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Hello @Tarik
@ckuhn203 Tarik is in the house
Darn, I got ninjad
@Donald.McLean my hair line is pretty bad too, I haven't had hair on top of my head since I was like 20. I decided to go with bald shave then :)
Hi @Tarik. I'm sorry about all the confusion.
@Malachi Did you send me the links ?
And good mornign everyoone !
Good mornign
Monking @Marc-Andre
@Phrancis I'm not a fan of shaving, but my baldness pattern is more Captain Picard, so I'm ok with it.
Yeah, good morning, folks. ;)
That's what it is like when I wake up and I see I'll have to go through the rain
First time I've run into a Java CR question where I really, really, Really, REALLY want to just say "In Scala..."
Monking @all.
I am new here so I was figuring out how it works
It's ok.
Have you figured out how to merge your accounts? We've been trying to contact a mod.
ckuhn203 I tested your code and it works.. you're a genius :)
Okay! Great.
I could not implement it to my own code
So, that's one problem down.
I'm sorry to hear that.
Your code assumes that I have no further worksheets
am I correct
Easy fix @Tarik. Yes. That's correct. I assumed you wanted to work on all worksheets.
Q: Questions containing false statements: Edit or Answer?

Pimgdhttp://codereview.stackexchange.com/review/suggested-edits/24111 The asker posts a false statement: "This code runs in time complexity X." Should they be corrected in an answer or in an edit? ... or maybe a comment? More generic: The asker posts a false statement: "This code even handles corner...

Public Sub Main()
    Dim sheet As Worksheet
    For Each sheet In Worksheets
        If  sheet.Name <> "totallist" Then
            SetValues sheet
        End IF
    Next sheet
End Sub
I have a sheet called "totallist". THis sheet is a result of couple of procedures
At the end I want to implement your code
and then I am done
Just check to make sure that the sheet name is not "totallist" like in the code above.
@Tarik After your code problem is solved we should probably figure out how to merge your accounts so you can post questions again, with all the privileges you had earned already (like chatting and voting =D)
And this link will help you merge your accounts.
let me just focus on the code :). It's hard for me as it is now
Does anyone here perhaps know if/how you can upload a whole directory as zip in a Bash/Shell script?
@Tarik No worries. It's my fault that your question was migrated here, so I just want to be sure you have a good experience on the site.
The "answer" that was a response to mine will probably be deleted, and you may lose the privileged to chat here if your accounts are not merged.
I got it fixed :)
@skiwi Bash/Shell as in Linux?
@Vogel612 Yeah, I think so
Do I have to do something to get my other account back?
Ah about that
If you didn't make a separate account you could probably have added another openid and used that to log in
However, you currently have two separate accounts.
A question: Can you still log in on your old account?
This one
@Marc-Andre dang it no!
If you can, all you have to do is label that one either "merge keep" in the event you want that to be your main account or "merge delete" in case you want your current (the one with the radio avatar) account to be your main account.
@Marc-Andre REmind me in 8.5 hours.
@Malachi Yeah I'm home alone tonight so I'll be in chat normally! I'll ping you!
CR tell malachi "nudge"
@Vogel612 Command "nudge" does not exist. Did you mean: nudge (note that /tell works on commands, it's not an echo.)
CR help nudge
@Vogel612 nudge: Register a nudge after an interval. /nudge intervalInMinutes message, /nudge remove id to remove, or the listener, nudge|remind|poke me? in? intervalInMinutes message
how did you get him back in here?
not at all..
CR unsummon
@Vogel612 Registered; need 1 more to execute
seems like he was lurking
CR unsummon
aaand he's gone.
I unsummoned him yesterady....
muhahaha he's gone now
@Tarik how's it going?
@Malachi seems that not even owner can unsummon with a single command.
No it is not possible my old account I accessed it with a student-email. It had the same services as a gmail account.. So I could log in with my student account as it was a gmail account. Now my student account is blocked therefor I opened another gmail account.
@Vogel612 I can summon with a single command
btw you maybe want to remove the first nudge.
CR unsummon
@Tarik Do you mean you can't log in on that account of stack overflow?
I saw him leave yesterday.....
CR alive
@Vogel612 That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: live
CR Unsummon
he was here, before he was here??
CR live
@Vogel612 You do not have permission to use the command live
CR die
he's not gone...
CR unsummon
CR unsummon
good thing the mods aren't here....lol
Maybe there's something on meta, lemme search for you
he won't talk in here now that I "die"d him
@Malachi is that a bot, I'm guessingÉ
@Phrancis yes it is...
@Phrancis yes

 BlueCheese Monster's Home

place for Debugging Cheese Monster
▲▲ playground
@Pimgd yep
Q: How do I consolidate my stackoverflow accounts?

user130653I actually like the OpenID (since SO is one of the first sites I use that has it consistently implemented), but now I have about 5 accounts in varying degrees of answered questions. Is it possible to consolidate them into the primary OpenID that I am starting to use more and more as more sites ar...

I am going to learn enough Javascript to code him a little bit, but I haven't had the time, maybe this winter....
You'll have to send an email to [email protected] or [email protected] (I'd try putting both in the recipient section)
@Pimgd ok
Containing the following: Links to both accounts, a description of your situation (that you're unable to access one account now that your email is blocked, that you made a new account with email you can use, etc)
There is a contact us in the footpage too.
You could use that as well
Ah and of course you need to mention that you'd want to merge your two accounts
But I can't remember which one is the best one
and that you want to keep the newer one (with the custom avatar).
Here's the link to the help center page @Tarik. chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/17005950#17005950
I dunno how long it will take them to get back to you
Well, it's a link to a link to the help center page.....
It might be a couple days or even weeks
In the meantime you can just continue to use the account you're using now.
Q: MVC Form Handling - Am I doing it right?

Ron BrouwersI just would like to know if I am heading in the right direction with this. I am trying to learn and understand the concept of MVC, and I am doing that while making my own webpage, so I can learn a little bit more each time. I do not want to put too much code here, but I would simply like to ask,...

@Pimgd It's 6 to 8 months </meta-so-joke>
Worst case, you will have to use the account you're using now for, well, ever, and you won't be able to accept the answers to the questions you posted before
@Vogel612 You're not that well versed in meta-so as I thought... the joke is 6 to 8 weeks
oh yeah guys a meta question that got a bit lost just now
Q: Questions containing false statements: Edit or Answer?

Pimgdhttp://codereview.stackexchange.com/review/suggested-edits/24111 The asker posts a false statement: "This code runs in time complexity X." Should they be corrected in an answer or in an edit? ... or maybe a comment? More generic: The asker posts a false statement: "This code even handles corner...

@ckuhn203 no worries I just send [email protected] an email. I hope they can help me out
@Pimgd thanks for the reminder on that question..
and IIRC it can be both..
but yea, I'm not much of a MSO guy..
more CR-Meta, A&M-Meta and GL&U-Meta
a little MSE here and there..
Thanks I need to go
@Tarik hope to see you around soon ;)
Bye and good luck
IMO this should be a comment. Especially the way it is formulated it is more a "request for clarification" than an "answer". This is not a forum, for questions about questions use comments and not answers ;) — Vogel612 9 secs ago
@Pimgd EugeneT's answer, just FYI ▲
Howdy, y'all. Can some of you C++ folks help me out?
@Vogel612 Y no downvotes?
I've asked this question on SO but have gotten no useful answers.
going hooome
@ckuhn203 < 50 rep --> no comments..
@Edward there is no C++ folks (handwave)
Ohhh. Ok. Did you flag it already then?
before commenting..
@Edward You will need a compile-time string class. You can find some implementations around the web.
And even some proposals for the standard library that you could easily implement at home with friends, then do a pyjamas party.
@Morwenn Thanks, that was my first thought as well but I couldn't find one. Perhaps I wasn't using the right search terms?
Nobody liked my question over on SO for some reason...
The second link is a standard library proposal. All the interface is provided. You only have to copy it and implement the functions.
@Morwenn Thanks very much!
@Edward However, the size of the string must be know at compile-time. But that shouldn't be that much of a problem considering what you are trying to achieve.
Q: Java Trie Implementation

RyanI am creating a Trie class in Java, and am wondering what else can be done to make it even better. I am hoping to add concurrency to speed querying up. public class Trie { private HashMap<Character, HashMap> root; private final Character END_CHARACTER = '$'; public Trie() { ...

what the heck is a "Trie"??
It's a prefix tree.
In computer science, a trie, also called digital tree and sometimes radix tree or prefix tree (as they can be searched by prefixes), is an ordered tree data structure that is used to store a dynamic set or associative array where the keys are usually strings. Unlike a binary search tree, no node in the tree stores the key associated with that node; instead, its position in the tree defines the key with which it is associated. All the descendants of a node have a common prefix of the string associated with that node, and the root is associated with the empty string. Values are normally not associated...
@Morwenn If you'd care to put all that wisdom into an answer, I'd accept it.
@Edward I will check whether I am saying nonsense beforehand, then make an answer out of it :p
shouldn't he have some Node-class??
@Morwenn Or something like boost::mpl::vector
@Yuushi Well, there's also boost::mpl::string, but that's not pretty.
@Edward Do you accept C++14? Because without the relaxed constexpr, writing this function will be horrible.
@Morwenn Sure. It's better than what I've gotten so far. :)
Ok, I am in the process of writing a meaningful answer. It make take time :p
@ckuhn203 in VB.NET can I use \n for a new line or do I have to use VBCrLf?
@Malachi Actually, you'd want VbNewLine so it's platform independent.
But I think "\n" works, not sure.
@ckuhn203 it's for code golf....lol
Oh... ummmmm...... try it?
Looks like it should work @Malachi. dotnetperls.com/newline-vbnet
@Malachi just don't depend on it, you know??
I hate readme's for windows stuff, that have unix-style line-endings... they show up different in every editor you open them with..
@Morwenn I'll be interested to see what you come up with...I have to admit, my knowledge of constexpr isn't enough to answer it :/
it won't work in the console......
from VS2013
@Yuushi I think that I can come up with a simple working C++11 solution.
@Malachi Doesn't work in VB.NET
@Morwenn That would be ideal. I tried but failed.
@Heslacher that sucks for code golf
@Edward I have a working solution for decimal characters. Still have to get it to work for hex characters.
@Malachi have I missed the shipment while I was away?
=/ dont review code on phone
It sucks hard
@Pimgd lol.. I've done that once or twice I think. ;)
No the real problem is writing explanations with a wpm of < 20
And copying
And backticks
And no preview
@Mat'sMug I haven't gotten it yet either? WTFudge?
And oh god the typos when rbthe bus shajkes
@Mat'sMug monking!
vbCrLf doesn't work in the Console either? WTFudge?
@Malachi something's weird.
@Mat'sMug with VB? anyone can tell you that
it's been like 4 weeks since he said he was going to send them...
@Mat'sMug I was joking about VB
Q: Follow up to Shuffling a list of track indices

Davlogthis is the improved code to my last question : package Utils; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Random; /** * A ShuffleGenerator will create a private list of indices and shuffle them. * You can access the shuffled indices with the methods getPrevious() and getNext(). * The meth...

> The meth...
that's really an inconvenient place to be cut off..
Hey look its my unfinshed phone anrewe ohgod big humops are niot cool
Star that pls so i can star it
btw, is it just me or is it lately?
@Edward i managed to write what you need but SO doesn't want me to post the answer :o
Ok done. I thought for a moment that SO hated me.
@Edward Oh wait, I didn't handle pairs of characters, only single ones...
That's me again, not reading a question properly -_____-
@ckuhn203 good job with the Excel formula
> I think that's [mis|ab]using regex: if your pattern is just a plain word, you're most probably trying to kill a mosquito with a bazooka. Wrong tool for the job here.
You know, if you were to use a bazooka for killing a mosquito
I have a wicked idea, but that might be insane.
You'd probably miss
@Pimgd turns out his bazooka happens to be crashing Excel half the time ;)
so not only is it waaay too much firepower - it's also likely not to work =D
TTGH bye
@Morwenn SO hates everyone... ;)
@Edward Well, actually this is harder than I thought. Grouping the chars by two would require some heavy template wizardry if I am not mistaken. This is probably possible with lots of work.
@Morwenn I'm actually relieved that somebody as skilled as you are also thinks it's difficult. :)
@Edward Actually, I may miss something obvious :D
Oh , I might have a solution with a little bit less template wizardry.
Laters ;)
Thanks @Mat'sMug. I'm a big advocate of using functions over vba whenever possible.
just saw @mehow's Enumerable class.. that's pretty cool!
@Mat'sMug I know!
Timely too. We were just talking about something like that not long ago.
I wish I knew more about those hidden attributes at the top of a class module.. looks like "VB_PredeclaredId" turns it into some kind of a static class??
@Mat'sMug I don't know.... leave him a comment on his blog?
Or a comment on the question asking what it does?
Documentation on those is utterly lacking.
I'm so going to play with that :)
I'm looking for an excuse to as well.
@Phrancis Thanks for this compliment btw.
Any APEX buffs here?
NP :)
gotta eat something, bbl
@Edward I finally fucking manage to get what you want in C++11. At least xD
@Morwenn Superb! I look forward to seeing it. Thanks!
One vote away from my badge. Joy!
Q: Modify the function with optimized code

SivaRajiniI know the below code is too hard as well not optimized. Could you please refer below code if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(criteria.DemographicsCategory) && criteria.DemographicsCategory.ToLower() == "income") { DataTable dtresult = results.Results[0].DataTable; ...

@Edward There. I undeleted my answer :)
Not reading properly took me a great deal of time for nothing.
A: Questions containing false statements: Edit or Answer?

nhgrifIt Depends My favorite answer to these questions. ;) No matter the scenario, I don't recommend editing the question. The sort of statement you're talking about is part of the definition of "as intended" in the phrase "works as intended". By editing the statement, you're editing the users def...




/*end*/ .... of what?
@Morwenn Looks nice. I look forward to studying this.
End of your life as a programmer probably.
@Edward Actually, the only black magic here is the implementation of operator+ so that it can be constexpr in C++11.
I suppose that relaxed constexpr makes the implementation easier.
I have to go now. Good luck everyone for whatever you're doing! :D
@Morwenn Thanks again, M!
No problem, it was fun :)
select null link, l.Firmanaam label, count(w.LeveranciersID) value
from Leveranciers l
join Wijnen w
 on l.LeveranciersID = w.LeveranciersID
group by w.LeveranciersID
Is this not supposed to give me all wines (Wijnen) of each distributor (Leverancier)?
select null link ??
@Phrancis It's an APEX thing. It's so you can provide an url to some page for the generated chart, I assume
You need to add w.YourWineColumn to your select and group by that it seems
Or not even group by that
also, count(w.YourWineColumn) would make more sense than count(w.LeveranciersID)
What exactly does the YourWineColumn signify?
Whatever column your Wijnen data is, a wine ID or name or whatever
Table layout is this:

- WineId
- DistributorId

- DistributorId
- Name
Humm wines :D
I changed it to this but it made no difference. I tried to group by `w.LeveranciersID`, `l.LeveranciersID` and `value`.

select null link, l.Firmanaam label, count(w.WijnID) value
from Leveranciers l
join Wijnen w
 on l.LeveranciersID = w.LeveranciersID
group by w.LeveranciersID
Try this:
select null link,
  l.Firmanaam label,
  count(w.WijnenID) value
from Leveranciers l
inner join Wijnen w
 on l.LeveranciersID = w.LeveranciersID
group by w.LeveranciersID, w.WijnenID;
No difference
I did get something rolling with this
select null link, l.Firmanaam label, w.w_count value
 (select count(LeveranciersId) w_count from Wijnen group by LeveranciersId) w,
 Leveranciers l
But this gave me hugely distorted values
I had about 15 wines (while in reality there are only 10)
but 7 had the same name, 7 others had also the same name and all others were named 'Other'
with a total of 3000 wines
when the database contains 400
but at least that gave me a chart. All other queries don't even show that.
That's because it did a cross join because your join has no on condition
(that's why old style join are bad)
Well, I tried adding a where w.LeveranciersID = l.LeveranciersID at the bottom but that prevented the chart from being drawn again
is that not how it's done?
Q: Advice needed for extracting data from text file in bash using awk, grep, head and tail

PierreI've been writing bash script on and off, with pretty good results in terms of getting the job done. However, I'm worried that my script might be very ugly, as I am a beginner. So I'm looking for advice concerning this particular one. I want to extract some part of a big text file (here a lammps...

That's how it was done before ANSI-92
Q: Given only a pointer to a node to be deleted in a singly linked list, how do you delete it?

JavaDeveloperExample: If a linkedlist list contains 10->20->30->40, and 2nd node has to be deleted then the output should be 10->30->40 This question is attributed to Geeksforgeeks. Looking for code-review, optimizations and best-practices. class Nodde<T> { Nodde<T> next; T item; ...

Turns out the question is wrong - it was about a coding challenge that was wrongly interpreted!
Do we...
- Leave the question as it is
- Discuss this extensively on meta
- Change the question to include a link to the challenge and edit it (including code!) to reflect a proper implementation of the challenge?
Hmm does anyone know how to change where java -version redirects to?
JAVA_HOME java -version
I gotta change mine back to Java 8.0 vanilla instead of Java 8.0b20 early access
try echo %JAVA_HOME% in cmd
that's the thing, I don't see it there ;P
set JAVA_HOME=\path\to\1.8
@janos that's already the case
hmm do I have to post on meta again
probably better to do so
your java binary is not respecting %JAVA_HOME% ? that's a bit odd
and using the absolute path is not an option for you?
%java_home%\bin\java -version
not really
as I normally double click it
beautiful newcomer question btw:
@janos that runs regular Java 8
Q: Extracting data from text file in bash using awk, grep, head and tail

PierreI've been writing bash script on and off, with pretty good results in terms of getting the job done. However, I'm worried that my script might be very ugly, as I am a beginner. I'm looking for advice concerning this particular one. I want to extract some part of a big text file (here a lammps ....

I might've have messed something up then :P
sweet baby jesus, daddy fixed it
I was one last check away from posting an SO question
glad I averted that
is SO such a disaster?
@Phrancis: I didn't select the LeveranciersID in my nested select query so it basically was an invalid query. This is the right one:
select null link, l.Firmanaam label, w.w_count value
 (select count(WijnID) w_count, LeveranciersID
  from Wijnen
  group by LeveranciersID) w,
 Leveranciers l
where l.LeveranciersID = w.LeveranciersID
@Jamal MY EYES
@Jamal Why? Whyyyyyyyyyyyy??????????????
Even CTRL+K cannot fix that, so I'm staying out of it. You'd need to pay me more than 2 rep to fix that crap (if I even can).
End of your life as a programmer probably. - @Morwenn
Even the stars don't like THAT CODE
hey I can flag it
and get a useful flag because it has severe formatting issues
Fresh out of stars.
@Pimgd JavaDeveloper is an established member, and should know how to word his questions better. I have put the question on hold.
What was the programming challenge question — this one? If so, the inputs, and therefore the solution, should be quite different. — 200_success ♦ 1 min ago
@200_success And the only difference between them is the challenge (usually). I think we also refrain from tagging each question as or because all of these questions will inflate those tags.
Okay but ...
- If you leave the question as it is, it's pretty good. The answers are pretty good too.
- If you alter the question to only mention the challenge and allow users to answer "you didn't fulfill the requirements", that'd be a pretty valid solution too (my answer is the only one that would need some changes)
Saying the challenge came from Geeks for Geeks, then not quoting the challenge… that's not good.
- If you alter the question AND the code, everything goes bork and weird and into EDIT: EDIT2: territory
You'd probably also want to tag it with [tag:reinventing the wheel] if you went with option 2.
What I'm more annoyed about is why JD posted that question in the first place. Splicing a linked list by mutation is just a crappy thing to do. And there is probably no practical application for it.
I don't get this, I've nowhere got JDK8_20 on my path, yet java uses it
2 rep points from passing another person and that much closer to 10k!
murder all your javas
reinstall a new one
If I deinstall one, Netbeans will complain because a lot of projects do use u20
but normally it should be on the %PATH% if it uses that one
I love it when an answer contains multiple instances of "As Pimgd noted/said"
hmm, only installing the JRE, and leaving the jDK intact might work?
@Pimgd You're right, clarifying the question now would just make an even bigger mess. I've just reopened it — and downvoted. — 200_success ♦ 10 secs ago
Error: could not open C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_20\lib\amd64\jvm.cfg'`, maybe not a good idea
TT_TT I wish I could edit comments
"changing the question to point to the question"
I meant "changing the question to point to the code challenge"
but 5 minutes have already passed
my mistake... etched in stone bytes, doomed to remain forever...
you can delete the comment and write a new one
I legitly removed Java 8u20 without removing the JDK
But then they'll be out of sequence
@ckuhn203 are you out of upvotes?
This code doesn't address case insensitive comparison, but you're correct. The regex is overkill and string comparison is preferred in this case. (Welcome to Code Review by the way!) — ckuhn203 4 mins ago
Good answer, new user, no upvote?
It's not a good answer. It's an okay answer.
So, no vote up nor down.
Feel free to toss him one if you think he deserves it though.
Voting is a ....... personal thing.
Q: Can I make this function call simpler / cleaner / easier to read?

zokRegarding these two functions, which do the same thing... large and confusing: var fade = function(flag){ if (volumeIntervalId) clearInterval(volumeIntervalId); switch (flag){ case 'in': volumeIntervalId = setInterval(function(){ ...

You're right about that.
120 rep lost to cap today already
They should give me something to do at work so I don't hit rep caps
@Pimgd What do you do @Pimgd?

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