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I'm still on the learning end.
Maybe in a couple years.
Hey @Hosch250 I just got back.
I was just afk watching Mythbusters while my brute hack code was just running.
Already did 119k possible ansswers in 46 minutes.
I've written brute force programs before - never again.
Well mine just in javascript. I was thinking about making a game.
I worked about a week ahead in my Java course at college, so I just did all the programs at the chapters end instead of the assigned ones.
I assume you actually wrote a c++ app
No, Java.
Oh lol, what happen?
Java on the command line.
Q: Movie selection app

MarkI'm new to Angular and I would like some advice on how I can improve my code. The main things that I want to focus on are decoupling and code correctness. HTML: <body ng-controller="myController as myCtrl"> <fieldset> Select movie to display: <button ng-click="myCtrl.change('mortalkom...

Oh god .-.
Well, one of the assignments was a brute-force 8-queens problem solver.
I'm sorry what was that, that was just posted?
Yes, Captain Obvious keeps track of new questions and posts them here.
Okay, so it's a bot.
That's neat. I might have to come here more often when I am free.
Anyway, I had already done an 8-queens algorithmic solver (that took a while), so I knew the concepts.
Careful, you may end up addicted ... ;-)
<-- is interested to see it. Doubt you still have it.
That's a risk I am willing to take @rolfl
@Matt You mean my 8-queens brute force solver?
Yeah, I have it.
Really? I just started to clear out old junk I had.
I keep everything from college in one .zip file for each class.
I'm going to show it to my nieces and nephews when they come over.
I am starting to do that.
Let me find it.
I dump my high school stuff now when it become easily irrelevant.
Extracting 787 MB.
Decent size file.
You should see my backups.
Like 15 GB that I manually copy/paste onto an external HDD about once a day.
How do you go through so much?
A LOT of computer programs.
That is the lion's share.
A lot of music too.
Ah lol.
And screenshots that I'm usually too lazy to go through.
Oh, which reminds me.
For my tutorial app.
Is there anyway to request from apple itunes which songs have been bought?
Every once in a while, I just throw all the screenshots out.
I don't know. My family doesn't buy from iTunes.
I wish there was a voice-chat for programmers :/
And I have a Windows anyway.
Like from an app requesting.
I don't know.
I would invest in one if I wasn't a broke college student. Lol.
What semester are you in?
Going into my 2nd.
I just finished my 3rd semester.
My 4th starts in about 2 weeks.
I hate it.
I don't like my gen eds.
They don't interest me.
I learn 100 times more on here and programming than I do there, but I can't because then I start spending too much time here.
Ah, you hate that.
I see
The only class I've hated was my first 3xxx class - the professor covered material he didn't teach on the exams, so I did terrible.
Eventually he got his act together, though, and I finished with an A-.
I strongly dislike my spanish teacher I had.
He was the chair too..
The only class out of 16 I haven't had an A in.
My BIO teacher was never in class, but I pulled it off.
BIO is pretty easy.
At least for me it is, I can't say 100% for college level bio.
It was easy-ish for me too.
I got 119.x on my first cumulative exam.
and 109.x on my second.
I settled for an 80 on the third.
I kinda blew my first semester sadly... English hurts.
Oh dear.
I worked like a dog.
Any, I found the program
I passed all my classes, but if I could jut write better it would be so much easier.
I have three - an algo solver, a random brute solver, and an exhaustive solver.
Glad you passed.
I would slave over my papers trying to fix anything and improve it, but all the work is in vain I feel like.
I didn't think I would do very well writing or speaking, but I did.
exhaustive solver?
Do you have peer review?
Q: Alpha Beta pruning for connect 4

ToXic73I have recently tried to implement the minimax algorithm for connect 4 to create a bot for it, to keep it simple (possibly complicating things) I used Python. Here is what I have so far: # Connect 4 Bot # Author: Angus Moore ([email protected]) import os import copy import random # GLOBA...

peer review a program
Or peer review as others students review my paper
Yeah, where it checks every permutation of queens on the board.
Peer review paper.
Not sure.
Permutations, not combinations.
The queens start all lined up in the top row.
I never did get it to complete from that start, although I tested several combinations not so far from the solution and it worked.
Do you still want to see it?
I won't say it is good.
I should post my algo solver for review. My Knight's Tour too.
Sure, why not. I am not too well known with higher level languages.
I can never find a good time to go read up and learn them. I start but I can never get anywhere cause I get busy and just stop.
Yeah, I started the summer before I started college.
I did like 17-20 chapters (can't remember anymore) chapters in less than 6 months.
So explain the queens.
It looks like you move each one
Like a 0-9 combonation
Yeah - exhaustive brute-force solver.
I move A through the end, then put it back and move B 1, then move A through all to the end again...
so basically you go like this
aaaa > baaa > caaa> ... >aaac > aaaD
seems like that would be a lot quicker
And so on.
So then the H go under C
Then you do all that then move to g
then when you exhuast all single you move to doubles doing
And so on.
@Hosch250 - I am just doing some mental math.... (and reading wikipedia).
the 8-queens, even brute-forced, should not take much more than a minute
how to get all SE notifications of my posts to my email inbox?
Wait, why would it regress to that?
Because it views each queen individually - I didn't optimize it.
Cause it was doing it twice, so I was confused.
My algo solver solves it in milliseconds.
did anybody get my question?
I said it checked permutations, not combinations.
Oh, I missed that.
@hraishkumar I do not know that answer. One of these gents might.
@hraishkumar Can you post a link here?
which link?
@hraishkumar If you are patient, the system will mail you when a notificaition has not been read after a few hours.
The link to the question.
Short answer: You can't. The people who run these sites don't like sending frequent e-mails. — Pops ♦ Nov 16 '11 at 21:26
notify people through email is not wrong i think.
A: Instant e-mail notifications of answers to questions

Jeff AtwoodIf we make the email too aggressive, it's a substitute for visiting the site, and it kind of destroys the whole community aspect. I think we're all in agreement that in a social/discussion forum it's OK not to have email notifications, because in a social/discussion forum that's would be, wel...

This chat room, though, is not the right place to debate the pro/con aspects of that decision.
it says subscribe to the RSS feed.
Gonna brb.
I don't even see you as a user of Code Review in the list.
The Captain only posts questions posted on Code Review.
then how to subscribe to the RSS feed. will it send all SE notifications to my email IF i subscribe to the RSS feed.?
i am sorry, i will stop asking questions
You don't need to stop asking questions - that is what the site is for.
If you subscribe in your account, it will send you all of the notifications that someone has commented on/answered your question.
@hraishkumar - you've been going from chat room to chat room asking the same questions: chat.stackexchange.com/users/135395/hraish-kumar?tab=recent
i am asking how to subscribe? what is the procedure should i do?
TBH, I don't remember.
I think you check the box when you post a question.
Oh, I found it.
No, there's no RSS feed for your notifications.
There's a RSS feed for many other things though
@rolfl this question will help so many users, & i am not trolling in chat box
Go to your profile and click Preferences.
@hraishkumar You are, but not the way you think.
Everything is right there at the top of the page.
@hraishkumar The right place to ask is on Meta.StackExchange.com ... that's what it is for.
Q: Beginner stopwatch app

thumbtackthiefLearning Swift, would appreciate any code review suggestions (the more nit-picky, the better). In particular, I'm wondering if there's a more efficient way to format the time in the timeToString function I wrote, since I'm repeating myself three times. import UIKit import Foundation class Vi...

I posted links to similar questions/answers.
If you feel you have a different reason, then ask a question there.
See, there is a feed from the Captain - he only posts questions from CR here.
meta will decrease my reputation. if question is bad.
Then make it good, and your reputation will increase.
No gain without some risk.
@hraishkumar Yes, and asking like this will gt you suspended.
i am sorry .............

 The 2nd Monitor

General discussion about codereview.stackexchange.com - Welcom...
^^^ general discussion about code review.
ok i am sorry.
anyway thanks for your valuable replies.
No problem.
today i learned one SE lesson from chat box from code review.
i will not repeat my mistakes, by asking doubts.
I'm back.
I can't even access his account.
I can't access his profile to find whatever question he was talking about.
@Hosch250 YOu're confused... his question was this:
26 mins ago, by hraish kumar
how to get all SE notifications of my posts to my email inbox?
Oh, I see.
Well, I told him how.
> Go to your profile and click Preferences.
At least, as close as you can come to it.
You did, and I said:
26 mins ago, by rolfl
@hraishkumar If you are patient, the system will mail you when a notificaition has not been read after a few hours.
So I hope it helped him.
He is just trolling from that log.
I'm not sure, but he may have been kicked off Biology.
He has that as his default account, but it gives an error when you click it.
I see...
I'm busy dissolving what brains I have left.
Does my tab stop doing javascript once it is not active for a period of time? I am using firefox.
@Matt Depends on the actual script, I believe
If you try to run that on any decent site, you'll get kicked off by the authenticator.
Oh? How come?
Because you are trying over and over again from the same cookie, I suppose.
I know sites have protections against bots like that.
Trying to crack a login to a site?
Well I'm not using a cookie.
Oh no
It for a game
That I might make for fun
Oh, I see.
Yeah. I misunderstood what you meant and yes I know, it wouldn't work.
OK, I misunderstood you too.
It is too simple for site cracking. At least I would hope. I don't want my data to be lost to something that easy.
Me neither.
Oh. That wasn't what I was asking Rolfl
Q: Message queue for cross thread sync

user626528public class WmSync : IDisposable { public WmSync() { var sync = new Control(); sync.Handle.GetHashCode(); // ensure handle is created _sync = sync; Thread.MemoryBarrier(); } public void Dispose() { _sync.Dispose(); } public vo...

I was saying because my thing was doing aroudn 180k codes in 45 minutes, but then it was doing 3k in and hour. I wasn't on that tab doing that time.
So I was wondering if that made my javascript run slower because it didn't see it as a priority
possibly ... also, I would expect billions of attempts each hour....
Oh, what you mean?
Or well why you say that.
> 180k codes in 45 minutes,
Well I got it set on 40 a second
that's 66 attempts a second.
At least I think I got it 40 a second
I got it to do 0025 miliseconds
everytime it will d one
Like I said it is for a game, so I want to control the rate it does the cracking.
Without crashing the browser cause you can do other thing while it will be running that.
Have you done the math?
Not yet.
6 characters tops, with 125-33 characters....
... 92 characters... 92^6 is....
Isn't it suppsoe to be 92^6+92^5+...
Oh wait.
That for another thing for business.
No, 92 possibilities for the first char, then another 92 for the second..... 92 * 92 * .... * .... * ...
@Matt Oh, yes, it is.
I was considering just the 6-char version.
You have a cheat in your code for the 5-char version.
and 4, etc.
Oh yeah
you swap out the 'short' sequences with the replace, right?
So it will run 2 char
Then it will run on 3 chars search and so on. So my math was right.
anyway, so, you have 606355001344 to brute force it, let's say you find it half way through, on average.....
so that's about 300,000,000,000 attempts
at a rate of..... 1 every 0.0025 seconds...., or something...
How you arrive at the 300tril?
there's 600 tril possibilities...
Oh yeah, that will be days which is why I wouldn't go that high
an avrage password will be found in about an average time...
Oh I see, you assume that it will find the code in 300tril
Yeah sorry just late ahaha.
anyway, what does window.setInterval(bruteHackSolve,0025) actually do?
call the method every 25 milliseconds?
It starts the cracking process
and yes.
I don't want it to instanteous
alright, so that's 40 attempts a second.
Because I made it instantaneous and found the answer in a milisecond
And yes basically.
about 240 years for an average solution
Sweet :)
Actually that's not doable. Lol.
so, I hope you use 3 char or shorter passwords
Well I don't want it to take more than 3 hours.
The hard stuff going to have other activities.
well, you have a problem.... and I should sleep
Yeah. I got it setup for certain things. I am not 100% sure what I want to do with it so... Also goodnight.
Nice chatting with you @rolfl
Monking @all
Q: Custom ListView with CursorAdapter

Bala SivagnanamI have a ListView and it is populated by CursorAdapter, it has many individual elements inside each list item. there are some actions associated with it as well. I populate the state of each items like ToggleButton , CheckBox inside the ListView by fetching the actual status from Datebase. And I...

Hi, @Heslacher.
Time for me to leave.
See you.
Night @Hosch250. Nice meeting you.
Q: Family and vehicles example using the strategy pattern

sumaI have studied the strategy pattern and understood it w.r.t the example given in the PDF that I referred. I wanted to make sure that my understanding is correct, so I have written a simple program in C++ and designed the strategy pattern using the family and vehicles as the subject. Please provid...

Q: Improving on a simple peak finder solution - O(log n)

ng-hacker-319I attempted a solution to a seemingly simple problem: Peak Finder Let input be a list. input[i] is a peak if input[i] > input[i + 1] and input[i] > input[i - 1]. Implement a recursive algorithm of time complexity O(logn) to find a peak if it exists. def peakFinder(input): ...

Anyone here who's technically good with html and CSS?
Q: Bug-hunting a function to get line from a string

Edeniachar* tbl_getline (char *source, long line) { long i = 0; long i_line = 1; long i_linecol = 1; while(1) { i++; if(source[i] == '\n') i_line++; if(i_line == line) { i_linecol++; if(source[i + 1] == '\n') break; ...

Q: Modulo problem code

Joseph Seung Jae DollarThis prints out the sum of the numbers that have same remainder and quotient according to the input number. It's an online judge problem, and it currently throws a time-out since it's taking too long. Yes, the number being divided could be any positive integer. Are there any suggestions on speed...

monking @skiwi
hey @Heslacher
Q: Easy integer input - C++

rcplusplusSo I'm writing this app that's based in the terminal, and of course there's a lot of input involved, especially numerical input. I've decided to use the method of reading an entire line of input and converting into a number and displaying an error message if the input is out of bounds or just str...

1 hour later…
Q: python get consecutive time interval in a list

alphabetaI have a list that correspond to a time i want from this list determine the consecutive time ranges so i compute the duration in hours List: ['2014-12-26 07:40', '2014-12-26 07:50', '2014-12-26 08:00', '2014-12-26 08:10', '2014-12-26 08:20', '2014-12-26 08:30', '2014-12-26 08:40', '2014-12-26 0...

Q: PHP form security

sanoj lawrenceAm using proper PDO prepared statements and allow user to enter certain input and store those input to SQL CODE <?php $db_username = 'sanoj'; $db_password = '123456'; $newname = md5(rand() * time()); if (isset($_FILES['files'])) { $uploadedFiles = array(); foreach ($_FILES['files'...

Q: Project Euler #12 in Swift - Highly divisible triangular number

Mehdi.SqalliI just finished Project Euler #12 in Swift, and since there is not any version yet on Code Review, I would like to have some comments on what I did to try to improve it. The sequence of triangle numbers is generated by adding the natural numbers. So the 7th triangle number would be 1 + 2 + ...

Answering stuff takes so much time @_@
What are you people up to?
@Heslacher Monking! Thanks for the answer. I made a mess of things didn't I?
I didn't like the way I loaded it before saving when I wrote it......
monking @RubberDuck
sometimes we make a mess, this just happens.
LOL. Yes. It happens.
So many great answers though. I'm very happy that I put a bounty on that.
Q: how to make this method more efficient Rails 3?

faysali want to make my method more efficient. my method take so much time in response. so please edit my code to get more efficient response.i am very thank full to you if you make this method more more efficient. and you are master in ruby on rails then if you can make this method with joins then wha...

Q: A double mapped cache with WeakReferences for second key type

ElistI needed a way to cache a large number of Objects with two different types of keys. (in my case a String key represents my object in a serialized form. This way if I get the same serialized object from an outside source, I can easily determine if it already exist and avoid re-parsing it. ...

Q: How to save html mysqldb

sodomI wonder why the error occurs import urllib2 from urlparse import urljoin from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import MySQLdb db = MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost", user="root", passwd="asdf0731",db="apache") cursor = db.cursor() url=urllib2.urlopen('http://www.apache.org') s=BeautifulSoup(u...

@rolfl I found some question perfectly suited for you!
Q: A double mapped cache with WeakReferences for second key type

ElistI needed a way to cache a large number of Objects with two different types of keys. in my case: a String key represents my object in a serialized form. This way if I get the same serialized object from an outside source, I can easily determine if it already exist and avoid re-parsing i...

been looking at it, and it is completely broken. @skiwi
I'm not really sure why he uses two maps, judging by his implementation
Oh wow, didn't expect that fast response!
THe problem is that it will take about an hour or so to write up why it is broken, but it does nothing that he wants .... ;-)
None of the weak references will be removed, ever
it has a lot of bugs.
I see, you can give him an answer... but it will need to be rewritten anyway
Yeah, and there's a complication if two different key-pairs have an overlap.....
I'm still figuring out what he really intends to do
like, what to do with ("hello", 1) as a key, and ("hello", 2).
Maybe I can make a rags-to-riches from it one day
I am trying to decide whether to just close (with a comment), or to give a answer listing the problems, or to give an answer with the right way to do it....
Is this code tested? Have you put a 'println' on the clean-up thread and seen it ever clean anything up? I see a number of issues in here, at least 2 of which mean the entries will never be GC'd, and the weak references will never be null. Additionally, there are some other less serious issue. But, this is a complicated subject, and it is possible you believe it actually works, but it does not. Do you have a way to remove anything from the K1 map? If not, the weak reference will never go 'null'. — rolfl ♦ 11 secs ago
Good call there @rolfl
This made me wonder...
Q: How to kill a runaway cat?

JigarGandhiMany times I accidentally run the cat command on files have contents up to few thousand lines. I try to kill the cat command with Ctrl+ C or Ctrl+Z, but both only take effect after the total output of cat is displayed in the terminal, so I have to wait till cat gets completely executed. Is ther...

@skiwi - I need to go out for a few hours .... so, this was a bit rushed....:
A: A double mapped cache with WeakReferences for second key type

rolflIn this case, there are many things wrong. The most significant, is that you never remove anything from the K1 map, as a result, that map always has a hard reference to the V value, which means the V value will never be GC'd, which in turn means WeakReferences referencing it will never 'go null'...

Pipe curiosity to it. — TheTerribleSwiftTomato 20 hours ago
Q: A simple "Tamagotchi" like game that uses math questions as food

CarcigenicateI wrote a Tamagotchi-like game where to feed the pet, you do math questions instead of just pressing a button. It's persistent, in that on loading, it figures out long it's been since the last save, and "simulates" the elapsed time. Hunger increases over time, and either causes the pet to heal, o...

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