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btw @Legato I'm working on a review of your older question about palindromic numbers
Awesome, @janos I look forward to your insight.
first 4 lines: Santa attack :)
Oh, that was me.
the rest are a lucky coincidence
I was going through the One Vote Short queue.
It is going to be awful short after the reset.
total effect: massive +80 within 10 minutes, doesn't happen every day (first time for me)
yeay thanks Santa @Hosch250
I only have 5 votes left :(
Saving them for the review queues.
I have 50 today, but I have a couple new answers:
A: C++ text-based RPG

Hosch250There is a lot to be improved here. Number one is that you have huge blocks of code in super methods that handle entire moves. You should split that up into smaller logical groups for ease of reading, debugging, maintenance, and additions. One example I noticed is that you have this a lot: cout

A: Adding two roman-numeral inputs

Hosch250There are definitely a few things you could improve here. First, you should create a method to convert a Roman numeral to an Arabic numeral and vice-versa: def roman_to_arabic(number): total = 0 for i in number: if i == 'I': total += 1 elif i == 'V': ...

So maybe I'll hit 100, but I won't cap.
it's like Christmas again
thanks @Hosch250, you made my day ;-)
Well, I told you I was going through the One Vote Short queue.
Talking about badges, I'm really close to the one for upvoting competing answers.
I guess you're making many folks happy today then
Think I'll follow suit.
@Legato I have some tips for you.
Check which badge they are trying to get.
I welcome them.
And don't vote if they already have it so you can clear it better.
So, Nice Answer and Nice Question only need 10,
Enlightened needs 10
Revival needs 2
Necromancer needs 5
4 badges granted so far. Hehe.
Those are all the ones I just gave.
You just gave @Janos two more.
Save his for tomorrow, or the rep will just go to waste.
yup, lol :)
if I had known this in the morning, I would have answered less today
You should be pretty close to being cleared out.
I think I have all but the ones in for 0 weeks cleared out.
my post for @Legato is almost done, but now it doesn't make sense to post today, I'll do it after the day turns
There might be a couple in for 1 week still.
Right, got it.
What's the rep/day cap?
Not counting bounties.
How can I check how much someone has already earned?
Yes, just check their profile.
For that day, I mean.
Check their profile.
I see, thanks.
You've earned 37 today.
Are you out of votes?
I'm saving them for the review queues.
I will get locked out of some if I run out.
This needs 2 votes for silver
A: Which FizzBuzz is better, and why?

rolflI prefer your solution to his. My reasoning is that: yours has constants only in the String manipulation you do not do string concatenation the logic is distinct for each remainder. Both options could be better though. The lack of 'breathing space' (white space between keywords, variables, va...

I'll DVLR by 6 for sure.
Is someone serial voting on me again?
I'm getting votes on old posts that aren't one vote short.
Not me, I actually checked what I could give you, and everything I checked I already up-voted haha, I just brought you closer.
Lunch time, be back later.
Thanks, anyway.
@Hosch250 ho-ho-ho... I hope you didn't expect that you can just upvote me and I won't reciprocate ;-)
btw that's about as much as I can help for your rep cap plan today. You wouldn't want to get votes reversed later
Ohhh..... santas... Thanks...
@Hosch250 - for what it's worth, there's often new stuff in the OVS report each week.
^^^ definitely
Yes, but it is labeled by how many weeks it has been in it.
I voted on one post that had been in it for 200 weeks.
@rolfl has 900 answers as of right now, congrats!
@Hosch250 Ahhh, no, that Weeks is not a measure of how long it's been there.... it's a measure of how long it has been since the user who made the post, was last seen.
So, 200 weeks means that you awarded a badge to a person who has not been to Code Review for almost 4 years ;-)
Andrew, South Carolina
253 4 12
> seen Apr 11 '11 at 23:36
Would have been cool if it was: seen Nov 11 '11 at 23:11


func fizzBuzzify(i: Int, fizzValue: Int = FIZZ_DEFAULT_VALUE, buzzValue: Int = BUZZ_DEFAULT_VALUE, fizzString: String = FIZZ_DEFAULT_WORD, buzzString: String = BUZZ_DEFAULT_WORD) -> String {
    switch (i % fizzValue, i % buzzValue) {
        case (0,0): return fizzString + buzzString
        case (0,_): return fizzString
        case (_,0): return buzzString
        default: return String(i)
Tuples are pretty cool.
oh, that was a new one
I thought I had already seen all possible permutations of fizzbuzz
Using the tuple was actually posted as an answer to my original Swift fizzbuzzard.
But I forgot about it until just now.
Q: Python Socket Programming Simple Web Server

StrugglingCSmajorI am working on my first Python socket programming code and I cannot figure out what is wrong. I type in the IP address of the server that this program is running on along with the port number and the file I am trying to receive. I should receive the file in the browser and the socket should cl...

Q: C# .NET pass appsettings to a function

Dan ChaseI'm currently using .Settings files to store level data (Level1.settings, Level2.settings) please nevermind why I would do that :) I'm currently reading each level with a different function, because I can't figure out how to pass to a function. For example: void readLevel1() { leve...

@nhgrif Yes I was looking something like Code Review but didn't find it ^^ — Tchi 1 min ago
when users with 575 rep post crap like this, SO is really in deep trouble: stackoverflow.com/q/28519807/641955
ah ok he got all his rep with a lucky answer that went viral stackoverflow.com/questions/5335528/…
it's only on SO that I can cast a dozen downvotes and feel like I'm making the world a better place
why is it when i log into chat for the first time in a couple weeks i see a fizzbuzz......
@DanPantry Nature of this place, I guess ;D
sssh! you might evoke a discussion. To kill fizzbuzz, we must not talk about it. Ever. No starring either.
any angular people here atm?
Q: Beutifier javascript code [node.s]

DRXwhat could i do to make this code more beautiful? exports.index = function (req, res, next) { Booking.aggregate( [{ '$group': { '_id': '$booking.date', 'name': { '$first': '$booking.name' }, ...

@DanPantry I knew enough to have passed my exam a few weeks back
@JeroenVannevel exam? 0.o
Yeah, exam. I might come across as a senior software developer, in reality I'm still a student
I was more confused about the exam on angular.
fine then :(
but yes, angular. WebApplications course and our teacher has a "super exciting startup"
naturally they use angular
a company im going to be working with is using typescript + gulp, been struggling to put together a gulp workflow for it
and i was wondering how you would go about doing it with typescript's ability to add requirejs to it's compilation files
javascript frameworks have the worst names
i agree
Would be better in Code Review? — Soner Gönül just now
I wouldnt even try and use typescript in my home project, but
if i'm going to be using it for the foreseeable future i might as well get used to it
Can't really help with that stuff. But if you need an explanation on how $scope works, I can help
that's the extent of my knowledge
hah :P
love angular i can just never put a project together with it
This the GitHub support room? ;-)
Ahh, this is the RubberDuck room. My problem is resolved.
Except that part.
At the given state of this question, it is not a good Code Review question. Questions on Code Review should provide a sufficient description for what the code does. Add a good description for the code and it can be posted on CR. — Simon André Forsberg 1 min ago
What's the problem, @rolfl?
Well, technically it is PICNIC.... I committed with "Fixes #148 ...." and then when I looked at the issue, it was not back-referenced to the commit.
Turns out that It should have been "Fixes #143 ..." (s/148/143/ ... my eyes are getting old).
Now I don't know whether I should try to backfix it, but I fear it is too late.
#148 does not exist... yet
So, @Simon - what would you do (other than not make the wrong reference to start with...)?
@rolfl been there, done that :)
I would add a comment on the issue saying that you were wrong
alternatively, as it is unlikely that anyone else has pulled the repository, I would amend the latest commit and fix the message
and then git push --force
I could do that.... I think.
I gotta say though, @rolfl. It is quite impressive to fix an issue that hasn't even been opened yet!
it's the latest commit in your branch. It's easy to do now
git commit --amend -m"actual commit message"
Now when the commit gets picked in to master it will close it there too.
I am sure I am using git a little wrong in this respect....
@rolfl Boooo!
Well, at least it is out of there, and they can enjoy it if and when they come back.
Yeah, I added the Weeks column when the query was new, and I had limited votes... I would tend to favour people who were recently there.
visual representation of git push --force
I was saving those for last!
Because I thought they were the newer posts and were more likely to get it without my help.
@DanPantry WTF!?
visual representation of git push --force
@rolfl not sure what you meant there
I am maintaining two branches in git... both of them are somewhat active.
@DanPantry it was the latest commit and was discovered very quickly, I see nothing wrong with git push --force in that case
@SimonAndréForsberg fair enough, I onyl saw the words "do a git push force" ;-;
I fix bugs to the JDOM 2.0.x branch, and the master branch then cherry-picks the issues that are to ba applied to the upcoiming 2.1 release (master).
@rolfl Is there a way to see which posts are the oldest?
@Hosch250 - yes. All posts have an ID and a Create date. Depending on how you look at things one or the other represents the oldest posts.
Well, I mean without going to the post.
ID represents the sequence they were added to Code Review.
I don't know SQL, or I would right my own.
So, do the ones with a large "Seq" value?
Create date represents when the post was created, whcih, if it is a migrated post, may be before Code Review started.
@Hosch250 - what do you want to find? The first questions posted on Code Review?
@Hosch250 Just add ORDER BY Posts.ID ASC or something along those lines at the end. Or I think you can even just click the column header to sort it
Yes, you can click the header.
OK, thanks.
Where do you check recent badges awarded for the site?
The Badges tab.
Gave out quite a few today. :D
Have an upvote to spare?
A: ASCII table in Brainfuck

200_successCongratulations. This was pretty readable code, by brainfuck standards. I was able to follow it. As noted in the comments, @Bobby agrees. By initializing your max cell to 256, you've made your code portable to work on non-wrapping brainfuck interpreters as well. If you just wanted it to work...

Needs 2 for silver.
I have one more, and I'm saving it for the queues.
OK, favorited it.
Awesome, thanks.
If I wrote a virus, I'd first make it an anti-virus.
Then, once it cleaned everything out, it would take over.
It would have everything to itself.
Sounds like evey anti-virus program on the market :P
"Well now that there's no other viruses eating your ram and CPU... omnonomnom"
Q: Trie Implementation in Java

AnkitSablokI am trying to implement a Trie class in Java which just supports insertion and searching operation up until now, I think it works perfectly on the several examples I have tried but I am not able to come up with a tricky test case to check if it functions perfectly or not, can you guys take a loo...

Well, they are trying to actively protect you - my virus would completely take over the computer so I received data from the camera, mic, screen, and keyboard.
I would never write one though.
I'm a bit sceptical towards the whole "trying to protect you" thing. I've never had a useful anti-virus. Spybot saved my hind a few times though
Q: Is this the best way to ignore the effect of a space when applying encryption?

committedandroiderI am writing an encryption program that will encrypt the message "STOP POLLUTION" with the encryption function f(p) = (3p + 7) mod 26 where p is given letter. Here is my code for doing so (tested it works) static final int SPACE = -33; static int[] convert(String s) { char[] arr...

I use Windows Defender.
My computer is really fast, and it has caught a few viruses.
I am really careful about what I click on, I have my privacy/adblock settings really strict.
My UAC is all the way up.
And, security people say it is as good as Norton and McAfee anyway, so I just use it.
Never really had a problem.
Q: Roman Numerals - the good, the bad, and the ugly

Hosch250I wrote a RomanNumeral class in C#. Please pull it to pieces: class RomanNumeral { public RomanNumeral(string num) { AsRoman = num; AsArabic = RomanNumeralToArabic(num); if (AsArabic == -1) { throw new ArgumentException(); } } ...

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