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00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

Anyone around?
I'm here
I'm developing the mobile UI for Checkers, but I'm having a little trouble.
I can try to help.
That first image doesn't look right.
Basically, the latest move, the board, the current player, and the game info.
Tapping the latest move drops down the full list.
Selecting a move shows the board at that state.
What do you mean the first image doesn't look right?
Should I swap the current player and the move?
It doesn't look balanced and easy-to-use.
That would flow a little better, but it doesn't look right either.
I personally think it'd look better with the turn name up top in the middle and the last move under the board.
Should I not show the game info on the main page? Maybe have it an alternate view available from the app bar at the bottom?
By game info do you mean that box at the bottom?
I guess it's important information (although may not be needed by most users). What would you put in place of it?
I like that last one best. Then, it just scrolls as the game goes.
Oh fair enough. Would you be able to scroll back to past moves in that area?
I like that one best.
Perhaps if you want to show the color information, you can perhaps make it more concise in the top left/right
How should I visually indicate that? Scrollbars aren't common UI elements on phones, AFAIK.
Maybe with small areas indicating that scrolling is possible?
So like, if you don't touch it, you'd have a down arrow, but when you scroll down, an up and down arrow would appear until you hit the bottom.
I think I'll have that in a Game Info tab when the app-bar is popped up.
Most people will know this from when they create a game.
I don't think I'll have it open up to a game anymore, either; it will open up to the game creator.
How about that?
The bold item indicates the turn.
I think people will pick it up after seeing it changing.
I like that one ^
That is my current favorite.
The bold indicator is a good idea I think; saves some space not having to write whose turn it is.
If not obvious you could always use something less subtle, like a colored highlight or border.
00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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