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@CaptainObvious offtopic
@SimonAndréForsberg wtf, isn't MVC for web apps?
@Mat'sMug Not necessarily, I've used my own version of the pattern for Android, and I always keep it in mind for all game-projects I write.
@Mat'sMug MVC is not only for web apps ;)
"Android" falls under web development IMO - I mean a console app + MVC doesn't add up in my mind.
@Mat'sMug I also used some kind of MVC with Python to create a desktop video application once (or twice).
I mean, whatever works on a phone can work on a web server with very little tweaks, no?
@Mat'sMug In what world do you live on ? :P
one where I develop Windows apps and don't have to worry about multi-platforms
It's really not that easy
@Marc-Andre @Mat'sMug lives in COBOL.
@skiwi almost. make that
and where the most thought-out architectural pattern is SmartUI.
Close enough
and where your dev environment can take down the whole production.
Q: MySQL: extra slow query

Volodymyr BakhmatiukI'm working with big data. I've written extra slow query. I hope there are ways to make it faster. Query: CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_table AS SELECT bg2.id, bg1.property4 FROM big_table bg1 JOIN correlating_table cor ON kuf1.property4 = cor.id1 JOIN big_table bg2 ON bg2.property4...

@Morwenn And the OP hasn't even cast any votes...
@Jamal And they may never come back to CR to check whether something happened.
Actually, my latest answer is on that user's latest question, although I'm not sure if my answer has even been deemed helpful.
"I've written an extra slow query and I hope there are ways to make it faster. "
Did he purposefully do that for CR?
@skiwi people write extra slow queries all the time. well in the world I live in, at least.
I still don't know what's more fun: Making unit tests and see things work the first try, or see all kind of crazy failures happening.
Belgium is having election issues due to corrupt floppy disks.
Belgium doesn't have USB keys?
Ssh, 20 year old systems.
@Mat'sMug Android Device != Web. As for MVC and console app, here's what I would have done: View = Console output and reading some input. Controller = Parsing input and doing something with that. Model = Application logic / data.
@Mat'sMug No, but what works on a web server (at least HTML, CSS, JS) can work on a phone.
Thanks, I'm such a n00b!
Q: Having functions run on different threads

MicroPenguinI would like to know if there is a more optimal/efficient way of having some of my functions run on a different thread. When a user clicks a button, the program will either: Scan the current directory and all directories below for files. Save calculated checksums for all files to a sentry file ...

@Mat'sMug You should do some Android & Java stuff :)
@SimonAndréForsberg I'm afraid having a workable game will take some time... Current plan is to get player+playerconfiguration+game on github today... Then I'll need to make unit tests for fusion, etc. and after that I can make some console GUI
Yes, a real console in a GUI this time
@skiwi OK. I think I'll do some refactoring of my code here, and then see where it leads me.
I know I still have a bug where under some conditions during an attack the monster that is attacking and the target both become the attacking monster.
That's not optimal
@sim yeah... but I should probably start doing some web dev, at least!
@Mat'sMug Yeah that too :)
hmm.. total score for last 2 answers: 0. Could lack of web development affect my credibility?
@Mat'sMug I think lack of rep-whoring announcing answers gives you lack of votes.
I suspect a coupl of answers are about to get multiple +1's
I suspect a monkey is going on a voting-spree.
@SimonAndréForsberg funny you mention that, the one I answered Friday was intentionally not mentioned here, I wanted to see if an answer posted on an accepted/answered question with very few votes, would get any attention over the week-end.
Did it?
not until now
I have to admit, I've been a bad voter recently.
Was it on the question I also answered?
the shimmed one
A: Using shims to turn my integration tests into unit tests

Mat's MugReviewing the tested method: public void ResetColours(Colours colour) { var colourInfo = colour.GetInfo(); for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) this.SetColourInfo(i, colourInfo); } The colour parameter is singular, but its type is plural. Either colour stands for many colors and it's ...

That one I haven't looked at actually
doesn't like having to whore votes in chat to get any votes. Voting is still a major issue on CR.
we need every answerer to start spending their votes. that's what we need.
(thanks @Santa!)
@Mat'sMug And every question asker
that's harder to do though.
reviewers already are spending a good deal of time on the site.
we have lots of daily visits.
but the voting is nowhere near proportional. one of us stops voting for a week, and that creates a huge dent in the voting activity chart. that's not normal.
It's not unknown for people to throw up at a party. — Edwin Ashworth yesterday
^^ lol
(sorry that was kinda random)
@Mat'sMug You say in your answer "(because every test tests only one thing, right?)", I'm wondering if that should always be the case, and if I'm doing something wrong in my giant Wartstone test
@Mat'sMug I kind of forgot whether I had mentioned an answer of mine in chat two days ago, but I do know it has received 4 votes spread evely over the last two days, so it seems ok to me
Because I do plenty of asserts in one method
@SimonAndréForsberg I don't do TDD, but my understanding is that a well-written test has one reason to fail.. or to pass. Hence 1 assertion. Ideally.
I do MDD, Motivation Driven Development.
@Vogel612 later!
@SimonAndréForsberg AAA / Arrange / Act / Assert.
@Mat'sMug I don't see the reason for why they should be limited to only one assertion. When you're testing a chain of events, it's reasonable to put it all in one method and make one assertion for each step in the chain, is it not?
AAA? That's a new one.
Q: Arrange Act Assert Alternatives

Arman McHitaryanThe general question is are there alternative patterns to AAA for unit testing? If, yes, would be very interesting to see some examples and hear about their pros and cons. And as the simplest example of AAA test (in c#, using var for the sake of simplicity): // Arranging var annualSalary = 1200...

I'm tempted to write some kind of mini testing framework that leads to less boilerplate
Q: Is it OK to have multiple asserts in a single unit test?

RestutaIn the comment to this great post Roy Osherove pointed to the OAPT project that is designed to run each assert in a single test. This is written on projects home page: Proper unit tests should fail for exactly one reason, that’s why you should be using one assert per unit test. And ...

> I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing, but I do think we should strive towards only having single asserts in our tests. This means you write a lot more tests and our tests would end up testing only one thing at a time.
Multiple asserts are bad because of error detection. If you have failed your first Assert.IsTrue, other asserts will not be executed, and you won't get any information from them. On other hand if you had 5 tests instead of 1 with 5 asserts you could get something usefull — Sly Sep 28 '10 at 10:52
@SimonAndréForsberg enough? ;)
@Mat'sMug I tend to for example have a bulk of asserts in a constructor asserting the getters, and then in every get method I test exactly thát get-method
@Mat'sMug That's asking about unit testing, I guess that what I'm doing is not specifically unit testing but more like an overall game system test - does "one assert per test" also apply then?
probably not.
@skiwi you mean an assert in the actual code, not just in the tests?
systems tests are valuable as well, hold on...
A single assert per unit test is a great way to test the reader's ability to scroll up and down. — Tom Oct 30 '12 at 15:45
@Mat'sMug No in the tests
other slightly unrelated example:
public void testBuild() {
    TurnAction turnAction = new TurnActionImpl();
    List<Card> cards = new ArrayList<>();
    PlayerConfiguration playerConfiguration = new PlayerConfigurationBuilder()
    assertEquals(turnAction, playerConfiguration.getTurnAction());
    assertEquals(5, playerConfiguration.getHandCapacity());
    assertEquals(5, playerConfiguration.getFieldMonsterCapacity());
Ok I shouldn't use two times 5 there ;)
^^ I think this code tests too much
@Mat'sMug TS (yes, I'm out)
I think @skiwi always often test too much :)
@Mat'sMug How would that be testing too much?!
I hope you aren't telling me that I must split it up into 4 different test methods...
something like that... so yes ;)
I disagree, those tests exist in other places
then this test is overlapping the other ones
so if getHandCapacity doesn't return 5 when .handCapacity(5) is specified, you have 2 tests failing?
I mean yes, it is possible with a super low chance that somewhere it goes wrong here... But thenw hat? Better check one method for which one of 4 asserts failed, then write 4 methods
@Mat'sMug It depends in what part the bug is
@skiwi You can see how I'm testing "field capacity" in my cannotHaveMoreThan7minionsFromSpell method (Note: Not meant to be a unit test)
If it's in the core of PlayerConfigurations constructor, then expect a lot to fail
@SimonAndréForsberg 1800 lines...?
To me, what you're doing there @skiwi is like testing this:
assertEquals(5, object.getValue());
That's just too-detailed testing for my taste.
@skiwi Yup, 1800 lines. It could be split up into HunterCardsTest, ManaThreeCardsTest etc. It's testing a lot of the cards - and therefore, also the functionality - used in the game.
I'd split somewhat more up in your case
IMO testing property getters/setters is only needed if your getters/setters smell, or if they do something more than just getting/setting a private field.
@SimonAndréForsberg Might be, but typos can be made
@Mat'sMug You're lucky with C#'s { get; set; } syntax, Java doesn't have it...
@Mat'sMug i.e. if they smell. doing more than getting/setting for a getter/setter is a smell
@skiwi I don't use auto-properties very much.
Q: trimming multiple white spaces from string in O(N)

vaibhavThis program trims the white spaces from the string in O(N) complexity. But the problem is it trims only one white space. How could It be improved to trim multiple white space keeping the same complexity. Any solution? /*remove space, only one space*/ void RemoveSpaces(char* source){ char* i =...

IMO testing property getters/setters is only needed if you're not testing "the big picture". I prefer testing the big picture. (Feel free to disagree - I think you're disagreeing already though)
@SimonAndréForsberg I knew you'd say that, but I had a very specific example in mind: in MVVM the ViewModel setters need to raise a PropertyChanged event - it's useful to have a test for that.
@CaptainObvious Off-topic
@Mat'sMug Yes, that sounds like a useful tests. That's a bit what I'm testing indirectly by playing a minion that should perform something at the start/end of your turn, and then asserting that that effect has taken place at the next turn.
Closed and deleted within 5 minutes: codereview.stackexchange.com/q/51764/27623
Nice work people!
@syb0rg yeah, post got deleted before I could even post my comment!
(hi BTW!)
@CaptainObvious Some OP's really are deleting their posts too fast. I'd like to add a comment explaining more about why exactly it's off topic here. But I hope the OP will understand what CR is about.
Hey @syb0rg
1 lost, 10 found
Hey, @syb0rg! Have you seen that Penney game question, by the way?
I looked at it temporarily, and upvoted the current answers. There would some more stuff I could suggest, but I have to leave for job interviews soon.
@syb0rg nice!
@Mat'sMug You got your new job, right?
@Mat'sMug Then I've got some code that you'll dislike ready in a few minutes ;)
@syb0rg Good luck!
@syb0rg they never made me an offer. I used to work there, and didn't have the shiniest record - I think they looked at it after meeting with me, i.e. they wasted my time. Their loss.
@Jamal Sorry about stealing your checkmark on this answer BTW.
@Mat'sMug That sucks, sorry!
they're in a bad location, and with daycare issues I was going to be late all the time, which is kind of an issue.
@syb0rg No worries at all. :-) I don't like it when users accept early, especially if my review is partial. I was anticipating it.
bah, I'll start really looking in about 2 months - that one was just from out of nowhere
@rolfl What is HAL written in? I'm assuming Java?
@syb0rg napalm'd.. and now
@Mat'sMug I haven't hit the vote-cap in a long time :/
@syb0rg about 4 weeks? I think we both slowed down at about the same time.. it coincides with a massive dip on the voting activity chart.
Me, neither. There were very few days in which I have posted more than two or three answers.
I haven't hit 200 rep in oen day ever on CR I just noticed
@kleinfreund Could I have some design input on this site? syb0rg.github.io/Klog
@Mat'sMug @SimonAndréForsberg pastebin.com/MWc186mv and pastebin.com/w9DVKxHf unit testssss
@syb0rg HAL as in my HAL9000?
Q: Command line tools to format tables

TiagoI am a a big fan of one-liners using sed awk perl and other tools. But there are things hard to do in one-liner like when you working with a CSV file and there are comma between quotes, or when you want to print a centralized field with printf. Few months ago I wrote ftable more for fun than any...

(and Hi, Syb0rg!)
@rolfl Yeah, and hi!
@Mat'sMug Seems to only start counting from specific amount? I'm sure I did throw in some votes
nope. starts counting from the beginning of the week - there's a bit of cache-lag, but..........
@syb0rg - complicated answer. I have a Java process that 'controls things', but I have a lot of applcations that I call to do the work.
@rolfl And I'm assuming it's not open source?
guys no pressure, but VOTE LIKE IT'S THE ONLY WAY TO BREATHE
@syb0rg - let me find out....
(i.e. I can probably give the code away (not that it is very pretty....).
@Mat'sMug Can't star, pinning instead :)
Hmm in PlayerConfiguration there was a non-empty check on deckCards, that one shouldn't have been there
@Mat'sMug I really hope you'll get a better job soon. I'm not sure you can survive the one you currently have for the entire summer...
@rolfl I have my own code, but I'm wondering if I should open source it on Github. AKA I need more collaboration from others because I'm very busy :P
@SimonAndréForsberg thanks! I'll probably go nuts by September if I don't get outta here...
@Mat'sMug ^
@skiwi you have way too many tabs
@skiwi These two lines seem a bit too much, one of them should be enough IMO: (probably the lower one)
Objects.requireNonNull(deckCards, "deckCards");
States.requireNonEmpty(deckCards, "deckCards");
if it's non empty, then it's most likely also not null...
@Mat'sMug You have no single clue how many you don't see!
@skiwi Your computer RAM must hate you...
@SimonAndréForsberg I removed the States.requireNonEmpty here as that is the Players job to check
@skiwi 9gag really :P (ahah just kidding :P )
@syb0rg - I have 'permission' to share the code. Don't hold your breath on the code quality, and it is a horrible hack.
@syb0rg ^
Q: PHP framed external link redirect - vBulletin

DrCustUmzJust looking for some review for my code. this is a script that checks for outbound links in posts in vBulletin forums, and if it is an external link it will redirect to a template which will load the external site in an iFrame that I also coded, inspired by themeforest and stumbleupon's way of ...

@Marc-Andre Now you mention it... that tab is due deletion (or replacement with reddit) as I barely ever use it
@skiwi humm reddit good :P
@skiwi Just out of curiosity, what screen resolution are you using?
1.7GB for the browser. My Chrome browser is eating up a big huge 85.3MB. You have too many tabs ;)
@syb0rg - I will have to do it after-hours, and I'll have to sanitize some things before you get it.
@SimonAndréForsberg 1920 x 1080
@rolfl What are these "applications that you call to do the work"?
Are they integrated within the code, or external dependencies?
you don't call them, they call you
@skiwi I was wondering why you could see so many starred items but I could not, but now I understand why... apparently I'm so blind so I have greatly enlarged the font-size in my browser.
basically, what HAL9000 does is wait for events, triggers a block of text, converts the text to speech, and outputs the sounds.
@SimonAndréForsberg That's... smart
@Marc-Andre Actually... not so good. Seems like reddit forces every link in a new tab? Atleast it doesn't want to refresh the pinned one there
@rolfl Are these events input speech that is converted to text with speech recognition?
To simplify HAL9000, I have a Java program that 'listens' on a FIFO (read up on that), and anything that is dumped to the FIFO is analyzed. If the exact text has not been seen before, it sends to a pre-configured text-to-speech system (google translate, espeak, or something) (either using a HTTP connection or a system process).
It then saves the results, and then outputs the wav-file using mpg123.
if you ask it to say the exact same thing multiple times, it reuses previously created speech.
FIFO = First In First Out, what's there to read up on?
@skiwi I've never encountered that problem before. I had an extention to "open" link directly in the "front page" of every /r/, but that's an other discussion
What it means is that I can do things like:
echo Hello World > /tmp/speech
and it will 'say' "Hello World".
And I can do things like:
 fortune > /tmp/speech
I have a number of things that can do that, including motion detection, system startup, user login, etc.
But, the code itself is relatively simple, and it uses other things to do the heavy lifting
@rolfl What on earth have you been building?
@skiwi Think J.A.R.V.I.S. from Iron Man. Or maybe a Siri clone.
At least, that's what I'm trying to build right now.
My program almost works too on all systems. I just know that audio output/speech synthesis doesn't work on Mac's.
My favourite is the following in my rc.local:
@syb0rg Hey. I'm back. I'll have a quick look.
Hmmm ... seems I cannot paste that line ... odd.
IBM FWall to the rescue.
non-working code:
Q: Employee wage/salary calculation MVP solution

ChathurangaIn this project (C# Win forms) I'm supposed to calculate wages of employees. So these are the steps... Calculate earnings from Attendance data. Here all regular earnings like BasicSalary, OverTimeAmount etc will be calculated. Then these earning details will be shown in a grid where user can en...

Typographically speaking – paragraphs should not be that long. A general advice would be having around 50-70 characters per line at this font size.
oh wait, I misread it
@syb0rg And given that little amount of text – Pump that font-size up
A: Employee wage/salary calculation MVP solution

Mat's MugThis method smells: public Earning AddEarning(int employeeID, int workDays, int dayOffs, int leaveDays, int extraShifts, decimal extraShiftsAmount, decimal basicSalary, decimal budjetoryAllowance, int noPayDays, decimal lessNoPayAmount, decimal amountForEpf, decimal...

> What you have here is spaghetti code, you need to sort it out.
@Mat'sMug From your code does not compile to spaghetti code, I lol'ed :P
WageInfo wi = new WageInfo();
//this is a wall of junk, it extremely hard to know which parameter is which in the method
return wi.AddEarning(
@syb0rg - send me an note (the address is in here and I'll dump the code to you later.
(cool, I am on redhat ;-) )
^^ this code is inside the WageInfo class... nonsense.
@Mat'sMug WageInfoception
@syb0rg But to be honest, Helvetica (and Arial, ...) looks like shit at ~20 pixels font size. How about using a web font?
@Mat'sMug Holy mother of method parameters!
@syb0rg If you feel you can add a webfont for this purpose, you can try something like Open Sans. I can assist you with that.
that's pretty much as harsh as I can be without sounding like an @$$#073
^^^^ if you want to sound like that just talk french
Oh, did that come out loud?
it did. and you're right. I have colleagues over here that could tell you how harsh I can be when I see their code...
Q: Suggestion for adapter pattern

vivekpoddarclass Person(object): def __init__(self, name): self.name = name def speak(self): print "Hello, this is {}!".format(self.name) class Dog(object): """ Adaptee """ def __init__(self, breed): self.breed = breed def bark(self): print "w...

@Mat'sMug - I was thinking about Bon Cop, Bad Cop yesterday, and was thinking of you.
that movie is awesome!
Out of interest, have you seen 'Gunless'?
I think the last movie I saw was The Hobbit pt.2
You should,... It's Candadian, and funny as heck ... but does not have the english/french thing going.
(not counting the 100's of times I watched The Lion King and Ice Age since x-mas)
I went to the music store with the kids last Saturday morning.
bought a ukulele
80's FTW!
This one is for you, @Mat'sMug:
yeah.. thanks ;)
... but.... it's in French?
lol yeah they also translated the whole rest of the movie, too!
@syb0rg Sounds interesting
@Mat'sMug Quel danger ? Ha ! Moi j'aime le danger ! Je me ris du danger, ha-ha-haaa !
@rolfl You make me want to watch the Lion King - in french...
@kleinfreund Sounds good, I'm just about to head off to a job interview, so I'll get your help on that later.
@SimonAndréForsberg after 20 times or so, you'll feel like just switching it to Spanish
@syb0rg Good luck.
@rolfl Thanks!
@Mat'sMug Gues why I feel like switching to French...
Bye all!
@syb0rg Knock 'em dead!
@syb0rg best of luck (you won't need it!)
@syb0rg Sure thing. Have exams this week and next. Better mail me (phrudloff at gmail.com), because I'm not checking for missed messages here atm.
@SimonAndréForsberg Your regular trips to france have some one / thing special at the destination?
@syb0rg good luck! Kick some ass!
And of course: Good luck. ;)
@rolfl Just the most amazing and probably the most friendly place on earth, that's all ^^
@kleinfreund Got it. Also, the code is here FYI: github.com/syb0rg/Klog/tree/gh-pages
(And no, I'm not visiting Paris exactly...)
@syb0rg Do you mind me sending in a PR for some things?
@rolfl 35564 - 36299 @skiwi 9321 - 9792
@rolfl epitaph?
May 22 at 17:00, by rolfl
@rolfl 35564 @skiwi 9321 - and the 100K race begins
@rolfl You're getting faster! No
I just 'lost' a project for developing a website... But I'm not bitter, I really can't stand working on frontend plus can only pretty much work at home and I functionw ay better in an office when doing things which I do not enjoy the most
I don't know if others have experiences of working for a percentage of the profit opposed to working paid per hour?
^^^ Avoid it like the plague.
(then again, I am a married father, and don't like high-risk endeavours).
@skiwi - who determines the profit?
well sure, it might be a hit, but it's something I reallly count on
When is it calculated.
What if there's a loss
When do you get paid?
No losses for me (not a full share), profit determined by users of the website, paid per month... It wasn't that bad
But I really can't count it as a reward during development, money (per hour) would motivate me however
Or perhaps better per feature, as hours as hard to measure withotu a ocmpany and office
Well, sounds like you got lucky....
Somewhat less casual as I know the other person a little bit
I spent weeks working on-the-side on a venture like that ... and got nothing.
Knowing the people as friends makes things worse, not better.
As you can tell, I think it's a bad idea.
That's me.
Maybe my brain even unconsciously is preventing me from it
As I seem to always have an issue with doing lots of effort in such ventures, and I can do them easily working at a company
@skiwi I have to agree with monkey. I'd also not recommend it.
Good advice
@Mat'sMug This is your job right ? Working with features everywhere in the code ? :P
@skiwi - baahh... you're young, no commitments, if you limit your losses, you can try it.
Doing such thing for a video game which I fully trust, I could probably get the effort in... but a website... cringes
Consider a compromise...... get a minimal salaray and part profit-share.
@rolfl I've also thought about that... wouldn't want to see all profit shares gone if it turns out great
I have always been salaried.... that is why my bosses are richer than me.... ;-) So, don't discount taking the risk.
The only feeling I have when I see that I need to make a form on a website having 40 fields and tons of constraints is: No way.
I actually did work share based on an existing website several years ago which was great. Too bad the text-based browser games (like old style mafia games) died down.
Those were times, you had like 100 active users on average throughout one day and in winter months they would just call/use creditcard/whatever for stuff worth 1000 euro
There was always some guy who would make up over half of the profit
The code however, just hurts, even before you open the file.
Btw... what would happen if I'd post this on CodeReview? ;-) (At least 3 years old if not older, before I was on university)
@skiwi Holy lord of hell! What is THAT!
Why bother with arrays?
		$prepostlogmsg = "{$_SESSION['login']}({$_SESSION['family']}) added {$raidname} to the database. Date: {$raid_day}-{$raid_month}-{$raid_year}. Time: {$raid_hour}:{$raid_minute}. Players: {$person1}, {$person2}, {$person3}, {$person4}, {$person5}, {$person6}, {$person7}, {$person8}, {$person9}, {$person10}, {$person11}, {$person12}, {$person13}, {$person14}, {$person15}, {$person16}, {$person17}, {$person18}, {$person19}, {$person20}, {$person21}, {$person22}, {$person23}, {$person24}, {$person25}, {$person26}, {$person27}, {$person28}, {$person29}, {$person30}, {$person31}, {$person32}, {
I like 50 variables for people
@Marc-Andre Some young version of me that had not seen the light yet
@skiwi Well you could do a selfie!
@Marc-Andre Well, it started out with 10!
Then it became 20... then 30, then 50 people
Welll.... I'm even sure if I want to review this.
@skiwi Why not this would show how much you've improved !
It can't get any worse for sure
Needless to say, that script was always bugged
Yet it was working good enough ;)
After a few hotfixes there... and on another place, and well also on that other spot, oh there I cana lso put some more hotfixes
Give that script a hotfixe. Scripts love hotfixes!
And as the same thing appears like on 10 places, it's impossible to not forget to update some part.
Oh... I need to unit test this, oops
public void play() {
    while (true) {
@skiwi Posting codecrap now, are we? Well, let's raise the stakes: pastebin.com/UWmM3JA1
@SimonAndréForsberg Number of attributes overload!
@Mat'sMug That's also something you can watch at when you're not happy with your code at work ^^
@SimonAndréForsberg ^^^ You win.
@SimonAndréForsberg Holy...
  LabForm1: TLabForm1;
  Path    : String;
  Running : Boolean;
  Cash    : TWArr;
  X1, X2, Y1, Y2, X3, Y3, Fu1, Fu2, Fu3, Fu1Pris,
  Fu2Pris, Fu3Pris, Bo1, Bo2, Bo3, Bo1Pris, Bo2Pris,
  Bo3Pris, He1Pris, He2Pris, He3Pris, O1, O2, O3,
  Oka, Okb, Okc, Ok1, Ok2, Ok3, Load1, Load2, Load3,
  R1Dir, R2Dir, R3Dir, Ls1Pris, Ls2Pris, Ls3Pris,
  Ro1, Ro2, Ro3, Ro1Pris, Ro2Pris, Ro3Pris, Mb1,
  Mb2, Mb3, L1Dir, L2Dir, L3Dir: Byte;
  Xa, Ya, Xb, Yb, Xc, Yc, Ls1, Ls2, Ls3, E1Pris, E2Pris,
  E3Pris, Score1, Score2, Score3,
Arrays? Data-structures? What's that?
You win.
knowledgeGainedOverThePast15years = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
My even older stuff is all on external harddisk... Too lazy to take it right now
@skiwi Going to try to beat me? :)
I'm not sure if I can in length... But I surely must have some stuff around
Am I stupid now, or is Netbeans stupid?
I have this:
private final PlayerConfiguration playerConfiguration = new PlayerConfigurationBuilder()
Probably Netbeans, as usual...
I want to press a . and then autosuggest pops up, but it doesn't let me
Oh, an autocomplete problem. Those are the worst. They happen to me sometimes, and then there's just one solution: Drop everything, restart the IDE, if that doesn't work, reboot.
...or use Visual Studio and swap Java for C#
@Mat'sMug And by Resharper for a whole lot of $$$
I 'fixed' it by just typing everything
$250 isn't what I call a whole lot of $$$
But this was some real bull going on
Q: Can working code be: off-topic -> not-working?

rolflThis question here: Shortest possible way of printing a specific board Summary: The code requirement is to print out a grid of text. The code does in fact print the grid The way it does that, is very broken, and it is only by hacking things that it works. From a code-review perspective, it doe...

@SimonAndréForsberg what
To the best of my knowledge, does the code work? seems to apply here. I say it's on-topic, and I'd upvote your answer if I had ammo! — Mat's Mug 1 min ago
@Mat'sMug For me that's a whole lot of money, especially for something I'm used to have for free.
A: Can working code be: off-topic -> not-working?

skiwiIf you talk purely about "is code working", then I presume you do not take a specific CodeReview approach to that problem. Hence "is the code working" should be approached as a black box. You put stuff into the program, it spits correct pieces out. Hence the code is working. Now we are here at C...

One of first meta answers... Hope it makes sense
$250 gets you a beginner-level, awful-sounding guitar that will make you wonder why you ever wanted to learn to play guitar. for less than $250 you're better off learning to play a triangle. If you can put at least $500-$600 on the guitar, you've got something you're going to enjoy playing for at least a decade. Everything's relative...
It's not something I would pay for an IDE though...
Here it's even only a subset
ReSharper isn't an IDE
Well an add-on then, or however it works
plug-in :)
@Mat'sMug I am quite fine with my 220 € Guitar...
well E-Guitar that is..
@Vogel612 that's about $500 in Canada ;)
That kinda explains..
well then you should at least put that in, cause everything less is probably nothing more that crap, that musicians tend to smash for show..
I like how my father paid 2000 DM (~1000 €) for his old western...
and I got it for christmas ;)

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