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@CaptainObvious both off topic
@chillworld The lower part of the PHP question might actually be working.
"I'd made a solution to this problem as (...)"
the line under says its not working good ...
Is the lower code in your question doing what it's supposed to do? If so, can you provide some usage examples with both input and output? — Simon André Forsberg 4 mins ago
@chillworld I'm not sure if he means that it's not clean, or that it's not working properly. I hope there'll be an edit.
Making all classes serializable is a pain
Atleast I don't need to think when being tired because of too short night ;-)
@skiwi Jackson FTW!
@SimonAndréForsberg I think it's better to implement Seriaziable in public projects
Enjoy the pain, then!
What are you making serializable?
The output from Tesseract
Currently I have (more to follow) Rectangle and FontAttributes data-classes and SymbolChoice, Symbol and Word
gets even more fun when you need to add builder patterns to it ;-)
I hope he edit it. I didn't investigate the code but when you say it's not working good it sounds to me that you have bugs
cr... I notice I forgot two objects
Should builders fail early or fail during building on invalid parameters?
Q: the window for showing a map is not stable

msc87I wrote a piece of code in python using QGIS APIs. the shapeviewer is working on itself but a bit buggy. then I tried to couple it with some more code, but now it does not work. from PyQt4.QtCore import * from PyQt4.QtGui import * from qgis.core import * from qgis.gui import * import sys import ...

@skiwi Serializable like serialVersionUID or what?
@Vogel612 Yeah
what else is there to do, but implements Serializable and ™ -> generate serial version UID ??
@Vogel612 A whole lot more ;) I'll show in a bit
anyone knows how to map a date to DB field but transient when saving?
@skiwi fail early I think
so I just need read not write
with jpa
@chillworld how exactly do you plan on reading it without it being written? Auto-generated by the database system?
In Hibernate, I guess I would just provide a getter for it without a setter. I guess it might not be that easy for you though
Q: Builder Pattern: When to fail?

skiwiWhen implementing the Builder Pattern, I often find myself confused with when to let building fail and I even manage to take different stands on the matter every few days. First some explanation: With failing early I mean that building an object should fail as soon as an invalid parameter is p...

Decided to make a question about it
@SimonAndréForsberg yeah they like using triggers here, but I found it already insertable = false and updatable = false
@Vogel612 @SimonAndréForsberg This is that serializable class, with a builder pattern: pastebin.com/Mkda4P8w
@skiwi I don't know if it's on-topic or not at programmers, so I'm going to wait with my vote.
in the @Column annotation
@SimonAndréForsberg I thought it was... but we'll see if anyone disagrees
@skiwi do you need to check if symbols actually contains something??
@chillworld google search for "jpa read-only field" gave me this SO question: stackoverflow.com/questions/10128092/… I guess you found the same one, or something similar? :)
And I might have been wrong about getter and setter, it's been a little while since I used Hibernate. Might have mixed it up with Jackson :P
@Vogel612 No, this needs to very light weight in a sense that it relies on an external program that can generate any data - including none
@chillworld if you don't expose a setter, it shouldn't be that hard..
also you could declare the field final..
Q: Simple key press calculator C#

ste0455I'm new to C# and OOP and am struggling to move away from the procedural way of doing things. I understand the tutorials I have looked at but find it more difficult when actually doing something a little more involved. The code works out the number of presses and time taken for the supplied mes...

Hey @all
Where is @Nobody?
Hey @Nobody
He can't be here, as there are people here!
There can't be people here as Nobody is around :P
@Vogel612 Technically, final fields can actually be modified, with a bunch of reflection tricks.
@SimonAndréForsberg technically you can also generate a setter for any field wether final or not with a bunch of reflection tricks...
@SimonAndréForsberg oh no, I went through doc of @column of jpa
@SimonAndréForsberg so your point is kinda m00t as a field can always be modified with reflection, wether it's final or not and independent of exposed setters..
hi @Nobody
@Vogel612 My point was that the 'final' modifier can be removed with reflection. I believe modifying a final field without removing the modifier throws an exception.
I'm still having 1 fucking issue :
@SimonAndréForsberg well that is the point of final fields after all, isn't it?
@chillworld It's always that one friggin issue
@SimonAndréForsberg I can also fully modify your classfile with a modified classloader.
Your code is never safe.
java.lang.ClassCastException: org.jboss.logging.appender.DailyRollingFileAppender cannot be cast to org.apache.log4j.Appender
I use logback and logback.xml
@Vogel612 Exactly. But not many people know that the final modifier can be removed at runtime. (I haven't fully tested this though, but Jackson has no problems at all modifying a final field)
Mine own classloader in stead of Jboss classloader
@skiwi Now we're talking! :)
but I have log4j dependency (if I don't take he detect the older log4j from jboss classloader)
@chillworld have you extended the Appender?
I don't have an appender
that's all framework
well JBoss is kinda strict there. there is an Appender, you just don't have it in your project...
and even if you have NOP-logging, there will be an Appender
<jmxConfigurator />
<appender name="FILE"
<rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.TimeBasedRollingPolicy">
<!-- daily rollover -->
<pattern>%d [%thread] %-5level %logger{35} - %msg%n %rEx
that's the logback.xml
reminds me of that "Write your custom ELResolver" sh*t I have right now
defined an appender there
strangly he doesn't take that class
I woner if my horrible code here can still be saved
@chillworld Sorry for the obvious question, but are you sure that configuration file is the configuration file being used?
@SimonAndréForsberg Did you see this horrible generics yet?
private static <T extends Enum<T> & IntValuedEnum<T>> Pointer<IntValuedEnum<T>> allocateEnumPointer(final Class<T> enumClass) {
    return Pointer.allocate(Pointer.intEnumType(Objects.requireNonNull(enumClass)));
@SimonAndréForsberg not sure, I just can hope so ;)
-INFO in ch.qos.logback.classic.LoggerContext[People] - Found resource [/opt/software/jbossData/people/properties/logback.xml] at [file:/opt/software/jbossData/people/properties/logback.xml]
Now I do
@chillworld Just a thought here, you said "but I have log4j dependency (if I don't take he detect the older log4j from jboss classloader)" - I suspect that if you're using different versions of Log4j that it will cause the problem.
@skiwi What on earth are you trying to accomplish with that? What's IntValuedEnum? What's Pointer?
Through the whole project I use 1 log4j, exlcuded all the log4j where possible
if I remove the log4j dependency I don't find it in ear/war back
and still got the TRACE error of log4j
TRACE error?
@SimonAndréForsberg It's from BridJ library... A bridge between C++ and Java, hence the horridness
java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: TRACE
at org.jboss.logging.Log4jLogger.translate(Log4jLogger.java:64) ~[jboss-logging-3.1.0.GA.jar:1.0.0.GA (build: CVSTag=Branch_1_0 date=200609301059)]
at org.jboss.logging.Log4jLogger.isEnabled(Log4jLogger.java:39) ~[jboss-logging-3.1.0.GA.jar:1.0.0.GA (build: CVSTag=Branch_1_0 date=200609301059)]
at org.jboss.logging.Logger.isTraceEnabled(Logger.java:98) ~[jboss-logging-3.1.0.GA.jar:1.0.0.GA (build: CVSTag=Branch_1_0 date=200609301059)]
at org.hibernate.internal.CoreMessageLogger_$logger.isTraceEnabled(CoreMessageLogger_$logger.java:416) ~[hibernate-core-4.2.
Fun part comes when you realise that IntValuedEnum does not extend Enum (as that is not possible)
jboss logging detects a log4j somewhere in classpath and take the conversion to log4j (older version)
Atleast it's working!
word.getWord() = Meeuwenlaan
word.getSymbols().size() = 11
@chillworld Oh dear.... I've never used JBoss actually. So I can't help you much with that.
Compare this:
word.getWord() = Meeuwenlaan
word.getSymbols().size() = 11
word.getConfidence() = 82.19069
To this:
word.getWord() = Illl.III.III.IIII"II„I.III
word.getSymbols().size() = 26
word.getConfidence() = 58.17626
That is what Tesseract OCR thinks was written
@SimonAndréForsberg but you are correct, I get the error first error before he parse mine logback.xml
Q: ArrayList problem

user3569267I want to insert multiple rows in a Bigquery table. The rows are in an ArrayList (Java array). The following code (in Coldfusion) allow me to insert the same row as many time as the array length. This is mu code: <cfset count=0> <cfloop query="GetParcels"> <cfset count=count+1>...

@skiwi how "good" is 82 % ??
brb need a cola
@Vogel612 Pretty good, it looks like the OCR used the dictionary here to fix it up
A word consists of different symbols, and every symbol has a symbolchoice (symbol, confidence pairs) attached to them
@BenVlodgi monking.
*I should write a bot to the these greetings done for me..
The confidence can only be intepreted relatively pretty much ultimately
@skiwi and the whole word confidence is the median of that?
@Vogel612 It's the average of the chosen symbols, how exactly determines the OCR-postprocessing by itself, which I don't know exactly
well not that it matters, right ;)
The cool thing is that I also can have access to all those resources (dictionary, etc.) so I could search for the correct words myself based on some heuristics at some point
If I know that one word needs to be fully numeric, I can 'force' that if there are alternatives for every symbol, and vica versa
I wonder if I get this part done today... I need to creat the aggregates of words aswell etc. Defined by the OCR: Symbol -> Word -> Line -> Paragraph -> Block
and then above that should be page I think
I miss java 8 in this project ;(
Thanks autocomplete. It just removed the classname I was typing in the process of autocompleting.
monking @Mat'sMug
Monking to work! see you in a few
Monking @Mat'sMug
Wow awesome.. Chrome app phone chat doesn't need constant refreshing!!
My data plan like that!
(Where have you been all this time, Chrome!!)
@Mat'sMug I could have told you that....
Still can't cast the first star though
Q: Subclassing Flask for Permissions with Google App Engine

profesor_tortugaI'm trying to set up a very lightweight permission system using Google App Engine and Flask. The end result I am hoping for is that each individual view is its own permission, and in an admin panel you can assign the views each user is allowed to see. How would I set this up better? It works fi...

I'm just waiting until the Android App receives an update that adds the chat...
The fun starts:
return new Rectangle(
@Mat'sMug :(
Q: calculate future date based on business days

Mohammad FaisalI'd written a php code for calculating the future date after certain number of business days. function add_business_days($startdate,$businessdays,$holidays,$dateformat){ $i=1; $dayx = strtotime($startdate); while($i < $businessdays){ $day = date('N',$dayx); $date = d...

vote to reopen
one more vote needed
@chillworld it's open
@Mat'sMug we need some more VB people to up Vote our good answers....
@malachi I need also votes on mine answers :p
Monking @Malachi and @Mat'sMug
Monking to you too @SimonAndréForsberg
I think I know why my file share wouldn't work. the Disk I am using has some bad spots on it I think
@skiwi Believe it or not, but I actually think I'm going to add unit tests to this new code that I'm writing.
Darn hell. I can't find a way to do it...
@SimonAndréForsberg :o
Lots of weird failures recently?
@chillworld remind me in about 2 hours, I have to prepare for a meeting
Bean one is ConversationScoped (120k ms timeout) and I need a single Id from the only field in that bean in my RequestScoped beans that are running in the same view...
@skiwi Nope, no weird failures actually. It's just that things are starting to get complicated...
^^ Told you
Right now it feels like "With great flexibility comes great spaghetti"
I'm almost done refactoring this library, which I have just started writing
The mess was a bit too big ;)
It's like 50% of my scren was filled with text wherever I looked
@Mat'sMug I'm working on making that Mages + Warriors + Knights game from my meta post
Also talking about the width
@skiwi: btw, did you read up on git?
@Nobody Somewhat, but I still have some confusion
you didn't watch the video though?
Here's a very good guide ^
Mainly about how an IDE (Netbeans in my case) visualizes different branches?
Sadly no, no time / too tired for that
@MadaraUchiha: that is a good one
There was also a visual guide which was also very good
@MadaraUchiha Saved that one
@skiwi: What does the visualization look like?
I'm actually working at work now though (and of course chatting), so cannot check it yet :p
@Nobody I don't know, my question yesterday was mainly whether someone has experience with it. I can't just check unfortunately
I think that is can visualize something though
You also said something about tagging releases? Could I just create a release from the current master, then tag it "release-1" and create a branch based upon that release at a later point if a bug would be found?
the tag just marks a certain state
That's cool
So I'm thinking currently
I have on the TCG a running master branch, on which Travis (continious integration) creates a pre-release at every succesful commit
TCG = Trading Card Game that I"m making
Should I then create a release branch next to it? On which I manually (or automatically?) create a new release from time to time
you don't need a release branch to tag releases
In that case the release branch would also be a running branch though
it does not matter for tags from which branch you create them
I do need one however if I want to instruct Travis to do things
that explanation in the tutorial posted by Madara is nice,...
Travis could also prepare a draft release on every succesful commit to releases, which I can then myself either delete or edit appropiately and release
Q: i to want search the data using dropdownlist and textbox in gridview

user43300In Dropdownlist having 3 field fname,lname,phone by selecting any one ...And there is textbox, search fname using textbox like 'raj' and then submit button click the fname must raj should come....

as I see it you would want to do the following:
14K!! That was one easy K
set up a release branch that you don't commit to directly and which is tracked by travis
develop in other branches until you feel it is worthy to be on the release branch
then you merge it into the release branch and push it
@SimonAndréForsberg I prefer to think With great flexibility comes lots of spaghetti The spaghetti, it aint great.
That makes sense I guess
Is it possible/feasible to merge on github itself? Or would I be better off doing that locally
@konijn That is true. The question is then how to get rid of the flexibility spaghetti and keep the spaghetti flexibility?
IDK if it is even possible to merge on github
Stop in coding in Java ? :D
I need to read up on merging before attempting that though
I would do it locally (although most of the time it should be fast forwards if you are developing on your own)
The only times I've merged is when there were conflicting commits in some group projects
@konijn And I still haven't caught up to your rep...
@SimonAndréForsberg You are not trying hard enough, I really slowed down on time spent on CR
@konijn Nice try ;) I don't even want to know the mess this would look like in JavaScript...
Preparing for the next job, which will leave close to no time for CR, which is sad
@SimonAndréForsberg Hmmmm, a challenge ;)
Your source, where is it ?
@konijn I know, I also have slowed down my CR time. Haven't hit the repmax in way too long.
@konijn It's not where, it's what: Incomplete.
You do not use github or somesuch ?
I haven't put this part on github yet, but I can do so. Stand by.
Q: i to want search the data using dropdownlist and textbox in gridview

user43300In Dropdownlist having 3 field fname,lname,phone by selecting any one ...And there is textbox, search fname using textbox like 'raj' and then submit button click the fname must raj should come....

Standing by
@skiwi: If there are no conflicts (which is unlikely if you are the only developer) then merging is practically a NOP
@Nobody I'm only a bit lost on the merging, especially on the part where I need to initiate merging myself. How exactly do I initiate that process?
@Malachi I so want to change the title to 'Please write my code'
Pull from master branch, switch to releases branch and push again?
are you on the command line?
Lets see how humorous CR is
Holding my breath .. now
aw man @konjin that tag is not being helpful...
I knew it
@Nobody Nope, Netbeans has a plugin for it
it's not like I disapprove, but ...
I have not worked with netbeans but I assume that it somewhat models the command line interface
That would be a good assumption yea
first you should make sure to be on the most recent state on each of the branches
then you have to decide which branch you want to contain the merged code
you switch to this branch
and then git merge <otherbranch>
IDK how netbeans does that though
fck netbeans, use git bash..
I want to be rich ... — chillworld 7 secs ago
Although perhaps it isn't as much spaghetti as it feels like... perhaps it's just simply Single Responsibility Principle in action...
@SimonAndréForsberg this looks like a job for a config-file....
Does this make sense?
"When you’re done working on a particular feature in a branch other than “master”, you should merge your changes with the master branch. To do this, right click on the master branch in the repository browser and select Checkout Revision. Click Checkout, then right click on the branch you’d like to merge with the master branch and select Merge Revision. Click through the prompts and then Push to make your changes public."
that is basically what I said before
@Vogel612 In the future, it could be a config file. I'm not there yet though. I want to see what this component-based system is capable of first.
It's just the wording that is confusing me then?
well you need a branch reference to merge to...
Ah they also talk about the repo browser, I'm not often there
checkout Revision is the switching to the branch you want to merge onto
and merging through different repositories is impossible..
(they skipped the part where you make sure you got the most recent version)
I believe it will be flexible like crazy, simply removing a component/system can change a significant part of the game. But the code gets scattered in so many different classes.
so you need to checkout master before merging stuff to it, and then commit & push again to apply changes to remote.
One last thing I suppose for now, do I merge on local branch or remote?
42 secs ago, by Vogel612
and merging through different repositories is impossible..
you merge locally
remote merging is not possible
you can only push to the remote (and fetch from it)
It's so much better now knowing that there actually is a Repository Browser!
keep in mind that you integration manager (if existing) will kill you, if you merge non-functional code to master ;)
(There is no other branch yet, so it's grayed out)
bon apetit
Thanks for the explanation either way @Nobody :)
My brain has expanded.
np, but I am still not sure what you meant by the IDE's branch visualization
Well I think that, depending on the branch, it currently shows the difference with the remote branch
Like my local is a few additions, changes and deletions ahead of remote
And I suppose that when you switch a branch, it's still the same, but just based on a different branch
@Mat'sMug IYF
A: Domain Name Service Class

Malachithis little bit of code should be changed Property Let Server(str As String) If Me.Driver <> DSN_DRIVER_ORA11G Then mServer = str Else ErrRaise_NotSupported End If End Property I would change this around so that you are using a positive conditional, get straight to ...

difference in commits or real file difference?
I think (in Netbeans) the local version is always based on the real file
that was a Just Joking IYF
@SimonAndréForsberg is the review-perparer broken???
@SimonAndréForsberg What does Comp in CompPlayer and CompGame stand for ?
UnsupportedClassVersionError: Unsupported major.minor version 51.0
@Vogel612 Are you running your code on java 7+?
maybe 6?
not quite sure right now..
sooo I need 7??
better go change %PATH% yet again
that's what the 51.0 means
sooo I just need to change the Path, riht??
Depends form where you run it?
Then I would call java.exe via full path?
makes sense...
Ugh, the point of the day has come again where I need to think.
fuck you too windows...
see you later all
C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\java
C:\Program is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
double quote!
but why the ****, windows
(I've been away for too long)
@Malachi what's "IYF"?
@Vogel612 Microsoft's subtle way of steering you away from Java...
@JerryCoffin that's got about nothing to do with java, because everything else is equally ****ed up when in one of the Program Files folders...
@Mat'sMug in your face
it's just that windows is a ....
@Vogel612 operating system
will you check the last part of this answer for me mugsy (@Mat'sMug)?
A: Implementing repository pattern and DAL with stored procedures

MalachiBoth of these return a variable that you define within the block itself, so you should just return what you need instead of creating a variable public static IEnumerable<Request> GetRequests(){ SqlDatabase db = new SqlDatabase(_connectionString); var requests = db.ExecuteSpro...

Q: New to JavaScript: Not sure where I am going wrong

RielaizI have been learning JavaScript. I had an idea for an adventure game, so, have planned out the game and started to experiment with code: Here is my JavaScript: // JavaScript Document function changeColour () { if (document.getElementById('colourTest').style.backgroundColor=='yellow') ...

Q: adding multiple rows with unique ids dynamically using javascript and ajax

user43294the function below adds a new table row every time an add button is clicked. function addRow(tableID) { var table = document.getElementById(tableID); var rowCount = table.rows.length; var row = table.insertRow(rowCount); var colCount = table.rows[0].cells.length...

Q: Clean and tidy Python code for dictionary look up and API interactions

user2161557I am new to programming and entirely self-taught. Below is a program I wrote to retrieve text content via an API and scan the text for important words. If the word is found URI is returned. The API returns data in JSON. The important words and URIs are linked via a dictionary. It works. I'm at a ...

my Variable declaration is probably wrong
@Malachi lol I was reading that question (hadn't noticed your answer yet!)
 </rant> <calm_down /> <take value="another sip of coffee" /> <continue value="asking CR question" />
@Mat'sMug I just posted it
I have a meeting in 10 minutes though and want to do a little more work before I go to it
MW unabridged has this meaning for obfuscate: 3
: to throw into shadow : make difficult to see : darken
Hold on, I need to darken my code.
@konijn Component
@Vogel612 Not that I know of, what's the problem?
@SimonAndréForsberg used jdk6 vm to start it..
Q: Imperative code in R keeping track of state

Stian HåklevA friend of mine has a spreadsheet where she coded a classroom video for various teaching events, which I needed to help her plot. For each recording, she used several video cassettes, and her time codes were relative to each video cassette (ie. they always start on 0). To be able to plot these o...

@Vogel612 That explains it :) I can make it require JDK 8 if you'd like ;)
no I'd rather not...
jre 7 was hard enough...
@Vogel612 Never let reality get in the way of a good joke (or even a poor one).
Nested iterators are breaking my mind for real
I have:
- 5 possible levels of nestedness
- possibility to go to the next symbol (lowest level)
- boolean to check whether I'm at the first element of a nested level
- boolean to check whether I'm at the last element of a nested level
- retrieve next element
Monking All!
10:30, just woken up.
Good monking @rolfl
No surprise if I manage to catch you in my morning :p
@rolfl Monking. It felt like you had already been here today but apparently you haven't... a day off today?
(and got a JDOM question on Stack Overflow .... which is about to be down-voted out of there because it's not DOM .... stackoverflow.com/q/23907035/1305253
@SimonAndréForsberg - I was up .... late...!
I literally went to bed after the birds started singing
@rolfl That's what happens when you're learning JavaScript..
@rolfl I do that way too often. The birds start singing at about 3 a.m. here.
VBA people here? Is this a good-for-migration ... ?
Q: Improving performance of VBA batch scripts?

user3680808I am using a script to open a bunch of Excel files, copying two or more sheets into a new file and saving this new file. It sure beats doing it manually, but I think it could be faster. Here's my script: Sub Flujo() Const FilePath = "A path..." Const Destination = "Another path..." Dim app As...

@rolfl looks good to me
@rolfl At first I was thinking that you were the one asking the question and so I thought: Since when did you start to write comments in Spanish?
It's finished....
@Mat'sMug missing End Sub
@Vogel612 yeah, missed that. But assuming that's all that's missing... looks good ;)
Darn @Vogel612... I was like, hey a Java question to review! Oh... nevermind for now
@Mat'sMug The answers too?
Q: Show Details of an Object while allowing interactions with it and dependent objects

Vogel612Description To make it simple, this code is the Controller Packet corresponding to a View with multiple tabs. All but one of these tabs are showing a list of dependent entries. This Construction was once a single class, that did everything and I thought "Why not refactor that thing?" So I began...

(remember, the answers need to be good for Code Review too ... I think they are...).
they are
Alright, should be here soon.
@SimonAndréForsberg that smells like a Hungarian, why would the reader care whether Player is a component every single time he reads the class name, it seems like a detail to me
Q: Improving performance of VBA batch scripts?

user3680808I am using a script to open a bunch of Excel files, copying two or more sheets into a new file and saving this new file. It sure beats doing it manually, but I think it could be faster. Here's my script: Sub Flujo() Const FilePath = "A path..." Const Destination = "Another path..." Dim app As...

@konijn Yes, it is a detail, and yes, it's probably not the best name. But I have so many freakin' Player-classes that I must separate them somehow :) And I prefer to not only separate them by package, as having 10 classes named Player would take longer time to find the correct class when using Ctrl + Shift + T in Eclipse.
@SimonAndréForsberg Why do you have different players though?
@rolfl does the OP get a notification that their question was migrated?
@skiwi Because a player in Hearthstone is not the same as one playing Castle Wars.
@SimonAndréForsberg Well ok, you have a point there
If I manage to make a component-based approach to it however, then I probably only need one Player.
I'm a bit tempted to try League of Legends now... New gamemode coming tomorrow temporarily where everyone (5v5) plays the same champion :D
I believe so, yes.
A: Why do door knobs still exist?

200_successDoorknobs provide a worse UX for bears, which can be a useful feature for humans who want to keep bears out. ...elderly and disabled people find it easier to operate doors with handles. But so do bears. In British Columbia, bears have been known to scavenge for food inside cars—whose doors ha...

^^^ 200's answer was accepted
@skiwi that was there once before...
Hello, World!
@Phrancis s/hello/monking/
@Phrancis Greetings, program.
@Vogel612 That was acutally 5v5 with each time five similar ones, now it's all 10 similar
similar? equal
but that happened with the old mode too,...
sometimes, that is..
ah okay, didn't know that it was permitted
well you didn't see the enemies teams pick until the game started....
so it was rather seldom..
but if, then it was mostly those 2hit instakill with < 3 seconds cooldown champs, that everybody hates ;)
5v5 Karthus
that's not a 2hit instakill..
think more like nidalee...
Those could hurt

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