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I wonder about this answer
A: Fractions in Java

user3885966We just need to add this parameter. since the method is calling f3.fracs() so the total number of fraction will be 1. return this.numberOfFractions;

In fact, I wonder about the entire question...
Although I haven't read it much
It's quite here today... We need drama!
@SimonAndréForsberg We'll get drama, it's OK, @Malachi will log in, and see ...Friday ...;-) Fun, fun, fun!
And Donald will remind us we need a new meme.
Then someone will reference back to these messages, and claim I am not being nice.
Monking @rolfl :)
Broken Ballet... ;-)
New Friday Meme?
What does a ballet have to do with Friday?
(Seen it already btw ;) )
Should that fractions question be migrated to.. PPCG?
Do I want the code to be good code? No, I just want the code to correctly solve the riddles.
This question appears to be off-topic because it is about solving a puzzle. It cannot be reviewed against best practices properly because that would violate the imposed constraints. — Mat's Mug 17 secs ago
Or am I being a jerk here?
I find this is more "review my homework" than "review my code".
it does seem like a "Is my code correct?" question...
I'm torn about it.
I am trying to explain why I voted to reopen it.,...
probably trusted @Pimgd's edit and title change more than I should have.
it is not a great question.
Oh crap, just saw the history...
it's definitely not a great question, but that's not the question.
The question is: Is it on-topic?
We review code. That's enough of a riddle IMO.
I also was not aware about the history
In this case, I think it is best to leave it open.
This was whjy I voted to reopen:
I'd argue that you don't get the wrong value for numberOfFractions at all. Nothing is broken. — Pimgd Sep 19 at 7:54
i'm not saying it's borked...
@overexchange I don't think your question is a very good one at all... There's really only one way to do the things they ask (especially when they limit you to one word... that's not programming, that's puzzling). I can't review the changes you've made because the better ways to do it are not allowed by the rules. — Pimgd Sep 20 at 23:25
^^ this comment is what made me vote to custom-close.
So, there we have it. Pimgd inspires reopens from me, and closes from you ;-)
OP's answer to do I want the code to be good code? is a no.
Better ways are not allowed because it is yet learn those better ways. — overexchange Sep 22 at 8:02
That is why I hate how they "teach". Why would you stop somebody who is a little ambitious, or perhaps has some pre-existing knowledge from using it?
numberOfFractions is a static field, and thus cannot be qualified with this., it will fail to compile. — rolfl ♦ 28 secs ago
@RubberDuck stargreed
Anyway, my two cents is it's no different from someone saying, "listen, I know the naming is horrible, but it's a team standard."
Oh. Wait. It doesn't compile??
@rolfl Are you somewhat decently familiar with locales?
@RubberDuck one of the answers doesn't
@skiwi I have worked with them enough to be wary, yes....?
Ohhh. Okay.
Not sure if you've got time or seen it yesterday, but this might pose interesting to you
Q: LocalDate and DateTimeFormatter do not work correctly with Japanese locale (Possible JDK bug)

skiwiI've run across a strange issue when testing some method of mine and I seem to have been able to obtain a concrete example of my issue. I am using the ja_JP_JP_#u-ca-japanese locale not able to parse a date using it's own date pattern defined by the locale. I am wondering whether I am doing som...

Your date parsing?
I saw it, and went through the code, figured it was a more-than-5 minute review.
This is the related SO question though ;)
The CR question I'd also like a review on of course, and yes it might need more than 5 minutes
@RubberDuck I partially disagree. The purpose of a programming assignment is not to produce best-practice solutions, but to exercise what has been learned in class. If the job is to “solve problem A using feature X”, then a solution using feature “Y” instead immediate fails the assignment. It doesn't matter whether it's simpler or more elegant, it misses the point of the exercise.
I'll still do a more complete analysis tonight, but I expect that all date (and time) patterns a given Locale can produce, should be able to parse a date formatted by that locale
The real WTF is not teaching best practices from the start.
Gotta run for class, back in 20
Back... and nobody said anything in chat?!
Q: Graph vertex class implementation with adjacency lists

Soham ChowdhuryI wrote an implementation of a graph with each vertex storing a std::vector of vertices it's adjacent to. Here's my code, please critique it! (I'm pretty new to C++) #ifndef GRAPH_H #define GRAPH_H #include <vector> #include <algorithm> #include <iostream> template <class T, bool directed> cl...

The best meme I've seen in a while
Wow... didn't think this was so real: searchcode.com/…
Sorry, it's Friday...
I've got the front-end working, the back-end mainly still needs to be done
With that shirt, the guy looks like he's making a prison break.
Just doing some followup on previous discussions... @nhgrif, @outoftime, @RubberDuck - seems relevant:
Q: Any thoughts on how to react to gender-specific language?

MelanieThere have been a couple of times recently when someone has referred to me as "mate" in their comments or responses. I don't tend to be very sensitive about this stuff, and have really found very little sexism during my tenure as a computer professional. However, since my Stackoverflow userID is ...

@rolfl ^^ English language doesn't have gender neutral pronouns, does it ?
"it", but that's regularly seen as offending
yeah my native language is Sinhalese we have both gender neutral and non gender neutral pronouns
@JaDogg It does: "they"
although I am not sure if it is a pronoun.... is it?
isn't it plural ?
it's a pronoun but it's plural
The personal pronouns in English take various forms according to number, person, case and natural gender. Modern English has very little inflection of nouns or adjectives, to the point where some authors describe it as an analytic language, but the Modern English system of personal pronouns has preserved some of the inflectional complexity of Old English and Middle English. == Forms of personal pronouns == Unlike nouns, which are undeclined for case except for possession (woman/woman's), English personal pronouns have a number of forms, which are named according to their typical grammatical role...
they is singular too.
The driver crashed because they were talking on the phone.
@rolfl To me it sounds like that the driver crashed because his passengers were talking on the phone
Special section on the usage of the singular-they: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_personal_pronouns#Singular_they
Let's ask on English SE or ELL SE, I'm not sure what site to use however.
It has been asked many times ;-)
And, no, my intention is not to reopen the whole discussion.
13 hours ago, by rolfl
Oh, I see the beginnings of a ELU search/question
14 hours ago, by rolfl
Right, catching up.... what's up, doc?
Hey everyone
need a suggestion
I have a function.. say function a()
it returns 3+4
is it bad practice to assign 3+4 to a variable and then return the variable
or return 3+4 directly
why do you need a function to return 7 ?
@charger73 ^^
@JaDogg just an example man
what is the language ?
@charger73 It completely depends on the context.
But, in most cases, if there is no other complicating factor.......
@rolfl What are the parameters you would consider ?
return varX +varY;
is better than:
var varZ = varX + varY;
return varZ;
@rolfl why ?
@charger73 are you learning programming somewhere ?
@JaDogg no. Just someone asked me that return 3 + 4 is better
I am searching for an answer
@charger73 because, readers expect variables to be used, and, if you create a variable and just return it, I would wonder: "Why do that? Is there something I am missing that makes the intermediate variable important for something?"
It would make me question your logic.
@rolfl makes sense
Some lecturers do that (create a var named sum and return it) , They think just using return a+b; would make it harder to understand.
@rolfl is latex questions allowed here ?
There is a whole TeX - LaTeX site, you know?
yeah I know, just wondering
@Vogel612 Monking :D, btw do you have a latex .gitignore around ?
@JaDogg OK, if you know that, then, perhaps it's on-topic here... but I would be suspicious
@JaDogg I ain't doing latex..
in TeX, LaTeX and Friends, 14 mins ago, by JaDogg
do you have a .gitignore for latex around ?
Greetings, Programs.
@Donald.McLean hello :D
I think I need some caffeine. I swore that read "do you have a girlfriend who likes latex?". Which, though superficially similar, has a very different meaning.
@Donald.McLean haha
@outoftime Hello
@Donald.McLean Lol... it's Friday, huh?
@JaDogg, hi
found it
gist: Git: .gitignore file for LaTeX projects, 2009-07-17 11:37:42Z
A: Project Euler #48 in C++

outoftimeAt least you can use binary power function instead of linear power loop. And add some binary operations for perfomance improvements. typedef unsigned long long int ULL; typedef unsigned int UI; const ULL module = 1e11; const UI N = 2e6; ULL binary_power(ULL a, UI power) { ULL result = 1; ...

some one think that bin_pow can be rewrited without --power
so funny people
BTW projecteuler.net/problems realy interesting (:
If you like math, you can get a lot of value from ProjectEuler.... it is more mathematical than programmatical though
@outoftime I did a bunch of them when I was first learning . It was helpful.
Great, I crashed some university tool with my specific implementation of a model, and I need to use that tool to write a report that will be graded together with the model
@SimonAndréForsberg I like that video, been a while since I saw that commercial
@Donald.McLean ahaha, I did them by hands (: Using sheat of paper and pen.
@Malachi So star it, then :)
thought I did already....
> I love anything Computer sciency, especially programming in JavaScript, and playing with Cryptocurrency.
seen this one @SimonAndréForsberg
Wait... Someone mixed JavaScript and Computer Science in one line??
@skiwi Computer Science, one could argue, is the study of how to use any arbitrary programming language, no matter how bad, to do something useful.
@skiwi, nodejs
@skiwi, angularjs
@skiwi, atom.io
@skiwi, so yeap it can be a little bit (:
@Donald.McLean I usually relate it to the understanding of advanced concepts
> You've earned the "javascript" tag badge.
@Malachi yup :)
it's worth seeing again :)
@skiwi That's a good definition too, except that for that word "advanced", because the real trick in any science is to know and use the basic concepts consistently and correctly.
@Donald.McLean Well yea, but you use the simple concepts eventually for the advanced concepts
Hey everyone it's Friday :D !
Q: Posting code to check a box

Ben AaronsonA few times, I've seen questions where a considerable bulk of the question text is devoted to a question that's really more appropriate for StackOverflow or Programmers. But by posting code, the question manages to technically fulfill the requirements for a code review question, essentially adher...

@skiwi One would think, but most engineering disciplines are just chock full of folks that are completely enamored with their own cleverness. I have been guilty of this too.
@Donald.McLean Well, good thing is that I'm not smart!
Q: How to make this xml query shorter

baris22I spent 3 days to read this xml file and put the details in to the database. It works the way it should be but I know the way i read this xml file is not the proper way. Can you please show me how to make this query shorter. I have got too many foreach loop this is the xml <?xml version="1.0" ...

Q: Extract last record inserted for each key identifier

simoneLI have a table with this schema ID, int primary key PathKey, string not null InsertDate, datetime not null Value, int not null In the table there are a medium-large number of records. 1632 different pathkey and 645627 total records The PathKey is not unique (because I store also the old valu...

Q: Rewrite Python code in Java

user1285928I need help for rewriting Python code into Java. Unfortunately I know how to write Java programs but I don't have any experience with Python. from __future__ import division import os from collections import namedtuple _nt_cpu_temp = namedtuple('cputemp', 'name temp max critical') def get_cpu...

someone want to fix my language comment tags in my answer
A: How to make this xml query shorter

MalachiIt looks to me like you are looking through all the nodes to find the inner most nodes here. What you need to do is use an xPath Query or something similar and give your application the path to the inner most nodes. you would want something like //dimension[@axis='column'][@text='Variables...

why are we voting to close that question anyway?
Hey guys.
Long time no see? :)
@RubberDuck About the limiting factor when you teach, I would think it's would be harder and time consuming to let everyone work at different speed. How would you grade different homework ? Would you give more points because the person is more advance ? (etc... etc...)
@Malachi I have no idea
It's not a good question but I don't know if someone really tested the code to see if it's working or not.
@HassanAlthaf It has been. I remember your last visits.
That was a couple of months back.
Yeah, was busy with School you know? :/
And my internet broke.
Well, I finished 25 GB of my monthly data.
They are scamming us, when we subscribed to this package, they said it's 35 GB.
Eric Lippert posted on his blog.
from what I read it's going to be a good read, he talked to the "Roslyn gang"
@syb0rg and @Edward why are you voting to close that question?
Q: How to implement best practise in this POC Async Web Crawler

CountZeroI've created a small proof of concept web crawler to learn more about asynchrony in .NET. Currently when run it crawls stack overflow with a fixed number of current requests (workers). I was interested if I have made any common mistakes and if there is more of the framework / TPL I could be u...

my comment was deleted! who deleted my Java/C# comment? lol
Pimping this as some answers haven't had any attention, and the OP has apparently ignored them.
Q: Accept an object and generate a email

WaragiI have a question regarding optimizing a php email class. It's basically a wrapper class than needs to be able to accept different objects and always output an email. I'm trying to make it generic, in it's current form it's working but I still feel like it may be to tightly coupled. I was hoping ...

Q: Primitive Python P2P Socket Chat

abcbabcbabcbaHere is my code for a Python script for a peer to peer chat system on a network using sockets. I know there are some things that could be changed so there would be less repetition in the code and that some variables could be global, but what I am asking is if there are any issues with the code's...

This look more like a network problem than a coding problem to me
Wait he do not specify a host in his code
I am now going to try something I've never done before.
No, you cannot charge your iPhone in the Microwave!!!!
No, I wouldn't recommend posting spam on SO.
And YES, it DOES blend!
please elaborate on your bullet points and explain what should be done as opposed to what you say shouldn't be done and explain why. This answer is completely wrong, as far as being a good review. — Malachi 17 secs ago
@rolfl yes you can! and should
@rolfl You've... tried this before? ;-)
@Jamal You've never watched Will it blend?
Oh I have. I was somehow thinking that monkey attempted it himself.
Something actually useful, and unfortunately necessary. It involves using JPA annotations and a custom query that crosses four databases.
@Jamal I really doubt someone would try to blend his iPhone, but you know some people try to charge them with the microwave so....
"An internal error occurred while showing an internal error."
@rolfl iPhones can, Androids cannot.
Quote for the day should be: "Today, we will ask: Does it bend?"
I thought iPhones bend, not blend.
Beat yah! ;-)
  IAsyncOperation<ResponseToDemCoder> delayed = chat.AnswerDemCoderAsync("Maybe");
@rolfl Sure, but trying to use the task method made a very minor difference.
Come on, that was funny.....
@DemCodeLines The async method is not going to make the process suddenly scan the filesystem faster.
What it is going to do is to allow you to start updating the interface before the operation has completed..... perhaps as soon as the operation starts.
@rolfl I understand, but I'd expect it to run the search and retrieval of different files a little quicker, since it's kinda handling multiple processes at the same time instead of one after another.
Nahh, file-systems are often serialized.
you can only read from one place at one time.
And, what's worse, is directory listings often need to access multiple places.
Then you have multiple tasks trying to access multiple different music files to get properties.
My code's a mess...
The whole thing I was trying to tell you is you want that all happening in the background, updating the front-end as the results come in.
@DemCodeLines - async programming requires you to reverse your mindset. It means you code differently. Your code is not so much a mess, but just programmed using the wrong mindset for this particular problem.
I agree...
Q: Is it "legit" to use a linq query in a razor view?

smarbleI have a linq query in my razor view like below. Its just getting contacts that belong in the group. @using (var tabs = Html.Bootstrap().Begin(new Tabs("TabStripId"))) { foreach (var g in Model.Groups) { @tabs.Tab(g.GroupName) } foreach (var g in Model.Groups) { ...

I know you have answered this question several different times in various different ways, but how you would you make this code async?
The first thing is to have a front end that responds to events and notifications, like "there is this file, details unknown, will be available soon".
I have that, well kinda.
That would be triggered by the controlller, and the view would respond by making a 'placeholder' in the GUI
MusicSource.Source = GroupKeyList<Music>.CreateGroupList(source, (Music sd) => { return sd.Artist; }); is not shown in the code, but that exists in the same method.
MusicSource is a CollectionViewSource who the listview's itemSource property is binded to.
OK, so, let's throw out the pagination problem for a moment..... and work the async problem.
you need to have that binding, but, the list should be empty to start with.
The list as in the temporary list that stores the music objects or the collectionviewsource?
Crap, language limitations here.
C# not my thing...
The view is bound to a list.
the list can be grouped in the view.
the grouping is done on the sd.Artist.
the list should be empty though to start with.... since you should be binding the view before you know what files exist.
Here is the XAML side of the story: ListView ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource MusicSource}}">
<CollectionViewSource x:Name="MusicSource" IsSourceGrouped="true" />
And, to me that means you are creating the populated MusicSource before you are binding it.... right?
It depends on which language executes first, the C# or the XAML. If C#, then yes, it's being populated before.
I can't answer the question of which part happens first.
But, the view should be able to work with an empty MusicSource, and the view should 'listen' to the MusicSource and be updated as and when music is added to the Source.
So, you create an empty MusicSource, and bind it to the view. and (maybe) show it to the user.
I guess I could just programmatically bind the MusicSource to the listview itemsource when the page has loaded?
Language-specific detail I can't help with.
Based on the current code, you're saying that MusicSource is populated before being binded, right?
then, you have these tasks in the background that add Music instances to the MusicSource.
@DemCodeLines You have already said before that the app is wayiting 20-30 secnds before the data shows... so I assume so, yes.
I know that the function is only processing the data one-at-a-time.
That's because I run the following line when the app page opens up: await getMusic(Windows.Storage.KnownFolders.MusicLibrary);
Only then does it take out the loading screen and shows the actual listview.
But that's because I have it set up like that, which I now realize is a bad UX.
And, you need to let it do it all in the background ... ;)
so, maybe the first step would be to do:
IAsyncOperation<...> task = getMusic(....);
.... do other stuff;
await task;
But, I would recommend a more aggressive async experience.
What I really am looking to do is load the first 10 items. I don't care if the user has to wait for that, but the app should show the loading screen like it does, except only for loading the first 10 items it finds instead of waiting until everything has been found.
When those first 10 items have been found and added to MusicSource, the loading screen disappears and the listview can be seen with those 10 items.
From there, as the user scrolls down and reaches the end of the list, 10 more items are loaded.
Good news! Instead of linking 4 databases, I can do it directly with 2. Or the query might just be simple enough to do it directly on one at a time.
@DemCodeLines That sounds like a good plan, the trick for doing that, would be to identify the first 10 lines... how you do that, though, is a problem, and, if you have to scan the whole filesystem to do it, you have a problem... so, figure out what you can compromise on.
I guess get first 10 folders?
if they have files....
This is a circular conversation. You basically know your constraints, and I can't help more with the solution. You know the strategy you have to use.
you have to find a way of doing it in the background, and using some criteria for populating the list.
Which is have a counter that goes up till 10 and then returns true, upon which, the loading screen disappears and the user sees the updated listview.
my solution from yesterday was to add 'placeholder' items to the list as the recursion happens. The view can start displaying them when the list has >= 10 items in it.
wrong... the counter should not be part of the recursion, but as part of the 'listener' code on the view.
see it's the recursion where I am breaking apart.
the UI with the view is different to the population of the Music Stor.
Is there anyway to convert that recursion call into a loop?
It'd be so much easier to understand.
Do you know how to implement a queue?
(blocking in C#).
there must be an implementation of a bloicking queue in the standard libraries.
never used that
Give the queue in to the recursive method, and add the file locations to the queue.
instead of populating the MusicStore directly.
Then, set that process of asynchronously
in your control thread, take the first 10 items off the queue. Those will be music files.
get the music properties for them.
load them in to the UI.
pull the rest of the items off the queue.
add them in to the UI.
update the properties from them as you add them.
'await' for the background thread to complete the queue.
Right, i have work to do... ;)
@DemCodeLines You can always convert a recursive function into a loop by just using an explicit stack
Never used a stack either :(
you should write one, it'd be a good exercise
and it's one of the easiest data structures to write
So like this?
Stack<StorageFolder> fold = new Stack<StorageFolder>();
int count = 0;
var folders = await folder.GetFoldersAsync();
if (folders != null)
    foreach (var fol in folders)
@Yuushi ^
I just came in, so I haven't been following the whole conversation
so I'm not 100% sure what exactly you're trying to do
I have this function:
function getMusic(IStorageFolder folder) {
    int cnt = 0;
    var folders = await folder.GetFoldersAsync();
    if (folders != null)
        foreach (var fol in folders)
            await getMusic(fol);

    var files = await folder.GetFilesAsync();
    foreach (var file in files)
        MusicProperties musicProperties = await file.Properties.GetMusicPropertiesAsync();
        source.Add(new Music("artist", "title", "album");
and it's called like this:
await getMusic(Windows.Storage.KnownFolders.MusicLibrary);
The problem is, it takes about 20 seconds for the getMusic function to complete when there are just 50 songs on my phone.
Imagine if someone uses the app with 200-300 songs their phone?
The app would take like an hour!
that seems...very slow
Anyways, my solution was this:
24 mins ago, by DemCodeLines
What I really am looking to do is load the first 10 items. I don't care if the user has to wait for that, but the app should show the loading screen like it does, except only for loading the first 10 items it finds instead of waiting until everything has been found.
23 mins ago, by DemCodeLines
When those first 10 items have been found and added to MusicSource, the loading screen disappears and the listview can be seen with those 10 items.
23 mins ago, by DemCodeLines
From there, as the user scrolls down and reaches the end of the list, 10 more items are loaded.
Except, I am having trouble implementing that.
is there any reason you're trying to do so much of this asynchronously? If it's hitting the filesystem for this, there's almost no reason, you might as well make it serial
I need to show the music files to the user, quickly.
@Yuushi It is serial,,, all the async calls are immediately 'awaited'.
I can't make them wait for an hour. That would destroy the UX.
@rolfl I don't know how the C# CLR deals with that though...does it launch a new thread/green thread that just immediately blocks?
You know me and C#, right?
And you say don't run a counter, which throws me off even more.
You can run a counter in the UI component, not in the recursion.
They should be separate threads if you want your UI to be able to do anything before the entire recursion is done.
First thing I really need to do is convert that recursion call into a loop.
if that make s you feel better, then sure.
It's not that. It's about understanding. I don't understand the logic behind that recursion call.
A simple way to do that is to use a Queue (or a list that you can add at the back, and take from the front....).
if it calls the method again from within the foreach loop, the it would just iterate over the first 5 lines over and over until it can't find any more folders.
@rolfl Technically a stack, since this is doing everything depth-first, but it honestly shouldn't make a difference
With a List, what you can do, is create an empty list. then add all the folders you want to search, to that list.
so, you start with a list of folders....
what you do, is you loop on that list until it is empty:
while (folders.Length > 0)
inside that loop, you remove the first folder, and list all that folders folders....
add all those to the end of the folders list.
then list all the folders files, and process them as Music items.
make sense?
kinda, let me try it out.
The order of the files will be different to what you are doing at the moment with the recursion, but I don't believe that will make a difference.
gotta run, bbiab
codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/64539/revisions Is it just me or Revision 2 looks like it change a lot ?
@Marc-Andre looks like indentation to me
Wat. (SO lol)
A: Algorithm to create a diagonal pattern through a n x n grid

devendra pratap singhBoth diagonal of a squar or rectangle Program code and othere all pattern code which are complicated All code in java language

interesting Term I just read in a book!
@Malachi Girst in girst out?
Garbage in, Garbage out
Q: Realizing a SQL ResultSet into a Map in Scala

GnurfosI am trying to realize a java.sql.ResultSet into a map, in Scala. import java.sql.{ResultSet, ResultSetMetaData} class DbRow extends java.util.HashMap[java.lang.String, Object] { } object freeFunctions { def realize(queryResult: ResultSet): Vector[DbRow] = { val md = queryResult.getMet...

@Malachi Nice!
it was a Chapter on Loops
next chapter....Arrays
@Malachi kids these days.....
@Phrancis Good Morning
@Phrancis You finally made it!
Damn *&?$*& browser kept going into Compatibility View and would never load
check out this Programmers SuperUser Zombie Killer answer superuser.com/a/745653/162960
@skiwi This actually got an upvote...
already napalmed, ages ago
really excellent R question and great answer:
Q: Vector comparison inside for-loop

naught101The following code finds no-rain periods in a time series that were preceded by rain over a threshold (e.g. 10mm in 2 days [k=48]). significant_drydowns <- function(rain, threshold=10, k=48) { require(zoo) require(dplyr) # Find drydowns: sequences of 0 rain; give them a group st...

(It links to a specific event at 60 seconds ;))
I'm wondering how that is ever possible
Q: Could user-tests with impaired / drugged / tired people lead to better interfaces for everyone?

Fabian ZeindlI wonder if GUIs that work better for drugged people could work better for sober people as well? I wrote drugged people, but I actually meant other limitations as well, like being very tired or ill. All these conditions affect short-term memory, for example. Are there actual examples of designe...

See - the ballmer peak does have a purpose
At no point during the test was my mother drugged. — Don Nickel Jul 11 '13 at 19:21
I lol'ed
thank you Santas :)
Q: Get ruby Hash#each to return a built hash

Devon ParsonsI'm golfing some code while waiting for a coworker, and I shortened a function to this: def get_data(dir) newest = get_most_recent_file_numbers(dir) data = {} $file_prefixes.each do |type, file_prefix| file = File.open("#{dir}/#{file_prefix}_#{newest[type]}.csv") file.readline ...

Q: Java package creation and naming conventions

TimLet's say I have a interface called Shape and some derived classes implementing that interface Circle, Triangle and Rectangle. What would be a good way to name/create packages for containing these classes. The way I'm going with is now: some_package shapes Circle.java Shape.java Triangle.ja...

feature request:
A: Viewing the source code

janosI couldn't agree more. It's very important to copy-paste code into an IDE for a good, detailed, tested review. Unfortunately, copying code in scrolling boxes is not as easy as it should be. It would be nice if you could just click within a box and press Control A, but that's not how browsers work...

We could create a userscript for it !
In general, gitignore.io has a lot of recommended .gitignore files.
@skiwi just thought about this one again, it could be "Git in, Git out"
@Malachi Get in GET OUT :P
welcome @Qirohchan
@Marc-Andre what's a userscript?
@janos I'll get an example give me 2 minute

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