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Q: Implementing a Simple "MoneyAccount" in CoffeeScript

Kevin MeredithPlease critique this CoffeeScript code. Is it idiomatic? MoneyAccount = (balance = 0) -> obj = { withdraw: (x) -> if balance < x throw new Error("not enough funds in account") else balance -= x console.log "withdrew funds." x deposit: (x) -> ...

But I need help
@Jamal You are messed up man
@PsychOPhobiA - you are probably right, you need help with the homework. But .... Stack Exchange, in general, is not designed to provide that sort of service.
It does not fit in a Question/Answer format.
It does fit in a 'get someone to sit with me for an hour' format.
And, that is what your teachers, mentors, TA's, and class-mates are for.
Many of them even get paid to do that.
If you can identify what your immediate problem is, then it is likely that you can phrase it in a way that is suitable for Stack Overflow ... i.e. I am stuck on this homework right here where this code gives me this result when I was expecting that result. ..... what is wrong with the code.
Once your code is doing what it should be doing, then it woud be on-topic for Code Review .... where we deal with this code does X, Y, and Z ... but, it does not do it very well, how can it be improved?
Anyway, you seem to be gone.
Q: Retrieving data from files in the folder (excel vba)

DbarzayI am to use VBA code that would simply retrieve certaint data from all excel files in certain folder and paste it in working spreadsheet. I have the below one but I am not sure that this is the most efficient one (which matters as I would like to learn how to write the most possible efficient cod...

@rolfl Ding
anyone here know about FreeNas?
and Windows 8?
Q: Bad usage of classes in python

user3002473I was recently working on a project where I had the following setup: from stargaze.sg import SGObject from stargaze.constants import NegInf, Infinite, PATH_CLAMPED, PATH_REVERSIBLE, PATH_ACCELERATABLE from stargaze.utils import clamp __all__ = [ 'PathIdentifier', '_basePath', '_clampedPath'...

Q: simple parallel foreach loop code correctness c#

user38158 using (var db = new SomeEntities()) { foreach (var measure in measures) { var keytofind= measure.RateKey.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); var firstOrDefault = db.RatesMappings.FirstOrDefault(r =>...

I'm still around.
Well, I was not, and I'm about to sleep, too .
2 hours later…
@JeroenVannevel I answered your question
Q: Stack Exchange websockets wrapper

Jeroen VannevelI've been writing a small library that allows for easy querying of the Stack Exchange websockets. I'm going to add an enum to replace the manual SiteId at every RequestParameter so you can let that one slide (unless you have something else in mind). A few thoughts I have: RequestParameters de...

I may take another look at it in the next couple of days. I am trying to set up a home file server though.
I will catch you later though I need to munch on something and get to bed.
Q: Deciding whether a list of sum types is homogeneous

YuushiI ran into a problem recently where I had to decide whether a set of sum types was homogeneous (all the same). In itself, this is a pretty simple problem. However, there were a few complicating factors: There exists a type within the types (call it Id) that is ignored in the comparisons. There ...

Q: Lock-free queue with doubly linked list correctness

ikhI need a lock-free queue which is implemented by doubly linked list. Is my code correct? Are there any errors? Are there any improvements to be made? linkedlist.h /* * linkedlist.h * * Created on: 2014. 5. 10. * Author: dlaru_000 */ #ifndef LINKEDLIST_H_ #define LINKEDLIST_H_ /*...

Q: iOS 7.0 Chess Game

LiterphorIf anyone's interested I could really use some advice on how to improve my programming. I'll be making commits almost every night and will be providing in-depth documentation for my project. Any criticism on any aspect of my project (including it's documentation) would be greatly appreciated. Th...

Q: MouseListener Lag

Bob Marleyso I was attempting to write my own simple version of the Piano Tiles game app in java just as a fun exercise. So far, this is my code import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.*; public class GameLogic extends JPanel { Tile[][] tileArray = new Tile...

Q: Using goto in c/c++

user43115I understand that using goto in C/C++ code is strictly unadvised, but sometimes, it really reduces the number of lines of code like in the following case. This is my code for http://www.spoj.com/problems/BEENUMS/. I know this does not reduce too many lines of code, but in a big project, it poten...

@CaptainObvious This seems to be off topic as they are asking about a problem with the code.
2 hours later…
Q: Efficient use of regular expression and string manipultion

user43115The following is my solution to http://www.spoj.com/problems/JAVAC/. I think the way I have used the re library is inefficient, and possible erroneous as I am getting tle. import sys import re cpp = re.compile("^[a-z]([a-z_]*[a-z])*$") java= re.compile("^[a-z][a-zA-Z]*$") r = re.compile("[A-Z][...

1 hour later…
Q: How do I correctly edit network preferences in a Firefox Add-On?

rubo77I am devoloping an Add-On that changes the network-response timeout back to a higher value (like before Firefox 29). In my review I get the message, that this is not the correct way I am doing it: Warning: Extensions should not alter preferences in the network.http. preference Warning: E...

Q: Word count debugging

bigTreeOn K&R, the following code is proposed to count words, lines and characters in input. Exercise 1.11 asks: How would you test the word count program? What kinds of input are most likely to uncover bugs if there are any? The only answer I see to these questions is testing the code on some ...

Quite empty here today.
@skiwi Hey buddy :D
2K rep!
Congratulations sir.
I suppose it's nothing new compared to 7K on SO, as beta multiplier is x2?
How are you today?
I'm fine. I think I will have to leave soon enough. I have to vote today.
Want to, or have to? As this morning I read the astonishing news that in Belgium citizens are required to vote or they'll have to pay fines.
I want to.
Similarly we here have volunteers for counting the votes, etc. and in Belgium you are forced to do that.
I have no real obligations today yay, except I need to fix something over at the neighbours PC-related.
In my country, surveys said that only 30% of the people will vote -_____-
I think here it was said to be around 37%, which isn't too shabby
in Ireland the percentage is way higher, like over 60% though somehow
30% is horribly low.
I love how some parties make up bull such that saying that they would've won if the other 70% would have voted :D
Do you have any experience with the Github API by chance?
I expect the far-right to get many votes today...
Nope, I never used that API.
aw, because I've run into an annoying issue
I indicate that some release should not be a draft, but github drafts it >.>
And it's driving me crazy
I have the feeling that you always run into annoying issues xD
"draft": false
It happens when you experiment with cutting-edge stuff :p
As most of the script originates from another repo, it was some work figuring otu why they did things in a similar way.
I understand that the old release should be deleted and new one uploaded (as it only offers newest build), but I don't see why it should delete and then recreate the latest-master tag, surely has something to do with it though
I can't help you :/
It's no prob... except for me :p
See you later :)
Cya laters
Happy European Election day!
(although some have probably already voted days ago, I just did it now)
Happy morning @SimonAndréForsberg
Monking @skiwi
bash shell is horrible
  # print all files in target directory
  for filename in /home/travis/build/${GH_USER}/${GH_REPO}/target/*
    if [ -f "$filename" ]; then
      actualsize=$(wc -c "$filename" | cut -f 1 -d ' ')
      echo "${filename} (${actualsize} bytes)"
      echo "${filename}"
Surprisingly it does have for each loops
A: Scrubbing user input

iheggieHow strict do you want the checking to be? The initial algorithm accepts (1),(2, 3) as valid input, as well as 1,2,3)))))) etc

What to do with that answer?
@Morwenn I expect the somewhat-middle-lefts-and-rights to get even more votes today.
Does this seem legit enough for jar? /home/travis/build/skiwi2/TCG/target/TCG-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar (33184 bytes)
@skiwi I made that answer a little more of an answer. At first I was considering flagging as NAA, but then I realized what the answer actually was saying. And the man has a point.
@SimonAndréForsberg Seems a good approach, what is "getting excepted" though? :p
@Mat'sMug Wow... I could have swore I put the code in there, and had it all formatted properly and all that stupid jazz... maybe I had it open in multiple tabs or something
@SimonAndréForsberg ^
@Mat'sMug ^
@BenVlodgi You just realized your mistake? :p
I just got on
I actually saw it yesterday, but was on mobile
What on earth is this?
Like 24 zero-reputation Bens?
@BenVlodgi Hey there Mr. Oops-I-forgot-the-code :)
oh hey @SimonAndréForsberg
Sorry about that
@BenVlodgi It's OK, it can happen to all of us :)
How hard can it be possibly be to automatically upload a jar?!
pls unkill my question
Q: Tight loop, string manipulation and calculations

BenVlodgiI'm working on some precompilation operations for a world compiler. Currently to identify flags placed by the level designer I need recognize when a specific entity exists at specific coordinates from the flag's origin. I need to generate a list of offset coordinates from the origin(and include t...

Everyone is using an @ sign in front of their files though... maybe I should not have deleted it?
@SimonAndréForsberg It probably depends on the country you live in :p
It is done!
The Travis CI integration works fully.
I did the hard work... Such that @SimonAndréForsberg and others can use it with ease!
Thanks @skiwi
I'll try running it now
What will you exactly try?
As the jar itself doesn't have a main, fyi
> no main manifest attribute, in tcg-master-34.jar
lol, then why make it a JAR?
I want a main!
Why not?
It can be used as a library!
True true. But I don't plan to use it as a library
And it was just a test either way :p
Though a main will come in time
Planning on adding any kind of UI soon?
The biggest issue with my main is that as a console version, it currently only works in Netbeans due to some sweet hacks.
UI will have to wait quite some time I'm afraid
Though I do want to show it off now :p Perhaps when I fixed the Player and Game class to be release-ready
Why does it only work in Netbeans?
Because this:
private void refreshAllStats(final Game game) {
    try {
        Robot clearRobot = new Robot();
    } catch (AWTException ex) {
        Logger.getLogger(TCGGame.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

    try {
    } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
        Logger.getLogger(TCGGame.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
It's the command to clear the console from inside Netbeans.
Nasty huh
Though... if you would want to look into a Swing or JavaFX application that simply mimicks the console (together with the appropiate links to System.in and System.out) then I'd love to try that approach
Pro physics in some random game:
user image
Q: Concurrent download in Go

John DoeI wrote a program for downloading files in concurrent / parallel (GOMAXPROCS > 1) manner. This is my 2nd (non-toy) program written in Go, pls point out areas for improvement: package main import ( "errors" "fmt" "github.com/kennygrant/sanitize" "github.com/nu7ha...

Q: Difference in performance for seemingly same map, set and select implementation

user2609980I have found a method to calculate something which goes like this: require 'set' pentagonals = (1..3000).map { |n| n*(3*n-1)/2 }.to_set puts pentagonals.to_a.combination(2).select { |a,b| pentagonals.include?(a+b) && pentagonals.include?((a-b).abs) }.map { |a,b| (a-b).abs }.min This calculat...

@skiwi I'm considering uploading a bunch of TCG code today to github
If anyone wants to give it a shot, good luck: tickld.com/x/90-of-people-cant-pronounce-this-whole-poem
Is it possible to add a natural number to a normalized rational and to obtain a non-normalized rational?
@Morwenn What's a normalized rational?
1/2 is normalized, you can't reduce the fraction.
2/4 is not normalized, you can divide the numberator and the denominator by 2.
Then I doubt that it's possible
Seems like a question for Math.SE.
Or well... maybe...
It can't be possible
Gonna ask for a proof.
As a natural number are "whole numbers". And if the rational is already normalized. You can make 1/2 to 3/2, 5/2, 7/2, and so on. Neither of which becomes non-normalized.
You just need to think rationally about it :)
That's exactly what I think, but a formal proof would be good :D
If this assertion holds, I think that I can propose a patch for Boost.Rational :p
Q: Adding a natural number to a normalized fraction

MorwennI am currently writing yet another rational number class where the fraction should always be normalized. When adding a natural number to a normalized fraction, it possible to get a non-normalized fraction? In other words, if I compute r2 := r1 + n where r1 is a normalized fraction and n a natura...

@SimonAndréForsberg I'm looking forward to it already.
@skiwi I'm currently working on compiling it with GWT, it seems like GWT doesn't support lambdas in static methods so I have to make a whole bunch of methods non-static.
guah, I want to just repost my question to get rid of those downvotes =\
who bothers to down vote an obvious mistake
@BenVlodgi They'll probably be removed when they discover you have changed it. I bet most of them are chat room regulars
This is still off-topic... no idea how it got reopened: codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/51670/ios-7-0-chess-game
@SimonAndréForsberg maybe..... I feel like regulars wouldn't bother to downvote a post which is obviously getting closed and possibly a mistake
I feel like it would be visitors who downvoted it
in which case, thats fine -4 rep, not even a problem
@BenVlodgi I was almost on my way to downvoting it myself just for the fun of it :)
thats different
why is anyone up this early on sunday
It's not that early in Europe.
I just got out of a 2 hour testing session for work
luckily I did it on my couch
the guy whos system I was testing with was in Cali.... 4 AM
Yep. 3pm here. :p
Q: Securing PHP form token

dotman14The code snippets below is what am using to secure forms against CSRF and bot attacks. It is meant to work with several form instances of forms. Is this secured enough against CRSF and bot attacks? How can I make it better? It implements a token and a timer. Form/Action will not be performed if ...

@nhgrif Er, probably the hasty "oh yeah, the code has been added" without a second glance...
@BenVlodgi Elections. Always a pain
@JeroenVannevel Elections is a privilege!
@SimonAndréForsberg I'd rather have that privilege somewhere in the afternoon
@JeroenVannevel You can vote in the afternoon as well AFAIK. At least here the polling stations are open until 9 p.m.
@SimonAndréForsberg Here the paper centers closed at 2PM while the electronic ones stop at 6PM
Obviously my town has a paper one
I'm not even supposed to be up yet by 2PM
Let alone go vote at 11 AM
Huh, oh well...
Then I understand the pain :)
@skiwi and those who are interested, here is my playable Hearthstone (or should I say "Wartstone"?) implementation: zomis.net/cards/ZonesCardsGWT.html?mode=HS
@SimonAndréForsberg I'll check laterrr, got an appointment like now
Going casually on my slippers to my neighbours as they won't even care either way :p
Hiya guys!
I'm having a tiny bit of scoping trouble in C++. Can someone please help me?
Yay, websockets working
@JeroenVannevel Using what language?
@SimonAndréForsberg C#
@Nick Hi and welcome to the chat for Code Review. I think the best place to get help is asking a question on StackOverflow (the site, not the chat). Just make sure that you post a good question where you describe exactly what your problem is
@JeroenVannevel Nice. Connecting to the SE system somehow, are you?
@SimonAndréForsberg: You mean that I can ask itsy bitsy problems on the main site of stack overflow?
@Nick I know very little about your exact problem, so what can I say?
That's my exact problem. Just a tiny class.
With a scope problem.
m needs to have a global scope.
Ofcourse, I can make it work by declaring m outside but then I'd have to make it like double m[100][100]
@Nick Your variable m is not accessible inside the readMat method. I suggest you study a C++ tutorial about variable scoping to learn the basics.
@SimonAndréForsberg: :( I already know scoping. Maybe you didn't get my problem.
@Nick I'm not a C++ programmer, but can you not use double[][] without specifying the size?
It doesn't work in all compilers but I think I can try.
@Nick A simple google search gives me this page: cplusplus.com/forum/beginner/7961
error: declaration of 'm' as multidimensional array must have bounds for all dimensions except the first|
From which I can see: Either use std::vector or use int *myArray = new int[size];
I'll try that
@SimonAndréForsberg: thanks :D
@Nick Thank Google. I just searched for "c++ declaring array of unspecified size" and clicked on the first result. Then I read what it said and just tried to understand it.
O_O I need to be a better googler
Thanks though :D
@SimonAndréForsberg The latter would be discouraged if you can use the former.
Q: Having trouble passing structs between functions

duketonProgram specifications: Read questions from a data file in the following format: Question Number of choices N-amount of choices Correct answer Example: What is the capital of France? 3 Madrid Sydney Paris Paris Present the user a question at a ...

Q: Java Swing best practice

JonaI'm designing a simple GUI using tabs to separate each 'window' of the application. There are 3 main tabs, each with 2 sub-tabs. In one class I create the entire hierarchy of panes and panels: mainPane = new JTabbedPane(); mainPane.setBounds(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT); //instantiate main tabs, get p...

@CaptainObvious Off-topic
@Jamal How would you do a 2D rectangular array then, would you use a vector of a vector, or would you use some int** ? Perhaps for that it's easier to use vector of a vector, huh?
@Jamal Have you seen this question?
Q: Word count debugging

bigTreeOn K&R, the following code is proposed to count words, lines and characters in input. Exercise 1.11 asks: How would you test the word count program? What kinds of input are most likely to uncover bugs if there are any? The only answer I see to these questions is testing the code on some ...

@SimonAndréForsberg Yes, you could do that. The syntax does get a bit messy, but it's better than passing a 2D C-array to functions.
I might have rushed that comment too much, now I start to think that it does actually belong on SO. The code in the question is not the OP's testing code I suppose
@SimonAndréForsberg Yes I have. It might help to ask if the code has been compiled first.
@Jamal I don't see any reason why the current code hasn't been compiled. Looks fine to me. But that's not the problem. It's not the OP's code. The OP is supposed to answer: How to test the code? (read the comments)
Ah. I thought he was referring to additional test cases or something. I'll leave it as is so that two others can decide to close.
I hit it with a diamond hammer.
Monking all.
@rolfl Monking!
I have to say @rolfl that I really like you as a moderator. You usually add great comments to OPs on questions, you put the mod-hat on in the chat at the right times. You do a really good job!
Why, thank you ;-)
You do know that Jamal out-paces both 200 and I by a long shot in terms of his time-commitment and 'affect'?
Yes, I know, but 99% of what he's doing is editing :)
I like @Jamal too, but I think you @rolfl are better at commenting and stuff - which is something I value a lot.
Thanks. :-) I'm probably the more hard-headed mod, but I can show restraint well.
It's funny, I feel like the three of us (Jamal, 200, and I) have 'specialized' a bit.... with Jamal being the keep-the-consistency-of experience, and 200 being a longer-term strategy person (strong scope/beta/graduation focus). I have driven the blog (a partially failed project), and also expanded a bit outside just CR. And then been 'the occasional tough guy' when needed.
I think that overall, the three of you make a great team.
There are scores kept of moderator activity, and, I am lowest-ranked in terms of day-to-day site activity
But of course, I don't know how much fighting there is going on behind the scenes :)
I am worried now that Jamal is waking up early ;-)
I normally get my stats up between my 7am and 11am, when Jamal and 200 are sleeping ;-)
I am worried that sooner or later I will write a starred 'lol' message in chat...
@rolfl B-but if we ever have to play Good Cop Bad Cop, who's who?
Hopefully, all of you would be good cops.
^^^ I'm with simon.... no need for good/bad cop ...
Rather, that's when the site CM's get involved.
The trick is for us to always be the fair/consistent beat cop... and no let things get to the point where it needs good/bad cop
@rolfl I was just joking. :-) It doesn't work so well in such a place anyway.
Well, yeah.... out of interest, if you want to see a really funny movie, watch Bon Cop Bad cop - Canadian French/English pokes fun at canada thing
@rolfl If I may ask curiously, what "consistency" are you referring to?
Essentially the experience people get is relatively consistent from one question to the next. Titles are fgood, question quality is decent or great, etc.
People have come to expect good quality questions from Code Review, an that is largely due to you
To be critical of the rest of the Code Review 'folk', they are too quick to close and flag, instead of comment and edit.
( .... ^^^ me included ... )
Eh, that's no untrue.
Code Review has an an exceptionally good signal-to-noise ratio.
Because the noise is 'squelched' early.
@rolfl I guess that's largely a result of my editing. However, I still feel that if I were to stop editing, no one else would come out to pick up the pace. I'm not looking for others to also make the same anal-retentive edits as I do, just "obvious" ones.
I know that ... ;-) And, this is my way of saying 'thank you'. You are doing an almost herculean job.
@rolfl Flagging? I don't think we even get too many flags, at least recommended closure ones. I would think that many lower-rep users and lurkers would be flagging as such.
@rolfl I believe I did the right thing today when editing this answer
Thanks, monkey. :-) It does mean a lot. I will continue to do it conservatively (i.e. not flooding the entire front page, unless those posts were already on the front page).
Simon excepted -> accepted ? (language, I know)....
@Jamal Flagging is an interesting one for me... partially/mostly because I don't nderstand when it is appropriate.
Specifically the NAA flags.
@rolfl OK then, almost the right thing. Or rather: Right thing, wrong word.
I feel the people who flag NAA should not.... in fact, I think it should be removed for people wih >= 125 rep
Yes, it's a good edit, @Simon
People with > 125 rep can downvote, comment, and suggest edit.
I haven't seen any flags to be handled for a long while, have I lost my moderation privileges or are you real mods just so fast in handling them? Or are there just very few?
@rolfl After raising a lot of helpful NAAs and VLQ, I can tell you that they're best for the more obvious cases of non-answers or possibilities of link rot. As for closing, it's a matter of reading the Help Center and deciding when to flag. If you're do well enough (such as myself), you can even earn Deputy before hitting 500 rep.
@rolfl I think there are some cases in which the NAA flag is a valid flag to use. For example when a new question is being asked as an answer
Q: Class composition relationship and DataServices

ChathurangaIn a project I have following class relationship. Employee and Client have a composition relationship with Company. So implemented this as follows. class Company { private Employee _Employee {get;set;} // private fields as composition private Client _Client {get;set;} public Company...

@SimonAndréForsberg 225 flags in total in the past 30 days.
(moderator flags).
@SimonAndréForsberg Good example .... but .... what does NAA flag do?
@SimonAndréForsberg And there are the more site-specific and hesitant cases such as posting the improved code as an answer. But those flags may be deemed helpful anyway since such answers would still get deleted.
It raises moderator flag icon, and adds to the Low-Quality-Post queue.
Correct. The 10K queue is gone, and more users can look at low-quality posts.
Putting it in to the LQP review queue is pointless, because the 'fix' requires moderator attention, a delete, or something.
But users can help delete a post from the queue.
So, NAA flag on a answer-in-a-question would be best solved with a delete-vote, which, by the way, puts the post in the LQP review queue...
It's at least useful for a site like SO. Without a queue, lots of non-answers can go under the radar. I have been referred to a 3rd party website that helps with finding non-answers on any site.
It irritates me that NAA flag raises a moderator flag, and, the only thing I can do with that is say 'helpful', or 'decline'. Those are both binding in the sense that I have to delete the post, or decline the flag. Which takes the 'community' out of the process and puts all the responsibility on 'me'. Even if it is not my area of expertise.
But since the post is still added to Low Quality, the community can still look at it. For such flags you don't understand, you can just ignore them while the community handles them. I'd say it's mostly the non-answers that should stick around, but those are deleted easily.
The OCD in me does not like seeing the flag icon, and it ruins our really-good flag handling times.
> 226 flags, average handling time 0 days 0 hours 23 minutes 0 seconds
Hmm ... FFox crashed.
And, I should do some work.
I really think our flag handling time has started to improve. I was good at handling most of the flags by myself, but I think it was slower sometime before then.
Hey all
Hey :)
How's it goin?
Alex L... been a long while, i think>?
Yeah! I've been busy in school and sports, it's been hard to get on and be active
110 messages... that will be some reading to do
Spent last 2 hours trying to upgrade neighbours pc from Windows XP to Windows 7
And still failed
trying, or succeeding?
@rolfl I will not stop until i reach Legendary!
Turns out what he bought was a .IMG file, so had to burn it to disc, but isn't really a success with Windows XP and hence installation failed somewhere in the beginning
I am approaching half-way to legendary.
Luckily I also bought win 7 last year and hence still have access to the disc images ;)
Yes! It's an ISO, I can safely burn this to disc without worryign about corruption
A: Eight Directions Crossword

Cheng Wai FatNOT AN ANSWER Some thought (only): Turning the 2D array into a string or array of byte. For example: 1234 5678 90ab cdef => string1: 1234 string2: 5678 string3: 90ab string4: cdef Also doing this with other rows, column, and oblique. Scan result in -> or <- direction only. I should have it...

I'm not even sure it'd make a good comment.
sounds like a good codereview answer to me
maybe if they added a why?
Q: Using Global Variables in my project (Node.js)?

user3673959I know using global variables in javascript is bad practice.Here i am using config,host and port as global variables as i have added a watch function to watch for the changes in the config.json file.Is the use of global variables in this example a bad practice or is it ok to use. config.json fil...

Q: Replacing strings of blanks by tabs and blanks to achieve same spacing

ao2130#include <stdio.h> #define MAXLINE 1000 /* Maximum length of a line */ #define TABSTOP 4 /* Length of tabstop */ int getLine(char line[], int limit); int lookAhead(char line[], int start, int end); /* * Exercise 1-21 * Write a program entab that replaces strings of blank...

@Malachi And now it has been greatly expanded, and it really looks like an answer now.
@SimonAndréForsberg Any progress with putting it on github yet?
@skiwi Working on other things first.
@LokiAstari: Are you any good with I/O in C? I'm not entirely sure about my answer.
@Jamal Let me see.
Another disagreement about I/O in C: chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/14721
I'm not too sure about it myself, but the OP's code just doesn't seem right to me.
@Jamal Don't see anything wrong with your advice.
Okay people. You kinda can forget about Europe now. Elections today. Right parties have great success in a lot of EU countries.
@LokiAstari Cool. I was about to say that it was not a proper getline function at all, until I confirmed that arrays in C are not passed by value.
Q: vadic multiplication program?

jahanvi KashyapVadic multiplication is an ancient methodology to multiply to two numbers which are so much large in size. so large that they can't be parsed/type casted into any format like Integer or BigInteger etc. example : number1 = 21325468768798744687468764356813213468768763101244300........88534. a...

@kleinfreund But they have not taken everything!
Front National at 25%
Alternative für Deutschland ~7%
Golden Dawn (the Greek one) ~10%
the Danish one as well.
To be honest, I haven't expected it to be so bad.
Well, It has been 13 years since I lived in Europe, and.... none of those parties are things I have heard before.
Yes, they're quite new or were relatively small before.
Just heard about the state in Germany I live in: AfD 10,4 %; NPD: 4,3 %
Both right parties
That sucks.
I get the feeling that EU Parliament elections are just a way for each country's citizens to vent their frustration about the direction about their respective national governments.
@200 That has some truth to it.
EU is not comparable to the US.
@kleinfreund Correction: Far-right parties
Yep, far-right. You're right.
Also, the turnout in general is pretty weak.
But I'm not far-right
Me neither.
@200_success I'm afraid you're correct.
Yeah, turnout is usually not good at this election. People tend to feel that the EU is something distant, and something that don't affect them. But it really isn't that far away. And it does affect us more than we think.
And it should be pretty important, too.
People seem to not care because they feel that it's far away, and it feels far away because they don't care about it...
Sure, the current state the EU as a whole is in isn't the best. There is a lot of room for improvement.
@kleinfreund Absolutely.
But having no EU is worse.
To be honest, politics (atleast that's how I feel about here in Germany) isn't really made for people.
Wrapping your head around it - even small parts - is pretty complicated.
Yes, there's a lot of room for improvement indeed. But way too many seem to be interested in only pointing out what is bad about the current one, and their only "suggestion for improvement" seem to be that their country should leave it, but I doubt that would solve anything.
Politicians talk in riddles and often without content.
Yes. Same as returning to the old currency doesn't solve any financial issues.
@kleinfreund Having no EU is worse indeed. Just the fact that France, Germany and United Kingdom is getting along so well these days is a miracle.
Seems like we agree about politics, @kleinfreund :)
Oh well, you know, we highly profit from the weaker countries.
Germany is worlds 3rd biggest exporter of weapons.
You can be sure about the richer countries always making their profit out of weaker ones struggling. Like Greece, Spain, etc. in the last couple of years.
I actually heard (from a reliable source) when I was in France a month ago that Professors in History from both France and Germany were going to co-operate in writing school history books. Something that would seem impossible 20 or so years ago.
@kleinfreund Sweden is also quite big exporter of weapons I believe (don't know the exact rank though)
Second arms exporter per capita, I believe.
@kleinfreund I think it's a bit of the opposite there, I believe many European countries suffer from the others' financial problems.
@200_success Sweden or Germany? (Sweden, I guess)
@Simon I don#
I don't think so.
I don't say that the people in the richer countries get the profit.
We probably pay for it.
But in the fog, the industry prepares their traps for the weaker ones.
Q: implementation of a new algorithm for sklearn

DonbeoIn the python library sklearn is implemented the algorithm for SparsePCA. I have written the code for a another version of this algorithm that is much faster in some situations. I have not enough experience with python and sklearn in order to write a code that could be loaded in the sklearn rep...

@kleinfreund Seems like there's one thing we don't agree on then :)
@skiwi Are you around?
@Simon No worries. That's not a whole game changer. I think we are pretty much on the same road, right?
Indeed we are
All roads leads to Rome Prague Europe!
Yup yup. :)
The Swedish Democrats (the Swedish far-right party) seems to get 7%
Q: Pledge: Promise-like entities design goals experiment

DaggBackground I was writing a promises/a+ implementation, just for fun. About halfway through I decided it wasn't that fun after all, so I decided to do something a little different. Thinking of promises as a pattern (and not a contract), I figured they basically amount to the following (if I'm mi...

A little harsh, or okay?
@Jamal seems alright to me.
Me too, FWIW
I'm not too concerned about it, but sometimes my word could be taken differently because of the diamond. I also decided to leave it this time, even though code-dumps on CR are usually subject to deletion.
It's got an upvote, which should make it clear that it's not just you.
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