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[Tejpbit/CodeIT] 4 commits. 1 issues opened and 1 closed
[Zomis/GithubHookSEChatService] 4 commits. 0 issues opened and 0 closed
[Cardshifter/Cardshifter] 0 commits. 1 issues opened and 0 closed
was the timing better today @rolfl?
What are these three repos @Duga ? :)
Gunning for Red Baron.
Not likely to get it.
@Mehrad the first one is a friend of mine who is working on a kind of "programming competition" system. The second is @Duga itself. The third is a Trading Card Game.
@mjolka installing Choc atm. can I get you help on something?
@SimonAndréForsberg I browsed through them a little bit. Thanks for the info :D
@Mehrad i'll try
I installed Choc using the first command in their page
however afterwards it says "For administrative PowerShell copy the second box"
but that command starts with PS:\ rather than C:\
do I need a command to switch to this power shell before running that command?
@Mehrad are you running powershell? or cmd.exe?
PS:\iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))
If anyone wants to hook their Github repo up to @Duga's daily update summary (posted at "RELOAD!" time), ping me!
Oh is that an alternative installing method for Power shell
yeah, second command is if you're running PS
Thanks... My bad
Apt-get for windows... impressive. I'll be flying if it works the same
answered a horrible question:
A: Cycles of pointers

Simon André ForsbergI'm not convinced that what you are doing really makes sense, but I did see the recursive pattern in your code and I believe that this is how you can refactor it. First of all, we create a method that you can call recursively: void DoSomething(int index) { for (Pointers[index] = 0; Pointers...

@rolfl perhaps @Jamal was just looking at the same question at the same time. what a coincidence in that case...
Nah, all he needed to do was click anywhere
I consider it a bug in the Moderation API sicne things are not 'pushed', but, if you click anywhere in Code Review, and there's a flag anywhere, a blue icon is put on the status bar at the top.
click that icon, and you go to the 'offending' issue
@SimonAndréForsberg Reversal? Red Baron? :-)
So, it could be as simple as Jamal clicking 'save' after an edit.... and we know hoe often he does that ... ;-)
but it was really instant as soon as I flagged the comment, it was removed
@rolfl just as often as you make a typo?
You are being watced?
(typo unintentional)
@rolfl s/you/we/ + s/watced/watched/
@Jamal don't think I will get either. What's Red Baron though?
A: High - Low Number Guessing Game

hosch250In the first place, you have this code: if (money <= winnings) // compares the money won to amount at the beginning at the game { gamesWon++; // games won increases if you gain more money gamesPlayed++; } else { gamesPlayed++; } This is redundant. You should do this instead, whi...

Trying for Red Baron.
-3 question, answer gets +5, question becomes +3
Hi, @NiallC..
Oh, I won't get Red Baron then.
@Jamal Has anyone gotten that one?
Question can't really be fixed.
Darn it! You're faster than me!
@Jamal oh, I doubt the question can become a +3
Done, see my edit. — Marco Acierno Jun 24 at 16:33
I must be getting tired, I looked at this comment and thought "Who is Done? That's a strange name...."
I am looking forward to deleting a bunch of my '14 comments in '15. Making the site a bit more clean for the new year.
Hehe, same here :)
crap! I flagged one too much!
@Jamal How do you even know where you commented?
You can access your comments through your profile.
@SimonAndréForsberg Worry not, we will try to capture the flag for you.
oh, come on!!
@mjolka I am so impressed by Chocolotey
Today, I spent hours trying to figure out what the first notes of one of Savant's songs reminded me of. I had to listen to many tracks of Ayreon before realizing it reminded me of a Lady Gaga song.
thanks for declining one of my flags, mods, then I didn't go to 501.
Congrats, @SimonAndréForsberg
You've earned the "Marshal" badge (Raised 500 helpful flags).
Thanks, @rolfl
How can you flag so many things? I have barely 20 flags...
Hm... is similar enough to to warrant synonymization?
@Jamal Nope.
can involve either or .
I'm still quite far from Marshall. Sucks being a mod. :-P
You earned Treasure Hunter on Code Review!
We could try to split in half, but that would probably be a huge piece of work...
I don't know what I'm most happy about, the badge or the hat
@SimonAndréForsberg Exacty my reaction yesterday XD
@Morwenn I think that the more helpful flags you have, the more flags you will have per day.
I can flag 60+ comments per day.
Also note @Morwenn that there's a difference between post flags and comment flags
@SimonAndréForsberg Right, I probably never flagged a single comment.
flagging obsolete comments is the easiest way to earn helpful flags
it wasn't until I started doing that that I started gaining helpful flags
Easy for you, yes ;-)
There's no way to list people ordered by their flags, but.... by my reckoning...
2 marshals have now been awarded.... Simon and Palacsint
9 people have Deputy
Approximately 400 of my helpful flags are "too chatty" or "obsolete"
@rolfl I thought you had Marshal!
Of the 9 people who have deputy, 2 are marshals, leaving 7.
@SimonAndréForsberg if (AdjM[Pointers[index], Pointers[index - 1]]) might want to check that index > 0
Of the 7, 3 are mods, and we no longer get to collect helpful flags...
@mjolka the method is never called with index = 0 though. (but yes, technically it would be good to assert that inside it as well)
@SimonAndréForsberg ah ok :)
leaving 4. The highest 2 of those 4 have about 150 flags
have an upvote
Long way short of 500
@rolfl until they start trying :)
But, manageable by anyone if they wanted to get a gold badge before winterbash end
I got about 200 helpful flags within a week. I am sure that if they want to, they can definitely get a golden badge before Winterbash ends
within a week = 4-5 days, I think
It will be one of the paradoxes of Elections, when they happen, is that none of the pro-tem moderators will 'compete' with any other candidates in terms of helpful flags.
I just looked at the Precognitive and Beta badges. It's fun to see that no one of them is in the current active community.
@rolfl helpful flags is not everything though
whoa, how did this question get 1150+ views?
Q: I'm Simon, and this is what I say

Simon André ForsbergPlay my game! Having the name that I do (Simon), of course I have to participate in this challenge! (Even though I am a bit "late", but Simon says "have forgiveness!") This is an implementation of the Simon Says challenge using libGDX. I started using this framework a couple of months ago, and ...

Must have gone 'hot'
apparently so. did not notice that
150 flags, talking about me here? ;)
@SimonAndréForsberg 2 words: news. letter. ;)
90, 124, 150, 157 are the counts
@Mat'sMug oh, didn't think about that :)
another two words: good great. title.
Hell yeah!
Great title
LMFTFY is at 1125 views now
I came up with the title for the question looooooong before I even started working on the code
@Mat'sMug which one?
I really gotta find a way to make @Duga auto-star 'lol'...
Q: Passing parameters by reference? Let me fix that for you

Mat's MugI've implemented a code inspection that verifies whether a procedure has parameters that are implicitly passed by reference - in VBA a parameter is passed ByRef unless it's explicitly specified ByVal. Here is the implementation in question: [ComVisible(false)] public class ImplicitByRefParamete...

make that 1126
@Mat'sMug is that something for @RubberDuck (the program)
@SimonAndréForsberg Yes.
It automatically finds and suggests improvements to the code.
I never thought about the fact that RubberDuck was written in C#... silly me
Yeah. It's been great to dig into an actual project. It's the only way to really learn a new language.
[ComVisible(false)] -> is this an attribute? An annotation?
@Morwenn if I understand C# correctly, ´[Something]` is a...pparently I was wrong.
@Mat'sMug i've been wondering why you use that in Rubberduck
Is it supposed to alter semantics or is it just a note for external tools?
It hides things from COM
So, it hides it from external tools that reference the dll
but why do you need to hide them?
I've no ida what COM is. Sorry for not knowing anything about Microsoft technologies ^^"
Same here.
It's okay. I don't understand it all that well myself. My understnading is it's what allows programs to talk to each other.
And we're hiding them @mjolka so you don't end up with this mess in vba.
Hum, I think I understand.
There's only one class that's supposed to be visible to VBA.
@RubberDuck aha, thank you
Yup. Np.
It's kind of similar to how we use static functions in C and anonymous namespaces in C++ to hide some things from the other compilation units.
@RubberDuck "Setting the attribute to false on the assembly hides all public types within the assembly. You can selectively make types within the assembly visible by setting the individual types to true."
Well, actually, some of the forms and stuff need to be com visible too so the ide can load them. The right thing to do would be to create a separate *.dll for the library code.
@mjolka Yes. Exactly.
Yet, they would all be available to other C# projects because they're public.
@RubberDuck but i mean you can set it to false at an assembly level, then override to true for only the parts you want visible
Yes. And that's something we need to go back and do, but COM is finicky and it's easier to get the add-in running by defaulting everything to visible.
last day of work for the year -- build server is stuffed, VM has no network connectivity. what a day
Checked out?
checked out?
I'm pretty well checked out and I have a few days left. j
ah :)
lol pretty much everything is going wrong today
@mjolka wish choco had a Update command like apt-get to update all the packages in one go. :D
@Mehrad cup all
Oh... didn't see that in the help
Yep... it's there. Guess I am so distracted these days
Q: check why my code is not working

MarieI wrote this simple code that checks if 2 arrays can be re-arranged to be equal to each other, yet it's not working.. can't find the bug.. help please. `#include <stdio.h> int check(int a, int b[]) {int c=0; for (int i=0; i<6; i++) if(b[i] == a) c++; return c;} int main () { int a[6]; int...

@Captain Obvious Voted to close.
@MannyMeng good call!
Got the soccerball hat yet?
(completed 10 reviews)
... only review queue actions count though
I have the soccerball from SO.
I'm bored.
I should kill a zombie, but everyone here is smarter than me, or their questions are terrible and removed or already answered.
@Hello Hello.
@hosch250 What programming languages are ones you know well?
Hello there @hosch250
None really, I know C# and C++ enough.
I know Python some, and Java a little.
Is anyone studens here?
I am.
Just completed fall of my sophomore year.
Also, @Jamal is.
@hosch250 There are a number of C++ and C# zombies. Let me see if I can find one...
Nice we're both sophomore
@Edward I've looked.
Have you tried the cat mario game? It was written in c++.
@Patrick I'm well beyond college age, but still feel like a student because I'm learning all the time...
Next spring is my last, and I'll need to apply for graduation next month.
I learn something knew almost every day, and it is boring when I don't.
I'd totally agree on that like me hehe
I think I will get my C++ programming book out and learn about Template<t> type of stuff.
I don't understand that one bit yet.
ohh Congrats @Jamal
@Edward: If you'd like, you may take a look at this code. It shouldn't be too complicated.
@Patrick Thanks!
@hosch250 How about this one:
Q: Minimal C++ Unit Test Framework

Code ClownI've written a minimal unit test framework. The goal was to allow assertions of booleans, for equality and catched exceptions. Two things are bugging the most. That assertions have to rely on macros and using a function pointer type instead of one of the more modern C++ ways. Are there ways to fu...

@Jamal Not sure I have enough remaining brain cells this evening, but I'll certainly bookmark it for tomorrow morning.
What is better using linked list or an array list?
@Patrick What language?
@Patrick "better" implies some criteria. Better for student understanding, for memory usage, for insertion time, for lookup time.... etc.
Java because I have no idea yet at linkedlist. The school is only for arraylist.
They only teach arraylist
Ah, typical narrow-mindedness.
You have to start somewhere, and arraylist is as good a place as many
Yes, true.
My U thinks Java is the only language (well, almost).
@Patrick - use LinkedList for when you have data that grows often, and often gets data added to (or removed from) the beginning or middle of the list.
@hosch250 no... they don't have an OS subject? functional programming subject?
They teach everything with Java.
use ArrayList when you have data that only gets added to/removed from the end, or you have to access the data in random orders in the middle of the set
I just took an OS concepts course, and Java was not a prereq.
@hosch250 It's pretty common to just teach with Java.
There was a ton of advanced Java, like multithreading and stuff that I should have known.
Good learning language, especially for learning higher level concepts and data structures.
haha @rolfl yes yes someone told me that adding is easy on linkedlist
Yeah, but I started with C++ and I'd rather continue with that or C# than learn a different language.
I did pretty good in that course and great in the Java course, but...
@hosch250 It's good to learn multiple languages even if you don't use them later.
Have tried to code Zeller's Congruence? I think it's fun.
No, never heard of it.
I'll look it up in a bit.
It exposes you to different ways of doing things; different approaches to programming.
its an algorithm for calculating the day from given month and date
Oh, like procedural, OO, functional?
@Patrick YOu seen my question here?
Q: It's Friday! - Zeller's Congruence Revisited

rolflA couple of date-related questions have come up recently, and on both occasions I have been taken back to my 'early' days where one of my first forays in to programming involved implementing Zeller's Congruence. Zeller's congruence is a neat calculation because it involves a mathematical approac...

@hosch250 Yes, but even more. I'd recommend: assembly language, C, Java, Forth, C++. An odd mix, perhaps, but instructive.
When I was a student, one of my first 'proper' feelings of pride was when I got Zeller's congruence to work in turbo pascal
Ohh its you! @rolfl
I've done C++ up to classes.
I was doing abstraction when I had to stop for college.
And GUI's from scratch.
That was awful.
I already tried the doomsday Algorithm and working on Zeller's Congruence
@hosch250 C++ is like a professional chef's knife. Very useful, but you can easily hurt yourself badly unless you're expert.
Don't know what you mean.
Never hurt myself with it.
I mean that languages like Java have garbage collection and type safety.
Nahhh, it's like a chef's knife that's really sharp, and it's stored in a bucket of really sharp other knives, and you have to reach in, and take it out....
You can (and I have) crashed a machine by doing something silly in C++. Harder to do in other languages.
Really easy to do in assembly language....
meh, fork-bombs - easy in many languages
I've got stack overflows.
nice @Edward haha
Q: What is a more efficient way of coding this linq query?

user3610374What I'm trying to do is check if I have a row in the database with a matching date and if I do then update the value and if I don't then insert a new row for that date. I'm getting a null object reference when I try to do the following (pseudo) code: DataTable tempGlobalTable = new DataTable();...

I BSOD'd my machine by running a program before all the drivers were loaded.
Fork bombs are the easiest way to crash a machine, and are indeed implementable in many languages.
Now, @Edward, I don't know everything that is going on, so I'd like to run my suggestions past you.
I know everything.
One, this should be void_t: typedef void (*TestFunc) (void);
Shouldn't it?
And, he shouldn't use all those #defines - that kills readability.
TestFunc is a function taking no args and returning void.
I think fork bombs is must try
"I'm getting a null object reference when I try to do the following (pseudo) code" :/
@hosch250 Don't know the context you mean.
The question you pointed me to.
@hosch250 Sorry. Short attention span. :)
Yes, I'm usually suspicious of #defines in C++ code.
I mean, shouldn't this: typedef void (*TestFunc) (void) be this: typedef void_t (*TestFunc) (void) to show it is a typedef?
There might be a good reason, but often not.
Also, that protected: doesn't have any code under it.
@hosch250 Ah, I see what you're asking about now. No, the type that's defined is TestFunc in that case.
Oh, I don't know typedefs, so I need to read about them.
@hosch250 Another handy and easily abused C++ feature. :)
I really need to read about pointers. I know a tiny bit, but not enough.
And now you know exactly how dumb I am.
By the way, one of the reasons I participate in code reviews here is exactly for the reason that it makes me look stuff up and polish my skills.
Or maybe not yet.
I think I need to study some of these basic features more first.
And I still don't know everything. :)
Goes and digs out C++ book.
29 secs ago, by Edward
And I still don't know everything. :)
I've got mine literally sitting on the table beside me.
@Edward No one knows everything...
..... big bucket of sharp knives
Point down.
@rolfl What could possibly go wrong?
Could someone hand me a tourniquet?
I have a C++ friend with a closet full of them .... ;-)
Actually, I should read my Donald Knuth set.
The Art of Computer Programming, starting with Fundamental Algorithms.
@hosch250 If you mean 'The Art of Computer Programming', that's a treasure.
I know, from reading the web.
I've read about two chapters.
I need to get going.
I've got one out, and I won't forget with it sitting on my table.
I've had 'em (paper copies) on my shelf for years, and consult them often.
I have a hard cover set.
From Amazon, not too expensive compared to my textbooks.
Yeah, textbook prices are frankly shocking these days!
guys what is the difference between putting a trigger of the control on it's <control.Triggers> or <control.Resources> I seen the mix of using these and don't know which one goes when. You might have an idea about this @mjolka
I am glad that I can borrow books from the local university libraries.
I can't - I'm online.
Well, I can get interlibrary loan, but only for two weeks.
No extensions.
Hi, @RubberDuck
@hosch250 Read fast! :)
I do - I read really fast.
Just ask my family.
I need to groom my dog now, then do the dishes, then go to bed.
I'll start this book tomorrow (hopefully).
Maybe later tonight.
See you!
@hosch250 Ciao!
I'm learning a couple of languages, including Italian
I know a little Spanish and French, but not enough to talk about.
Currently working on polishing French, Spanish, Italian and German.
I remember Huevo, Bueno, Hola.
Hombre, Senor, Senora.
Just a little basic stuff.
I remember bière, cerveza, birra and Bier.
@Mehrad triggers are part of a style. There are 2 ways to style a control; either use its Style child node, or centralize them in resources. Resources are reusable, per-control styles aren't - it's like html and css!
Just the important things.
Beer? That isn't important (and I had to look that up).
@hosch250 I might be joking. :)
Bored, bored, bored...
Hey Manny. What's up?
Nothing at all
@MannyMeng Find two, answer them, come back for rep: codereview.stackexchange.com/unanswered/tagged/java
Good night, all
check me out, I have just entered the next level
> You've earned the "c#" tag badge.
Silver Baby!!!!
congrats @Malachi!
@Mat'sMug thank you
@Edward Yes, his class has exactly four methods. The one called returnPay calculates the bonus, and with it serving double duty :D sort of everything is covered by mere three methods which made one free for main. :D I'm voting to reopen, as it's not exactly broken and can and should be reviewed. By applying a few common principles the mess can be cleaned up, so let's teach him. — maaartinus 1 hour ago
@SimonAndréForsberg The code builds and works. It's messily written, but it produces output that doesn't look nonsense. It seems on-topic to me. — janos 14 hours ago
@Mat'sMug me too
@Mat'sMug very good explanation. I'll keep that in mind
see you all tomorrow
have a good one @Malachi
Call of Duty and maybe a little more coding and then bed with me
@rolfl I'm done one answer...
A: Macroing program with Java

Manny MengThe biggest problem I found with your code is that IT DOES NOT DISPLAY ANYTHING. The JFrame(String title) constructor, according to Java SE 8 Documentation: Creates a new, initially invisible Frame with the specified title. So you have to put setVisible(true) somewhere in your constructor. ...

@Mat'sMug Hey, that's my answer!
that's how we pimp like a chief ;)
@Mat'sMug, remember once you told me my collection should update itself ?
I have uploaded my viewModel as a question over here couple of days ago and heard some comments about my code, but nobody told me how to setup my collectionView then it updates itself rather than me Refreshing it
whenever you'd have time I appreciate it if you could have a glance
Q: Wiring CollectionView and updating itself without the need for Refresh()

MehradI have been using your expertise developing my application using parts of WPF that I have never touched before. In this stage my View does all I need it to do, however, I am not sure if I've done my side of the job right. My guess is that it still going to need numerous changes to be called as ...

@MannyMeng to pimp an answer == to post a link to it in chat ;)
need some blings @Mat'sMug
@Mat'sMug I see.
@MannyMeng like the way I posted that question on the top and like Mat Mat, have a look ... :P
@MannyMeng That's the spirit
another +1
@Mehrad I took a look, but I don't code in C# very well.
@MannyMeng all good. thanks
@Mehrad does anything show up at all in your listview?
of course
This is weird: d:DataContext="{d:DesignInstance Type=vm:MockViewModel, IsDesignTimeCreatable=True}"
That's for me getting the data I need from a mockdata class then I can see my edits instantly without the need to run the app
Do you think that causes the error @Mat'sMug ?
not if your binding works
Phew ... :)
Oh. it does.
I only looked at the XAML
I must have just forgot something in there... Cuz my INotifyProCha works for the rest of the controls
it's getting late here, I'll try to post an answer tomorrow - I looked at the code, I'll have something to say ;)
Sure @Mat'sMug
thanks in advance :)
your code doesn't work as intended does it?
The code that put in the question does everything I need
collectionview works
search bar works
and also filtering the parts with error and total count
It must be really messy that you don't think it would even work : ))
anyways... I get out of your hair. have a good one Mat
lol np
good night!

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