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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

that's some nasty pisspoor programming
No wonder it shows me as still 21
@JeroenVannevel Huh?
Nice answer from a brand-new user:
Q: Junit testing error - Error creating bean 'tilesConfigurer'

user1210I am new to JUnit testing, so please accept my apologies if I am making a silly/fundamental mistake here :) Application: Spring, Junit, Mockito Both -servlet.xml and tiles.xml are in src/main/resource/spring folder. The application (i.e. not Junit test case) is running fine but while running JU...

@JeroenVannevel I think I will have to get work to buy it.....LOL
Q: How to refactor code in order to avoid label in a Java loop?

hacks4lifeHow can I refactor my code to remove the label and the need for it ? I am aware that a loop with label is "forbidden". But I can not find a way to rewrite this without the label. Any ideas ? Thanks private List<myList> sortLinks(SegmentType s, Set<myList> LinkSet) { List<myList> LinkLis...

Q: ModelState is always considered valid, regardless of null values in required fields

Jeroen VannevelI've been looking around and I think my solution is just fine but somehow the ModelState.IsValid property is always true. Consider the following code snippets: [Route("address")] [HttpPut] [ResponseType(typeof(UserViewModel))] public IHttpActionResult UpdateAddress([FromBody] UpdateAdressValida...

ASP.NET gurus, come at me
Q: Small password generator app with GUI, v2

SingularityFXGUI-based pseudo-random password generator. Modification of this app, improved according to suggestions from CodeReview users. Additional feature: calculation of time to crack password on average desktop PC, which is determined as time to go through all possible combinations of characters. Idea...

Q: Better way to read a file?

OkkaajI work quite a lot with file reading and writing quite a lot in C/Win32 and I started wondering is my code completely ugly and how I can improve it. I wrote two simple examples of reading a file, and I wonder how these functions could be improved. Are these methods bad - and how they can be impro...

Yay, my gray code addition algorithm passes all my tests /o/
That said, the bit-by-bit algorithm probably makes it really slower than converting to regular binary, adding, then converting back to gray code.
Fixed el problemo!
Passing all the tests - just because the flypaper is empty doesn't mean there are no bugs.
assert( gray(0u) + gray(0u) == gray(0u) );

assert( gray(0u) + gray(1u) == gray(1u) );
assert( gray(1u) + gray(0u) == gray(1u) );

assert( gray(0u) + gray(2u) == gray(2u) );
assert( gray(2u) + gray(0u) == gray(2u) );
assert( gray(1u) + gray(1u) == gray(2u) );

assert( gray(0u) + gray(3u) == gray(3u) );
assert( gray(3u) + gray(0u) == gray(3u) );
assert( gray(1u) + gray(2u) == gray(3u) );
assert( gray(2u) + gray(1u) == gray(3u) );

assert( gray(0u) + gray(4u) == gray(4u) );
assert( gray(4u) + gray(0u) == gray(4u) );
// ...
unless, of course, you can formally prove that your tests cover all possible cases
@Morwenn That's easy......
I still have to find corner cases and test them. But one hour ago, 1 + 2 == 3 didn't pass.
 int gray(int val) {return 0;}
all your tests would pass with ^^^^
    template<typename Unsigned>
    auto operator+(gray_code<Unsigned> lhs, gray_code<Unsigned> rhs)
        -> gray_code<Unsigned>
        Unsigned lhs_p = is_odd(lhs);
        Unsigned rhs_p = is_odd(rhs);

        gray_code<Unsigned> res{};
        const Unsigned n = std::numeric_limits<Unsigned>::digits;
        for (Unsigned i = 0u ; i < n ; ++i)
            auto lhs_i = (lhs.value & (1u << i)) >> i;
            auto rhs_i = (rhs.value & (1u << i)) >> i;
            auto e = lhs_p;
They pass with this (and the chat just killed the indentation).
I should probably read up on grays to figure out what's the deal with it
@skiwi Not much really. That's why I am providing a clean C++ implementation, because nobody did before.
I will probaby post this algorithm as a question on Code Review once I have fine-tuned it :p
Somebody will probably say "you can do better" and provide a better version of the algorithm. Then I will copy it and write a research paper about it.
Q: Is this C# code understandable?

Michael RiceI'm going to be opensourcing some code I'm working on. I don't need help with the code, I just want to make sure my code is readable and my comments make sense. I have a knack for the esoteric. This code is to control GE G35 Christmas lights using a Netduino controller. Due to the .net overhea...

Very cool project. Please come back and share the repo when you open source it. =) — RubberDuck 13 secs ago
you just like the variable names
@rolfl I honestly just think it's cool that he's writing a christmas light controller. I've always been fascinated with it.
My office has upgraded its VOIP service and I can now answer my office phone from personal devices, including my cell. I'm not sure if this is progress.
calls at work always make me feel uncomfy
I'd rather text my way through
I remember the first time we had a conference, the lead guys all gathered and 10 seconds before I dropped this on them
"btw, I never spoke English before"
it went better than expected though
Though in truth, 90 percent of the calls to my office phone are from my family. Oh, and I can also do remote meetings. In theory, I could be at the dealership getting my car serviced and still attend a meeting.
I have my phone set up to go to Voicemail. Always. Works for me.
I have a conference number that I can meet people on if I need to chat.
@AlexM. Would never have guessed it, your written english is very impressive if you've seldom spoken it.
When you're as good at English as I am, then you are allowed to have typos and misspellings, and other errors. People expect experts to make mistakes... ;-) I mean, for a Monkey, my English is awesome.
For a monkey.........
🍌 🍌 🍌 🍌 🍌 🍌 🍌 🍌
(looks more like shoes than bananas.)
@rolfl Yeah right... :)
Nobody wants to answer my question :(
Q: Can a non-changing enum method be optimized by the JVM at runtime?

skiwiCan the JVM perform runtime optimization in the following scenario? We've got the following situation, we have this interface: public interface ECSResource { default int getFor(final Entity entity) { return ResourceRetriever.forResource(this).getFor(entity); } } And a concrete...

@rolfl it's English that was built upon tons of forums, movies, games and general reading :)
I wish I had a cleaner accent, and after seeing Andrei Alexandrescu, I'm not sure I'll ever get one
he spent so many years in the US but he could not get rid of his accent
I find it difficult to understand what he says, he sounds exactly like how I'd picture a Romanian speaking English
20:00, time for me to leave the office
and have some fun
anyone here use SQL Server Express?
A bit. What's up?
@Malachi I.. don't know. Qué pasa?
can I set up SQL Membership with it?
I am trying to start a Browser game with Free Coding stuff
Q: Can someone point out the mistake that I am making a merge sort in c#

user3748727The problem that I am getting is for the given input the o/p that I'm getting is 0 1 4 0 3. Any help is much appreciated. class Program { public static void Main(string[] args) { int[] numbers = new int[] { 5, 8, 1,4,3 }; Console.WriteLine("**********...

It appears that the next lesson in Java class is Swing.
Why Swing?
I don't know. But we are getting into GUI.
Well, yes you have to learn a GUI, but why old disappearing Swing?
I'm glad we're learning FX
It was a lot easier than I thought it would be
@Phrancis I have set up SQL Membership at work this week, but that is a full SQL Server Engine.
we will see how far I get this week. I want to stick with this project though it is with in my Grasp
Q: Conversion into class

ondrovicI am running the following which works very well but I would like to turn it into a class just not sure how to go about doing it correctly. My main concern is that I need to add multiple items to a single email before sending private static int[] _SMTPport = new int[2] { 25, 587 }; private s...

@Malachi interesting. What is the DB going to be used for?
Q: Implementing binary output to a file in C++11

all3foxI would like to have a class which supports outputting bits into a file. This is what I came up with but I fear there are many poor decisions. Should I inherit from a std::ofstream instead of keeping it as a data member? class OFBitStream final { static const std::size_t bitset_size = 8 * si...

@Phrancis SQL Membership kind of like Active Directory only Table based and not based in an Active Directory server
I see, that's a cool idea. Using a Microsoft tool to make something that behaves like another Microsoft tool.
Q: VBA ClickBot featuring AJAX waiting and Element searching

ptwalesIf you work with a database that you only have access through a web interface, this one is for you. You probably don't have access to any programming languages other than VBA through MS Office, which I 95% guarantee you do have. Since we will be controlling an external instance of Internet Expl...

Q: Tic Tac Toe game that uses Minimax algorithm to pick the best move

dj_digitI written a Tic Tac Toe game, which allows you to play against another person or the AI (The AI can also play against itself, which should always result in a tie). The AI uses the Minimax algorithm to pick the best move. I'm not very experienced with Python, so I'm wondering if my code uses any ...

@Phrancis it might actually be the same thing that you linked to
yeah it is
my first 2 goals for the game that I am going to create are
1. Login and Reference Tracking
2. Chatroom
then I will start with a statistics and levels I think
Q: longest increasing subsequence in C - segmentation fault

user65972c newbie here and I cannot seem to work out why my program is seg faulting. I got it to compile after a lot of trouble shooting, but it get a seg fault unfortunately. From what i have researched, I feel as if it is relate to one or more of my pointers. Basically the user inputs size of the subset...

What kind of game @Malachi ?
Generic Text Based Browser game.
Like an adventure game of sorts?
sort of....
going to teach myself a whole lot of .NET!!!
Q: How to DRY up extremely long Ruby code

JohnsonI decided to make a program that calculates change, based on an input. My code is extremely long, and I would like to know how I can fix this def make_change(amount) values = [] coins = [] hash = {} if amount >= 50 coins.push(:H) values.push(amount / 50) amount = amount % 50 ...

Q: Attempt for OOP in jQuery, is my code good?

angular_learnerI have finally been able to create my little navigation plugin in Object Oriented way, that reads the li from json file. Now, is my code efficient? Especially, the click function within getRegion function? Is this the correct way to handle the click events in OO? Many thanks in advance for all...

Q: Scheme - let issue

NSaidCan you guys help figure out where this let is failing? It was just on a midterm, and I am trying to write it from memory: (let (y 1) (z 2) (x '(y z))) This too was on my midterm. Just wondering if the answer the compiler is giving is correct. If so can you explain? (define (f m x) (m x x)) (...

Sorry I am new to this website, I will take that into consideration next time I post. I assume when you say how I compile you mean what platform I use. I am using PuTTy and a vim text editor. — kngkoopa 8 mins ago
> Java
> Vim
Q: Creating view rects in loop

PkwiesI don't use constraints or IB to create views so it's easier to create rects this way. Does it wrong totaly? @interface Client () @property (nonatomic, strong) UITextField *name; @property (nonatomic, strong) UITextField *phoneNumber; @property (nonatomic, strong) UITextField *address; @propert...

Oh Google...
user image
@skiwi Epic
I've been having a good day already, but this made it so much better.
dat amount of pinned tabs
or at least I think those are pinned tabs
what kind of firefox is that?
The overworked kind of Firefox in skiwi's case ;-)
Q: Project Euler 3 in F#

Overly ExcessiveI'm looking for some general feedback on my solution to Project Euler challenge 3 The prime factors of 13195 are 5, 7, 13 and 29. What is the largest prime factor of the number 600851475143 ? let p3 () = let rec primeFactors n i primes = if i > n/2L then n::primes else ...

> When Webpage loading going complete that's mean when progressbar show complete then starting my code otherwise waiting.
Q: c# How possible starting code if toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "stackoverflow";?

maryln carmolliWhen Webpage loading going complete that's mean when progressbar show complete then starting my code otherwise waiting. How I am waiting until toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "stackoverflow";? when webbrowser loading going finish then my following code going executing. webBrowser1.Document.GetE...

while(true) { Console.WriteLine(GetRandomWord()); }
Q: Loop including FPS

MunkybunkyHow can I improve this main game loop that monitors and displays frames per second? public void run() { running=true; initengine(); initgame(); //Initialise game loop long looptime, difference=0,timetaken=0; int frames=0; fps=0; //Main game Loop while(runn...

@Vogel612 Now this is what I call German Over-engineering: wimp.com/printsairplane
I wonder how he's able to handle all that rate of fire and recoil
i think i finally figured out the bug in this one codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/68969/…
if it finds a phone number that's a prefix of another one, it prints no and doesn't read the remaining phone numbers. it then treats the next phone number as the number of numbers in the next test case
@mjolka I see a reopen vote on there. Seems like a really odd type of question for CR. Do you have plans to post an answer?
@Phrancis nope, it's way off-topic. i'm considering posting it as a comment to help out, but i don't want to encourage off-topic questions
Agreed. Maybe PCG can tackle the "Break my code" challenge ;-)
@Phrancis what are your thoughts on commenting with a test case that doesn't work? is that encouraging bad questions?
@SimonAndréForsberg that is amazing
@mjolka there's a big gray line between "helping out" and "encouraging bad questions". I think that I would be friendly in this case.
I don't think so. I've seen it done before on off-topic questions where there was a simple bug that the OP missed, it may even make the question on-topic. (probably not this one though, unless they reword the part completely)
@SimonAndréForsberg cheers :)
@Phrancis or at least it will make it easier for the question to become on-topic. If the OP fixes the code, then it's on-topic again.
@mjolka just to make it clear to him, I will add a comment describing why it's not on-topic here.
@SimonAndréForsberg "here is an input for which the code doesn't work: 2 3 100 10 1 2 12 123. Answer should be no/no, but output is no/yes. Once you have the code working (ie accepted by the on-line judge), it will be on-topic and suitable for reviewing here." ?
@mjolka excellent!
Hmm, flagged some comments and just a few seconds later they were gone.
> 423 flags, average handling time 0 days 0 hours 9 minutes 0 seconds
(past month).
I think of myself as in the North now...
Polar bear monkey
@rolfl you might have to migrate, if only for the alliteration
revision history is in monospace now?
@mjolka are you using "side-by-side markdown"?
... yes. d'oh.
apparently my brain hasn't finished booting up
@SimonAndréForsberg I want one of those so bad!!!
@Malachi Why am I not surprised? :)
been there, seen that ^^
@SimonAndréForsberg Have you seen this youtu.be/7LtjzQaFZ3k
nope, that one I haven't seen. Until now.
@Phrancis :
Q: Apply one random deduction pattern onto different lists with same index in Python

SasanI am trying to apply certain random deduction pattern to different lists - different in items but having the same numbers of items. I wrote this code - I know it is pretty messy- but it seems it does the work. Please help me to make it better. To explain, better the base list changes each time th...

Q: Rewrite method using case in Ruby

amaI'm new to this place so I hope you can help me. I first asked this question at StackOverflow, but those guys said this was the better place for the question. So I have defined this class File inside a module and what I want to do is rewrite the self.parse method so that it uses case. I'm new to ...

@SimonAndréForsberg you know those Desk Calendars that are like 2.5 feet wide and like 1.5 feet tall? I made a paper airplane out of April and it is sitting on the top of my cabinets here at work....lol
Finally TTQW for the day
A: Creating view rects in loop

nhgrifWe should be using auto-layout. Not being as comfortable with auto-layout is not an excuse to not use it. Manually setting rects is not very good at all. Manually set rects don't play well with rotation. Manually set rects mean we probably need a special set of code for iPad versus iPhone. M...

@nhgrif "Does it wrong totaly?"
His words.
but does it? does it wrong totaly?
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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