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I got an upvote
wow, really?
nice when that happens
Yes. I should write something else to put up on CR
First class taken down, final grades will start being posted Monday, probably.
Maybe a little sooner.
Don't you love it when you have about 1 week to get your textbook(s) because the professor is so lazy (or busy)?
No @hosch250. Nothing makes my wife crankier.
I was being sarcastic.
I have my textbooks for all but one class this spring.
That class hasn't been posted yet.
Wow man. I rep capped and got 2 bronze and a silver badge today.
Now I just need to go get a hat and it's a full day.
Congrats @RubberDuck!
@RubberDuck Wait. There are hats?!
Thanks Mug's Mat.
Yes @Edward there are hats.
There's even a time machine. Wheeee
I am 49 points away from rep cap.
And, I am probably not posting anything else today.
And, I am not asking for votes.
Just commenting.
@RubberDuck Edward is wearing a hat right now btw
@janos He even has a scarf. =;)-
It's cold.
Are you farther north than the 45 latitude?
No, but when you're strafing bad questions in your triplane it gets windy.
I see. Lot of drag there, but more maneuverability than a monoplane.
And stylish.
3 mins ago, by hosch250
And, I am not asking for votes.
A snowball just hit my window.
What is that about, @Phrancis?
Sure you aren't ;-)
Seriously, I am not.
Alright lol.
Two more hit my window in rapid succession, followed by some giggles.
Now my dog is looking out wondering what is happening.
> Baron von Richtoffen was his name
> 10, 20, 30, 50 or more....
What, shootdowns?
I thought it was 70-something.
True, although the award would probably be more appropriately called the Immelmann.
Oh, 80.
Manfred Albrecht Freiherr von Richthofen (2 May 1892 – 21 April 1918), also widely known as the Red Baron, was a German fighter pilot with the Imperial German Army Air Service (Luftstreitkräfte) during World War I. He is considered the top ace of the war, being officially credited with 80 air combat victories. Originally a cavalryman, Richthofen transferred to the Air Service in 1915, becoming one of the first members of Jasta 2 in 1916. He quickly distinguished himself as a fighter pilot, and during 1917 became leader of Jasta 11 and then the larger unit Jagdgeschwader 1 (better known as the ...
More snowballs.
Q: Switching from functional jQuery code to objective

gskemaSo basically I've been happily using jQuery, creating vars and binding events in my modules (which have only a little bit of JS). But recently I needed to add an anonymous functions to my code and after ivestigating some more, I learned about modular patterns and encapsulation. So what I'm tryi...

Speaking of airplanes...
The Mythbusters have an Anti-Aircraft paintball gun.
Yea. I mean, it's not actually anti-aircraft. But it looks (and acts) just like those 4-barreled anti-aircraft machine guns.
Could be anti-drone.
It could paint a drone, anyway.
Can't you use wear two hats at once?
Do you have two heads?
@skiwi You can make a screen capture with a hat, use it as your avatar, then add another hat.
@Morwenn Ha, that's ugly
Doesn't work with CSS placement though
@skiwi Depends where you put your hat.
@Morwenn You don't want to know where I put my hats.
25 hats
@skiwi Do you want to know where I shall put my hate?
Or my hatchet, for what it's worse...
Q: Sending activation email for sqlmembership

Malachiprivate void SendActivationEmail(MembershipUser user) { var message = new MailMessage(); message.To.Add(user.Email); message.Subject = "Attorney Event Notification Activation"; string urlBase = Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + Request.ApplicationPath; string Ac...

I am sure that to get the hat I need an upvote
@Malachi i gave one :)
@MannyMeng thank you
get your camera out quick I won't wear this one for long
@Malachi Only a little over 100 votes behind "Ask Different" now. We're gaining. It was >140 earlier today.
Ah, I should think so.
I ran out of votes, and so did a ton of other people.
I need votes on my Answers. It doesn't seem to be getting enough attention.
@MannyMeng there ya go.
Thanks. But did you actually read through them?
Doesn't matter if you didn't...
@MannyMeng Yes, of course.
Thanks again :)
@MannyMeng No problem. They were thoughtful, detailed answers deserving of votes.
Wow, already 1k views on my LMFTFY post!
Last year there was a hat for 500 views in 48 hours... too bad there's no such hat this year :(
Hi Santa!
Anyone with SEDE experience around?
A: Saving Separate User Profiles

nhgrifThe first thing I immediately notice is that your class has no instance methods and no properties. It's nothing more than a collection of methods. I have a hard time justifying this as a class. And with that said... why are we using strings for the profiles? This class, rather than being "Pro...

I have some SEDE experience.
@Phrancis sup
But I require upvotes.
@Edward you mean hats
@Malachi Yes, thanks. I mean hats.

DECLARE @weeks_ago INT;
SET @weeks_ago = (CASE WHEN ##NumberWeeks:int## >0 THEN -@weeks_ago ELSE @weeks_ago END);

DECLARE @target_week DATETIME;
SET @target_week = DATEADD(WEEK, @weeks_ago, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);


WHERE Posts.CreationDate <= @today
  AND Posts.CreationDate > @target_week
@Mat'sMug This returns no results. If I comment out AND Posts.CreationDate > @target_week then I get results. Any clue?
Sentence in your last paragraph is holy and saint. It should be engraved somewhere. It is the base of modern world. — trejder yesterday
Is @today > @target_week?
Is @weeks_ago negative?
Yes (or I intend it to be, anyways)
Is @weeks_ago non-null?
I don't see where you set @weeks_ago to anything other than itself or its negative self.
DECLARE @weeks_ago INT;
SET @weeks_ago = ##NumberWeeks:int##
SET @weeks_ago = (CASE WHEN ##NumberWeeks:int## >0 THEN @weeks_ago * -1 ELSE @weeks_ago END);
That works.
Oh shit, nice catch!
@Edward I knew what you meant...lol
SET @weeks_ago = (CASE WHEN ##NumberWeeks:int## > 0 THEN NULL * -1 ELSE NULL END);
And NULL * -1 is NULL.
I can still get Red Baron, Naruto and Treasure Hunter if I try really hard
then I have to wait until Friday night (Saturday UTC)
> From its very inception, UIAlertView has been laden with vulgar concessions, sacrificing formality and correctness for the whims of an eager developer audience. Its delegate protocol conformance was commented out of its initializer (delegate:(id /* <UIAlertViewDelegate> */)delegate). And what protocol methods that did exist triggered when a buttonAtIndex: "clicked" rather than "tapped". This, and trailing variable-length arguments for otherButtonTitles, awkward management of button indexes, a -show method with no regard for the view hierarchy... the list goes on.
> As such, the introduction of UIAlertController should be met like an army liberating a city from occupation.
I might be able to get Breaking Bad with this, but only if the OP manages to improve the question.
Okay, maybe I can get it.
I should start a collection of screenshots like this.
Make a screensaver, or desktop wallpapers.
cannot make head nor tails of that question
The sad thing is... all those closing braces there, and he often optionally leaves them out:
@nhgrif We call those "bird wings" here (not the formal name just the "I have no idea what they are actually called"-name"
And that picture kinda shows exactly why we call them that. Looks like a murder of crows.
Q: Cycles of pointers

G0867532I'm really inexperienced with cycles, so I want to make this code shorter. As far as I know, I've made a recursive cycle. for (Pointers[0] = 0; Pointers[0] < 8; Pointers[0]++) if (AdjM[Pointers[0], VertStart + 0]) { for (Pointers[1] = 0; Pointers[1] < 8; Pointers[1]++) { ...

@Jamal I was reformatting and it got Jamal'ed underneath me. :)
Regarding my edit: I've only changed the indentation to make it (slightly more) readable by reviewers. And I was unsure about the title.
Looks like a good edit to me, given the starting point...
Now... give me Breaking Bad, bitch.
lol, I posted my sarcastic comment too late :)
For expressing "thank you", there is a common practice around here called "upvoting" ;-) Unless, of course, you intend to actually accept this and NOT upvote until I get a Naruto on CR so that I can get ahead of you in the hat race, which seems extreeeemely unlikely ;-) — janos 31 secs ago
^^^ @Malachi
@Jamal Too much meth, J
I down voted that question for this:
> Please do not tell me to change the algorithm; it has to be like this.
@nhgrif Exactly my reaction.
"Tell me how to improve it without changing anything!" lol
So, let's talk through what he's doing... he has an array of pointers with 8 pointers in it.
@janos I wonder if I could take back my vote if it would work....lol
you would be tied with me....lol
actually you would still be behind by one hate if you got that one....lol
I'm the only one in the top 10 hats without a Red Shirt. I'm too soft.
For each pointer, he calls AdjM on the current index plus the previous one.
And when i is 0, he uses VertStart.
@nhgrif sound scary!
@Malachi That second place guy is gaining on you.
oh I can't take back that vote @janos
And if AdjM returns return, he calls AddPath(i+1)
@Edward yeah but I have overtaken @RubberDuck
What's that hat you're wearing now?
Asked a question with the app.
Ah. I don't have anything on which to run such stuff.
@nhgrif I will have to test it again, but the reason I put this code in was that the whole table view was blank for me until I did so:
- (NSInteger)numberOfSectionsInTableView:(UITableView *)tableView {
    return 1;
2 days ago, by Malachi
I am coming after you @RubberDuck I still have the android app and the app question to go.
Borrow an iPhone and you're all set.
2 days ago, by RubberDuck
Bring it @Malachi. =;)-
Oh wait. @bazola I think that's because yours is a UITableViewController and not just a UITableViewDelegate/UITableViewDataSource.
But oh well, just leave it in then.
he must have gotten mad and left. I will get back to writing in the changes to the Create Member method from my question yesterday....
I don't have anybody around me with either an iPhone or an Android ._____.
Why don't you launch a simulator for one of those devices?
Neither do I, and I'm way too lazy to download a simulator
@nhgrif I tried to launch an Android emulator, Andy, but I couldn't get it to work.
Wait, there's a hat for android too?
There are hats for everythign :D
Morning morning
gets on phone
If you have a Mac, there's no reason not to have Xcode. Even if you prefer another IDE, Xcode comes with an iOS simulator (the best there is) and it comes with Xcode Instruments app.
None for Blackberry. <sigh>
Yeah, I've got an old Blackberry and I am disappointed xD
I don't have a Mac either.
Although with a Blackberry, it's nothing new to be disappointed...
@Morwenn There's a "new" blackberry?
They make new Blackberries. They just don't make modern blackberries.
I bet if you could log in using the legendary Nokia 3310 you get a Break hat :P
I have a Motorola flip phone, but the battery has been flat since about 1992.
I can't think of a useful comment for abby's CR post. If I do, that'll be my 20th CR hat (and 21st with Aztec).
Suggest a link to an Applescript tutorial.
155 reputation today. I would have rep capped if I hadn't offered a bounty -_-
@Jamal it doesn't need to be useful, really...
Or maybe SO's AppleScript tag.
Just snarky
Does AppleScript run in the console, I guess?
I honestly have no clue what it is.
Or what use it has.
> Hi! Can I haz hat?
@Mat'sMug I may make it remotely useful (unless I plan on deleting it afterwards, like one employee has already done).
Isn't there a way to trick the StackExchange network into thinking that we are using the app? :D
@Morwenn I think it still counts as a day. I was at 46 when I got my Epic badge
@SimonAndréForsberg That seems strange.
So it would count the total rep earned without deducing the rep lost?
I think so. Honestly? No idea.
@Edward that 2nd place guy used to be 1st about an hour ago
@Morwenn it still counts for Epic progress
@Malachi I didn't not notice that development ;) (thought we were still tied)
@janos I got on someones iPhone and posted a question....lol ... it gave me 2 hats...
yeah, those are like the secret reserves
I wasn't near the top until today, when I collected a bunch of mobile ones
I am tied for 7th StackExchange wide
if I got the pizza, I'd be tied for 1st
if they just give me that stupid light bulb hat! I would be tied for 2nd
Hey guys, I got a SEDE query that I was going to post for review, but if I have any chance at getting 5 answers in 30 mins think I should hold off until tomorrow during mid-day?
I have to go to bed
I can participate tomorrow
Q: Validating a Collection of IPv4s

Lucien LachanceI have a method within a class that validates all proxy addresses are valid on initialization. I've tried to refactor this a bit, but this seems to be the best I can do. Any suggestions and/or tips as to how I can possibly improve this method? def valid?(proxies) return false if !proxies.is_a?...

YAY!! My first silver badge!
I am one flag away from another silver badge on SO.
@hosch250 Nice!
I saw a question that was "can you parse PHP input" or something to that effect.
good night, see you tomorrow
Good night!
Grats @MannyMeng!
@RubberDuck Thank you.
Ah, just caught spam.
A: Facebook comment box for blogger post on Facebook function not working

Ayunda BianglalaI am really enjoying reading your well written articles. It looks like you spend a lot of effort and time on your blog. Obat perapat vagina Obat peninggi badan

She's spamming it good!
I am pretty sure this user is legitimately confused and he shouldn't get down voted.
Q: Linq returning different result than SQL

mountaindwellerI'm running this Linq query: var patientList = from p in db.Patients where p.ClinicId==11 select p.Id; var patientswithplan = from p in db.Plans where patientList.Contains(p.PatientId) select p; It returns 1030 resul...

Me too, but they shouldn't be upvoted, really.
I have used my new toy "LinqPad" to write him a little example. Hope I am not confusing him even more
7 downvotes, and still not removed:
Q: Facebook comment box for blogger post on Facebook function not working

sudeep cvI am trying to add facebook comment box to blogger ; comment box is working grate in blog but nothing post to facebook profile. Here is the debugger output: https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/og/object?q=http%3A%2F%2Fbasics-in-java.blogspot.in%2F2014%2F02%2Fvideo-tutorial-on-spring-and-...

The two answers, that is.
Yeah, spam
Glad I didn't go to the link.
My flags were marked helpful now.
User killed.
@hosch250 Sorry didn't get what you mean
@Mehrad That is a really obvious typo.
If they could write the code, they should know be able to catch that typo.
It could probably be flagged for typo reason.
I don't believe it's a typo
Oh wait, I was confused.
I think he doesn't know the priority of what he does matters... To select from D1 and then Select from D2 for the results found in D1 or the other way around
kk :D
@hosch250 thanks for having a look at it though
I have Deputy now.
We could beat Apple.SE and a few others, wih just a few dozen more hat-chasers...
@hosch250 congrats!
@rolfl I flagged a comment as obsolete and it got removed instantly when I flagged it. And it is marked as helpful. Was it some automation there or was it a very quick moderator? (on this question: codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/37465/… )
I just got one this morning @Mat'sMug... :D
I took 4 today, I think.
everyone upgrading their git client? news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8769667
Someone's gunning for Treasure Hunter... ;-)
I only have one consecutive day, so no way I can get it.
@Jamal Go answer all those questions you edit, and you can get the gold badge for editing questions, then answering them.
I am getting really sick of seeing this: xkcd.com/327
@Jamal no idea what you're talking about ;)
They would have to get an upvote, though.
@hosch250 I should have known it was Bobby just by looking at the number.
I guessed by the context.
I don't follow XKCD really, just browse a little.
@mjolka interesting
@mjolka can't you upgrade the Git client from command window in windows ? :O
@Mehrad if you installed git via chocolately you should be able to cup git
@mjolka I love how powerful windows command line is
I remember you guys mentioned Chocolately once over here, but didn't have a chance to get into it

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