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[retailcoder/Rubberduck] 23 commits. 7 issues opened and 7 closed
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] 0 commits. 1 issues opened and 0 closed
[Cardshifter/cardshifter.github.io] 0 commits. 0 issues opened and 2 closed
[Zomis/Connecting-Blocks] 6 commits. 0 issues opened and 0 closed
Yesterday was a big day Duga.
@RubberDuck How?
Well, all totaled 29 commits, 8 issues opened, 7 closed.
I'd say that's a big day @Hosch250
Q: Looking for improvement of delete method

RishoI was wondering if there is better way to code this: using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString)) { using (SqlCommand cmdDelete = new SqlCommand("DELETE FROM table WHERE (TestNumber = '" + testNumber + "')", connection)) { try { connect...

I say so too, @RubberDuck.
I didn't know that.
in VBA, 3 mins ago, by Mat's Mug
> Extract methods, extract methods everywhere, PLEASE! It's embarassing
A: My recursive parser is wet behind the ears (well, it's not DRY at least)

Bruno CostaExtract methods, extract methods everywhere, PLEASE! It's embarassing, after extracting the body of this code: foreach (var instruction in instructions) { var parsed = false; foreach (var syntax in grammar) { SyntaxTreeNode node; if (!syntax.IsMatch(publicScope, loca...

@RubberDuck 9 closed ;)
Is it?
embarassing? totally!
I knew it'd make a good CR post.. it's literally the first draft of the code
I saw other things that could be improved. But I was more focused on getting the majority of the problemas there.
TBH it's my parsing skills that are wet behind the ears
Q: Project Euler #2 in Java

Manny MengProject Euler #2: Each new term in the Fibonacci sequence is generated by adding the previous two terms. By starting with 1 and 2, the first 10 terms will be: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, ... By considering the terms in the Fibonacci sequence whose values do not exceed four mi...

My parsing skills are awful. I really would trouble doping any kind of interpretar, even JSon <.<
@BrunoCosta oh I'm not even trying an interpreter - "just" modeling some code and implementing inspections, quickfixes and refactorings :)
hi @rath!
@Mat's you look like an ubergeek in bill's hat.
Argh, network DNS problems....
will need to reboot the wirelesss.... again
websockets survive though.
I wonder why I didn't make an account here sooner. It's amazing to have people look over your code
@rath better late than never! :)
@Mat'sMug I agree
and we're a happy cheerful bunch too
@rolfl I'm missing the elf ears
I put on a hat, took a screenshot, changed my avatar, and then put on another hat :)
but I could have combined another hat
got any hats @rath?
Huh, defeated DNS problems on wireless by changing DNS server for the network.... now everyone else is complaining, but me.
@Mat'sMug something tells me you gonna have a hard time on Jan 1st leaving those hats behind
Right, because it's Jan 4th ;-)
did they extended de-hating us @rolfl???!!!
^^ make that 2 t's or it looks awkward ;)
@Mat'sMug Yeah, I think I do
hunt 'em down! help us get Code Review to the top!
@rath You have 4, three are secret ones...
look how happy is he WITH the hat
The only seekrit hat I'm missing is that goddamn light bulb
I need to take a new picture of my mug.. I lost my old avatar :(
de-hattting... my apologies... No body could hate us ever
hey @Phrancis!
Hey hey!
user image
I'd like one of those
bah, I need a new mug shot anyway :)
@rath keep an eye out on Meta.SE during the holidays - I won that one during Winter Bash 2013
I'll do that
Just had SO MUCH FOOD ugh I almost feel sick lol
you need to stop the pizza dude
@Phrancis What timezone are you at?
Eastern USA. 21:14 right now
ok, so eating a lot is still reasonable for you :P
Konzai Japanese steak house man... they just keep shoveling delicious food on your plate
I did Project Euler #1 and #2 pretty easily, but I'm stuck on #3...
Result: 6857
Time required to calculate in nanoseconds: 1154999669
I'm trying to decide between a hot cup of tea and my warm pillow
@MannyMeng you could browse the existing solutions on CR... unless that would be a spoiler?
The result is correct, but the time is annoying...
@rath I wouldn't be able to sleep on hot cup of tea so ...
And yes, that would be a spoiler
@Mehrad Tea equals more code for me, but it's 2 in the morning (uk time)
I'm posting it up; see if the community has anything to say...
@MannyMeng Just swallow your pride and do like @Mat'sMug did ;-)
in VBA, 6 hours ago, by Mat's Mug
all right, I stepped on my pride here, and put it up on the main site:
> Yes, I've written this ........crap.
and didn't refactor anything before I posted it.
Q: Php search button database is not working

invincibleHi i want to search in title in my database. İts not working i dont know why? My html form <div class="title_box">Search</div> <form method="get" action="results.php" enctype="multipart/from-data"> <input type="text" name="user_query" class="newsletter_input" placeholder = "Ürün arayın" / > <i...

20,006 questions!
now that's a bit.. intense
I am grateful to you sir. You saved my life. I take your advise. It is insecure but i am new in that php and database coding . its my homework. Thank you very much again sir. yours truly — invincible 27 secs ago
And I'm spared trying to review it myself. Thanks @BrunoCosta.
Poor kid.
Welcome to Code Review! Please see our help center; as it stands this question is off-topic for this site, as we require working code - code that doesn't run as intended isn't ready for peer review! Feel free to edit your question with working code, in the mean time the post will be put on hold to keep on-topic questions on the front page. — Mat's Mug 12 secs ago
Holy crap! I got the check on this one. codereview.stackexchange.com/a/74329/41243
OP liked your WTF :)
How? I basically just said "WTF?"
sometimes it's all it takes...
@RubberDuck think so?
Why do my worst reviews get accepted/upvoted to no end? I don't get it.
Maybe @Mat'sMug. Maybe.
I'm putting up a big shiny bounty on that one, as soon as it's eligible
It's just... Ya spend an hour or two refactoring someone else's code. Beautiful solution. No votes. No response from OP...
But tell somebody point blank "WTF?", checkmark. People baffle me.
@MannyMeng You, sir, made me lol
Well, yeah, I could not be bothered to figure out where the formula came from, why it works, and whether it works..... those ar things that should be part of the code documentation, but are not ;-)
BTW, I figured out the formula myself.
Q: Project Euler #3 in Java

Manny MengProject Euler #3: The prime factors of 13195 are 5, 7, 13 and 29. What is the largest prime factor of the number 600851475143 ? Here is my solution: public class PrimeFactorFinder { private static final long NUMBER = 600851475143L; public static void main(String[] args) { ...

Q: Checking if a directory exists in FTP without relying on exception handling?

ElvisLikeBearI've written a method to check if a directory already exists on an FTP server. The only way I could see to make this work was to return a different result from the method if an exception is thrown - very bad practice in my opinion. Is there a better way to write this? public bool DirectoryExists...

I think it's supposed to be part of the experience: "Here's 1-2 technical terms, go google it"
@rolfl wtf?
@Mat'sMug What do you mean by "wtf"?
I meant to ping @rolfl... he usually writes actual reviews - and good great/awesome ones... that post is a joke
> System.out.println("Result: 4613732\nTime used for calculation in nanoseconds: 0");
I know...
...at least taken 1st degree
reading between the lines...
it does convey a fair point
Now I'm completely stuck on Project Euler #4.
A palindromic number reads the same both ways. The largest palindrome made from the product of two 2-digit numbers is 9009 = 91 × 99.

Find the largest palindrome made from the product of two 3-digit numbers.
I don't even know where to start.
@rolfl you know what? it's actually a good answer after all
@Mat'sMug You're making me think...
But, seriously, that code is essentially undecipherable without an understanding of the magic, and I don't understand it.
Sure you do. Find a way to figure out if a number is a palindrome.
@MannyMeng The simplest solution is to convert the number to a string.... and, how do you know if a string is a palindrome?
don't look at me, I have in my ignored tags ;)
There is a cool math way to do it too though. =;)-
I did Euler 1 in PHP, was enough to get me away from math and PHP all at once ;)
doing PHP is enough to get you away from PHP all by itself IMO
so many star-targets
Yay! Star wall!
Q: How do you flip a String in Java?
holy star wall!
OP clearly didn't get the message here: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/74585/revisions
@MannyMeng StringBuilder.reverse()
Manny, don't use reverse. Or, use reverse and then I'll show you how not to.
Alternatively, you use a half-loop on a char-array
That ^
Which is arguably better depending on how Java implemented reverse.
@MannyMeng Have you done a search on project euler on our site yet?
Got visitors to entertain... BBL. Gonna play a game called "Cards Against Humanity", looks hilarious for a card game!
Enjoy @Phrancis! It is!
my gosh..
Thank you all for your tolerance for me. Thank you for your help again. — invincible 7 mins ago
@rolfl No, and I don't want to. I want to figure this out by myself.
OK, no problem in that.
hi @Yuushi!
@MannyMeng - an interesting solution keeping the value as a number, is available.
hey @Mat'sMug
how's it going?
been worse :)
I'm not sure if that's good or not :P
@Mat'sMug That's hilarious... Overly polite, you won't hear me complain. Thought it almost sounds manufactured at this point ;-)
well they gave 'em -5 over on SO..
Anyone care to vouch for the question, it still (after the edit) says it does not work
Just leave it closed an move on?
I can get 'jiggy' with that.
TTGTB, limited access for next 18 hours.
that's some quality sleep!
No 5h1t!!
@Mat'sMug Hopefully, followed by a 3 hour drive, then another 3 hour drive...
Ontario is not a small place ;-)
	private static boolean isPalindrome(int num) {
		String s = Integer.toString(num);
		for(int i = 0, j = s.length() - 1; i <= j; i++, j--) {
			if(s.charAt(i) != s.charAt(j)) {
				return false;
		return true;
Does this work?
Looks like it. Hard to tell with the way mobile jacks up code in chat.
<= adds an extra iteration for strings of odd length though.
You can safely stop at i < j
good point.
2 hours later…
Monking @all
mornings to @Heslacher
how are you doing
Q: Is this the correct way to program with PHP & jQuery?

JuanSedanoI'm programming a system and i want to know if this is a correct way or there are a better way to do it, can somebody help me? Container: I have more fields but i only add one to show you the container. <form method="post" class="form-horizontal" onsubmit="return submitForm();" role="form" id=...

Q: Supported chart types in Apache POI Excel

Babu PoomalaiCan we draw all chart types in excel using Apache POI? I require to draw Gantt, Pie, Bar, Line, Column, Scatter chart. If not POI, what is the best alternative open source libraries available?

Q: play framework error "unspecified value parameter content"

PhlipI'm using playframework, and i'm facing to the compilation error "unspecified value parameter content" when i try to send json node to a view. The error occurs on the line 3 of my view bo.scala.html. I don't know what argument to use in that view. Thanks for helping me resolve this. in my contr...

@Mehrad Pretty good and yourself ?
Final countdown for work so pretty good... :D
@Heslacher have you done any mobile app in the past by any chance?
2 hours later…
Q: LINQ foreach - error handling and general improvement

D.SinghI'm looking for two kinds of feedback: Is there a better way of doing what I'm attempting to do? Any obvious weaknesses that could potentially cause problems? The code in question (I've broken it into lines to prevent horizontal scroll): items.ForEach(i => i.JobOrderTypeStri...

Q: correctly implementing iterators for custom class without using boost

PRPI have made a LinkedList class. This is a singly-linked-list and I want to make a forward_iterator for this class. I have made the code and i want to know whether i have implemented it correctly. The source i referred to make this code is here. template <class T> struct node { T data; no...

1 hour later…
Huh, what happened? 1 notification, 45 rep and 3 hats last night!
@janos Are you using Collections.unmodifyableXXX() a lot, even though your own code does not intend to modify the data structure at all?
Q: Trouble with nested Ifs

Rajan Tupinambai'm having serious trouble with those nested Ifs, Here's what the code is for: it looks at the number of the transaction and verifies if it belongs to that "j" after that, searches the date of the transaction and verifies if it was yesterday or not, if it was, the cost (which is in the column E...

Q: How can I edit this code to do the following in HTML?

user2824371I'm a beginner in HTML and I try to build my first website, Please give me a hand. I need to make some edits on this page ( I'm not pronouncing my website. It is not a website yet ) http://di7k.weebly.com/submit-a-text.html The Items ( Name, select category, and Joke ) are on the same line. I ...

I'm printing BuzzFizz instead of FizzBuzz
Q: C program for downloading images from a forum

ArturoI want to improve this program so I want you to criticize the code, and tell me what else can I do, and where can I find information about what I have to do. TODO: fix wget timeout the code should always check the returned value from any of the malloc family of functions to assure to memory al...

Q: Socket Programming

Animesh MishraI am new to Socket Programing,I had researched on many elements present on internet but still having confusion.My code is given Below.i just want to know is my code is correct? and want to generate a pop up.that the string you have send is send successfully. using System.Text; using System.Net;...

God... still working on FizzBuzz
I shouldn't be doing this.
you really shouldn't do this ;-)
I'm even writing Javadoc for my FizzBuzz.
Does the Javadoc inherit @throws clauses from methods that get called in a method?
Don't know
Q: How do I make use of MVC within an Android login system?

Spider SlayerThe code for my android application is below and so far I'm happy with it. Before anyone comments, I do acknowledge it requires the addition of further validation. The android application is a login system which makes use of SQLite to store login information such as usernames and passwords for lo...

I'm still wondering when documentation is overkill, and when it is not
@skiwi It's overkill when your audience is already sophisticated and the code is, to them, trivial.
@rolfl I thought you would like to know that "This Answer was automatically flagged for length and content." codereview.stackexchange.com/a/74586/41243
I laughed pretty hard.
But you can't assume that @Edward. =(
Had someone tell me yesterday
Assume what? That you know who you're writing for?
@Edward It's doutable when you are your own audience... There's enough cases of me not understand my own code!
> Wow. You guys code like me. No comments anywhere.
Yeah Edward. That.
finds laptop to star skiwi's message
Then it is, by definition, not trivial code.
private SortedSet<FizzBuzzRule<T>> fizzBuzzRules = new TreeSet<>(FizzBuzzRule.comparatorOnDivisor(Comparator.<T>naturalOrder()));
Now all scream and run away!
Why??? No. No more FizzBuzz attack.
Forgot the smiley ^
@skiwi Given that the original purpose for FizzBuzz was to help decide whether to hire a prospective programmer, lines of code like that are very useful.
Lines of code like that scream "DO NOT HIRE ME!"
@Edward If it takes me 4 hours to write FizzBuzz... then run!
It's not an ordinary FizzBuzz though.
Sure, it's become a bit of a joke here.
We'll have to get some champagne ready to celebrate the 1 millionth FizzBuzz implementation.
Might be a nice popularity contest on PPCG.
> Most over engineered FizzBuzz
Though in all honesty, getting over-excited for FizzBuzz problems can actually indicate a lack of attention span for work-related issues
Unless those issues are, of course, as much fun as FizzBuzz.
If FizzBuzz is more exciting than work, maybe you've got the wrong job.
Seriously, though, I have done that before, spending inordinate amounts of time on some non-essential bit of code just for fun.
@Edward As long as you do not need to explicitly explain what you did on that single day, you're all good!
Seriously, I hope some day I will switch to a good programming language where objects are not allowed to be null by default, but can opt-in to have nulls
@skiwi Or you could enforce such a restriction like that in your own code, no?
@skiwi Those kinds of things tend to be Saturday projects.
Or like one I'm working on now where the point is to learn new skills rather than to create production code.
@Edward Not easy in Java
I just end up with so many defensive null checks
@Edward How does such project look like then?
@skiwi It tends to look more like a tutorial than production code. Hence, overdocumented.
I do that so that I can refer to the code later when I want to use the new skill in real code.
I see
I find it very handy for infrequently used things.
Do you get time slotted for that specifically?
I have a learn subdirectory for exactly such things.
@skiwi I'm a bit farther along in my career -- I allocate my own time.
@Edward Ah okay, how would you describe your function then?
My title is "Director of Technology"
So learning new things and propagating those through the company is one of my roles
Ah okay, sounds like a cool job!
Are there also junior/medior "Directory of Technology" jobs available in companies in general?
@skiwi Like any job, it has good and less good aspects to it.
It's a kind of time I think I would enjoy, but a lot of the jobs are regular production jobs
@skiwi Such jobs are indeed available, even to junior programmers, but without a title.
If you get a reputation as someone who knows a lot of new/useful/varied techniques and tools
and is willing to share
It's 1,5 years away, but I should be looking for a job then, and I may be happier in such a job than regular production, at least that's a feeling I have
You'll eventually find yourself in a role like that.
Best career advice I ever got: Never stop learning!
@Edward That's golden, yet at the same time I doubt anyone on CR ever stops learning ;)
@skiwi Oh, I don't know. Seems like there are always questions to close so...
@Edward Maybe ignore those ;)
Hmm, for unit tests, should I really add a test for every parameter that is not allowed to be null?
It's one of the primary reasons I spend time here.
@skiwi Probably yes.
@Edward Yeah, guessing the same :/
Because "Murphy's law" will assure that the one test you skip will be the one that causes the server to fall over.
Ah yeah, good old Murphy's Law
i read recently that SQLite3 is 70,000 lines of code backed up by 45 million lines of test code.
If true, it's impressive.
@Edward That ratio?!
1:650 roughly, that's insane if true
For embedded system code, a 3:1 ratio is not at all unusual.
That's the difference between "it worked in the lab" and "yes, we can ship you a million units."
@Edward How easy is it to update those embedded devices you are talking about?
Pretty easy, because we design that in.
How big of an issue would it be if there was a bug?
Making sure the upgrade always works, unattended, remotely and even through power failure is the hard part.
@Edward How is that even possible?
Through power failure seems very hard
@skiwi Big, but there are other realms where it's even more critical: medical implantables, avionics and nuclear controls to name a few.
@skiwi It's not so hard. It's basically a transaction in the computer science sense of that term.
@Edward Yeah, you don't want to have little bugs in those things
Somebody asked me recently if I could design a special ABS system for a racecar.
"Sure -- how much insurance do you have?"
Wondering if I could improve this test :/
public void testComparator() {
    FizzBuzz.Builder<Integer> builder = new FizzBuzz.Builder<>(i -> i + 1, (i, j) -> i % j == 0);
I'm setting a Comparator<Integer> there, but there's no way I can check if it is really set in the builder itself
Basically boils down to how to unit test builder setters
I'm afraid my Java is very rusty. I understand what you're trying to do, but not enough Java to suggest a solution.
I think it's language independent actually
In C++, one would simply derive a test class from the class and check the contents after construction.
@Edward That's considered improper in Java I'm afraid
So perhaps it's not language independent.
Or I write improper C++. :)
@SimonAndréForsberg @rolfl @Mat'sMug @janos I believe you all have good submissions for this.
Q: Over Engineering FizzBuzz

RubberDuckWe see a lot of FizzBuzz implementations over on Code Review. So many that some of the regulars have taken to over engineering it. No. Really. I mean some serious over engineering. This has inspired me to spread some cross site Christmas Winterbash cheer and ask you all to give me your best FizzB...

@RubberDuck Are you expecting us to betray our beloved CR for our archenemy PCG!?
@SimonAndréForsberg You must know about Java unit testing!
@SimonAndréForsberg No. I'm expecting you to troll them with good code.
Q: Improving my Peg Game(for practice) Code

StyxI'm new to coding and this code pretty much goes to the extent of my current knowledge I'm looking for ways to improve this code. Would appreciate any tips such as: Use this instead of this This is coded wrong because.... or any other concerns you have with the code. Also any errors with the...

Q: Efficiency and RunTime

dvirI strted solve the Euler project and in one of the tasks(task 14) I wrote an answer but it takes a-lot of time(I didn't wait to see the result). But, I saw a similar answer in one of the website - it's very very similar to what I did but it give results in no time.. my solution: long max...

@skiwi what can I possibly know that the king of testing does not?
Besides, they'll like your Simon. They eat up
@RubberDuck Over-engineered FizzBuzz in Brainfuck? Sure, just give me a few years...
Any Fizzbuzz in brainfuck is over engineered.
@SimonAndréForsberg How would you unit test builder setters?
@skiwi I wouldn't.
@SimonAndréForsberg So only call them such that they don't throw unexpected unexpections?
@skiwi I would test so that after I've called all the setters on the builders, the builder creates an object that I expect.
@SimonAndréForsberg Ok, that's something that should at least be done somewhere
Q: Massive View Controller - IOS - Solutions

RavulI'm sure every new iOS developer has the following problem: The View Controllers get very fast crowded with code for various purposes, easily getting to 500 + lines of code. This is how it looks like for two basic and common screens: 1) The Form Screen: 2) The Table View Controller Screen S...

What about exceptions that can be thrown in code, but which I cannot unit test, because they never occur?
@skiwi then can they really be thrown?
@SimonAndréForsberg Perhaps not
11 more rep until I hit 15k! oh yeah
Q: Html to plain text converter

ChizPlease, review the code below. Test class: @isTest private class HtmlToPlainTextConverter_UT { private static String validHtml = '' +'<!DOCTYPE html>' +'<html>' +'<head>' +'<title>Hi there</title>' +'</head>' +'<body>' +'This is a page</br>' +'a simple p...

monking @Malachi
monking @all
@Malachi I read that as 11k for a second, was slightly confused ;)
Thank you Santa! another 15k user!
@skiwi lol
Greetings, Programs.
@skiwi That's when you use mocks.
@Donald.McLean But there's no single way they can occur
@skiwi The point would be to test the handling of the exceptions, so you create tests using mocks that test the different possible code paths that would result from the exceptions.
"Exceptions that can be thrown in code, but which you cannot unit test, because they never occur" is a paradox
@SimonAndréForsberg I would say it's more likely the correct statement is "because they haven't occurred YET." If they truly could not occur, then there's no point in worrying about them.
^^ exactly
If they can occur, you should be able to figure out when and how they can occur, and test that.
@Donald.McLean Well, it are class parameters that cannot be null, but I was throwing the exception in case they were null
They cannot be null because they are final, not set and the constructor initializes them and the ctor cannot initialize them to null by contract
@SimonAndréForsberg Most of the times those exception will be the kind that if they happen your application is way past to continue operating so you should kill the application and call off for the day! :P
This is the Objective-C approach to errors and exceptions. Exceptions are thing that should be prevented at dev time. Errors are things that we handle at run time. Errors don't cause crashes though.
@skiwi Well then you're right - they definitely shouldn't occur.
@skiwi so your test should be such that it makes sure that the code works the way you intended it, try to force it to assign a null value there and assert that the output will be what you coded it to be.
if (false) {
    println("How do I unit test this part of the code?");
I regret not using Maven by default now... great
Netbeans has JUnit 4.10, I need to update that somehow
@skiwi Until someone change the constructor or make a new class and pass null value. If at the moment you can make the case with your classes then mock it with null values!
@Marc-Andre Hmm, so in that case the constructor also needs null checks for maximum safety
@SimonAndréForsberg println("You don't need to unit test dead code, it's already dead leave it rest in peace.");
Or I should make my builder simply final?
Is there a point in having a non-final builder?
@Marc-Andre exactly.
And for classes that get built exclusively via a builder, is there a point in having those non-final?
@skiwi I don't know the answer to all those final questions, but don't go paranoid and add null check everywhere. Just make sure that if you got null values you can respond in a predictable. If someone want to break the application it will be there problem.
If you program in such a way that you prevent null values don't add null check for the sake of it.
null values are prevented because they are null checks
Nice answer, under-appreciated:
A: Prime Number Sequence generator

JosayAs rolfl has given an excellent review of the algorithm, I'll focus on the actual code you have provided. Style Your variables and functions names are not quite compliant to PEP 8, the Python style guide. count, p, main, etc would probably be better. Also, main is not a good name, generate_pri...

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