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Have you guys seen the latest edit approval?
It seems like I want to reject the edit
That was a nice answer Alex.
@ckuhn203 Well thank you!
@ckuhn203 I'm on my way to my first bronze tag badge >:D
That's exciting! ?
I was stubborn when I built my website. I insisted on writing Ruby to update the HTML files.
dumbest thing I've ever done.
@Edward I'm quite certain they intended to say "wise". "Moronic" is almost the same as "wise" on a Dvorak keyboard, right?
@JerryCoffin Pretty sure you're right.
People call me "wise" all the time... using the alternative spelling.
I didn't even know Dvorak keyboards were that popular!
@Edward Apparently, anyway.
@JerryCoffin You're so wise.
@Edward Oh, you've switched to it too?
Just now.
Err...I mean, I'm glad you don't use it, at least.
See ya!
@SimonAndréForsberg G'night.
Howdy again
Night, Simon
Hey @AlexLieberman, I'm diggin' the name ;)
Haha do we share the same?
It's pretty close :) Liebscher
It's oh so quiet in here.... spooky
@Jamal hows' the editing going?
Giving it a break for now. I don't want to flood the front page more at this time.
Its actually probably quite noisy everywhere on an atomic level.
Good evening
@AlexLieberman How noisy is the average room temperature oxygen atom!?
@Phrancis Hello
Have no idea, just an assumption.
I'd imagine there's a lot of trading of energy between atoms always everywhere - I'd imagine that involves some sound wave production.
My guess is not, since to make sound, you have to push a material (air), and a single atom couldn't push a larger molecule? I don't know either xD
Well technically sound is a wave of transferred energy right?
@AlexLieberman Pretty sure
So if it takes a collective group of atoms to produce sound we can hear, then surely the sub-parts can be considered sound?
Anyway lol
Ha, too much science right now
Q: Converting an IP

Lucien LachanceI've written a DNS tool in Node and would like to know if there's a better and more efficient way of handling the conversion from an IP to a long. I'm not too good at bitwise just yet and would like to hear any suggestions. Psuedo-code has been provided below. var _parse = function (ip) { var ...

Q: can I get some comments to my database design

user46791I have designed a database for my institute. Here I have attached my design for better understanding. So I am expecting your reviews who are professional for the database design. Thank you.

Any JavaScript people in here? Been ages since I've written a JS review, so I'm hoping someone can glance over this and let me know if I've gone crazy: codereview.stackexchange.com/a/54779/7308
I just realized I can have a public getter, but a private setter in C#. Oh happy day.
@Corbin for the most part it's a great answer, but there are a few things I don't agree with
for one thing, -1 >>> 0 != -1
the other thing is subjective, but the node style guide is just something some guy wrote, I wouldn't take it too seriously. I don't agree with a lot of Crockford's ideas about good style, but one thing I do agree with is declaring variables at the top of a scope, for the reason he mentions
> JavaScript does not have block scope, so defining variables in blocks can confuse programmers who are experienced with other C family languages. Define all variables at the top of the function.
since it's such a subjective thing I don't know if I'd mention it at all (although I've mentioned it in reviews also)
everything else looks good
fwiw, my personal style of var declaration is to declare everything at the top of a scope except things like loop iterators, like:

for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
other things in the node style guide I don't agree with or see any justification for are multi-line ternaries and ===. That's why I don't take it too seriously
oh, and using named function expressions everywhere. It's confusing to someone looking at a piece of code for the first time, makes you want to look for a function invocation using that name
plus it makes absolutely no sense to suggest that given that the next suggestion is "no nested closures"
a lot of the advice is good, but a lot of it is not-so-good imo
I'll edit out the bit about >>> 0 doing nothing for all numbers, but I have to disagree with you on the variable situation. Perhaps the node style guide is a terrible justification for it, but lexical scoping or not, I find things much, much clearer when variables are declared at first use. My rule of thumb is just never reuse variable names and to always keep lexical scoping in mind. If a function is big enough that I can forget I've already used a name, it's far too big.
@Corbin yeah, the variable declaration thing is something I've gone back and forth on a lot over the years. I wouldn't be surprised if I change my mind about it again at some point. That's why I'm probably not going to mention it in any further reviews. I think either style can be justified, really. If you're committed to the declare-on-use style, I guess there's no reason not to recommend it.
Yeah, perhaps I'll refrain from mentioning it in future too. I've actually gone back and forth on it a few times too. Seems no one can make up their mind. Well, except for Crockford and Felix :p. lol
@Corbin the reason I like them at the top of the scope is, it's kind of like a forward declare, a way of saying "these are all the variables this function will use." If it makes the code unclear, I take it as an indication that I need to break the function up into smaller parts.
@DaggNabbit Hrmm, that makes sense, especially given how scoping works in JS. It's just jarring to me to see a variable's use come out of no where, and without declaring near use, it's hard to see at a glance where usage began. Kind of like a "hey, this variable is no longer a junk value!" sentinel.
that's how I feel about every piece of PHP code I've ever seen ;)
Hahaha, yeah.... PHP could certainly use block scoping :/. Especially since 95% of people seem to think it's block scoping.
1 hour later…
Hey code reviewers :P
Q: coffeescript no parenthesis chaining?

user3358302Hi I'm wondering if its possible to omit empty parenthesis when chaining in coffeescript. for example myFunction = -> [...] chain1 = -> [...] chain2 = -> [...] myFunction().chain1().chain2() to instead myFunction.chain1.chain2

morning @all
@chillworld It's 10pm my time ;)
07:35 am :)
and I was half hour to late @work :)
finally resolved mine problem yesterday (after 2 days searching => 4 lines of code did it)
@chillworld Which problem was that?
something with zk
they have a project exporter, what easily exports a grid or listbox to excel/pdf
works veally good, except when listbox has paging
then I just got first page exported
If I did listbox.renderAll(); strangly, the first export was first page, second export was all data
So after searching and searching I came up that it has to be the binder(gui bind with viewmodel)
so I did a little dirty trick => button click calls a command.
in that command I do the renderAll
and then I needed to call through the binder the command for exporting
if I don't go by the binder it don't work
bah, it's zk => good framework to start with, but if you want to go deeper you see it's not all that
for instance they have core methods (to use in the zul pages) public String concat (String, String)
in stead of creating public String (Object, object)
Q: Multiple SQL anorm query in Scala play framework

Govind Singh Nagarkotiids contains 100 ids that are comma delimited. Is it fine or does it need improvement? def getFriendPoints(ids: String) = { DB.withConnection { implicit c => try { var pointMap:scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,String]=null var i=ids.split(",") for(pos<-0 ...

@CaptainObvious waring for sql injection detected :p
No SQL injection, but it sure does seem to have some other problems x.x
Sorry, I know nothing about scala!
@Corbin could be, don't know scala either
blah, why initialize to null
can construct a Map much, much easier than that
val i = 1.to(ids.split(',').size)
val mp = (for(j <- i) { process stuff } yield (<stuff>.toString, <stuff>.toString) ).toMap
Hrmm, Scala is such an interesting little language. Nearly completely compatible with Java syntax, but weirdly functional. I should get around to toying with it a bit. Perhaps after I get around to trying Rust.... lol
@chillworld can't do anything...
prob already rejected..
wtf was that guy thinking though..
Monking @all
I don't know who voted to close, I find it good question.
I skipped that one..
@chillworld: It is borderline but it is basically a performance review which is OK IMHO
@Corbin Also an incredibly complex language
@Yuushi yeah, that's kinda the feeling I've gotten from it in what little I've seen from passing :/. Is it worth it, or is it just yet another fleeting language?
not sure. I did Odersky's course on Coursera, but i haven't really touched it since then so I've probably forgotten a lot
in general I think I actually find it too complex
Ah.... that's not good x.x. I shall certainly keep it low on the "languages I should eventually mess with" list.
I'm back to stuffing around with D for the moment
Hrmm, I should add that to my list.... :p lol
too many languages, not enough time
yeah.... and it's always a risk picking up a new language. other than a dozen or so of them, the rest run a very, very high risk of being a passing phase.
I quite like farting around with languages (well, with some exceptions...), so it doesn't really bug me too much if they end up being a passing phase
Me too, in theory. In actuality, I get bored after about 10 seconds of having no ideas past a "hello world" haha
yeah, ideas are always the hardest thing to come by...
i wrote a bittorrent server in JavaScript yesterday just to refamiliarize myself with NodeJS. I was pretty proud of that idea.
And it turned out to be surprisingly easy. Trackers are super, super simple.
I somehow feel bad now...
only being able to write Java and C# on mediocre niveau, breaking C/C++ and writing beginner php / JS / jquery....
ohh and a little vba..
Ah. If it makes you feel any better, I wouldn't say I'm particularly great at any languages except maybe 2 or 3.
I just enjoy dabbling in about a dozen others :p
yeah...I can rattle off a number of languages that I know in a complete half-assed sense
but actually knowing properly, much less :P
I wish I had the time again to immerse into a new language but it seems these days are gone
Q: Implementation of interface within state machine

Stacey AnneThis particular example is verilog, but my question is more about the state machine structuring, which would be relevant to both VHDL and verilog. So if I have a state machine, this one is fairly simple: always@(posedge m_axi_clk) begin if(m_axi_resetn == 0) begin current_state <= ...

(C++ alone keeps me busy enough with catching up to the current standard practices ^^)
@Nobody indeed, I voted to leave open ;)
A: Multiple SQL anorm query in Scala play framework

andrey100 queries is not fine. It's OMG and WTF. You should use Select ... from table where id in set Read about sql SELECT WHERE smthng IN ()

marked as low quality
it's a bad answer with truth in it
damn don't even know how to comment it, gonna skip the review of taht
@Corbin => you have awarded badge for nice answer ^^
Ooooo awesome
@Nobody hey at least there finally are new features. all it took was 9 years... lol
Don't get me wrong, I am very happy with the new additions that allow for so much better code
but when I had known back when I started learning C++ that I still am far away from being good in this language, I might have skipped it
(of course I would not have had a choice because it is the most prominent language in my lectures/exercises)
While your point may be correct, your way of expressing it was inacceptable. I tried to edit your answer. If you disagree with my edits, you can apply a rollback in revisions. If you want to discuss anything else, please ask a question on Code Review Meta or come to Code Review ChatVogel612 1 min ago
Q: Java ObjectInputSteam and ObjectOutputStream for database project

Deepak SinghI am creating a database project in java using file handling. The program is working without compiling error. Following points are not working 1. File is storing only first record. (if program is running again it is overwriting file) 2. I want to display all records but the only first record is d...

Q: C# linq2sql dynamic where

user3540246I want create extension for IQueryable for dynamic filtering IQueryable<User> list = db.Users; //Users table //Search "a" in fields FirstName or LastName //etc list.Where(x => x.FirstName.ToLower().Contains("a") list.ApplyFilterPatern<Order>("a", x => x.FirstName, x => x.LastName, ...); public ...

@Nobody yeah, true. Sometimes I feel the same way. C++ is a very simple language to become proficient in, but incredibly, insanely complex to every truly fully know :/
@CaptainObvious Off-topic :(
and now I had hoped I could write stuff on try-with-resources...
(removed 'cause I am being redundant)
no reaction so far?
@Nobody nope..
I was thinking to write an answer on the variable names though...
last question deleted already
Q: Find all fileoccurences of a searchterm on drive

MatthijsI am practicing my code by writing a small application that lets the user search drives for their given input string. I am only returning the fullname of the files. What I have now is the following method to retrieve those fullnames: private IEnumerable<string> FindOccurences(string searchQuery,...

A: Multiple SQL anorm query in Scala play framework

Vogel612Naming: I am going to be blunt here... Your names are bad. Not horrible, but seriously bad. var i = ids.split(","); first thing jumping me here is, that you have a single thing (the id-string) named with a plural. next thing that jumps me, is that you have a collection with multiple element...

Microsoft releases an Android phone, what?
@skiwi What? Seriously?
@Corbin Yes... They acquired Nokia recently and thus the Nokia X, which appereantly was an Android phone, and now they are releasing the Nokia X2
@skiwi Well that's rather odd. I'm curious now to see if they try to run the hell away from the failure known as Windows phones.
Q: Negative Lookbehind Regex

KillercamI have the following code which attempts to match all strings like "*SOMESTRING" (which can include numeric values), but not "*SOMESTRING*". For this I am using a negative lookahead as follows;*SEX and *AN01ZORA should match, \*PCCL\* should not match. string s = " if 'L,....' MDC = '13' Then ...

> remove deity directed question
nice edit summary...
Right. Who they let have it was an important part of the transaction. Its not like they just put Alaska up on Ebay and anybody could bid. — T.E.D. ♦ Jun 20 '12 at 16:32
Today I learned that Alaska was sold...
Q: Flatten double-linked list

lukasGiven a Node with a reference to a child, its next, its previous, and a variable for its value (1/2 tree, 1/2 doubly linked list structure), you have to find a way to flatten the structure. 1 = 2 = 3 = 5 | | 6 = 7 8 | 9 (reference down is child and reference ac...

This one has to be be nominated in the Best Question Title category! — Mat's Mug 3 mins ago
Thanks @Mat'sMug!
Q: Deserializing an anonymous top-level array in subclasses

Jeroen VannevelI've got a JSON response that is contained in an outer array like this: [ { "type": "a" }, { "type": "b", "id": 1 }, { "type": "c", "name": "somename" } ] I've tried to convert this to object like this: class LoginOptions { public IList<ILoginOption> Option...

any ideas?
Q: Validator refactored to be OO

Kid DiamondBased on my previous post I completely re-factored my code to make it object oriented. Anything I could improve when it comes to: Object oriented code; Efficiency; Readability. Any other suggestions are also welcome! Validator class: class Validator { private $rules = []; private ...

Hi :)
is there anyone 10k+ on SO here?
I'm not even 5k over there. Sorry.
@Morwenn that sounds like you got more than 1.5k, which is ~my rep over there...
@Vogel612 I've got almost 4k over there.
sheeesh.. I am just thinking of catching up there...
CR is so much cooler, so ;)=
Answerers are way too agessive on SO. You hardly have time to produce a good answer. The OP is more likely to accept a worse answer by the time you finished yours.
@palacsint What for?
@palacsint I'd echo @JeroenVannevel's question: why do you care?
@BenVlodgi Monking :)
You guys see the steam sale yet?
started like 20 hours ago
@chillworld @palacsint thanks for rejecting that suggested edit. Talk about gutting my answer and making it terrible.
News: Game Maker Studio Standard is now free.
Too bad that the GML is not powerful as we would like it to be.
Could you check that whether this question has any deleted answer or not?
I assume you're referring to the 400 upvotes one that got deleted 10 days ago
Sorry, 2*
> It can be dangerous for your career because it may increase your overall knowledge of good API design. Once you learn how proper loosely coupled code can look like, it may turn out that you will have to decline lots of job offers because you would otherwise have to work with tightly coupled legacy apps. Happens to me a lot :)
@Morwenn I usually go for not so popular tags and email notification
@JeroenVannevel Nice one
@palacsint I tried to survive in the C++/C++11 tag at a time.
@JeroenVannevel: Thanks! I've send the link to a few colleagues and my favorite answer disappeared. Thanks for the copy-paste:)
Q: Need some guidance on what to refactor

user3739821So I have this peice of code I've been working on for quite some time. It's a ListView with a search filter. Inside each row, it contains a user Image, a User's name and how many friends they have in common. Also the row contains a button each, for actions. I'm just indeed of some code refactori...

Hey palacsint .... good to see you.
hi rolfl
@palacsint I wouldn't be terribly surprised if that entire question were deleted at some point. SO has been moving further and further away from questions like that for quite a while...
I am surprised you're not 10K on SO ... ;-)
I just spent 2 hours of debugging this damn JSON response only to find out that my parsing wasn't the problem; the request only worked for one environment while my library targetted another
Thanks Santa :)
I've been wondering about this for a day or so...
Is it possible to give a generic answer to a generic question about generics without using generics in the answer itself?
@skiwi You've been wondering about this? It's a pointer :D
@skiwi Generically speaking? =)
Or in general?
Yaaay my typo3 instance works! ... kinda..
darn templates..
Wow. My question made the Hot Network questions list.
And just like that, it's gone. =(
Q: Optimization and less code in for loop

user2734570How to do optimization and provide less of code here: for _ in _get_valid_json(): if _['size'] != '': available_params = [ {'productSku': _['upcID']}, {'productUPC': _['upc']}, {'productColor': _['color']},...

@ckuhn203 just refresh, there is more than one "list"
THAT^^ is an awesome feeling.
Someone here have experience with typo3?
especially with templating?
@BenVlodgi your welcome, that edit was completly not done. he should better answer if he wanted to make that point.
@chillworld he, removed all my notes, and took away good C# practices, like. using String.Empty vs "" (emptyquotes), then yah changed the actual mechanism a bit.
@BenVlodgi he had reputation 1 I gues, how is that possible they could suggest an edit
I think that is why he had to 'suggest' the edit.
But yah you're right he should have just posted a new answer
@chillworld actually anyone can suggest an edit..
you don't even need an account..
pffft stupid in mine eyes
@chillworld well these edits all get reviewed...
if you don't have edit-privileges, you even get 2 rep for approved edits..
read his profile, he has a bad hobby :D
The blog he links to has an .exe-file on the starting page and uses Chewy (a worse Comic Sans MS) for titles...
I hope you didn't tried to download that :)
@chillworld Not at all, a good/big user base of SO/Stack Exchange are just passing by and read questions and answer. So why we should keep them from editing if it's good, it's not like it will not be reviewed by anyone !
Not one .exe, but three...
@Marc-Andre you are right, a small portion of those edits are good edits. You lose them also if you block that
24 more views and I get a badge. =)
give link, I'll view it :p
Q: Everyone loves Fibonacci

ckuhn203I was bored and burnt out on more serious projects.... until I saw this Computerphile video on YouTube. Now I'm inspired again. Now I feel like spending some time implementing that recursive algorithm in a little console program. Fortunately, recursion is unbearably slow in this case. So, I ended...

Q: Preg_match pattern for user input filtering.

GhostRiderMy users may need to supply a 'disease category' to my site. I need to let them use all alphanumeric characters, hyphens and single quotes. Would someone review this to see if they feel its reasonable safe.....very happy for suggestions to make it tighter... $disease_category = "some user ...

Q: Verifying boardgame mathematics with MATLAB

sundarI recently bought this math-based boardgame for my little cousins, and am now trying to verify its design with some MATLAB code. The relevant parts of the game are: A board with numbers from 1 to 100 in one tile each, and each tile colored in one of nine colors There are three dice, the usua...

user image
That's a badge I have not (yet) earned..... congrats!
Thanks! It feels good. (I think it was the title).
gratz @ckuhn203
I keep telling people that a snappy title makes a big difference.
I only on SO meta
Apparently it does. Honestly, it's not even that great of a question. I just name dropped Fibonnacci.
Welcome to hot question syndrome.
Q: Inefficient TicTacToe configuration parser

UnihedronOn a programming contest I came upon this question: I was able to print my source code and study it. It works and all but upon results my solution was graded as "inefficient". Here it is: package com.gmail.inverseconduit.test; /** * Procrastination: I'll add a javadoc description later.<br>...

Q: Improving the memory consumption of my code

pavan.coderI am working on this problem here:http://acm.timus.ru/problem.aspx?space=1&num=1220 I have developed a solution here:http://pastebin.com/7MA4iZrs The memory limit for this question is around 0.75MB = 750KB. My program, out of 20-30 runs on an average is taking around 800KB, with 770KB being the...

@rolfl I hate Does this code follow best-practices or Refactoring my class for x reasons Yeah sure I bet everyone wants or will do that when you are on Code Review !
I must be stupid! I can't understand how to represent <element value="anAttribute">text</element> in xsd.
^^^ that is a needlessly complicated thing to define in XSD, I agree.,
It can be done.
let me remember....
<xs:complexType name="length1">
  <xs:extension base="xs:nonNegativeInteger">
   <xs:attribute name="unit" type="xs:NMTOKEN"/>

<xs:element name="width" type="length1"/>

  <width unit="cm">25</width>
I guess that is the way : stackoverflow.com/questions/376582/…
@rolfl wow I was thinking that was way more complicated than needed.. but I guess it's the way to go
6 mins ago, by rolfl
^^^ that is a needlessly complicated thing to define in XSD, I agree.,
Doing web requests is really fun when your web server page (not developed by me!), crashes whenever you send a charset in the content-type header
And I cannot configure JAX-WS any other than that it sends the charset
Thanks for the help @rolfl !
Hum somethign is fishy with our xsd or generators to generate java classes. I added new classes in a other part of our project which should not have been impact... investigation time!
1 hour later…
SELECT 'World' AS [Hello];
@Phrancis Update world set greeting = hello where present = true
@JerryCoffin where present = true is that a real thing? If so how does that work, never seen that before!
@Phrancis The syntax for an update is something like update <table-name> SET {<field-name> "=" <expression> } [ "where" <predicate>], where predicate is something that can evaluate to true or false for a particular record. The effect is that only records that meet that criteria get updated. (Using something like EBNF, where [] means "optional" and "{}" means "repeated an arbitrary number of times").
I'm used to seeing syntax like `UPDATE Table SET Column = 'Something' WHERE Some_ID = 12345' I've never used it with a true/false condition
Select * From bar Where 1=2
But I was mostly curious about WHERE present = part
Specifically present
@Phrancis "some_ID = 12345" is a true/false condition.
@Phrancis "Present" would be a Boolean column.
@JerryCoffin Ah gotcha!
@skiwi FTW
Drop it
I just had this weird idea to build a TicTacToe game with SQL. Just for practice of course.
You would probably have to DROP TABLE World CASCADE;
We will have no orphans!
(Filing that under weird stuff database guys say.)
^^ That.
@200_success: Why have you replaced with ?
A: Prevent suggested edits coming from anonymous users?

Simon André ForsbergConsidering that about 30% of the edits are approved, I think anonymous users seems to be very helpful in editing posts and therefore see no reason to ban them from suggesting edits. This is almost one out of three and is a bigger number than I expected. Sure, one could argue that it should be a...

@Jamal There seem to be enough questions to warrant its own tag. I would also leave questions tagged as , if not for the five-tag limit.
Okay. Would just be used with other games without their own tag?
I smell a meta.
A: Optimizing this inefficient TicTacToe configuration parser

Winston Ewert What can I do to optimize reading the user input? Don't. For these kind of problems you will virtually never need to worry about time spent reading input. What can I do to optimize resource efficiency and how I am dealing with the data? I stored bytes instead of char which I think was ...

I'm tempted to leave a comment like : Hey you seems like a regular here, come join us in chat ! (it's Friday, I'm sorry I'm tired )
@Marc-Andre Why not?
@ckuhn203 Well because he was a regular and do know chat
Yes, still lives on.
@200_success I think he was asking if should also have .
I might be wrong.
Thanks for the review last night by the way. Extremely helpful.
@ckuhn203 FYI Winston was a mod of CR ;)
Oh? Really? That's cool.
@200_success Are you still planning on retagging all of the Tic-Tac-Toe questions over time?
@ckuhn203 I was his successor, actually. SE appointed me shortly after he stepped down.
Man. Work is getting in the way of reviewing today...... lol
I haven't reviewed much in a while, either. Not much else for me now.
I'd tell you guys you need to get your priorities straight, but unfortunately, I'm quite distracted with that work stuff too...
Q: Search for data and order by priority efficiently

majaI have a search-function, that searches for specific data within a huge Object. Depending on how good a found entry matches, the finding gets "matchPoints" (or "Priority") var findings = {}; for(var element in hugeObject){ var points = getMatchPoints( inputToSearchFor, hugeObject[element] )...

The more I use MySQL, the less I like it... -_-
That's what I get for owning a Mac I guess.
@JerryCoffin wth, it's Friday.....
^^deserves it
I read about MySQL and ... was less than impressed. Especially their licensing.
so, don't use MySQL, use the better replacement with better licensing.
There's really no reason to use MySQL for anything, unless you have an app that requires MySQL.
You referring to PostgreSQL or...?
Q: Planning a rather large refactoring in a good way?

909 NiklasI have a large file that I want to refactor, my idea is to make helper classes with helper methods so that I can modularize methods, is that a good idea? For instance before refactoring: public void collision(PhysicsCollisionEvent event) { if (event.getObjectA() instanceof BombControl) { ...

I'm referring to MySQL and all its descendants.
PostgreSQL beats MySQL in almost every respect.
MariaDB is a community-developed fork of the MySQL relational database management system, the impetus being the community maintenance of its free status under the GNU GPL. Being a fork of a leading open source software system, it is notable for being led by its original developers and triggered by concerns over direction by an acquiring commercial company Oracle. Contributors are required to share their copyright with Monty Program AB. The intent is also to maintain high compatibility with MySQL, ensuring a "drop-in" replacement capability with library binary equivalency and exact match...
So far, I've been quite happy with Apache Derby.
Of course, I like DB2 ... ;-)
What's to like about DB2?
Ah. I'll look into it. So many RDBMS, so little time. My ideal RDBMS would be one where the syntax/supported features are as close as possible to SQL Server, but can run on a Mac.
For instance, MySQL does not support CTEs or global variables, and the PROCEDURE syntax is kind of a PITA
OS X 10.7 shipped with PostgreSQL built in.
Q: What's included in the default OSX 10.8 install of Postgres?

Gregory BellI've seen several sites claim that Postgres is installed by default for OSX 10.7 and above and I see there's a psql command in /usr/bin/, but there doesn't seem to be a pg_ctl anywhere. So is the default install of Postgres something that I can actually develop against or is it just there for OS...

If MariaDB did not support those either it's not going to do me any good, since I only use it for practice anyways, not a real business application
@200_success Sufficiently dependable that one instance has been running continuously since 1942 (okay, it's possible I'm exaggerating just a tiny bit).
Then they stripped it out again in 10.9.
Well I'm on 10.9
Q: How to make web crawler in php

user3685376I have a one website. I want to fetch perticular data contained in those website in a local file. Has anybody done that with PHP? General guidelines and gotchas would suffice as an answer.

It's not hard to download the bundle.
Is pgSQL closer to MS SQL as far as features/syntax go?
MySQL has licensing?
@skiwi Yes, of course. And now that it's owned by Oracle, its licensing will almost inevitably get more complex over time.
Oracle is doing odd things with MySQL since they bought it
Huge question, asked 17 minutes ago. Answered 9 minutes ago. Accepted already. That was barely enough time to even read the code!
Q: Planning a rather large refactoring in a good way?

909 NiklasI have a large file that I want to refactor, my idea is to make helper classes with helper methods so that I can modularize methods, is that a good idea? For instance before refactoring: public void collision(PhysicsCollisionEvent event) { if (event.getObjectA() instanceof BombControl) { ...

What is the MySQL license like then?
I have used it for some projects in the past, but nothing really serious
Hi @AlexL
Should we reject or accept edits by someone who's changed the original posters code?
I skipped that one.
I thought I read somewhere that you just leave code alone, even if it's broken...
It's ok to skip if you don't know what to do.
@ckuhn203 I know, I would like to know though!
Which question?
The suggested edit on the RREF question has been correctly rejected. It was an improper attempt to fix a bug in the original code.
@200_success Should we turn down edits to code made by someone other than the author of the post?
For questions, it's easy: the code has to be preserved verbatim. The only exception is if the poster obviously had trouble conveying the code as intended (systematic tabbing problem).
@200_success Alright, as for answers?
For answers, it may be OK to fix obvious stupid mistakes. But you had better be sure that you are fixing it, not breaking it further.
Thanks btw
So it really has to be a stupid obvious mistake.
Otherwise, comment or post a competing answer.
Sounds good! :)
I was actually a little surprised you fixed that spelling error in my question @200_success. It seems like the kind of thing that should be called out in a review. It just now crossed my mind.
Q: Determine if subset in int array adds up to a given input integer

JavaDeveloperGiven a set of non-negative integers, and a value sum, determine if there is a subset of the given set with sum equal to given sum. On similar lines, Partition problem is to determine whether a given set can be partitioned into two subsets such that the sum of elements in both subsets is same. ...

Does the electorate badge include all types of votes? (vtc, reopens, etc)
@AlexL At least AFAIK it only applies to up/down-votes.
Yes, only on questions and answers (technically only questions).
I'm pretty close to it, thanks for the responses
> Voted on 600 questions and 25% or more of total votes are on questions.
I think it takes a few hours for the badge to be processed.
By my rekoning, you have earned it already
@rolfl I didn't think it would show up immidiately, SE seems to take a while to update for me :P
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