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@SimonAndréForsberg I completely understand, there is a lot of Code Talk going on in here! almost always 2 rows of users in chat. Gotta go to a meeting
So, if anyone wonders what weather it is here in Uddevalla today...
Image not found? Wtf?
Would that be 'partly cloudy'?
Just click it.
I like thumbnails!
@rolfl Not only that, it's a thunderstorm to the left
@Malachi No.
Howdy @nhgrif.
A: How could I optimize this script?

nhgrifThis script is a total of 99 lines. Of that, 49 lines are insulting, annoying, and ironic self-congratulating comments. In general, comments are good. They help any future maintainer (including yourself when it's been 6 months since the last time you looked at the script) to understand what ...

Need 3 more upvotes.
none available here anymore.
@ckuhn203 Wow, someone talked about me in the chat room eh eh
@TopinFrassi exactly ;)
Welcome to "our" chatroom
It seemed like a cool place to hang around
s/seemed like/is/
@nhgrif The question has received a close vote, thus will appear in the queue, though I don't think it'll allow your answer more exposure.
I'm wondering, are you guys working and following the chat room at the same time?
mostly (for me).
@TopinFrassi It's called , and if not applicable, we make another excuse.
I'm not.
but I work almost all the time ;-)
Well... maybe this semester I'll try to stop chatting during class.
@Jamal No! It's the only thing that will keep you awake during class..
(the lectures are found online anyway)
@skiwi Yeah, unfortunately, I'll be lectured on JAVA. :-(
@Jamal I'm not sure how that close reason applies..
While the question deserves the downvotes, I don't see how it should be closed.
@nhgrif It doesn't, but I guess the user just wants it closed.
Eh, I'm on a new project that takes about 5 seconds to compile..
Since it has... 10 classes
Java folks need different excuses
I sometimes have data I need to test that takes 20 minutes to generate a decent testset
I guess Xcode compiles pretty durn fast.
The only time I have downtime is when I'm really expensive queries in management studio
Like EXCEPT clausing two big queries--that's expensive...
@nhgrif I may be going. is it pretty big? I have only gone to Sturgis (Because I lived there) and that is pretty big deal, they are talking about extending it to 2 weeks next year.
Hi @TopinFrassi!
Q: Calling a method outside class statically, passing other method as parameter

Jolly RogerI have a class like this: class myClass { public static function load() { return new self(); } public function myMethod1 () { return 'content'; } public function myMethod2 ($content) { return 'modified '.$content; } } Somewhere i...

@TopinFrassi I saw you've been zombie slaying. =)
Q: What's a Zombie? And what are the many other memes of Code Review?

Simon André ForsbergWhat is a Zombie? Why are Code Reviewers so violent and talking about killing Zombies all the time? And what ammo are they talking about? What is a TS? What does RSA mean? And what other Code Review-specific memes are there? (As the number of memes grows and grows, and Malachi's wish to vote fo...

hey @Malachi how's it going?
@skiwi SQL is great. "I'm testing some improvements on a long running query."
Q: How do I interrupt a ServerSocket#accept() and shut down a multi-threaded socket server?

WojtekI have got here a work-in-progress piece of code here that does multi threaded communication via sockets. I am using a poison pill to shut it down. It is a local port number. Is there a better way to shut it down gracefully? import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.ne...

I'm searching for them, I need to take revenge for the number of time I got killed by them in Resident Evil 4 ahah
That was seriously the best one in the series IMO.
My buddy and I used to drink and shoot zombies all night.
Yeah it was real fun. I stopped playing after that one though, I can't judge the others
I was too young to drink back then.. Unless you're talking about apple juice ahah
@nhgrif thanks for your answer :D
I'll try that tonight
6 was awful. I demanded my money back.
Is this the latest one?
Q: Entity management design

user3700278I'd like to get some guidance on whether or not I'm approaching my design the correct way, especially with regards to usage of smart pointers and references. I've started developing a small game engine which among other things consists of Entities, an EntityManager to 'own' the entities, a Quadt...

oops eh eh
yEAH @TopinFrassi. The newest one.
@CaptainObvious, why do you post questions here? (Real question ahah)
He's a bot
posting new questions?
Although... once... he spoke... I need to find that, anyone remember when it was?
@TopinFrassi yep, I think it's a RSS feed of some kind
@Phrancis I think that was Blue Cheese.
No I swear, @CaptainObvious spoke once... I think one of the mods was tinkering with it ;)
@Jamal can you find it by chance? I was wanting to make a new answer on the Zombies post
g'day all
@Phrancis I can't find it, either.
G'day mate @Snowhawk04
Hello @Snowhawk04
I bring a zombie to you:
Q: Project Bashory - Bash History

CrandellWSIn effort to be more effective and productive with terminals I have started building a bash script. It is for handling the bash history of concurrently running terminals, archiving old commands, and dynamically loading bash history profiles. Most current development is going to be found at http...

@SimonAndréForsberg GUI tests do take some pretty time
@janos going good, I was in a big conference call with the Vendor for our Case Management System. all the other people in their were hogging the Wifi signal I think, it was horrible in there
you asked if I'm Paris, how come?
@Phrancis @Jamal looking for this?
Aug 7 at 14:38, by BlueCheeseMonster
@Vogel612 That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: live
@Phrancis I think it was a different bot, a community person made it say something I think
@janos that is what it says on your Github account
yeah, that's where I am now....
cool. where is your home base of operations?
I'm from Hungary, but haven't lived there for ages
it ain't home here, I'm more like a long-term visitor
@janos I totally understand that.
@Jamal our conversation the other day about losing points on questions getting deleted moderators.stackexchange.com/q/541/57
you lived abroad for a long time too?
@ckuhn203 nope, that's a bot and not a feed.
@Malachi Yeah, that's a big problem on SO.
> 3858 messages found
when searching for %20 said by Captain Obvious (-263) in 2nd monitor
What's %20 stand for?
@Phrancis %20 = 0x20 (hexadecimal) = byte 32 = Space
this python question was a nightmare:
Q: CLI Command Search Tool - XML Framework

vbiqvitovsI'm working on the OSCP, and Information Security certificate based around penetration testing. CLI-based tools seem to be the core of most pen-testing assignments, so I'd like to build a tool aiding in command/switch searching. The goal of the program will to (eventually) load command line arg...

I probably spent 2 hours answering, what a waste of time
you see that mostly in google-search queries if you check the url
aka bring them votes over here ^^
also %23 == #
@janos as a Christian I see myself as just a visitor here, and sometimes I do feel alienated by the world and my "flesh"
@Mat'sMug you betcha
@Mat'sMug so early?
Q: Change method using Random object to use RNGCryptoServiceProvider without loosing too much performance?

Phoenix_uyI have a class in C# that uses Random object to get a list of numbers randomized from an array of 1-25. Now what i need is improve this method to use RNGCryptoServiceProvider because for the application is not enough Random object. My question is that i know that RNGCryptoServiceProvider is slowe...

@janos had some catching-up to do!
@CaptainObvious Someone else can edit that (shorter title, tag, and lowercase i's).
well thanks Santas!
in the meantime, my bash zombie is still alive and kicking
A: Project Bashory - Bash History

janosFirst of all, you've got to give different names to bashory and bastory... I was very confused while reading the code, at first I thought it was a typo, it took me a while to realize they are different things. To avoid confusion, it would be better to give them distinctly different names. In m...

that question was quite a piece of work too
One vote short (not my answer).
one vote short of 20? for what badge?
Reversal (gold)
whoa, that's a good one
> * If you don't understand what this does
* you have no hope as a programmer.
no wonder...
> In general, comments are good.
^^^ totally disagree with that
Just some clown thinking he would be a smart ass and waste CR's time
I still count that as a highly-voted post!
but -20 is rather, uh, ... (searches for a word)
@janos I hear ya
although there is such a thing as "good" comments.
@Heslacher try to change more than just the tags, they don't count as a full edit when you are working towards copy editor unless you also edit the body of the post as well. like @Jamal does codereview.stackexchange.com/revisions/60500/3
I'm star-ing that question, it's a real gem
Well, CR should still be doing enough downvoting, so there ya go.
Is "the <center> cannot hold" possibly the most highly voted post on all of Stack Exchange?
@Malachi And I have a feeling that I changed the meaning of the post a tad. I couldn't quite understand his sentence structure.
I'd be real curious to find out what is!
This gem is:
A: Why is processing a sorted array faster than an unsorted array?

MysticialYou are the victim of branch prediction fail. What is Branch Prediction? Consider a railroad junction: Image by Mecanismo, via Wikimedia Commons. Used under the CC-By-SA 3.0 license. Now for the sake of argument, suppose this is back in the 1800s - before long distance or radio communicati...

@Phrancis where is the link?
the zalgo answer is about a tenth of these votes.
@Vogel612 that is a really good answer, I have read it before probably twice
A: RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags

bobinceYou can't parse [X]HTML with regex. Because HTML can't be parsed by regex. Regex is not a tool that can be used to correctly parse HTML. As I have answered in HTML-and-regex questions here so many times before, the use of regex will not allow you to consume HTML. Regular expressions are a tool th...

@Malachi ^^
okay it's not a tenth..
it's a third.
but hey
4.4k vs 12.8 k.
> Junior developers rely on comments to tell the story when they should be relying on the code to tell the story. Comments are narrative asides; important in their own way, but in no way meant to replace plot, characterization, and setting.
Have I never been a Junior developer then?
@skiwi seems like it.
@Phrancis this answer is better I think
A: RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags

Kaitlin Duck SherwoodWhile it is true that asking regexes to parse arbitrary HTML is like asking Paris Hilton to write an operating system, it's sometimes appropriate to parse a limited, known set of HTML. If you have a small set of HTML pages that you want to scrape data from and then stuff into a database, regex...

> asking regexes to parse arbitrary HTML is like asking Paris Hilton to write an operating system
I see it coming that this answer will recieve questions like: "Who is Paris Hilton?" in a few (hopefully) years...
Hey @Mat'sMug. I got tired of trying to find time to mess with Delegates, so I just posted it.
I thought you'd be interested.
Q: Building a better Collection. Enumerable in VBA

ckuhn203VBA's 'Collection' is.... lacking, so, I've been working on a better Collection object that implements many of the features of C#'s Enumerable. This is very much inspired by this question and a follow up to Sorting a Collection and More imitation of Enumerable. I'm concerned that the API is inco...

Speaking of regex, what qualifies a language as regular?
@Phrancis don't open that book here, please...
Uh oh.
A wikipedia link would be perfectly sufficient ;)
Q: Diagonal gradient optimization

LoveMetalWith the SDL library, I'm creating an SDL_Surface* at w and h dimensions. SDL_Color is a struct with 4 unsigned char fields: a, r, g and b for alpha, red, green and blue. c1 is the origin color, c2 the destination color, and c the color of the pixel at position (i,j). That gradient works fine, ...

Q: Building a better Collection. Enumerable in VBA

ckuhn203VBA's 'Collection' is.... lacking, so, I've been working on a better Collection object that implements many of the features of C#'s Enumerable. This is very much inspired by this question and a follow up to Sorting a Collection and More imitation of Enumerable. I'm concerned that the API is inco...

Probably most people programmers (including myself btw) don't know really what that means.
@ckuhn203 starred. will upvote + review later :)
In theoretical computer science and formal language theory, a regular grammar is a formal grammar that describes a regular language. == Strictly regular grammars == A right regular grammar (also called right linear grammar) is a formal grammar (N, Σ, P, S) such that all the production rules in P are of one of the following forms: B → a - where B is a non-terminal in N and a is a terminal in Σ B → aC - where B and C are in N and a is in Σ B → ε - where B is in N and ε denotes the empty string, i.e. the string of length 0. In a left regular grammar (also called left linear grammar), all rules obey...
@ckuhn203 maybe you want to drop by in the discussion room..
we're all over your question right now
@Mat'sMug head explodes
My head exploded, but somehow I did pass that class.
@Phrancis that's why.
I was able to grasp FSA's but when they led me to DNFA's I just gave up
from all my questions on this site what is so far the best codereview.stackexchange.com/users/47826/…
i really enjoyed the back and forth in the euler 1 question over big-oh
yeah, I think that was the best by far
Q: Project Euler #1

Bhathiya-JaDogg-Perera If we list all the natural numbers below 10 that are multiples of 3 or 5, we get 3, 5, 6 and 9. The sum of these multiples is 23. Find the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below 1000. My solution: #include <stdio.h> #define TOP_LIMIT 1000 float sum_of_series(float start_from,float...

eh, After that I decided to output the steps in the loop for Euler
A: Validating UTF-8 byte array

Bhathiya-JaDogg-PereraBetter Test Cases Using JUnit4 However this test case fails @Test public void testValidate() throws UnsupportedEncodingException { String test = "Joker"; Assert.assertTrue(validate(test.getBytes("UTF-8"))); } This one passes with 200_success's charLength() @Test public void testUtf8...

^^ is this answer good ?
Q: Circle Shadow Experiment

Lukas HäringI'm trying to create a light system, with the midpoint algorithm and Bresenham Line Algorithm. I'm trying to redraw all the time (1 option) or redraw when I need to. When the circles are too big it becomes a bit laggy. function Light(x, y, range) { this.CordX = x; this.CordY = y; th...

var xCL = ~~currentLight.CordX,
    yCL = ~~currentLight.CordY,
^^what is this ?
@Bhathiya-JaDogg-Perera pre-decrement operator applied to currentLight.CordX and currentLight.CordY and assigned to xCL and yCL respectively
@JeroenVannevel It's a twiddle though, not a minus sign :)
well scratch that
IIRC that's a floor to the next integer..
but don't take my word on it
there was a javascript question earlier today..
What language is it even?
Thanks! Interesting to shift it by 0 :D I assume something like ~~ would work too :) — Oliver Barnwell 18 hours ago
found it
@mat how do you do it? I am using my tablet now and i write slow as hell
~~ that would be an annoying operator to have to type all the time
@SimonAndréForsberg practice :)
Huge Thunderstorm here so i unplugged my computer
@SimonAndréForsberg practice
@Phrancis better than: Math.floor(...)
When using tablet i am almost makinf as many tyopos as monkey
A relatively easy Python zombie, back from 2012:
Q: Improve website menu (Flask, Jinja2)

AdemaroI wrote some code in Flask for site menu: def menu(parent_id=0, menutree=None): menutree = menutree or [] cur = g.db.execute('select id, parent, alias, title, ord from static where parent="'+ str(parent_id) +'" and ord>0 order by ord') fetch = cur.fetchall() if not fetch: ...

@SimonAndréForsberg I resemble taht!
@SimonAndréForsberg TS
@Malachi RSA
@ckuhn203 I just found a very, very, very stupid bug with my code, in the part you said you'd "cross your fingers there's no bug in there".
if there's no data in the table I'm maintaining
...I'm not retrieving the field names
...so I can't add new values without blowing it up
Ugh.. At least you found it instead of Mr. Maintainer.
it was a fluke, I truncated the table in question
I really hit a jackpot with this one lol codereview.stackexchange.com/a/60469/8207
Hey :)
actually the bug is in the SqlCommand class
Public Function Create(adoRecordset As ADODB.Recordset) As SqlResult

    Dim result As New SqlResult

    Dim grabFieldNames As Boolean
    grabFieldNames = True

    Dim rowFactory As New SqlResultRow
    Dim field As ADODB.field

    While Not adoRecordset.BOF And Not adoRecordset.EOF

        For Each field In adoRecordset.fields
            If grabFieldNames Then result.AddFieldName LCase$(Coalesce(field.name, vbNullString))

        result.AddValue rowFactory.Create(result, adoRecordset.fields)
see? no rows, no field names!
Answers that earn the most rep are good answers that are "small but not too small" :p
That's not too bad though.
Just move it outside the loop.
Shouldn't it be outside the loop anyway?
no but it's funny as Hell: that exact code is running in production code at my old job!
On another note, this conversation has been going on for a while. Everyone has a stake in it, and it shouldn't be just 5-6 people talking about this.
Not directed directly at Mat^
Ok. I'm out for real this time.
Is this really going to happen?
Am I really going to rep cap on one answer?
@MadaraUchiha what answer?
in Code Review - Discussion about whether Interfaces are on-topic, 30 mins ago, by rolfl
Code review questions should be "is my ass fat", not "what's the best way to make it skinny".
Q: Is it possible to optimize the following boolean checks?

LipisThe following code works and it prints out only True as it is suppose to, for all the different cases: class User(object): def __init__(self, key): self.key = key def is_ok(user_dbs, self_db): count = len(user_dbs) if not self_db: return not count return (count != 1 or self_db.k...

A: Using 503 page when my site is in maintenance mode

Madara UchihaIt looks good to me, but I do have one thing to say. If I want to access http://yourdomain.com/example/page, and get a 503 error, I want to be able to refresh the page in a little while, to see if the 503 error is lifted. What you do is redirect the user to the 503 page, which means that the ad...

@Morwenn TS
bug fixed. now the question is: should I tell my former colleagues...
@Mat'sMug all depends if they are competitors or not... ;-)
@Mat'sMug No, exploit it and demand ransom to fix it!
they're not competitors..
@syb0rg that's not crazy at all :)
My view is if you don't have any reason not to, then why not tell them
Them: "how did you find that bug?"
Me: "well I brought that code with me and used it extensively"
Them: "you stole our code?"
Me: "right. it's your code, you fix it."
Hmm fair point.
FTR I wrote it for myself, and gave them. It's CC-wiki anyway :)
@MadaraUchiha are you rep capped yet?
@Malachi Not yet
Need one more vote on that answer :P
any thoughts on this one @Phrancis, the OP is a friend of mine.
Q: I get a too many arguments error when I try to delete a row from my database

Shortstuff81000I created a database with simple stored procedures to delete, insert, select, and update records in the database's three tables. All of them work except my delete statements. I get a "Procedure or function has too many arguments" message when I try it. I tried deleting the one parameter it had an...

@MadaraUchiha done
Q: Ruby Optimize Performance

Antarr ByrdI'm trying to do the Reverse Groups Challenge on Codeeval. My logic is function but when I try to submit my solution is says that timed out at 10 seconds. How can I improve the speed here? File.open(ARGV.first).readlines.each do |line| values, k = line.split(';') k = k.to_i values = valu...

Q: Hexadecimal to RGB conversion

Josue EspinosaI am trying to convert hex to rgb, and rgb to hex. My current code doesn't seem optimal, and there is an issue with 0's in the hexadecimal. What do you think about the overall quality of this code? Can you think of a more efficient way of converting? $scope.$watch('hex', function() { var r...

Q: Naming convention for methods that return a Boolean variable

Benny NeugebauerIt is a good practice to prefix Boolean variables with "is" or "has" like isValid or hasCredits. But how about methods which return a Boolean variable? Should they also start with "is"? Like this one: boolean isValidPayload = isValidPayload(request); Or should methods be named after action...

@MadaraUchiha Did you ever take a look at my question?
Q: Tritium website

syb0rgI am working on my Tritium website (hosted on Github: feel free to fork and send pull requests), and now am looking for a review of it. If you are looking to critique the design of the website, please visit the sister question over on Graphic Design. Here is what I would like reviewed: Orga...

@syb0rg I'm rep capped. Tomorrow
j/k :P
I'm watching a docu right now, will have a look in a few
and TTQW. Later guys!
Javascript answer:
A: Hexadecimal to RGB conversion

syb0rgI am somewhat new to JavaScript, so keep that in mind when reading this review. I am confused as to why you need AngularJS for this. I prefer to use the bitwise & with 255 instead of 0xFF in this case. Your function can't handle non-hex characters such as #. I would remove them before parsing....

anyone want to follow me on Twitter?
@Malachi Where is your account?
33 tweets, 1 followers, following 19 users
You should put it in your profile summary like I have with mine
Hey, my JavaScript answer was accepted already!
@Malachi Follow me back ;)
@syb0rg done
Given our Python zombie horde, I was counting on warmer reception for this one:
Q: Website menu with Flask

AdemaroI wrote some code in Flask for site menu: def menu(parent_id=0, menutree=None): menutree = menutree or [] cur = g.db.execute('select id, parent, alias, title, ord from static where parent="'+ str(parent_id) +'" and ord>0 order by ord') fetch = cur.fetchall() if not fetch: ...

@Malachi Sturgis is apparently the only bike rally larger than BBBBQ.
@nhgrif really? what about Daytona? how big is BBBBQ?
@janos pew pew
I don't know how to quantify the bigness of a bike rally.
@nhgrif Do you have a twitter?
@syb0rg thanks "Santa", do read it though!
But from what I've heard, yes, bigger than Daytona.
@syb0rg No.
@janos My @rob0t parsed it quickly.
A: I get a too many arguments error when I try to delete a row from my database

PhrancisLooks like the problem is not with SQL Server. I was browsing MSDN for this problem and I found this In the answer: So, I'm thrashing around with the stored proc since it looks like the error is originating from there. One interesting thing that I notice is that the stored proc runs just fi...

@Malachi ^^
Should I tweet?
^^ no
@nhgrif Sure!
Should I blog?
At least have an account. I've had an account for 3 years and have only tweeted once.
Santa has a far reach
@nhgrif Twitter is a micro-blogging platform
from SO to Twitter ;-)
to other galaxies as well
far far away
I know what Twitter is..
Thanks Santa ;-)
Blogging takes too much dedication I feel...
I don't Facebook either.
> Bikes Blues & BBQ is an "open" rally and so its exact size is not known. Its organizers call BBB " the fastest growing and largest motorcycle rally in the country benefiting local charities"[1] having grown from an estimated 200,000 participants in 2004, 300,000 in 2005, between 300,000 and 400,000 participants from all fifty states and several other countries in 2006 and 2007,[2] and then 400,000 in each of 2008, 2009, and 2010.[3]
@nhgrif dang, that is pretty big. I hope I get to go this year, I need to get some Graphic Design Work or some Side Coding work between now and then
Everytime I come in here, I have a purpose. ;P
Okay, I need to wrap a line in C++, and I'm not sure what the best way is.
const& std::vector<myclass::mytype> const get_my_vector() { return my_vector; }
Q: Model class representing a calculator

user3344977I have a simple Model class that represents a calculator. Here is it's header file: @class MMCalculator; @protocol MMCalculatorDelegate <NSObject> @required - (void)mmCalculator:(MMCalculator *)mmCalulatorFinishedCalculatingValues; @end @interface MMCalculator : NSObject @property (nonatom...

You need to book a hotel room like... now.
If they're not already sold out.
@nhgrif the MM that I am in knows some people out there that will put us up for 2 nights.
we are going to be there friday and saturday night and ride back on sunday if we do go
just gotta make some gas money is all
What weekend is it?
Nevermind. Good news is it isn't the same weekend as a home Razorback game.
Because that is absolute chaos.
it is like the last weekend in september or something
The Razorbacks have a game, but it's in Texas.

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