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Because you're writing VB6?
There are 1302 unanswered questions
Because there are no try/catch blocks in VB6.
There are also no try/catch blocks in Swift.
I'm intrigued by Swift, but alas, I have no Mac.
Yeah, if swift was possible on windows I'd have taken a look at that instead of Go
@nhgrif's fanboyism pays off
Does it count as fanboyism is you like something because it's the best option?
Okay, back on my computer, so let me demonstrate the proper way of doing methods that don't throw exceptions.
    NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:@"http://somewebsite.com/example.txt"];
    NSError *error;
    NSString *myString = [NSString stringWithContentsOfURL:url encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:&error];
    if (error) {
        // there was an error, do something with it
    } else {
        // else, no problem, do something with myString
@RubberDuck @JeroenVannevel @Hosch250 and anyone else who is interested in this conversation.
How does that differ from C#?
The method returns what you're actually looking for.
And, whether or not it works isn't a simple bool, but rather an NSError object, which is nil if it did not work, but filled with a useful error if it did not work.
Meh, that's no difference with C#. Most people just choose to swap those things
you can return any object you want, not just bool
> Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=260 "The file “example.txt” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file." UserInfo=0x100305700 {NSURL=somewebsite.com/example.txt, NSUnderlyingError=0x100308790 "A server with the specified hostname could not be found."}
And, generally (but not always) when there was an error, the method returns nil, so if it doesn't matter whether or not it worked, you can simplify it down to...
I'll take any exception over any NSError anytime
    NSString *myString;
    if ((myString = [NSString stringWithContentsOfURL:url encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:nil])) {
        // do stuff with myString
But most importantly, in Objective-C, there's no null pointer exception, so you might not even care to check whether or not it even returned anything.
    NSString *myString = [NSString stringWithContentsOfURL:url encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:nil];
    NSData *data = [myString dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
@Mat'sMug Why?
Because "returning an error [code|object]" is so 1980 ;)
By that, do you mean it has worked for 35 years?
But when your language is a contemporary of COBOL I guess it flies...
I'm just messing with you
Exceptions are reserved for truly exceptional behavior. Objective-C throws exceptions. Every single exception that Objective-C throws (if it's out of Apple's libraries and not code that idiots wrote) is an exception that is the result of a logic failure.
What does i = 42 / 0 do?
bad things?
The same thing it does in C.
Q: Scaling the last column in a table (with input) to match the container

rolflI recently ran in to a problem with the presentation of data related to a graph. Each series of data has values that define the 'curve'. There can be a lot of these values, and I decided that there was not enough space in the 'legend' to include all the details for the curve. I decided to have a ...

if ((1 as Int + 1 as Int == 2 as Int) as Bool) == true { println("Types where the context makes them obvious just get in the way of readability" as String) as Void }Airspeed Velocity 1 min ago
@Mat'sMug Division by zero is undefined behavior.
> You know nothing, John Snow Mug
So i is just assigned undefined trash?
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
    @autoreleasepool {
        NSLog(@"DivByZero? %i", 42/0);
    return 0;
That prints "DivByZero? 1"
The behavior is not defined.
If you're not using Objective-C, it works exactly like it would in C.
@nhgrif NSError actually reminds me an awful lot of VB6's global Errobject.
I'm assuming NSError is scoped though?
It's just like any other object.
Age 5: defiance... followed by pouting when the adults punish your disobedience.
Interesting. Yeah. I wish VB6's behaved a bit more like that, but the concept is very similar really.
Sounds right. =;)-
Also, 4-5 year olds don't understand "never" or "always"
Go to the park Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Thursday it's rainy. "Can we go to the park?" "Not today, it's rainy." "We never go to the park. It's always raining."
Lol. I know Middle Aged folks that don't get that yet.
Is a parser that doesn't parse anything on topic?
Q: Text file parsing in C++

T145For fun, I've made a basic text file parsing class in C++ with the purpose of being light and quick. Here is the code: parser.h // // parser.h // // Created by Taylor Shuler on 4/8/15. // // #ifndef _parser #define _parser #include <fstream> #include <iostream> #include <list> #include <st...

@200_success I was a little confused by that, too.
looks like a big string-concatenator/comparer
#ifndef _parser
#define _parser
He forgot step 0.
// pray to God there's not a name collision on _parser
Q: Calculates and Generates student report card (Part 2)

BeckI've updated my code according to some tips from a previous post and would like to post the new code for review. // Calculates and generates a report card of students final grades #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> float assignWeight; float midtermWeight; float finalWeig...

@200_success I voted to reopen. Code works as intended, OP just needs a little crash course on terminology.
A "parser" usually involves a "lexer", which defines "tokens" ...the act of "parsing" implies somewhat making programmatic sense out of some input. — Mat's Mug 1 min ago
Yeah. That ^
It was closed for not including the code. I'm assuming it works as intended.
@Lyle'sMug Where'd you get your mug from?
He... wait for it.... mugged it...
Speaking of, I want CR swag..
@RubberDuck That's why I asked haha
I was curious if I missed the handout
@syb0rg I think that's the "Remember May 16th" swag that I never got
Speaking of missing things...
Did I miss the star-fest?
you always miss the star-fest
I know, right?
It's so not fair.
Shouldn't this question be posted at codereview.stackexchange.com? — Bruno Toffolo 1 min ago
Obviously though, my comments are witty enough to get stars outside the festivals. Star-fests are designed to give the not-so-witty a chance to feel good about themselves and fetch a star.
@Duga That question looks like example code.
I'm three messages away from completely owning the star wall. But I think I need 5 new starred messages to take it over.
I think this might be a good question over on CodereviewJames Hay 46 secs ago
@BrunoToffolo Nope. This is considered "example code", which is off-topic over on Code Review. — syb0rg 5 secs ago
@syb0rg from the UPS fiasco
@RubberDuck me too
@BrunoToffolo Nope. This is considered "example code", which is off-topic over on Code Review. — syb0rg 1 min ago
@BrunoToffolo maybe if OP brought their real code. This is likely to get closed as example code on Code Review. — RubberDuck 1 min ago
Q: Ad hoc implementation of cruise control

Nick RosencrantzI've written a small C program that has ad hoc implementation of cruise control for my Altera DE2 FPGA. It works alright but there are too many global variables. Preferably there should be no global variables. How can I reduce the amount of global variables? #include <stdio.h> #include "system.h...

I hope this was hard to write. It's certainly hard to read. Code Review looks like the perfect spot for you. — nhgrif 25 secs ago
A: What's a Zombie? And what are the many other memes of Code Review?

Mat's MugMeme: Did I miss the star-fest? Originator: @nhgrif Cultural Height: iOS fanboy stuck in a loop Background: A [probably vain] tentative to fix the gullibility bug: Eventually, "Did I miss the star-fest?" will be an answer on that meta? There's still no "Did I miss the star-fest?" an...

Did I miss the comment-upvote-fest? — nhgrif 6 secs ago
@nhgrif I was expecting that one!
Would it be silly if I now posted that on every answer in this question?
Now that the meta answer is up with that link...
People can read it, click here:
And add stars.
Also, 8 of those messages have zero stars.
I hesitated between [probably vain] and [hopefully vain] ;)
Someone should fix that.
Or should I just duplicate my comment on that answer once a month?
Which then spawns the "Did I miss the comment-upvote-fest?" meme answer....?
Post 5 answers asking "Did I miss the answer-upvote-fest?"
Any time you're not sure if a question belongs on a Stack Exchange site is a perfect time to read the help center. I'd like to say again, but no one ever reads it, so I have to say for the first time. — nhgrif 6 secs ago
hmm interesting
I was thinking about suggesting it be burninated, but it seems okay on SO to ask about general best practice? (Sort of?)
@Duga could look for questions posted to Stack Overflow with tag and post them here.
Also, this question is kind of funny:
Q: Why not implement a delay to putting a topic on hold so the poster can have time to edit their question?

Wandering IdiotI'm fairly new to Stackoverflow and I like the community so far. I'm all on board for having the [hold] and [closed] features when posts are off-topic and/or vague. But, I don't like how fast you can take down someones post without giving them time to edit it. I recently made a post here regardi...

@nhgrif good idea
I should set up a chatroom that just automatically posts comments made by SO user "Hot Licks"
Objective-C is not type safe. Get over it. — Hot Licks 2 hours ago
It's full of gems.
It seems to me that simply keeping up with Apple's releases should keep you pretty busy. — Hot Licks 6 mins ago
> Actually read the documentation.
I feel this way exactly about keeping my Windows app up to date.
The trouble is, even if days were 50 hours long, there would jut be more work to do, not more free time...
There may be a few 5-10 second periods of #stackoverflow inaccessibility as one of our ISPs shifts traffic around 1-2 AM EDT tonight.
> (Note that "declare" is not the same as "create".)
55 mins ago, by nhgrif
He... wait for it.... mugged it...
That reminded me of the pigeons in Bolt saying "Wait for it ..." "ALIENS."
> Learn the difference between a pointer and an array. (Hint: The difference is entirely fictional, but the compiler likes to be lied to.)
> I don't do answers. You may answer it yourself if you wish.
A: What is your favorite aviation joke?

FarhanPilots Vs Maintenance Engineers After every flight, pilots fill out a form, called a “gripe sheet” which tells mechanics about problems with the aircraft. The mechanics correct the problems; document their repairs on the form, and then pilots review the gripe sheets before the next flight. Neve...

That is a scream.
Q: Entity Component System in C++11

Daniel MartinAn Entity Component System works by grouping various components around a central ID, aka Entity. Entities and Components do not have any code, they are simply POD containers. Rather, the code lies in a system, which takes in a group of components and does work on them. I've written out an EntityM...

@nhgrif you can subscribe to his RSS feed ;)
I hope this was hard to write. It's certainly hard to read. Code Review looks like the perfect spot for you. — nhgrif 52 mins ago
okay, going to bed.
1 hour later…
Q: Is my Flux approach of having a controller-view for each page in a mobile site okay

steven isekiI have been creating a mobile site using Fluxxor, rendering components server side and after some work setting up the stores and components, I find that each page I have has a corresponding controller view. Just wanted to know if the approach is okay? Is this the correct approach, with the contr...

Q: How to call other machine from the LinkedList if one is block or down?

davidI am using AsyncRestTemplate as my HttpClient to execute my URL and the server will return back a json string as the response. Customer will call this library by passing DataKey object which has userId in it. Given a userId, I will find out what are the machines that I can hit to get the data a...

Q: Basic text-based rover game

Ethan BierleinI've made a small "rover game" similar to this one, except made in C#, using OOP, and prettier menus. This is also my first time programming in non-Unity C#, so any improvements are welcome. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace Rovers { /* A class for creating a rover *...

My first bronze badge -
s/bronze badge/bronze tag badge! ;)
Too late :(
@Hosch250 that rover question is really good, if you haven't already looked at it
@mjolka Thanks.
Almost midnight here.
I favorited it, and will answer tomorrow.
Unless someone beats me to it.
Bye, guys.
I sure thought HTML would be the winner, with CSS a close second.
I didn't even realize I was that close to a Beginner badge.
C# is older than VB.NET.
If the code is working, this sounds more suited for Code Review. — Comintern 1 min ago
And bye again.
Q: Sound button using java script

user70053Im new to coding especially java script. I want to make a simple sound button that when clicked makes a sound. I found a tutorial on youtube and copied everything but it doesnt make a sound when I click the OK button. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script> var beep = new Audio(); beep.src = "...

Q: Function for appending words from a string to array - javascript

JuanvulcanoI'm new to javascript, I want to define a function that takes a string as an argument let suppose "Hi my name is John" and returns in an array [Hi,my,name,is,John] So far here is my code, I think I am really lost! var new = function(str) { var arr = []; arr.push(str.split(' ')) }

Q: Should this question be un-migrated or migrated to another site?

h.j.k.Question in question: What is processing inefficiency and object allocation efficiency? As Simon pointed out in the comments, the question is not so much about "Please review how I am solving the problem of printing a table up to x * x, given x", but on the definitions of "processing/object allo...

@Hosch250 you do C as well right ?
@Hosch250 Oh, never knew :)
Seems you're not around
I'll find out the answer
found a bug in linqpad, signed up for the forums, can't post to the forums :/
you should probably post this on codereview.stackexchange.comw0lf 1 min ago
Code review questions should go to codereview.stackexchange.comYu Hao 1 min ago
Q: How do I optimize my code?

ramRecently, I was taking up this challenge http://www.spoj.com/problems/ADDREV/ and choose my favorite language 'Ruby' to do it. My following solution got accepted. Gist url - https://gist.github.com/budhrg/642775abdc3469cd9453. ### Code cases = gets.chomp.to_i def valid_numeric_input?(input) i...

1 hour later…
Q: A trivial command line utility for trimming whitespace from lines in C - follow-up 3

coderoddeThe previous iteration at A trivial command line utility for trimming whitespace from lines in C - follow-up 2 Now my code looks like: #include <ctype.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #define HELP_FLAG "-h" #define VERSION_FLAG ...

Also, when they're new, give them small chunks and do a code review. I can't know how you're going about it but switching the code around developers can help make sure everything's to the expected quality. The more eyes on it the better. — Chief Two Pencils 1 min ago
Q: Python 3 ZMQ proxy only prints output after each side has sent at least one time

Richard NeumannI am developing a ZMQ-based IPC solution, which redirects the STDIN of one application to the STDOUT of another and vice versa. Here's the respective library: """Inter-Process Communication library""" from os import linesep from zmq import Context from zmq import REP, REQ # @UnresolvedImpor...

Out of all the Code Review chat rooms, @Duga was the most recent poster in 5 of them.
(Sorry Mr. Obvious, you don't count)
@nhgrif status-declined - Mr Obvious can do that
Q: I would like to hear the opinion of the code

YuriI've made a "envtransfer" application transfer environment between computers using Yandex disk application. I would like to hear the opinion of the code. Big thanks. core.py # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from zipfile import ZipFile from exception import function_exception from json import loads impor...

@SimonAndréForsberg well actually... it is... It just shouldn't be used as the solitary close reason. — Vogel612 17 mins ago
@Vogel612 What do you mean here? ^^
(and did you see my comment answer?)
@tal1992 Really friendly: You had many correct answers over multiple questions. The problem is that you can't put the pieces together. What you need is ask help from your TA's/professor or maybe address your question to codereview.stackexchange.com. In either case, you won't find any lack to SO, since it's not a code writing service. Assuming SO is your playground, you just hurt the quality of this site, without personally succeeding anything. — JuniorCompressor 1 min ago
@JuniorCompressor Code Review is not All the Kings Men and we will not put Humpty-Dumpty back together again. — nhgrif 1 min ago
@Duga @nhgrif what?
@nhgrif Due to a cultural gap, I can't get the references :) But if you mean codereview is not actually for the task, I shall remove it. — JuniorCompressor 6 secs ago
@nhgrif I agree. Didn't mean to imply code review is a code-writing service as TAs are not code-writing service but possibly more appropriate for the needs of the OP. — JuniorCompressor 28 secs ago
You haven't heard Humpty-Dumpty?
Q: Scheduling Real World Events for Arduino Project - Works but could be better

DimminsMost other answered questions about scheduling had to do with scheduling when functions/calls are processed so I wanted to ask about this. I am working on a project that involves scheduling real world events for a pool. Example: turn a pump on at 8AM, turn heater on at 9 AM, set heating tempera...

It doesn't matter... op had blocks of code he couldn't figure out how to piece together.
I've heard about Humpty-Dumpty, but never actually heard the/a story about Humpty-Dumpty
He is an egg. He sits on a wall, falls off wall, Kings men are supposed to put him together again.
Nope, they are supposed to try to put him together, but ultimately fail.
Friday Monking all ;-)
And Code Review isn't supposed to try at all.
Q: image to array / array to image, very strange display behaviour

user3916429I am creating a custom Byte[] array from an image, Then i turn back that array into an Image and display it into a PictureBox. Bitmap img = new Bitmap(Image.FromFile(fileimg)); byte[] arr = ImgToArr(img); this works perfectly: pictureBox1.Image = LineArr2Img(ImgToArr(img), cols, rows); //ret...

@rolfl Do you use Trello on Android by a chance?
@skiwi I do not.
But I know a lot of people who do (i.e. Stack Exchange staff use it almost always).
Ah ok, I signed up using my Google account, but it won't let me log in using my Google account on Android
IBM has this thing about storing plans on competitor services .... ;-)
It doesn't do that? ;)
@SimonAndréForsberg yes, I did... I am saying it's listed under the close reasons
also it can (and possibly should) contribute to closing a question
but as "only" reason to close a question it doesn't have a raison d'étre
@Vogel612 it's listed there, yes, but it doesn't actually close questions, it migrates them. And CR doesn't have that option for anything other than CR-Meta, and SO doesn't have CR as an option there either.
which is a technical limitation
then again migrated posts are still available on the origin site for the next 30 days
I am not convinced SO will have CR later either as a target site.
also they show up in the question list with [migrated] added to their title
which is more similar to [on hold] than you and nhgrif seem to want to admit
@nhgrif and I are against the fact that SO users uses Close -> Off Topic -> Other -> "This is off topic because it belongs on Code Review".
You should vote to close with a custom reason because it is off-topic on the current site, not because there is a site it might fit "better"
and that's completely true... but -.-
SO users being SO users
and watchdog-like scope guardsmanship
and "We only want questions that absolutely fit our definition"...
and "Better move the crap we don't want somewhere else" aren't helping all that much
That's the exactly the wrong attitude that closing as belonging elsewhere encourages though.
So when @Jamal says "If you feel that it still belongs on a different site, feel free to vote to close." (about the question from SO that ended up on CR) I cannot do anything other than disagree.
It should be on or off topic based purely on SO's own help center and should be closed for reasons defined there.
@rolfl Is there a place on chat where they hide?
There is, the "Teacher's Lounge" ... ;-)
If it is on topic here and a good question, it should be migrated, and voting to close it as a migration candidate fails both of these.
No where in SO's help center are Code Reviews ruled explicitly off-topic (but you can generally make a case for unclear or too broad).
And no where in any SE's site are questions which might be on-topic elsewhere defined as being necessarily off-topic where they are. There is overlap.
Q: PostgreSQL query optimization

Martol1niThe following query returns the latest Odds for each Offer based on the timestamp on the Odds. However, the query takes an average of 1497ms - and I'm sincereley asking for help to optimize it. This is the stats from Herokus log; 1497ms Avg. time 0/min Throughput 29ms I/O time SELECT DISTINCT ...

And there is one of my meta question on SO to this effect.
@nhgrif that's kinda what I am saying...
@rolfl I don't seem to be able ot find it by searching on chat.SE or chat.SO
Are you?
Ah, it's a moderator only room? ;)
I am struggling to log in as well, by the way
including on the trello.com website using a laptop
'Good' to hear
Argh, I can login using my phone's browser
Migration and closing are pretty different, even if they have some similarities and are both under the closing menu.
"I'm voting to close this because it belongs on..." Shouldn't even be allowed as a custom close reason.
Maybe I should open a MSE to that effect...
@nhgrif I think that's a good idea. That custom close reason just goes against the spirit of SE IMO.
Monking btw.
So, hey guys.... guess what today is!
But for now, I am at work.
Listening to Nine Inch Nails today because some days it's easier to write code to the sound of chainsaws than the sound of coworkers.
A: What's a Zombie? And what are the many other memes of Code Review?

Mat's MugMeme: Did I miss the star-fest? Originator: nhgrif Cultural Height: iOS fanboy stuck in a loop Background: A [probably vain] tentative to fix the gullibility bug: Eventually, "Did I miss the star-fest?" will be an answer on that meta? There's still no "Did I miss the star-fest?" ans...

I absolutely hate whoever decided to give exam resits in the evening
Even on a damn Friday!
The trick is to do the exam at the sit, not at the resit..... right?
Q: Natural merge sort in C++

coderoddeI have compiled natural merge sort algorithm from Java to C++. Is that the adult way of writing (potentially) reusable code? Is there some C++-idioms I should have sticked to? natural_merge_sort.h: #ifndef NATURAL_MERGE_SORT_H #define NATURAL_MERGE_SORT_H #include <algorithm> #include <iostream>

@rolfl Well...
Q: Getting an error on Python GUI?

tal1992I am getting an error on python gui when I am run this code This is my full code: from tkinter import * class Counter(): def __init__(self): self.reset() def add(self,correct, gas, quant, code, age, leng): #Count the number of (T's) in the field [correct] found = False ...

Perhaps I shouldn't be doing the resit
As in, I should've passed the regular exam, not as in skipping the resit
Well, yeah... I would count myself lucky that they are offering to give up their friday evening to allow you a second chance ;-)
So, there is no error in your code? This may belong on Code Review then.. — Invent - Animate 1 min ago
@rolfl Coming from a situation where they just did them during the regular examination periods, I wouldn't
@Invent-Animate "I am noticing I am getting not only the id's of the selected items, but also a "false" for each row, which obviously I don't want." indicates that the code does not work as intended which makes it off-topic for Code Review — Simon André Forsberg 55 secs ago
@SimonAndréForsberg I just didn't read that as the main point of this thread. — Invent - Animate 45 secs ago
@Duga - Stack Overflow: 1 - 0
Q: Python Stage 1 Code Personal Scenario

tal1992Personal Scenario Module: Software Development for Business 2 Submission: 4 PM, Friday 15th of May 2015 This file contains a list of questions for you to answer. The same questions apply to each of the supplied files so you need to find 3 different sets of answers, one for each file. These q...

@skiwi I'd count myself lucky to get to retest an exam I failed...
@nhgrif I don't, it's in the university regulations when I signed up and considered standard practice here
If it wasn't, then I wouldn't be studying here anymore, because doing university and having to pass every subject first time is simply impossible for me
Okay. But it's not standard practice everywhere. @rolfl and I are being lame, but this is the starving kids in Africa argument.
There are failing kids in Asia.
Yeah, think of the kids in Africa.... Oh, I used to be one of them ;-)
(and, I am sure, there were times when I said "I'm starving!")
My girlfriend's kid says that every night after failing to eat dinner completely and asking for dessert.
Q: how to calculate the number of winners in an array

Justin Aseema contestant is said to be a winner if his number is strictly greater than the numbers to his left and his right and a contestant is said to be a loser if his number is strictly less than the numbers to his left and right so the contestant are on a circle and i should calculate the number of winn...

I'm still being annoyed with evening exams though
6pm-9pm is annoying for dinner, that's biggest argument :D Yeah, it's nothing life-threatening, I know
9pm? That's past my bedtime. No way I'd offer my time to proctor an exam for you.
I have a feeling the examinators are not happy with this change either
@maaartinus - we going to have a competition here?
You might want Code Review. — pnuts 55 secs ago
Anyone know anything about:
@TextMining_r, Reddit
Welcome to /r/TextDataMining! We share news, discussions, videos, papers, software and platforms related to text and data mining. Subscribe on Reddit!
251 tweets, 7k followers, following 2.2k users
Seems otherwise odd that ^^^ would follow me on twitter.....
@rolfl Not as much as I would like to know.
Oh, you mean the twitter account? I thought you meant the subject of text data mining itself...
I meant the account, yeah... no-one I know is related to that, as far as I know anyway
This is the kind of question that is more on-topic at codereview.stackexchange.comMark Thomas 1 min ago
Q: Speed up a .find Macro

NewOneI would like to speed up this piece of code. The macro get a search variable from the worksheet "RAW_DATA_ARCHIVE" and then it should find it in the worksheet "RAW DATA". When it found accordance then value of column A from WS "RAW DATA" will written in the last column of "Raw_Data_Archive". Fo...

@Duga skimming, I'm not certain I agree with Mark there.
A: Is it too easy to post your code for review?

RubberDuckTo answer the surface question, "Is it too easy to post your code for review?", the answer is an emphatic No. It certainly is not too easy to post code for review. I don't think it could be too easy. In fact, it should be as easy as possible to come to our community and ask a question in my opini...

°/ Afternoon all :D
First sunny day of the year, happiness intensifies..
Well, every day has been sunny.... you just need to be higher to see it ;-)
Q: java Backend code

Dmitry KudriavcevI study JavaEE and make my project for experience. And i need help in a small code-review. I want to understand how best to write from the point of view of architecture and use of relevant technologies. It is particularly interesting to hear about the implementation of REST-layer. The purpose o...

@rolfl If you're high enough, you can always see the sun.
^^^ personal record, I think.... asked&closed in 20 seconds or so..... I know, I know, closing things should not be a competition.
@RubberDuck You got mail comment
Then downvote more. =;)- — RubberDuck 20 secs ago
And comment
Downvotes without comments would only turn us into Stack Overflow
Oh. Yes. Agreed.
@rolfl If editing is a competition (@Jamal), then why not also closing?
@SimonAndréForsberg because mods have an unfair advantage when it comes to closing. =)
There is no competition when it comes to editing.
I mean, who could compete?
Hmmm relevant to that meta me thinks.
As a site, we have 3 active mods. It's not apparent to most users on most sites, but our mod-participation is generally much higher than other sites.
Greetings, Programs. It's F R I D A Y !!!!!!!!!
Also, what's not apparent to regular users, is that there's a mod dashboard....
Thank you, @RubberDuck
which lists the activities of the mods as a table, with statistics..... including things like comments, posts, etc. and deletes, closes, etc.
I am always the loser on the dashboard, with fewer votes, edits, comments, closes than either Jamal or 200....
@rolfl Yeah, like the fact that I'm the only active mod left on Astronomy.
I am your worst-performing mod.
You perform a different function.
But, compared to other sites, my bad performance is spectacular ;)
I wish more people looked at this though. codereview.stackexchange.com/tools
@rolfl I'm the top mod on Astronomy in many categories, but I've only handled 233 flags.
1.1K, and a mod for 1 year

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