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Hopefully not reading skills, amirite?
I've not. But after one interview... and with interaction with people in general...
Oh okay.
The thing I'm most trying to assess, personally, isn't how talented the person is... but how much babysitting they will need.
It's impossible to tell purely in an interview...
But a programmer who gets a project done in 2 weeks is better than one who gets it done in 4 weeks, right?
But how about a programmer who gets it done in 2 weeks, but consumed 1 week's worth of another programmer's time?
Especially if that other programmer could've just finished the project in 1 week?
I prefer the programmer that took 4 weeks and did it on his own to the programmer that took 2 weeks + 1 week of someone else's time.
@Legato I think @janos is a better person to ask at than I am. Also @rolfl. I have never interviewed anyone in my life. And so far, it doesn't feel like I have been to any "real" interviews. Only been "interviewed" for a programming job once, but didn't have to write any code (I still got the job though).
Looks like the N queens problem is back:
Q: Arranging 8 queens on an 8x8 board

giulio Print all the ways of arranging eight queens on an 8x8 board. Rules: Queens should not share the same row, column, of any diagonal. Any comment on my solution? I didn't write unit tests but I checked visually the solutions. public class solution { public static void printMatrix(char[][...

@Legato If I would interview someone though, I think I would look for someone who "knows what they're doing".
Q: Dying in Flappy Bird Type Game in Swift

eman885113Im trying to make a flappy bird type game in swift. The game runs fine now but there is no way for the the game to end. Unlike the normal flappy bird game i want the game to end when the when the bird leaves the screen to the left so i set up a node called offScreen. I would like the game to rest...

Interviewing is complicated, and depends on your role in the process.
When I have been in interviews, my purpose was to assess how the person ranks in comparison to the existing team.
Will they fit in, do I think they will work in the team dynamics.
@Legato for junior Java programmer: loves to code, knows the most commonly used interfaces and implementations of collections, and their differences. Can explain the difference between database and csv file. Can communicate well. Passes the fizzbuzz test and simple SQL. It's a far cry from what I'd really like to see ("smart and gets things done"), but this is about the budget where I am. Sadly almost nobody I've seen knows the basic maven commands and branching and merging with version control
That includes things like whether they will be able to catch up and learn and change at the same rate as the others.
The interesting thing is... the guy I interviewed today has a BSBA in Information Systems with an ERP focus...
He'd probably actually understand the user-end of the software I write better than anyone else that already works here...
Candidates must write code at the interview, Java + SQL. But it's simple (fizzbuzz + simple SQL: simple select with JOIN, and a COUNT with GROUP BY)
We did a select with join, an update, and a sum today.
The homework assignment filters out a lot, and saves wasted interviews
@janos That makes me wonder, is it us who knows to much, or everyone else who knows too little?
we have to keep in mind that we're not juniors anymore
@janos I can imagine that. I can imagine a lot of people failing especially on the JUnit part.
@janos I don't think I've actually, technically, been a junior. At least not employed as one.
we also have to factor in that the best candidates will find better places
Although when I was in Gothenburg and worked briefly, I did get called junior once. I guess perhaps I was a junior. Especially as I wasn't doing Java.
@janos that is true. or the better places find the best candidates...
once in a while recruiters send us homework solutions from non-juniors. The difference is often spectacular
A: Multithreading in a 2D Mining Game

nhgrifPersonally, I don't really care for Grand Central Dispatch. I prefer NSOperationQueue. Although, if I'm honest, I'm not sure what the performance difference (if any) there exists between the two. To me, NSOperationQueue just looks cleaner. But with that said, I do see some problems. For exam...

Well, I'm not in charge of doing the advertising for the position... but I've only had 4 resumes sent to me.
One of them... I don't know why his was sent to me... and he didn't show up today, so it's just as well.
One of them was the guy I mentioned having interviewed today.
Another, I think we're scheduling an interview for, he might be okay...
but it's been 12 years since he's had any actual programming work experience... if he's not a hobbyist, he'll almost certainly be too rusty... and he says he wants to be an IT manager... but that's the position he already has... so... I don't know...
And the 4th, well... we're on a budget, and he won't even give us a price range in terms of what kind of salary he's looking for. I don't know if we'll go any farther with him.
@nhgrif and I guess an IT manager is not really who you're looking for...
No, we need a developer.
that's a clear no then
Where are you located?
I think he could potentially satisfactorily fill the job... but I don't want to hire an IT manager who wants to be an IT manager as a developer...
If you are anywhere near MN, would you need an intern next year?
We're no where near MN.
We're in Fayetteville, AR.
Although, we'd be totally open to hiring an "intern"
As in... someone who works part time and gets paid part time... but is working as a developer... and if we like them, we'll offer a full time position.
I'd love to come down, but my parents want me to get a job where I can live at home to save expenses (unless it would pay enough to cover most/all expenses).
Don't think I'm advanced enough, but I learn quickly.
the fact that you guys are here definitely puts you ahead of the bunch
Wow guys. Thank you so much.
I may take on your homework assignment as a programming challenge @janos
I am getting an IT Manager BS, but I don't want to be an ITM.
The owner also isn't opposed to hiring someone with 5-10 years experience and paying what he thinks someone with 5-10 years experience should be paid.
I want to develop.
Why aren't you CS?
The U of MN only has ITM online for computer classes.
@nhgrif thanks for the answer! the work that is happening on that background queue is the loading of all of the chunks from disk, or creating them if they don't exist on disk
Seriously, I've learned more in a day or two debugging than I have in entire classes here.
For the record, a "Flappy-bird-type-game" will never make it passed app-store review. — nhgrif 5 secs ago
@janos totally agreed. CR users are likely better than non-CR users.
@Hosch250 That's kind of ironic...
Isn't it?
@nhgrif really? Isn't there a bunch of flappy-bird style games already on iOS?
I should go work at the local Starbucks and get a degree from the U of Arizona.
@SimonAndréForsberg There are. There aren't any new ones.
They have CS.
Apple will shut down clone games when they get too bad.
Good for them.
I wonder, is Android buried in clones?
@Hosch250 Android doesn't have the same filter as iOS has. Android apps are automatically approved instantly.
And then taken down after publication if they break guidelines.
Article 2.11 from the App Store submission guidelines
> Apps that duplicate Apps already in the App Store may be rejected, particularly if there are many of them, such as fart, burp, flashlight, and Kama Sutra Apps
Windows Store apps have to pass a malware filter and a couple other filters, but they also have a fair amount of clones/bad apps.
anyway, TTGTB, see you guys later
See you.
There are thousands hundred-thousands of crappy apps on Android.
MS will remove apps when they receive complaints, and they scan periodically for bad apps.
@nhgrif I pretty much read that as: "such as , , , and Apps"
Article 3.1
> Apps or metadata that mentions the name of any other mobile platform will be rejected
Article 3.11
> Apps that recommend that users restart their iOS device prior to installation or launch may be rejected
Article 8.4
> Apps that misspell Apple product names in their App name (i.e., GPS for Iphone, iTunz) will be rejected
This one is actually new... I haven't seen it before...
Article 14.2
3.11 and 8.4 are perfectly reasonable.
> Professional political satirists and humorists are exempt from the ban on offensive or mean-spirited commentary
3.1 I bet would not stand in court.
How is court even relevant?
Being in the app store is a priviledge--not a right of any sort.
I guess.
But, there are anti-monopolistic laws that might apply.
Your rights aren't infringed by Apple rejecting your app from their store.
There aren't--not to this scenario.
You couldn't make a product and put "KMart" and "Target" on the packaging and expect Wal-Mart to sell it in their stores.
Of course not.
This is the same thing.
@Hosch250 It's not about monopoly. You are still free to submit your app to other platforms. You just shouldn't mention "Android" in your iOS app.
Not quite.
It's the exact same thing.
Suppose I write the "History of iOS"
That should be on the iTunes book store--not an App.
I would have to mention the competition of Android at a minimum, so my app would get rejected.
So you'd be rejected for other reasons.
@Hosch250 It's the exact same thing.
At still, at the end of the day, it's their app store.
It's up to them what to put on the shelf.
You don't have to like it, you just have to agree to it.
Wal-Mart could choose not to put a book called "The History of Wal-Mart" on its shelves if they didn't like it.
@Hosch250 Having a section in history that's related to a competitor is different than package what you're selling with the competitor's name on it.
@Legato They ban both.
The book would be disallowed because it's a book--not an app.
It's not really relevant to discuss whether they'd ban a book submitted as an app for any reason other than it isn't an app and shouldn't be submitted as such. Do you have a better example?
However, Walmart probably wouldn't ban a book on the history of Corporate America because it mentions Target or KMart.
If they chose not to sell it, it would be for other reasons.
Apple is different, but its their store...
Well, not at the moment.
How is it different?
Given that books aren't allowed anyway, there shouldn't be any situation like this.
They're not "banning" books.
They're choosing whether or not to put them on the shelf.
You make decisions on what to put on your shelf based on what earns you the most profits.
I don't even get what you're arguing.
If a particular book will lead to your customers shopping at other stores instead of yours, that book is insanely non-profitable for you, and you won't put it on your shelf.
What Apple is doing is the same--except for Apps.
Q: Making my CSS effects work in Jquery function

MohyI wanna apply jQuery effect on my website, when you hover over title that it will fade - half opacity and my list hidden list menu will appear. The code seems to work but not together. Thanks for any help <script> //Fade effect when hover over and display list menu $(document...

Q: Arranging 8 queens on an 8x8 board

giulio Print all the ways of arranging eight queens on an 8x8 board. Rules: Queens should not share the same row, column, of any diagonal. Any comment on my solution? I didn't write unit tests but I checked visually the solutions. public class solution { public static void printMatrix(char[][...

Anyone want to pick on it for its lack of tests? ^^^^
I've had enough of answering it...
> class StandardShip extends EntityObject
Might as well call it EntityObjectBaseTypeClass
C++ person here?
Code dumps don't really do well on Stack Overflow. Is there a particular piece of this code that you know has a bottlekneck? Can you describe your methodology so that we don't have to sift through your code to figure it out? Maybe try on Code Review Stack Exchange. — zero298 9 secs ago
@JeroenVannevel what code is that?
Q: Unusual bad program performance in Java

TheCoI'm a novice programmer, I'm make my first game in Java, and I just implemented a target AI, and now whenever I run it, always lags at start, I would like a explanation on why please or a way to do this better, Thank you in advance. Code:(for what is most Likely causing the lag) public class H...

@JeroenVannevel I am surprised no one directed it to... oh wait, they have.
They did? Where do you see that?
kikm bevermund to you too
I love how SO is the only site that complains about voting in any way.
@Legato Oh we've complained here as well.
In an automated sense?
I'm curious what you mean regardless.
May 26 '14 at 16:59, by Mat's Mug
guys no pressure, but VOTE LIKE IT'S THE ONLY WAY TO BREATHE
Dec 11 '14 at 14:31, by rolfl
Vote, people, vote. Why are people answering questions with answers that say things like: You did well. ... but the question has score 0?
I meant the other way around! You vote on answers in SO, it complains you need to vote more on questions.'
I've had that happen to me here as well.
It is because of your vote ratio.
Answers just tend to be way better than questions, it still makes sense to vote on the questions too, of course.
68 answers to 7 questions.
Most questions are like the one simon linked.
Well, find some good ones.
If you ever learn anything because of a question, vote on both the question and the answer.
It was a bad question, but it featured someone who answered it anyway.
You don't have to upvote, just... vote!
Q: BackgroundWorker and Task usage in WPF

JayI have this code running in many places, Background thread with dispatcher calls and Task for a loop of objects which needs to be pushed on to UI for rendering which elements are bound to a control using data context. Could you please review and comment this approach? If there are any efficient w...

Vote down all the off-topic questions, for example.
Even though you don't want to delete an off-topic question on CR because someone already gave it a great answer, doesn't mean you should up vote the off topic question
Wait @Hosch250 You've seen my votes!?
@SimonAndréForsberg That's a waste of good votes...
Thered cv / flagging for that
@Vogel612 No vote is a waste.
They are listed on your homepage.
But if you're not getting to DVLR then it might be an option.
Not that I should talk...
I used to DVLR daily.
Not lately, but I did today.
It's been months since I dvlrd....
> 2,077 up - 4,319 down
Downvote that crap
Daily vote limit reached
But don't lose your ability to vote!
@JeroenVannevel that SO stats??
@Legato Nice new profile picture
@Vogel612 yes
Oooh, thanks @rolfl, and thank you @SirPython
Meh... I am flagging much more than downvoting.... I think I got more helpful SO flags than downvotes..
And it's true.. 439 helpful flags.. 300 and a bit downvotes...
Well after the deleted posts were removed I think...
Does this look like stub code to anyone?
Q: BackgroundWorker and Task usage in WPF

JayI have this code running in many places, Background thread with dispatcher calls and Task for a loop of objects which needs to be pushed on to UI for rendering which elements are bound to a control using data context. Could you please review and comment this approach? If there are any efficient w...

2797 helpful flags, 30 declined here. 514 helpful/6 declineds for comments
Q: F# Command Dispatcher for messaging using MailboxProcessor

Kasey SpeakmanThe purpose This code is intended to process commands in a CQRS+Messaging system. It will parallelize the message processing to the degree you specify by the msgToIdFn parameter. The function's intention is to extract the target ID from the command message. This will be used to correlate all mes...

@Hosch250 no... the indentation is too messed up.
OK, because they have a ton of if and loops that do nothing.
There's just little context though.. why not just add a comment askibg for more context?
Okay who's shooting at my answers that are close to badges??
If this code is fully working, you could post this over at Code Review. — Hosch250 1 min ago
This might be a starting point for you codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/46751/…. — Pete 1 min ago
@Hosch250 it's broken code, won't compile afaict
@mjolka OK. I specified fully working.
I don't know jQuery.
@Hosch250 sorry, not that one, the c# one
Q: BackgroundWorker and Task usage in WPF

JayI have this code running in many places, Background thread with dispatcher calls and Task for a loop of objects which needs to be pushed on to UI for rendering which elements are bound to a control using data context. Could you please review and comment this approach? If there are any efficient w...

Oh, that one.

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