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i think most stuff here is either c/c++ / python or java..
There's a bunch of unanswered questions too.
and maybe a little c#...
I think I'm going to burn through our identification requests and close with extreme prejudice.
@Morwenn 71 from 1.3k
@MadaraUchiha because PHP
java is 11 from 2.2k
php 83 from 1.5k
and c# 68 from 2.4k...
this is nice, we got double the unanswered, but 7 times the total of anime ;)
btw hi @DarinDouglass
@Vogel612 And here I was thinking: "Well then let's answer some identification-request zombies!" only to discover that: Oh, there are no such zombies here on Code Review. Oops, wrong site.
@MadaraUchiha - jut got back from chiropractor ;-)
@Vogel612 Hello Vogel! :D
Monking @rolfl
Monking all.
Monking @rolfl
@rolfl Hey!
Apparently, when you're 40+ years old, and have spent the past 20+ years sitting in front of computers, your 'hip flexors' get 'tight', and that pulls on the inside of your lower back ... which gives you backache....
So, to you kids out there....
Take a moment and stand up every 20 minutes or so.... and work on your flexibility
Now I get to look like a turkey doing stretches every day ....
@rolfl Any treatment?
Sure ... stretches.
I heard swimming is great for back muscles
Usually the solution to those things is to work on the muscles.
This muscle needs to be made longer:
Hello everyone.
The psoas major ( or ) is a long muscle located on the side of the lumbar region of the vertebral column and brim of the lesser pelvis. It joins the iliacus muscle to form the iliopsoas. Structure The psoas major is divided into a superficial and deep part. The deep part originates from the transverse processes of lumbar vertebrae I-V. The superficial part originates from the lateral surfaces of the last thoracic vertebra, lumbar vertebrae I-IV, and from neighboring intervertebral discs. The lumbar plexus lies between the two layers. It is joined by the iliacus, psoas major forms th...
@kleinfreund Hello :)
So, a few months of stretching and i should be fine.... The issue is that it exagerates the curve of your lower back, which puts excess pressure on the 'facet' joints of the lumbar vertebra... which makes you have a sore lower back.
@rolfl Sorry for being a lazy ***, but I also have exams and didn't upload new photos while this is still true.
^^^ I noticed ... but I stopped too.
But I put a few new shots up yesterday: flickr.com/photos/123964558@N06
@rolfl It's a shame that it seems I'm the only one starring that.
Hi @kleinfreund
Hey. :)
CHAT.user.current().is_moderator = true;
Type in js console ^
@rolfl It's not that "late" It starts here too...
@MadaraUchiha what now?
Now the value is true ^^
And your name is displayed like a mod's name
And you are all mods now. No election needed. Where's Evan Carroll?!
this sounds great, but what does it do?
I see no difference ... ;-)
js-magic is client-side......
it really looks nice to have blue font on one's name..
@rolfl: You should set it to false :P
@Vogel612 It also disabled the client-side timer for editing messages (you can now supposedly edit messages posted by you yesterday), although the server-side check will not allow it.
was the kick user action there before???
sorry @Nobody ;)
oh well....
I got my revenge ^^
in Sandbox on Stack Overflow Chat, 2 mins ago, by Community
don't know what you mean; only us humans here.... cough...
Q: Find the duplicate in a sorted array In less-than O(n)

MulderAssumptions The array is sorted. There is only one duplicate. The array is only populated with numbers [0, n], where n is the length of the array. Example array: [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,8,9] Here is my implementation: public static int DuplicateBinaryFind(int[] arr, int left, int right) { ...

Q: Using Models and Entities in MVP pattern

ChathurangaI'm a beginner in MVP design pattern and In a MVP triad, I have Model - AdvanceInfo View - AdvanceForm Presenter - AdvancePresneter and Entity class Advance as follows. public class Advance { public int AdvanceID { get; set; } public decimal AdvanceAmount { get; set; } public Da...

Q: Are SSCCEs off-topic?

BenVlodgiI was recently reviewing a question, which (if I had paid better attention to the question from the beginning, I may have noticed before answering) had a SSCCE as its primary code example. At first glance the question is asking which way is the best way to make their UI scalable in the future. I...

help me understand this:
A backslash? Surely not. — codesparkle 3 mins ago
Q: Making A List From User Input - Python - Tkinter

AshleyI have wrote a program that lets the user open up there text file that would look something like this: 1 2 3 4 5 6 It would then let the user enter a name for the list such as "numbers" The program would then let the user choose where they want to save the list. The user would then click go an...

@CaptainObvious hey
--> "This question has an open Bounty and cannot be closed"
@BenVlodgi ^^
@Vogel612 hah, yah I was wondering how that would work.
shit happens. and that when I wrote a custom close-reason on that,..
@rolfl can mods move comments to chat???
@Vogel612 Nope.
A: Justification of my current approach and possible suggestions about alternative to a Grid in a StackPanel form for an easier way of inserting new rows

BenVlodgiWPF readability To keep your xaml looking clean, I reccommend using self closing tags <RowDefinition /> vs <RowDefinition></RowDefinition> Explitily set properties instead of using the > content area < of a tag. Doing such more explicitly shows what the content is used for. <Label Grid....

this could probably use a vacuum....
@Vogel612 I dun know what that means
@BenVlodgi comment cleanup...
oh yah, I kinda assumed moving to chat would do that
well it's not that easy...
chat and sites are two different shoes..
here is an answer that could use some Attention.... new user too
A: Making a simple session class more secured

skyYou don't post the code that interacts with database, there is the main security concern. I hope you use PDO prepared statements, which will keep you safe from sql injections. As for non-security-related problems, there are quite some of them. Consider creating multiple functions for form submi...

@Malachi and you get some love accidentally right?
lol. I think his answer might be better than mine, I don't code in PHP everyday
I never use PHP, but I would'nt be against some rep.
I make good valid points, but I think that user knows more about PHP than I do
here is a question that is all me
A: Stack Exchange websockets wrapper

MalachiI will look at this again in a couple of days or maybe even later today, but here is something I saw right at the end of the question WebSocketReceiveResult response; while (true) { response = await _socket.ReceiveAsync(ne...

well not all me, I have the only answer on it right now
I pulled a @BenVlodgi on it even
@Malachi *confused*
@Vogel612 do while loop
it's a thing that @BenVlodgi and I talked about at great length a while back
@Malachi was not a fan
and I added more to that answer as well.
Ah, I'll take a look
It's the first time I've used a do-while loop outside of using it on an exam a years ago
^^^ shame! do-while is able to solve so many common problems that people use encumbered while-loops for.
Aaand that's why I want a break from Stack Overflow.
in Sandbox on Stack Overflow Chat, 2 mins ago, by Gagan_iOS
Hello All
I have an issue with enterprise app deployment. SO need your ideas
I am getting error message on downloading app from server
""Cannot connect to the Store" UserInfo=0x1cd9fe50 {NSLocalizedDescription=Cannot connect to the Store, NSLocalizedFailureReason=A secure connection could not be established. Please check your Date & Time settings."
when was the last time people were actually able to read?
Do you think they checked their Date&Time?
@Malachi .... +1 for do-while.
also this looks like an [insert favourite company here] support question...
Morning all!
Hey Marc-Andre
@JeroenVannevel do whiles have their purpose and that instance is a good place to use one
Those two question looks like design question to me, am I right ? codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/51823/… and codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/51819/… (both from the same op)
See, this is why some of these questions remain unanswered: codereview.stackexchange.com/a/51818/31503 <--- different perspective helps.
@Morwenn - that typo .... is a problem. how the hell do you replace '/' with '\'
in a copy/paste?
@rolfl Don't know. It was left open anyway.
If someone from php want to look at this : SQL concatenation FTW codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/51746/…
@rolfl: While the rules are clear and you are technically right to say it is broken code, there is no sense in going the way of closing this question instead of editing this one error and explaining it to the OP
going through the whole close reopen cycle just for one character seems like overkill to me
^^^ I agree.... but, it indicates the code was not a copy/paste.
Which means it was typed manually ... or never run.
Which .... indicates a bunch of other problems.
I think we should close and delete the question, ban the user and burninate all the related tags.
And set exploding bear traps around.
It was ... right?
@Morwenn: I feel somewhat itchy, maybe we should also remove the eyes of all people who saw the original question?
@Nobody I'm glad that it was edited before I could see the original.
Q: Insert an SQL Server Table rows into a Bigquery table in one bloc

user3569267I want to insert all rows of an SQL server Table into a Bigquery Table having the same schema. The streaming insert row by row is very slow: to insert 1000 rows the execution of the code below took about 10 minutes. In this code I loop over the first 10 files in a certain folder, and I insert the...

@Nobody And I still don't have the privileges to remove the eyes of people. How much rep do I need?
@rolfl I saw a sudden flush of upvotes and figured someone must've posted it in the chat room :D
I don't understand what you said though
@Morwenn IDK somewhere around Jon Skeet's (proof: Last time I looked at his rep my eyes nearly popped out)
@Nobody Jon Skeet's reputation to Stack Overflow is like the Speed of Light to us. No one can ever pass it.
It's the absolute maximum reputation possible.
@MadaraUchiha: Well you could try to trigger an integer underflow with a lot of bad questions at once ^^
@Nobody Nah, reputation scales from 1 to 1.0JSRep.
I see you're all very light on the starring trigger finger
Hey @Mat'sMug !
@MadaraUchiha lol
@MadaraUchiha Simple, the right answer required a different perspective. To say the whole thing was the wrong way around.
@rolfl oic
is mathjax enabled in titles as well?
@rolfl can you explain that to my boss?
If it's enabled in question bodies, it should be enabled for titles too.
@Nobody - interesting question.
I don't think it is
and @MadaraUchiha +1 for identifying a Service Locator!
I don't think it's enabled at all on Code Review
it is, with \$ backslash escaping the $
A: MathJax on CodeReview

PopsEnough! Enough! If you post any more answers here, we're going to run out of room in the database! Er, I mean, you've done a good job of presenting evidence, and have convinced us on the Community Team. As of about ten minutes ago, MathJax has been enabled for Code Review. Use it well!

@MadaraUchiha Mark May 26, 2014 in your calendars. That is the day Jon Skeet did not hit/break the rep cap :O
Are you sure? Even the basic code syntax doesn't seem to work in titles.
Q: \$math\$ testing testing one two three

Madara UchihaThis is a test. Can you help me with this test? I'm joking of course don't answer this test. In order to make this question postable, I'll add some code to it: Quack { Quack; }

Seems to work nicely
what?! awesome!
Nice :)
Just akward in the title bar but looks nice
it does, except the link-text here.
I'm not surprised actually: it already worked on Math.SE actually.
I want to VTC so bad !
Do it ;-)
@Marc-Andre too late, it's gone ;)
I know !
hm, I wanted to use mathjax in the title to push my edit above 6 characters (which worked) but the mathjax does not display correctly
@Nobody Use U+200B
On a related note, star this message for awesomeness :D‮
Doesn't this count as whitespace? Also: reaching the limit was not the problem
@rolfl Look at the message in the star list >>>>>>>>>>
Hello everybody!
hi @syb0rg
@MadaraUchiha Damn it... 200 just came in to the room, and he's probably looked now too.
@rolfl So?
I don't recommend using MathJax in titles, as there are some cross-site bugs when rendering those.
May 22 at 17:07, by rolfl
Hmmm .... Don't tell 200, but, I think it's time for me to answer more questions.... perhaps I can sneak up on him without him noticing.
Shhh.... be vewwy vewwy quiet.
@rolfl Well, maybe you shouldn't have pinned it :D
@kleinfreund Shouldn't there be more space with the horizontal rule? syb0rg.github.io/Klog
@MadaraUchiha Nice one, which character did you use to revert it?
@syb0rg Submitted another PR exactly in the moment I heard the ping, mate. ;)
Also the webfont was blocked due to SSL.
@kleinfreund I got the email notification immediately after I sent off that message too :P
Well, strange.
Why is the change to the webfont thing not in place.
The fun thing is that you can ping people backwards, like this ‮@Nobody ‪
@syb0rg Edit the index.html and remove http: from the link tag for the webfont. That'll do it.
is there something to restore "normal" direction so you can use it within text?
This is what it should be: <link rel="stylesheet" href="//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:400italic,400,600">
@Nobody 202d
@syb0rg did you come back to reclaim your place above me on the Rep Board?
‮Testing testing‭ Back to normal sorta...
@Malachi Nah, but that is going to happen sooner or later ;)
@syb0rg not if I can help it!
@kleinfreund What is that doing to prevent the web font from loading? Or what should the commit message be?
1. Since you linked to http__s__ in your readme.md here: github.com/syb0rg/Klog Chrome blocked the request for regular http
So fix that too?
With only // (omitting the protocol) the browser chooses.
And 2. The commit doesn't have this change. Copied from the wrong editor window or whatever. It should exclude anything about this.
@MadaraUchiha there is a unicorn on his shirt.
@Malachi On Xis shirt.
@syb0rg Yes, linking to https doesn't make sense for sites like this, I believe.
You don't have users who enter data on this project site.
@MadaraUchiha ........ slowly ... yeah......
@MadaraUchiha I did that ;)
@kleinfreund Okay. So should I throw out the change for the link tag?
@syb0rg But anyway, omitting the protocol is still useful. You don't break anything with it.
@Mat'sMug I know :P
@syb0rg The change wasn't made. It's not in the commit. You should do it anyway. Again, just remove http: from the link.
@kleinfreund So keep it. Sounds good.
@MadaraUchiha what are you saying? that we star more messages than other chat rooms? I would say that is only true if I am not in the chat room you are comparing us to.
we are star-happy ;)
@Malachi That's flawed: if you're alone in an empty chatroom you can't star anything.
@kleinfreund Both are updated now.
@Malachi I don't think I've seen a chatroom where all of the stars on the starbar were posted in the last 30 minutes.
@Morwenn that is why I have that bot
@MadaraUchiha I hear that
@syb0rg Confirming. Works with https as well now. ;)
@MadaraUchiha Sometimes, on weekends, you can see message stared up to 15h before.
anyway BTW.Work
@kleinfreund Do you know why the "View on GitHub" button is blue? I was trying to just make it black, but I couldn't figure it out with Bootstrap.
Okay folks. Last (yeah, okay, it's also the first) time going through my material for my exams tomorrow.
@kleinfreund: which topic?
@syb0rg The bootstrap standard color for links is this blue. Since this button is... a link, it's blue. To change it, you need to select like this

.btn > a { color: khaki; }
That's because there is an anchor nested inside the button.
However I think leaving the link as blue seems to be okay to me, because it's not a button that triggers a typical action one would assume.
Smashing buttons on websites results in different things as opposed to clicking a link.
@Nobody Monday: Typography (was easy); Tuesday: Drawing/Storyboards (was easy); Tomorrow: Media Technology (going to be mediocre, but I know some things. ;)
And next week Wednesday + Thursday (~16 hours): Designed multimedia products
Hey @skiwi, and monking to @Mat'sMug
@SimonAndréForsberg It happens.
big discussion going on about the comments on the ad:
I'm not sure if I'd call that a "big" discussion, but it's nice to see that they're reviewing code already :)
> I would consider accepting this code, as it is here, as a Code Review question, and they you can all review it properly (It's not 'real code', and not complete, but it is not far off being 'on topic' as-is.
^^^ was about to add that comment, but then thought better,
On the other hand, if you can phrase the code-in-the-ad a little more 'accuratly', then ask it as an actual Code Review question, it can be linked back in the comments on the ad.
Why are the others not working on their card game implementation?
@skiwi I am! And @Mat'sMug already has one. I'm not sure if he'll continue working on it though?
Intel announced their Core i7-5960X CPU... do want. 3Ghz, supports DDR4 and has 8 hyperthreaded cores, totalling 16 threads.
(Too bad it costs 1000 dollar / euro)
Though a hyperthreaded hexacore clocked on 3,3Ghz for 400 euro/dollar seems reasonable if I were to built a new highend pc
@sim not sure either... working on some basic CRUD app for now ;)
@kleinfreund expect some fugly views with noobish mistakes to be posted for review some time next week :)
Q: Restructuring a large Chrome Extension/WebApp

A.M.KFirst of all, I apologize if this is the wrong format for a question here, I'm new to Code Review (but not Stack Exchange). I have a very complex Chrome Extension that has gotten too large to maintain in its current format. I'd like to restructure it, but I'm 15 and this is the first webapp or ...

Q: Parsing BLAST output in XML format using Regular Expression

user3224522There many other better ways to parse BLAST output in .xml format, but I was curious to try using regex, even if it is not so straightforward and common. Here is the code how to extract translated query sequences from BLASTX output in fasta format. ################ fasta_out = True #############...

Q: Reduce programm execution time

jodillionc++ struct a { int shift; int pos; double *val; int size; }; struct b { vector<a> A }; vector<b> B; int Intervall inline double function(vector<int> &positions, double *C) { i = 0; for b in B: for a in b.A: choose random integer between 0 and s...

Q: Possibility to see what users type in the tags field

skiwiI think it would be very useful if a certain part of the usergroup with sufficient moderator tools could see what users type in their "tags" field when they ask questions. There are often debates on meta sites about what exact tags there should be, how they should be named and whether they will ...

@SimonAndréForsberg I just went from 94.42% to 95.96% coverage, because I unit tested an exception...
Exceptions are no exception!
Damn it.... I found a bug in Android for exactly that reason... ;-)
Hah. I love the 'fancy'.
proper test coverage of AssertionError would have caught that one
@rolfl Damn, that's deep... So there is a reason after all
@Mat'sMug He's using entity framework right ?
I meant Visual Studio ;) — Chathuranga 15 mins ago
Also, that bug report contains one of the best compliments I have received ... ;-)
> thanks for the clear bug report. i've fixed this internally
And that is how you get your code in to millions, perhaps billions of devices ;-)
Code that no-one ever wants to see.
Things break when people use my code in Android .... truth!
Now you can introduce all the backdoors you want!
1k rep this Month!!!! Whooo HOOO!!!
Q: Reduce programm execution time

jodillionEDIT i replaced the real code (sorry). c++ #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <time.h> #include <cmath> #include <iterator> #include <algorithm> #include <fstream> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sstream> #include <stdlib.h> #include <thread> #include <random> u...

should be good for reopening
Q: Simplify ASP.Net StreamWriter for appendtext to file

Jrags87Is there anyway to simplify this code so there aren't so many redundant w = File.AppendText(filePath) and w.flush() and w.close() in each if statement? Anything else I have tried ends up locking the file, and crashing the site because to text file is in use by another process. Thanks for your h...

Could anyone shed some light on how multiple branches work?
Is the code on the repository duplicated?
How does an IDE handle branches?
Yes, forgot to mention
you know that git is only a graph?
@JerryCoffin: Anything to say about my zombie (and the question itself)?
@skiwi: did you see "git for ages 4 and up"?
@Nobody You mean that it tracks the insertions/deletions/modifications in every commit and that github for example does create a document (and perhaps store one on their servers) for it?
@Mat If you post something and want me having a look, ping me, please. I'm not really doing any code reviews at the site at the moment, sorry. ;)
@Nobody Haven't seen that, though have read up something on it
all contents handled by git are stored in a hash structure
commits, file contents, ....
the diffs are not really stored
they are calculated on the fly if you need to display them
so if two branches contain the same commits, they simply reference the same hash objects
I kind of understand that, what about the file contents though? Do they ever change since initial commit?
a branch is simply a named file that contains the hash of the current head commit
Any VB Gurus want to Validate this Question and it's answer??? ▼▼▼▼
Q: Simplify ASP.Net StreamWriter for appendtext to file

Jrags87Is there anyway to simplify this code so there aren't so many redundant w = File.AppendText(filePath) and w.flush() and w.close() in each if statement? Anything else I have tried ends up locking the file, and crashing the site because to text file is in use by another process. Public filePath A...

I am not sure what exactly you mean
As I see it, a commit contains only the modifications of a file (or multiple)
At some point the actual file needs to be stored
there are no diffs stored
only the files' contents
Does it on every non-trivial commit then make a copy of that file? (Old and new one)
everytime new contents are generated they are saved in the hash store
give me a moment I think I mistook something there ^^
So how does switching branches work in an IDE then? Because in a single branch I have my own set of files, and annotations showing added/modified/deleted, etc.
It seems to be more complex:
A: Are Git's pack files deltas rather than snapshots?

Chris JohnsenSummary: Git’s pack files are carefully constructed to effectively use disk caches and provide “nice” access patterns for common commands and for reading recently referenced objects. Git’s pack file format is quite flexible (see Documentation/technical/pack-format.txt, or The Packfile in The G...

I'll be sure to read up on that after dinner
New user needs help improving a question:
@200_success, Thank you! The code is already written, I guess the single question that I'm asking is: "Is this the proper way to go about structuring a large webapp?". But, I can't think of a way to restructure the question accordingly. — A.M.K 2 mins ago
Q: Scalability issues, storing scores for users on a particular level for later retrieval

zrvanI recently handed in a test assignment for a job application, which I was declined, with the motivation that it had scalability issues. The test was to setup a REST-like backend for a hypothetical game, with three methods: create session with a given user id (implicitly creating the user if it...

Q: Further changes to my python program

AshleyI have made my program and made the changes that people have suggested, I want to try and make it even tidier if possible, what can I change to make it more optimized? My imports are quite messy and I am not sure what ones I actually need so if you can help with that please do, thanks. #Imports ...

Hey guis... I posted a question last week as you may remember, and there have been a couple answers to it. but very few votes on those. I'd like to see some community input on them.
Q: Tight loop, string manipulation and calculations

BenVlodgiI'm working on some precompilation operations for a world compiler. Currently to identify flags placed by the level designer I need recognize when a specific entity exists at specific coordinates from the flag's origin. I need to generate a list of offset coordinates from the origin(and include t...

or more answers to my question... it is short code... practically
@Jamal I'll try to take a look when I get a chance.
@BenVlodgi what happened to your Braces?
@Malachi never
@BenVlodgi you are a trouble maker, I will look at the answers and such after lunch....lol
Q: Haskell Collatz Conjecture

joshhartiganIn an attempt to begin properly programming in Haskell, I wrote two functions for calculating numbers and sequences with Collatz's conjecture. I also commented the program quite a lot, because it helps me with my remembering of certain things. -- The Collatz sequence takes in a number, and eithe...

Is there anyone here who can give me some pointers on how to rewrite this question? Or who can answer it?

@A.M.K Is that all real working code?
Bug killing:
A: OpenGL Instanced Rendering

syb0rgKeep in mind that my review may contain code that is not fully included in the question (such as the simplified main() function). Bugs I found that when I tried to resize the window, I would always crash the program. That wasn't very fun, so I set out to fix that first and foremost. It w...

@syb0rg, Yes the entire project is working and publicly available.
@A.M.K But the code in the question. Could you take that code and have it still work?
No, I rewrote actual code to show the structure of the application. The real code is 30,000 lines.
I'm asking for help restructuring it.
Or a review of how I think I should restructure it.
@A.M.K So you aren't asking for a review of the actual code, only the structure?
I've been planning to clean up the code and restructure it for almost a month. I was waiting till I finished the most recent release.
@A.M.K Higher-level design questions are more suited for Programmers.SE, not Code Review.
OK, I'll repost the question there. Thank you.
I might aswell stop suggesting features on meta.SE, everything seems to get shot down either way
Was there still anyone around who could explain how branches work with git in an IDE?
OK, I'm about to ask stupid web-dev questions ... anyone want to help a newbie? (Java war, HTML, Javascript, etc....) (don't be shy, if you've done it once, you've done it more than me... ;-)
@rolfl Depending on what it's about, I may have experience
@skiwi: where is the problem?
There's an HTML page index.html, and the index.js .....
@Nobody I've got no clue how it works and can't really test it out as it would pollute the github repo at the moment... and I'm not experienced enough with commandline
What is it that makes the script member in the html 'call' the javascript?
is it really just the function call, and it 'runs'?
@rolfl Does it work currently?
I am a real beginner ;-=)
Ah, I overlooked that the xhrGet there is a function call
Yep, that's it.
So, it is a self-contained 'starter'.....
JavaScript gets loaded, sees some stuff, executes it, is happy.
Is it run as the 'script' element is 'parsed'.
or is it done 'onPageLoad', or something?
(I know from jsfiddle tha tyou have to get that sort of thing right....).
I think when it gets parsed
as you manually need to force after page load sometimes
@skiwi: I need more detail, what is unclear? How the checkout of branches works?
@skiwi me too
@Nobody I'm used to always work in one branch. Suppose I now want to maintain 'stable' releases every once in a while, then they should all deserve their own branch, correct?
if you have releases that are fixed then you would use a tag for that
OK, thanks, that gets me some progress.... time to commit, and deploy, and install in production ;-)
@rolfl You might want to really consider jQuery though ;) I know it's your beginning, but xhr* is kind of.... Java 1.1 like
Yeah, the backend is all Java server pages....
Was a joke btw, has nothing to do with Java :p just being very old
and, I am trying to decide whether it will be Java, which I know, or Node.js which people tell me is amazing.
This is the first time I am doing 'front end' dev work in.... well, probably this century.
Anyway, it will mean that tomorrow I can claim to be a Javascript expert with experience.
@skiwi Nice, that's quite an exception...
@Nobody You've got some resource that explaisn those things, I really need to read upon the somewaht more advanced usage
@rolfl Don't go to the dark side!!
@rolfl Get away from frontend! It will kill you.
@SimonAndréForsberg You mean PlayerActionNotAllowedException quite an exception?
@skiwi: Not directly, there is the git-scm book and the "git for ages 4 and up"
@skiwi Well, it's not every day you increase test coverage that much...
I don't remember much more (but the latter one really helped me with understanding the whole branching/merging problem)
@Nobody You know of a non-video version of that by chance? I kinda dislike video tutorials
it is no video tutorial ^^
hmm, google failed me there
at least not as I understand it
it is a video
and there are some commandline things going on
but the "main act" is the speaker who uses children's toys to "visualize" the internal structure of the git repository
I better hope it's worth those 30 minutes of my time then :)
but I suppose so
post the link I will crosscheck if it is the right one
it is not the one I watched but it seems to be the same guy
probably an improved version of the same talk :)
Okay, though I also found git-scm.com/book/en/Git-Branching-Basic-Branching-and-Merging which I'll read in a bit
I still have the feeling that you are after something specific which I might help you with if we manage to communicate correctly ^^

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