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My highest upvoted answer has 27 upvotes. It's a php question.
My second highest, out of 100+ answers to Objective-C questions, has 17 upvotes.
That question got that many in 6 hours.
And my highest upvoted Objective-C answer isn't even the highest upvoted Objective-C answer on that question, nor is mine marked correct.
How am I the "de facto" Objective-C expert?
Seems obvious to me :)
My votes per answer are lower than basically everyone on that page.
So obviously, I write worse answer... just I write tons of them.
Well, here is the way I see it. The votes per question of pretty much everyone in the chat room are likely higher. Because exposure. If you write an answer that you feel improves the code tremendously, there is nothing wrong with posting it here.
I feel 200_success probably posted this because it was a new user and a very good review, and wanted to encourage that user to review more.
I understand you may not feel that it's fair, and why. But do you feel it's more important for the CR community to grow and new users to feel appreciated?
Anyways, TTQW :)
@Malachi em
@Malachi my answer was first and it is not going to be perfect, but there present idea of using preprocessed values to increase perfomance
@nhgrif I really think you are underestimating yourself.
Q: What is this type of method, and what are it's uses? (Ruby)

user3174757I'm currently working on the Ruby problems at TestFirst.org. Feeling stumped, I did a search and found this answer to a question: Proper capitalization for book titles? I'm still fairly new and have not seen the following method naming convention before: def title=(title) @title = titlieze(t...

You feel that the community doesn't care about you because you don't get so many votes. My advice is: Don't look at the votes. It is not possible to control how people are voting. It is not really possible to explain why people are voting as they do either.
Just because your answers are not voted as much as you would like them to, doesn't mean that your answers does not add important value to the site.
That might be easy to say for me, being one of the users with the most average score per answer, but that is what I believe.
With that said, TTGTB
Hey, & bye Simon
Right, catching up.... what's up, doc?
@SimonAndréForsberg I've got an app that opens and closes connections to a server numerous times per second. It's not a problem to open and close... especially in anything turn based.
In terms of solving the problem of knowing whose turn it is, that's solved with polling.
@nhgrif Sorry you don't feel appreciated. Wish I could upvote your answers equal to the amount that they have helped me! (many, many times)
And actually, from the standpoint of how Objective-C handles these streams, there's very good reason for opening and closing all the time (considering the actual opening and close takes almost no time at all especially in the world of a turn-based game)
But with Objective-C, we use stream delegates to handle responses. The best solution would be to instantiate a new object that handle each stream connection and then dealloc (let ARC do it) when the connection is done... so each object handles one and only one request and response from the server.
Otherwise, it's extraordinarily easily for a little bit of server lag on the first request to end up with the results returned in the "wrong" order and that can make things difficult to sort out.
For what it's worth, I spent all of August and a lot of September working on an app that makes lots of TCP/IP connections.
its crazy that it can open and close connections multiple times a second
On a single thread.
And now realize that in my particular app, every connection is opened and closed on its own thread.
@nhgrif - let's compare.... you have 7625 rep and 145 answers.... at 52.6 rep per answer
I have .... 40448 rep and 703 answers ... at 57.5 rep per answer.
Sorry, I have been making dinner for the kids too ... ;-)
Now, I have this SEDE query too:
^^^ yours
vvv mine
I actually don't care. I was mainly pointing out that I feel like I don't get many votes because I'm not particularly concerned about how the community feels about me. This conversation got started when duck suggested I not "run off" a user who feels the urge to edit several month old posts for the sake of nothing but political correctness.
It is apparent, to me at least, that my 'rolling average is consistently higher than yours if you scroll to the bottom.... but, I attribute that to some recent high-scorers.
I also don't get those high-scorers.
In general your answers for an iOS expert, are consistent with mine, as a 'Java expert.
Outside of my half-joke half-serious answer to a really inflamatory php question.
Those high scorers of mine, as it happens, are not Java answers either.
I lie, it seems, where are my LOLCODE, and C# answers.... they are in there somewhere.
It is those 'for kicks' answers that have boosed my averages.
In general I agree, that voting has reduced on CR in the past 4 or so months.
Ah man... where'd Simon go? I was trying to talk to Simon & Bazola about codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/63769/…
That is the one point I want to make, is that, unless you pimp your answers, you can only expect a couple of votes, or a hot question.
I post my answers in here regularly.
But I don't actually care.
I do care... it irks me that I have an answer with a zero score... ;-)
I'm just saying, if the community doesn't go out of its way to care about me (without me going out of my way), I don't feel the need to go out of my way too particularly much to care about the community.
I've had accepted answers with a zero score :P
I am also keen to get back to Emily... and the discussion around her edits.
(oh, and for those folks who are going to dig in to my profile to upvote answers ..... I am at max today .... save it for later ... ;-)
Using "he" is beyond perfectly acceptable as a gender neutral pronoun in Academic papers, and as such, should also be perfectly acceptable here.
Even if it's not "perfectly acceptable", I don't think it should be considered "unacceptable", certainly not to the point that it requires an edit for that reason alone.
UI am just scanning her edit activity here.
As a man, I find those edits appropriate and that remark sexist^^^
Academia is steeped in ages old sexism.
I've actually made an effort not to say "Mr. Maintainer" since Emily brought it to my attention.
So, my question is, "Is she leaving other issues unaddressed?"
If that's the only edit and there are issues left unaddressed, then there's a problem.
I'm not saying we should use "he" and "he" only.
I'm saying "he" is acceptable. "She" or "they" are acceptable too.
"He" is acceptable to the point that editing my post to change that is wrong, particularly if that is the only change.
"Mr. Maintainer" is different. You're saying "Mr" when you could be gender neutral and say "the maintainer".
But the fact of the matter is, no matter how it's been casually used, "they" is not universally accepted as a singular pronoun. There's isn't a gender neutral singular pronoun in the English language. So we use "he" (or "she").
Yes. That's true and I've been trying to make the switch, but I disagree that those edits are wrong if nothing else is changed.
You know what, @nhgrif - I just don't see any pattern of going through and editing a bunch of posts for PC value.
I'm not saying that all she's doing.
I've seen it twice though. I said nothing the first time.
^^^ I think those may just be the only two times....
The second time was on my post from August 17th. Last activity was on August 18th. She edited it today to change "he" to "they" and I rolled it back (it's my post).
she called a he a she.... and was corrected....
But my point isn't really even about what's correct.
Out of interest, I can't see that activity on your posts.... I wonder if there's a UI bug.
My point is that "he" isn't so incorrect that it requires editing just to fix that. We're not supposed to edit just for minor changes. For example, an edit that changes a typo of "teh" to "the" would be frowned upon as it bumps the post for a very minor and very unnecessary edit.
Oh, I am looking at main site, stupid me.
She may have more edits in meta.
I don't consider it a minor change. It obviously is an issue for some women and changing it certainly will make some women feel more comfortable here.
If we can be more welcoming, why not?
Duck, if you want to use "they" rather than "he," you're welcome to.
OK, this makes sense, there are two places she has made edits.
@RubberDuck s/women/people/g
But as using "he" or "she" or "they" wouldn't be wrong, then editing from one to the other would be an invalid/minor edit.
yay finally got my virtualbox vm to begin installing win 10 instead of hanging on boot
I'm not editing anyone's "they" to "he" because the plural/singular is wrong.
Oh, I see the beginnings of a ELU search/question
So no one should be editing my "he" to "they" because they've got this idea that it's sexist--it's not, it's just a construct of a language until someone comes up with a singular, gender neutral pronoun for English.
I think someone linked either that post or a similar one yesterday
Q: Is there a correct gender-neutral, singular pronoun ("his" versus "her" versus "their")?

NulldeviceIs there a pronoun I can use as a gender-neutral pronoun? Each student should save his questions until the end. Each student should save her questions until the end.

given the kinds of hacks some apps have done on Windows, I can't say I'm surprised
ah. the joys of different time zones
Ok. This one I consider invalid because it left bad grammar after the change. Not to mention the note that was left. meta.codereview.stackexchange.com/revisions/2309/2
heh that's amusing
a reddit post linking to a page with an image of another reddit post
Yea, I didn't actually notice that... "they has". I just rolled it back. Didn't read the complete sentences with her changes.
they have would be more correct.
She made the same note for her other edit where she was just editing to change the pronouns "not everyone is male" or something
No, "that developer has" would be correct if you really are that sensitive.
I am going to use the analogy that using the gender-neutral they is like me using colour instead of color.
Q: Python: Tkinter using class and _init_

user2456977I am new to Python. I created a simple program that displays 28 numbers on the screen. Currently, nothing happens when you click on the numbers. Eventually, I want the numbers to disappear on click. Also, when you click on a '5', you get 5 points. I would like to make this multiplayer too where t...

To me, there's not a gender neutral singular pronoun, so either use "he" (or "she") and realize it's not actually sexist, or use a noun.
Going through and 'correcting' a person's "British" spelling to "American" spelling would be wrong.
I am actually goign to diasgree with you factually on that one. "they" Is a perfectly acceptable gender-neutral singular pronoun
I've never been offended by someone using "she" as their gender neutral singular pronoun.
I'll agree that it's acceptable, but it's not more acceptable than "he" or "she".
If anyone wants to disagree with me, they can take it out back and we can fight over it.
Because whether or not it's actually singular it's agreed upon.
The use of 'he' has some precedent. 'she' not so much (in English, in other languages it does), but I will go so far as to say that it is just as awkward to use 'he' as it is to use 'they'.
as a gender-neutral pronoun
And that's fair enough.
But that proves my point that "he" shouldn't be edited into "they".
One isn't wholly more correct than the other.
So, I am not going to say that we must fix all the usages of one vs the other....
but, just like you feel strongly about things, so can others.
I've seen people use "she" as their gender neutral singular pronoun plenty. Never been offended, and it never even crossed my mind that they should be corrected.
Now, if only I can get all those pesky Americans to call it Aluminium.
6 mins ago, by rolfl
Going through and 'correcting' a person's "British" spelling to "American" spelling would be wrong.
7 mins ago, by rolfl
I am going to use the analogy that using the gender-neutral they is like me using colour instead of color.
3 mins ago, by nhgrif
But that proves my point that "he" shouldn't be edited into "they".
I think we agree on this.
We do.
I'm conscious of the fact that there are others reading the conversation beyond you and I.
Hey, it's as much about me, as a moderator, forming strategies to deal with things, as it is about a couple of people bantering about political correctness, and so on.
lurking intensifies
@rolfl Must... not... edit...
What this boils down to, is that, as much as Emily may feel offended by 'he', that she can cause as much offense by editing it out of other people's posts, because they come from a culture/background where 'he' is perfectly acceptable.
The sensitivity has to go both ways,.
and, as a moderator, at some point, I will have to confront her about that... ;-)
and do it in a way that is sensitive, and .... effective, and does not cause unnecessary ... damage.
I'm not even necessarily offended, just slightly annoyed. What bugs me the most is that the post is from the middle of August. Hadn't been touched since August 18th, but then gets a bump today to change "he has" into ... "they has".
Now, as a South African, male, 'old man', that does not come easily.
@nhgrif It measn she has read it, though.
And to me, using "they" as a singular probably looks as wrong as using "he" for gender neutral to her.
People don't fix things they don't care to read.... it was important enough, and valuable enough, to matter to her.
The problem is though that she may not realize I'm being gender neutral.
And if she's going to make these edits, I think she should edit them into nouns.
from "he has" to "the developer has" (in this context)
or that she feels she does know, but wants to make sure your post does not offend some other person in the future who reads your post
The fact that "they has" is wrong is at least part of why I have trouble seeing "they" has a singular.
"they have" would be correct English
even for the Singular.
"developer has" <-> "developers have" .... "he has" <-> "they have"
I have something to say.
not I has something to say.
Hmm, that's a good point... but that's first person pronoun.
So is "they" ... ;-)
He and they are third person.
We is first person.
Or, us
meh, whatever....
They is third person.
If anyone has ever noticed before, I do remove "guys" from posts. I mainly do that because it sounds kinda informal, but that's just me.
"you" is 2nd person plural and singular.
"guys" is far more gender specific then "he"
As is "Mr. Maintainer" when we can say "the maintainer"
English is hard enough, but the right way (whatever the terminology), is "...they have...". "When a person gets the flu they have a virus".
@Phrancis What does that do in LOLCODE? :P
Which is fine, rolfl, but I might just as likely say "When a person gets the flu, he has a virus."
Yes, we agree on that ^^^^
"One who has a flu has a virus."
"When a person gets the flu, he or she has a virus."
you were asking whether it is "they have", or 'they has"
No, I wasn't asking.
I know "they have" is correct.
OK, then... we move on.
But "have" isn't correct for any other 3rd person singular pronoun or any nouns.
Which is why I don't quite see "they" as an acceptable singular pronoun.
You're more educated in those language terminologies than I am... I would not know.
But as I said, we can use a noun if we're really worried about being that perfectly politically correct.
I never had to consciously learn that... being a native English speaker ;-)
I'm a native English speaker as well.
well, then you're an educated one in more than just programming ;-)
I hated English as a subject.
and I failed Latin.... damn those terminologies.
Grammatical person, in linguistics, is the grammatical distinction between deictic references to participant(s) in an event; typically the distinction is between the speaker, the addressee, and others. Grammatical person typically defines a language's set of personal pronouns. It also frequently affects verbs, sometimes nouns, and possessive relationships. == Grammatical person in nominative case English pronouns == == Additional persons == In Indo-European languages, first-, second-, and third-person pronouns are typically also marked for singular and plural forms, and sometimes dual f...
Hmm, this lists "you guys" as an acceptable 2nd person gender neutral plural pronoun.
But the British "you lot" is even more gender neutral.
What's new?
time to do the bed-time rprocess with my kids?
we are graduating?
lots of things
regardless of whether or not the edits should have been made... CR users seem to be predominantly male. we should be aware of that, and make efforts not to be exclusive or unwelcoming, let we alienate anyone who wants to become/stay a part of the community. and yes i think that includes trying to be careful with the language that we use
And discussing the finer points of English pronouns and verbs :)
I see.
meh... ><
Well said @mjolka
Here have a star
@Jamal New TF2 Comic Issue just released.
I messed that up again.. damn.
The beta version of my app now automatically updates itself (like the SE app does except mine is 1 less step).
Q: Functional Interface uses uncheck or unsafe operations

Nikolaii99First of all, I am absolutely surprised that this code even works. Originally what I did was create a version checking system for Minecraft plugins (specifically Bukkit, Craftbukkit, & Spigot). What I wanted to do was refactor my Version class in order to make it platform independent (where it d...

looking at the list of people in chat right now, afaik everyone is male (a few names there i don't recognise). maybe we do have a problem with being inclusive
I don't think it's a CR problem.
@Malachi Yugos were notorious.
In all of my programming classes, there were only 2 or 3 females.
It's a general programming problem. Which is why I feel it's important to be inclusive.
@nhgrif agreed, the problem's not exclusive to CR. maybe we can do better though. idk. time for a smoke
lurking intensifies even further
I think you guys are beating a dead horse now....
Vogel, you female?
@rolfl Thanks.
nope... I'm back again.
you're welcome.
What;'s the internet slang... ASL?
19 m ger
damn, people do respond ;-)
That aside.. from how this conversation reads to me theres been a consensus reached..
Personally, I am 'settled' on what's right.
and how to deal.
I don't actually pay much attention to gender-neutraloty on the internet...
I just handle all people as neutral male ..
And I know its not correct and some people get offended by it...
engie just don kare.
3 mins ago, by Vogel612
I think you guys are beating a dead horse now....
Beaten by my own weapons...

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