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@rolfl The boss stopped by to tell me how good I am :) let me read what you said
Q: Graph Adjacency List

SteephenSpent some time to implement graph as adjacency list. Looking for suggestions on how can improve this implementation #include<vector> #include<iostream> class Graph{ public: //n is the number of vertices in graph Graph(int n) { N=n; E=0; //for(i...

@rolfl saved them both. I'll go through the design and give you a little feedback :)
@rolfl if you could clear up the Farnell number for U1 and the IC1 would be great so I would know what parts I am dealing with
Well gotta get back to the work bench. See you soon :)
So... okay...
A processor by itself cannot generate a truly random number.
But... what if you base the random seed on stuff like mouse movements, noise picked up through the WiFi card or BlueTooth?
Or... if you're a mobile device... the movements the motion sensor pick up will surely be relatively random.
Q: Recording Audio Continuously in C

syb0rgAs an ongoing little side project of mine, I've been working on recording audio with the C language. You can see a progression of my code by looking at my past two versions (V1.0, V2.0). I've decided that my past versions of this code were too limited. They required a certain time frame for wh...

Finally rekindled that project and solved out it's problems
Things I do on my spring break :P
For anyone who didn't see it, I've started my blog now:
New post: So, what's this blog all about? http://importblogkit.com/2015/03/so-whats-this-blog-all-about/
Don't see a subscribe to RSS feed button
Ken, Despite reading the site instructions, I could not determine how to edit appropriately. It was an honest mistake. I am a rare poster. I did not notice the "more comments" link to see that David "reverted" my code. I thought it wasn't saving. I appreciate the help but neither yours or Davids comment were instructive. I can't add, "ok, like this?". I must just create a new question? Is it that the first question was specific to pointers and I was wanting too much detail about the code and where it was created and freed? What is the "code review site"? Thanks! — F. Decker 1 min ago
My Tree<T>:
public class Tree<T>
    public List<Tree<T>> TreeMenus { get; set; }
    public List<T> TreeItems { get; set; }
Nice and simple, isn't it? I don't know if it will work yet :(
I'm trying to create a hierarchical data structure for my app.
There, @syb0rg, now I added RSS links
Sorry if you just got a bunch of emails, @nhgrif, I was trying to figure out how to follow your blog and not get a bunch of emails.
Apparently it works differently than blogs with a .wordpress suffix.
I should go post my tree implementation for review.
@nhgrif Cool cool!
I have zero emails.
You can just follow on Twitter if you want...
When I follow a .wordpress blog, it sends email notifications.
I actually have no clue about RSS...
I already did follow on Twitter, but I wanted to get new posts on my home page.
It appears to be working - I have your post at the top of my Wordpress page.
I'm probably going to have to post a few bounties on my question... I fear that it goes too in depth with external libraries
@@syb0rg It's only been up for 24 minutes...
@Hosch250 I know, but I'm speculating
Usually non-standard libraries in languages don't get the normal level of reviews that standard questions do
I found 1 thing to comment on so far.
Lack of documentation?
It doesn't help that you write fairly clean code @syb0rg. =P
Nope, not anything about documentation.
That's one thing still lol
Start writing trash and you'll get lots of answers.
Only focusing on the inserted trash though haha
Hello @Legato
I haven't seen you around before, yet you sport a decently high rep...
Hey @syb0rg.
In that case, pleasure to meet you.
You as well!
. refers the current directory, so try cp ../whatever.file . If you want your code reviewed, try codereview. — Iskar Jarak 1 min ago
Why do I always try to save my answers periodically?
Positive habit?
That was probably rhetorical, but what other reason could there be?
Brb, dinner
Because we're sorely lacking a save button. If it was there, you'd take it for granted, never touch it, and your browser would crash mid review.
@RubberDuck No, I always save my documents continuously.
@RubberDuck Mind if I use that comment?
@syb0rg Answer posted.
@syb0rg Whoops, I wrote a C++ review.
Does C have const?
Hmm? What comment? The one on Syb0rg's Q? Nah. Go for it.
OK, thanks.
Yes, that point about const still stands.
@Hosch250 Because you're not on a Mac, so you're used to an OS that will crash and cause you to lose progress?
@nhgrif I've only had Windows crash a couple times.
My mom has had her mac crash once too - it had a glorious BSOD.
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs on codereview.stackexchange.comAnonymous just now
I think my computer has BSOD'ed just 4 times in two years.
That's a lot.
And I'm not saying that Mac's don't crash.
Is it?
I'm saying that on Windows, if it does crash, you lose everything you didn't save.
Not in Windows 8.
Bullshit. I've lost plenty of work just because an Office program crashed.
Office, yes, Windows, no.
When Windows crashes in Windows 8, it saves your work (at least it save mine).
Honestly, I've not seen Windows actually crash in 10 years.
It has been drivers' fault in all of my cases.
@david I'm around but still no time for code review, and I guess you mean someone else anyway, because here I had only a small suggestion... But basically you can call get with timeout and if you get the TimeoutException, you call cancel. — lbalazscs 36 secs ago
Failed boots in Win7 & 8, but not outright crashes.
Some of the core drivers failed or didn't load, and Windows crashed.
Once it was my fault for trying to compile a program before Windows was fully loaded.
I hate this, by the way:
printf("You're talking! %d\n", i++);
Yeah, it isn't related.
Dumb me.
I mean, it does use i, but i doesn't exist for it.
One time, I unplugged my Mac from the wall. Then I plugged it back in and pushed the power button. After I put my password in, my desktop looked identical to what it was before I unplugged it (apps reopened, Xcode had everything I had typed, etc)
@nhgrif This better, or more problems?
Does C even have namespaces? I don't think so.
No, I wrote a C++ answer, and didn't realize that C didn't have namespaces.
Q: exercise 1-19 K&R is this good code?

fzappaandthemthis is my solution for exercise 1-19 of K&R (Write a function reverse(s) that reverses the character string s. Use it to write a program that reverses its input a line at a time.) It works, but i'm trying to write good programs, i think the fact that i can't use the length of the vector when al...

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs on Code ReviewHobo Sapiens 1 min ago
@HoboSapiens Being on-topic at Code Review and off-topic at Stack Overflow are not the same thing. Being on-topic at Code Review is not a close reason. If you feel this would be better on Code Review, then flag it for migration. If you feel this is off-topic for Stack Overflow for a reason defined in the help center, vote to close for that reason. — nhgrif 10 secs ago
A: Recording Audio Continuously in C

nhgrif float avg(float *data, size_t length) { float sum = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++) { sum += fabs(*(data + i)); } return (float) sum / length; } So, data is an array, right? Why don't we treat it like one and access it using subscripts? float avg(float *da...

@nhgrif There is no mechanism to flag for migration to Code Review. Even if there were, the migration routes that are available are all listed under the off-topic close reason — Hobo Sapiens 38 secs ago
@Hosch250 Ahh, thanks
@Hosch250 Yes, it does
And I should be using more const in my code...
@syb0rg I found an answer on SO dealing with that.
You have two answers now, so unless you want a deeper review, you won't need to post a bounty.
If Edward sees it, he might post a good one.
@Hosch250 Regarding the Apple bug, I'm so-so on that
Apple's statements were on their own separate lines
I keep mine on the same line to avoid braces
I've seen people who advocate putting multiple statements on one line.
But understandably, beginners might get confused by this when they try and add statements to the if
Also, your one-line for uses braces.
That guy's reply to my comment is lunacy. He suggested I read the answer which pretty much says he's wrong. Has he read it?
I have a one line for?
Oh, the avg() function
There IS a method for flagging for migration to Code Review: i.imgur.com/0KTrS7Z.png Moreover, although those are listed under the off-topic close reason, the difference is that when a question receives enough of those votes, IT IS ACTUALLY MIGRATED, whereas when we close it using your method, it's just closed and it's up to the user to repost it. But finally... IS this question off-topic for Stack Overflow based on one of the reasons defined in the Help Center? If so, why can't you choose that option and then offer a comment recommending the user check out Code Review? — nhgrif 1 min ago
@Hosch250 The extra braces I use avoid a compiler warning that Xcode was throwing at me... but you are right in that it adds no value
OK, I didn't know that.
if((err = Pa_StartStream(stream)))
absolutely the recommended way.
Notice, @Hosch250 that it's = and not ==.
@nhgrif I did, but I didn't know the braces blocked a compiler warning.
It's not just that.
The extra parens say "Yes, I'm absolutely sure I meant = and not =="
I removed that point.
I can't agree with goto being "absolutely unwarranted" without a recommended cleaner alternative. I can think of a better approach, but just eliminating goto either ends up in quite a bit of duplication or deep nesting. — nhgrif 22 secs ago
I expanded my answer:
A: Recording Audio Continuously in C

nhgrifIf it walks like an array and talks like an array, use it like an array. float avg(float *data, size_t length) { float sum = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++) { sum += fabs(*(data + i)); } return (float) sum / length; } So, data is an array, right? Why don't...

> It's called main(), not everything()
@nhgrif Fixed some warnings I was getting from that expanded if, a much better way to put it btw
@Mehrad I have my notes as INA118 - instrumentation amplifier. canada.newark.com/texas-instruments/ina118p/…
I had not settled on that particular part, thought.
the pressure sensor "model 85" specifies a 100KOhm resistor network, and that one has a 60KOhm.
@rolfl Whuzzat for?
Q: Code attempts to find the largest prime factor of the number 600851475143

Marco NevesI ran into some problems when trying to use long to store the number so I decided to use BigIntegers (which i'm not really familiar with). But here's my code, and whenever I try to run it, the code compiles but never opens. import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.*; public class problem3 {...

@Mehrad - additionally, that circuit, is really converting the output from a volt-range to a 4-20mA proportional driver which I thought I could re-sense at the far end.
In other words, it is not something that you should use, if using an ADC at the source.
@syb0rg Long, wet story ;-)(
Cold too.
Well then lol
@rolfl Have you seen my latest question?
I had plans to use a ref196 - but then also have notes that an LT1790 is a better 3.3V reference - though not available in DIP - REF196 -> canada.newark.com/analog-devices/ref196gsz/… and LT1790 -> canada.newark.com/linear-technology/lt1790bcs6-3-3-pbf/…
For some reason, I'm thinking it might be of some interest to you
Or maybe I'm thinking of someone else...
I have not checked main site in a few hours ;-)
@Mehrad - also, there are no caps at all on that diagram... don't shoot me... I just had not worked out what was needed, yet.
@rolfl Ahhh, well that is a pretty good reason I suppose
Anyways, if you're curious: codereview.stackexchange.com/q/84536/27623
It is all still a work-in progress... as such
@syb0rg I was curious.... but this:
if((err = Pa_StartStream(stream))) goto done;
Really really?
I mean, everyone knows that GOTO labels need to be IN_SHOUT_CASE_RIGHT?
And, a simple --std=c99 and return would suffice.
but.... but.... the memory....
on applicaion exit? who cares.
All you are doing is wasting time freeing up memory that the OS will free up anyway ;-)
Ahh, for a normal program perhaps
Q: Merge Sort Bottom Up

Str7I am looking for suggestions on how to improve my mergesort. My teacher explained the recursive mergesort and left the bottomUp one as as an assignment. I have implemented it but find it too messy. I thought the implementation would be more simple. The question I am asking is how to make it more ...

> Pa_Terminate() MUST be called before exiting a program which uses PortAudio. Failure to do so may result in serious resource leaks, such as audio devices not being available until the next reboot.
Oh, you have resources you need to clean up?
In that case, have a 'clean' condition, and a 'cleanup' condition.
Perhaps abstracted away in a function instead of a goto?
exactly, I am writing up an answer... it starts with:
> Goto conditions are often maligned as being bad practice... and, for a reason. In almost every situation where a goto is used, it's because you are doing too much in a method.
My tree structure is working!
It isn't fully done, but the parts that are done work :)
Finish it later and post for review.
@Phrancis I'm a little sorry and a little happy - I don't care too much for bumping my friends.
Just giving warning in case you want to retake your spot.
See you, dishes time.
@rolfl Missed semi-colon
> PaStream *stream = NULL
Ninja edit it!
done... also poitns -> points
[Zomis/MinkGet] Zomis created repository
Isn't Zomis asleep?
isn't that notification a ...bug?
I thought The 2nd Monitor wasn't getting repository notifications anymore...
The bots have become sentient
Boy, at this rate, I might rep cap today.
Already 60 points from that C answer.
@rolfl why not. who needs caps ;)
user image
oh visual studio, you so crazy
Q: Reverse Polish Calculator in Go

KyranstarI'm very new to Go (this is my first real program), and I was hoping to see if there was anything I was missing about the language or any ways to make it more idiomatic. calculator.go package calculator import ( "../stack" "unicode" "strconv" ) func Calculate(input string) int { ...

2 hours later…
Q: Create a class that has a constructor and then write a test program

MaryMy code is complete. It runs properly and produces the correct output. I did calculations by hand to check and then ran the program and it gives me the same result. I just want a second opinion. Are there ways for my code to be more efficient? Are there small details that I need to change? My pro...

1 hour later…
Q: MS VS solution structure w.r.t. dependency injection unit tests?

HeinrichStackIs the following MS VS solution structure and classes OK w.r.t. easy unit tests with dependency injection? Would your unit tests look similar? If you call the calculations below over a WPF module, would you skip a test over the WPF since complicated, or would you still conisder testing it over ...

1 hour later…
Q: CodeChef Problem - Find Country containing point

AlanCodeChef - QPOINT class QPOINT { class Point { public double X; public double Y; public Point() { X = 0; Y = 0; } public Point(double x, double y) { X = x; Y = y; } } ...

@rolfl @Mat'sMug I was indeed asleep. @Duga is just posting information here about when some users creates new repositories (with a bit of delay). That's all.
How does the badge work when the accepted answer has negative votes?
What does "width incorrect" mean? What does "we need control sequence"? What is your actual problem? This looks like you have found two methods, and one is broken and the other works, and you are asking for a code review (which is off-topic for Stackoverflow). — Quentin 54 secs ago
I smell an answer ban coming. 2nd one in less than 24 hours.
Given a little time and effort, you'll soon have enough rep to comment. In the meantime, please do not abuse answers this way. — RubberDuck 2 mins ago
2nd comment as answer from that user.
seems to be a candidate for moving to codereview.stackexchange — ev-br 1 min ago
If you code is working properly, then the place you want to be is codereview.stackexchange.com. — Sourav Ghosh 29 secs ago
Q: Javascript tic-tac-toe

Francisco Jacobo //Im trying to create an object that implements a Tic-Tac-Toe game. I can represent whatever state I want in the object, but the object must use the methods I've provided below. // Input: player is a String that represents either an X or an O // Output: return true if player won with...

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs to codereview.stackexchange.com. — Sourav Ghosh 1 min ago
Q: Backtrack algorithm

qdii#ifndef BACKTRACK_H #define BACKTRACK_H #include <array> #include <vector> #include <assert.h> template< class ELEMENT, unsigned MAX_CAPACITY > class backtrack { public: backtrack() : m_grid() , m_depth( 0 ) , m_finish( false ) { } virtual ~backtrack() {...

Does this code even work? main() is missing a return type. If it doesn't work, you should ask about the specific problems that you get. If it doesn't work, it does not belong on Code Review. — Simon André Forsberg 56 secs ago
@SouravGhosh Being on-topic at Code Review and off-topic at Stack Overflow are not the same thing. Being on-topic at Code Review is not a close reason. If you feel this would be better on Code Review, then flag it for migration using a custom flag. If you feel this is off-topic for Stack Overflow for a reason defined in the help center, vote to close for that reason. — Simon André Forsberg 1 min ago
@SouravGhosh Simon didn't say the question was on-topic. He said the reason you manually typed in (being on topic on Code Review) is not a valid reason to close a question on Stack Overflow, and you should refrain from using this reason in the future. Sure, it may be off-topic, but if it is, you should close it for the reason it is off-topic HERE, not for the reason that it might be on-topic else where (because that doesn't make it off-topic here). — nhgrif 19 secs ago
@nhgrif I see the point. So what shall I choose? codereview is not listed under the available sites for migration under off-topic vote. and BTW, just for my information, how you justify the presence of other 5 websites in the migration list? — Sourav Ghosh 1 min ago
I don't know what we would do without you, @Duga.
The other 5 websites are fully out of beta, and Code Review still regularly gets bad migration suggestions from Stack Overflow users. You can use the flag tool to flag for migration. Don't close it unless you can find a Stack Overflow-only reason to close it. Is this "Too Broad"? Is this "Unclear What You're Asking?" — nhgrif 2 mins ago
@SouravGhosh I would choose "Unclear what you are asking" or "too broad". To flag for migration you click flag -> other -> and describe your migration request, and it will be up to the SO moderators whether it will become one or not. I am not convinced that the code in this question is really working though, as mentioned in some comments above, so I would not recommend this to be posted on Code Review. — Simon André Forsberg 2 mins ago
Oh god... I have to fix my Twitter settings...
@RubberDuck mentioned me and I got a text message, email, and notification via Twitter app...
I'm going to write some C# today.
Or today might be blech.
Lol. Might want to check those notification settings...
Listening to this... So far, today is a good day.
Greetings, Programs.
So much for today being a good day...
Visual Studio thinks my DLLs are invalid again, and Windows can't connect to network login server again...
And now, VS is about to crash.
Did crash.
Hey @nhgrif. It's Friday cuz. Just remember that.
It's Friday.
I think I will report you for dll abuse
All of this is part of a deeper problem
Do you hit the dll's, @nhgrif?!
Does anyone in here have experience wih java.sql.date?
This code:
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
        cal.set(1967, 06, 22);
        long date = cal.getTimeInMillis();
        r.setDateOfBirth(new Date(date));
Prints 1967-07-22
Why? And how do I make it enter the correct date?
r is a jooq record
@Gemtastic zero-indexed months
0 = January
1 = February
11 = December
I'm not sure I understand what that means
Friday means that anything I leave unfinished today I'll be stuck thinking about all weekend.
@SimonAndréForsberg How do I fix that? do I just enter month - 1?
@Gemtastic quack quack.
Wait, if the months are 0 indexed... shouldn't it print 05?
No, you initialized it to July.
@Gemtastic 0-indexed != 2-indexed.
Pretty sure 06 is june, but I'm probably missing something
@JeroenVannevel the DLLs fell down the stairs
@Gemtastic if it's 0-indexed, 0 is January, so 06 is July.
SO, my question remains, when I do cal.set(1967, 06, 22); I make it month - 1?
Is that the way to fix it? Just answer Y/n or I'll make that happen either way
well.. yes it actually is...
but you shouldn't do it that way..
Then how should I do then?
 cal.set(year, Calendar.JUNE, 22);
ask OakBot for Calendar#set(int,int,int); if you want the link Simon gave you ;)
Well, I keep getting the date() thing on google. Oh well. Fudge Java 8 time, at least this shows me some code
Getting Google results is one thing, understanding them is another.
There is no "get Google results"; there is only "understand" or "not understand".
In my case, understanding isn't the hard part, Getting the right result when googling is
The Google-foo is not strong with this one.
@nhgrif you're salting a wound there...
Actually, some programming languages just aren't very google-able.
I'm just trying to get stars with pseudo-Star Wars quotes.
speaking from objective-c experience? I imagine google to be spammed with irrelevant C / C++ results there ;)
No. Objective-c is easy to find. Google "nsdate". First result is official docs.
Google "java date". First result is official docs.
google "java data". First result: java.util.Date docs..
I think my VS toolbox is broken.
It shows some of my controls, but missing some. :/
And it's not missing newly added controls...
Btw, C is hard-ish to Google. So is Go language.
because of the boardgame? Or because it's just yet another random english word?
This might be a good question for 'Code Review': codereview.stackexchange.com You might get better answers there. — KIKO Software 42 secs ago
Monking all
I'll post it there also. Thanks! — Skyfactor_interns 2 mins ago
Please do not double-post and perhaps try to avoid too much horizontal scrolling? Line length! I'll have a look at your question. — KIKO Software 1 min ago
Quick question. Are 'Explain why this code does this thing' on topic here?
If you didn't want the guy to double-post, why did you say something?
@nhgrif It's in my profile that it sucks
I ask as I answered this and then wondered if I should have flagged it
@Yann no. If you write the code yourself, you should also be able to understand it mostly.
Ah, okay. I'll flag it then
@Yann When it asks about understanding code, it tends to be about code that someone else wrote:
> I'm a newbie at programming working my way through stephen kochan's Programming in C. Chapter 7 of the book has an exercise that requires the reader to guess the out put of the code which is as follows:
@SimonAndréForsberg I read it as "I've worked through this book and this is the code I wrote out of it"
Although that would mean that it was broken code and off topic
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it would fit better to Codereview. — eckes 1 min ago
Incoming bad @Duga comment...
damn, @Duga was first.
@SimonAndréForsberg Of course she was. She's a machine.
A machine that spies on you on every hour of every day
@RubberDuck you make me want to watch POI!!
Well, if anyone's interested the answer to my XY problem was this:
LocalDate locald = LocalDate.of(1967, 06, 22);
Date date = Date.valueOf(locald);
Person of Interest
@Donald.McLean, @rolfl and I are big fans.
@eckes Being on-topic at Code Review and off-topic at Stack Overflow are not the same thing. Being on-topic at Code Review is not a close reason. If you feel this would be better on Code Review, then flag it for migration using a custom flag. If you feel this is off-topic for Stack Overflow for a reason defined in the help center, vote to close for that reason. — Simon André Forsberg 1 min ago
@SimonAndréForsberg Oh. TV show I take it?
This is the first time ever that I have to actually click the link after 30s because my download didn't start
I'm writing C#.
yesterday, by Simon André Forsberg
15 hours ago, by nhgrif
22 hours ago, by nhgrif
3 hours ago, by nhgrif
@nhgrif Welcome to my world. =;)-
Actually, I can't really say that anymore. I'm getting fairly comfortable with C# at this point. I've learned an awful lot since October.
It's just syntax. I'm still working out of all the same frameworks, so it's fine.
So, I know this is VB6 and all, but maybe someone here can take a look at this. I'm kind of iffy on how I implemented this Tree structure.
Q: Growing my own Tree (Structure)

RubberDuckSummary VB6 doesn't have a great selection of data structures to work with, so again I find myself creating my own. I have a need to dynamically generate a directory structure on the file system. The natural way to represent this is with a Tree, so I created my own. There are three classes invo...

I'd be perfectly happy with algorithm/design reviews on this one.
Wow. Took me ten minutes before I figured out I needed to use some square brackets in a place I'd normally use parentheses in VB.NET
render: function() {
    return (
        <div className="phase_box">
            <PhaseList data={this.state.data} />
            { this.state.showForm ?
              <PhaseForm onPhaseSubmit={this.handlePhaseSubmit} onHideFormLinkClick={this.handleHideFormLinkClick} /> :
              <ShowFormLink onShowFormLinkClick={this.handleShowFormLinkClick} /> }
why does that work??
This guy has embedded HTML inside of his JS and it compiles and works
Nvm - it's JSX
apparently it is JSX and not JS?
surprised me, it looks completely identical otherwise. OP put it under the javascript tag too, I almost voted to close for broken until I saw his JSfiddle
well.. he is now the first person to ask a question, congratulations to him
@SimonAndréForsberg My wife is the bigger fan.
It's her favorite currently running TV show.
@Donald.McLean but your wife is not in chat.
This is not a code review thing, it is a engineering issue. That comparison should not be done at php it can all be accomplished with a Query. With some joins he could get the orphans rows. — Daniel Aranda 1 min ago
@SimonAndréForsberg And probably never will be.
My ASP.NET freinds...
I am trying to create a really simple UserControl with Javascript... any alarms so far
@DanielAranda You might be surprised at how much the questions and answers at Code Review actually cover. — Simon André Forsberg 1 min ago
I had an idea, brb
Nothing more dangerous than a man with an idea
Stay safe, @Malachi
yeah it's not working so well for me. I am trying to make something look nicer and I really don't have to, but I want to....lol
simple Session Timeout Timer in Javascript. and I am trying to turn it into a user control, and I am trying to use css classes instead of tag ID in the javascript. it would make it easier to have more than one on a page
@nhgrif stupid VB, just has to do things the wrong way....
I might not do the whole user control thing, but I do want to get into using the Class instead of the ID, because the ID makes me have to write more code for the second timer on the page, which I think is Ridiculous
Hmmm, my C question did quite well overnight
I did a dumb thing. I tried to refactor 3rd party code that had no unit tests.
tldr reverted it back to before i touched it and apologized to the 3rd party.
and noted how unit tests would fix the issue and we should start using them...
I should have known, given that this file has lots of global state that I should have avoided it like the plague
Good, you learned a lesson from that ;-)
Monking all... Happy Friday
Monking @rolfl
Good morning!
monking - not morning
Does anyone know what a .ack file is? Trying to find some information online has not been very successful...
It opens in Notepad as a flat data file, kind of like a CSV/TSV
> The ACK file extension is related to Swifty Extension for Adobe Flash.
> Google Swiffy is a tool built in an effort to help convert Flash content into HTML5
Alright, thanks a lot
@syb0rg You don't need to offer a bounty. You got 4 answers and it is still HNQ.
I wonder why auto-hide on the taskbar isn't working.
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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