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I agree with him.
@kleinfreund I'm trying to insert that picture in the background in between the intro and the about section.
Accomplishing that secondary asset shouldn't be too hard.
Ah, so it stays there?
Alright, let me think about it.
It separates the text. I can't get the text to overlay.
Do you have the background graphic as SVG yet?
Is it on GitHub?
@kleinfreund Yep, img/atom.svg
A: Critique: Tritium software logo design

Simon LownsboroughI'm thinking keep it simple, and concentrate on the typography. Tritium is a radioactive isotope of hydrogen with 3 nucleons. So maybe use two of the nucleons for the 'i's' and one 'floater': As Tritium is radioactive it decays, and so does the typography. Loose quick sketch but you get the i...

That one is neat. I like it.
@nhgrif I was going between that one and the accepted answer.
@GraniteRobert Did you see/understand the explanation of forin versus for efficiency?
Q: Counting number of words in a string

user3834119I have written this program to count number of words in a string. I have checked my program for worst case scenario. If any of you, can find any case for this program doesn't work, please let me know. So that i can work and improve it. And just to be clear, we don't want symbols like, "," , "!" ...

@syb0rg pr'd.
The scroll animation between the sections is too slow in my opinion. A tad faster I say. ;)
@kleinfreund I don't see that in your PR
Didn't touch it.^^
That's a subjective topic. You should adjust things like this.
@syb0rg Do you plan on registering a domain from the Indian Ocean territory?
@kleinfreund It's a common domain for newer startups. I'm just following the trends ;)
@kleinfreund I'm confused as to why this is still happening. I modified the href for webfonts, font awesome, and jquery like you said.
@syb0rg Just a minor thing. You missed doing that with the bootstrap ressource itself.
This will happen for external ressources when you acces them on https with http.
No matter what ressource that is.
Oh, I thought I was supposed to leave that one. So all external resources?
Including the javascript ones at the end?
@kleinfreund Can you tell I'm still really new to web development?
If you need the website to be accessible on https, yes.
Is .io one of the newer TLDs? Or is it from a 'real country'?
.io is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for the British Indian Ocean Territory. Internationalized domain names may also be registered. Other than the Diego Garcia atoll, the territory has been uninhabited since the existing population was evacuated in 1973 and has no government of its own. Google currently treats .io as a generic top-level domain (gTLD) because "users and webmasters frequently see [the domain] more generic than country-targeted". .io domains are popular with new startup companies. IO is also used in IT as an abbreviation for input/output, which makes t...
> .io domains are popular with new startup companies.
When you're on your GitHub repo for this project, you can add the website URL besides the description. That's a bit easier for visitors.
Ah so it is real :)
@syb0rg Well, you learned quite some things I guess. You're not super new and get your project pages running. That's good.
@syb0rg SE and github are under your "Contact" options... Have you thought about that specifically? I consider it a bit weird that they're under contact, but through those sites you cannot actually contact someone (as fara s I know).
Sure, some rookie won't happen with more experience. Not a big deal.
@skiwi Is there a more abstract term that you were thinking would be better?
I agree with skiwi there. It's a bit misleading. But how to name it then?
I don't know an alternative though...
@skiwi That depends actually. I don't necessarily mind them being on Contacts.
Apart from, "Networks"?
If you found a bug or want to suggest an improvement, if the project is on Github, github would be the best way to contact them about that, I think.
It's just an oddity I spotted ;) No biggie
Q: MySQL JOIN on multiple tables query is too slow

Sina BizboneI have a MySQL query which runs very slowly. I've rewritten it many times but no improvements yet. My current query for advanced search takes about 60 secs to complete. Any suggestions for improving this? Database: MySQL Webserver: Apache - PHP (PDO) Current code structure: SELECT B.title,...

Yeah, maybe just leave it as is.
@nhgrif Then I'd expect a link to the project... and not the user
And contacting developers often means filing bug reports.^^
Yeah, thats what I'd recommend github link to
Link to the project, and even the project's Issues page in Github.
@kleinfreund Problem persists... :/
With the HTTPS
The SE one is a bit odd, but well I do prefer SE to be on there ;)
And for SE, I don't mind that either... IF a tag exists for the software and the link is to a page like this: codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/objective-c
It would be really awkward if SE was the only way to contact
SE serves as the FAQ page essentially
With the easy ability for someone to ask a new question on the topic
It's still with http:. Open the inspector (F12), navigate to the link and remove it inside the dev tools. Try it.
That's how the SE link should work. To the tag specific to that software, not to any user.
@nhgrif That's a good point... I was more thinking about the personal side
This page though is for software, right? Not a personal blog or something, correct?
@nhgrif Yeah.
As such, the contacts page should provide resources for consumers of the software to get their questions/concerns answered, and not a personal link to any individual developer.
Especially considering the developers could change.
For example, at my work (and basically every work place), I have my own email address for work.
> The page at 'https://syb0rg.github.io/tritium.io/' was loaded over HTTPS, but ran insecure content from 'http://netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.0.3/js/bootstrap.min.js': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
But if a customer has a question, even if it's specific only to what I'm developing and only I could answer, they either call our business phone number or email one of the public email addresses.
Q: Is this the proper way of using the MVC-Concept?

Hassan AlthafI've just completed coding my template engine. I'm willing to have a review on how to increase the quality, efficiency, elegance and performance of the code, perhaps by shortening the code, etc. I'm also open for suggestions on other ways of doing this. It would be really appreciated if you point...

Those public email address are things like support@ and sales@ etc...
@nhgrif So you are saying I should create a tag?
Did you guys get scared of my question? I still did not receive any review.
Would this be on SO?
@HassanAlthaf Good reviews take a while ;)
@nhgrif Idk
@syb0rg Are you reviewing? And I know.
You can't purely create the tag. You have to actually ask a question and tag the question with the new tag.
It's been 43 mins so I got curious, xD.
Is this a library that they intend for developers to use?
Btw guys.
What would you suggest me to learn?
Java, C++ or C#?
@nhgrif I think if I created the tag, it would get deleted.
@nhgrif Yes. But it can run as a standalone application as well.
Not if there is enough interest.
The best way to start the tag is probably through a self-answered question.
And immediately after starting the tag, you need to go do the tag wiki
@syb0rg Your links are "broken":
And include a link to the website in the tag wiki (probably)
<li><a href="https://codereview.stackexchange.com/users/27623/syb0rg"<i class="fa fa-stack-overflow fa-4x"></i></a></li>
You lack an >
Not sure if it solves anything, I don't think it creates an issue even
So that a SE admin who might want to delete the tag will go to the website and see that the website points back to SE to encourage users to ask their questions there.
@kleinfreund See my quote up there ^^^, it's doing that for every resource.
Basically, you're saying "Instead of a FAQ page or a forum, we're going through SE, using "
I think for loading in external pages over http resp https, people usually create a switch and append that to their url in javascript for exactly
@nhgrif I really like this idea.
What a message.
@kleinfreund Were you looking for something else?
Is Elias Van Ootegem still around?>
Wait a second.
Guys, is there any specific site for advice?
In Programming career?
@HassanAlthaf I don't have sufficient knowledge of PHP to review it.
@syb0rg oh okay.. why nto?
@HassanAlthaf I haven't gotten knitty gritty with the language. Only very basic stuff.
It's the most simplest syntax..
@syb0rg 1. I made a mistake in the CSS. Missed ../ when specifying the background-image.
@kleinfreund I was wondering why that wasn't showing up... but I was more focused on the https issues.
It's mostly same as java when it comes to syntax.
Also other OOP languages like C++, C#.
@syb0rg Seems like this only works propely for the Google Webfonts link and nothing else.
I suggest not using the https URL then.
@kleinfreund ?
I'm not sure how that whole SSL thing works, but I don't think you get a big benefit out of just using your URL with https instead of http
In short: Don't access/link to your page with https. Use http instead.
@kleinfreund Ohh. The problem is that I have HTTPS Everywhere.
https is nice for your users
if they don't want the content of their browsing sniffed
I think the only reason why https works is because you're using github.com for now. When you use tritium.io in the future, it won't. Atleast it doesn't for kleinfreund.de
modern sites should all offer the https option for users
@HassanAlthaf: Syntax is not everything. One important difference is typing
@janos How is SSL more secure on a page without any user input being made?
you need to buy a certificate for your site if you want to offer https
@Nobody what do you mean by 'typing'?
if it's 100% static content than it makes no difference
@HassanAlthaf: Each variable has a type which can be checked during compilation. This reduces some types of errors where you pass the wrong parameter to a function because you get an error at compile time
ok, to clarify, you should provide https for serving private content
@janos: Even static content over HTTPS offers the benefit of an interceptor not knowing which content has been sent/requested
@kleinfreund Fixed it.
@Nobody I did not understand.
A: How quality is this piece of code?

nhgriffor(int i = 1; i <= 19; i++) { i = ( i%2 == 0 && i!=19 ) ? i+1 : i; [waitFrames addObject:[[CCSpriteFrameCache sharedSpriteFrameCache] spriteFrameByName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"lev_wait2%04d.png", i]]]; } Holy Toledo. First of all, if you must update the iterator within...

Btw guys, is there any function like strcopy(x1, x2) and stuff like in C++ in PHP?
@Nobody I'm not sure if https encrypts the urls too, does it?
@janos That's a whole different story then. I agree. But syb0rg's project page and my personal website are both static without any form of user input.
@Nobody if you use https, can others sniff at least which sites you're visiting?
@janos: As far as I know HTTPS is simply HTTP over an SSL Socket so everything should be encrypted
@kleinfreund I banked on HTTPS being "backwards compatible" with HTTP, so I just accessed the HTTPS URL. And it worked thankfully.
@HassanAlthaf As someone who has spent time with Java, C++, C, Objective-C, VB.NET, Swift, and a tiny, tiny amount of time with PHP and C#, the answer to the question "Does Language A have something like this function from Language B?" is almost always "Yes."
@janos I'm not entirely sure. I would guess that you can't sniff URLs trasnferred via https so easily.
@janos: Also, now that I read it: You can spoof unencrypted content without anyone knowing
@syb0rg Again, my guess is that it's working because you're essentially using github.com. They have a SSL certificate.
@kleinfreund Probably. It might break when I host my own domain :/
Something I'll have to fix later I guess.
Doesn't work with https.
@janos: Doing a quick network sniff on one of my HTTPS connections seems to support my hypothesis
> This webpage is not available
Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is a communications protocol for secure communication over a computer network, with especially wide deployment on the Internet. Technically, it is not a protocol in and of itself; rather, it is the result of simply layering the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) on top of the SSL/TLS protocol, thus adding the security capabilities of SSL/TLS to standard HTTP communications. The main motivation for HTTPS is to prevent wiretapping and man-in-the-middle attacks. The security of HTTPS is therefore that of the underlying TLS, which uses long-term pu...
@Hassan (sorry for the lag, I'm AFK) he's mostly useful for site regulars that spend lots of time in this chatroom, to let us know what's going on on the main site ;)
so, even if it's just your personal blog, users might not want it to be sniffed that they visited it
> Strictly speaking, HTTPS is not a separate protocol, but refers to use of ordinary HTTP over an encrypted SSL/TLS connection.
they might not want to associate themselves with you ;-)
For example
aand they might want to be sure that the content is from you
well, I didn't care enough about my users either
@Nobody +1
@kleinfreund Now that we have that all cleared up, I have to figure out how to animate that atom.svg to move the electron with the scroll
somebody might create a crappy blog and make it appear as if it's yours
And increase the speed of the scroll a bit ;)
@syb0rg I have to warn you. IE has no support for CSS3 animations on SVG's at all.
@kleinfreund IE user's problem, not mine :P
@janos: this comes to my mind in that context:
The Office of Tailored Access Operations (TAO) is a cyber-warfare intelligence-gathering unit of the National Security Agency (NSA). It has been active since at least circa 1998. TAO identifies, monitors, infiltrates, and gathers intelligence on computer systems being used by entities foreign to the United States. The NSA terms these activities "computer network exploitation". TAO is reportedly "now the largest and arguably the most important component of the NSA's huge Signal Intelligence (SIGINT) Directorate, consisting [more than] 1,000 military and civilian computer hackers, intellige...
I'll provide a backup PNG for them
Wow, never knew about that function! :o
They can see the SVG, that's fine. They won't see animations on them.
PNG's are only necessary for IE8 and below. So you don't need it.^^
Seriously? It's been a whopping hour! -.-
@HassanAlthaf You can always review your own code ;)
^^ we even have a name for that: a selfie ;)
@kleinfreund Sped up some transitions, as suggested.
@syb0rg is it online?
@Mat'sMug Only the website, not the software.
Baby steps ;)
I like it
Good. :) The contrast of this text link is way too low: _important fuel for controlled nuclear fusion. _
Does the charcoal-colored tritium atom appear in the background in a browser? It's showing up on top of everything else on my phone
@Mat'sMug Yeah, let me jump on my phone real quick.
@kleinfreund Make it more light?
Maybe even use a not so bright variation of the green hover color.
Oh, not everything else; just the logo and motto
@kleinfreund That green is the same as used in the Tritium header text.
@Mat'sMug I see it now, @kleinfreund would z-index fix that?
Let me grab a screenshot.
@syb0rg I see it.
@kleinfreund Ohh. Well there it is anyways :)
@syb0rg Change .intro:after to .intro:before. Should be enough.
@syb0rg pretty kick-ass... but it hurts my eyes (I like bright designs)
@syb0rg I would if I could.
@syb0rg Try using that green you have for link buttons for the text link. It should look good.
@janos Thanks! You'll have your chance to review the design pretty soon :P
dark text on bright background is my thing
@Janos high five!
@HassanAlthaf this does really work: blog.codinghorror.com/rubber-duck-problem-solving (Rubber Duck Problem Solving)
hey @Mat'sMug
@kleinfreund Did the trick. @Mat'sMug Check it out now.
Got to go, traveling to Breckenridge!
@kleinfreund I'll throw some votes your way later for the help. It was much appreciated.
@Hassan have you posted any answers yet? I see you're quite new on CR. How do you find it so far?
I think it's good to delete comments that are no longer relevant
@AlexL Major time difference it seems, ill try and catch you when your online
@janos I agree
Is this too general?
<Button maxWidth="1.7976931348623157E308" mnemonicParsing="false" onAction="#handleMenuGeneralGeneralAction" text="%settings.menu.general.general">
@skiwi if a MenuGeneralGeneralAction isn't general, I don't know what is! ...why GeneralGeneral though?
@Mat'sMug The header of the menu is called general, and there is a submenu also called general...
Gotta name it something :p
@syb0rg Ha! If you find something you haven't voted on… feel free. ;)
If that was not enough generalization... Then look at my resource file:
settings.menu.general = General
settings.menu.general.general = General
Javascript anyone? +100 bounty here (2 days left):
Q: Managing Google Calendar from Spreadsheet

ckuhn203Overview: I have a need to manage a Google Calendar from a spreadsheet, so I developed a Calendar Manager program with Google Apps Script. I found some inspiration over on Stack Overflow, but my requirements are a little different. Rather than just have a simple list of events, I have a matrix o...

@skiwi if it's consistently menu.header.submenu then it's fine ;)
Q: Data model for tracking currency in a safe

danI am attempting to design an application that tracks currency and recent transactions in a safe. I am using entity-framework code-first in a wpf desktop application. The first goal is to be able to track whats currently in the safe. For example - 87 Ones, 55 Twos, 76 fives, etc.. The second go...

hey @SimonAndréForsberg!
@Mat'sMug You are not here, you are on vacation for three weeks!
Hey all!
hey @AlexL!
@CodeX What timezone?
Hey @Alex @Simon.
@AlexL GMT
@Mat'sMug Apparently you are here, I recognize that 'lol'
Hey @kleinfreund
@CodeX Yeah that would make an 8 hour difference I believe
@Mat'sMug Yeah it's the case
Monkingevening @SimonAndréForsberg!
Hello @All Enjoying your Weekend?
@HassanAlthaf I posted a review, but I suggest to wait for more reviews by others
@SimonAndréForsberg seen my last one?
"How a password changed my Life" - That is awesome and such a simple method
@Mat'sMug your last what?
A: Do I need ninject when implementing DAL with generic repository and unit of work?

Mat's Mug Do I need ninject when implementing DAL with generic repository and unit of work? That's not the question. Inversion of control, repository and unit of work are patterns. Ninject is an IoC container - a tool that resolves dependencies and controls instantiation and object lifetime. You need...

@CodeX Totally. Found a good password for you yet?
@SimonAndréForsberg Yes! its very positive!
@Mat'sMug r3ach20kbefore@s1m0n
Pos1tiveAffirm@tion :)
(changes all "r3ach20kbefore@s1m0n" passwords)
@Mat'sMug I like your answer but I'm not sure if you've answered his bounty question:
I just want to know how to use context in repository implementation based on @Frederik P. answer. In MainContext I added all my dbsets but don't see them in concrete repositories. So I can't make custom queries. — 1110 22 hours ago
@SimonAndréForsberg well.. @Frederik P.'s answer uses repositories with EF. Burn.
my answer is basically "don't do that" ;)
Hmm something is failing... I expected an error at worst, but the application is simply doing nothing at all without throwing an error.
Q: Is this a good way of managing parallel go routines when I care about ordering of results?

NatI have a process with a number of stages that need to be completed in sequence. Each stage is largely parallelisable, involving looping over a large data structure and processing each item independently, and collating the results into the data structure used by the next stage. My approach is lik...

@Mat'sMug Ah, OK
Okay this is a new one to me: The exception showed up once I exited the application.
@SimonAndréForsberg Be aware of exceptional exceptiosn when using JavaFX 8.
@skiwi ExceptionalExceptionException ?
or is it ExceptionalExceptionError ?
I feel like we would be losing something if we fixed the title of this question:
Q: How quality is this piece of code?

DonnyI am contemplating working with a development firm, and had asked for this piece of sample code. Could you please take a look and let me know if this is a quality piece of work, or if it needs improvement? // textures pvr -(void)startWaitAnimation { if(![self numberOfRunningActions] && self...

@SimonAndréForsberg Comes close
@200_success We would be losing a horrible title on a two year old question.
How grammatic is this sentence?
What is the next step in format after 800 x 600?
@SimonAndréForsberg Thanks, it looks well :)
@SimonAndréForsberg Have you worked with an Accordion yet?
@skiwi I'm not very musical, but I did hear some accordions when I was in Gothenburg earlier today.
@SimonAndréForsberg I was referring to the JavaFX class ;-)
I'm not understanding why it does not open one TitledPane by default, when I only have one
I've improved the title, without revealing too much about the code, I hope.
@skiwi Oh, well that I have never heard of :)
how can I write superscript text?
@200_success That question is just not the same anymore without the grammatical error
@200_success oh no... that title was a GEM
@Nobody <sup></sup>
Bah, ugly inline html
Thanks anyway
I don't think that this code is sufficiently complete to be reviewable. — 200_success ♦ 1 min ago
Q: Data model for tracking currency in a safe

danI am attempting to design an application that tracks currency and recent transactions in a safe. I am using entity-framework code-first in a wpf desktop application. The first goal is to be able to track whats currently in the safe. For example - 87 Ones, 55 Twos, 76 fives, etc.. The second go...

But I prefer not to close it unilaterally.
@200_success I have an answer in progress, his navigation properties should be virtual, and his SafeTransaction would be more consistent with FK properties. And his model is indeed not very flexible.
Wait, we still have ? Look at all those closed questions.
wonders if it's a code review answer I'm writing
By the way, I've dug up this old Meta zombie and have already answered it. Feel free to add more if you'd like.
Anyone here wants to award me for going the extra mile of understanding the code I have written:
A: Finding the nearest Rational to a double - is there a more efficient mechanism?

NobodyNaming You definitely need to improve your variable names. Here are some suggested changes with the reasoning dbl -> value (does not change much but repeating the type of a variable as its name does not add value (no pun intended)) delta -> epsilon (the name epsilon is much more common if you ...

And that was finally an answer where the use of MathJax was justified (apart from O(n))
anyway.. gotta go - later @all
See you later @Mat'sMug
@Mat'sMug nope, not posted any answers yet.
bye @Mat'sMug Enjoy your Weekend
see ya @Mat'sMug
@SimonAndréForsberg are you active?
@SimonAndréForsberg Then it's time to learn :)
@skiwi What would I use it for?
@HassanAlthaf Perhaps. It depends.
Meh.. deleted my answer. It was fun, but it's more of a redesign than a review. I agree with it being off-topic @200
@SimonAndréForsberg would you do a review for me? :P
@Mat'sMug it won't be the first time I see you delete your perfectly good answer :s
Q: Is this the proper way of using the MVC-Concept?

Hassan AlthafI've just completed coding my template engine. I'm willing to have a review on how to increase the quality, efficiency, elegance and performance of the code, perhaps by shortening the code, etc. I'm also open for suggestions on other ways of doing this. It would be really appreciated if you point...

Anyone here good with MVC?
@SimonAndréForsberg For a vareity of things
I followed a site, and did my MVC accordingly, but this guy's sayin' I did it wrong.
@Mat'sMug OK. Go ahead and apply some close votes, then.
@HassanAlthaf So, no.
@skiwi Example?
But you reviewed mine before. @SimonAndréForsberg :l
@SimonAndréForsberg I'm trying to make it work for a vertical menu... A more common one is to seperate different parts of a page
Say you've got a form that is about three different parts and which are quite big, then you can use an accordion to have one open at a time, without needing to scroll
Any GUI gurus still around?
This question appears to be off-topic because improving data model design changes what the code does; code review answers normally improve how code does what it does, without changing what it does. — Mat's Mug 23 secs ago
@HassanAlthaf I did? I have no memory of that. Link?
@SimonAndréForsberg Ok, a minute.
@skiwi sounds useful
My vertical menu up here isn't looking that pretty... Any clues how to improve it?
@skiwi looks useful
@janos undeleted then.. but it doesn't set the right example I find. OP might like, though.
@SimonAndréForsberg nvm, short term memory.
Q: Vertical menu for configuration panel

Peter PenzovI would like to create configuration panel like this example: The problem is that I don't how to create the vertical menu at the left side. Can you give some example of similar menu?

For example this one is looking nice
@skiwi awesome. I wish I could code apps like you.
@HassanAlthaf Just wish you could code them better than me ;)
@skiwi not before I hit the university.
Trust me, the only software I have created (in C#) was a GUI Calculator (WPF).
And a software which embeds a site URL.
@Mat'sMug Thanks for undeleting, now I can vote on your answer.
A: Sample game code for applying to a development firm

nhgrif[UIView animateWithDuration:0.03 delay: 0.0 options: UIViewAnimationOptionCurveEaseIn | UIViewAnimationOptionBeginFromCurrentState animations:^{ flashView.alpha = 1.0f; }...

..5%.. later!
I love the MS stack so much
It all works together
One solution with a Xamarin project, a shared portable class library and a Web API project
a few commands and a click on 'publish' gives me an Azure database and API hosting in the cloud
@JeroenVannevel Don't you love it when everything just works?
lots of dev, little op
@skiwi I have to admit that is my favorite situation
@JeroenVannevel Who wouldn't be happy with such situation? ;)
ugh, ofcourse I forgot to add a database field for my user object
I've got all sorts of things like name and login times
but only email and password are used in the app so far
Can anyone give me 15 rep? :P
why 15?
For 125.
what will that do for you?
Unlock down voting, and then I can get a badge.
you'll get there, what's the rush?
Nice site bro.
There's a reason certain functions require a certain rep. It's best to wait it out naturally so it has its intended effect
Q: Simplifying logic of overlapping predicates

TemplateRexI have 3 simple predicates and 3 simple actions to be taken based on those predicates. In my actual application they are not based on integer arithmetic, and in fact are rather expensive to compute (in comparison to the actions taken), but their dependency chain is the same. #include <iostream> ...

Time to get fried in the living room again, damn 27.5 degrees here inside the house
@JeroenVannevel I totally agree.
@HassanAlthaf Badges are not everything.
Idk man.
@kleinfreund A lot of unscrupulous ISPs these days inject ads or JavaScript into HTML. HTTPS prevents that.
A: Sample game code for applying to a development firm

nhgrif[UIView animateWithDuration:0.03 delay: 0.0 options: UIViewAnimationOptionCurveEaseIn | UIViewAnimationOptionBeginFromCurrentState animations:^{ flashView.alpha = 1.0f; }...

That's my Web Api Controller which always returns a HTTP 500 error when called with the above data
happens both from my app and Postman (a chrome app)
what should I look for with 500 errors?
500 errors mean something went wrong inside of the server. It typically means some kind of unrecoverable error like an uncaught exception or something of that nature. If you dig around in errors logs, you should be able to find something on what caused it.
(I have no knowledge of C# though, so I'm just guessing based on knowledge of other languages on the web.)
No experience with Azure?
Just non-cloud Apache/nginx/lighttpd
if you just hard code a response of return NotFound() does it 500?
it could be a routing error or something
if you give an incorrect username/password does it 500?
or is it just a correct one that triggers the error?
if you give a non-existing email does it error? what about with an existing email?
(though if you have log files, that's going to be easier than manual probing of execution paths)
I'll look into the logging first, see what I can setup with my free account

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