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@SimonAndréForsberg all my Services are @Stateless, too and they work without complaining..
might be because I am doing it in a Class that's used for validating the crap outta my db-context.
@skiwi Played that. Hard game. Had to start over all the time... Haven't completed the game on easy even... (Isn't Easy supposed to be Easy?)
@Vogel612 Does your services have other interesting annotations?
@SimonAndréForsberg @RolesAllowed("User")...
@Vogel612 No idea what you mean exactly Yes, my thought exactly!
@Malachi (fingers crossed)
@SimonAndréForsberg I know the name, but never played it myself
@SimonAndréForsberg then... how would you go about circumventing that?
for the record I am trying to run a defensive select on a certain column in a table passed in by my annotation....
@Vogel612 Perhaps I should have written ---Yes, my thought exactly!--- No idea what you mean exactly
well it's got to do with the database constraint as in my SO question from this week.
I want to get a useful error message out of it, and thus created application-layer validation..
and that's how far I got in the last 3 hours..
okay it's TTQW!
Toodles! ;)
Sleep on it :)
What makes a select defensive?
@Phrancis You make a select before you insert. To verify that you can actually insert the thing that you want to.
does making a left join on the destination table and adding where dst.Id is null count as such?
Ah, makes sense (sort of)
@Mat'sMug I would say so.
Although you should probably not quote me on this :)
-- @SimonAndréForsberg something like this?
if (
  select UserName
  from Users
  where UserName = 'Phrancis'
) is null
insert into Users(UserName)
values 'Phrancis';
Something like that I think, yes
But I think often you make the defensive select first, then if that succeeds you make the insert. So it's two different SQL statements.
It becomes problematic though if the application is multi-threaded, or if there are many applications connected at once to the same database
then you need to add explicit table locking
insert into users (username) select src.username from (select username from users) src left join users dst on src.username = dst.username where src.id is null
^^ how about this?
Looks... complicated...
(assumes id is PK/AI)
as a one-liner, yeah
kill kill kill the utils module... la dee dah dee dah
insert into Users (UserName, DateInserted)
select src.UserName, now()
from (
	select UserName
	from Users
	) src
left join Users dst on src.UserName = dst.UserName
where dst.Id is null
@Mat'sMug What is it that you're trying to do there exactly? Insert a user with a username you get from your users table where the user doesn't exist...?
reality is more complicated than that
src is really a subquery with 5-6 joins
shouldn't a insert into users (a, b) be followed by VALUES keyword? (or is that only mysql?)
@Mat'sMug I don't like one-liners like that ;)
insert into users (username)
    select src.username
    from (
        select username
        from users
    ) src
left join users dst
    on src.username = dst.username
where src.id is null
and UserName is assumed to be the natural key (for the join)
Why not just say Where Not Exists?
@Mat'sMug So the idea is to copy a value from one table/query into another table?
ETL, yes
Or rather, If Not Exists, then Insert.
from a source to a destination
that explains it
that's inserts; then there's updates
oh dear...
fun fun fun
Not yet! Tomorrow!
That's right, it's not Friday yet.
it's Friday somewhere
At which point do we consider a question a zombie?
Good point @DanLyons.
@TopinFrassi As soon as it is asked and unanswered.
@TopinFrassi When it starts to eat other people
keep in mind that all questions crave brains
@DanLyons Then @Yuushi can post the video if he wants to (although I doubt he will...)
A: Refactoring the Validation Check and Save Code

TopinFrassiSince your validators are stateless, I think you should initialize them in the static constructor of the object (called only once) and make your validation list static, this would save you the performance cost of creating validation instances everytime you create a Car instance. private static List

I didn't want to link my answer -.-' just the question!
But well, I'd rather post it here now than forget about it, let it become a lurking brain eater that will end up eating my family and make me go to an amusement park with an attractive girl, after I killed Bill Muray
remember to double tap
And to fasten your seatbelt
@TopinFrassi There's nothing wrong with linking answers here.
@TopinFrassi Going to an amusement park with an attractive girl doesn't sound that bad though, does it?
Yeah, that part would be pretty great
Q: How can I use a value as instance name in AC3?

Miszter SoulI want to short these rows var upgradethis = "u3"; if (nev == "u1"){ mM.u1.count.text=minionCounter[lvl]; } if (nev == "u2"){ mM.u2.count.text=minionCounter[lvl]; } How can I replace the "u1" and "u2" with value of "upgradethis"? And use in here: mM.upgradethis's value.count.text=mi...

So remind me, why do I get chewed at when I do things according to SO's meta?
Q: Improving readability of my unit/integration tests

Will MarcouillerHere's what I got: [TestFixture] public class CompositionRootTests { [Test] public void FormsShouldBeBoundToViewsThroughConventionBinding() { GivenIHaveANewKernel(); WhenBindingFormsToViews(); // Then kernel.Get<IMainView>().Should().BeOfType<MainForm>();...

Q: Refactoring ActiveRecord Concern

AlderI wrote next Concern for rails 3: module Pagination module Helper extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do class << self def paged(params, custom_per_page = nil, custom_page = nil) per_page = params[:per_page] = custom_per_page || normalize_per_pag...

@Pimgd because there is mean people on SO. :P
Yeah I figured that already but I don't want to believe it
@Pimgd Because SO users don't know their meta.
in Code Review - Discussion about help vs. review, 15 secs ago, by Simon André Forsberg
@rolfl I'm not sure about this question:
Q: Beginner Computational Physics With Python: Comparing Data To A Model And Returning A Chi Squared Value

user52931I'd really appreciate if I could get some feedback for my first independent program that I intend to use for labs. Its quite basic but useful to test various (9) different models using one set of data I have tried to make it clear and use the PEP8 formatting. I am currently creating a version th...

@Malachi I thought light was faster than that...
@Mat'sMug food isn't though....
not here yet, will probably be delivered this afternoon or after work I am guessing...if it comes today
@Mat'sMug If you ever find a clear tutorial on async/await, please share it over here for me, I'm unable to understand it with the MSDN's one
@SimonAndréForsberg Yeah, I probably could... haha
I think I am going to have to start blogging here again as well
Q: Beginner Computational Physics With Python: Comparing Data To A Model And Returning A Chi Squared Value

user52931I'd really appreciate if I could get some feedback for my first independent program that I intend to use for labs. Its quite basic but useful to test various (9) different models using one set of data I have tried to make it clear and use the PEP8 formatting. I am currently creating a version th...

@TopinFrassi I remember I read the MSDN one a while ago. I think I understood some of it. (I don't do much C#)
@TopinFrassi sure
And one more new class to create. (One that should have been its own class when I wrote the stupid thing.) I seriously wish I could go back in time and kick myself.
@SimonAndréForsberg Well maybe is it because I don't have alot of experience with asynchronous programming..
You can kick yourself without going back in time, you know?
@Mat'sMug Thanks!
@RubberDuck just take it as part of ..learning process ;)
Check this out
@nhgrif TS
that is way cool! it shows the days that you logged in
@Malachi and you just found out now?
Today I wrote a SQL Server query to generate some SQLite scripts...
@nhgrif LOL. I could, but I'm the guy fixing it right now. I want to kick the guy that wrote it. We're not the same guy.
@Mat'sMug yeah I just found it. but I can't see anyone else's?
it's "private" info
cool with me I guess
@Malachi You had to go back to March to see a month where you had 100% coverage?
@SimonAndréForsberg sadly yes
I missed a day in the weekend... now my CR activity will drastically drop as I'm depressed by my inability to access a website on a daily basis.
I always get on too late on the weekends and miss a day
they are always weekends too
Also the lack of my ability to game my way to a badge.
I usually miss about 1 day per month.
February 6th this year was my first day.
Q: C++ Win32 destroywindow non-existant windows

Evan Carslake(could not think of a title) What I am working on has sets of window controls. Controls are constantly being either destoryed, or created. This is what I have been doing: void ChangeControl() { // remove all controls, existing, or not hwnd = GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_BTN_FOOA); DestroyWindow(hwnd)...

@SimonAndréForsberg you should see the trend from last July or something like that, my activity drastically increases.
@CaptainObvious "(could not think of a title)" - I've seen plenty of worse titles
@SimonAndréForsberg that guys needs a beard or something
Drat... Jamal, Argh, I was editing it.
How am I supposed to get my numbers up .... //// ;-)
Easy, just ban @Jamal for a week.
@SimonAndréForsberg Good luck with that. ;-)
Q: Fast Transpose of a Sparse Matrix

ShashankPlease explain the code of the fast transpose. If possible explain using TCC version of C++.

Q: Approach to solving jolly jumper

l46kokI'm a C#/Java full-time developer who is trying to pick up C++ purely for educational reasons. I've tried to solve a pretty simple ACM ICPC problem and would love to hear all kinds of criticisms on how to write acceptable modern C++ code. (Seriously, tell me that my code is a joke, as long as you...

@rolfl I thought you were busy chatting! D:
@Jamal You mean @rolfl can't ban you?
He probably can, but I can just unban myself.
How can you unban yourself if you're banned?
Because mods can unban anyone on the site.
So mods have another way to access the site?
Sometimes I think I should just try.....
Or mods can access the site even if they are banned?
That would be a fun experience
You should all ban yourselves, and chaos would run CodeReview SE
Hmm, the API lets me go through the 'suspend the user' process all the way to the final 'submit' button, but I am too chicken to actually press that on Jamal's profile ;-)
user image
(got mine yesterday .... ;-) hehehehe.
Well, we can mod-message ourselves, but I don't think we should do that just for teh lulz.
@rolfl I thought you were a monkey, not a chicken.
Meeting time!
@200 nice!
All it needs is a little unicorn sitting inside, and it'll probably be the most dang cute thing around.
I'm so mad, I just got code from source control, resolved conflicts without checking too much and now I destroyed half a day of work -.-'
@200_success Should I actually?
@rolfl I can't let you get ahead of me on edits....
Not using git?
Where I work we're with Microsoft's environment, so I'm on TFS source control
Q: What is the purpose of a Code Review

ChadI am in the process of trying to sell my organisation on the value of code reviews. I have worked at several places where they were employed. I have seen them used to nitpick styling choices, and functional decisions, and I have seen them used as nothing more than a gut check to make sure nothi...

What?! Even more starfood.... oh come on
A: What is the purpose of a Code Review

Thomas Browncall me a pessimist / sarcastic / negative....but here's my take as a hobby psychologist (my wife is the 'real' one, lucky me!): what you guys wrote up there is true when going 'by the book'. Sure reviewing other people's code is a great way to learn stuff and exchange ideas. No one will deny th...

This is... interesting.
> Sometimes code reviews aren't code reviews; they are corporate games designed to remove people one way or the other...
^^ huh
@Jamal I actually like that answer.
On a side note, I like the layout/graphics of the Programmers site. Hope CR can do something cool like that too if when we graduate.
@Phrancis when we graduate
Q: Optimizing my Excel VBA Macro

slow_excellenceToday I created a script in Excel that migrates data from a specific Word document and copies a portion of it to a cell in Excel (the date to be specific). The file input is Last name, First Name, Grade - (Rank) (Completed On YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss) and each person is on a new "paragraph" (aka line)...

Q: Is it good practice for Concern in Rails?

AlderI have next concern module. Is it ok to make all calculations in included scope? How it could be improved? module Pagination module Helper extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do class << self def paged(params, custom_per_page = nil, custom_page = nil) per_pa...

Q: Optimizing my Excel VBA Macro

slow_excellenceToday I created a script in Excel that migrates data from a specific Word document and copies a portion of it to a cell in Excel (the date to be specific). The file input is Last name, First Name, Grade - (Rank) (Completed On YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss) and each person is on a new "paragraph" (aka line)...

I see that @Mat'sMug. 12 bottles of beer on the wall.
@Jamal are you editing this Ruby question for grammar already?
I wasn't
OK I'll take it :)
I think the main site is lagging again...
woah.. is chat lagging as well?
As an aside @SimonAndréForsberg because I saw your discussion... the defensive select is performed after the transaction has started, iff I understand the stacktraces I got before this correctly..
--> the "locking" for the table is taken care of by JPA.
I just realized, I am the top user of all time: codereview.stackexchange.com/tags/c/topusers
@Vogel612 good. I had a feeling you knew what you were doing :)
@SimonAndréForsberg mind the if though..
@syb0rg because you mention it..
I think I am placed too high in the top Java answerers of all time..
and not just a bit...
Not as undeserved as I am in the C# answerers ....
I'm in the top PHP answerers of all time - sad, considering I don't know PHP
Same here with assembly, sort of.
@Phrancis I'm at the bottom of that list too, with 1 answer...
Dang, I'm 2nd top c# answerer in the last 30 days
@All, everyone is on the bottom of the list at least, as long as you have something there.
The system adds you to the list even if you are not the actual next person.
so you can tell how far back you are.
That makes sense...
You're tearing his dreams apart..
I mean, seriously, I am on the C++ list ;-)
No wonder I was a top user for
@rolfl is at the top for
and top of
Well, I got a C# bounty, and two C# accepts today..... and no accepts for Java....
is that a sign?
(especially since I have never written a C# program in anything other than Ideone ? )
@rolfl Are you a guru yet?
@rolfl If the main site weren't lagging now, I would be downvoting some of those answers. ;-)
No, not yet, and I have an opportunity near-at-hand for C# guru too ;-)
I wish I could see those lists, but the site is not usable right now
odd, it is going fine for me.
the only thing working for me now is this chat
I can wait
Well, I will go and answer all those outstanding Java questions then, while you are all lagging.
works on my machine
No, wait, I will answer the PHPoop questions .... hee-hee-hee
Rumour has it that changing the DNS server to google's server helps with this lag.
phpoop? Didn't take you for a masochist ;)
in any case, I don't plan on answering more questions today
We are looking into the CDN issues now, hang tight.
is it me you're looking for?
just checking, if I lost the chat too
Who knew PHP has an easter egg in their documentation....?
was a long silence, it got suspicious ;)
@Monkey link?
go to any help page: php.net
pick one, any one, then, when the browser has focus, type:
@rolfl php itself, on the other hand, is full of easter poop
@SimonAndréForsberg I can see it in your eyes
fun fun fun!
Can't reproduce. Must be IE8
@TopinFrassi Exactly!
I'm in Chrome, btw
@rolfl still 2 hours and 13 minutes remaining here
Yeah, and I am FF32
is @CaptainObvious immune to the cdn change like most of you guys?
We're tracking down the cause of 503's on the CDN. Those with issues please tweet us the colo= line of this page: http://cdn.sstatic.net/cdn-cgi/trace
@janos - you're up!
Hmm, I can't get a MathJax equation to center....
is this an example of crowd-funded debugging?
@syb0rg <div align="center">\$4 + x = 7\$</div>
@rolfl yup, and it's brilliant
exhausted my stars, first time ever
get a badge for that!
No badge for that.... :(
@SimonAndréForsberg Isn't working... :/
my sentence was mislead by the message, saying "You have fully used your vote allowance for today"
@syb0rg - just use a paragraph-style Math-Jax, with $$ on a line of it's own.
@syb0rg You do understand that I was only kidding, I hope...?
and close the paragraph with another $$
@SimonAndréForsberg Yeah, but I had already tried that before you said that :P
Meh, I'll just let you guys see if you can fix it (it doesn't look that bad anyways):
Q: Calculating freefalling object's height

syb0rgThis is the code for my first CS1 project, I hope to be posting my code here to track my progress of learning the language of C++. I shouldn't be too shabby, since I know C considerably well and have reviewed C++ code here before. Write a program that allows the user to enter a time in secon...

what is the whole CDN issue?
ok it's back :)
@syb0rg Done.
@rolfl Oh, I thought we had to use those delimiters within the \$ \$
Really, you need to add comments for each line. ;-) — rolfl ♦ 25 secs ago
@Mat'sMug Find()
A: Optimizing my Excel VBA Macro

RubberDuckPerformance I see two major issues with the performance of this code. GUI operations are expensive and slow. Remove these lines, they're doing nothing but slowing you down. ActiveSheet.Range(currentCellToAdd).Activate ActiveWindow.ScrollRow = ActiveCell.Row You should avoid using activat...

I need to work harder apparently If I'm going to truly earn my reputation as chat's Scala person.
Q: Calculating freefalling object's height

syb0rgThis is the code for my first CS1 project, I hope to be posting my code here to track my progress of learning the language of C++. I shouldn't be too shabby, since I know C considerably well and have reviewed C++ code here before. Write a program that allows the user to enter a time in secon...

Q: First c++ program. Screwed up a lot along the way, would like to catch more before I go to my next challenge

musherThe program reads in an operation, and then numbers, and does stuff to them based on that. Exercise number 1 at this linl For example, ./this_file sum 1 2 3 would yield 6 I'm fairly certain I don't need all the #includes, but I had added them at some point to deal with a problem, some ideas I k...

Q: Pokemon Type Evaluator part 2

LegatoI started anew and completely refactored the way I implemented Pokemon Type Evaluator. Also, first use of a lambda expression (Case of using it, but still don't fully grasp how it's working). I'm wondering if this is a bit more complex than it needs to be, but otherwise I think these are some si...

@CaptainObvious 5 upvotes before you even saw that one ;)
3 answers on my question already haha
Q: Validate XML using XSD, a Catalog Resolver, and JAXP DOM for XSLT

Dave JarvisBackground As this related question describes, there does not appear to be a canonical way to validate XML files against an XSD then subsequently transform them using an XSL template with file paths determined from a catalog resolver. The XSL templates can be XSLT 1.0 or XSLT 2.0, the latter re...

@Donald.McLean Either that, or you need to remind us why you use Scala instead of Java a bit more often...
@CaptainObvious Pokemon! :D
(preferably you'd do it by answering scala questions though)
@CaptainObvious Wanna take a stab at this, @syb0rg? ;-)
@CaptainObvious I would gladly review that if I had the energy for it...
@SimonAndréForsberg What's wrong with your energy level?!
it's tired, and aren't so eager to answer questions these days
@SimonAndréForsberg Your "Review Java Code" move is out of PP? ;-)
@Jamal I have class soon, so I probably can't :/
Q: Encoding and Decoding Programming Challenge

RDSpinzI was issued the following coding challenge from a company to write an encoding and decoding function: Encoding: This function needs to accept a signed integer in the 14-bit range [-8192..+8191] and return a 4 character string. The encoding process is as follows: Add 8192 to the raw value, so ...

can we give this question some more attention? year old and the user edited in the new stack snippet!
Q: Checkbox processes

gerdiI was wondering if anyone would mind looking over my [JSFiddle][1] ( contains html / css / js ) and letting me know if this is best practice for the operation. [1]: //<!-- Services checkbox operations // i dont think this is the best way to do it but it works--> $(function () { $(".se...

@Malachi: If you can tell that parts of your answers have been incorporated into the question, then you can try to edit around that. If not, ask the OP to do it.
Power Points. In the RPG games, they limit each move to a certain number of uses.
However, they can be replenished mid-battle with certain items.
@Jamal Simon used Vodka!
Simon has fallen asleep
uses Full Heal
@skiwi Vodka? Don't think so.
Using items for heal? Could be useful.
@Jamal I don't know what I am doing with that Edit and the code snippet. @rolfl you want to jump on this one before @Jamal?
doesn't look like the user knows exactly how it works either....
@Malachi - you know your entire answer is about the indentation....?
:) :|
I know it was a zombie..... and that's OK, but, re-inserting bad indentation, to make your answer valid again....
rollback loses the snippet too, so, it will require..... some work.
he has the whole snippet messed up to, it messed up the JSFiddle link
I can fix that easily..... let me see what I can do here.
not all messed up but you can see what I am saying. I am burning out today....
@SimonAndréForsberg Or asking them.
I see that @syb0rg is not just the top answerer, but also the top asker as well.
@Malachi - I fixed the edits, but now the snippet fails.
Stack Snippets are failing for me.... is it just me?
Q: Bouncing stacking boxes

Tom var envelopeHeight = 100; var fallRange = 8.5; var fallMidpoint = 75; var maxOnScreen = 6; var frequency = 4500; //time between falls var initialVelocity = 0.2; var gravity = 0.6; var friction = 0.97; var dampening ...

Does that work for others?
Works for me @rofl.
works for me in Firefox, but not in Chrome
OK, I am getting connection problems....
Looks like IBM is slow for the DNS failures to propogate.
@syb0rg: Got it. ;-) I haven't commented on everything, though.
@Malachi so?
Monkey got stuff yesterday, Fish got his today, Editor-in-Chief didn't say (or I missed it?), ...got your box yet?
@Malachi Burning out is expensive becaus eyou have to replace your tires often, and it is unsafe too to drive on balding tires.
@rolfl it works, the user has it so that some check boxes won't work unless other check boxes are checked or unchecked.
@rolfl works for me in Chrome ...on my phone!
@rolfl agreed
works in Chrome, period.
@Mat'sMug who is the editor in chief???? I didn't get it, I said that right away
lol our favorite Jamalizer of course
3 hours ago, by Malachi
not here yet, will probably be delivered this afternoon or after work I am guessing...if it comes today
@Mat'sMug I didn't take part in that contest, nor did I (yet) request swag from Tim.
oh, true. but you should have a diamond hat though :)
@Jamal he should have sent you a moderator package though right? with a cool hat?
I have to fill out a form, but I haven't yet for some reason.
Simple reason: Filling out forms sucks.
8,539 edits. 2nd behind (200_success) has 2,170 edits.
I'm surprised to be in the top 10
Make that 8540...
Salesforce has graduated.
22 hours ago, by rolfl
and Salesforce just graduated, the list is in some sort of order.
yay, one less in the queue in front of us!
Now I feel that I will graduate from college before CR graduates.
Do you all know how often the SE podcast comes out?
when it's ready. SE podcast is like Gandalf. it's never late.
and I'm outta here (TTQW)
i looked at the salesforce page and I still have no clue what it is
@200_success is this kind of what you were looking for?
A: Stylish underline when input is focused, modern browsers only

MalachiYou talk about omitting the wrapper, you really don't need to do much differently here, I removed the Wrapper and the CSS that went along with it, and nothing changed in the JSFiddle My Fiddle It's not good to have a whole bunch of HTML that you don't need, it makes things weird. The same go...

and then someone else answers right after me....
good answer too.
@bazola Salesforce is CRM software that can be highly customized. It has its own programming languages.
Very very popular
Q: Developing exact target app in JAVA sdk : Part 2

Joseph NelsonThe example for updating Data Extensions in "Developing exact target app in JAVA sdk" was what I have been looking for. Unfortunately, I'm not able to get it work for Shared Data Extensions. I've tried using the "ENT." prefix on the name with no luck. I've tried including the folder name beneath...

@Jamal you want to go edit that one? ;)
@Phrancis way to put the pressure on him.....
Hmm interesting, they call this SOQL:
public static void getQtlWithRpTrans(){
    Quote_to_Lease__c qtl =
    [SELECT Id, Name
        ,Opportunity__c, Opportunity__r.Name, Opportunity__r.Referred_By_Lookup__c, Opportunity__r.Property_Name__c
        , (select id, Name, FirstName__c, LastName__c, Status__c, Referral_Type__c
            , Event_Name__c, Customer_Name__c, Email__c, Cost_Center__c, ExtId_Vendor_Account__c, Unit__c
            , Date_Forwarded__c, Date_Fwd_Completed__c
            ,Contact__c, Lead__c, Opportunity__c, Referral_Payment_Account__c
I wonder what's with the double-underscore everywhere
@Phrancis Here I was thinking: "Who on earth created the fuel-sdk and exacttarget tags?"
@Phrancis Looks like a mess to me
Yeah, it could certainly use a little CR love methinks
Q: Conditional AND statement- which is more readable?

dmanConditional statement- which is more readable? automationStatusIsSuccessful = (data) -> data.Automation.Status isnt "FAILED" and data.Automation.Status isnt "COMPLETEDWITHERROR" checkIteration = (data) -> if iteration < Configuration.CHECK_ITERATIONS and automationStatusIsSuccessfu...

@CaptainObvious Very little context, not asking for a review, and I think only one of those language tags apply.
Are you really looking for a code review? If so we will need context of what the code does, and your complete implementation not just a snippet. — Phrancis 24 secs ago
@Jamal I VTC as "unclear"
6 PM TTQW!!!
@Jamal - and other C folk, please review my review....: codereview.stackexchange.com/a/62689/31503
Technically, it's a zombie, I can paste the link:
A: Merge sorting linked lists

rolflI can't help but think that your solution suffers because of the malloc you do in the middle of the operation (mergeList), and the fact that your malloc's are never freed. You call the mergeList from the recursive part of your algorithm, so, in effect, you create \$log(n)\$ copies of unfreed memo...

@Malachi no fedex here :(

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