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This type of question is perfectly suited for codereview.stackexchange.com. Check them out and they will be able to guide you. — Mathemats 1 min ago
Does the italic syntax work in chat?
@Mathemats This is not a good fit for Code Review, as the code does not seem to work as intended. See: "However I noticed something that bothered me, which was the fact that if i were to enter a number when asked to enter a name, it would assume that number is a name." — Phrancis 37 secs ago
_italic_ yes it does :D
Q: angularjs component code style

fretsejazThis is my first open source release and I'd like to get some feedback on my code styling/organization. Implementation tips are appreciated as well. The code is for a angularjs select box that allows you to select from a list of values, or enter in free text. The control can be configured to: ...

Anyone recognize this girl?
@mjolka quick VS related question
@Mehrad sure
@Hosch250 looks like Marlin
Marilyn, you mean?
Marilyn Monroe.
@mjolka you know sometimes when you put a breakpoint multiple lines get selected. like the whole chunk will be debugged at once?
I just colored her in with PS Elements.
@Hosch250 at least the famous hair style :D
Yeah, it's her.
@Hosch250 Oh. okay. cuz the only thing was stopping me from being certain was that it was in color
you mean norma jeane ;)
Q: distinguishing user input numbers and characters (beginner)

Jason NingI am currently taking a computer science class in high school, and its my first time programming (2 weeks since i started). I have currently finished my program however there were a few details that bothered me. I was supposed to create a program which can calculate average of individual marks an...

@mjolka does it ring a bell what I am talking about ?
School assignment.
@Mehrad yep
I have this return line which has heaps of code in. and breakpoint propagates and hugs all the commands
and I am receiving a cast exception in there somewhere.
@mjolka would it be any way to break into it without changing the code?
@Mehrad try right-clicking in the code, select Breakpoint -> Insert Breakpoint
Step into doesn't get the lines I am suspecting
@Mehrad that's odd about step into
@mjolka Huh? Just click the gray bar along the left side.
That sets break points.
Thanks for the help guys, migrate this thread to code review? Okay bro. — NoGlitching 17 secs ago
It is a loooooooooong code review task, I'me not sure if it belongs to SO, I suggest to migrate it to code review — chouaib 2 mins ago
@mjolka there aren't much methods in those multiple lines so step into only gets into them but the one liners get executed in on go
@mjolka tried that, but no matter which line I go with, break points get's moved to the return line and the whole lot get's selected
@Gemtastic morning man
What's up?
@Mehrad Spread your oneliners into multiple lines.
@Hosch250 turned out really well
@Hosch250 if you have this await TaskEx.Run(() => { return "foo"; }); as just one line, clicking on the gray bar will highlight the entire line
you can right click on "return" then select Breakpoint -> Insert Breakpoint to break in there
Oh, OK.
So say I have this
return new myItem
which line I would right click on to do the Insert BP
@Mehrad ah! i don't know if you're able to
cuz doing it from the gray strip, no matter which line the whole lot gets selected and break pointed
i'll have a play around with it
afaict it's not possible
emmm... thanks bud. last time your comment on how to catch specific exceptions was really useful and I am using it since. Then your name popped up the first when I googled and didn't find much. @mjolka
@Gemtastic not much... :)
@Mehrad if you really don't want to change the code, you could try evaluating some of the expressions in the Immediate window and see if they throw an exception
Not much apart from this code talk :P
@mjolka great point. let me give it a go
somehow, that immediate window has some serious limitations. doesn't like lambda's and all
@Mehrad ah yep :(
working on it. thanks
hope it won't let me down
@Mehrad are you able to paste the code, or is it confidential?
@mjolka the code work fully. except there is one sheet in Excel which throws the tantrum and I want to catch which line or cell is problematic without going through 1300 lines.
1300 row of excel though. not the code
i'm glad it's not the code
but the exception is thrown in some lines of code like this
                Price = table.Columns.Contains(Strings.PricingSpreadSheet_Column_NoChargeOption) ?
                    ((row.Field<String>(Strings.PricingSpreadSheet_Column_NoChargeOption) == "Yes") ?
                        0 :
                        row.Field<double?>(priceColumn)) :

                ConfigCode = table.Columns.Contains(Strings.PricingSpreadSheet_Column_ConfigCode) ?
                    row.Field<string>(Strings.PricingSpreadSheet_Column_ConfigCode) :
and what's the exception type/message?
There is try which catches the possible Cast exceptions since the excel file is open to modification by humans
gosh darn humans
so I imagine a cell is like text in Excel and I am expecting it to be casted to <double?>
sorry InvalidCastException
Gosh darn humans is right @mjolka!
@RubberDuck they will soon be replaced by us
@Mehrad i'm absolutely stumped. might be best to rewrite the code. at least that way if you ever have a similar problem, debugging will be quicker
Q: Optimization of a "Sieve of Eratosthenes" in Java

quixotrykdI have created a simple Pseudo "Sieve of Eratosthenes," for a class in Java. I am looking for the most optimized option, or at least an option that is more optimized than current. If there is any other advice that you have to offer, I would be more than happy to hear that as well. My code is as f...

@mjolka good call. was thinking of the same. waiting to see if you would come up with a solution, but I think it's mainly a bad approach and even if it had a solution it would be a workaround.
thanks anyways
np, sorry i couldn't be more help
I am more trying to Cast using as or is rather to be in the safe side
good idea
Q: Javascript nesting XMLHttp requests and in a loop

Michael UpdikeI am new to javascript, especially the wonders of async and closures and would like some help on the attached code. It is in a Chrome extension and retrieves a list of users albums with the Picasa Web API then gets the items in each album so I can filter out unwanted media and directories. AFAIC...

Once again Resharper is amazing
@Mehrad Why is R# called Resharper?
@Hosch250 Resharper is an add-on application for VS and not to be confused with R#
Oh, OK.
I don't use it.
actually you're right
their sign is R#
I though R# is a language of some sort same as C# and F#
It is.
I was mixing the two up.
I know R is which they heavily use of number crunching but not sure R#
Whoops, that is R.
Okay. so R has a R# which I would say it's OO
No, R# as not a language.
R++ is.
I guess we got super confused in multiple things at once :)
At least, not in this list:
The aim of this list of programming languages is to include all notable programming languages in existence, both those in current use and historical ones, in alphabetical order, except for dialects of BASIC and esoteric programming languages. Note: Dialects of BASIC have been moved to the separate List of BASIC dialects. Note: This page does not list esoteric programming languages. == A == == B == == C == == D == == E == == F == == G == == H == == I == == J == == K == == L == == M == == N == == O == == P == == Q == == R == == S == == T == == U == ...
Unless, it is esoteric.
I can't find any R# language on the web, though.
There is R and apparently R++
and there is R# add-on for VS known as Resharper (which I don't know why they decided to not to pronounce it R(as are)-Sharp)
@Hosch250 yep. there is no R# in that list either
so I guess it's not one
Q: 3-D Space Vector

TheBestOneI wrote the following implementation of a Vector in Java. I was wondering what you folks thought of it. package space; public class SpaceVector { private final double x; private final double y; private final double z; public SpaceVector(double x, double y, double z){ ...

@Hosch250 if you haven't used it give a go. especially that you're using VS heavily. It's totally free for students so why not to miss on it
@Mehrad why cast with as as opposed to a direct cast?
Is makes sense to me, but I'm not convinced with As... Seems like a lot of extra null checking.
I saw let the exception happen and hunt down the bug when it happens.
In most cases at least. There might be some instances where you really don't know what you're being handed. Then it might make sense, but that should be rare.
Thanks for the link!
anyone agree with my comments here? codereview.stackexchange.com/a/82473/44723
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it's about code review, belongs to codereview.stackexchange.comRaptor 1 min ago
Kind of. It could use a bit of rewording.
> It looks like these used to be private fields, but you half assed it when you decided to expose them. Make them properties instead.
@RubberDuck right, that's much better
No... Bad duck. Be nice.
@Raptor: I'm reluctant to say that this code should go to Code Review. — Makoto 54 secs ago
Oh ok, I hadn't realized there was a code review website from stack exchange. Will post it in there. Thanks. — FelipeRego 1 min ago
the "IMHO that means they should get a getter and setter" just added to the confusion
Q: Alerting users with a pop-up window

FelipeRegoI'm relatively new at programming in general including Python. But I've tried to create a program in Python that alerts users through a pop up window to perform an action every 2 hours. import time import ctypes count = 0 print "This break message was sent on "+time.ctime() messageBox = ctypes...

R is a fun language :)
@Legato - FYI, in Java, the bit-size of booleans is not specified. The most common JVM's implement single boolean values in a 4-byte address (the minimum available address pointer), and arrays of boolean are implemented as 1 byte per boolean.
The boolean[] array in the sieve is still a good idea, but, technically, a BitSet is the way to go to get to 1-bit-per-boolean.
boolean[] is good enough and fast enough for all uses in genral educational and 'programming-challenge' situations;
bitset allows you to have about 4 boolean values more than boolean[] because, bizarrely, Java needs some space for an array length, so you cannot ever have quite as many as 2^31 values in an array, but a bitset can go the whole way.
All the bitset saves you is about 7X the memory ;-)
bitset = bitmasking?
Q: Using self-hosted OWIN

Danial EugenI have implemented the following in order to handle JS XHR requests coming from HTML pages. Is there a better way to do this with OWIN? public class Startup { public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app) { app.UseFileServer(new FileServerOptions { FileSystem = n...

If so... yes it takes 1/8th the memory.... but boy, you've got to be storing a lot of bits before that's even remotely significant. Do you need to store one million boolean values? Because that's 1MB of RAM vs 1/8 MB ram.
@RubberDuck I know. However, good practice about exceptions, afaik, is that if you even remotely can guess something is going to happen in your code which you could prevent it from failing, it's advised to make a programmatic check rather than trapping it in the try/except.
and again it depends how you like to program at the end of the day :)
Q: Program to break apart an int and determine how many even, odd, and zero digits

Audrie TalbotI'm trying to write a function that breaks apart an integer and outputs the count of even, odd, and zero digits. I'm having trouble with the do...while loop. It seems to be an infinite loop. I thought that q would act as a sentinel...not really sure how to stop the loop. Appreciate any help offer...

In this case I knew I have exceptions thrown and I had a code like this
            catch (InvalidCastException)
                // do nothing
so I decided to do something about it rather than doing nothing :D
@rolfl Thank you for clearing that up. I wouldn't want to spread misinformation! Can I still correctly note that booleans are the lightest commonly used data type available?
@CaptianOblivious, thanks for commenting straight in between my talk :D
@Mehrad i know i'm preaching to the choir, and you're doing the right thing using as here. but an easy way to think of it is: cast when you "know" the cast won't fail. use is or as when a cast might fail. use as when you want to use the result of a successful cast
@mjolka exactly. and I guess I have made quite a right choice here since the data in the excel can be tempered with and cast could be failing anytime. Loved the outcome of this conversation. I guess it will improve this chunk of my code to the right level.
@Mehrad yep -- never trust user input!
Q: Swing Chat HTML formatted messages

ElsrixI'm trying to make a chat client to swing. And I need that message in the history of correspondence were formatted in HTML. The problem I tried to solve with JTextPane, as it supports HTML formatting. When I did, just text display, in principle everything was normal. But when I started, add e...

I found a beautiful and not-too-esoteric programming language today that has everything to do with audio and music...
0.25::second => dur beat;
4::beat => dur measure;

now + 16::measure => time stop;
1 => int stepCounter;

while ( now < stop ) {
    <<< "Now:", now, "Step:", stepCounter >>>;
    beat +=> now;
    1 +=> stepCounter;
<<< "end program" >>>;
This only prints 64 numbered timestamps to console, but you can make it make sounds along with this boring stuff :D
The dur and time data types are freaking awesome (to me)
@Phrancis looks cool, what's it called?
It's called ChucK
An exception of type 'System.EntryPointNotFoundException' occurred well that's a new one
Q: Handelling the column of an html table using Jquery

Vikram Anand BhushanI have following table . <table> <tr class="rowUpdate"> <td>Corredor</td> <td>Id Corrdor <input type="text" value="dfdfgdf23231fg" class="validate" name="idcorreo" /> </td> <td>Nombre <input type="text" value="rertretert" class="validate" name="nombre" /> <...

@mjolka that sounds weird
@mjolka I've had that.
Do you have a main function?
Or its equivalent?
Did you use the wrong parameters or type or something?
@JaDogg You know R?
@Hosch250 it's an add-in, so i don't have a main. i have a StartupCommand, which would be the equivalent
Alright, are you doing it right?
i must not be :)
@Hosch250 thanks, it's not that StartupCommand though
so it seems to be thrown by ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance
Anyone want to bet on what happens when I kill the System Interrupts process in Windows?
and then in the immediate window, if i type ServiceLocator.Current i get
The type 'Microsoft.Practices.ServiceLocation.ServiceLocator' exists in both 'Microsoft.Practices.ServiceLocation.dll' and 'Microsoft.Practices.ServiceLocation.dll'
I should hope so!
Two instances of the same file?
Can I ask a monetizing question about my app here?
@Hosch250 i think it's fine. afaik off-topic chat is ok if the room is pretty quiet. i don't know if anyone here will be able to help much though
@mjolka clearly today is dedicated to deal with Exceptions Mat
@Heslacher morning
hey @Mehrad
@Phrancis Is it this Chuck ? :P
@Mehrad try { Work(); } catch (OutOfBeerException e) { Log(e); } finally { GoHome(); }
@mjolka Sorry, was reading. Lost track of time.
OK, I was thinking, should I give all tutorials free, and charge for quizzes?
The tutorials take weeks to write, should I charge for them, or for some of them?
I could have a one-time charge for each tutorial set.
Or, I could charge for each time the user wants to access a quiz.
@Hosch250 i'm a fan of apps where you pay once and get the whole thing
@mjolka hahaha... finally { GoDanMorphy's();}
maybe provide a sample tutorial on your website and/or in a free trial version of the app, so people can assess the quality before making a purchase
Clearly Microsoft is going the exact opposite. seems everything is becoming subscriptions based :\
Why Update isn't Updating :O
pulling hair motion
I don't have a website.
I prefer pay once too.
But, with under 7k users, sure won't get reimbursed.
But, this really is just practice anyway.
@Mehrad Thanks, but I think I can find a free host, or just use my blog+twitter.
Seriously, don't really have time to maintain a website too...
@Hosch250 take my advice with a huge grain of salt, i've never had an app in an app store. there should be plenty of articles on strategies for making the most money
night all
Most people recommend ads, but I hate those.
@Mehrad Um yeah, no. Different Chuck :D
@Mehrad I always liked that show.
night @mjolka
Anyone around using Windows 10?
Anything you do/don't like about it?
@mjolka OutOfBeerException should definitely be a real thing!
@Phrancis The minute that gets implemented in an official release of a language, I stop using it.
@Hosch250 I've heard it runs really crappy in VM. Can't recall who said that but I'm pretty sure I've heard it!
I am using it in a VM right now, but I hate the UI.
i ran it in virtualbox for a bit tinkering with it one night
it really wasn't too bad
(in terms of performance)
I can't get the Charms working, I think because I don't have a touch screen.
My touchpad shortcuts are all broken.
My keyboard shortcuts are broken.
I'm going to try to get a license number so I have it during the free upgrade period, then stick with 8.1
while ( true )
    <<< "TTGTB" >>>;
@Phrancis Night.
I should be in bed, but I haven't had access to the bathroom yet.
Q: ADT for a TVM calculator

cnewbI wanted to get some criticism for the below ADT. This is just a basic ADT that will be fed into a TVM calculator. Main purpose is to have it initialized and correct for input errors. Full disclosure: I am modeling it after Code Complete 2 guidelines. You should notice if statements stating nomi...

Q: State Space : more search leads to bad results

Ashish NegiI am trying to solve a problem which i think is TSP on a 2-D grid. So, i am trying to get the best result that i can. However, looking ahead 1 step is producing better results than looking ahead 2 steps. The problem is that i have to clean the dirty blocks on a 2-D grid in minimum number of mov...

@Donald.McLean it's a funny one. Followed it so far.
@Hosch250 Got the preview on a VM
liked the improvements in UI over 8 and 8.1 however, seems very the same to me.
Planning to get one of those double Android/Windows tablets from geekbuying then I can give it a go in a daily basis
hey @janos
hey @Heslacher
night @Phrancis
Q: Is there any way I can optimize this simple sum calculator?

ScarecrowI'm looking to optimize a simple sum calculator used in Project Euler+ The premise is simple: Find the sum of all the numbers divisible by 3 or 5 under X. At first I did it like so: def main(testCases): final_answer = [] for x in range(testCases): answer = 0 test = long...

Q: Reading and Writing object from files

user6321I have a server which has a permanent state which has to be saved on stable storage. It is composed by three fields: List<LogEntry> log int currentTerm int votedFor They have to be set during the server setup (in other words, when the server object is created). Every time that I update their...

hey @skiwi
hey @Heslacher
posted on February 25, 2015 by NewUser

Objectives Getting Started What Is Computer Science? What Is Programming? Why Study Data Structures and Abstract Data Types? Why Study Algorithms? Review of Basic Python Getting Started with Data Built-in Atomic Data Types Built-in Collection Data Types

@CaptainObvious Eh? Why the different style?
@Hosch250 not enough to review code. But I wrote this -> codereview.stackexchange.com/q/64257/47826
why do I feel weird when I do not accept highest voted question ?
Q: Bootstrap Data Table generation

3gwebtrainI am generating a searchable and sortable data table using bootstrap. all works fine. I am looking for the best approch to get it. any one can please update/suggest the right way, if you find any one better than the way i do? here is the demo : jsfiddle here is my js: var tableMaker = functi...

Q: One should stick to one HTML identifier across the "QA Automation project" or there can be different

paulIt's been a question since long time. Everytime code goes for review there are different opinion from different senior developers/coders/QA. And every other person fights for its own opinion. Here are some of "Code review": There should be single HTML identifier.CSS Selector, id, name, xpath o...

I wonder if I can get this reviewed ->
vnoremap <C-e> d<Esc>?def<CR>O<Esc>O<Esc>pOdef new_method:<Esc><<wvt:
^ Extract method for vim+python
@CaptainObvious No code...
Q: pseudocode optimisation in code

NewUserRelated 13 Is there any way to script a Google Docs spreadsheet? 2 Is there a way to add a row to a Google Spreadsheet via a script? 2 Enabling script to run as author in a shared Google spreadsheet

Q: Prefix tree's for auto suggest

SarfarazSoomroI wrote a quick prefix tree implementation. I know it may be far from perfect, but I need to make sure that I got the basics right. I would like to hear back from you. My main concerns are If I have settled for the correct data structures? Is this a scalable solution? What sort of problems can...

Q: different behavior based on multiple factors

gkikoMy task is to write a program to store files in object store. One of the subtasks requires to send json or xml format response to the file uploader/downloader as requested by client. The following rules must be followed: entry +---...

Q: Map Events From calendar provider to dates in gridview

Raghunandan KaviI working on a calendar app on android. I am using roomaorama https://github.com/roomorama/Caldroid which is nice. I am fetching all the events from Events table in Calendar provider once which seems not good performance wise. The library uses a infinite view pager. It uses 4 adapters to displ...

Yaay, I can finally get a headache haircut this afternoon, was about time
Uh, that was a pretty big typo
@MadaraUchiha deleted before being posted to this room
@rolfl I've been watched. Two weeks until next episode now.
Oh, no... i have catching up to do, then
Monking @rolfl and all
@SimonAndréForsberg Can you survive that?
POI S04E16 winging its way down
Only just noticed now that POI are adjacent letters
@rolfl I hope nobody makes it a keyword
monking @rolfl , @SimonAndréForsberg and @Vogel612
monking @Heslacher
@skiwi I've survived worse.
@Heslacher meted out ...
@SimonAndréForsberg 3 weeks?
@skiwi yup. And even worse than that.
Season finales and summer breaks.... ugh.
What show are we talking about?
Q: Simple streaming parser to extract columns

FallingBulletsIn reply to previous question I rewrote ColumnReader and would like more suggestions using System; namespace R2D.IO { public sealed class LineReader { public string NewLine { get; set; } string _buffer = ""; public void Parse(string text) { ...

Monking @all
Note to self: If netbeans behaves strange -> delete cache
monking @RubberDuck
Hey @SimonAndréForsberg. I think @Duga might be sleeping. Is she okay?
@200_success I didn't use the real identifier names since they are in german and I didn't want to cause confusion with using an other language. I've now translated them to english and edited the question accordingly. — Thomas Schremser 2 mins ago
@RubberDuck She seems to be sick...
I restarted her yesterday....
not really what I wanted today
@Duga Monking!
@SimonAndréForsberg It's okay. No rush or anything and sorry to bother. Just wanted to make sure you knew.
Q: Optimizing Javacript Code

NeoapttI Have this JSFiddle That generates a random amount of progress bars. Then Assigns a random number and percent to them. I am wondering if you know how to better optimize this code to have better run-time. -Thanks for the help. /*Creates a random amount of bars*/ function runBars() { v...

Q: I want to optimize my code for Performance and fine tune the logic

Abhinaoimport java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; /** * Created by ShrivasA on 1/30/2015. */ /* Take an Element and Apply the following conditions: 1. The element should not alrea...

@RubberDuck I didn't know. Thanks for info.
@skiwi you around?
I got a response, bachelor students are eligible!
so I can count you in right?
(btw this is about the Hash Code programming contest, I'm looking for teammates, unfortunately eligible countries are limited to France, Belgium, Luxembourg and Switzerland + francophonic)
@janos No germans ?
sadly, no
No problem, as I am no student ;-)
@janos So Dutch people were allowed?
at first I thought any European country is ok, it would have been easy to find 3 other guys here
The competition is open to students (License, Master, Phd, Engineering Schools) and professionals, located in France, Belgium, Luxembourg and Switzerland, as well as in other countries from Francophonie (provided they can travel to Paris). Google employees, temps, vendors and interns cannot participate (but they are welcome to help the organization committee :)
@SimonAndréForsberg ^^
@Heslacher yes, I know. was wondering if Netherlands, where @skiwi is from, counts to 'Francophonie'
@SimonAndréForsberg no Netherlands
This is a list of the member states of the International Organization of the Francophonie. Currently the Central African Republic and Thailand are suspended from the organization. == List of member states == Participation suspended === Associate states === === Observers === == Eligible non-member states == These are nations that have had some connection to France or its former colonies in the past. If not necessarily eligible for full membership, some of these states are still eligible for either associate membership or observance due to diplomatic, commercial, or cultural tie...
I think it's a question for codereview.stackexchange.com — qarma 28 secs ago
@qarma this would not be on topic on Code Review. The code doesn't work. Minimally, code must function as expected to be on topic there. — RubberDuck 1 min ago
Q: To what extent should a recorded Excel macro be rewritten (removing .Select)?

JeepedI'm just feeling my way around here, having had a post recently moved over from another site together with its question. While I like the idea of a place to ask specifically for improvements to working code, I also see the potential for a lazy coder to 'code dump' something like a rat's nest of r...

Greetings, Programs.
@janos Now I am
@skiwi you're from Belgium right?
or going to uni in Belgium
@janos Luckiliy not ;)
Just joking about the Belgium vs Dutch hate
I'm from the Netherlands though
also studying there
Netherlands ain't on the list :(
Probably isn't going to work out then, unless they still do accept them
@skiwi Sometimes you need to take a risk, like moving to belgium ;-)
take a bullet for the team :)
@Heslacher how about no ;)
Though studying is actually interesting in Belgium
It's like way cheaper
@StackExchange I don't even understand
@Donald.McLean Greetings, User
@skiwi if that's the problem... In Germany there's no tuition fees
@Vogel612 I don't see people from here going to study in Germany en masse though, not sure if something is missing from the picture or if nobody really likes studying in Germany for whatever reason
hmm... I have no clue actually... maybe that's just for Germans??
In Sweden you actually get paid to study, moahahaha
@SimonAndréForsberg And Sweden has the nicest girls!
If only it weren't that damn cold over there... The place would be filled with students
Naaah.... Lithuanians are better.
@skiwi It is filled with students.
at least some cities
@SimonAndréForsberg I still think there'd be ever more then though :)
On my university it's really not bad at all (Biomedical ftw), until you walk into the CS department
buenos días
muchas welcome @JeroenVannevel
hey @JeroenVannevel
Visual Studio is being incompetent again this morning.
It is terrible. It can't recognize the dlls it built as being valid .NET assemblies.
It builds them just fine. The code runs just fine. But I can't inherit from a custom control because it claims none of my DLLs are .NET assemblies.
Even though they are.
I have been at work for 3.5 hours and written 0 lines of code. I have restarted two computers and one iPad a combined 11 times however.
What an incredibly shitty day so far.
in VBA, 10 secs ago, by RubberDuck
At least I'm not the only one in dll hell this morning.
I feel your pain @nhgrif.
Now I can't see my mapped network drives... Wtf...
@nhgrif Check if they are built for the same platform (32/64 bit)
Furthermore, if it works and you want to ask for a better solution, post it on codereview.stackexchange.comhalloei 56 secs ago
I already resolved not being able to see SQL databases and resolved a certificate issue.
@nhgrif Then let's hope it will get better!
@Heslacher I built this project yesterday and released it to about 150 beta users. No settings have been changed since, and my email inbox isn't flooded with people with broken software.
@nhgrif Maybe the email inbox is broken too?
Q: WORM TEST please read over and tell me if it will work

nick /* SCCS Id: @(#)worm.c 3.4 1995/01/28 */ /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */ /* NetHack may be freely redistributed. See license for details. */ #include "hack.h" #include "lev.h" #define newseg() (struct wseg *) alloc(sizeof(struct wseg)) #define...

Got my network drives back after a few restarts/relogs
Btw, Visual Studio claims it is unable to load any assembly... Including the assembly I am trying to add the control to (which is also the assembly that contains the control I want to inherit from)
@CaptainObvious Wow, you didn't even try.
Suggest this is moved to CodeReview where tremendously patient people reside. — OldCurmudgeon 1 min ago
Needs a move to CodeReview site. — OldCurmudgeon 12 secs ago
@Duga Shouldn't that be more Programmers related?
@CaptainObvious WTF is that...
CodeReview is not a compiler, but I'm guessing if we were, we'd refuse to compile this. — nhgrif 55 secs ago
^that made me LOL
Was having a special job dedicated to Human Compiler a real thing back in the days?
I don't know what the hell that question was, but I've just nuked it from orbit.
whoa did we get the numbering for our code blocks?
Monking Malachi'd YO!
@Mehrad Yeah. That's bad, and doing something is better than nothing, but I might let it throw and catch the issue farther up the stack. Same old story. It depends.
Q: Write to files in Delphi

NickFuryyHi I'm doing a program in delph writing in all kinds of files either text or executable. The code I have is this: var openfile: TextFile; begin AssignFile(openfile, 'test.exe'); Append(openfile); WriteLn(openfile,'[test]hi world[test]'); CloseFile(openfile); end; That...

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