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There are 1243 unanswered questions
Hey @Hosch250
@Duga This isn't improving....
I think that could be better on CR too, what do you mean @Mat'sMug?
The unanswered count
The suit?
Ah, derp, thought something else.
Your mug is naked!
Cool that you have an SO mug though.
I don't know what it was about a mug in a suit that always made me think you were a mod.
lol gonna flag mug porn?
If it happens, I won't be the cause. That mug is sexy. I don't mind.
Are there/will there be CR mugs?
better be!
and tees, too!
you'll want to be on page 1 when we get our colors :)
another 5-6K
Q: Can I condense these values with a loop?

ScarecrowI have a set of values that get modified like so: iskDropped = irrelevant1 iskDestroyed = irrelevant2 iskTotal = irrelevant3 iskDropped = condense_value(int(iskDropped[:-7].replace(',',''))) iskDestroyed = condense_value(int(iskDestroyed[:-7].replace(',',''))) iskTotal = condense_value(int(iskT...

@Legato the "suit" was just a WinterBash hat ;)
I need 6k@!? Woah.
How come you kept it so long?
I see now, haha.
Thought as much. Which is my point! You ditched the suit!
lol I did!
I've only known you as corporate mug-san! I don't know what it is about it, but it's a strange new CR.
First the site colors, now this.
Hey again @Hosch250
for a little while I had this one
Hey, @Legato
Didn't get your first ping, just got back from eating supper.
No worries.
Whoa, I'd better get hopping.
Or can you get it any time once you reach the first page?
lol I don't know, I'm just assuming stuff based on what I've read on other freshly-graduated sites' meta
I want a mug now. :|
Though, I'm shocked/surprised/think it's awesome I even have as much rep as I do now. I don't even remember answering as many questions as I did. Woah.
So, where's this page?
Whoa, a bit over 4k to go.
Well, I'll be having a fair amount of free time in a couple weeks once I get some of these assignments in.
Well, just gave myself +2 ;P
So, only 36 people get mugs?
maybe less, maybe more, I have no idea really
Q: Abstracted Interface for Settings

Hosch250I just learned about the beauties and wonders of interfaces. And, I realized how I could fix some code that has been bothering me because of its duplication. This is my ISettingsProvider, SettingChangedEventArgs class, and ApplicationSettingProvider class, which are in the same file: public cl...

There is a Stack Exchange tradition that on site graduation there is swag...
I'm not sure whether that is worth a bounty.
The details are seldom consistent though
@Legato What'd you do that for?!
@Hosch250 There you go.
I wasn't asking you to do that!
I was considering it myself, not asking someone else.
Lol, you think I ask you for permission when I do things?
Q: UPDATED (January 9) Design for Movies SE

Kurtis BeaversI'm Kurtis, a new product designer at Stack Exchange. First off, congratulations, your site is beginning the process of moving out of beta to a fully-graduated site! Graduation and Your Site Design Graduation comes with a few perks. We have already begun work on your site's design, which will g...

Don't worry, I'll make it profitable for you.
Well, it's done. I hope it gets you a good Review. :D
lol 'profitable' ? I just don't know C#, and you're closer than me to a mug anyway. :D
I think I'll just go for the Socratic badge down the line.
I think I'm about 11-12 questions short of that one
:o cool.
Q: Calculate amount of mugs StackExchange should give away so I'll receive one

JaDoggDescription Calculate how many mugs StackExchange should give away(for graduation) to top reputed users on codereview.stackexchange.com so I'll also receive one. (output is divisible by 50). Code DECLARE @mugs INT,@rounded_mugs INT,@inc INT,@remainder INT; SELECT @mugs = COUNT(1) FROM Users W...

@Legato There, you are 5 higher than before now.
I've slowed down a lot on using the site since leg broke. I think I used to try to do + post a programming challenge at least each weekend-day
Let me know if it gets overturned, I don't think it will.
@Phrancis Just remember--Java isn't SQL.
Anyway, they were good Q/A's that deserved votes.
haha, who was complaining about not asking for something? Thanks nonetheless.
@Mat'sMug could do with another pair of eyes on this one codereview.stackexchange.com/a/84938/44723
lol me and encryption... I'll try to take a look, in the mean time have an upvote!
@Mat'sMug cheers :)
@nhgrif Yeah, it's been challenging to transition from tables to all those other things
Makes me wish I had looked into OOP before I knew much about SQL
Q: Clear function for Stanford iOS 8 Calculator application

steveclarkI am following the Stanford iOS 8 lectures and I believe I have successfully added the "Clear" functionality to the application, but I don't know if I am doing it properly. Controller import UIKit class ViewController: UIViewController { @IBOutlet weak var display: UILabel! var userI...

ready to reopen
@200_success ^
Q: Unit test tests that method returns correct response, and populates a couple of variables

dwjohnstonWhat's happening here is we are testing QueryRunner.RunQuery(ANBQuery q) The method calls methods of two other objects, IdChecker and QueryResultDAO. We've mocked both of the these objects. In the unit test we set up the mocking behaviour (success). QueryResultDAO.runPackage(ANBQuery q) return...

Q: Markov chain-based random text generator in Perl

blimpsThis is the first thing I've written in Perl besides one-liners. It just generates random text based on a text file. I was inspired by http://www.cs.princeton.edu/courses/archive/spr05/cos126/assignments/markov.html Any tips on making this better are welcome. I'd especially like to know if there ...

@Hosch250 answered!
@Legato woah, I just noticed the bounty!
@Mat'sMug Yeah, I thought that interface/abstract class was a bit overkill.
Also, is there any reason I can't just do public int NewSetting { get; set; }?
Maybe a private set?
sure you can! hold on..
(I meant to mention it!)
Review on review (pats myself on the back) ((jk)).
Cinnamon buns are nice and all, but are they Meta?
Q: PalinDrome program

user3646508 Given a beginning and ending point, check how many numbers are palindromic. My solution is a bit clunky. How could it be more elegant? import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Scanner; public class Palindrome { public static void main(String[] args) { ...

@CaptainObvious lame, lame title
We're going to get moved to a chat room soon. @estudyante this code has so many problems you may want to move this the CodeReview.stackexchange.com — kdopen 58 secs ago
@kdopen Code Review is for code that works, not this code. — Retired Ninja 25 secs ago
when did palindrome become palin drome?
Yeah @Mat'sMug My first ever. :O
nice! now you need to earn it back today!
I wasn't sure what else I should put besides "It needs attention" I thought about putting something along the lines of "This is the answer you've been looking for" or "Can you be my hero, baby!?" But...I tend to have too much fun with my names.
good call on a plain simple "needs attention" - these captions can't be edited ;)
Haha, really not even by the monkey?
not sure
@Legato You'll get a badge if you manually award that bounty to someone.
I see.
Is there anyway I can give the question poster the power to award the bounty?
I see, x2.
Just check in by Monday/Tuesday somewhere in there and award it.
Yeah, planning on it.
I've heard there is a grace period too.
if you don't award it after the grace period, half of it gets auto-awarded to the highest-voted qualifying answer
I'm on here every day, lol. I won't miss it.
you'll get a notification when the bounty is about to expire, and then another when it's expired and entering grace period
and you'll get a notification for every posted answer, too
That's helpful, thank you both for the breakdown.
Nice debunking of a ridonculous claim.
A: Is the curtain behind Obama in this picture a "muslim prayer curtain"?

georgechalhoubThe claim that Obama is standing in front of a muslim prayer curtain is false. This meme has gone really viral and has been debunked on over 10 websites online. The picture that you see is taken in the East Room. The East Room, designed for "public audience", is an events and reception room i...

Thanks for the share, signed up for the site, already learned two things.
BTW, I got Ridonculous from Bolt too.
ooh I'm liking this...
user image
@Hosch250 So easy to get worked up into politics
I don't care.
My brother does...
Drives me nuts - first sports, and now politics.
@Hosch250 Been there, feel you. Used to get all worked up into politics, then I realized I wasn't that interested
No need to ping, I saw it.
ping happens when you reply....
Also, you do know you can turn off the sound, just checking
@rolfl To be fair, I added the reply later in an edit
@SimonAndréForsberg @SirPython @Hosch250 @nhgrif @Jamal If you downvoted this question, it might be time to retract the downvote.
Q: Calculating 24 from 4 numbers (math Poker game)

64250802This is a game of math in Poker. Two people each have a pile of cards. They then each place 2 cards on the table at the same time. Every card is treated as a number. The players need to find a way to calculate 24 from the numbers. For example, you are given 3 5 4 8, and you can get 24 by (3+8-5) ...

I did not downvote, but I have now upvoted.
I fixed bad grammar in the answer
Couple hundred votes, and I pass you, @Phrancis
See you later, dishes are calling.
Q: Beginners C++ file stream homework

RUOK27The assignment is to make a program that allows would prompt the user to locate a .txt file, convert it to an encrypted mess, create an output file of said mess named "encrypt.txt", then have the program read that created file and decrypt it, then creating an output file for that named "decrypt.t...

I think I'm tired. Am I the only one that starts writing stupid comments when I'm tired?
        public void RenameSelectedIdentifier(QualifiedSelection selection)
            var target = AcquireTarget(selection);
            if (target == null)
                return; // something's wrong. should we tell 'em?
Return null
@Mat'sMug goto bed;
the other one's worse I think
        private Declaration AcquireTarget(QualifiedSelection selection)
            var target = _declarations.Items.SingleOrDefault(declaration =>
                declaration.QualifiedName.QualifiedModuleName == selection.QualifiedName
                && declaration.Selection.Contains(selection.Selection));

            if (target == null)
                // no valid selection? no problem - let's rename the module:
                target = _declarations.Items.SingleOrDefault(declaration =>
hmm maybe not
yeah I should goto bed;
but I want to see this work so bad!!
i know the feel. stayed up late last night working on a minesweeper clone.
did you finish it before calling it a day?
(and where's the CR post for it? ;)
@Mat'sMug yeah, got it working at 1am
ah, not so bad!
CR post may be happening when i've got it cleaned up
it was my first time Eto.Forms and i'm still getting to grips with it -- especially the data binding
hmm interesting, a new UI framework?
yup, i was writing it on my mac so wpf was out of the question :)
> Cross platform GUI framework for desktop and mobile applications in .NET
^^ in your face, Java!
it's an exciting time for .net
oh wow, you can use eto.forms from linqpad :O
1st run!
@Mat'sMug woohoo!
well I'm not getting too excited. 2nd run didn't do anything
return; // something's wrong. should we tell 'em?
I shouldn't be only looking at declarations. any usage should be a valid target, too
and this is where the selection bug is biting me. shit.
(selection is sometimes off by a few characters)
oh crap
every single declaration inside the FizzBuzz procedure isn't picked up...
because the FizzBuzz procedure encompasses every declaration inside it
dumb bug
Dumb bugs don't invalidate
Q: "Invert" a JavaScript object hash whose values are arrays to produce a new object hash with keys as the elements of those original value vectors

Ahmed FasihBackground lodash and underscore have an invert function that takes an object hash and converts it to a new one, which has keys as the input object's values and values as the input object's keys. As such, if the values in the input object aren't unique, this non-unique input value will, when it'...

By the way, this code would be simpler if you wrote a Coordinate class (but this isn't codereview and that's not what you asked). — immibis 1 min ago
Am I the only one who starts starring more when I'm tired and in need of amusement?
calling it a day:
'night CR!
1 hour later…
Q: Getting a value from a query string

vigneshI have a URL in this format: http://localhost:57279/AssociateCaseDetails?UId=176948&caseID=1123 I need values UId and CaseID: var UId =window.location.href.split("?")[1].split("&")[0].split("=")[1]; It's working, but is there a better way to access the same, given the same URL?

1 hour later…
@Mat'sMug I have given a go. it's unfortunate that MSDN refers to using Xamarin straight away in its guides and it seems there isn't any 3rd party independent method atm.
I can be wrong though.
and on the other hand, Xamarin isn't free. and if you want to integrate it with VS it's a multi thousand dollar package :/
anyways. TTGH
Can somebody help me understand this point here? This is really not a generative sequence; it's just a very inefficient linked list. A sequence wouldn't have insert/delete/length. On the other hand, an efficient linked list would maintain a length member so you didn't have to count.
How sequence is different from linked list?
2 hours later…
Q: Improving readability of lambdas with streams

Mr SpoonI'm struggling to make my lambdas readable. I've seen various approaches. Below are three different examples that all do the same thing. Forgive the example: I suspect there are better actual solutions to this problem. I'm only concerned with readability (and ultimately supportability). /** O...

You're around again @Morwenn! Been a while since you popped up a few days ago, wasn't it?
@skiwi Yesterday or the day before, I think.
how are you?
Fine, what about you?
Also fine
@200_success Done.
I don't have much time to post answers though, so I'm just here so that you get the feeling that I actually do things while I don't :D
I think I'll play around with LibGDX graphics library most of today
(Instead of doing AI homework)
Yes, I should be doing AI homework
Morning all 0/
@skiwi If you want a funny graphic lib, try libcaca.
@Morwenn Does it work on Java? :D
@overexchange I wouldn't worry so much about what a sequence is versus a linked list. You're obviously trying to implement a linked list. The point the commenter is making is 1) your name for your class isn't that great and 2) you shouldn't have to count length every time it's called.
@skiwi I don't think so. There may be a port, but I wouldn't bet on it :/
What I want to do is be able to draw a hand of cards (of a Trading Card Game) on a "circle", and have some animation when you hover over them
I wonder how much of it is possible with LibGDX
So... Java can't use C libraries? What's the point of Java then...?
@nhgrif Not nicely
If you do your best, you can interact with them
There's a new native API in the works for Java 9 or Java 10, but I honestly have no clue how it would look like
Q: Clojure best practices

user1044824Here is two really small project I did to illustrate my question: 1) https://bitbucket.org/elvis4526/e2 2) https://bitbucket.org/elvis4526/e1 What is the best practice concerning closing SEXPs ? Are you supposed to close a SEXP and all its parent on the same line or it is acceptable to close ea...

@CaptainObvious off-topic.
@200_success Thanks. Un-downvoted. (...How anonymous are those votes really?...)
@nhgrif Java can use C libraries. But if you want it to be compatible with Google Web Toolkit, you're screwed.
Although I have never ever needed to use a C library from Java.
When you need to use a C library I'd really recommend to write a wrapper yourself, especially if it's a C library it's not OOP and ugly to use in Java
Meh, @nhgrif is just a demi-troll when he says things like that ;-)
I have learned to ignore it...
Monking all ;-)
Donking @rolfl
Q: Parsing apache log files

NewcommerI am quite new with Python. My goal is to extract all information from the apache log file. The file has the format like: - - [25/Sep/2014:14:04:19 +0200] "GET /data/meassurements.log HTTP/1.1" 201 65432 "http://www.userweb.com/index.html" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:...

@rolfl Monking :)
Morwenn... Hi. Long time no speak.
My wife is lovely, and has made me breakfast, and I have to run.... or it will be cold, my breakfast too.
@rolfl Your breakfast needs to run too?
@Hosch250 Is a curtain what is being discussed in the U.S.? Here in Sweden, there's some disagreement of the color of a house
@rolfl Snowíng here today... looks cold. I wonder what has happened... I thought spring was here!
@SimonAndréForsberg Your house doesn't look Swedish!
@skiwi Not my house, thankfully. I like that house color. And what on earth is 'Swedish' anyway?
It's... absurd that there's a dispute about that house...
@SimonAndréForsberg All I know about Sweden is that the girls are hot
@skiwi That's all you need to know.
are they?
Sure they are. Most of them, anyway.
Does Demi-troll mean I'm God-like at trolling people about language choices?
I don't know what demi-troll means.
Is this on-topic?
Q: Please give comments on this SQL Schema

user31943I'm created a database - part of which is below. I'm not an Database or SQL guy so am looking for advice and potential to improve the schema. The function of the schema is to store Attributes against products. Each product has a ProductType, so Attributes are constrained via AttributeTypes to s...

Q: DRY the Dictionary and KeyValuePair

user960567I have this list, private static Dictionary<string, List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>> _myVar; and I am initializing it using, _myVar = new Dictionary<string, List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>> { { "product-index", new List<KeyValuePair<string, s...

Q: Please give comments on this SQL Schema

user31943I'm created a database - part of which is below. I'm not an Database or SQL guy so am looking for advice and potential to improve the schema. The function of the schema is to store Attributes against products. Each product has a ProductType, so Attributes are constrained via AttributeTypes to s...

Maybe you can find more answers at: codereview.stackexchange.comjean 1 min ago
Q: Dynamic Programming with large arrays, performance needed

Michiel Uit Het BroekLast week we have finished our program which applies a local search. At this moment the program needs more than three hours for the largest instances. The three hours are too long and we try to optimize it, our profiling (which is not that professional) shows that a series of five functions tak...

As your code is working, albeit slowly, your question may get more answers on Code reviewMark Fitzgerald 22 secs ago
Q: Moving one object from one 2D point to another

CadhyloHow would someone implement moving an object from one point in 2D space to another using these formulae to update objects: m_position.setX/Y( m_position.X/Y() + m_velocity.X/Y() * dt + 0.5 * m_acc * pow(dt,2); m_velocity.setX/Y(m_velocity.X/Y() + m_acc * dt); I'm trying to make a pong clone an...

Q: Check is_permutation on a pair of same sized arrays

SteephenAfter considering the suggestions of my previous question Check whether given a pair of arrays are permutation of each other changed the code. Resolved the bug reported earlier In place of std::set using std::unordered_map to attain O(n) complexity In place of indexing array used std::arra...

Good Morning @nhgrif
@nhgrif Half-a-troll.
Morning to you too, rolfl.
THanks, and nice comments from first-post queue ;-)
Yeah, I took your linked meta post to heart. Thanks for pointing it out for me.
Hi @DJanssens
@Legato - I forget sometimes what people with different user-privileges can see... do you see the review history here: codereview.stackexchange.com/review/first-posts/history ?
Yes, but that's my first time seeing that this exists.
It looks really, really good, and, as a moderator, I can see who skips reviews as well.
As you can see, it is working really well.
Compare that to Stack Overflow, where people seldom feel welcomed as users:
Half the new users there get feedback only. The other half never get anything
Yeah... that looks sad.
I was really misusing no-action needed. Could we add a warning about that on hover?
We have asked, but, for what it's worth, the system is going away ;-)
And don't feel bad about the no-action-needed... it is not a crime, just not "optimal".
There are plans afoot to change the way people are introduced to a site.... StackOverflow already has the triage system.
Yeah, I get that, I just mean I had no idea I was hurting the system, in a sense, when the exact opposite is the goal. Good that it's going away.
Additionally, Code Review is about the only site that has a successful first-post review process going.
Made me wonder if that happens to others too.
That's awesome!
CR is awesome.
That's because there are dedicated people who want to see the community grow well in a nice direction :)
Aye, and morning Morwenn.
@rolfl Confirm something for me, there isn't a parallel stream here is there?
Hi :)
@Legato "Here"?
In the lambda question?
I added the paralle in the last suggestion.
Ah, He deleted it right before I posted my comment.
Okay. I'll accept half-troll... Let's just not pretend that Apple/ObjC aren't the most ridiculed here.
@nhgrif @nhgrif - PHP is the most ridiculed..... believe it or not, Obj-C is neither the best, nor worst language....
It can't be the best. Swift is the best.
After PHP, the other upper-case languages come next.... JAVA, COBOL, etc... ;-)
Should this not be on the CodeReview SE site, maybe even the DBA SE site since that one is has 'Data Modelling and database-design, including referential-integrity' in it's "What to ask" section, since it is not a specific problem, more a design question? — Bernd Linde 1 min ago
@rolfl So basically all uppercase languages suck?
Is there an actual difference between Java and JAVA? Or just trolly-polly?
I've actually read a meta post on Java vs JAVA
Not sure if it was here or SO.
Gist is that JAVA questions are posted by 'clueless' people and folks use its inclusion as an indicator to avoid the question.
^^^ That.
Man... This code is terrible.
Is it a SWIFT question?
300 lines of code in an event handler is objectively bad and I hope whoever originally did this is asking someone if they want fries with their order...
in an unrelated event handler, clicking a checkbox throws two exceptions.
@nhgrif I hope that's not of the candidate you mentioned yesterday
@skiwi I assume C# is excluded from that list
# and other punctuation makes a language cool again, even if all the letters are uppercase.
E.g. C++ (but not C).
C is an interesting case..... it is worth ridiculing C simply because it is so bad that almost every other language was created in order to improve some deficiency in C.
I should google if anyone made anything named Câ™­
That is why there are so many languages nowdays, because there are so many things fundamentally wrong with C.
They even started going forward in the alphabet
unfortunately, the few things that C got right are... compelling.
anything to get rid of C
I've seen F! haha
@rolfl Time to start coding in COBOL#
Yeah, COBOL escaped the ridiculing by becoming ObjectCOBOL... no longer all uppercase.
You have been around for a long while already... so a question;
Was there no way to turn off the caps-lock key decades ago?
Some computers had no caps-lock.... Z80-spectrum, PDP ... let me think....
I was wrong with those computers... they are not the ones that are upper-case only.
I can't recall which ones are.... bugging me.
Day #5: Still waiting for my laptop to boot Visual Studio
By the time it's up and the solution loaded, I'll have to get back to class
Greetings, Programs.
Which one of you guys is a program and didn't tell me?
@nhgrif Only 300 lines? I've seen worse.
@Legato that note does not exist.
No, @skiwi, it's a former employee.
@Donald.McLean I was just watched, program.
@SimonAndréForsberg Yes, you were. Righteous, dude!
@Donald.McLean I have to, trust me. But this one is today's problem.
@nhgrif Emphasis on former :)
@Donald.McLean will be interesting to see how the rest of the season goes. Now there's only 4 episodes left.
REBOL became Rebol a few years ago. Time to start using it? :D
I'll wait it out for Rebol²
This question is more appropriate on CR SE. — Zeta 1 min ago
^^^ import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as I
Ballsy imports all the way.
@skiwi that he is former only means I can't make him fix it... never would preferred.
Visual studio has finished loading!
Kill my laptop now
Q: Binary Search using recursion

Mr. SinghI'm trying to implement binary search algorithm using recursion. However, there are a lot of conditional statements. Is there any chance I can minimize them? How can I improve my code? Here is my code: static int BinarySearch(int[] list, int searchElement, int start = -1, int end = -1) { ...

I'm sorry. I'll change ti to C# — Mr. Singh 23 secs ago
My tolerance for BS is low today.....
This question is tagged as java, but this is not java. — rolfl ♦ 4 mins ago
Solution finished loading but the enter and backspace keys seem to be disabled in VS
Well, I gave it a shot
I'll just browse the internet
I don't get it. How can people not know what flippin' language they're writing?
C# currently. However, why won't it compile in Java? — Mr. Singh 17 secs ago
I see that crap all the time on SO. VBA != VB.Net
Usually happens when you only know one language-ish.
Someone prove that this is broken code or I'm going to create a flood here. — Mr. Singh 34 secs ago
7 plagues incoming

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