Moderating chat
There's a colored number on my avatar that isn't a reply notification. What is it?
That's to let you know there's a flag raised somewhere in the chat network. Click on it to get a summary of what the flag is.
I'm getting flags from chat rooms not tied to my main site. Is this n...
This script works for what I need it to do, but I'm not all that proficient with python yet so I was wondering if any of the more seasoned python veterans would go about it differently.
import os
import string
import re
'''This script will take in an input list of strictly stellar IDs, and comp...
By everything I mean optimizations, corrections, suggestions for robustness, adherence to good coding practices etc.
Also requesting to verify the complexity:
Complexity: O(n ^ n), where n is the row length or column length.
public final class Sudoku {
private Sudoku() {}
Here's my take at the Rock-Paper-Scissors-Rock-Spock challenge. The outcomes are as follows:
Scissors cuts paper
paper covers rock
rock crushes lizard
lizard poisons Spock
Spock smashes scissors
scissors decapitate lizard,
lizard eats paper
paper disproves Spock
Spock vapo...
Can anyone review the following code for my program and state where I could improve it? Even in terms of comments, validation etc etc! Thanks a lot!
package assessed_practical_2;
//Importing Resources (Random)
import java.util.Random;
//Importing Resources (Scanner)
import java.util.Scanner;