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@Malachi I don't really know what to add to this turntable question... Do you have specific questions?
You've earned the "Enlightened" badge for How to train your growing community to self-moderate?.
s0m3wh3r3 1 h4v3 4 py7h0n c0nv3r73r for 7h1s
Please don't.
@TheDoctor post it for review?
0|-| p13453
1f 1 c4n f1nd 17
I'm getting old ..... this 1337sp33k is crap...
‮Can you imagine if english was right to left?
(‮(Hint: xkcd:rtl
@rolfl That's not "old", just "grown up".
@TheDoctor F**k no ;)
how do you keep the hover text when posting XKCD in chat?
@Mat'sMug post the link not the image
I don't know
I pasted http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/rtl.png
Hover Text of that comic:
_Collaborative editing can quickly become a textual rap battle fought with increasingly convoluted invocations of U+202a to U+202e._
Jesus. Multiline Markdown.
Collaborative editing can quickly become a textual rap battle fought with increasingly convoluted invocations of U+202a to U+202e.
you have to find the http://xkcd.com/###
‮Or you could just do it under the comic
My pic links to it.
Wait, this automatically does xkcd links??
I just pasted the link it automatically added the picture, right.
Seems like a little SE chat gimmick?
The devs must like it
OneBoxing ... well documented
@rolfl One of the few parts of chat markdown that really is well documented.
Yeah, sure.. oops you say?
@kleinfreund I guess not. I don't know a whole lot of HTML 5 and that seems to be what this question is all about. thanks for taking a look at it though
Most time you speak of HTML5 you actually mean plain HTML and/or CSS 3. :p
#sleepingonkeeyboard #modsaremean #idislikecr
@Malachi There you go using four-letter words again.
Okay boys, who's finishing my storyboards for tomorrow for me? And my speak for Tuesday? :/
@kleinfreund Are you talking about me specifically or is that a General You
About you in this case and about people in general.
@JerryCoffin my cursing/French is horrible I know
Most visual stuff you see recently is CSS 3.
Or done by.
@Malachi Remember, we should keep this place safe for wor ....children.
HTML5 aren't visual for the most part. It's more under the hood changes.
spent the last 3 workdays doing nothing (well, chatting, and reviewing code on CR), pretended I was stumped on a nasty bug ("translating" some F'd-up XPath into a recursive object-model search). And this morning I had an "epiphany", and found the solution ...in 3 minutes. The code was getting ancestors, it needed descendants. Nasty bug I'm telling you. Clueless boss is happy, ignorance is bliss.
^^^^ Let me e-mail that to him ;-)
Out of interest, how do you mess that up?
ancestors vs. descendants.
I mean, like, for XPath, descendants is easy to express, and very short.... but ancestors requires ancestors:
    For Each e In model.Elementos

        If e.Tipo = teGlass Then

            If e.Vidrio.Material.Tipo = tmSurfaces Then

                If e.Vidrio.Material.clase = "SLAB" Or e.Vidrio.Material.clase = "SLABP" Then

                    If ((model.Opciones("(44) ENFIGURATION PENTURE") = "NON ENFIGURÉ" Or model.Opciones("(44) ENFIGURATION PENTURE") = "HORS STANDARD") And model.Opciones("(00) SYSTEM") <> "S0") Or ((model.Opciones("(44) ENFIGURATION PENTURE") = "RÉGULIER" Or model.Opciones("(44) ENFIGURATION PENTURE") = "HORS STANDARD") And model.Opciones("(00) SYSTEM") = "S0") Then
Where in this piece of shit does it say that you don't price a "slab" if there's already a "thermos"?
nowhere. it just happens to work, and I can't rewrite it to explicitly state what the business rules are.
that's nothing.
I'm told "it's not your code, you can't just change everything you don't like, it's too risky"
(I don't think anyone here is going to apply for my position now)
Well, for a start, that's a mix of 4 languages.
English, French, XPath, and C#
and Spanish
whatever.... dotcrap.
it's not .net!
pure COM crap
so it's English, French, Spanish, VB6, XPath, SQL, plus the 3rd-party API's object model.
@Mat'sMug The unholy devil of which .net was the equally unholy spawn.
@Mat'sMug I agree with your boss. You shouldn't change anything. You should rip it out and replace the whole thing (I know: "if only I could.")
I was told during my hiring interview that the plan was to rewrite all the VB6 in C#. Haven't seen a blimpse of a project plan for it. Time's up, I'm out.
and they call me a perfectionist...
@Mat'sMug ...and you still wonder why you tend toward wanting to over-SOLIDify the code in your answers?
@JerryCoffin that comment was enlightening!!
are you out.. officially?
@Frank and Mat, actually I found it quite an interesting idea. Starting off, as I did, in standard ANSI C I would have done this 'the good old days' using #if debug pre-processor directives. So, I was completely unaware of this (quite elegant) way of doing things in a 'proper' OOP language. Once again, thanks guys! — Th3Minstr3l 2 hours ago
@rolfl not yet, expecting the offer this week ;)
and then I'll tell them I start in 3 weeks, I'll give 2 weeks notice to my current employer, and enjoy a whole week off to purge my brains of all the crap I've dealt with.
Well, TTYL. Time for me to go get some work done.
^^^ I did that sort of thing, once.
Except, I booked a 3.5 week trip around Europe.
and had a 4 week break between jobs.
that would be ideal, ..but my wife (and budget) wouldn't agree ;)
Should have worked out quite well, except I had a bus-crash on day 3, hospital and other things meant a week in Paris, and then the tour company gave me a new trip....
at least you came back in one piece!
.... which I was happy with, but it was when I was in Austria, or was it Germany.....
that I saw the date.....
And realized I was supposed to be starting a new job, the next day.
I had no contact details, I had no recollection of the person who interviewed me, etc.
I made a long call to the HR folk at the company, talked through various levels, and got out through to the right people.
They delayed my start by 2 weeks, but, it was a surreal experience.
In fact, that whole 6-week span is very fuzzy in my memories ;-)
(the joys of head injuries ;-) ) .... painkillers, and alcohol.
@JerryCoffin so should we change BTW.Work to BTW.FourLetterWord ?
@Malachi - 4 hours to the end of your first election campaign?
I know I am excited. did you see that they rate me higher than that one specific user, I think we all know who I am talking about without actually saying who.
for those of you who haven't voted yet for the two new Superuser Moderators here is the link go vote if you have 150 rep, and if not go answer some questions :) superuser.com/election
@Malachi answering is no problem but create good answers that attract votes is :)
Hey @Jamal
@chillworld Baahhhh... it's easy.
if you want to see what I am all about and how <sarcasm> unorganized </sarcasm>I am ▼▼▼▼ check the link
A: 2014 Moderator Election Q&A - Questionnaire

MalachiI am only going to answer a couple of Questions, there are several Mods already and I believe that one Mod will not be required to do everything all the time, meaning that I should specialize in a couple of mod aspects to compliment the rest of the mods creating a good team atmosphere. I do rea...

@rolfl hi
Q: Which syntax is preferred to create a Hash in Ruby?

Sahil kalraI am writing some code in Ruby on Rails to Create an object. Basically I am passing a hash to the create Method. I could follow below 2 syntax: MyModel.create( :field1 => value1, :field2 => value2 ) Or MyModel.create( field1: value1, field2: value ) Basically since this is related to crea...

@chillworld - I wanted 150 rep.... so I answered a question that was 'easy'. I had no idea:
A: What is this thing on the cord of my IBM model F keyboard?

rolflManufacturing techniques have changed a lot in the past 30? years. That cable assembly is complicated, and build quality is high. The ring-connector is for being screwed in to the keyboard chassis (which is metal, underneath). This will ensure that the keyboard ground is at the same potential as...

hey @Jamal
@rolfl getting votes? ha right just ask for some here :)
@rolfl you know, guru one day...
@Mat'sMug hey
I did not get 32 votes, from asking in here....
(and an accept).
I don't even think it is on-topic for SU.
Q: Java - Object Relational Mapping with large Table

Maciej CyganI am just wondering... Object relational Mapping is a good technique for mapping table into objects but the solution surely wont be neat if you have more than i.e. 15 fields in a Table. What would be the alternative ??. Assume that i have a table with 30+ Fields. Would adapting ORM pattern to s...

@Malachi - he's the potential mod, he should know.
@rolfl didn't say that you did it, I was just saying when I answer something I have to ask for them here :)
Oh... well, that's just the smart thing to do.
@CaptainObvious off-topic
now someone has to post a nice comment on that :)
@rolfl 33 votes now ;)
hehehe.... it's such a basic question/answer on Super User.
Super Monkey
An Object/Relational Mapper maps entities to tables. I'd think it's perfectly fine to not have a 1:1 mapping between entities and tables, but this question isn't about reviewing your working code, which makes it off-topic for this site. Please see our help center for all the details about what makes a question on-topic on Code Review. — Mat's Mug 23 secs ago
@kleinfreund There is a girl on CR, but I've never seen her in chat: codereview.stackexchange.com/users/36120/emily-l
I was just making sure I'm not hurting anyone by saying "guys" in chat.
Q: Traversable memory pool

user3601077I wrote this memory pool as a code sample for a job interview. It provides a per-class memory pool that can offer faster runtime performance for classes that need to be traversable and (de)allocatable during runtime. Specifically, it provides in-order traversal of the allocated data blocks, to i...

Q: Multiinheritance

ValCurrently it is class Type enum Category (Char, Int, Real, Array, Record, Enum, Pointer) String name; Range(left, right) // used in case of array Operation getLeft(); Operation getRight(); getIndexType() getElementType() // applies to array and pointer Map<String, Type> field...

> I also want to eventually refactor its code, to make it a better asset for the open-source community.
I just had a blog post idea :)
good call ;-)
I'm not in a position to review that code though... but I know people here that would be ;)
@Malachi One lining is the way of the gods
@rolfl what are we talking about? sorry I am at work
@rolfl that is on topic for SuperUser
Talking about whether the cable question that I have had unexpected success with, is on-topic on SU.
@rolfl yes it is on-topic for SU
Well, that works for me. Thanks
@Mat'sMug be careful flinging those things around here, computer people don't get a lot of light we scare easily at bright things coming out of nowhere
@SimonAndréForsberg how about @GraceNote?
Sorry mate, only have 118 rep there.
@kleinfreund if you have a good answer to a question they kind of give it away, last week I had something like 200 rep, I couldn't even nominate myself, now I have over 600
almost 700 now
@Malachi Honestly, even if I would have 150 rep there. I don't think I would vote for you.
@SimonAndréForsberg I am sorry to hear that. would you like to explain why?
@SimonAndréForsberg ^^^^ Well, I'm with Simon on this one .... comparing you rhistory against some of the other candidates, it makes little sense to vote for you. There is no point in voting for everyone, and I think that there are thee other candidates who have shown better commitment to the site,and have abetter understanding of its culture, than you. They would make better moderators on Super User (whether they are as competent as you would be technically is a different thing).
(monkey with tact-hat is good!)
@rolfl good answer
I have struggled to understand your motivation on this one ... it has been inevitable that you would never be elected ahead of some of those other candidates..... I would never have thrown in my hat on that one.
Like watching a train wreck ;-)
hell, I would have zero hope on SU.
And I am tze-best-mod-evah!
@Malachi Because if I would have 150 rep, I would nominate MYSELF as moderator! Because I would be tha bast mod evaaaah!
@Malachi No, seriously. See what the monkey wrote ^^
I actually think you came off lighter than I expected... you got lucky that noob and evan nominated themselves.
Those two really were 'scapegoat' candidates.
I did read the answers to the noob's questions, and they were just... horrifying. Didn't notice any evan though.
He got 'kicked out' before things got serious.
I suppose we should be happy about that.
@rolfl not true. apparently being a mod on another site helps out a lot, as opposed to having lots of rep on another site doesn't mean anything. I have access to a lot of moderator tools on CR because of it being in Beta, so I have a little bit of mod experience based on Trust that users here have given
I think you were reading too much in to the other-site mod value.
being a mod on another site has it's advantages, but, I would still need a huge presense on SU to make an impact.
@rolfl the mods said that not me. if I were a mod here, the mods would have at least backed me a little more than they did.
I made note of it somewhere. and then the mod that I was talking to stopped talking after I told them that I do have access to moderator tools on CR
The site 'commitment' comes first, and mod experience (depending on the site.... an SO mod would have little chance unless they gave up that first) comes second.
@rolfl When the about me says "I AM AWESOME"... that's enough!
seriously though, I have been thinking about it, and I don't want to be a moderator. at least not until I can get my wife to Watch Star Trek or BattleStar Galactica or Star Wars or any of those other fun shows with me and like it. I don't think she would understand until we get to that phase
^^^^ hehe ... my wife is the trekkie.
dang it, I forgot Firefly
Firefly ... that's my style.
@rolfl lucky Bastard
and I mean that lovingly.
^^^ for all sorts of reasons I am lucky, and, the trekkyness is the least of it ;-)
@Malachi I think having access to the moderator tools and being a diamond moderator is two entirely different things.
@rolfl me as well. that is why I stopped playing one of my favorite browser games. ugh. wonderful family, they all think I am a nerd. tried to explain that I am a Geek and not a Nerd....but you know how those people are
@SimonAndréForsberg they are, but I have more of an idea than if I didn't have access to them
I get promoted sometime between now and the end of the month so I actually have to do work now for a while.
Congrats ^^^^
I become a Senior Programmer/Analyst
@rolfl thanks
Oh, I became a Senior Programmer/Analyst when I turned 40.
@rolfl (I am not even 30 yet)
Congrats @Malachi!
(At IBM, we choose our own job titles).
Mine is: Developer
That's all people need to know....
I'm supposed to be an analyst-programmer. I call myself a programmer. But that's only because they have a dumb understanding of what an analyst is supposed to be.
@rolfl Jaw Drop I am so Jealous, I would be something cool like Senior Bro Code Administrator
@Mat'sMug NOOOOOOOOOOOOO I am out of stars!!
I must need to work more....
I still have a fire or two to put out
@Malachi if you're not out of votes you could always contribute to call this a nice answer ;)
using-stacking - FTW ... Wow, that was ugly before.
Did you pick up on the typo: DataServie <--- missing a c
I saw it, but didn't bother putting it in the review... thanks!
yay! Now only 300 points behind @SimonAndréForsberg!
wow scary shit:
Q: Paypal sent an email addressing me with one of my old passwords as my name

NatI got this email from [email protected], with the title: Your account has been limited until we hear from you. I think this is a scam / spoof email because I don't see any notification in my Paypal account and this is Hotmail account is not used as my Paypal login. (It used to be not any...

Looks like a sloppy phisher has done you a huge favor by notifying you. — Digital Chris yesterday
@Mat'sMug What do you mean "only"?
@SimonAndréForsberg </sarcasm>
Q: Is my codes correct according OOP (PHP)?

Rijalul fikriStudent http://semisalsaja.com/sekolah/student.asmx?WSDL - studentList Mentor http://semisalsaja.com/sekolah/mentor.asmx?WSDL - mentorList study http://semisalsaja.com/sekolah/study.asmx?WSDL - studyList I'm trying to get data from some SOAP resources (mentioned above). And these are my codes...

@CaptainObvious thanks @Jamal!
And I have to leave for my last final (calc III) very soon. So nervous. This will be my toughest one.
Break a leg integral!
triple integrals. :-/
@Jamal you'll do great.
All the best .... final final!
then you can be ex static.
Two finals in one, actually (one required, the other optional for extra credit).
(expects @Jamal to get back home when it's all over with, and sleep tonight)
Sleep? I'll be playing games again. :-)
Q: Generic observer pattern implementation in C++

user1560102Implemented observers in C++11 in a generic and statically accessible way. Though an instance is created, it's used only for cleanup and lifetime management. template<typename... Args> class Observers { private: unordered_map<int, vector<function<void(Args...)>>> observers; static Observers

@rolfl You didn't want to go with "Code Monkey"?
Huh ... now, there's a thought.
@Jamal TS
Q: Binary tree in C

2013AskerIt's a regular binary tree with the possibility to set functions for when an element is inserted and when it's deleted. I also wrote a function to balance the tree once it reaches a certain number of nodes. I benchmarked and there was a 30% reduction on the number of cycles it took the program to...

I would like to get the first blog post contest started. In ten days we'd like to nominate an opening post for our upcoming blog, but a contest requires some degree of competition. So before you upvote an existing proposal, do what we always do here – realize you could do it better! Writing is fun, and you still have time to polish it.
Q: Code Review Blog - Post One Contest

Mat's MugWhat's this about? Looks like Code Review wants a blog. There's people that are willing to contribute. And we have a plan for the first 7 posts. There's something special about the first post on a [hypothetical] shiny new blog. We only make a first impression once. Sharpen up! Let's put the...

I wrote a proposal of my own to get the ball rolling, but I'm sure someone else here has nice ideas as well.
this sounds a little like another answer I have seen somewhere..... cough (superuser.com/a/744715/162960) cough only more step by step and specific to your issue. — Malachi 16 secs ago
@amon you revived Clippy!
@Mat'sMug yes, I revived Zombie Clippy from the dead. I'm not sure beginning our blog with such a hated thing is a good idea – see, that's something someone else could do better in his/her proposal.
Thanks for getting the ball rolling ;)
Should it be 1024 chars excluding the markdown?
the char limit was really just to avoid having actual blog entries posted on meta.
@Mat'sMug the question is absolutely clear what the rules currently are: markdown is included. Anyway, it's just an arbitrary limit on the outline, so it doesn't actually matter. I don't think anyone is going to “wc -m” each proposal
The Stack Exchange read-only test is starting now, DNS failover will happen over the next 5 minutes.
it better not mess up my session
https does not work any more on my network :\
I didn't win
surprise surprise
Well, I think you were courageous for trying ;-)
@rolfl TS
(check the date).
@rolfl Pin that and star it
in The Nineteenth Byte, 1 min ago, by durron597
Q: Does P&CG need a new moderator?

durron597P&CG is over 3 years old now. I hope one day it gets out of beta, I have a lot of fun here... even though I mostly pose questions rather than answering them myself. Anyway, I checked the recent posting activity of our moderators, and... it was not great, both in the main site and in meta. @Doork...

@rolfl seen the very last comment at the bottom? ;)
There are a number of great resources from there.
is this considered cheating?
in The Nineteenth Byte, 1 min ago, by Rusher
@Malachi You have two answers here. I hereby pronounce you part of the commmunity.
@rolfl we need to invite Doorknob for this conversation. :P
@hichris123 - no, we don't.
This is not an appropriate conversation for here.
Aww, really? :(
@rolfl @Malachi Can't star. Pinning instead. We don't have any other pins at the moment so why not.
It was worth the read
@SimonAndréForsberg I love it. I am going to use it as the excuse why I am on this site all day long....lol JK
I have openly supported (and still do) Doorknob to be a new mod, and I know others who have expressed the same view. Additionally, I have made my endorsement known to the SE community team. — Chris Jester-Young ♦ 19 mins ago
Wait, what... he isn't a moderator already?
Lol, no. I suppose I'm Chief Exectuive Leading Moderator Officer of the Great CG/CR War™ though. :P
Calc III test(s) sucked, but at least finals are over now.
Hey Jamal
@Doorknob - @Malachi - lets keep the PCG mod conversations in PCG forums.
Q: Better way of removing duplicates from list and filtering non-letter characters

Josh RobertsI'm just starting out in Haskell and have been set an assignment for uni where I have to create a reverse index of words in a text file and find what line numbers they appear on. I also have to remove any stop words like 'the' or 'and' that aren't needed. so far I have this, but I feel that ther...

@rolfl ... How DARE you insult our site and call us a FORUM! >:O
Judging by the number of questions PCG has in their tags, there won't be anyone earning Generalist there anytime soon...
@rolfl I was funnin.
Yeah, but I am not.
if I don't have to be online more than I am I wouldn't mind being a mod. but if I have to be online any more than I am it wouldn't work for me, but wait I am online almost all day anyway....lol
@Doorknob We all know that in the end, good code beats bad code. PCG will be going down!
@SimonAndréForsberg Your code is fatter than ours. It's too slow. We will win the race! :P
Slow and fat are not the same things ;-)
in The Nineteenth Byte, 6 mins ago, by TheDoctor
My Dog for Moderator!
@TheDoctor - discussions about PCG moderators are off topic here.
@TheDoctor no star for you
I found a ChatBot that I am going to set up on my always up Linux Box at home when I get there
someone remind me, I sent myself the link
Monkey has a potential [badge:populist] here:
A: Custom indexOf() without String methods

rolflComplexity Pedantically, the time-complexity is \$ O( m \times n ) \$, where m is str.length and n is substr.length. This matters when \$ \left| m-n \right| \$ is large. The Space complexity is \$ O(1) \$. You do not allocate any size-based memory structures. Safety It all looks good. There a...

Monkey's answer needs 3 more up votes. Accepted answer needs one more.
Q: Saving and Loading Game with XNA

JimmyI am trying to save and load a game with XNA. I'm not too sure on how to do this, I don't fully understand it either. I have been researching and reading and I ended up with this code. Is this correct? So far, in this save, I am only trying to save the player position. I want to be able to press...

@SimonAndréForsberg Pimpin ... ? ;-) Thanks
@rolfl I thought you could deserve a 5th gold-badge!
Thanks .... I worked hard for my last two badges (steward and generalist)....
Then I keep getting badges thrown at me from other sites at the moment.
@rolfl: Could you please post those Generalist queries here?
Q: Stack Exchange Data Explorer is up. What now, Wonderland?

Mat's MugIf you didn't know already, the Stack Exchange Data Explorer (SEDE) now includes Code Review and all public StackExchange beta sites. Bookmark: http://data.stackexchange.com/codereview/queries This is our most powerful available tool to tap into our site's data and fetch everything we need ...

Sure, you going to work for it?
Q: Always call function only once when executing a script

Hedgei've got a class like this one below. I introduced the loghelper-function to create the necessary logging-elements. All 3 functions (start, function1, function2) can be run via console with rails r "Foo.start seperately I'm looking for an elegant solution to make sure @logger is created before ...

Q: Shortcut script for elusive grep command

KoverasThis is an example of my filesystem: /code/ internal/ dev/ main/ public/ dev/ main/ release/ tools/ /code/internal/dev/, /code/public/dev/ and /code/tools/ contain subdirectories for multiple projects. I work almost exclusively in the dev branches of /code/internal/ and /code/public/, a...

I could try for it, but I'm not sure what else I can do myself. Would I just need to seek out questions from three more tags that I can answer well?
@rolfl That's not good. You should be getting CR badges. Or well... perhaps now you leave some badges for us :)
Howdy folks
@Koveras No, the right thing to say at this time of day is: Goodnight folks!!
Too early for my bedtime
You must be in euroland
He is.... Sweden ... cheers @SimonAndréForsberg
I will be slaving away at work for at least another half hour, at which point I will go slave away at home
I am working on creating a bot, if I get it working I will try to create a new user specifically for the Bot.
well not creating
rather using one that was created by someone else. but i am going to run it on my Linux machine I think
A: Stack Exchange Data Explorer is up. What now, Wonderland?

rolflGeneralist badge, and your progression. Generalist is a badge that is awarded if you have a score of 15 for at least 20 of the top 40 tags on the site. SmallPrint: The top-40 tags are ranked by counting the number of not-closed questions that have that tag. There need to be more than 200 ques...

this user is going to be the user I use for the bot, so please fix the answer if it needs it, but I think it is right, please upvote a little bit
A: Saving and Loading Game with XNA

user42008This little piece of code can be changed to include using statements so that no matter what this stuff is disposed of and doesn't leave connections open or leak memory StorageContainer container = device.EndOpenContainer(r); if (container.FileExists(filename)) container.DeleteFil...

This question looks off-topic:
Q: Saving and Loading Game with XNA

JimmyI am trying to save and load a game with XNA. I'm not too sure on how to do this, I don't fully understand it either. I have been researching and reading and I ended up with this code. Is this correct? So far, in this save, I am only trying to save the player position. I want to be able to press...

wait, have I just upvoted a bot? @Malachi == @BlueCheeseMonster?

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