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You said, "I don't particular like operator overloading." I see that you reluctantly accepted *. But the tone of the whole answer was so negative that it didn't feel like constructive criticism.
"We apologize for any inconvenience, but an unexpected error occurred while you were browsing our site. It’s not you, it’s us. This is our fault. Detailed information about this error has automatically been recorded and we have been notified."
^^^ Just tried to go to CR
Stack Exchange is in read-only mode.
It's hard to read things when I keep getting errors. Why is it ro?
Probably some kind of data center migration going on, because the sysadmins have nothing better to do on a Friday evening.
I guess that's what we get for being active on a computer geeks' website
Yeah. Time for me to go.
Talk to you later :)
oh shit CR has a 2nd monitor room now
So cool seeing this site has grown up. Before I migrated to P.SE from SO, I spent time on CR.SE after getting tired of SO's FGITW. Then I found P.SE, and my 2nd monitor has been The Whiteboard for a couple years now... great name for the room.
Any word on you guys popping out of beta? I know I started getting a bunch of rep bumps some months back from old ass answers here as you guys were trying to fix your ratios to go public, heard something about that being a likely event sometime soon (something of a retraction from an older statement I'd heard of it having no chance)
Actually... let me find the meta post.... loading...
In other news, does anybody review C++ code with anything short of "You wrote it in C++, I think you made a mistake"
I kid.. C# guy here who just got stuck with a little C++ project at work this week, and I thought learning Haskell made me cross-eyed...
Some links and stuff can be found from here
I've actually never touched C#!!
> If you want to see the site graduate, do more voting. Vote for good questions, even if they don't help you, personally. Vote for good answers.
^-- this makes sense, CR.SE having it's questions so localized probably results in a lot fewer passive google hits where a Q helps a larger number of people, which means Q's have a smaller number of votes on average
I usually use up my 40 votes/day :D
Hey Jimmy
Code Review went through a revival last November.
@rolfl that sounds about when I got all those votes
It has been steadily gaining traction since then, but there's no word yet on when graduation happens.
funny being beta, I haven't much rep at all here but I have a lot of privs because the lower priv requirements heh
@rolfl I did hear somewhere not too long ago (don't remember, maybe shog9 or robert harvey? probably just rumor) that it was fairly guaranteed to happen, just a matter of time
"1248 days in beta"
It is not so much guaranteed to happen, but rather guaranteed not to ever fail.
^^^ since last November
@rolfl heh site activity graphs... I've written a few of those queries... is interesting we were monitoring it at P.SE a while back for a period to see how things trended, found out that the past ~1month or more was always basically inadmissable just because community and auto deletions happen on recent content up to about that range. Made it always look like the past month or two is suddenly much higher than others, except it looked that way every month heh
but yeah, that is some great activity boom
@rolfl how did you guys go about getting that to happen? Just a community evangelism campaign?
ah damn I gotta get. Talk to ya guys later perhaps, cheers and glad to know this site has been doing so well, is the only one I care to participate in outside of P.SE really heh
Hey! You guys found Jimmy Hoffa!
It is amazing the crazy bugs that Code Review finds.
Q: Filtering Streambuf

Jerry CoffinToday's code is a filtering streambuf (and associated stream type) to automate word-wrapped output in C++: #include <iostream> #include <streambuf> #include <iomanip> class widthbuf: public std::streambuf { public: widthbuf(int w, std::streambuf* s) : indent_width(0), def_w...

@Mat'sMug Hello.
hey, long time no see! :)
2 days without a 2nd monitor and that felt like forever!
@JerryCoffin In C++, can you not use the "=" operator to assign a value from a stream to an object?
@Mat'sMug Are you recovering from the withdrawal symptoms?
@syb0rg You mean like "object = stream;" ? You can, but that doesn't read an object from the stream; it converts the stream itself to the type of the target (typically Boolean), that tells you about the current state of the stream.
sort of. I'm scared my [337 days, 252 consecutive] gets reset when I start my new job :(
@JerryCoffin So it would be better to just use the input operator ">>" in almost all cases?
@syb0rg Yes, that's how you'd normally read from the stream. The obvious alternative would be to read via an istream iterator, which would be something like object = *iterator;. That's primarily useful in generic code that can read from essentially any collection though.
I like how ♦Community auto-edited the "Everyone Loves Fibbonaci" question into "Everyone Loves Fibonacci" with an edit comment that says it's spelled "Fibonacci". Snarky little bot we have here!
@Mat'sMug Have no fear! It'll almost certainly happen, but it's worth it.
a large part of my CR activity can be credited to the fact that my "current" job sucks big time
4 workdays left
I'll probably be around a bit. I'm sort of in the dog house with my wife.
user image
what the..
Silly puns R us.
@Mat'sMug We should have a coming out party.
@Mat'sMug Actually, it was not community, instead it was an anonymous suggested edit that was approved
@rolfl thanks for bursting my bubble ;)
You're welcome. You can get a new one at the new job.
makes sense though
yeah :)
@rolfl Fibonacci's great great great great great great great great great grandson wanted to keep the family name intact.
still, the question got over 1700 views in like 24h.
^^^ the suggested edit
> proposed 17 hours ago by an anonymous user
I had to investigate too.... ;-)
I bet it's on the newsletter next week
was in the "hot questions" for sure, right?
anyway I think it should be used as an example of a great an amazingly effective CR question title
This one has to be be nominated in the Best Question Title category! — Mat's Mug 14 hours ago
"Best of CR 2014" should make room for questions.
It wasn't even a good question. Just well... That^^
hey @ckuhn203! Congrats for your [badge:popular-question]! :D
Thanks! 2k+ views. I'm sure it'll earn me another badge over time.
do that again during Winter Bash and you'll get a hat :)
Hats are cool.
hats are AWESOME :)
So are bow ties.
A: Should we sign up for Winter Bash 2013?

tintinmj16th DECEMBER Before WinterBash During WinterBash After Winterbash Bob is sad, he lovz hat!

@ckuhn203 So is Tae-Bo.
Ohhhh I want a hat.
(they're collecting dust in a box until next winter!)
I'm off gentlemen. Db maintenance in the AM.
@ckuhn203 Enjoy!
Darn. Beaten to the punch by almost a whole second. Now I won't get any Stack Overflow points!
I'm off too, was :)
@JerryCoffin and lol!
Awww, I apparently missed insanity hour... lol
@Corbin You could try Lounge<C++>, where it's always insane.
Hrmm... Now I'm left wondering why I haven't been creeping in there for the past year. I forget rooms other than The 2nd Monitor exist o.O
@Corbin Oh, don't creep. It already has too many creeps.
Fortunately, it has enough Europeans it also has crepes fairly regularly.
Yeah, with 35 people I can only imagine.
Q: Is this PHP code snippet safe?

user3761993Mostly asking for critiques of vulnerability. Am I using any functions or methods that are unsafe? <?php $menu = array( "page1","page2","page3" ); $defpage = "page1"; $section = $defpage; if ( isset( $_GET['section'] ) ) $section = $_GET['section']; if ( !in_array( $section, $menu ) ) $section ...

@JerryCoffin Do they also play craps?
@Jamal I'm shocked! Shocked I tell you, that anybody would even suggest that there might be gambling in this establishment!
raises another bounty
No hookers and blackjack? :p
@Corbin Never! Just say "Bastille" when the guard at the back-door asks for the password.
Do I have to say it in a French accent?
@Corbin But of course!
Hohn, hohn, hohn!
That doesn't really work in writing.... Oh well.
Well, I think I need to go get some supper. Later.
@rolfl I was just about to write an answer very similar to yours
Sorry ... ;-) But, not that sorry. ;-)
@rolfl Haha well 1+
I try to give questions about 15 minutes before I think about answering them.
Some Java ones I jump on though.
Otherwise, if something piques my interest, I will take a stab at it.
Me: #7 week rank, +79 change :D
@ckuhn203 no, this is a much scarier happenstance actually; Jimmy Hoffa found you. O_O
Q: Haskell encryption tips

CarcigenicateI wrote a variation of the Caeser Cipher and would like some feedback. Is it idiomatic? Can you generally see anything that can be improved? Use example: let e = enc "Hello World" "This is the key" in     dec e "This is the key" Instead of taking a single value as the offset, it takes a String ...

Q: play framework controller method having multiples if

Govind Singh Nagarkotibelow is the controller, where are some conditions before operation is performed, is it the multiple if are Ok or not? def makeCall = Action { implicit request => try { val deviceId = request.body.asFormUrlEncoded.get("deviceId").head val callTo = request.body.asFormUrl...

Good morning/day/evening
Q: Writing better jQuery

ryentzerI'm in the process of working on a client's site. I have a section containing a ul with list items and a div containing the slides that are triggered when clicking on an li item. For instance, <li id="nav-one">Item One</li> triggers <div id="slide-one">...</div>. What I want to know is, a criti...

Q: Python Vector implementation that acts as a class and also a collection of staticmethods

user3002473Recently I've been wondering about ways of implementing objects in code that can be represented by other primitives. An example of this is a Vector, which can be represented by a Vector\$N\$D where \$N\$ is the dimension of vector, or it can be represented by an \$N\$-tuple. The reason this is...

Q: Code Example to illustrate how to Limit a class's dependencies (entities that depend on a class)

boddhisattvaI was referring to best practices article on the guides repository which is maintained by Thoughtbot. One of their best practices under Object Oriented Design says - Limit an object's dependencies (entities that depend on an object) On a wider scope this best practice can be applied to th...

Please look over my SQL Tic-Tac-Toe attempt and tell me what you think!
Q: SQL Tic-Tac-Toe attempt

PhrancisIn an attempt to practice conditional statements in SQL I decided to design a tic-tac-toe game with MySQL. Let me know if you think any of the steps could be done better. Step 1: Create the game board: USE test; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS TicTacToe; CREATE TABLE TicTacToe ( ID INT NOT NULL, ...

@200_success & @ckuhn203 I would really like to hear your input on this, since it is pseudo-application-ish programming embedded into SQL.
Why are you still using MySQL?
Laziness mostly
Or, more precisely, lack of a need of a better RDBMS, since I'm just using it for practice
Now I got a pretty badass piece of music done recently, aside from practicing SQL. See this page if you like, just click song number 010 (the top song) nice summer groove
Hopefully I'm better at music than I am at SQL =]
Q: Platform independant C++14 thread pool

Tom MylesI thought to get a better understanding of C++11/C++14 I thought I would take my hand to develop a thread pool, even if it has been done to death! The only dependancy outside of the standard library is boost::lockfree::queue. threadpool.hpp #ifndef THREADPOOL_H #define THREADPOOL_H #include <a...

Ugh. Most annoying word ever (as used by most people who don't know anything math/logic); Absolutely
I better go to bed... SELECT NOW() AS 'Good night';
Hoi everyone. :)
@Phrancis Ok, so this is really, really cool, but... I don't think you want me to review this. Any review I gave would consist mostly of "Don't use Structure Query Language to do Procedural Programming."
Monking all
Monking all as well
Saturday monking indeed.
There must be a song for that
Maybe @Phrancis can write us one.
Monking all
Simon... hi!
Monkey... hi!
1 hour later…
Q: if(a & b) and if(!a) means?

AjayI am non-comp grad.I recently came across programming and knew how easily some maths puzzle can be solved in a few minutes. so I started digging up in programming and learnt javascript language myself but lack of my comps-knowledge I dont know some basics in javascript. recently I saw the follow...

Thanks @Vogel612 for writing a comment to that one ^^. I was just about to do so.
Does anyone know if this would be on-topic over at Programmers?
Q: Code Example to illustrate how to Limit a class's dependencies (entities that depend on a class)

boddhisattvaI was referring to best practices article on the guides repository which is maintained by Thoughtbot. One of their best practices under Object Oriented Design says - Limit an object's dependencies (entities that depend on an object) On a wider scope this best practice can be applied to th...

I never know if something's on topic there.
I was just about to say something similar.
Do they know what's on topic there? =)
I think it depends on the opinion of the first person to read it.
If they vtc, it starts a trend and the rest follow.
Essentially, the first person sees some aspect which is off-topic, they vote.
When I migrate to programmers, because I have a short history at programmers too, I migrate, and upvote.
The upvote seems to make a difference.
makes the VTC folk stop and think: hey, maybe I am wrong....
It's psychologically harder to VTC when there's an upvote.
Yup. That^^
Q: Understanding the differences: A direct comparison between Cython and C++

user3465201 Introduction The following two code samples are a direct comparison of performance between Cython and C++. I pieced them together with the help of others-- I barely understand how they work. Their speed in my computer is: 1.225s vs 3.989s (C++ being the faster). The purpose of this comparison ...

I just posted an SQL answer o_O
A: SQL Tic-Tac-Toe attempt

Simon André ForsbergThere is one big thing that I don't agree with, and that's your SQL schema. In my opinion, it is not normalized. Each row should only contain one kind of information. One row in your TicTacToe table however, contains three pieces information: The tile A, the tile B and the tile C. You have a ma...

I'm glad someone else built the thing so that I could share my idea on how it could be structured in SQL without implementing my idea first and then ask a question about it.
Hm. Community has really started bumping questions lately.
I wish Community would start posting Java questions...
I wish Community would start reviewing questions.
I wish Community would start voting on our answers
I wish Community would do the editing for me.
@Jamal I wish the community would just post questions well enough that they didn't need editing...
Q: Making my class DRY

Kid DiamondI updated my class with more functionality. When it comes to readability my class is already good but I don't think it's completely DRY, especially my validate() method. Anybody who could see if it can be re-factored a better way? Any other suggestions are also welcome. class Validator { p...

@JerryCoffin I'm okay with this! I can finally take a vacation. books flight to Hawaii
@Jamal Go for it. We have a couple of other mods now, and even if nobody else has quite your touch with the editing pen (so to speak) we can probably muddle through on our own for a few days...
Eh, what the heck. I'm sure there are still thousands of posts in need of improvement, but I won't bother hunting them all down.
Maybe I wasn't clear. You're still "on the hook" for all existing posts. I'm just giving you a free pass on new posts for up to three days. Ain't I just too generous? :-)
@CaptainObvious isn't that a follow-up??
@Vogel612 Yes, it looks like it.
Q: Validator refactored to be OO

Kid DiamondBased on my previous post I completely re-factored my code to make it object oriented. Anything I could improve when it comes to: Object oriented code; Efficiency; Readability. Any other suggestions are also welcome! Validator class: class Validator { private $rules = []; private ...

Then someone *cough* jamal *cough* give it a better name... I can't cuz mobile client and bus incoming
@Vogel612 Still PHP -> better to delete than edit it.
Q: Fast browser and OS detection

yoshiI need a fast way to detect Browser and OS of user. The performance is very important. Currently I am using piwik (open source analytics) code for this: https://github.com/piwik/piwik/blob/master/libs/UserAgentParser/UserAgentParser.php I am not sure if this code is efficient enough or if there...

Q: JAVA linked list concatenator

user3753124As an assignment, I've been working on a JAVA character sequence (analogous to a string) implemented as a Linked List. Each Node in the list consists of three fields: data (i.e., what character it represents), value (i.e., how many times it is repeated in a row) and next (i.e., what node it is fo...

@Jamal The formatting.... oh god
@Jamal That's SO, not CR!
@SimonAndréForsberg Of course! How many JAVA questions do you even see on CR? :-)
Seriously @Jamal, I think people will step up and edit questions if you stop beating us to them all.
I don't know, I don't think I can do a case-sensitive search (at least not without using the SEDE)
@ckuhn203 Even in some cases, I see questions that clearly need an edit, that have stayed for at least an hour. Perhaps only some people are willing to edit posts other than their own.
If that SO question would have been on CR, I would have edited it voted to close because it was off topic.
@Jamal Some of us certainly are (I am), but if it's tagged with something like PHP or Java, chances are pretty good I'd never even look at the question in the first place, so I'd never know whether it needed editing.
Does that also mean you only consider upvoting questions of your own tag(s)?
@Jamal I'm not sure about "my own". There are a few tags I actively read, and a few more I actively avoid. The rest I might or might not read on any given day, depending on how much time I have.
I'll put it this way then, how do we encourage people to make those edits if you'll just do it for us?
I'm not doing edits for anyone else. Anyone is free to do them on their own, especially if I miss something or don't bother to edit something. It seems most people edit if something seriously needs a correction, rather than if something like grammar can be improved.
That's fair. I just think maybe people don't edit because there's a " 'eh, someone (Jamal) will edit it." Mentality. I could be wrong.
I also see the same thing on SO. So many posts can be improved vastly, even just by the people who are also answering.
The upcoming question does need an additional tag. I'll see if someone will provide it.
@Jamal I did a fair amount of editing there for a while, but it felt like trying to drain a lake one bucket at a time. No matter how much you did, it never made any visible difference.
Q: Laravel - lots of dependency injection

user3001234I have the following UserServiceProvider and I'm wondering whether so much dependency injection is overkill: use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider, Huntitapp\Repositories\Eloquent\User\EloquentUserRepository, Huntitapp\Repositories\Eloquent\Profile\EloquentProfileRepository, Huntitapp\Reposit...

@JerryCoffin Just for the questions you're already looking at, I mean. Killing two birds with one stone. Even I wouldn't bother editing questions at random on SO.
@Jamal Yes--for a while I edited nearly every question I answered. Also edited quite a few more. Never felt like it made any real difference though.
Hm, then perhaps SO wasn't the best comparison. For a smaller site, like CR, every edit can make a difference, unless of course it's a bad edit.
@Jamal Every edit can make a difference--but some of those differences are for the worse.
I am kinda glad that I don't have privileges on SO. I would be wasting so much time editing on there, and with no rep gain (except for Copy Editor). I could do without that.
@Jamal Yeah, I tend to agree (even if Copy editor is a badge, not rep). I have full privileges on SO, but rarely use them any more.
I pretty much only flag things on SO, though closing privileges would be nice.
@Jamal Well, that's true: having the rep-hammer to close dupes in is pretty handy.
At least I have my downvoting privileges. I have heard that there are just not enough downvotes on SO.
Sure you want those privileges @Jamal?
I'll be limited to 24 votes a day anyway (as I'm not an SO mod). :-)
@Jamal Lots more need closing than downvoting. Too many are just asked so poorly it's impossible to even hope for an answer. For an example that's very current in my mind:
Perhaps there shouldn't be a downvoting limit on SO, although I (strangely) hardly hit it.
Hey all
@SimonAndréForsberg thanks for the great answer
@Phrancis You're welcome. I hope you'll do a follow-up on it. I've wanted to make TTT in SQL myself but didn't have the time
@Jamal I think the downvoting limit should simply be measured a bit differently. For example, each day your number of downvotes is something like 1% of the number of questions asked in the last 24 hours (or maybe 0.1%--don't really care. Should be a percentage of volume, anyway).
Hey @ckuhn203
@SimonAndréForsberg I was wondering, should the follow-up be in the form of a new question or an answer on my OP?
@JerryCoffin Or perhaps we need a new class of mods that specifically give downvotes. If you think a post needs another downvote, just flag it and they'll provide an additional one for you. If it's spam, then they'll zap it instead.
@Phrancis If you have what you consider a good critique of the code, then post it as an answer. If you've taken the reviews into account and written new code that might be open to further improvement, then another question makes more sense.
Perfect, I think I'll do the latter
@Jamal Well, I personally think that by, say, 100K (or perhaps 200K) rep, you should pretty much have full moderation privileges (subject to revocation if you abuse them).
Interesting perspective.
I have 'studying' the pro's and con's of being a mod.
The pro-tem mod is a necessary evil, but has gone on too long on Code Review.
I think mods as elected people have a different 'feel' than either protem, or high-rep users.
@JerryCoffin Considering I've seen few if not any 101K+ users on SO spew shit, then I'm okay with it. Even 20 diamond mods isn't enough for SO, it seems.
@rolfl And oddly enough, I may have been CR's only mod that has had some prior judgement from the community.
I know, and it is 'well known' that the CM's 'invited' three people to become protems in late march, palacsint said no.
I am pretty sure that 200 and my rep were a large part of why we were asked.
We were essentially the equivalent of the 100K users that were active.
@Jamal Considering its size, that's pretty unsurprising. CR seems to keep you three pretty busy, and SO is a lot more than 7 times the size of CR.
^^ also interesting, we are not actually all that busy with strict mod duties....
we have occasional things, but we already do the other things we spend time on.
And I don't even think I would last a year as an SO mod. The kind of shit that they have to deal with daily is just shocking.
^^^ that's my concern
There's a hidden side to being a mod that is .... ugly.
@rolfl Probably not horribly overworked, but then being a mod shouldn't impose a huge strain on any one person.
@rolfl Well, at least we haven't yet received death threats for closing questions...
Nope, not yet.
And we don;t have people tracking us down at our workplaces.
@Jamal That's part of why I think adding not just a few, but a lot more would be a big help. The strain really needs to be distributed a lot more widely to keep it from grinding people to pieces (so to speak).
Jerry, there's an interesting part to being a mod, which is the mod community itself. I get the impression that it is a support group that is past the point of being too big.
On SO, at least. I think three mods on CR is still enough, considering the few flags and even fewer troublesome users we get. This may remain the same until CR gains even more publicity.
the 'lounge' is a place where we get to sort out issues with each other, deal with site-wide things, and so on.
There would need to be a tiered place where these issues get sorted out.
@rolfl It may well be--not being a mod, I have no way to know.
Everything from the agfreement we had to sign, etc. is a hurdle to just opening doors to a lot more people.
I often think that there should be another level of 'privilege'. I agree with the need.
I just don't know how to suggest it.
The SE folk are moving in that direction already.
Things like the dup-hammer are going to expand.
The other side is that a lot of what the SE folk do is to address needs in the SO site, that's not necessarily in line with what's needed on the smaller sites.
@rolfl As I mentioned above, I think that's been a big help already. When you get down to it, you're probably right: trying to extend full mod privileges based on rep is probably a poor idea--but making the dupe-hammer site-wide instead of tag-specific at something like 100K or 200K might be worth considering.
Q: Given an unsorted array of integers, you need to return maximum possible n

bazangwhat do you folks think of my code to this problem? Given an unsorted array of integers, you need to return maximum possible n such that the array consists at least n values greater than or equals to n. Array can contain duplicate values. Sample input : [1, 2, 3, 4] -- output : 2 Sample input : ...

@rolfl Yeah--I'm not sure it's really even possible to come up with a single set of rules that's likely to work well across such a wide range of scales.
Things I think could be rep-based are things where there is no need for access to personal data, and are not likely to cause personal retribution.
@ckuhn203 I'm down for writing a tune, but I need some words, if you could email me some common funny expressions from CR I'll work on that soon. Email is: [email protected]
The two key things a mod has access to are: 1. personal data about people (IP addresses, some broad voting pattern data, etc.) 2. support from SE on a 'broad' level.
We can communicate 'in private' with individuals as well.
Things I can do that do not need that, and others could do as well, are:
- more 'weight' on close (say a 100K voter is worth 2, or 3 other close votes)
- ability to comment on deleted questions/answers.
And any use of this personal information outside of moderation violates the moderator agreement, which will result in the revocation of your diamond.
@rolfl I'm pretty sure somebody who really cares can glean about as much as they want about voting patterns from SEDE, so I'm not sure that part is really relevant.
We have enough voting information that we can probably, if inspired, identify vote fraud and sock puppets.
we have no access to individual question/answer voting, but a more broad system.
the dup and dup-reopen hammer are useful on the bigger sites... We don't really get dupes here, so it's useless.
@rolfl It'd undoubtedly be more work, but I'm pretty sure you could come up with at least some prime suspects from SEDE data.
Actually, I don't thnk I could... the vote data is all anonymized.
Currently the CR mod tools identify a single possible sock puppet....
and it's been that same puppet since I gained access to the tools.
and it's not a puppet.
@rolfl Are you worried that we would not vote for you?
and, between me, 200, palacsint, and a few others, we are the only ones with suspicious patterns.
What is the definition of a sock puppet?
We have crazy patterns of people voting on our answers.
@rolfl It is, but Mysticial (for one example) has done a pretty fair job of identifying voters based on vote times. It isn't absolute about a single vote, but you can develop a pattern pretty quickly.
sock puppet is an account that is created for the express purpose of voting for usually one other person's answers/questions.
@rolfl Right--if memory serves, SEDE doesn't let you retrieve who/what question a particular account voted for, but does let you retrieve the dates and times of their votes. If you find a strong correlation between account A posting a question and then account B casting an upvote (and it doesn't correlate strongly with any other account...)
That is great, but how do I know accountB?
I can tell a vote was cast.... and when, but all I would be able to correlate that against is a single account that may have a last-activity at about the same time.
So, all I would really be able to do is find... question, with upvote, and an account that is not the asker's account which has a last-activity date at about the same time as the upvote....
Let me build that, see what I gett.
@rolfl You can do a little more than that--you can also look for the second account having little other activity (though yes, that can also screen out what probably are some real sock-puppets).
Q: Is this PHP snippet safe from remote file injection?

user46866function sql_quote( $value ){ if( get_magic_quotes_gpc() ){ $value = stripslashes( $value ); } //check if this function exists if( function_exists( "mysql_real_escape_string" ) ){ $value = mysql_real_escape_string( $value ); } //for PHP version < 4.3.0 use ...

It seems ironic interesting that programmers are using code to find bogus accounts on CodeReview! It's a good thing though, maybe you can post your sock-puppet code for review :)
Huh, I am running in to a blocker.... it seems the votes are dated to the date not the timestamp
TTG Goodbye, World.
@rolfl Hmm...that may be a response to Mysticial posting on Meta about how he'd done some of this a while back.
Hey all
hi all!
he alex thanks again for all your input!
@user3586322 Yes of course! Glad to see you join us :)
@user3586322 Hello.
@alex, im actually at work now so i will be on/off, PC techs life are always hectic haha
@user3586322 No problem, I'll see if I can find a few good reads on user auth in PHP for you. I think you could benefit from seeing some established code
Q: Python: cross-platform command line tool for finding files

Ricky Wilson#!/usr/bin/env python ''' Search for files using wildcards amd magic ''' import os from fnmatch import fnmatch import sys import argparse import magic def cmd_args(): ''' returns a argparse namespane ''' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( '--root', de...

Q: Find the Next Greatest element

JavaDeveloperGiven an array, print the Next Greater Element (NGE) for every element. The Next greater Element for an element x is the first greater element on the right side of x in array. Elements for which no greater element exist, consider next greater element as -1. Examples: a) For any array, rightmost ...

@alex, that would be the amazing dude thx
@user3586322 It'd be great if in your next post we could see databaseContainsUser() or you DB access, I have a feeling that could use some tuning!
Q: Refactor C# Linq code to reduce duplication

JohnLBevanI currently have the below code: var predicate = PredicateBuilder.True<Country>(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchAlpha2)) predicate = predicate.And(c => c.Alpha2 != null ? c.Alpha2.Contains(searchAlpha2) : false); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchAlpha3)) predicate = predicate...

haha yea I m going to go through it as well and incorporate your notes before i post it.
Hey guys.
Q: PHP, OOP - Form Validation

user3720199I have created a form element class. The class is able to Create HTML form elements and Confirm if form has been submitted and if so, load the submitted value, for the specified form element into the object which is worked on on the page. I have tried to make this as general as possible in ...

Q: keeping Track Of posts

user3755641I have got two tables user table and post table. The user table holds info about the user and post table holds post made by the user. How can I keep track of posts made by the user cause 1 user can make several posts?

@ckuhn203 Hey there
Hey @AlexL. How goes it.
Not bad actually, glad it's Saturday!
Me too! Time for fun projects. =)
We should really eliminate the Tumbleweed badge on CR!
It's "awarded" way too often.
@SimonAndréForsberg Not really an achievemne tis it
Q: Random Coin Toss in Haskell

Kevin MeredithLearn You a Haskell gives an exercise to implement the following function: -- make a function that simulates tossing a function 3 times import System.Random tossCoin3 :: Int -> (Bool, Bool, Bool) tossCoin3 x = let (num1, gen1) = random (mkStdGen x) :: (Int, StdGen) (num2, gen2) =...

Instead of eliminating the badge, we should pay attention to more questions.
@AlexL I think the badge was always intended more as a consolation prize than recognition for a real achievement.
I think I almost got it once, but some jerk upvoted my question someone kindly gave me an upvote.
@Jamal Exactly what I meant, of course
I know that we're not in desperate need to raise our answered percentage, but it would be nice to kill more of the newer zombies.
@Jamal I try to knock out as many as I can. I regularly am browsing my fav tags unanswered page :P
Q: Does everyone still love Fibonacci?

ckuhn203I'm following up on this question. I made a few decisions about my model and implemented recommendations accordingly. TL;DR the link Uses a loop algorithm to return a Fibonacci number \$Fn\$ of any given ordinal position \$n\$. Changes I'm now using a BigInteger type to avoid Integer Ove...

@Jamal I got it for the first question I ever asked here =p
and the question is still half-unanswered
Raise a bounty! :-)
very few of the questions i asked here have gotten satisfactory answers, would take a lot of bounty-raising to get them all answered
the first one does have a nice answer for the bash/m4 part but it doesn't address the generated code
oh wait, that was the second question i asked
the first one doesn't address anything i asked about, just trivial stuff like variable names
I do have one question that didn't get much attention, partly because it became CW at one point.
my third question went "hot" and got a good response
4th one, no answers at all
@DaggNabbit Ask questions about PHP and you'll mostly get PHP users answering. Given the percentage of PHP users who code well, I'd say if you get half-answers, you're doing better than you can reasonably expect.
i've never asked a PHP question
i don't think
javascript, bash, lua, c
@DaggNabbit Sorry--JavaScript. Same basic idea.
i think js has slightly better user base than php but yeah
but what about lua, that doesn't have the same stigma does it
@DaggNabbit: I do remember that Fisher-Yates question (that I wrongfully tagged). Perhaps you can post that appended code as a new question and clean up the older one.
@JerryCoffin ;)
i'm pretty sure the appended code is fine, if i post that it'll just get highly subjective stylistic stuff reviewed if anything
@DaggNabbit Probably not quite. There the problem is probably much more with simply having such a small user base that there's no guarantee anybody else who pays attention would show up when it was still very new.
i thought about trying to grab some of the lua hotshots from SO but it seemed rude
it does seem like the people that regularly answer js stuff here know what they're doing, the problem is there's only like 3 of them
and i know what i'm doing as well as they do so they can't really help me that often
Q: Implementing a data structure that is a collection of sets

AndrewI'm trying to optimize my code (time optimization) based on this problem: Let S be a set of strings. Each string in S is associated with a set of elements. Consider, for example, S = {"home", "tree"}. Implement a data structure that is a collection of sets and supports the operations Un...

Q: More Pythonic version of finding substring with one glob-like expression

ProfHase85Giving the following example list the task is: find out whether the second expression is in the first one. '*' shall be considered as a wildcard for any character and one should be able to escape it '*' Hello,ell This is good, is CodeEval,C*Eval Old,Young should evaluate to true true true fals...

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