directly involve software programming. You may be able to get help on Raspberry Pi Stack Exchange. — Ben Voigt 9 mins ago
^^ looks like a good comment to me
@nhgrif I think people are down-voting you because your suggestion to solve the problem is a bit extreme. It's hard to know who agrees that there is a problem with these kinds of comments though.
It is a good comment...
But the frustrating part is that he seems to not see the problem we see
If every comment looked like that, obviously we wouldn't have @Duga and I wouldn't open this meta.
Interestingly, he left that comment but he didn't actually close vote it... despite his insistence that the question is off topic (and it is)
@nhgrif considering his answer to your meta, I think he does see, understand, and agree with the problem.
Maybe, I don't know. With his comments, it's hard to tell.
Even if he disagrees to my solution, it'd be nice if he just left a comment saying "Yes, I see the difference between a custom close reason which has actually bothered to mention why the question is actually off topic versus one that doesn't.
@rene "always add the advice to check the help center and the meta site before asking again", huh? Be careful when using the word "always". May I present to you: Exhibit A and Exhibit B. It is noted that you do that mostly though, much appreciated. (It would be even more helpful to link to the help centers of the other sites though) — Simon André Forsberg 30 secs ago
Q: c# perform commands immediately

Allen public void test() { for(int i=1,; int i<5; i++) { if(i==1) button1.BackColor=Color.White; if(i==2) button2.BackColor=Color.White; if(i==3) button3.BackColor=Color.White; if(i==4) button4.BackColor=Color.White; Thread.Sleep(100); }...

@nhgrif I wasn't planning on allowing the users to pay online for a meal because they don't deliver. do you think I still should?
@nhgrif I was planning on doing some kind of order online so people could order and pick it up without having to call and or set the time they would like the food order to be made.
@nhgrif On SE I always log in only using my Google credentials, what I was curious about is why on that website I can register with my gmail, never connect my standalone account to use Google credentials, and then be able to long in with Google credentials
For the ones that were around earlier...
If anyone's interested in the updated version ^^
what is that for?
I foresee chaos.
@SeanParsons Have no time to explain now, need to go unfortunately... There's still a transcript a few hours ago in chat
Q: Interacting with objects. Am I walking on a pythonic path?

st00pidSo I ve been doing some self imposed exercises to get accustomed to python and bellow is my code. import random from random import randint from random import randrange from mainlist import legendaryitems from mainlist import waystodie from mainlist import powerup from mainlist import mood from m...

@SeanParsons There are places I pick up food from which do not deliver but still allow me to order and pay online.
@SeanParsons But even without paying online ahead of item, you still want to hook in to the existing API so the order is in the system so that an employee doesn't then have to manually enter the order whenever the customer shows up to pick up their food.
@skiwi In plain English, could you describe the scope of what your project intends to do?
@200_success codereview.stackexchange.com/revisions/86601/5 I'm curious why it's important to this question what the source code of anyone consuming the web service was written in (to the point that its in the title).
Q: Base 10 and Base 16 Converter [Little Endian Hexadecimal]

TimtechBasically, this program prompts for input. If the input is "objects" or "checksums", the default browser is opened in order to navigate to luni.info/objects or luni.info/checksums respectively. Otherwise, the input is assumed to be a base ten number or a space separated string of hexadecimal valu...

Hi, @Timtech
@skiwi still no clue what it's supposed to do
@JeroenVannevel It doesn't appear anyone else does either - those are not my stars.
@nhgrif Should I be tying in the API sooner than later in my code or should I leave that for last? sorry if i sound like a newb but I am when it comes to API and stuff..
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