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Hey hat season has started again ;-)
11 hours later…
Code not implemented or not working as intended: JavaScript basic dice (help) - SlipsknuteN‎ - 2018-12-12 10:47:45Z
2 hours later…
@πάνταῥεῖ I pulled your @queen subscription. I felt it is inappropriate that SOCVR offers you features through SO chat while you're suspended there. I don't want to run the risk SOCVR somehow gets accused of doing things we shouldn't have or should have asked for permission first. I see petter offered you an alternative. Let him know if that works for you.
Oh, OK. I'll take on with an alternative if that's possible. @Petter?
@PetterFriberg just provide me with the link and instructions for the SOBotics chatroom.
@πάνταῥεῖ it's always on SO chat however...
@PetterFriberg I can only chat at SE chat :-/
hmm she doesn't run on SE chat, let me see what I can do, give me a few days.
Sure, ty for your efforts anyways. @Petter
1 hour later…
@rene @petter I really apologize for all the mess and efforts due to that exaggerate ban at the SOCVR. I don't believe it's justified for just unintentionally pinging an unspeakable person :-P
I feel quite pissed off with that :-P
@πάνταῥεῖ it is what it is.. I will try to find a solution.
@PetterFriberg Ty again Petter, you're a really good soul.
4 hours later…
"sometimes gets stuck" and OP doesn't know why Secret Santa : pick a pair - Romain Schmid‎ - 2018-12-12 16:53:08Z
1 hour later…

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