@SimonForsberg I've no idea what you're asking there. How would doodling help? Anyway, I'm happy to catch up later if it's on a weekend - I doubt I'd have much to contribute.
I wrote a function update_list_v2(). And this function "maintains" a sorted list, g_list. g_list is declared like below.
static vector<element> g_list;
update_list_v2() do below works.
1) remove every element of g_list, if the element exists in v
2) add a element to g_list, if a ...
@SimonForsberg That one seems borderline to me - it's missing some of the essential context (g_list appears to be important, but it's never declared), and some useful parts of the motivation (the code must "do something" when updating existing entries)
But I think there's possible a good question hidden in there, and it seems fixable.
It's very similar to something I've had to do before (add/remove/merge contents from one list to another), and can be generalised with callbacks.
I routinely whip questions into shape if the information is already there, but not in our preferred form. I'd rather not hassle newbies over formalities any more than necessary.
@πάνταῥεῖ I'm just mentioning what I've used before and I know that it's a good tool to find a time/date that fits as many people as possible. Your choice.
@πάνταῥεῖ How is "Euler Problem 7 Powershell" incomprehensible?
@SimonForsberg Not every Software Developer hangs out at these code judge engine sites, and that's good so. IMO these are a waste of time and efforts, but if an OP want's to raise questions here, they should be crystal clear what their concerns are (while that's probably difficult because those sites usually don't disclose their test cases).
@πάνταῥεῖ Not every Software Developer hangs out at those sites, sure. But how many Software Developers hang out at Google? And you knew that Euler was a code judge engine site, so it seems to me like you knew exactly what the whole thing was about.