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There are 1390 unanswered questions (94.5834% answered)
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@IsmaelMiguel CR!
In the chat? o.O
@IsmaelMiguel @Quill Received the badge "Fanatic" for visiting the Code Review site itself for 100 consecutive days.
I think I got it on stackoverflow the other day
Yup, 8 days ago
@IsmaelMiguel You survived for 100 days in a row?
No, I simply open stackoverflow before coming to codereview
I was on 57 or something and I missed a day and lost my progress a while ago
I lost my progress a few times as well
That's what happened to me and Code Review.
I have a zombie on my hands.
Anyone want to take a crack at answering it?
Sure. Where is it?
Q: Simple inventory system - Part 2

Ethan BierleinI've refactored my previous inventory system, and added a few features like removing items from the Inventory class, easily obtaining the current selected item through Inventory.GetSelectedItem, and some things have been renamed as well. My concerns are once again: Is this the correct usage of ...

@EthanBierlein That's not a zombie...
That's a plain regular question
Potential zombie maybe
Q: PDO Class to help on writing SELECT statements

Ismael MiguelI made this class just for the fun of it. The idea is to make a SELECT statement really quickly. <?php final class PDO_Select { private $link; private $query = 'SELECT'; function __construct(PDO $link){ $this->link=$link; } static priv...

Well, it's unanswered, so technically it's a zombie.
That is a potential zombie
@EthanBierlein It hasn't rotted enough yet ;-)
@SirPython Yeah, 2 days is really nothing. Jesus ressurected after 3 days
By definition, @EthanBierlein is right
@Quill In practice, it's a bit different
> By definition
Q: PHP class for file handling and creation

Ismael MiguelThis is a very simple class to handle files. It allows to access, create and modify files in the system or 2 fake files (one in memory and other similar to /dev/null or nul). Windows has a 'feature' that automatically converts all the line endings to the correct one. That is one of the features...

There, a zombie
With 1 answer with 1 upvote (mine)
But the answer is quite poor
But answered questions aren't zombies ...
Awesome! Thank you! I will post in Code Review and hopefully I can get this cleaned up. — Tresa Horney 13 secs ago
I pointed bad things in the answer, and the answer was just left there.
Then why did you upvote ...
Because it helped a bit
Hence not being accepted
I'll take a look at those questions later on if you like, @IsmaelMiguel
It's up to you
The first one looks interesting
But, if we are talking about zombies:
Q: PHP function to create a Hex dump - Followup

Ismael MiguelThis is a followup of the following question: PHP function to create a Hex dump @Corbin made a very interesting review, and I re-wrote most of the code. function hex_dump( $value ) { $to_hex = function( $number ){ $hex = strtoupper( dechex( $number ) ); //if we don't check ...

There, a nearly dead question
Note, I'm the favouriter on the first and third question
Have fun with them
The first one, I get why it doesn't have an answer
The last one has a pretty bad answer (use recursion and break functionality)
A: PHP function to create a Hex dump - Followup

EBrownI would break this big switch block into a recursive function: switch( gettype( $value ) ) { case 'string': foreach( str_split( $value, 16 ) as $k => $line ) { $lines[$k] = array(); for( $i = 0, $l = strlen($line); $i<$l; $i++) { ...

I feel bad, but I had to downvote
It breaks functionality
^ I also did
Besides, the code there is a copy of my switch
Who was the 3rd downvoter?
I downvoted because he didn't note the extraneous whitespace between the brackets
 foreach( str_split( $value, 16 ) as $k => $line )
Also basically everywhere else
and the answer overall was bad
The answer was a bit lazy
Also, 2nd point in the question:
•Tried to DRY my code as much as possible, but kindly ignored his suggestion to call it recursively.
It felt like I should leave a comment like You've provided an alternate solution, but haven't reviewed the code
@Quill It isn't a good suggestion. I really don't want recursion. I make it explicit.
Recursion breaks functionality
If I make it resursive, it will allow array(array(array(0))), which I don't want.
That should be treated as an array with an invalid byte.
@IsmaelMiguel Not considering that, his answer has like: "Here's some 'better' code: code"
@Quill The code seems to be a copy of my switch, without any change in any sort of way
It wasn't: "You could improve x by doing y, instead of z. small code sample proving his point"
This question might be better suited for codereview.stackexchange.comug_ 53 secs ago
@Quill That would have gotten my upvote.
@IsmaelMiguel Also mine
And my accept, if no one else answered.
Well, time to be an a$$...
Since you failed to say what-so-even in the said chatroom, and you edited the answer 2 minutes after I've posted the comment, I see myself forced to downvote this answer. — Ismael Miguel 16 secs ago
I explained I couldn't comment the answer in less than 5 comments (2500 characters)
And 2 minutes later, the answer was edited
I left a link to the chatroom, so he could find and defend himself while I explain why 80% of the answer makes no sense or isn't applyable
(That part wasn't expliced)
I hate downvoting, but sometimes it's a needed evil
Q: Reading numbers from a file with lazy ByteString

Michael ChavThis is my code for lazily reading a very large file which contains numbers separated by a new line character. Is there a way to simplify this using the ByteString module or would I have to use Data.Text import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L main = do contents <- L.getContents print (sumFil...

@CaptainObvious hiss hiss
I don't do haskell too
I do instead
I don't do f#
Simply because it doesn't have nasty things like typeclasses or monads, which scare me.
It looks like c#
Does this, look like ?
/// Fibonacci Number formula
let rec fib n =
    match n with
    | 0 | 1 -> n
    | _ -> fib (n - 1) + fib (n - 2)

/// Another approach - a lazy infinite sequence of Fibonacci numbers
let fibSeq = Seq.unfold (fun (a,b) -> Some(a+b, (b, a+b))) (0,1)

// Print even fibs
[1 .. 10]
|> List.map     fib
|> List.filter  (fun n -> (n % 2) = 0)
|> printList

// Same thing, using a list expression
[ for i in 1..10 do
    let r = fib i
    if r % 2 = 0 then yield r ]
|> printList
No, that looks like a language I saw a while ago
Which one?
Can't remember
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 5 hours ago, by Normal Human
On nearly all SE sites, /search is the search page. On Careers, it's this guy. Well played.
Q: Google Map API is not working right PLEASE HELP ME

Tresa HorneyI am building a map which uses angular to call and set the data on to the web page and google map. This is my first big project using angular and I have it almost working as I envisioned. I would like to add additional functionality to the site to make it more user friendly. View the working c...

Here is the link to the full code along with links to the actual site so you can see what I would like to do. codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/98284/…Tresa Horney 45 secs ago
@CaptainObvious @Jamal That should be closed.
@CaptainObvious Title is not working right. PLEASE HELP ME
@MattHerbstritt: This question mentions errors and additional code to be added, so it doesn't fit on Code Review. — Jamal 24 secs ago
We're running out of "snake game" titles, too.
Q: Snake game suggestions on code improvement

JasparHello i would apreciate any suggestions on how to make my code better and more efficient.Thanks in advance! #include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> #include <windows.h> struct SnakeNode { int x; int y; struct SnakeNode *next; }; struct Food { int x; int y; int isEaten; }; ...

Q: ow can i program in a way to filter the - and the odd numbvers

Newtothismy problem is that i need both a negative num and a postive number to both print out in method form. here is what i have so far. int[] Array = { 17, 2, -44, 15, -22, 12, 26 }; System.out.println("Eco: "+ eCount(Array)); System.out.println("Neg c: "+ negCount(Array)...

Geez, three bad questions in a row. Yikes.
@CaptainObvious Ow
@MattHerbstritt Please read A guide to Code Review for Stack Overflow users so as to avoid misdirecting users again. Thanks. — 200_success 30 secs ago
Thanks santa!
Q: Can someone debug this please?

user78921This is the code It is a blackjack game, the hit portion wont work and the try again portion wont work??!??!: import java.util.*; public class Blackjack { public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Scanner userInput = new Scanner (System.in); Random r...

@CaptainObvious nuke it
Yikes. I've cast l like three delete votes so far today.
Well, seeya all later. Time for my nightly star trek marathon.
Turn on (or up) your warnings. It will tell you the exact problem. Once you have it working take yout code to codereview.stackexchange.comLoki Astari 40 secs ago
Q: Custom Title extractor Code in VBA Powerpoint. Misses data types, compatibility & package into Addin

DeepakNeed help on this project I've been working on. Its to enable extraction of titles/headings from large/many powerpoint presentations. The code is below and I'm facing three issues: 1) The essence of the code (the code put in the buttons) works but the moment I plugged it inside this other Macro...

Q: use do notation or not use it?

akonsuI have a piece of parsec code that parses a unit optionally followed by ?, + or *. Depending on which I build my Regex type (this is a part of a regex parser) as follows: factor = unit >>= (\x -> (try (char '?' >> return (Or Epsilon x)) <|> try (char '+' >> return (Then ...

I can't see you doing any DI here? Why are you setting up subImportantService with values that are not needed (or needed just for one test case). Can you show the implementation? Then i would show you how i write the tests for it. Also, b/c this question is too broad + opinion based you should move it to codereview.stackexchange.comBatteryBackupUnit 32 secs ago
monkng @all
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it should be moved to codereview.stackexchange.com which is a much better fit. — BatteryBackupUnit 43 secs ago
You can just copy the content to a new question at codereview and delete this one here. This always works. i don't think you can migrate it to coedreview in a different way but.. to be honest i don't know ;-) With other sites one can auto-migrate by vote-to-close. — BatteryBackupUnit 43 secs ago
For this go to code review — CoderNeji 12 secs ago
Q: Node File Exists Promise

ThomasReggiI hate to have to write a custom exists promise every time I need to know if a file exists. So I came up with this. Thoughts? var Promise = require("bluebird") var fs = Promise.promisifyAll(require("fs")) function fsExists(_path){ return fs.lstatAsync(_path) .then(function(){ return true })...

@awesomeyi It can be found on this hot question from CR! — Schism 21 secs ago
StackOverflow is for specific programming problems. You can get your code reviewed at CodeReview, although they might not accept such a direct request. — Vince Emigh 9 secs ago
Q: In my application, we need to read some value from the properties file

VIKASH SINHAIn my application, we need to read some value from the properties file. Util.properties key1=value1 key2=value2 I have written a new class to read value from properties file. public class Util { private static final String PROPERTIES_FILE="Util.properties" ...

Q: Writing functions with ramda and lodash

ThomasReggiI've been pointed diving more and more into two libraries ramda and lodash and the power that these two libraries have to create reusable functions. Code goes from a function like this: var S = require("underscore.string") var _ = require("underscore") var joinCamelCase = function(arr){ retur...

Q: List Fragment having sqlite database data

abwantjobUsing SQLite with ListFragment makes problems. I am using a ListFragment to show data from a database. But the data is not shown correctly.

@CaptainObvious Not even close
Q: Delete a middle or end node from a Singly Linked List using Python

saikat123I am trying to write a generic code to delete a node of singly linked list either in the middle or at the end. Trying to find logical problem. class LinkedList(): head = None tail = None def insertNewElement(self, value): current_node = self.head newNode = No...

I've created a new question, and provided more information. Thanks @BatteryBackupUnit. codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/98301/…Richard Simpson 37 secs ago
Q: Unit Testing Principles and Approaches

Richard SimpsonIntroduction Recently I have moved from an environment where I am not unit testing, into one where I need to. I have been a developer for many years and get core development concepts, as well as unit testing ones such as DI/Ioc, Mocking etc. I also understand the values, importance of unit tes...

Yep, the only "problem" with the bottom one is that future maintainers, or code reviewers, or your boss, are going to be left wondering "don't they know about while and other standard language constructs?" — Damien_The_Unbeliever 47 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is better suited at codereview.stackexchange.com — Mohit Jain 23 secs ago
Q: Migrating from php5.4 to 5.5 and having trouble with a log in

Devin GrayPlease can someone help me in guiding me in the correct direction to get this code to work function auth($username, $password) { // hash password using md5 encryption $hash_pass = md5($password); // prepare SQL query $username = mysqli_real_escape_string($username); $query = "SELECT * FROM `a...

Q: Check wheather the code is correct

xSnowyAngelUsing C++ A train operator has decided to hire an observer to track the different types of trains transiting at a major train platform in Europe. Write a program, using a for loop, to track the different train types at the major train station. The different types of trains are shown in the fol...

Please submit this code for review at codereview.stackexchange.com — Nishant 24 secs ago
Q: How to implement a JMS listener for my web application? (Tomcat, ActiveMQ)

Dimitri DewaeleI'm happily improving my web application that runs on a Apache Tomcat. An ActiveMQ JMS server is added to send and receive messages. What is the best way to add a JMS message listener? I have added a ServletContextListener, but would like to know if following code is stable enough? Any advise i...

Q: C vector3 math module

user1610950I'm writing a little math module in c to handle vectors and matrices. This will be column major style but right now I've only finished the basics of the vector functions and wanted some feedback on optimization tips, naming conventions, etc. This is c so no real function overloading. I would like...

Q: Sorting object with null values underscore sortBy

Jezzabeanzthis is a quick one. I'm sorting my object by its property ActivityOrder, which will sometimes contain null values if the user has not explicitly stated an order which an activity should appear. Since null will always appear top most in the sort (unless reversed), it messed up my sort. The ...

@CaptainObvious WTF? One version gets closed by @Jamal, and another one gets migrated from SO.
@Matt Migration to Code Review rejected due to this being off-topic for being stub code that won't compile: no return type for getValue1() and loadPropertiesFile() left undefined. In addition, the hypothetical identifier getValue1 makes this an unsuitable question for Code Review. — 200_success 41 secs ago
It seems you need to go to code review: codereview.stackexchange.comasiniy 57 secs ago
Q: How do I make my search box search a set criteria?

Macauley StephensonHi this is the code I have used however it isn't bringing back any results, does anybody have any experience in this field who may be able to help? <form method="get" id="searchform" action="http://www.tradeadvisorbarnsley.uk/?s=""> <div class="searchbox"> <div class="container-1"><span class="i...

@CaptainObvious nope
Can we get the Hammer (time) down?
@CaptainObvious One more VTC
And since when is a language?
@Mast I added the language tags anyway
@Quill It should be deleted.
@Mast The language tags, or the question?
The question
Congrats on reaching 'Fanatic' by the way :-)
Q: How Can I Make My CMake Build System Better?

MichaelslecI wasn't quite sure where to go with this, and this seemed to be the best place I could think of so I thought why not. I threw together a build system for c++ projects today using CMake and I wanted your opinions on it. Things I could do better or change to better comply with best practices. Her...

@Mast Thanks :-)
Oh I see I do apologise please can you point me in the right direction for help? — Macauley Stephenson 1 min ago
Perhaps try posting your question on Stack Overflow, but make sure you read the on-topic and how-to ask guides before posting. If you do, please delete your question here. — Quill 53 secs ago
I'm 3 days away from that badge myself.
This still needs two close votes to be hammered
@skiwi hello
@Quill Why is that off-topic?
@Mast They're asking about best practice with example code, not to review part of their code
@Quill Doesn't look like example code TBH.
For example: here's some HTML code from one of my projects:
You're reading way too literally.
The code isn't example code, it just means he has way more HTML then just that.
He picks this one for review to show what the rest looks like.
So, what part of that question makes it example code?
It's not worded like 'What can I do to improve this', it's 'Here's an example of HTML indentation, what's the best practice'
No, this is a language barrier thing.
It is not example code.
> Essentially all children get indented relative to their parent. Is this a bad practice? Any other thoughts?
In many languages, wording like this is acceptable. He must have made a slightly too literal translation, something I've done wrong in the past as well.
Q: How can I simplify ascx code using eval?

ReviousI have the following code and I think it's almost impossible to read and to mantain. I prefer a self explaining and modular code where the name of variable and functions tells what I'm trying to do but I don't know hot wo change the part using Eval and inside an ascx. I'm doing many researches b...

Stating it's example code purely on semantics like that is a bad reason IMHO.
@CaptainObvious All of the scrolls
I can see your point, but I believe they have simply dropped an example of indentation, and asked best practice. Rather than asking for a review.
Any other thoughts? Isn't asking for review?
I agree it isn't the best question on the block, but I think it's decent enough to keep open.
Quality control is good, but this is one step too far. I'd love to here more opinions about it though.
Hmm, perhaps we ought to get another's opinion
Care to make it a meta?
Nah, chat is enough
In that case I'll ask you to retract your close vote.
Offtopic -- dude, your website is hacked. — rFactor Mar 4 '12 at 14:58
@Quill Wut?
Doesn't look hacked to me
No clue what that comment is doing there.
@Mast Scanning for 'Thanks!' comments, found that gem
No relevance to our conversation
No, I got that. Just wondering why that comment is there.
I'm not sure who the next moderator on duty is, so I'll hold my flags.
I don't think any are, and I should probably do the same
keep that response time nice and quick
Simon loves them, 200 doesn't like getting flooded with them. I respect both their opinons but it makes flagging more delicate.
I think I saw 200_success' contributions recently
@Quill Your edit should've turned "Eval" into eval with lowercase e by the wayt ;-)
@Mast I saw it in the code uppercase, so I left it like that, not familiar with that function anyway
Did he make his own eval?
Oh, it's VB
VB is the exception to the rule...
Eval is lowercase e in all languages I know except VB
@Quill ohh 'tis Revious.
Signed up just to comment. This is the only code on the internt that I can find to do nPr on anything besides strings. This saved me days of work. Thanks! I am using this code as the main piece in my brute-force exhaustive tree search. Like you were complaining about, the time it takes to perform my search blows up with anything larger than 10 entities. This is to be expected, as the number of possible permutations increase factorally. Good news though...if you solve this issue, you win a nobel prize. — dberm22 Nov 1 '13 at 20:01
Is this 200's comment you were referring to Quill?
Jul 18 at 12:17, by 200_success
If you're using the moderators to polish up every out-of-place comment, please stop. I've got more productive things to spend my volunteer time on.
@Mast No, I meant site contributions - edits, comments, etc
He does a lot ^^
@Quill That's on his own post...
@Mast It's not ...
@Quill Also, is that Too chatty?
@Quill You're right. I was reading too quickly.
a well meant "suggestion": don't use "bro", "brother", "dude" and the like if you intend to be polite. Usually it's fine to just drop the salutations, but if you really want to be polite, then "Sir", "Mr." and the like are the words of choice. Anyways, thanks for clarifying ;) — Vogel612 Aug 26 '14 at 12:07
@Vogel612, come on bro
Q: CodeEval Challege-Remove Characters

aa1992 Question Write a program which removes specific characters from a string. The first argument is a path to a file. The file contains the source strings and the characters that need to be scrubbed. Each source string and characters you need to scrub are delimited by comma. Inp...

@Quill oh lol that comment's still around??
@Vogel612 :P
@Quill Fixed it up a bit.
@Vogel612 If he would have fixed it, the comments would all be obsolete.
Unfortunately, now half of them are not and they should be removed all at once or none at all IMO.
goddamn tomcat
@Quill What a noob.
Q: Implement web job logger

merso0027Interface for logger: public interface ILogger { void Log(Exception ex, string contextualMessage = ""); void Log(string message); } Interface for web job logger: public interface IJobLogger : ILogger { void SetWriter(TextWriter logWriter); } ...

@Quill le sigh
That's the kind of person that thinks their typing speed is directly correlated to their 1337 ski11z
@RubberDuck s/typing/google
@Quill I'm not your bro, dude.
@nhgrif It's a joke
@nhgrif reminds me of a Goldfinger song....
Greetings, Programs.
@Donald.McLean Greetings, Stargazer.
@Quill what, no "obsolete" flags?
@SimonAndréForsberg did I flag them wrong?
So, the project I'm on.... the actual source code didn't really do a good job (even remotely) of following the project outline... the intended organization of the classes, etc.
And the worst part is, even that outline has what I think are probably some oversights/overcomplications... unless I'm misunderstanding stuff... which I'll be asking about in a meeting this morning.
@Quill I don't see any flags at all on that post
@Jamal Did you get an email/phone call yesterday?
@SimonAndréForsberg Oh, right, never mind
@SimonAndréForsberg, do I flag 'Thanks!' comments as 'Too chatty' or 'Not constructive'?
@Quill too chatty IMO
I usually flag as obsolete. The intended recipient has surely seen them by now
Which would make them both valid.
I'm going to run out of SO downvotes this morning.
just don't make the flag "not constructive", that's something quite different...
What's "not constructive" for?
@nhgrif "Thanks!!"
IMO, Thanks is constructive.
I always thought to qualify as constructive, you had to actually be adding important information.
For example, pointing out some caveat.
I don't see how thanks is constructive to anyone.
That's what the voting buttons are for.
I see "Not constructive" more like "Please explain the downvotes", "You should have googled first", "This code sucks!"...
I agree that those are not constructive.
They don't add any important information to the post (or request important information from the post's author)
I see the flag options as different levels of severity. rude or offensive, is the most severe. not constructive, is a bit important to deal with. obsolete and too chatty flags are not prioritized at all, and doesn't matter if they get handled today or tomorrow or next week.
The question is either meant for code review or seen as a request which is normally closed. — epascarello 19 secs ago
Well, given that there's not an actual guide in terms of how to use comment flags... and every moderator you ask will have a different opinion... you'll probably just have to deal with it.
Q: What is the preferred flag for "Thanks for your answer" comments?

nhgrifI frequently come across comments in the form of something like this: Thanks for your answer. - someUser27 15 mins ago What is the correct flag to use for these sorts of comments? not constructive too chatty no flag at all

In the end, feel free to flag a comment in any way you see fit.
@SimonAndréForsberg The "It sounds offensive but isn't hard enough for a rude/offensive flag"
@Mast yeah, pretty much
Aw come on, guys. He programs in Delphi and has to use a few lines of C code and doesn't know how to translate it to Delphi. That is quite different from a "code translation service", just like asking about a few lines of code is not the same as asking someone to do a code review. Perfect question, IMO. — Rudy Velthuis 21 secs ago

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