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in VBA, 57 secs ago, by Mat's Mug
NOOOO!! Don't bet hats!!!
So, there's the possibility of a hat for me.... and unusual one... how much can I 'game things'. If I talk about it here, will I create a 'chat-effect' problem?
You might, but I'm actually working today...
Naruto - accepted answer, no votes.
If anyone votes for the answer, the chance is gone....
Yeah. You'd have to game that one here. (which actually says something nice about us)
but, can I add a comment to the question saying "if you decide to accept my answer, please do it before you upvote it, if you're going to upvote it...?"
or maybe a comment on my answer?
@SimonAndréForsberg that's a Hard Memory Game
It's presumptious to assume it will be accepted.....
Well.... you can. It is presumptuous, but it's not straight out gaming.
@RubberDuck Be easy to get on SO ;-)
How about: "If you feel my answer is worthy of accepting, it would help me earn a Winterbash 'hat' if you could accept it before the answer gets any votes".
I think that's acceptable.
I think I can do that on my answer.... yeah.
And edit it out after it is accepted (for posterity)
(and then pimp it ;-)
If you feel my answer is worthy of accepting (and only if you do), it would help me earn a Winterbash 'hat' (Naruto - accepted answer with no votes) if you could accept it before the answer gets any votes — rolfl ♦ 38 secs ago
@SimonAndréForsberg I edited, it's not much but it addresses your Javascript cheating thoughts.
I imagine that GWT works somewhat like .NET?
I have to ask and answer a question for selfie....dang it
time to get back to work.
Is this really a terrible answer?
A: Making Multiple Copies of a Pattern

EdwardHere are some things I see that might help you improve your code: Use more whitespace Lines like this one: char*lFillEnd=((char*)pToFill)+pToFillSize; make my eyes bleed. char *lFillEnd = ( (char*)pToFill ) + pToFillSize; That version is much easier for humans to parse because of the judi...

@Edward Really, really terrible..... not.
As a user, I would say that's an answer worthy o +1 and much of what you say makes sense.
as a mod, though, two things: "make my eyes bleed" can be interpreted personally.
Feels weird to me to ask a question then downvpte an answer you got
the comments are too chatty.
within 10 hats of Physics
On code review, I don't see how you can downvote an answer to your own question without it needing a flag.
Gravity must be catching up with them
@rolfl True about the comment. I hesitated before I wrote that, but hoped that it would be recognized as hyperbolic humor.
@nhgrif why is that?
@Edward I don't disagree with it, but in a strict mod sense, I have to caution against it ;-)
@rolfl Fair enough. It's admittedly marginal.
But it may have been something like that which flipped his perspective on whether he liked, or disliked your answer
lol this is quite good: adit.io/posts/…
Because you asked a question here looking for reviews of your code. It is essentially an admittance that you need some opinions on how to make it better. How can you downvote someone who did that, even if you disagree?
I agree ^^^
Unless the answer is technically wrong...
@rolfl Yes, that occurred to me as well. Ah well. C'est la vie.
@Malachi depends on how .NET web development works
@SimonAndréForsberg is GWT a ServerSide Framework?
But even on something like white space. "Well, I prefer this way and this code is for my eyes only." Wrong. If you posted code here, it's not for your eyes only.
hey @nhgrif, have you seen this question? codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/73736/… i thought you might want to weight in on it. The existing answer is alright, but it feels wrong to accept an answer that recommend a singleton :)
.NET creates the page and sends the response then it waits for the next request
@Malachi GWT can actually be used for both client and server. I myself only use it for client side though. At least so far.
the code looks like it is doing both, when you have a click event the it's requesting information from the server, where it does the calculations.
We are 10 hats below Physics.SE - closing in! Go people, go!
@SimonAndréForsberg I am probably wrong though give me a second
Code for your eyes only does need a review really. I answer every question assuming the code will be maintained by 273 different monkeys over the next 20 years
@bazola I will look later
@Malachi it's not requesting anything from the server, it's checking data in the client. The entire game is client-based.
@nhgrif cool i will hold off on accepting
@nhgrif Me too.
Even if 272 of the monkeys are me. :)
@Mat'sMug I'm up to 12 now
@rolfl did you get Naruto?
@Mat'sMug No, no nurato, it will need no votes and 1 accept in the next 10 hours
But I did get Eureka!
Folks, do you have a suggestion on how to export a simple txt file to PDF?
Doesn't need any formatting options, etc.
Copy it in Word, SaveAs > PDF?
I don't have Word. :D
@kleinfreund Works in LibreOffice, too.
I have neither. Let's see what Google Docs does.
Paste it in Excel, SaveAs > PDF
Alternatively, you could set up a PostScript "printer", print to file and the use ps2pdf to convert.
^^ sounds like a plan
It's how we used to do it in the old days...
I believe Windows 8 comes with a native to-pdf printer.
XPS, no?
Or is XPS dead?
Thanks for the suggestions. Turns out Google Docs does a relatively good job on this.
> Monads

How to learn about Monads:

1. Get a PhD in computer science.
2. Throw it away because you don’t need it for this section!
The document has line-breaks at or before column 80. Setting a monospace font and you're done.
Hey @konijn. JavaScript question for you: Is it possible to create "unhackable" values in JavaScript? Variables that you can't modify from outside, no matter how hard you try?
(is this what is called "closures" perhaps?)
Sure, though I would not count on closures being unhackable
That is what I would use
or closures, if the user of my code is not an evil government sponsored hacker
@konijn The reason for why I am asking is my memory game, created with Google Web Toolkit. I am unsure if GWT has compiled my Java code to JavaScript using closures or not. I essentially want to know if it is "hackable"
Q: Memory with a twist

Simon André ForsbergDescription This is the good old game Memory with a twist: Every time you pick a wrong pair, the two tiles you chose will switch their location. So sometimes you might think that a tile is at one location when in fact... it has moved. And it might feel like you have no idea where it is anymore. ...

McLunch time!
@user4371180 wtf?
@user4371180 that sounds awfully spammy
var car = function createCar(){

var wheelCount = 4;

function getWheelCount(){
return wheelCount;

return {
getWheelCount: getWheelCount

console.log( car.wheelCount ); //undefined, it's not visible
console.log( car.getWheelCount() ); //4
@SimonAndréForsberg You just want a +1, dont ya :P
@konijn on the question? wouldn't hurt :) but what I really want is to know if GWT used those magic tricks of yours when compiling my code.
I have to wait till I get home to look at it
but my assumption is that this should be easy to hack with debuggin
@konijn I'd very much appreciate if you would look at it. There's a 100 bounty on it right now :)
there is not a lot you can do ( besides obfuscation)
I know, but you said hi so I was being kind.. besides I'm not sure how to kick-ban from my phone ;)
Q: Programming in C Chapter 8 Exercise 12

Chris WolfThis is my first time asking a question on this site. The idea is to use functions in order to transpose matrices. For some reason C won't allow me to return the arrays themselves so I tried using pointers. I'm not very good with pointers, so this ended up in a mess. Below is my code, would y...

@Mat'sMug meh, I flagged, as a mod it resulted in immediate chat-wide suspension.
@rolfl I wonder how @user4371180 could chat here at all, I don't see him having any rep anywhere.
And poof
Aliens are the reason the govt doesn't have to lie about what they're actually doing in area 51
I am back :)
Yes, that appears to be correct. :)
(Mastering the art of the obvious)
@Phoenix Arisen from the ashes?
The burning question.......
:D No! The ashes have arisen from me :D
So you're a smoker?
I am a burner
@Phoenix Hi there
@Phrancis Hello :)
Q: Multiple random falling objects animation in Java

KrzysztofI am new to programming but I tried to make my code as readable as possible! Hopefully you can see what it does before you run the program. I did not implement a ups or fps controller, the animation may be fast for some computers and slower for others. I also tried to use the information provided...

So, how do you like CR so far? :)
@Mat'sMug Are you asking me?
You talking to me? Huh, tough guy! Are you! Talking! To me?!
just saw your profile, so you joined during Winter Bash - what better time to join a SE community!
Well... Really friendly community, I would say:)
And its awesome :)
where's your hat?
umm ... IDK it ran away
we're just a few hats behind Physics.SE, you could make a difference! :)
Q: Parallel for loop in Java 8 - follow-up

coderoddeThe previous and initial iteration at Parallel for loop in Java 8. Changes are as follows: ParallelLoopBody removed; java.util.Function used instead. The actual parallel loop synchronizes on a class monitor. forp does not ask for the output list in arguments; instead, it creates a new list of ...

Q: Optimizing HLSL (Shader Model 4) pixel shader with branching code paths

d7samuraiI have a pixel shader that needs to output either a plain colored pixel or a texel sampled from one of three textures - selected by a switch statement operating on an index fed in by the vertex shader: // textures tbuffer textures { SamplerState sState; Textu...

@Phoenix Easiest way to earn a hat is to change to a real profile picture (instead of the default gravatar) this will give you a Chameleon hat!
and ok will do in a sec
another easy way is to spend some stars in chat, and some votes on the main site :)
spend some stars in chat? uhh?
what do you mean? xD
oh yea i see
@Phoenix Hover over a chat message here, and you will see three icons appear at the right side of the chat message
that's how ? xD
if you star chat messages from 8 separate users, you get a hat.
when does my picture update
yea :D
who did that?:D
now my avatar fits my name
It does, also, you should get a hat for that too.
I'm sorry for chat chat message 30 minutes ago. I wanted to make a joke about something actually Code Review-related.
*that chat message
kinda fits dont you think?:D:D
it's okay - we just have a, uh, short fuse with spam-ish stuff around here :)
What I actually wanted to say:
Have you already heard about that tool that helps cleaning up spaghetti code for VB.NET? It's called "Code Diet", which is a great name IMO.
it turns VB.NET into C#?
No, Java
No, C# :D C# master race :D
@user4371180 I'm trawling through your site activity. I am not satisfied yet that you are not a troll.
@rolfl how is this not closed as example code yet? codereview.stackexchange.com/q/73934/23788
@Phoenix Nice picture!
@Phoenix Your picture (here in chat) seems to update immediately after you post a message.
@Phrancis Thanks :)
@Edward Umm I am not so sure
@Mat'sMug I skipped it in the review queue... not my domain. It has marginal names, will look again.
@Phoenix That's how it appears to work here -- I could be wrong or it might be browser/OS specific I suppose.
@Mat'sMug What do you mean? Seemed like a perfectly legit question to me... but then again I am new and don't know all the rules yet
it says in plain black-on-white-bold underlined "simplified example code"
@Mat'sMug That's not allowed?
when it's not plain off-topic, it's frowned upon, yes
@Edward It updated for me, but I still can't see the candles on my head.
@Mat'sMug It also looks like working code with users, and cars and other things which could be Simplified "exercise" code....
@Mat'sMug So the guy should've posted the real source code?
@Phoenix Hit refresh...
Q: Why is hypothetical example code off-topic for Code Review?

200_successAs stated in the Help Center, one of the criteria for a question to be on topic is: Is it actual code from a project rather than pseudo-code or example code? What is the rationale for that rule?

I can see candles.
@rolfl I did. Still can't
@rolfl oh well, it has 4 close votes in.
@rolfl It is funny how my first monitor tells my second monitor to look at my first monitor (god that was weird)
A bit of strangeness, perhaps, but some of my posts here show me with my "hat" and some don't.
@rolfl (rofl) I still can't see it in chat. Or am I not supposed to be able to?
Could be my currently spotty connection to the internet...
@Phoenix It would probably be a good idea to familiarize yourself a bit with the Help Center when you have time, it has some very good posts about what is on- and off-topic, and what makes for good answers :)
Use shift-enter when typing a multi-line chat message, like this:
line 1
line 2
Line 3
makes your icon bigger.
must be >= 4 lines.
:D just your icon though:(
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Let me fix this for you.....
I have posted my first answer here, please review: codereview.stackexchange.com/a/73963/61359
(rofl) I can see why you have that name :D
(it's Rolf L.)
@Mat'sMug I like rofl better :D
8 hats behind Physics!
@user4371180 fair point - you may want to expand a bit on the why; the other class also has a redundant default constructor, you can mention that as well - but +1 nonetheless
please stop
what's going on?
someone didn't get the first warning.
@RubberDuck RSA ;)
Anyway...... HATS!!!
We talking encryption or is it more acronyms?:D
Or maybe both
> Real Star Applied
A: What's a Zombie? And what are the many other memes of Code Review?

Mat's MugMeme: TS | RSA Originator: SimonAndréForsberg (TS), rolfl (RSA) Cultural Height: star-power Background: The 2nd Monitor is quite a star-happy chatroom. How many of you know that there's only a number of times you can "star" a chat post - a star cap (like the rep cap and the vote cap, a star ca...

Related: Stargreed
^^ obligatory link
@RubberDuck :D
@Mat'sMug This is priceless. I just learned that rolfl doesnt know JAVA:D
No one here knows JAVA, but a few people know Java.
Okay, well maybe I know some JAVA...
I know a little JAVA too ;-)
me too!
7 hats behind Physics.SE!
Holy cow when did I get so much points. I guess all I can say is ... Thanks, Santa (rofl)
yeah.. stuff happens when you're in The 2nd Monitor...
It sure does
@Mat'sMug Yup. Sure does. Just not work.... =P
^^ oh so painfully true
@RubberDuck I wish I could give you more stars
you're out of stars already??
LOL. That's okay @Phoenix. I understand.
@Mat'sMug Nope but can't give more than 1
I'm out... again.
btw number of stars = points right?
@Phoenix more like star == "like" around here
yeah but how many stars do i have left
i thought it was the reputation
but apparently not
For hats and glory, I need 2 votes on this answer: codereview.stackexchange.com/a/39195/14625
@Phoenix I believe you get 20 stars in chat, and 40 votes on the site, per day. Resets at 0:00 Zulu time UTC
20 stars per chatroom
Oh, right
so also 40 for each vote on the site?
OK ignore
40 per each site, e.g., 40 on CR, 40 on SO
i read it again and i got it xD
Thanks Santa's
and you get a hat for spending all your votes :)
(and a badge two badges too)
BUT have to spend at least 10 of those votes on questions for the hat!
learn something new everyday
@Phrancis you want to end this with "RLY" huh? ;)
^^ knew it
@janos name dropped you in his answer
it's like "- ..- -" - you just can't help the last two "knock knock" @Phrancis you're like Roger Rabbit :)
@Mat'sMug LOL @ Roger Rabbit reference!!
@Phrancis NAH J/K LOL
its 8 pm here :D
about the time i wake up in the summer
monking != morning :p
@Phrancis congrats on your achievements on cooking ;)
I hope nothing got reversed
@janos string monking="morning",morning="morning";
Q: WCF Duplex service authentication

PhoenixI have been thinking about a way to implement this and I am not sure that what I have done is correct, because it surely sounds kinda dirty to me. Basically what I have is a WCF duplex service which multiple clients subscribe to. My problem is the authentication. What I have done is I pass the u...

if anyone needs to upvote for hats :)
or badges
Q: Mapping a textual method name to a function

slyfoxMy program (a daemon hosting a Minecraft server) exposes a D-Bus interface to allow interaction with the server from other processes. To that end, and to avoid a chain of repetitive conditionals in the invocation handler, I'm using a map of Glib::ustring keys (the method invoked) to std::bind-cre...

@Mat'sMug nICE!
@RubberDuck wRITING sql??
@Phrancis Yeah.......
More like cursing at SSIS and our IT group.
@xDaevax Looking at it
@Malachi This answer has me drooling on my keyboard...
And... TFL - Good timing!
Meh, I don't like the look of raw meat.
cooked meat doesn't look very pretty either y'know ;)
@Mat'sMug See:
Q: WCFTestClient XMLSerializer exception when trying to debug service

PhoenixSo I am making a simple duplex WCF service. It is nothing special. It has a subscribe and unsubscribe methods and all of the subscribers are kept in an array and every few seconds a message is sent to them. My problem is that when I try to debug it, I get an BindingFailure exception. Here is th...

Here you go guys. Something else to upvote :D
gimme bad questions to DV........ I can't seem to get that red shirt hat :(
Oh Snap!
@Mat'sMug I prefere the brown look to the red one.
red shirt is very easy on SO...
Seriously though. If anybody has any idea, i've been beating my head with this all day
@Phoenix your references are all ok?
@Phoenix in your SO question, what framework is your project targeting?
.Net 4.5
all of the projects
@xDaevax I want it on CR!!
Just 4.5, no portable .NET or anything like that?
and yes I believe the references are fine since as I said it works with my own client but not with the wcf test client
sorry, no clue
@Mat'sMug It already is. Just with a different question :D
I meant the hat :)
@Mat'sMug A bug that is not in my own code... OMG is the moon full?!
People on programmers must be fishing for "Interesting Ma'am". I have a post that keeps getting upvotes.
(Don't tell them it also needs 10k views....)
@RubberDuck Everyone is, now that they know how.
LOL. Yeah.
@Morwenn You're a browncoat?
@rolfl Are you a browncoat?
I'm a fan, yes.
I want more. ;(
@janos Firefly (and then the movie serentiy)
Available on netflix.
IDK. Saw a few episodes and got bored. Ok you can go ahead and destroy me now :D
thanks, will check it out
@rolfl I like the taste of cooked meat, not of raw one. So naturally I am more inspired by the look of cooked meat.
in the meantime, imma get me a waffle on CR ...
@RubberDuck has either an insatiable appetite for hats or firefly, or both.
Don't do it @janos.
what? the watch TV show or get a waffle?
You'll get to the end of the episodes and get very angry that there is no more.
@xDaevax Both. =)
@janos dont do either... give ME the waffle
come on waffle
@janos riight here :D
hm, this waffle is just not coming
Give me more coffee.
Gimme more cola
and it just arrived at last :)
that's +1 for team CR
Don't! It's a trap!
@Morwenn Thank's a lot.
@RubberDuck Too late.
for Aztec, do I need 20 hats on one site alone?
Btw JK. For the last 5 months I have drank 5 liters of cola. I know about that crap
user image
@janos Yes.

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