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[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] 1 opened issue. 24 issue comments.
[retailcoder/Rubberduck] 7 commits. 6 opened issues. 2 closed issues. 12 issue comments.
[Vincentyification/JavaBot‌​] 1 opened issue. 1 issue comment.
[Vogel612/JavaBot] 2 commits.
So, I talked to that company on the phone today. Apparently, some of their employees regularly stumble across my Stack Overflow posts and suggested it would be a good idea for them to try hiring me.
So, what did you say?
I can't say anything until they actually make me an offer.
I have a job. I like my job.
They want to do a Google Hangout next week as a remote interview and sort of skills assessment or something.
Well, you should probably say you are not interested early on then, or they may get ticked with you.
Why would I say I'm not interested if I haven't heard how much they're willing to offer?
I can't assess whether or not I'd take the job until they actually tell me what they're offering.
I see.
Just because I like my job doesn't mean I can't like any other opportunity.
Before you said they were not likely to offer the amount it would take to make you switch.
Well, that's what I thought.
I gave them a number today, and the guy I talked to on the phone didn't act like that was completely unreasonable.
So we have to see whether or not they'd be willing to do that. And I still need to decide whether or not I'd also enjoy working there.
The other company is going to have a hard time, with you and the manager leaving.
Before I make a final decision, I intend to visit the office I'd be working at and see what the work environment is like, etc.
And yes, my current company would be in an extraordinarily desperate situation if I left right now. But I also intend to give them an opportunity to renegotiate my salary if I really feel like I'd like this other job, but staying at my current would also be okay for a raise etc.
I'm kind of in a power situation. I like my current job. I'm okay with the money I'm paid. But if the other company can offer a large enough amount that I'd consider leaving (and feel I'd also enjoy working there), then it should work out that I get a raise whether or not I change jobs.
That is what I said the other day.
And in neither situation do I feel like I'm asking for more than what I deserve. Nor do I want to give off the impression that I'm trying to play games with anyone just for a raise.
This other company sought me out. I have no resumes up online. I don't have a job hunter looking for stuff for me.
Literally, all I have is my email address on my Stack Exchange profile.
That is nice.
When it is time for me to get a job, I think I'll contact OneNote through Twitter or something.
I like OneNote and PowerPoint.
The other company wants really talented people. And based on my Stack Overflow questions and answers, their iOS developers have identified me as a really talented iOS developer.
OK, well, I am not really talented at anything yet (as far as I know).
I think I'm really good at testing.
But that is pretty much it.
I'm good with UI too.
The other thing possible, is I'm going to add in-app-payments to my app this summer, and make people pay for access to certain parts of the app.
If that gets big enough, maybe I won't need a job!
This sounds as though knowledge of computational complexity is one of the most important indicators of competence. It's not; it is important, but not nearly as much as, say, the ability to debug code (with or without a debugger), or the ability to reuse code without copy-paste. And in some contexts, like query-heavy database code, knowledge of computational complexity can be largely subsumed by a more immediately practical knowledge of how query plans will be generated. It is therefore quite possible to be a grossly incompetent programmer while still knowing big-O, or vice-versa. — Nathan Tuggy 2 hours ago
Is that for me?
Just a comment I found interesting.
I don't know computational complexity.
But, I do know that triple-nested loops take an awful long time to run.
Talking about that, I have one in my app, but it is rarely run, and only on small datasets.
It takes each word in a query entered by the user and scans it over some hard-coded data to search it.
My thought is, at the end of the day, knowing computational complexity is far less valuable to an actual programmer on an actual daily basis than some other practical knowledge.
One loops scans all the sources, one each word in the query, and one each word in the sources set.
For example, in Objective-C and Swift, a forin loop is faster than a traditional for loop, but in VB.NET and C#.NET, the for each loop is slower than a traditional for loop.
But, that usually comes down to premature optimization.
The only reason to use a for each loop in .NET is because the added readability of the for each loop is more significant than the slightly faster speed.
Meanwhile, a forin loop in Objective-C and Swift is recommended in every scenario where it makes sense because not only is it more readable, it's significantly faster.
Well, of course.
Also, IIRC, the foreach loop is only slower on certain types.
Because it uses an iterator or something.
As told here blog.stackoverflow.com/2015/02/… As you probably know, there’s a vast disparity between open tech jobs and qualified developers in today’s market.
I thing the foreach and the for are the same when working with arrays.
@JeroenVannevel tested this once.
Yeah, I know.
What about it?
I tested what?
Q: Calculating all combinations to make sure a Random algorithm has done them all

ZerowalkerI have done this, but it's pretty ugly and it feels like I may be missing something to shorten it done. Here is how I do it. vector<int> xcomb, ycomb; int limitW = Pdriver->getViewPort().getWidth() / 32; int limitH = Pdriver->getViewPort().getHeight() / 32; while (true){ start: ax = -rand()...

Q: C# TCP Listener

Ashley SmithHere is a TcpListener class and socket I created and would like some advice on how to improove it as I have received bad comments about it. Program.cs - SnowTcpListener mServer = new SnowTcpListener(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, (int)ConfigManager.GetValue("net.bind.port")), (int) ConfigMana...

foreach's speed vs. for's speed in C#.
Didn't you?
ah yes
sure did
SO, Does that mean, students from US universites are not technically good?
totally forgot my conclusions
but I did
@overexchange Most Computer Science degrees teach theory.
You should ask this question on CodeReview. — Ismael Miguel 53 secs ago
I think you concluded that arrays were the same, but other collections were slower.
Theory doesn't even get you halfway to being a technically good programmer.
Because arrays compiled to the same code, while other collections used an iterator.
@overexchange Don't insult me.
Actually, US universities are bad, but they teach students to think.
I guess atleast UOC berkeley and stanford have proper code intensive courses
If the student's apply themselves.
They are better than "repeat after me"-type U's.
yes, that sounds like an appropriate conclusion
The problem is, IT is growing so fast in the US that U's can't turn out enough students.
And IT is hard work, so a lot of people don't enter it.
Or else, they can't handle the stress and speed IT runs at, and leave the field.
I felt US students have a privilege to take quality education from US universities. because many students from my country make this as shortcut by doing MS in US universities and get good jobs
Also, the problem is you have to take 3 years of classes that have literally nothing to do with computers at all just to get into the computer classes so that you can learn technology that was outdated before you got to campus.
Well, I am just finishing my sophomore year.
You have to take history, math, writing, literature, chemistry, geology, etc.,
I have 1 more general-ed class that I won't be taking til my final semester due to when it is offered.
I have taken /am taking about 4-5 classes related to my major.
I have taken 2-3 computer classes, and a couple management classes (I'm an IT Management student).
My generals were bio, physics, phil, comp 1 & 2, ECON, ACCT, and a couple others.
PHIL was/is a waste of time, but interesting.
BIO prof was a wretch - never in class.
Fortunately, I knew my BIO good enough to get an A anyway.
ECON was really interesting, and I enjoy physics.
@Hosch250 I do not think passing out from University should any more be a requirement to recruit a candidate. Because coursera, udemy, frontendmasters, Edx are giving validation certificates for what you learn.
So, not too bad.
Yeah, I agree.
MIT OCW is awe some
But, how do you know the candidate has taken enough to essentially have a degree?
It is just easier to say "Bachelors required"
Requiring a degree isn't helpful to anyone outside the HR department.
You might save some time by not interviewing some duds. People without degrees are probably more likely to be duds than people with.
I don't have a bachelor's degree.
Exactly again.
In Europe, I think people are more self employed than being an employe of a software company. So, They do not bother about education system.
Apparently there is a high-enough demand for skilled IT workers, though, that if you have the required experience and a good reference, you can get in without a degree.
Especially if you bypass HR.
@overexchange Yes, a lot are. However, Salesforce is based in Europe (IIRC).
Over here, it takes a lot of funding to get started.
Not something everyone has.
I don't know about over there.
I would like to start my own company teach others about Windows and Office, helping people set up systems, and helping them with problems.
However, I have to compete with the Geek Squad and a bunch of larger businesses based in the cities a 30-50 minute drive away.
Supper's on, talk later.
European Universities curriculum is pretty tough to complete, if one has to complete his bachelors in IT. Because they are up to date from technology perspective. Least popular country like Belgium also has programming intensive curriculum
I don't really have a lot of programming.
I have more IS management, studying manager positions.
That kind of stuff.
You still there, @overexchange?
Talking about free classes, I found this: extension.harvard.edu/open-learning-initiative/…
You're almost there for "a" (though you should post this on codereview.stackexchange.com and they'll help you out with doing it better). your only problem is that your math in the else is wrong. It's supposed to be "packA + (hours - 10) * 2"..... I mean... math is literally the only thing you got wrong. — Millie Smith 52 secs ago
I want to take that next summer - I like history.
No, do not post this on Code Review until it is working to the best of your knowledge. Code Review only accepts working code, but will be glad to help you improve it once it is working to the best of your knowledge. — Hosch250 1 min ago
My U is sort of up-to-date - they use free G-services.
@Hosch250 Being from mgmt backgorund, How CREX is your visiting room?
Huh? I'm not a manager.
I am studying online anyway, so I am based in my bedroom.
I don't receive visitors ;)
I am just taking a management class.
am not sure, but Open course ware for mgmt students is pretty tough to get access
What if I give you the ISBN of my book?
We just have to read the book, write a small paper/discussion each week, and take an open-book book-based test every few chapters.
My wife is doing her Master's in hospital mgmt, where she has subjects like Computer networks(tanenbaum). I observed mgmt courses make lot of noise, Finally they will be successful only when they mould into company politics(in their career)
I have learned a lot of basic management principles.
Like, general rules about what (not) to do.
How to handle ethical situations, tips about motivating people...
Be sure to treat people fairly and don't play politics or you'll make your workers mad...
But these principles can't be learnt from college curriculum, instead they should be part of a business to actually learn these principles.
Not necessarily.
Now that I know of these principles, I know what to avoid and what to do.
Instead of learning by trial and error, I have a head start.
Being in a company would help, but knowing the basic principles first is important too.
So, what if I thought I could get away with playing politics? I'd probably lose my job.
What if I didn't know to scan the environment for opportunities?
My business would lose opportunities to other companies, and I might lose my job.
What about ethical issues (I know about ethics anyway)? I'd probably go to jail.
What if I didn't know general rules about motivating/rewarding/recognizing employees?
My employees would burn out, be unmotivated and unproductive...
And, I'd lose my job.
What if I didn't know that employees generally work harder when they feel they are a part of the company instead of a tool of the company?
I wouldn't give them ways to be heard - express their ideas, expose problems...
May be, you would refine your ideas once you join a company. It also depends what standards a company maintains.
Thanks for accepting my answer. If you end up implementing it with d3, you might consider posting to the codereview stackexchange for a review of specifics. — George Mauer 1 min ago
For a company like Google, I do not think such abig list is required to take care, Because the top guy(co-owner/CEO) of this company makes the difference. Evil starts from there.
The top always effects everything else.
But, I will still refine my ideas once I join a company.
These are just basic guidelines.
Being a leader is much different than being a layperson.
Personally I try to be away from mgmt concepts. In my past 1-1 with my mgr, This is what I said: If you do not like my work, Please send me an email that I do not fit for this company. I would not need your 1-on-1 to listen your feedback Surprisingly they are not throwing me out. After that 1-1 they gave me a power bank as gift ):
After that 1-1 My mgr went on 15 day leave, he could not manage to come to office
That's okay. You just demonstrated why code reviews work. — Carey Gregory 1 min ago
I have thrown that power bank in dustbin ):
@Hosch250 Only thing, I feel bad about is, I made him listen me for 3 hours for the 1-1 which is arranged by him. He did not get chance to talk. So, you need to understand how interested I am to like mgmt guys(who just do admin job).
It is very different. They have to do a lot of planning. They are responsible for everything that happens below them. They have to follow competitors.
A lot of what they do is essential, but hard to see.
@Hosch250 From past 5 days, I am not going to office and learning some programming from techies of CRSEX. Am at a frequency where I clearly informed mgmt that, If they do not like my work, kick me out!!! I am gonna do what I like to!!! I would be happy to receive a termination email from mgmt!!!
I realised that am a sophomore like you who need to first learn prog basics before making a career in IT. Because in my country, there is 98.2% lack of programmers for IT industry, where thousands of IT students are passed from college as per recent survey.
I am teaching myself programming.
My U only offers Java classes, and I prefer .NET.
Also, I have a very limited range of degrees as an online student, and the one I'm in (the only computer one) has only three programming classes.
I am at a stage where am learning, how to write a single function or class, long way to go!!!
It won't take long, if you work hard.
there is no short cut in technical career unlike mgmt career
Many managers are promoted from the technical ranks.
Especially the lower ones.
And you typically can't get a higher one unless you have proven yourself in lower ones.
UOC berkeley free online courses are helping me a lot.
Ideally this is how promotions have to be given
I wish I could take more programming classes, but I'm glad at the same time.
I learn more from CR and SO.
And how to do it right too, unlike at the U.
I think CR and SO is a place to refine your thought process on what you learn from OCW or college. We have to do our homework properly and come here to re-correct ourself. I bet you, this will help you a lot to be on edge from other programmers. Not everything told here is from books, many things are shared out of experience
Sure is.
CR and SO had code reviewers who has tons of experience in programming from basics to advanced level
It is upto you on how you exploit this opportunity
So, where do you work anyway?
CA Technologies
I'm going full-screen in my IDE for a while.
Be back in a bit.
Ping me if you need me.
A: Swift 1.2 Singleton Implementation

nhgrifFirst and foremost, printing text to the console is absolutely pointless for an iOS application. It's okay to do it as an easy way to test whether our code is working as intended, but we don't want to mistakenly leave this in the final release build. So, step 1: Follow the instructions in this ...

Q: Stack Exchange Data Explorer query to find upvoted questions with only downvoted answers

senshinI have written a SQL query against the Stack Exchange Data Explorer that identifies questions that are upvoted for which all the answers are downvoted (this was an answer to this Meta Stack Exchange post, though the code in that post is different from what I've posted below). It's a fairly straig...

Q: Simple framework for looped applications

Vince EmighI wrote up a quick API to help me save time while writing applications that require either a delay or frame rate. It should require me to implement a void run() method, which may or may not be annotated with the @Loop I created. If it doesn't contain the annotation, it will simply call the run() ...

Q: Directed Acyclic Graph

Steve LorimerI have here a class which represents a directed acyclic graph (Graph) and a vertex in the graph (Vertex). The vertices are stored in an adjacency list. It has the ability to find a vertex's indegree, and to find a topological sort order. I'm particularly interested in comments regarding correc...

Anyone think there's something weird about this Q & A?
Q: CROSS JOIN solution for records "missing" from a link table

PM 77-1Use case: We have a simple two tables plus a link table setup using some modern RDBMS. For example: Hospital table (id, name, ...) Physician table (id, name, ...) Visiting_Privilege table (hospital_id, physician_id, ...) Our goal is to find records that are "missing" (absent) from the link...

Q: Databinding Multiple Items in ListBox

RandomlyKnightedI know that the ListBox has both a SelectedItem and SelectedItems attribute; however, only SelectedItem can be used with databinding. However, I've read in multiple locations that by setting up a setter like so <ListBox.ItemContainerStyle> <Style TargetType="ListBoxItem"> <Setter ...

If you want someone to review your code you should ask on Code ReviewHobo Sapiens 28 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs on codereview.SE — bluet 1 min ago
Q: Simplify jQuery Switch Case

Damian CardonaI'm using JQVMap, and I have my code to where depending on what state you click, it'll reveal info about that state within a single div below the map. However, I feel there's a simplified, more efficient way to set up this code so there's not a lot of repeat, especially once I start adding more s...

Q: Adding two roman-numeral inputs

specialchowmeinThis is the first coding class I've taken and I'm not getting much feedback from the instructor. The function of this program is to take two roman numeral inputs, convert them to arabic, add them together, then convert the sum to roman numerals. I wanted to see if any of you code ninjas could giv...

Emptey room :D
Boo, who?
I guess our pro coders have turned their charms on in this very great Valentines day
My valentine is asleep.
@Donald.McLean so you're keeping it pending for now :D
I have a card hidden in a drawer and roses hidden in the spare fridge.
that is some serious pending ... Well done :)
This is our 30th Valentines day together.
and I am only 30 :D
@Donald.McLean Hope you have a good one.
My valentine is under the bed, and she'd eat the card if I gave her one.
Is she a paper shredder !? :)
She is my German Shepherd.
German Shepherdder :D
We had a book go entirely missing recently and rumor is that she ate it.
She has that repuation...
There is no evidence, though (fortunately).
maybe I should stop messing with her
If I were you I wouldn't get her chocolate for the Valentines day :D
Oh, she is very sweet and shy - she would run away and leave me to fight you if you tried to mess with us.
She mus be 5 by now 4~5
still a puppy :D
Birthday a few months ago.
What's her name @Hosch250
@Hosch250 Sounds like a good idea to switch to ebooks.
I am already on my computer for 6+ hours a day.
My eyes couldn't handle any more.
They are already dry and swollen-feeling.
Human's will evolve to tolerate
I think computer screens will evolve to be reflection-based instead of emission-based first.
Also, this won't have any effect on their ability to reproduce, so they will not evolve.
Was about to point it out :)
Q: Project Euler - Problem 5 - Smallest multiple

morbidCodeHere's the problem for Smallest multiple 2520 is the smallest number that can be divided by each of the numbers from 1 to 10 without any remainder. What is the smallest positive number that is evenly divisible by all of the numbers from 1 to 20? How to improve this code? How to make it faste...

A: Adding two roman-numeral inputs

Hosch250There are definitely a few things you could improve here. First, you should create a method to convert a Roman numeral to an Arabic numeral and vice-versa: def RomanToArabic(number): total = 0 for i in number: if i == 'I': total += 1 elif i == 'V': ...

I'm off to bed now.
See you.
2 hours later…
Q: Is This Date Filtering Function Inefficient Code

ChanXPlease check if this date filtering function is inefficient code... It seems to me but I can't figure out the other way round... function makeTime () { ///////////////////////////////// //Create a filtered Time///////// var timesStamp = new Date(); var time = timesStamp.toLocaleT...

Q: Using goto to repeat loop that generates a randomish name and checks if it exists

r3wti can't think of a reason to rewrite this other than to avoid the usage of goto. Am i correct in assuming that there is no reason to rewrite it? it seems pretty clear to me what the code does, and i think anyone who reads it would immediately understand what's happening restartA: $name = $this->...

Q: How Can I DRY Up this JQuery Class-Changing Code?

Tohuw $('#testelement').blur(function() { $(this).removeClass('focused'); $(this).addClass('unfocused'); }); $('#testelement').click(function() { $(this).removeClass('unfocused'); $(this).addClass('focused'); }); $('#testelement').click(function() { $(this).removeClass('unfocused'); $...

1 hour later…
Q: Loginscript that check if two values is correct in the database

user65131I want my loginscrip to check if the user have admin permission and if the user have not tried to login more the 10 times. I cant get it to work. Only one of the if statmens works at at time. $no = 'no'; $query = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_status = ?"); $query->bindParam(1,...

Q: Who's line is it anyway?

LegatoJust started delving into JavaFX, the following is essentially my "Hello World," but although it's simple I question the code formatting and wonder if I'm breaking any conventions, especially if explicitly concerning the library. I also find myself concerned with what best promotes readability....

Q: Asynchronous login form handler

y.feiziI have an app that user submit the log in form , when it sent the data to server app create a connection for its account. In this connection i have an integer field named as state. the state value is : 1 for connecting, 2 for connected and 0 for failed. I show a dialog to user display Connecti...

Q: Does it a good way for checking state of a variable?

y.feiziI have an app that user submit the log in form , when it sent the data to server app create a connection for its account. In this connection i have an integer field named as state. the state value is : 1 for connecting, 2 for connected and 0 for failed. I show a dialog to user display Connecti...

Could I get some help triaging a question from a new user?
Q: C# TCP Listener

Ashley SmithHere is a TcpListener class and socket I created and would like some advice on how to improve it as I have received bad comments about it. Program.cs - SnowTcpListener mServer = new SnowTcpListener(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, (int)ConfigManager.GetValue("net.bind.port")), (int) ConfigManag...

I also welcome you to Code Review. This is a bit of an unclear question you have here, with a lot of code. You mention that you have received bad comments about it, it would be a lot helpful if you could tell us more about what those comments are. There is also very little description in your question about what the code is supposed to do, clearly there is a lot more code here than simply creating a new session when a socket connects. It is also not clear whether or not this code works as it is supposed to? Please help us understand your question and code so that we can help you. — Simon André Forsberg 8 secs ago
Q: Improving my cellular automata algorithm

Lukas HäringI have worked for a few days in my cellular automata path algorithm and an easy fill algorithm, but sometimes I get some weird fall in my fps It's written in Javascript. function createGrid() { // Create Grid for(var y = 0; y < yTotal; y++) { grid[y] = []; for(var x = 0; x < xTotal; x++) ...

if @Santa is around, I am 15 rep away from 30k
Monking, @skiwi
I think Santa is around
Q: C# Sockets Improvement

Ashley SmithHello I am currently writing a TcpListener class where it begins a new socket and adds a new Session. I have a class called Session and a class called SessionManager Session is where I establish a new SESSION a new instance of the class. I have a new session for each player entering and connecti...

Congratulations on reaching 30k, @Simon!
user image
Thanks @skiwi @200_success
Santa congratulates you, @SimonAndréForsberg!
@200_success For your point: Python is not much different from Java. Excessively deep recursion would cause a stack overflow. mentioned in the answer comment
In python memory model, everything is an object, that gets allocated in heap. stack frame is one of them. So, Do we really have boundaries for size of stack frame within an activation record?
Have read read articles such as this one trying to explain the ranking method? If so, I believe your question is rather fit for CodeReview (though the code looks good) or Mathematics (to learn that only because numbers are high, they aren't near nirvana) — kingkero 36 secs ago
This question is not asking for a code review, and would be closed as off-topic there. This question is asking "how does this ranking algorithm deal with new posts?", not "Does my code look good and follow best practices?". — rolfl 11 secs ago
Monking everyone....
monking @rolfl
It's a bug in the VM. I committed support for it in dart2js ~ a month ago: codereview.chromium.org/585173002Florian Loitsch 2 mins ago
Q: PHP Reddit Ranking Algorithm - Calculate Rank

Christoph EggerI'm working on a discussion board, which is listing all topics according on it's hotness/rank (like reddit). So i took reddits algorithm and started trying. i used this example: http://blog.sodhanalibrary.com/2014/04/reddit-ranking-algorithm-implementation.html function score($ups,$downs){ r...

Good for a laugh: Deep Fried Gnocci: youtube.com/watch?v=UkXy12xVnRs
@Duga False positive... seems innocuous though
The code in this question does not do what you want it to do: "That cannot be right and confuses me", and your question is not asking for a code review, but for help to build/repair a ranking system for posts. — rolfl ♦ 25 secs ago
16 mins ago, by Duga
This question is not asking for a code review, and would be closed as off-topic there. This question is asking "how does this ranking algorithm deal with new posts?", not "Does my code look good and follow best practices?". — rolfl 11 secs ago
No way, after 2 days I find a potential bug in my algorithm
You're lucky, it's the ones you find after 2 years that are the kicker.
Can this in a stream cause any harm? .sorted(Comparator.comparing(MinimaxData::getValue)), where minimaxData.getValue() returns an int, and not an Integer
I should be using Comparator.comparingInt there
Q: how i can use if statement with listbox + datetimepicker in C#

Emad Mohammady how i can use if statement with listbox + datetimepicker ex : listbox1.Items.add(datetimepicker1.value); IF statement if (DateTime.Now == ( time in listbox )) { Go(); }

I have something as simple as the Minimax algorithm on Tic-Tac-Toe, and I just cannot get it to work properly
It's frustrating to no end
@CaptainObvious voted to be closed
@skiwi - it is amazing how quickly Java8 beccomes complicated.... especially when taken out of context.
But, that code should do a natural order compare on the two auto-boxed Integer instances it pulls from the getValue method.
i.e., it is equivalent to:
Rather, it's:
.sorted(Comparator.comparing(val -> (Integer)val.getValue()))
So you end up with a Comparator<Integer>
It would be much better if you did use a comparingInt though.
Monking @rolfl
@skiwi as monkey says, it will produce the same results, but using comparingInt is faster and better practice.
@rolfl Well, more context may have been helpful
@rolfl Yeah, I did of course fix it, but doesn't seem that was the issue then
@skiwi So would winning the lottery... but I manage anyway ;-)
The tricky part is that it's hard to figure out if I have a bug in my Minimax algorithm or if the heuristic is wrong, or if the heuristic is bugged, or if there's a random bug somewhere
use the debugger, Luke!
Hey Gemtastic
Q: Query on higher order functions in python

overexchangeWith an idea of Name/Control/Higher_order_function in python, Below is the problem given to be solved: Control like if..else and while If f is a numerical function and n is a positive integer, then we can form the nth repeated application of f, which is defined to be the function whose value...

My AI finally works, yaay :)
You can now never beat me my AI at Tic-Tac-Toe anymore
What was the bug?
wow, first question of @jonrsharpe codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/80525/…
@rolfl Well, it's an interesting one (logically seen) for sure
It comes down to the fact that the AI thought that both the AI and the player only played the symbol the AI uses
That... screwed things up a bit
Q: Class-based user input validation

jonrsharpeHaving contributed to this Community Wiki on StackOverflow regarding validating user input, I thought I'd finally sit down and write something more robust to do these kinds of tasks. I wanted something that would allow detailed configuration of the acceptable inputs, but without a huge list of ar...

I already told you what I want to see. Take your entire view controller class and only delete the purely irrelevent variables and methods. Leave the entire structure of the class together though. — nhgrif 4 mins ago
ok i pasted all the code — Michael Rize 29 secs ago
so he deleted nothing and posted 829 lines of code, I guess because he has no clue what's relevant and what's not.
Well, once you fix this, I highly recommend CodeReview... — nhgrif 37 secs ago
Q: My code is a 10 faced dice rolling game

Your mum#My code is a 10 faced dice rolling game where there are 2 players who start of with 50 points, then they both roll a dice and get a random score between 1-10, the player with the highest roll gets the difference between the rolls deducted from their score(50 points), but the loser gets the diffe...

^^^ oh boy, Your mum makes Python look awful
indeed, yuck
A: Swift 1.2 Singleton Implementation

nhgrifFirst and foremost, printing text to the console is absolutely pointless for an iOS application. It's okay to do it as an easy way to test whether our code is working as intended, but we don't want to mistakenly leave this in the final release build. So, step 1: Follow the instructions in this ...

Q: C++ text based RPG

Elliot MorganI have made this small text based RPG in C++ which is based around one quest. I did this to practice what I have learnt so far. How could I improve it? Be as picky as you like. Thanks in advance :) #include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> using namespace std; void riverstead()...

Thanks for the snake_case tip, @janos
Fixed it.
I think I can get an internship with MS: microsoftjobsblog.com/…
Kind of excited to try.
Good luck
I should try to get something for summer
This is not this summer, but next.
This summer, I need to finish what I am doing on my app.
I need a summer job, preferably with coding
Paid internship works for me.
I just gotta see if I can find someone who'll take me
I see.
I wonder if I could make my DogShepherd app into something to put in my portfolio...
@Hosch250 good article!
@Hosch250 saw it, you're welcome
Congrats on 30k @SimonAndréForsberg, Hey everyone, Good luck @Hosch250. I'm actually applying for a few things myself.
and MS is probably a great opportunity. I recommend to try your best to get it
hey @Legato
and yeah congrats @Simon, I saw the messages and starred the congrats, but haven't been around at the same time slice recently
@janos I should move to the West coast anyway.
@janos that's alright, I tend to take a star as an agreement :)
I tend to sleep until 10:30, so shifting back would be really hard unless I get some jet-lag to help.
wow, @jon took the bullet and reviewed the ugly Python question :) codereview.stackexchange.com/a/80532/12390
10:30? I get to work at 6...
monking @Unihedro
Q: Lua: Tracking various stats on character development

JoshI've written somewhat of a complex code, and with complexity, there seems to always be room for improvement to streamline the code in a more fashionable or efficient way. With that said, the purpose of this code is to track player development on a Multi-User Dungeon I play. It allows saving multi...

I might try to get some kind of summer job/project as well
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