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20 hours ago, by Mat's Mug
and post real links FTW!
damn right!
<-- searched the transcript for the last 3 minutes
love this:

03-19 09:58:26.140      880-895/system_process E/AndroidRuntime﹕ Error reporting WTF
(open logs, Ctrl+F, "WTF", [ENTER])
"Code Quality is measured in WTF per minute" - Page one (after preamble) of CleanCode
I loved that book, I'll probably give it another read in the near future!
Well as mentioned above..
Had a refactoring session this morning..
there was a LOT of WTF..
you know I thought that when people were writing FTW on the internet that it meant "F*** The World" up until about 2 months ago. now I can't figure out if it means "For The Win" or the other thing when people say it.
can someone please have microsoft fix the memory filling of "svchost.exe -netsvc"
@Malachi WTF???
@Malachi: you mean FTW?
anyone have the link to that game handy?
it's WTF or FTW..
so.. here is the beauty of not putting in brackets all the time :P
@Nobody that's what I said
@Malachi: :P
I kinda wish you could not put brackets around method bodies if it was a one liner... like with everything else
@BenVlodgi quit Trolling me
@Nobody Damn it
@Malachi lolwut?
@Malachi are you a bracket lover?
@BenVlodgi I like being organized
anyone care to Validate my parking (Answer on StackOverflow)?
A: how to use phpfastcache?

Malachiyou don't have a set of <php> tags surrounding this set of php statements $shorting = $conn->prepare("SELECT text,time FROM small WHERE active='0' ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 10"); $shorting->execute(); while($obj = $shorting->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)){ this code doesn't look like it functions, and ...

@Nobody shame on you you almost made my chrome crash..
@Vogel: How so?
moar gifs
such play
much doge
@Vogel612 I can (really) kill your Chrome with a link: demo.cmrg.net (WARNING:don't click if you can't accept all chrome tabs to crash)
I'd bet..
but i really like my webradio..
wow.. 587 unanswered questions... we'll be at 96% soon! ..wait no,. 599 unanswered, 587 with no upvoted answer
and I have stuff to do..
dat 15 upvotes haskell question still around??
@Nobody LOL that was good
@Malachi: What?
@Nobody I tried to open the link in another window and it still crashed all the tabs....but I just restored....lol
I warned you :)
I'm not clicking that link
@Malachi brackets can organize.... but they can also clutter
I find it amazing that such an innocent link can crash the whole browser
and the problem is known for some time
@BenVlodgi where do you stand on auto-properties?
@BenVlodgi if brackets clutter than you probably have bigger issues, cough Nesting cough to Cough if Statements cough Or loops
@Malachi no... they just take up space... and nested everything is OP
@Mat'sMug I dig em in C#
@BenVlodgi and nested everything is OP?
I mean like Nesting 5 deep or more
@Mat'sMug depends on if I need to make private changes or not without updating the public, idk
@Malachi @Nobody OP = Over Powered
OP=objectionable programming?
@Malachi give me 9 nested pls
@BenVlodgi sorry I misphrased that. I meant get-only properties...
@Mat'sMug like
int MyProp {get;}
public string Foo { get; private set; }


private readonly string _foo;
public string Foo { get { return _foo; } }
@BenVlodgi I have learned to only nest when I need to. I don't know if I could
thats @Mat'sMug oh... most certainly do an auto property
@Nobody you know what's behind that link?
and in this case too?
public string Foo { get; private set; }
public Bar Foo { get; private set; }


private readonly Bar _foo;
public Bar Foo { get { return _foo; } }
it's not accepting http: -requests, but accepts https: (and crashes)
Q: Clean,efficient and extensible code for querying collections

Alex TheedomI recently wrote code that would query a collection of objects and rank them according to a given criteria and then filter based on an object property. I attach the code below. I would like to know if my approach can be improved upon such as made more efficient and extensible. Is there a better a...

@Vogel612: It is a demo page for this Chrome error (it triggers a TLS handshake which crashes Chrome)
The more DI I write, the more private readonly fields I'm having, and the fewer I [need to|can] use auto-properties..
so probably a custom written script
@Mat'sMug aslong as that is valid, which I think it is... readonly can be set in the constructor... so it can't be set by an outside source
and not a webserver
@Mat'sMug DI, Dependency Injection?
well you can resolve the ip by commandline
works just as well ;)
@BenVlodgi that's the idea; a readonly backing field is explicit about it - the dependency is constructor-injected and the property can only have a getter. With a private set property it's not as explicit.
you get a 403 with http though.
@Vogel612 yeah but posting IPs looks evil :)
yeah DI==Dependency Injection
@Mat'sMug ohhh, it does still throw an error
not if you're messing with it within the same class
Personally I would just use an auto, because I'm a minimalist. But in this case there is real reason to not. Since they don't result in the same output, you're totally justified in using a backing store.
@Mat'sMug .... it should
No... you can't have readonly properties at all
my mistake
in which case, you must do it your way
out of curiosity, do you need it to be readonly, or could you be using constants
Most of the time when I have a field, it's because I have a corresponding constructor parameter - the field is readonly so if I need that exposed I'll put a get-only property. Or I'm writing a ViewModel class (: INotifyPropertyChanged) and will need to have logic in the setter, so autoproperties can't do.
@Mat'sMug right... that is one annoying thing about Auto-Properties, is that you can't have them trigger the property changed thing
or have auto Dependency properties.... but I understand why... auto DP would be nuts
thats what snipps are for
Yay! ReSharper FTW!
I don't has
oh you're missing out!
best $200 I ever spent :)
I know... at my old job, we did C# software development, and they were just testing out re-sharper before I got there, and they were getting it approved and stuff, and were getting it back right after I left
I don't even know what im missing out on o_O
they put "intelli" in IntelliSense, for one thing ;)
@Mat'sMug: To sell more of it? ^^
they call it that way for Visual C++ too and it got dumber every time I used it ^^
lol, I mean with R# the code auto-completion just seems to... read your mind.
Q: Can anyone this asp.net + jQuery code

Customized NameI am getting list of badCatsNames from webservices, now I have two asp.net bulleted lists here, Bulleted List 1 - Available Cats Belleted List 2 - Purchasing Cats Now I need to check each bad cat name if bad cat is in available cats list, if bad cat name is then take her out of Available Cats...

^^ missing a verb?
the verb is "this"
now make something of it
@Mat'sMug thats how I feel about normal intellisense... but, I guess I'll just have to see
You can do


without having declared or written/implemented "foo", and then later when you do


you get "Bar()" in the code completion list. You can write an entire method like this, and then right-click "foo" and tell R# "create that class for me"
hold on
that is pretty cool
gotta love Java Stacktraces...
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
	at company.crm.model.validators.CustomDateConstraintValidator.isValid(CustomDateConstraintValidator.java:34) [classes:]
	at company.crm.model.validators.CustomDateConstraintValidator.isValid(CustomDateConstraintValidator.java:11) [classes:]
	at org.hibernate.validator.engine.ConstraintTree.validateSingleConstraint(ConstraintTree.java:278) [hibernate-validator-4.2.0.Final.jar:4.2.0.Final]
	... 47 more
@BenVlodgi ever tried to rename a namespace?
and the method:
@Mat'sMug I have
 boolean isValid(Date validationValue, ValidationContext context){
        // ....
     catch(Exception e){
         log (e);
         return false;
PITA right?
(the thing no longer compiles, you have to update every single usage manually, etc.)
R# refactor/rename makes it a breeze - and it even suggests names for your types, based on context/usage. And it updates literal strings and comments, too.
Q: Better way to get child

RonI have the following Code to get ImageColorPicker child: foreach (CustomTabItem customTabItem in SelectedWindowsTabControl.Items) { TabItem ti = tabControl.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromItem(customTabItem) as TabItem; Popup popup = (Helpers.FindVisualChild<Popup>(ti) as Popup); ...

ok I'm done with the R# infomercial (sorry about that!) - get the demo :)
@StackExchange lol @title - pill.Forget(); is one pretty good way.
@that is actually super awesome about the namespaces
and you can Ctrl+Click on any type to go to definition - and it adds a go to implementation shortcut to the context menu, which is awesome when your code is depending on abstractions and "go to definition" just takes you to an interface!
nah, title is ok - funny titles draw attention ;) (pill.Forget(); would be a good way!) — Mat's Mug 3 mins ago
@Mat'sMug: I dislike "false" advertisement
same title would definitely have a different meaning here ^^
why haz you got banner ??
copied link address from shortcut?
I just realized that I am currently the only owner of a C zombie.
alright heading over to [meta.stackoverflow.se]
@Vogel612 What's the problem?
@Simon try with magic link
Don't write any spaces or other stuff, just the link and the link only.
What magic link?
why the inconsistency..
magic links are allowed inline..
and the banner is actually a oneboxing..
The remaining C++ zombies are rather hard to take down...
A: Better way to get child

Mat's MugI don't like a class that's just called Helpers - that's generally a code smell, something that ends up a big dumping ground for anything that doesn't quite fit anywhere else. Be more specific when naming things, perhaps VisualHierarchyHelper would be a better name? I'm using a very similar meth...

Yay! Today: -90.. I need more answers :)
new user who seems very active for now codereview.stackexchange.com/users/38995/dave-yarwood
I wonder what he understands under music programming language
one where you program music
or one in which you program using music
I would go for : one in which you program using music
is music turing complete?
@Nobody given the fact you just need to specify a syntax which is... yea..
you can in fact assume, that either one frequency is one statement, or one note is one statement.
then you can map them to shortened bitwise operations...
and you got something along the lines of golfscript/f/brainfuck
which is surely not the language he is dreaming about
probably yea...
I mean it is trivial to map any source of symbols to any other so you could basically use music as "typewriter" for every language out there
the question is: is music itself a (turing complete) language
well you try to parse music, go ahead...
question is more... what is music, and do I need to check every aspect of it?
:P it's not my dream ^^
Does anyone here recognize this structure as something they've seen before.. or know of its name?
this is a .vmf
@Ben did they really do that??
but I'm curious if anyone knows of a broader name for this type of file format
Valve map file
and its for maps before they've been compiled
once used in game, they are bsps
that's plain JSON... without ':'...
almost look like json
@Nobody you see any < / >??
it's missing the : though
see above..
as far as I can tell YAML allows at least to omit the ,
Q: trying to create Login

Akar MuhamadI'm new to PHP and web development in General. Is this a good coding style for me as a beginner? Don't care about password hashing I use md5 which is as far as I know, it's not good encryption method. and I'm trying to create just the login (for now)... anyway here is my code : connection.php ...

tell this your wife and you are dead
@Mat'sMug also [tag:every-object-has-ToString()]
Q: Add a "don't migrate crap" migration 'path' to all sites

MichaelTDon't Migrate Crap This is the golden rule of migrations. And we do it far too often. I'll even admit to it. Its sometimes difficult to justify to one's self to spend more time drafting a custom off topic reason to say it when it is more work than the OP has spent putting into writing the que...

@Jamal: If it does not fulfill the quality minimum for the migration target and is off topic on the site what else does the "don't migrate crap" path do than give you close as off topic?
I don't even know. But I like to think this will help with not having crap being migrated to other sites.
Yeah but as migration path?
It would be better if there was an "are you sure" dialog that sports "DON'T. MIGRATE. CRAP!" to remind people of this
@Nobody that would be nice too
Good afternoon
@Jamal I dumped an edit-suggestion there. Why did you not Jamalize that yet, I wonder..
@Nobody I'm sure someone will migrate it anyway.
@skiwi nice to see you back ;)
however, all these solutions might have the problem that you simply get used to ignoring them during valid migrations
hello @skiwi
Pimpin ain't easy
@Vogel612 The one from 8 hours ago?
Q: Is this wonderful query the only way?

MalachiI created a linked server in SSMS so that I could run reports on a SpiceWorks SQLite database. there are a few quirks in the whole system. These simple queries are becoming some of the most expensive queries on my reporting SQL Server, I kind of know why, is there a way that I can do this diffe...

@Jamal just right now;)
@Jamal: Yeah but this problem isn't solved by any system that allows migration of crap ^^
Thanks @Vogel612 and @Nobody
@Vogel612 Hm. I don't see a new one.
And I still need to install the proper Netbeans 8 and Java 8... me lazy
Q: Is this wonderful query the only way?

MalachiI created a linked server in SSMS so that I could run reports on a SpiceWorks SQLite database. there are a few quirks in the whole system. These simple queries are becoming some of the most expensive queries on my reporting SQL Server, I kind of know why, is there a way that I can do this diffe...

well, my measly 200 rep on MSO might get in the way a bit there..
Caused by: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: end
	at java.util.regex.Matcher.region(Matcher.java:1038)
	at java.util.Scanner.getCompleteTokenInBuffer(Scanner.java:907)
	at java.util.Scanner.next(Scanner.java:1362)
@skiwi gz, you found another Java8 bug..
And why does the Scanner class have 2618 source code lines?!
@Vogel612 Nah I doubt... I do want to see what exactly is going on though
This is going to be interesting...
My RPSHumanPlayer has a Scanner, however the scanner.next() is called on different threads every round
Not multithreading-safe then??
You should probably keep an instance of Scanner in every Thread then, shouldn't you?
Appereantly, that aws the issue
private Optional<RPSGesture> askInput() {
    try (Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in)) {
        System.out.println("Please enter your gesture: ");
        return parseRaw(scanner.next());
This works
I hate reinstalling Netbeans, as any other program.
Speaking of off-topic crap:
Q: Bad sequence FTP upload error?

JnewbIntermittently I'm getting the "(503)Bad Sequence of Command. Process is that a file is created and then uploaded to an FTP. I'd say 1 out of 5 transactions are successful. filename=NFF.createNFF(path); //send nff to ftp /* if (path.IndexOf("tnt3pconnect") != -1) ...

don't migrate crap, though..
might be a nice fit for SU if the FTP is misconfigured, all else should go to SO right?
Oh great, JDK 8 is already installed... what
Q: Bad sequence FTP upload error?

JnewbIntermittently I'm getting the "(503)Bad Sequence of Command. Process is that a file is created and then uploaded to an FTP. I'd say 1 out of 5 transactions are successful. filename=NFF.createNFF(path); //send nff to ftp /* if (path.IndexOf("tnt3pconnect...

@StackExchange Slow.
@Vogel612 did they really do what? o_O
@Ben well no matter how I look at this, it's just JSON, where everything is a string.
@Vogel612 it is similar
@rolfl I am trying that right now....
Oh the last Java8 prerelease is the same as the release one o.o
w00t I was just "undownvoted"
it was a mysterious +2
Q: Inefficient Query Actually More Efficient?

VolearixI have two queries; one runs SIGNIFICANTLY faster than the other, but the faster one is the one that I would have bet money on to be less efficient. These are both being executed through a front end C# console based application and are stored as procedures in SQL Server 2008 R2. Basically, I have...

@BenVlodgi include removed posts in your rep history, those are often explained by a downvoted post that was deleted ;)
@Mat'sMug oh nice
do you lose + rep when a post is deleted too
Hello @MattS.
but this wasn't a removed post, it actualy said un-downvoted on this post stackoverflow.com/questions/22405019/try-catch-continue/…
@syb0rg just for a sec i though you had misspelt Mat's
ok guys, I got to go
have a nice day
@Nobody later!
Bye @Nobody
adios.. he said to @Nobody
because @Nobody was listening to him
Burning SE Network rep:
A: How to raise concern about code quality?

rolflWell, the obvious solution to this problem is to advertise your StackExchange 'flair', and ensure you have high rankings on CodeReview. You should encourage everyone to join CodeReview and run corporate shin-digs where you review code, and the person who gets the most up-votes on their review qu...

@syb0rg hello
> You should encourage everyone to join CodeReview and run corporate shin-digs where you review code, and the person who gets the most up-votes on their review questions and answers, gets to be 'king of the hill'.
^^ I like!
@Mat'sMug Where is that from?
OP has a CR account: Joined 7 days ago, last seen 7 days ago
@syb0rg @rolfl's TW post (above)
Oh. I would upvote that, but I don't have a WP account.
perhaps we should all make one, just to make that to raise the votes on it
then snowball voting will happen
and millions of new people will come to CR
Hey, frankly, it is not a serious answer, but, it is fun.
@rolfl Dammit, monkey. Now I feel tempted to create an account there. :-P
(so much for the bottom-heavy rep score issue then?!)
Yesterday, I managed to make a Java program self-updating at work. Today I managed to achieve... nothing!
Am I being too pedantic on this? I'm afraid I'm harping on like a crazy, pedant. It bothers me when people make tradeoffs in their answers though and don't say what those tradeoffs are.
£@@£{€$!! stupid Batik and WMF format.
@vaxquis What happens when 6 months from now someone pulls the input reading into a function, the run time of the program is extended to more than 1 run, and suddenly they have a mysterious memory leak? (A very contrived situation, but the principle is the same--bad habits bite you down the road.) Trade offs between academic purity and real-world concerns are certainly valid, but I believe you should explicitly point out when those trade offs are being made rather than silently putting them into example code. The OP probably isn't as knowledge as you and doesn't know the drawbacks. — Corbin 58 secs ago
Whoops, meant to link the entire comment section. Oh well.
@SimonAndréForsberg You accomplished continuing to have a working Java self-updating program! :p
People still use WMF files? Wow.
bothers me when a user with a total history of 1 post makes a comment like this:
btw, @Corbin - the main idea was to provide a puzzle to OP - since he asked "how we can spot the difference in the 'level' of a coder", I've done this one in a couple of ways, firstly and foremostly by providing a version that only fixed his most obvious errors (without changing the actual code's behaviour), and later by creating this one, portable to C++ by only the simplest printf/scanf -> cout/cin substitutions... it was meant to be a puzzle, not a definite answer to the problem (it's not stackoverflow but codereview after all) — vaxquis 6 hours ago
I know. My original response was much, much ruder than the one I posted.
I almost went on a little tirade about how the entire purpose the community is stringest best practices and pedantic correctness, not "Whatever the fuck I feel like writing because omg! I'm experienced!"
But yeah... Figure that would have ended rather poorly.
@SimonAndréForsberg - 50-rep today, that's not nothing.... ;-)
I'm at -35 now, that's... less than nothing? :)
Also, his obsession with "this Java-like program" or "this could be C++ if you used cin/cout instead of printf/scanf" is strange. Replacing the output methods does not make a program C++. Started to go on that rant too, but... I feel like I've already been enough of a dick. I pick far too many CR fights as it is lol.
@Corbin why not pick another??^^
You seem knowledgeable enough to stomp him ...
<-- has not the slightest clue concerning /
Because CR arguments are shockingly hard to win/end. He thinks he's right. I think I'm right. How can I prove something to him that he's not willing to believe? Irrefutable sources on code quality/best practices are basically impossible to find :/.
see that question @rolfl put an answer to on The Workplace
You can quote me .... I'm irrefutable.... and his code sucks ;-)
At that point, it should probably be taken to chat. But if it turns to a flame match, I'll have to step in.
also you could quote Loki Astari if he were around..
Actually, I read another answer here recently, and it was great... made me think....
I wish Loki would drop in. He's pretty good at correcting people pretty quickly lol.
A: Whats the difference between Entry Level/Jr/Sr developers?

HLGEMThis will vary but this is how I see it at a place large enough to have distinctions between types of programmers. I would say entry level and Junior are the same thing. They are just out of school and have less than two years of work experience. They are assigned the least complex tasks and sho...

@Corbin Agreed. He doesn't seem to be much of a talker, and we should respect his time.
There's a certain awkwardness about new answers', I've found. Their answers and the community's expectations (or at least mine) rarely match up, and I hate that. It has to be a jarring experience for him to post his first answer and me crawl up his ass about it. Makes me feel like a dick, but I also think it would be unfair to the question asker to leave bad information unchecked.
@Jamal Yeah, definitely.
> ...... and me crawl up his ass about it. Makes me feel like a dick .......
CR is not quite like other sites, so we have to deal with things like that. At the end of the day, that user will decide if it's worth learning the policies and stay on the site.
^^^^ You have your analogies all wrong.
lol o.o
There, you can have one back :D
Rule #1 of The 2nd Monitor: any message mentioning stars will be stared by at least one fourth of the people present.
Unless it is after 12:00 UTC at which point half of the fourth have capped their stars.
^^ exception confirming the rule?
Oh boy. Highest record for number of stars for a "lol" is happening...
@Corbin I just sent an invite to him to join the 2d Monitor.
Q: Java sort LinkedList of LinkedLists into size order

TonyI'm currently faced with this problem: I have a LinkedList that contains several LinkedLists containing longs, so: LinkedList<LinkedList<Long>>() overalllList = new LinkedList<LinkedList<Long>(); After some code runs, the overall List gets filled with lists of longs of varying sizes. What I ...

@skiwi your point being?
Between this and yesterday's meme image... Corbin must've turned 12. :P And 12-year olds shouldn't be on SE.
I think his point is sorting a linked list is gross.
@Jamal fair enough hahaha. That was a funny image though!
@Vogel612 A linked list of linked lists... The horror
It was, and so damn random. xD
Yeah. Especially from Jerry Coffin lol.
Here we were talking about x86 assembly, and then... yeah.
Does anyone have a minute for Java generics help?
I have the following interface with generics:
My Java is incredibly rusty, but I can attempt to help :). (99.9% chance I'll be useless though)
public interface Game<P extends Player<? extends Action, ? extends Result>> {
Is there a way I can refer to ? extends Action as A, and likewise for ? extends Result as R?
How to polarize people:
(without introducing more typed parameters)
user image
Oh, the ups and downs of bad code in the workplace :)
public interface Game<A extends Number, R extends Number, P extends Map<A, R>> {
@skiwi ^^^^^
@rolfl That's the one I wanted to avoid
As now to inherit from Game you need to define all three
But if that's not possible... then well it's not possible.
@skiwi put yourself in the compiler's shoes...
Q: Just a lowly counter that turned out to be surprisingly complicated

200_successWhile writing this review, I saw a need for a Counter object similar to Python's. It seemed like it would be easy to write such a class, but it turned out to be surprisingly complicated. Counter.java import java.util.*; public class Counter<T> implements Map<T, Integer>, ...

@Mat'sMug But compilers are smart, you are now implying that I am smart too.
3,666 rep on SO, evil.
yayy I'm !
@rolfl I guess it is hard to "raise"
200_success is only 55 rep away from becoming our second 20K user!
@skiwi someone that finds a bug in Java can't be a doorknob (no offence to @Doorknob)
@Jamal we're so outrepping PCG!
he should be renamed to 20k_success
There might be truth in that @Mat'sMug
@BenVlodgi look again
2 votes short now
he has a few 9s
The horror
clap clap clap new 20 k!
abstract public class AbstractGame<A extends Action, R extends Result, P extends Player<A, R>> implements Game<A, R, P> {
next up: @palacsint and @rolfl, both ~19K
@skiwi that should work
I guess it does yes, that is the whole idea when I code @Mat'sMug (Moreover it has no compile errors)
...yeah. and as a bonus you can now have a AnotherGame<A extends SomethingElse, R extends AnotherResult, P extends Player<A, R>> implements Game<A,R,P> {
And even more!
@SimonAndréForsberg would be proud!
Now I need to map the RPSGesture to an RPSResult... That's for later
@skiwi oh, working on a RPSLS?

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