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What do we think of "*//removed my includes for brevity*"
and "*// placing std in global namespace for brevity*"? https://codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/209168/sort-int-array-by-frequency-then-value To me, that sounds like "Not real code"; I think the poster can (and should) easily fix it.
@TobySpeight I believe you're right. The includes should be shown for completeness. But I am not sure if the question should be closed because of that defect.
Code not implemented or not working as intended: Should I put this file information into a class or a list? Python - mgale‎ - 2018-12-06 17:47:29Z
2 hours later…
Program quits after "define bike?": interactive inventory part code
2 hours later…
@πάνταῥεῖ What would be the preferred way to provide feedback on the FAQ? This chatroom?

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