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Here's roughly what I have so far. You just need to determine if the outcome is appropriate; no need to review the code.
And so it begins.
Yeah! I wonder if/how the RSPLS conversations can/should be moved here...
@rolfl you want to own this chatroom?
General is quiet enough that the RPSLS pollution is not disruptive
Why would I ?
well you initiated it! :)
the weekly challenge thing, I mean
It is not likely something I can commit to for much longer.
1 message moved from Code Review General Room
I cannot spend my weekends doing this sort of thing all the time ... I do have a life.
YOU have a life outside of programming?
lol yeah me too! (although it doesn't always show) ...don't have to participate every week though, but we can discuss here what the next challenge will be :)
2 messages moved from Code Review General Room
@rolfl how do you have a life outside of programming?
ok I am back to work on this RPSLS game
@Malachi well, I have wife, kids, Christmas, photography, and, believe it or not, I have a really, really cool job....
Has anyone seen my Ideone execution yet? I'm about to post the code.
@rolfl me too, I was just messing with you
I have only sort of kind of looked at @retailcoder s question so far
I have school, but I have upcoming finals. Screw that.
@Malachi did you see the follow-up post?
19 hours ago, by rolfl
OK, weekend challenge.... we all solve the Rock Paper Scissors Lizzard Spock problem with our 'favourite' language, and we all have to post a question here with our solution to be reviewed.
@retailcoder not yet
1 message moved from Code Review General Room
then don't!
I'll post my Ideone execution again since it was moved up there. If the outcome looks okay, I'll post the code.
@retailcoder I cam over here with the conversation
I and retailcoder (the room owner) can pin the new challenges to the starred area. Do NOT flag these messages for pinning; just ping us.
@Malachi I got that :)
I need a notepad.....
I need to write out this idea
@Malachi I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "gesture"... are you implementing some XNA/Kinect hand-gesture recognition system?
although that would be awersome - picture playing rock-paper-scissors-lizard-Spock on Kinect... on Xbox Live! lol
I just call "rock" "paper" whatever a gesture. that is what it is really, right? I am going to try and create a collection eventually here, still figuring it all out in my head really
@retailcoder that would be freaking amazing if I could do that. or we could do that
I know I couldn't :)
I bet it would be easier than you think if you starting to work with the Kinect stuff
I just can't help thinking what would happen if the thing doesn't recognize the gesture in question...
we were going to do something for the nursing part of the school I went to where they could do small tasks on the kinect. it was supposed to be something that they worked on year after year, but the programming program got closed from wha tI hear
InvalidGestureException I guess
Oh wait, I don't think my outcome is correct. It is true that there are ten combinations -> C(5, 2). Good thing I didn't post it yet.
@Jamal I had 25 unit tests for the combinations - 10 for winning, 10 for losing, 5 for ties.
In my output, the player close Rock and the computer chose Spock. It says that the player has won, but that's incorrect.
@Jamal that's why 10 tests aren't enough :)
I think I may be able to fix this.
@Malachi your Gesture class/struct is taking the same road as my SelectionBase class; that's fine, but you'll feel the need to refactor at one point :)
@retailcoder what do you mean?
I think it works!
@Malachi you'll end up writing redundant code, or stuffing your logic into a base class, leaving you with anemic Gesture classes.
@Jamal good!
It looks kinda bloated, but that's why I'm here. :-)
I'll be back later, gotta catch some air!
@retailcoder I think I should do something simple and then build up later.
@retailcoder a lot of what I am trying to do I don't know the right syntax and stuff
Code posted.
1 hour later…
@Malachi start simple and then refactor; my code started with a monolith in the Main method, then I broke it into static methods in the Program class, then I extracted methods into classes, classes into interfaces - check out the revision history on my post, you'll see what I mean :)
Next refactoring step for me is to remove the hard-coded sheldon and introduce some AI. I'd like a "smart" one that tries to identify patterns in the player's moves, like after 3 "Spock" in a row it'd play a "Lizard", unless the next most frequent move is a "Rock" then it would play a "Paper". Or is that going overboard?
It's actually not a refactoring step, it's just a step :)
Suggestion for next week: tic-tac-toe (star to vote)
@retailcoder: I already have a Tic-Tac-Toe implementation of my own, but I've yet to refactor it and fix the AI. I'll be busy by then anyway.
Suggestion for next week: battleship (star to vote)
Suggestion for next week: Minesweeper (I'm done!)
Suggestion for next week: AI module for RPSLS (star to vote)
How are you going to vote, @retailcoder?
lol, I was about to ask: "What is RPSLS?"
I'd like to create an event on this room for next week's challenge; I believe it would then be visible SE-wide!
Lol haven't thought of that!
@retailcoder If you want an advanced RPS AI, here's one for you:…;
@SimonAndréForsberg wow 3-5-1 and that's an amazing AI (yet I beat it!)
@retailcoder Continue playing in that case :P
@just noticed you can cheat!
@retailcoder Lol, yeah... but don't cheat. That's boring (takes so much time :P)
5-2-11 :(
7-8-5 and it's starting to really need lizard and Spock!!
I was actually thinking about building an AI like this into this into my RPSLS game, but it would take a while to build up all the experience for it
the UI is cool too
I'm normally not very good at UI parts
12-8-7 after 28 rounds at advanced - wow I just found myself a new talent!
OK, I now officially have the coolest RPSLS game, but way too big to post here, has a selectable GUI or console interface, and there are pictures for things ..... not just names!
@rolfl check out that link @SimonAndréForsberg just posted - THAT's the coolest RPS game! :)
user image
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mine
Well done. Looks nice
no kidding... well done!
Not bad for a 'back-end' guy.
I hacked the icons from the wiki article... so CC License with attribution here.
I'd like to find pictures of Sheldon doing each move, I'd use them in mine!
@SimonAndréForsberg 16-11-8... have.. to ....stop...
@retailcoder Wow, seems like you're good. I wouldn't want to meet you in a dark RPSLS-alley.
7-8-6 - quitting while I am ahead.
@rolfl Good choice. I'm totally screwed here.

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