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I don't know that Netbeans has adequate Scala support, so I wouldn't be able to use it these days.
I use Code::Blocks. But syntax highlighting kind of sucks.
Probably because there isn't any semantic highlighting.
I don't think netbeans 8.0 supports Scala out of the box, so then you're asking for troubles
Ouch @Morwenn
Actually, I've got to go, I see it's 11pm here already...
Take care, @skiwi.
@skiwi One of the reasons I use Code::Blocks instead of Eclipse/Netbeans is because I find the compiler options easy to configure :)
Q: Matching items in different arrays and performing operations on them

mariosangiorgioI have a data structure that uses a Dictionary<ID,TimeSeries> to hold time series for different products. TimeSeries is implemented as something holding an array of Point, which contain a DateTime and a double. Its interface is: TimeSeries{ int Length{ get; } Point ElementAt(int index);...

Upgraded to status as a new rule:
A: Can I edit my own question to include revised code? Also, how to handle iterative reviews?

200_successYou have several options for follow-ups: If one of the answers gives you good advice with clear directions for improving your code, just accept the best answer and upvote any other answers you feel were helpful. The checkmark that you confer is the best way to show appreciation on this site, a...

Sigh. A reply to a comment I made:
What a stupid comment. The poster wants similar numbers, not equal numbers. Times like "18:00:00" and "18:00:09" together. NSDictionary doesn't do that. If you are so clever, post some code that does this faster without sorting. — gnasher729 8 hours ago
Don't fight guys. Be cool. Make me pardon. That was my fault. i made mistakes in representing my question. — DipakSonara 3 hours ago
I like this OP.
That's a pretty good job of taking my side without taking my side...
It bothers me though when my answers get downvoted because I'm the only person that left a comment on another answer that someone else downvoted.
Happens somewhat often.
Yeah, but good thing I was here to upvote the question huh?
Just another reason why I can't get myself to participate more on SO.
I didn't plan to get any rep today and ended with 155 rep.
155 more than yesterday.
I've had quite a slowdown of rep lately, but that's mainly due to school. Now that I'm at 10K, I'm not in any rush.
I have a hard time upvoting questions that are similar enough to questions I remember answering before. They're different enough that I'm not sure I can mark as duplicate, but similar enough that if I were stuck on that problem, I'd be able to figure it out by looking at the other question.
And, oddly, I have had an unusual, unexpected 2-days at repmax.
That 'silly' game of answering that 1-liner pushed me much further than I expected.
Basically, I have a hard time upvoting questions that I feel the OP could've figured out on their own with just a little more Googling.
And that applies to SO... not CR.
You can't quite google CR, really.
The way I look at it, is if I am willing to spend the time answering the question, then it can't be left un-voted.... either the question pissed me off for some reason, in which case I down-vote, or I upvote if it was worth my time.
Hmm, that's an interesting way to look at it.
Maybe I'll start upvoting any question I answer, by default.
Also, I'm 89 SO upvotes away from 10k.
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21234335/nstimer-does-not-stop/21234519#21234519 is 1 away from 10 upvotes.
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20720186/how-does-subtracting-the-character-0-from-a-char-change-it-into-an-int/20720381#20720381 is 2 away from 10 upvotes.
On SO, I find it harder to determine if a question if worthy of an upvote, and that's without using the OP's rep as bias.
stackoverflow.com/questions/21446018/… is 1 away from 15 upvotes... but that's not any sort of a milestone is it?
I think people think too much about using voting as a ranking system... i.e. only vote to change the order of the answers.
Well, I do think that the best answers should have the most votes...
The only time I do that is if a non-answer should drop to the very bottom.
And I think that the best answers should be at the top.
Anyway, I vote differently... if I spend time reading a question/answer, then I normally vote on it.... either the person spent the time researching things, and posted a good question/answer, and they get +1... if they are wrong, or lazy, or jerks, they get -1. There are very few times I read a full post, and leave it un-voted.
If I don't read the 'best' answer, I won't vote on it..... (but if I get on to a particular page, I normally read the whole thing, so I end up napalming things often.
some +, and some -
I rarely upvote more than 2 answers.
@Jamal That's what down-votes are for.
I have a hard time upvoting an answer that says the same thing as another answer, but was posted an hour later.
And, if I down-vote an answer, I am normally pretty sure I'll get my rep back anyway.
As for questions, it helps with the cleanup process for questions that don't get improved and receive upvotes.
@nhgrif I agree, there are the in-between ones.
I often down-vote blatant dupes though.
Yeah. It's pretty rare to downvote an answer and not get rep back.
What has also annoyed me is when I post an answer. The answer starts with the example code at top, then 3-4 paragraphs of explanations, caveats, etc.
Then 30 minutes later, another answer pops up and is ONLY the example code, which is pretty much a copy of my example code. And this answer gets marked as accepted rather than mine.
Although, here's an answer I downvoted and still haven't got my rep back on: stackoverflow.com/a/21234451/2792531
Almost 2K!
pew pew
Please consider casting a reopen vote on this spectacularly improved question:
Q: Bash script to clone all public repos or gists for a specified user, optionally to a directory of choice

chrisopedia#!/usr/bin/env bash # Check if git is installed, if not bail if [[ ! "$(type -P 'git')" ]]; then printf "$(tput setaf 1)⊘ Error:$(tput sgr0) %s. Aborting!\n" "Git is required to use $(basename "$0")" printf "\n" printf "Download it at http://git-scm.com" exit 2 fi # Check if jq ...

I'm getting close to 2k here too. 1,835. But I'm more interested in 10k on SO. ;)
I'm stuck in that no-milestone-land between 5K and 10K, so don't mind me.
@Jamal That guy's really good :)
Today, I rewrote a SQL query that was taking 2.5 seconds down to under 0.1 seconds.
Hmm, still awaiting the merge... github.com/yarrick/iodine/pulls
That's many stars and forks for a project.
@Morwenn It reached the top post on Hacker News at one point.
Impressive :o
Thanks Santa!
The only somewhat big project I contributed to was Zelda Solarus DX.
@Morwenn Nice, how did you contribute?
@syb0rg I found many bugs in the game (including a big one that allowed to skip some parts of the game).
And I fixed the CMake file so that it could work with Windows.
@Morwenn Nice. My brother made a patch to Minecraft once.
That's something to brag about :D
This is my open source contribution: github.com/nhgrif/SQLConnect/tree/master/SQLConnect
I also helped to spot an inconsistency in libstdc++, but it wasn't even a bug...
@nhgrif 67.8% C?
That's my contributions to the open source World. Almost none :3
Maybe. I haven't counted lines.
Objective-C is a strict super set of C, and that project is an Objective-C wrapper on a C-library, so a lot of my code is plain C.
@nhgrif I know, but I'm only seeing the Obj-C stuff. Maybe I need to dig deeper.
Well, there's a lot of pure C stuff in this file: github.com/nhgrif/SQLConnect/blob/master/SQLConnect/… but it's an Objective-C file with plenty of ObjC stuff in it too.
But THIS folder has 11 pure C headers: github.com/nhgrif/SQLConnect/tree/master/SQLConnect/FreeTDS
Hey redstoners (... what?), let's all go give @shadowjay1 a big hug for helping to fix the bug where diodes get stuck on load.
@nhgrif Oh, the headers.
Yeah. And some of them are really... really... really big.
I should add something to those headers to make them look like ObjC headers so my project will be properly labeled as ObjC.
@nhgrif This header could maybe use an enum instead of multiple defines: github.com/nhgrif/SQLConnect/blob/master/SQLConnect/FreeTDS/…
I tried to mimick some parts of the STL in C99 once but never made the code available.
Probably, but that's a FreeTDS header. So far, I haven't touched ANY code in those files.
Psh, it won't break the code.
(at least, it shouldn't...)
I haven't looked at the uncompiled code that's in that .a and I don't know what, if any possible repercussions there could be
Probably none, but all the same.
It's an open source project that's been around for 15+ years or so... I'd rather not touch that code.
Open Source contributions:0, tiredness: over 9000. Night everybody...
Goodnight @Vogel612
@nhgrif I recently edited the open-source MD5.c file in this project: github.com/syb0rg/iodine/blame/…
I found it interesting that they didn't declare variables within the for loop.
C89 standards, maybe backwards compatibility? They still need to get with the times.
A: Why is Stack Overflow so negative of late?

Mysticial Why is Stack Overflow so negative of late? I hate to pile on, but I couldn't resist summarizing the problem. And I apologize ahead of time for any potentially offensive language that I might use. Basically there are 4 camps of users on Stack Overflow: The "enthusiasts and caretakers" who ...

You stalking me?
Guilty. :]
@Jamal I'm definately in group 4. :P
Sounds like 4 is doing the least amount of hating.
I'm in group 1, but I lack the rep to do more.
And 1 is doing the most.
I'm going to sleep.
See you tomorrow (or later, depends on where you live) :)
@Morwenn Good night!
okay, gonna go play Europa Universalis for a bit.
I'm somewhere between group 1 and 4 with a heavy leaning towards 4 :/. I just can't handle SO's drain anymore. I'm glad that meta post is happening. I hope some solutions come out of it, and not just 30 answers giving different perspectives on the problem.
@Corbin Same here. Nowadays I just vote and flag stuff. It's my way of allowing the crap to go away, although more crap always follows.
@amon Is branching with git used mostly with developing different versions of the same software?
That's what I'm getting the feeling that it should be used for.
@Jamal Yeah. I think that's why I'm slumping into group #4. I used to try to combat the crap, but not only is it dumb as a brick, it fights back. SO's quality has gone to complete and utter non-sense in the past 6 months. For every 1 good question, there are 200 terrible ones. It's just not a maintainable system, I'm afraid. I thought for a long time I had just grown tired of SO and was developing a cynical bias. Based on that meta post though... Perhaps not.
@syb0rg Good question. While branches are not terribly useful for different versions, they could be used for that. The most common way to use branches is with the “Git flow”, where branches have different roles: release branches, development, and feature branches
@Corbin Even if I were an SO mod, there would be way too much crap to clean up. Sometimes I think SO should just keep out new questions while it cleans out the crap it still has floating around. I know that won't happen, though.
@amon Ohh, nice link. Thanks.
@Jamal until the attitude changes, it wouldn't help. You would just get a new flood of trash within a day of reopening. How to actually stem the flow of trash... that's a good question. Bad questions are fairly consistently closed/downvoted, but somehow they keep rushing in. I don't know if the posters just aren't learning, or if the community of programmers as a whole has a problem. (I think it's both, really.)
I see it at my university all the time. People are unwilling to learn. As a people, we've stopped thinking. Why bother pondering a problem and trying to find a solution ourselves when google exists and we can just spew our crap out into the world? I'm afraid though that we're reaching a tipping point where at first only 3% of people did that. Then 5. Then 20. Then 30. And now, sometimes I feel like only about 10% of people are actually willing to think.
It's frightening, and I think SO is the biggest manifestation of it I've ever seen. It's literally a festering place for brain-dead zombies attempting to skate through a career or school by leeching others' knowledge. The problem is that the knowledgeable group is shrinking too fast for the leeches to keep clinging on.
@Corbin They are all in this room :P
@syb0rg In all seriousness, CR is one of the best groups of people I've ever met. Everyone here truly enjoys thinking and seeking out improvement. It's very refreshing to meet people who care about what they do and are deeply passionate about not just continual self-improvement but also trying as hard as they can to help others reach their full potentials and hone their skills.
Awww.... shucks....
@Corbin And I certainly see it in mine as well. I remember last semester when a professor of mine openly said that some students have cheated on a project, and received zeros. I, on the other hand, mostly had to do the projects myself, and my grades were fair based on my understanding. But if I'm ever told to write a sorting algorithm (excluding bubble sort) myself... :-/
I'm glad he caught them. Waaaay to much cheating goes uncaught. And I don't think many people could write many of the non-trivial sorting algorithms without heavily leaning on some kind of reference material. I certainly couldn't x.x.
Well, it's a philosophical thing now... how much you have to learn vs. how much you need to be able to reference when you need it.
The life-skill right now is being able to sort what yo need from the crap of the internet.
Yeah, true
Renewed user? Needs votes anyhow:
"when I was younger" I had to get my library card and walk the dewey aisles to understand things, and, if I forgot it, I needed to repeat the 3 hour exercise.... knowledge was expensive..... Now I don't need to invest the time, and copy/paste to the rescue.
@Corbin I still pride myself in improvising, on a test, an algorithm for traversing a singly linked-list backwards, and getting full credit. :-)
Back peddling a bit, I think another major problem with CS now is group work. A while back CS programs got this idea in their head that CS students are bad at working together and thus should be forced into groups at every chance possible. The problem is that weaker students are allowed to hide behind the accomplishments of others in those situations. It's not their fault either. They're never forced to learn.
Imagine: freshman year, you're put on a team. You're using C++. You've never used it. One of your teammates used it in high school to do a bit of hobby game tinkering. He's great at it. He could help you learn it. You could learn it on your own. You only have a week though, and the project isn't started. Is he going to teach you? Are you going to learn it? No, he's going to do it in 1/8th the time actually doing it as a group would take.
Then suddenly next semester you're on a team. Oh shit. You still don't know C++ very well. What are you going to do? Luckily your teammate knows it. Rinse and repeat. It's a sad state of affairs, but it's the way the system is rigged.
@Jamal Nice :D
Hmm, how was this never spotted?
A: Django models: different methods on each instance?

MarkNot many suggestions so I turned the second solution into a small module: https://bitbucket.org/mverleg/django_instance_class_mixin Takes care of part of the first point, I think it's a better solution overall.

That also seems true. In computer system security, we are put into groups, but it would be harder to do the projects individually because the security lab has a small number of computers. The material is also quite tough, and not as simple as writing some skimpy C++ program (we used some C anyway).
Yeah, and especially with tough material it makes sense.
It's mostly term projects it bothers me on.
Hey @undergroundmonorail
I have a senior exit interview next week, and I'm really torn if I want to get into this or not. I think my department has a major problem, but I suspect they know and don't care.
@undergroundmonorail How's it going?
(And to an extent, I think it's my own fault. My team-work skills could certainly be better....)
@syb0rg Not bad, how are you?
@undergroundmonorail Pretty good. Not doing too much though.
@Corbin I don't think we have such a thing here. We do have these CS project classes (software engineering, human factors, theory of automata), and you have to choose one.
@syb0rg I feel you
@undergroundmonorail I feel like my memory is failing me. I think I have stuff to do, but I can't really remember what it is... :P
@Jamal we have a weirdly high amount of classes that involve team-based term projects: software engineering, databases, capstone, and AI (though AI is a tech elective, not required).
Anyway, I'm going to grab some dinner before I spin further into a cynical huff :D.
Later! I should get something to eat as well.
I'm glad that Android will update a music app while music is playing so it stops and you have to get up and find your phone to turn it back on again. Excellent UX decision.
Ahh, I remembered something I have to do! I have to commit to a college.
Wait, I can get stars for frustrated sarcasm? 90% of what I say is frustrated sarcasm! I should spend more time here.
@undergroundmonorail first-world problems .... ;-)
@rolfl The best part is that if I was wearing normal headphones, I could have just followed the cord, but specifically because I'm wearing my nice Bluetooth ones I had to get up.
@undergroundmonorail first-world problems .... ;-) ++

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